51 resultados para Multipoint covalent immobilization of enzymes


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Residue 225 in serine proteases of the chymotrypsin family is Pro or Tyr in more than 95% of nearly 300 available sequences. Proteases with Y225 (like some blood coagulation and complement factors) are almost exclusively found in vertebrates, whereas proteases with P225 (like degradative enzymes) are present from bacteria to human. Saturation mutagenesis of Y225 in thrombin shows that residue 225 affects ligand recognition up to 60,000-fold. With the exception of Tyr and Phe, all residues are associated with comparable or greatly reduced catalytic activity relative to Pro. The crystal structures of three mutants that differ widely in catalytic activity (Y225F, Y225P, and Y225I) show that although residue 225 makes no contact with substrate, it drastically influences the shape of the water channel around the primary specificity site. The activity profiles obtained for thrombin also suggest that the conversion of Pro to Tyr or Phe documented in the vertebrates occurred through Ser and was driven by a significant gain (up to 50-fold) in catalytic activity. In fact, Ser and Phe are documented in 4% of serine proteases, which together with Pro and Tyr account for almost the entire distribution of residues at position 225. The unexpected crucial role of residue 225 in serine proteases explains the evolutionary selection of residues at this position and shows that the structural determinants of protease activity and specificity are more complex than currently believed. These findings have broad implications in the rational design of enzymes with enhanced catalytic properties.


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Thionein (T) has not been isolated previously from biological material. However, it is generated transiently in situ by removal of zinc from metallothionein under oxidoreductive conditions, particularly in the presence of selenium compounds. T very rapidly activates a group of enzymes in which zinc is bound at an inhibitory site. The reaction is selective, as is apparent from the fact that T does not remove zinc from the catalytic sites of zinc metalloenzymes. T instantaneously reverses the zinc inhibition with a stoichiometry commensurate with its known capacity to bind seven zinc atoms in the form of clusters in metallothionein. The zinc inhibition is much more pronounced than was previously reported, with dissociation constants in the low nanomolar range. Thus, T is an effective, endogenous chelating agent, suggesting the existence of a hitherto unknown and unrecognized biological regulatory system. T removes the metal from an inhibitory zinc-specific enzymatic site with a resultant marked increase of activity. The potential significance of this system is supported by the demonstration of its operations in enzymes involved in glycolysis and signal transduction.


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Angiogenesis inhibitors are a novel class of promising therapeutic agents for treating cancer and other human diseases. Fumagillin and ovalicin compose a class of structurally related natural products that potently inhibit angiogenesis by blocking endothelial cell proliferation. A synthetic analog of fumagillin, TNP-470, is currently undergoing clinical trials for treatment of a variety of cancers. A common target for fumagillin and ovalicin recently was identified as the type 2 methionine aminopeptidase (MetAP2). These natural products bind MetAP2 covalently, inhibiting its enzymatic activity. The specificity of this binding is underscored by the lack of inhibition of the closely related type 1 enzyme, MetAP1. The molecular basis of the high affinity and specificity of these inhibitors for MetAP2 has remained undiscovered. To determine the structural elements of these inhibitors and MetAP2 that are involved in this interaction, we synthesized fumagillin analogs in which each of the potentially reactive epoxide groups was removed either individually or in combination. We found that the ring epoxide in fumagillin is involved in the covalent modification of MetAP2, whereas the side chain epoxide group is dispensable. By using a fumagillin analog tagged with fluorescein, His-231 in MetAP2 was identified as the residue that is covalently modified by fumagillin. Site-directed mutagenesis of His-231 demonstrated its importance for the catalytic activity of MetAP2 and confirmed that the same residue is covalently modified by fumagillin. These results, in agreement with a recent structural study, suggest that fumagillin and ovalicin inhibit MetAP2 by irreversible blockage of the active site.


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Mitochondrial and chloroplast ATP synthases are key enzymes in plant metabolism, providing cells with ATP, the universal energy currency. ATP synthases use a transmembrane electrochemical proton gradient to drive synthesis of ATP. The enzyme complexes function as miniature rotary engines, ensuring energy coupling with very high efficiency. Although our understanding of the structure and functioning of the synthase has made enormous progress in recent years, our understanding of regulatory mechanisms is still rather preliminary. Here we report a role for 14-3-3 proteins in the regulation of ATP synthases. These 14-3-3 proteins are highly conserved phosphoserine/phosphothreonine-binding proteins that regulate a wide range of enzymes in plants, animals, and yeast. Recently, the presence of 14-3-3 proteins in chloroplasts was illustrated, and we show here that plant mitochondria harbor 14-3-3s within the inner mitochondrial-membrane compartment. There, the 14-3-3 proteins were found to be associated with the ATP synthases, in a phosphorylation-dependent manner, through direct interaction with the F1 β-subunit. The activity of the ATP synthases in both organelles is drastically reduced by recombinant 14-3-3. The rapid reduction in chloroplast ATPase activity during dark adaptation was prevented by a phosphopeptide containing the 14-3-3 interaction motif, demonstrating a role for endogenous 14-3-3 in the down-regulation of the CFoF1 activity. We conclude that regulation of the ATP synthases by 14-3-3 represents a mechanism for plant adaptation to environmental changes such as light/dark transitions, anoxia in roots, and fluctuations in nutrient supply.


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We describe compartmentalized self-replication (CSR), a strategy for the directed evolution of enzymes, especially polymerases. CSR is based on a simple feedback loop consisting of a polymerase that replicates only its own encoding gene. Compartmentalization serves to isolate individual self-replication reactions from each other. In such a system, adaptive gains directly (and proportionally) translate into genetic amplification of the encoding gene. CSR has applications in the evolution of polymerases with novel and useful properties. By using three cycles of CSR, we obtained variants of Taq DNA polymerase with 11-fold higher thermostability than the wild-type enzyme or with a >130-fold increased resistance to the potent inhibitor heparin. Insertion of an extra stage into the CSR cycle before the polymerase reaction allows its application to enzymes other than polymerases. We show that nucleoside diphosphate kinase and Taq polymerase can form such a cooperative CSR cycle based on reciprocal catalysis, whereby nucleoside diphosphate kinase produces the substrates required for the replication of its own gene. We also find that in CSR the polymerase genes themselves evolve toward more efficient replication. Thus, polymerase genes and their encoded polypeptides cooperate to maximize postselection copy number. CSR should prove useful for the directed evolution of enzymes, particularly DNA or RNA polymerases, as well as for the design and study of in vitro self-replicating systems mimicking prebiotic evolution and viral replication.


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Yeast phosphatidylinositol-transfer protein (Sec14p) is essential for Golgi secretory function and cell viability. This requirement of Sec14p is relieved by genetic inactivation of the cytidine diphosphate-choline pathway for phosphatidycholine (PtdCho) biosynthesis. Standard phenotypic analyses indicate that inactivation of the phosphatidylethanolamine (PtdEtn) pathway for PtdCho biosynthesis, however, does not rescue the growth and secretory defects associated with Sec14p deficiency. We now report inhibition of choline uptake from the media reveals an efficient “bypass Sec14p” phenotype associated with PtdEtn-methylation pathway defects. We further show that the bypass Sec14p phenotype associated with PtdEtn-methylation pathway defects resembles other bypass Sec14p mutations in its dependence on phospholipase D activity. Finally, we find that increased dosage of enzymes that catalyze phospholipase D-independent turnover of PtdCho, via mechanisms that do not result in a direct production of phosphatidic acid or diacylglycerol, effect a partial rescue of sec14-1ts-associated growth defects. Taken together, these data support the idea that PtdCho is intrinsically toxic to yeast Golgi secretory function.


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Two views currently dominate research into cell function and regulation. Model I assumes that cell behavior is quite similar to that expected for a watery bag of enzymes and ligands. Model II assumes that three-dimensional order and structure constrain and determine metabolite behavior. A major problem in cell metabolism is determining why essentially all metabolite concentrations are remarkably stable (are homeostatic) over large changes in pathway fluxes—for convenience, this is termed the [s] stability paradox. For muscle cells, ATP and O2 are the most perfectly homeostatic, even though O2 delivery and metabolic rate correlate in a 1:1 fashion. In total, more than 60 metabolites are known to be remarkably homeostatic in differing metabolic states. Several explanations of [s] stability are usually given by traditional model I studies—none of which apply to all enzymes in a pathway, and all of which require diffusion as the means for changing enzyme–substrate encounter rates. In contrast, recent developments in our understanding of intracellular myosin, kinesin, and dyenin motors running on actin and tubulin tracks or cables supply a mechanistic basis for regulated intracellular circulation systems with cytoplasmic streaming rates varying over an approximately 80-fold range (from 1 to >80 μm × sec−1). These new studies raise a model II hypothesis of intracellular perfusion or convection as a primary means for bringing enzymes and substrates together under variable metabolic conditions. In this view, change in intracellular perfusion rates cause change in enzyme–substrate encounter rates and thus change in pathway fluxes with no requirement for large simultaneous changes in substrate concentrations. The ease with which this hypothesis explains the [s] stability paradox is one of its most compelling features.


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The origin of the catalytic power of enzymes is discussed, paying attention to evolutionary constraints. It is pointed out that enzyme catalysis reflects energy contributions that cannot be determined uniquely by current experimental approaches without augmenting the analysis by computer simulation studies. The use of energy considerations and computer simulations allows one to exclude many of the popular proposals for the way enzymes work. It appears that the standard approaches used by organic chemists to catalyze reactions in solutions are not used by enzymes. This point is illustrated by considering the desolvation hypothesis and showing that it cannot account for a large increase in kcat relative to the corresponding kcage for the reference reaction in a solvent cage. The problems associated with other frequently invoked mechanisms also are outlined. Furthermore, it is pointed out that mutation studies are inconsistent with ground state destabilization mechanisms. After considering factors that were not optimized by evolution, we review computer simulation studies that reproduced the overall catalytic effect of different enzymes. These studies pointed toward electrostatic effects as the most important catalytic contributions. The nature of this electrostatic stabilization mechanism is far from being obvious because the electrostatic interaction between the reacting system and the surrounding area is similar in enzymes and in solution. However, the difference is that enzymes have a preorganized dipolar environment that does not have to pay the reorganization energy for stabilizing the relevant transition states. Apparently, the catalytic power of enzymes is stored in their folding energy in the form of the preorganized polar environment.


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In an effort to identify the enzymatic mechanism responsible for the synthesis of reactive oxygen species produced during the hypersensitive response, preparations of rose (Rosa damascena) cell plasma membranes, partially solubilized plasma membrane protein, and cytosol were assayed for the NADH- and NADPH-dependent synthesis of superoxide using assays for the reduction of cytochrome c (Cyt c), assays for the reduction of nitroblue tetrazolium, and assays for the chemiluminescence of N,N′-dimethyl-9,9′-biacridium dinitrate (lucigenin). Each assay ascribed the highest activity to a different preparation: the Cyt c assay to cytosol, the nitroblue tetrazolium assay to plasma membrane, and the lucigenin assay to the partially solubilized plasma membrane protein (with NADH). This suggests that no two assays measure the same set of enzymes and that none of the assays is suitable for comparisons of superoxide synthesis among different cell fractions. With the plasma membrane preparation, the presence of large amounts of superoxide-dismutase-insensitive Cyt c reductase confounded attempts to use Cyt c to measure superoxide synthesis. With the partially solubilized membrane protein, direct reduction of lucigenin probably contributed to the chemiluminescence. Superoxide synthesis detected with lucigenin should be confirmed by superoxide-dismutase-sensitive Cyt c reduction.


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Grand fir (Abies grandis Lindl.) has been developed as a model system for the study of wound-induced oleoresinosis in conifers as a response to insect attack. Oleoresin is a roughly equal mixture of turpentine (85% monoterpenes [C10] and 15% sesquiterpenes [C15]) and rosin (diterpene [C20] resin acids) that acts to seal wounds and is toxic to both invading insects and their pathogenic fungal symbionts. The dynamic regulation of wound-induced oleoresin formation was studied over 29 d at the enzyme level by in vitro assay of the three classes of synthases directly responsible for the formation of monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, and diterpenes from the corresponding C10, C15, and C20 prenyl diphosphate precursors, and at the gene level by RNA-blot hybridization using terpene synthase class-directed DNA probes. In overall appearance, the shapes of the time-course curves for all classes of synthase activities are similar, suggesting coordinate formation of all of the terpenoid types. However, closer inspection indicates that the monoterpene synthases arise earlier, as shown by an abbreviated time course over 6 to 48 h. RNA-blot analyses indicated that the genes for all three classes of enzymes are transcriptionally activated in response to wounding, with the monoterpene synthases up-regulated first (transcripts detectable 2 h after wounding), in agreement with the results of cell-free assays of monoterpene synthase activity, followed by the coordinately regulated sesquiterpene synthases and diterpene synthases (transcription beginning on d 3–4). The differential timing in the production of oleoresin components of this defense response is consistent with the immediate formation of monoterpenes to act as insect toxins and their later generation at solvent levels for the mobilization of resin acids responsible for wound sealing.


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Measurements of the quantum efficiencies of photosynthetic electron transport through photosystem II (φPSII) and CO2 assimilation (φCO2) were made simultaneously on leaves of maize (Zea mays) crops in the United Kingdom during the early growing season, when chilling conditions were experienced. The activities of a range of enzymes involved with scavenging active O2 species and the levels of key antioxidants were also measured. When leaves were exposed to low temperatures during development, the ratio of φPSII/φCO2 was elevated, indicating the operation of an alternative sink to CO2 for photosynthetic reducing equivalents. The activities of ascorbate peroxidase, monodehydroascorbate reductase, dehydroascorbate reductase, glutathione reductase, and superoxide dismutase and the levels of ascorbate and α-tocopherol were also elevated during chilling periods. This supports the hypothesis that the relative flux of photosynthetic reducing equivalents to O2 via the Mehler reaction is higher when leaves develop under chilling conditions. Lipoxygenase activity and lipid peroxidation were also increased during low temperatures, suggesting that lipoxygenase-mediated peroxidation of membrane lipids contributes to the oxidative damage occurring in chill-stressed leaves.


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The response of the ascorbate-glutathione cycle was investigated in roots of young wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seedlings that were deprived of oxygen either by subjecting them to root hypoxia or to entire plant anoxia and then re-aerated. Although higher total levels of ascorbate and glutathione were observed under hypoxia, only the total amount of ascorbate was increased under anoxia. Under both treatments a significant increase in the reduced form of ascorbate and glutathione was found, resulting in increased reduction states. Upon the onset of re-aeration the ratios started to decline rapidly, indicating oxidative stress. Hypoxia caused higher activity of ascorbate peroxidase, whereas activities of monodehydroascorbate reductase, dehydroascorbate reductase, and glutathione reductase were diminished or only slightly influenced. Under anoxia, activities of ascorbate peroxidase and glutathione reductase decreased significantly to 39 and 62%, respectively. However, after re-aeration of hypoxically or anoxically pretreated roots, activity of enzymes approached the control levels. This corresponds with the restoration of the high reduction state of ascorbate and glutathione within 16 to 96 h of re-aeration, depending on the previous duration of anoxia. Apparently, anoxia followed by re-aeration more severely impairs entire plant metabolism compared with hypoxia, thus leading to decreased viability.


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Many plants accumulate high levels of free proline (Pro) in response to osmotic stress. This imino acid is widely believed to function as a protector or stabilizer of enzymes or membrane structures that are sensitive to dehydration or ionically induced damage. The present study provides evidence that the synthesis of Pro may have an additional effect. We found that intermediates in Pro biosynthesis and catabolism such as glutamine and Δ1-pyrroline-5-carboxylic acid (P5C) can increase the expression of several osmotically regulated genes in rice (Oryza sativa L.), including salT and dhn4. One millimolar P5C or its analog, 3,4-dehydroproline, produced a greater effect on gene expression than 1 mm l-Pro or 75 mm NaCl. These chemicals did not induce hsp70, S-adenosylmethionine synthetase, or another osmotically induced gene, Em, to any significant extent. Unlike NaCl, gene induction by P5C did not depend on the normal levels of either de novo protein synthesis or respiration, and did not raise abscisic acid levels significantly. P5C- and 3,4-dehydroproline-treated plants consumed less O2, had reduced NADPH levels, had increased NADH levels, and accumulated many osmolytes associated with osmotically stressed rice. These experiments indicate that osmotically induced increases in the concentrations of one or more intermediates in Pro metabolism could be influencing some of the characteristic responses to osmotic stress.


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Residue 225 in serine proteases is typically Pro or Tyr and specifies an important and unanticipated functional aspect of this class of enzymes. Proteases with Y225, like thrombin, are involved in highly specialized functions like blood coagulation and complement that are exclusively found in vertebrates. In these proteases, the catalytic activity is enhanced allosterically by Na+ binding. Proteases with P225, like trypsin, are typically involved in digestive functions and are also found in organisms as primitive as eubacteria. These proteases have no requirement for Na+ or other monovalent cations. The molecular origin of this physiologically important difference is remarkably simple and is revealed by a comparison of the Na+ binding loop of thrombin with the homologous region of trypsin. The carbonyl O atom of residue 224 makes a key contribution to the coordination shell of the bound Na+ in thrombin, but is oriented in a manner incompatible with Na+ binding in trypsin because of constraints imposed by P225 on the protein backbone. Pro at position 225 is therefore incompatible with Na+ binding and is a direct predictor of the lack of allosteric regulation in serine proteases. To directly test this hypothesis, we have engineered the thrombin mutant Y225P. This mutant has lost the ability to bind Na+ and behaves like the allosteric slow (Na(+)-free) form. The Na(+)-induced allosteric regulation also bears on the molecular evolution of serine proteases. A strong correlation exists between residue 225 and the codon used for the active site S195. Proteases with P225 typically use a TCN codon for S195, whereas proteases with Y225 use an AGY codon. It is proposed that serine proteases evolved from two main lineages: (i) TCN/P225 with a trypsin-like ancestor and (ii) AGY/Y225 with a thrombin-like ancestor. We predict that the Na(+)-induced allosteric regulation of catalytic activity can be introduced in the TCN/P225 lineage using the P225Y replacement.


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Although proteases related to the interleukin 1 beta-converting enzyme (ICE) are known to be essential for apoptotic execution, the number of enzymes involved, their substrate specificities, and their specific roles in the characteristic biochemical and morphological changes of apoptosis are currently unknown. These questions were addressed using cloned recombinant ICE-related proteases (IRPs) and a cell-free model system for apoptosis (S/M extracts). First, we compared the substrate specificities of two recombinant human IRPs, CPP32 and Mch2 alpha. Both enzymes cleaved poly-(ADP-ribose) polymerase, albeit with different efficiencies. Mch2 alpha also cleaved recombinant and nuclear lamin A at a conserved VEID decreases NG sequence located in the middle of the coiled-coil rod domain, producing a fragment that was indistinguishable from the lamin A fragment observed in S/M extracts and in apoptotic cells. In contrast, CPP32 did not cleave lamin A. The cleavage of lamin A by Mch2 alpha and by S/M extracts was inhibited by millimolar concentrations of Zn2+, which had a minimal effect on cleavage of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase by CPP32 and by S/M extracts. We also found that N-(acetyltyrosinylvalinyl-N epsilon-biotinyllysyl)aspartic acid [(2,6-dimethylbenzoyl)oxy]methyl ketone, which derivatizes the larger subunit of active ICE, can affinity label up to five active IRPs in S/M extracts. Together, these observations indicate that the processing of nuclear proteins in apoptosis involves multiple IRPs having distinct preferences for their apoptosis-associated substrates.