74 resultados para Eating in the absence of hunger

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Glucose production by liver is a major physiological function, which is required to prevent development of hypoglycemia in the postprandial and fasted states. The mechanism of glucose release from hepatocytes has not been studied in detail but was assumed instead to depend on facilitated diffusion through the glucose transporter GLUT2. Here, we demonstrate that in the absence of GLUT2 no other transporter isoforms were overexpressed in liver and only marginally significant facilitated diffusion across the hepatocyte plasma membrane was detectable. However, the rate of hepatic glucose output was normal. This was evidenced by (i) the hyperglycemic response to i.p. glucagon injection; (ii) the in vivo measurement of glucose turnover rate; and (iii) the rate of release of neosynthesized glucose from isolated hepatocytes. These observations therefore indicated the existence of an alternative pathway for hepatic glucose output. Using a [14C]-pyruvate pulse-labeling protocol to quantitate neosynthesis and release of [14C]glucose, we demonstrated that this pathway was sensitive to low temperature (12°C). It was not inhibited by cytochalasin B nor by the intracellular traffic inhibitors brefeldin A and monensin but was blocked by progesterone, an inhibitor of cholesterol and caveolae traffic from the endoplasmic reticulum to the plasma membrane. Our observations thus demonstrate that hepatic glucose release does not require the presence of GLUT2 nor of any plasma membrane glucose facilitative diffusion mechanism. This implies the existence of an as yet unsuspected pathway for glucose release that may be based on a membrane traffic mechanism.


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A protease-resistant core domain of the neuronal SNARE complex consists of an α-helical bundle similar to the proposed fusogenic core of viral fusion proteins [Skehel, J. J. & Wiley, D. C. (1998) Cell 95, 871–874]. We find that the isolated core of a SNARE complex efficiently fuses artificial bilayers and does so faster than full length SNAREs. Unexpectedly, a dramatic increase in speed results from removal of the N-terminal domain of the t-SNARE syntaxin, which does not affect the rate of assembly of v-t SNARES. In the absence of this negative regulatory domain, the half-time for fusion of an entire population of lipid vesicles by isolated SNARE cores (≈10 min) is compatible with the kinetics of fusion in many cell types.


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The new antigen receptor (NAR) gene in the nurse shark diversifies extensively by somatic hypermutation. It is not known, however, whether NAR somatic hypermutation generates the primary repertoire (like in the sheep) or rather is used in antigen-driven immune responses. To address this issue, the sequences of NAR transmembrane (Tm) and secretory (Sec) forms, presumed to represent the primary and secondary repertoires, respectively, were examined from the peripheral blood lymphocytes of three adult nurse sharks. More than 40% of the Sec clones but fewer than 11% of Tm clones contained five mutations or more. Furthermore, more than 75% of the Tm clones had few or no mutations. Mutations in the Sec clones occurred mostly in the complementarity-determining regions (CDR) with a significant bias toward replacement substitutions in CDR1; in Tm clones there was no significant bias toward replacements and only a low level of targeting to the CDRs. Unlike the Tm clones where the replacement mutational pattern was similar to that seen for synonymous changes, Sec replacements displayed a distinct pattern of mutations. The types of mutations in NAR were similar to those found in mouse Ig genes rather than to the unusual pattern reported for shark and Xenopus Ig. Finally, an oligoclonal family of Sec clones revealed a striking trend toward acquisition of glutamic/aspartic acid, suggesting some degree of selection. These data strongly suggest that hypermutation of NAR does not generate the repertoire, but instead is involved in antigen-driven immune responses.


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An important signaling pathway for the differentiation of T helper type 2 (TH2) cells from uncommitted CD4 T cell precursors is activation of the STAT6 transcription factor by interleukin 4 (IL-4). The protooncogene BCL-6 is also involved in TH2 differentiation, as BCL-6 −/− mice develop an inflammation of the heart and lungs associated with an overproduction of TH2 cells. Surprisingly, IL-4 −/− BCL-6 −/− and STAT6 −/− BCL-6 −/− double-mutant mice developed the same TH2-type inflammation of the heart and lungs as is characteristic of BCL-6 −/− mice. Furthermore, a TH2 cytokine response developed in STAT6 −/− BCL-6 −/− and IL-4 −/− BCL-6 −/− mice after immunization with a conventional antigen in adjuvant. In contrast to these in vivo findings, STAT6 was required for the in vitro differentiation of BCL-6 −/− T cells into TH2 cells. BCL-6, a transcriptional repressor that can bind to the same DNA binding motifs as STAT transcription factors, seems to regulate TH2 responses in vivo by a pathway independent of IL-4 and STAT6.


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We have investigated the process leading to differentiation of PC12 cells. This process is known to include extension of neurites and changes in the expression of subsets of proteins involved in cytoskeletal rearrangements or in neurosecretion. To this aim, we have studied a PC12 clone (trk-PC12) stably transfected with the nerve growth factor receptor TrkA. These cells are able to undergo both spontaneous and neurotrophin-induced morphological differentiation. However, both undifferentiated and nerve growth factor-differentiated trk-PC12 cells appear to be completely defective in the expression of proteins of the secretory apparatus, including proteins of synaptic vesicles and large dense-core granules, neurotransmitter transporters, and neurotransmitter-synthesizing enzymes. These results indicate that neurite extension can occur independently of the presence of the neurosecretory machinery, including the proteins that constitute the fusion machine, suggesting the existence of differential activation pathways for the two processes during neuronal differentiation. These findings have been confirmed in independent clones obtained from PC12-27, a previously characterized PC12 variant clone globally incompetent for regulated secretion. In contrast, the integrity of the Rab cycle appears to be necessary for neurite extension, because antisense oligonucleotides against the neurospecific isoform of Rab-guanosine diphosphate-dissociation inhibitor significantly interfere with process formation.


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Coactivators previously implicated in ligand-dependent activation functions by thyroid hormone receptor (TR) include p300 and CREB-binding protein (CBP), the steroid receptor coactivator-1 (SRC-1)-related family of proteins, and the multicomponent TR-associated protein (TRAP) complex. Here we show that two positive cofactors (PC2 and PC4) derived from the upstream stimulatory activity (USA) cofactor fraction act synergistically to mediate thyroid hormone (T3)-dependent activation either by TR or by a TR-TRAP complex in an in vitro system reconstituted with purified factors and DNA templates. Significantly, the TRAP-mediated enhancement of activation by TR does not require the TATA box-binding protein-associated factors of TFIID. Furthermore, neither the pleiotropic coactivators CBP and p300 nor members of the SRC-1 family were detected in either the TR-TRAP complex or the other components of the in vitro assay system. These results show that activation by TR at the level of naked DNA templates is enhanced by cooperative functions of the TRAP coactivators and the general coactivators PC2 and PC4, and they further indicate a potential functional redundancy between TRAPs and TATA box-binding protein-associated factors in TFIID. In conjunction with earlier studies on other nuclear receptor-interacting cofactors, the present study also suggests a multistep pathway, involving distinct sets of cofactors, for activation of hormone responsive genes.


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Purified RNA polymerase II initiated transcription from the yeast CUP1 promoter fused to a C-less cassette if the DNA was negatively supercoiled. Relaxed plasmid was not transcribed. Transcription did not require addition of any other transcription factors. TATA box-binding protein (TBP) was not detectable in the polymerase preparation and the TATA box was not required. Deletion analysis of the CUP1 promoter revealed that a 25-bp element containing the initiation region was sufficient for recognition by polymerase. Two transcription start sites were mapped, one of which is identical to one of the two major start sites observed in vivo. Our observations can be accounted for by using a theoretical analysis of the probability of DNA melting within the plasmid as a function of superhelix density: the CUP1 initiation element is intrinsically unstable to superhelical stress, permitting entry of the polymerase, which then scans the DNA to locate the start site. In support of this analysis, the CUP1 promoter was sensitive to mung bean nuclease. These observations and a previous theoretical analysis of yeast genes support the idea that promoters are stress points within the DNA superhelix. The role of transcription factors might be to mark the promoter and to regulate specific melting of promoter DNA.


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Translesion replication (TR) past a cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer in Escherichia coli normally requires the UmuD′2C complex, RecA protein, and DNA polymerase III holoenzyme (pol III). However, we find that efficient TR can occur in the absence of the Umu proteins if the 3′–5′ exonuclease proofreading activity of the pol III ɛ-subunit also is disabled. TR was measured in isogenic uvrA6 ΔumuDC strains carrying the dominant negative dnaQ allele, mutD5, or ΔdnaQ spq-2 mutations by transfecting them with single-stranded M13-based vectors containing a specifically located cis-syn T–T dimer. As expected, little TR was observed in the ΔumuDC dnaQ+ strain. Surprisingly, 26% TR occurred in UV-irradiated ΔumuDC mutD5 cells, one-half the frequency found in a uvrA6 umuDC+mutD5 strain. lexA3 (Ind−) derivatives of the strains showed that this TR was contingent on two inducible functions, one LexA-dependent, responsible for ≈70% of the TR, and another LexA-independent, responsible for the remaining ≈30%. Curiously, the ΔumuDC ΔdnaQ spq-2 strain exhibited only the LexA-independent level of TR. The cause of this result appears to be the spq-2 allele, a dnaE mutation required for viability in ΔdnaQ strains, since introduction of spq-2 into the ΔumuDC mutD5 strain also reduces the frequency of TR to the LexA-independent level. The molecular mechanism responsible for the LexA-independent TR is unknown but may be related to the UVM phenomenon [Palejwala, V. A., Wang, G. E., Murphy, H. S. & Humayun, M. Z. (1995) J. Bacteriol. 177, 6041–6048]. LexA-dependent TR does not result from the induction of pol II, since TR in the ΔumuDC mutD5 strain is unchanged by introduction of a ΔpolB mutation.


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dinP is an Escherichia coli gene recently identified at 5.5 min of the genetic map, whose product shows a similarity in amino acid sequence to the E. coli UmuC protein involved in DNA damage-induced mutagenesis. In this paper we show that the gene is identical to dinB, an SOS gene previously localized near the lac locus at 8 min, the function of which was shown to be required for mutagenesis of nonirradiated λ phage infecting UV-preirradiated bacterial cells (termed λUTM for λ untargeted mutagenesis). A newly constructed dinP null mutant exhibited the same defect for λUTM as observed previously with a dinB::Mu mutant, and the defect was complemented by plasmids carrying dinP as the only intact bacterial gene. Furthermore, merely increasing the dinP gene expression, without UV irradiation or any other DNA-damaging treatment, resulted in a strong enhancement of mutagenesis in F′lac plasmids; at most, 800-fold increase in the G6-to-G5 change. The enhanced mutagenesis did not depend on recA, uvrA, or umuDC. Thus, our results establish that E. coli has at least two distinct pathways for SOS-induced mutagenesis: one dependent on umuDC and the other on dinB/P.


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Signal transduction in response to ligand recognition by T cell receptors regulates T cell fate within and beyond the thymus. Herein we examine the involvement of the CD4 molecule in the regulation of T helper cell survival. T helper cells that lack CD4 expression are prone to apoptosis and show diminished survival after adoptive transfer to irradiated recipients. The helper lineage in CD4−/− animals shows a higher than normal apparent rate of cell division and is also enriched for cells exhibiting a memory cell phenotype. Thus the data point to a necessary role for CD4 in the regulation of T helper cell survival and homeostasis.


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Neurotrophins regulate neuronal cell survival and synaptic plasticity through activation of Trk receptor tyrosine kinases. Binding of neurotrophins to Trk receptors results in receptor autophosphorylation and downstream phosphorylation cascades. Here, we describe an approach to use small molecule agonists to transactivate Trk neurotrophin receptors. Activation of TrkA receptors in PC12 cells and TrkB in hippocampal neurons was observed after treatment with adenosine, a neuromodulator that acts through G protein-coupled receptors. These effects were reproduced by using the adenosine agonist CGS 21680 and were counteracted with the antagonist ZM 241385, indicating that this transactivation event by adenosine involves adenosine 2A receptors. The increase in Trk activity could be inhibited by the use of the Src family-specific inhibitor, PP1, or K252a, an inhibitor of Trk receptors. In contrast to other G protein-coupled receptor transactivation events, adenosine used Trk receptor signaling with a longer time course. Moreover, adenosine activated phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt through a Trk-dependent mechanism that resulted in increased cell survival after nerve growth factor or brain-derived neurotrophic factor withdrawal. Therefore, adenosine acting through the A2A receptors exerts a trophic effect through the engagement of Trk receptors. These results provide an explanation for neuroprotective actions of adenosine through a unique signaling mechanism and raise the possibility that small molecules may be used to elicit neurotrophic effects for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases.


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Organisms producing resting stages provide unique opportunities for reconstructing the genetic history of natural populations. Diapausing seeds and eggs often are preserved in large numbers, representing entire populations captured in an evolutionary inert state for decades and even centuries. Starting from a natural resting egg bank of the waterflea Daphnia, we compare the evolutionary rates of change in an adaptive quantitative trait with those in selectively neutral DNA markers, thus effectively testing whether the observed genetic changes in the quantitative trait are driven by natural selection. The population studied experienced variable and well documented levels of fish predation over the past 30 years and shows correlated genetic changes in phototactic behavior, a predator-avoidance trait that is related to diel vertical migration. The changes mainly involve an increased plasticity response upon exposure to predator kairomone, the direction of the changes being in agreement with the hypothesis of adaptive evolution. Genetic differentiation through time was an order of magnitude higher for the studied behavioral trait than for neutral markers (DNA microsatellites), providing strong evidence that natural selection was the driving force behind the observed, rapid, evolutionary changes.


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The H-2Ld alloreactive 2C T cell receptor (TCR) is commonly considered as being positively selected on the H-2Kb molecule. Surprisingly, 2C TCR+ CD8+ single-positive T cells emerge in massive numbers in fetal thymic organ culture originating from 2C transgenic, H-2KbDb−/− (2C+KbDb−/−) but not in fetal thymic organ culture from β2-microglobulin−/− 2C transgenic animals. Mature CD8+ T cells are observed in newborn but not in adult 2C+KbDb−/− mice. These CD8+ T cells express the α4β7 integrin, which allows them to populate the intestine, a pattern of migration visualized by intrathymic injection of FITC and subsequent accrual of FITC-labeled lymphocytes in the gut. We conclude that the 2C TCR is reactive not only with H-2Ld and H-2Kb, but also with nonclassical MHC class I products to enable positive selection of 2C+ T cells in the fetal and newborn thymus and to support their maintenance in the intestine.


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The RAD27 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae encodes a 5′-3′ flap exo/endonuclease, which plays an important role during DNA replication for Okazaki fragment maturation. Genetic studies have shown that RAD27 is not essential for growth, although rad27Δ mutants are temperature sensitive. Moreover, they exhibit increased sensitivity to alkylating agents, enhanced spontaneous recombination, and repetitive DNA instability. The conditional lethality conferred by the rad27Δ mutation indicates that other nuclease(s) can compensate for the absence of Rad27. Indeed, biochemical and genetical analyses indicate that Okazaki fragment processing can be assured by other enzymatic activities or by alternative pathways such as homologous recombination. Here we present the results of a screen that makes use of a synthetic lethality assay to identify functions required for the survival of rad27Δ strains. Altogether, we confirm that all genes of the Rad52 recombinational repair pathway are required for the survival of rad27Δ strains at both permissive (23°C) and semipermissive (30°C) temperatures for growth. We also find that several point mutations that confer weaker phenotypes in mitotic than in meiotic cells (rad50S, mre11s) and additional gene deletions (com1/sae2, srs2) exhibit synthetic lethality with rad27Δ and that rad59Δ exhibits synergistic effects with rad27Δ. This and previous studies indicate that homologous recombination is the primary, but not only, pathway that functions to bypass the replication defects that arise in the absence of the Rad27 protein.