59 resultados para Ends of Spaces


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The Arp2/3 complex was first purified from Acanthamoeba castellanii by profilin affinity chromatography. The mechanism of interaction with profilin was unknown but was hypothesized to be mediated by either Arp2 or Arp3. Here we show that the Arp2 subunit of the complex can be chemically cross-linked to the actin-binding site of profilin. By analytical ultracentrifugation, rhodamine-labeled profilin binds Arp2/3 complex with a Kd of 7 μM, an affinity intermediate between the low affinity of profilin for barbed ends of actin filaments and its high affinity for actin monomers. These data suggest the barbed end of Arp2 is exposed, but Arp2 and Arp3 are not packed together in the complex exactly like two actin monomers in a filament. Arp2/3 complex also cross-links actin filaments into small bundles and isotropic networks, which are mechanically stiffer than solutions of actin filaments alone. Arp2/3 complex is concentrated at the leading edge of motile Acanthamoeba, and its localization is distinct from that of α-actinin, another filament cross-linking protein. Based on localization and actin filament nucleation and cross-linking activities, we propose a role for Arp2/3 in determining the structure of the actin filament network at the leading edge of motile cells.


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Although vertebrate cytoplasmic dynein can move to the minus ends of microtubules in vitro, its ability to translocate purified vesicles on microtubules depends on the presence of an accessory complex known as dynactin. We have cloned and characterized a novel gene, NIP100, which encodes the yeast homologue of the vertebrate dynactin complex protein p150glued. Like strains lacking the cytoplasmic dynein heavy chain Dyn1p or the centractin homologue Act5p, nip100Δ strains are viable but undergo a significant number of failed mitoses in which the mitotic spindle does not properly partition into the daughter cell. Analysis of spindle dynamics by time-lapse digital microscopy indicates that the precise role of Nip100p during anaphase is to promote the translocation of the partially elongated mitotic spindle through the bud neck. Consistent with the presence of a true dynactin complex in yeast, Nip100p exists in a stable complex with Act5p as well as Jnm1p, another protein required for proper spindle partitioning during anaphase. Moreover, genetic depletion experiments indicate that the binding of Nip100p to Act5p is dependent on the presence of Jnm1p. Finally, we find that a fusion of Nip100p to the green fluorescent protein localizes to the spindle poles throughout the cell cycle. Taken together, these results suggest that the yeast dynactin complex and cytoplasmic dynein together define a physiological pathway that is responsible for spindle translocation late in anaphase.


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The positions of ≈4,800 individual miniature inverted-repeat transposable element (MITE)-like repeats from four families were mapped on the Caenorhabditis elegans chromosomes. These families represent 1–2% of the total sequence of the organism. The four MITE families (Cele1, Cele2, Cele14, and Cele42) displayed distinct chromosomal distribution profiles. For example, the Cele14 MITEs were observed clustering near the ends of the autosomes. In contrast, the Cele2 MITEs displayed an even distribution through the central autosome domains, with no evidence for clustering at the ends. Both the number of elements and the distribution patterns of each family were conserved on all five C. elegans autosomes. The distribution profiles indicate chromosomal polarity and suggest that the current genetic and physical maps of chromosomes II, III, and X are inverted with respect to the other chromosomes. The degree of conservation of both the number and distribution of these elements on the five autosomes suggests a role in defining specific chromosomal domains.


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In vivo, retroviral integration is mediated by a large nucleoprotein complex, termed the preintegration complex (PIC). PICs isolated from infected cells display in vitro integration activity. Here, we analyze the roles of different host cell factors in the structure and function of HIV type 1 (HIV-1) PICs. PICs purified by size exclusion after treatment with high salt lost their integration activity, and adding back an extract from uninfected cells restored this activity. In parallel, the native protein–DNA intasome structure detected at the ends of HIV-1 by Mu-mediated PCR footprinting was abolished by high salt and restored by the crude cell extract. Various purified proteins previously implicated in retroviral PIC function then were analyzed for their effects on the structure and function of salt-treated HIV-1 PICs. Whereas relatively low amounts (5–20 nM) of human barrier-to-autointegration factor (BAF) protein restored integration activity, substantially more (5–10 μM) human host factor HMG I(Y) was required. Similarly high levels (3–8 μM) of bovine RNase A, a DNA-binding protein used as a nonspecific control, also restored activity. Mu-mediated PCR footprinting revealed that of these three purified proteins, only BAF restored the native structure of the HIV-1 protein–DNA intasome. We suggest that BAF is a natural host cofactor for HIV-1 integration.


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A dumbbell double-stranded DNA decamer tethered with a hexaethylene glycol linker moiety (DDSDPEG), with a nick in the centre of one strand, has been synthesised. The standard NMR methods, E.COSY, TOCSY, NOESY and HMQC, were used to measure 1H, 31P and T1 spectral parameters. Molecular modelling using rMD-simulated annealing was used to compute the structure. Scalar couplings and dipolar contacts show that the molecule adopts a right-handed B-DNA helix in 38 mM phosphate buffer at pH 7. Its high melting temperature confirms the good base stacking and stability of the duplex. This is partly attributed to the presence of the PEG6 linker at both ends of the duplex that restricts the dynamics of the stem pentamers and thus stabilises the oligonucleotide. The inspection of the global parameters shows that the linker does not distort the B-DNA geometry. The computed structure suggests that the presence of the nick is not disturbing the overall tertiary structure, base pair geometry or duplex base pairing to a substantial extent. The nick has, however, a noticeable impact on the local geometry at the nick site, indicated clearly by NMR analysis and reflected in the conformational parameters of the computed structure. The 1H spectra also show much sharper resonances in the presence of K+ indicating that conformational heterogeneity of DDSDPEG is reduced in the presence of potassium as compared to sodium or caesium ions. At the same time the 1H resonances have longer T1 times. This parameter is suggested as a sensitive gauge of stabilisation.


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The reactivation of telomerase activity in most cancer cells supports the concept that telomerase is a relevant target in oncology, and telomerase inhibitors have been proposed as new potential anticancer agents. The telomeric G-rich single-stranded DNA can adopt in vitro an intramolecular quadruplex structure, which has been shown to inhibit telomerase activity. We used a fluorescence assay to identify molecules that stabilize G-quadruplexes. Intramolecular folding of an oligonucleotide with four repeats of the human telomeric sequence into a G-quadruplex structure led to fluorescence excitation energy transfer between a donor (fluorescein) and an acceptor (tetramethylrhodamine) covalently attached to the 5′ and 3′ ends of the oligonucleotide, respectively. The melting of the G-quadruplex was monitored in the presence of putative G-quadruplex-binding molecules by measuring the fluorescence emission of the donor. A series of compounds (pentacyclic crescent-shaped dibenzophenanthroline derivatives) was shown to increase the melting temperature of the G-quadruplex by 2–20°C at 1 μM dye concentration. This increase in Tm value was well correlated with an increase in the efficiency of telomerase inhibition in vitro. The best telomerase inhibitor showed an IC50 value of 28 nM in a standard telomerase repeat amplification protocol assay. Fluorescence energy transfer can thus be used to reveal the formation of four-stranded DNA structures, and its stabilization by quadruplex-binding agents, in an effort to discover new potent telomerase inhibitors.


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Break-induced replication (BIR) is a nonreciprocal recombination-dependent replication process that is an effective mechanism to repair a broken chromosome. We review key roles played by BIR in maintaining genome integrity, including restarting DNA replication at broken replication forks and maintaining telomeres in the absence of telomerase. Previous studies suggested that gene targeting does not occur by simple crossings-over between ends of the linearized transforming fragment and the target chromosome, but involves extensive new DNA synthesis resembling BIR. We examined gene targeting in Saccharomyces cerevisiae where only one end of the transformed DNA has homology to chromosomal sequences. Linearized, centromere-containing plasmid DNA with the 5′ end of the LEU2 gene at one end was transformed into a strain in which the 5′ end of LEU2 was replaced by ADE1, preventing simple homologous gene replacement to become Leu2+. Ade1+ Leu2+ transformants were recovered in which the entire LEU2 gene and as much as 7 kb of additional sequences were found on the plasmid, joined by microhomologies characteristic of nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ). In other experiments, cells were transformed with DNA fragments lacking an ARS and homologous to only 50 bp of ADE2 added to the ends of a URA3 gene. Autonomously replicating circles were recovered, containing URA3 and as much as 8 kb of ADE2-adjacent sequences, including a nearby ARS, copied from chromosomal DNA. Thus, the end of a linearized DNA fragment can initiate new DNA synthesis by BIR in which the newly synthesized DNA is displaced and subsequently forms circles by NHEJ.


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Molecular analysis of complex modular structures, such as promoter regions or multi-domain proteins, often requires the creation of families of experimental DNA constructs having altered composition, order, or spacing of individual modules. Generally, creation of every individual construct of such a family uses a specific combination of restriction sites. However, convenient sites are not always available and the alternatives, such as chemical resynthesis of the experimental constructs or engineering of different restriction sites onto the ends of DNA fragments, are costly and time consuming. A general cloning strategy (nucleic acid ordered assembly with directionality, NOMAD; WWW resource locator http:@Lmb1.bios.uic.edu/NOMAD/NOMAD.htm l) is proposed that overcomes these limitations. Use of NOMAD ensures that the production of experimental constructs is no longer the rate-limiting step in applications that require combinatorial rearrangement of DNA fragments. NOMAD manipulates DNA fragments in the form of "modules" having a standardized cohesive end structure. Specially designed "assembly vectors" allow for sequential and directional insertion of any number of modules in an arbitrary predetermined order, using the ability of type IIS restriction enzymes to cut DNA outside of their recognition sequences. Studies of regulatory regions in DNA, such as promoters, replication origins, and RNA processing signals, construction of chimeric proteins, and creation of new cloning vehicles, are among the applications that will benefit from using NOMAD.


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Telomeres are specialized structures located at the ends of linear eukaryotic chromosomes that ensure their complete replication and protect them from fusion and degradation. We report here the characterization of the telomeres of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. We show that the chromosomes terminate in 4-9 kb of tandem repeats of the sequence TTAGGC. Furthermore, we have isolated clones corresponding to 11 of the 12 C. elegans telomeres. Their subtelomeric sequences are all different from each other, demonstrating that the terminal TTAGGC repeats are sufficient for general chromosomal capping functions. Finally, we demonstrate that the me8 meiotic mutant, which is defective in X chromosome crossing over and segregation, bears a terminal deficiency, that was healed by the addition of telomeric repeats, presumably by the activity of a telomerase enzyme. The 11 cloned telomeres represent an important advance for the completion of the physical map and for the determination of the entire sequence of the C. elegans genome.


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rho-like GTP binding proteins play an essential role in regulating cell growth and actin polymerization. These molecular switches are positively regulated by guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) that promote the exchange of GDP for GTP. Using the interaction-trap assay to identify candidate proteins that bind the cytoplasmic region of the LAR transmembrane protein tyrosine phosphatase (PT-Pase), we isolated a cDNA encoding a 2861-amino acid protein termed Trio that contains three enzyme domains: two functional GEF domains and a protein serine/threonine kinase (PSK) domain. One of the Trio GEF domains (Trio GEF-D1) has rac-specific GEF activity, while the other Trio GEF domain (Trio GEF-D2) has rho-specific activity. The C-terminal PSK domain is adjacent to an Ig-like domain and is most similar to calcium/calmodulin-dependent kinases, such as smooth muscle myosin light chain kinase which similarly contains associated Ig-like domains. Near the N terminus, Trio has four spectrin-like repeats that may play a role in intracellular targeting. Northern blot analysis indicates that Trio has a broad tissue distribution. Trio appears to be phosphorylated only on serine residues, suggesting that Trio is not a LAR substrate, but rather that it forms a complex with LAR. As the LAR PTPase localizes to the ends of focal adhesions, we propose that LAR and the Trio GEF/PSK may orchestrate cell-matrix and cytoskeletal rearrangements necessary for cell migration.


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A strategy of "sequence scanning" is proposed for rapid acquisition of sequence from clones such as bacteriophage P1 clones, cosmids, or yeast artificial chromosomes. The approach makes use of a special vector, called LambdaScan, that reliably yields subclones with inserts in the size range 8-12 kb. A number of subclones, typically 96 or 192, are chosen at random, and the ends of the inserts are sequenced using vector-specific primers. Then long-range spectrum PCR is used to order and orient the clones. This combination of shotgun and directed sequencing results in a high-resolution physical map suitable for the identification of coding regions or for comparison of sequence organization among genomes. Computer simulations indicate that, for a target clone of 100 kb, the scanning of 192 subclones with sequencing reads as short as 350 bp results in an approximate ratio of 1:2:1 of regions of double-stranded sequence, single-stranded sequence, and gaps. Longer sequencing reads tip the ratio strongly toward increased double-stranded sequence.


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We present evidence that the microtubule-associated protein tau is present in oligodendrocytes (OLGs), the central nervous system cells that make myelin. By showing that tau is distributed in a pattern similar to that of myelin basic protein, our results suggest a possible involvement of tau in some aspect of myelination. Tau protein has been identified in OLGs in situ and in vitro. In interfascicular OLGs, tau localization, revealed by monoclonal antibody Tau-5, was confined to the cell somata. However, in cultured ovine OLGs with an exuberant network of processes, tau was detected in cell somata, cellular processes, and membrane expansions at the tips of these processes. Moreover, in such cultures, tau appeared localized adjacent to or coincident with myelin basic protein in membrane expansions along and at the ends of the cellular processes. The presence of tau mRNA was documented using fluorescence in situ hybridization. The distribution of the tau mRNA was similar to that of the tau protein. Western blot analysis of cultured OLGs showed the presence of many tau isoforms. Together, these results demonstrate that tau is a genuine oligodendrocyte protein and pave the way for determining its functional role in these cells.


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Mutation studies have identified a region of the S5-S6 loop of voltage-gated K+ channels (P region) responsible for teraethylammonium (TEA) block and permeation/selectivity properties. We previously modeled a similar region of the Na+ channel as four beta-hairpins with the C strands from each of the domains forming the external vestibule and with charged residues at the beta-turns forming the selectivity filter. However, the K+ channel P region amino acid composition is much more hydrophobic in this area. Here we propose a structural motif for the K+ channel pore based on the following postulates (Kv2.1 numbering). (i) The external TEA binding site is formed by four Tyr-380 residues; P loop residues participating in the internal TEA binding site are four Met-371 and Thr-372 residues. (ii) P regions form extended hairpins with beta-turns in sequence ITMT. (iii) only C ends of hairpins form the inner walls of the pore. (iv) They are extended nonregular strands with backbone carbonyl oxygens of segment VGYGD facing the pore with the conformation BRLRL. (v) Juxtaposition of P loops of the four subunits forms the pore. Fitting the external and internal TEA sites to TEA molecules predicts an hourglass-like pore with the narrowest point (GYG) as wide as 5.5 A, suggesting that selectivity may be achieved by interactions of carbonyls with partially hydrated K+. Other potential cation binding sites also exist in the pore.


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Neovascularization that generates collateral blood flow can limit the extent of tissue damage after acute ischemia caused by occlusion of the primary blood supply. The neovascular response stimulated by the BB homodimeric form of recombinant platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF-BB) was evaluated for its capacity to protect tissue from necrosis in a rat skin flap model of acutely induced ischemia. Complete survival of the tissue ensued, when the original nutritive blood supply was occluded, as early as 5 days after local PDGF-BB application, and the presence of a patent vasculature was evident compared to control flaps. To further evaluate the vascular regenerative response, PDGF-BB was injected into the muscle/connective tissue bed between the separated ends of a divided femoral artery in rats. A patent new vessel that functionally reconnected the ends of the divided artery within the original 3- to 4-mm gap was regenerated 3 weeks later in all PDGF-BB-treated limbs. In contrast, none of the paired control limbs, which received vehicle with an inactive variant of PDGF-BB, had vessel regrowth (P < 0.001). The absence of a sustained inflammatory response and granulation tissue suggests locally delivered PDGF-BB may directly stimulate the angiogenic phenotype in endothelial cells. These findings indicate that PDGF-BB can generate functional new blood vessels and nonsurgically anastomose severed vessels in vivo. This study supports the possibility of a therapeutic modality for the salvage of ischemic tissue through exogenous cytokine-induced vascular reconnection.