6 resultados para Multipoint covalent immobilization of enzymes

em CaltechTHESIS


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The functionalization of silicon surfaces with molecular catalysts for proton reduction is an important part of the development of a solar-powered, water-splitting device for solar fuel formation. The covalent attachment of these catalysts to silicon without damaging the underlying electronic properties of silicon that make it a good photocathode has proven difficult. We report the formation of mixed monolayer-functionalized surfaces that incor- porate both methyl and vinylferrocenyl or vinylbipyridyl (vbpy) moieties. The silicon was functionalized using reaction conditions analogous to those of hydrosilylation, but instead of a H-terminated Si surface, a chlorine-terminated Si precursor surface was used to produce the linked vinyl-modified functional group. The functionalized surfaces were characterized by time-resolved photoconductivity decay, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), electro- chemical, and photoelectrochemical measurements. The functionalized Si surfaces were well passivated, exhibited high surface coverage and few remaining reactive Si atop sites, had a very low surface recombination velocity, and displayed little initial surface oxidation. The surfaces were stable toward atmospheric and electrochemical oxidation. The surface coverage of ferrocene or bipyridine was controllably varied from 0 up to 30% of a monolayer without loss of the underlying electronic properties of the silicon. Interfacial charge transfer to the attached ferrocene group was relatively rapid, and a photovoltage of 0.4 V was generated upon illumination of functionalized n-type silicon surfaces in CH3CN. The immobilized bipyridine ligands bound transition metal ions, and thus enabled the assembly of metal complexes on the silicon surface. XPS studies demonstrated that [Cp∗Rh(vbpy)Cl]Cl, [Cp∗Ir(vbpy)Cl]Cl, and Ru(acac)2vbpy were assembled on the surface. For the surface prepared with iridium, x-ray absorption spectroscopy at the Ir LIII edge showed an edge energy and post-edge features virtually identical to a powder sample of [Cp∗Ir(bipy)Cl]Cl (bipy is 2,2 ́-bipyridyl). Electrochemical studies on these surfaces confirmed that the assembled complexes were electrochemically active.


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Oligonucleotide-directed triple helix formation is one of the most versatile methods for the sequence specific recognition of double helical DNA. Chapter 2 describes affinity cleaving experiments carried out to assess the recognition potential for purine-rich oligonucleotides via the formation of triple helices. Purine-rich oligodeoxyribonucleotides were shown to bind specifically to purine tracts of double helical DNA in the major groove antiparallel to the purine strand of the duplex. Specificity was derived from the formation of reverse Hoogsteen G•GC, A•AT and T•AT triplets and binding was limited to mostly purine tracts. This triple helical structure was stabilized by multivalent cations, destabilized by high concentrations of monovalent cations and was insensitive to pH. A single mismatched base triplet was shown to destabilize a 15 mer triple helix by 1.0 kcal/mole at 25°C. In addition, stability appeared to be correlated to the number of G•GC triplets formed in the triple helix. This structure provides an additional framework as a basis for the design of new sequence specific DNA binding molecules.

In work described in Chapter 3, the triplet specificities and required strand orientations of two classes of DNA triple helices were combined to target double helical sequences containing all four base pairs by alternate strand triple helix formation. This allowed for the use of oligonucleotides containing only natural 3'-5' phosphodiester linkages to simultaneously bind both strands of double helical DNA in the major groove. The stabilities and structures of these alternate strand triple helices depended on whether the binding site sequence was 5'-(purine)_m (pyrimidine)_n-3' or 5'- (pyrimidine)_m (purine)_n-3'.

In Chapter 4, the ability of oligonucleotide-cerium(III) chelates to direct the transesterfication of RNA was investigated. Procedures were developed for the modification of DNA and RNA oligonucleotides with a hexadentate Schiff-base macrocyclic cerium(III) complex. In addition, oligoribonucleotides modified by covalent attachment of the metal complex through two different linker structures were prepared. The ability of these structures to direct transesterification to specific RNA phosphodiesters was assessed by gel electrophoresis. No reproducible cleavage of the RNA strand consistent with transesterification could be detected in any of these experiments.


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Heparin has been used as an anticoagulant drug for more than 70 years. The global distribution of contaminated heparin in 2007, which resulted in adverse clinical effects and over 100 deaths, emphasizes the necessity for safer alternatives to animal-sourced heparin. The structural complexity and heterogeneity of animal-sourced heparin not only impedes safe access to these biologically active molecules, but also hinders investigations on the significance of structural constituents at a molecular level. Efficient methods for preparing new synthetic heparins with targeted biological activity are necessary not only to ensure clinical safety, but to optimize derivative design to minimize potential side effects. Low molecular weight heparins have become a reliable alternative to heparin, due to their predictable dosages, long half-lives, and reduced side effects. However, heparin oligosaccharide synthesis is a challenging endeavor due to the necessity for complex protecting group manipulation and stereoselective glycosidic linkage chemistry, which often result in lengthy synthetic routes and low yields. Recently, chemoenzymatic syntheses have produced targeted ultralow molecular weight heparins with high-efficiency, but continue to be restricted by the substrate specificities of enzymes.

To address the need for access to homogeneous, complex glycosaminoglycan structures, we have synthesized novel heparan sulfate glycopolymers with well-defined carbohydrate structures and tunable chain length through ring-opening metathesis polymerization chemistry. These polymers recapitulate the key features of anticoagulant heparan sulfate by displaying the sulfation pattern responsible for heparin’s anticoagulant activity. The use of polymerization chemistry greatly simplifies the synthesis of complex glycosaminoglycan structures, providing a facile method to generate homogeneous macromolecules with tunable biological and chemical properties. Through the use of in vitro chromogenic substrate assays and ex vivo clotting assays, we found that the HS glycopolymers exhibited anticoagulant activity in a sulfation pattern and length-dependent manner. Compared to heparin standards, our short polymers did not display any activity. However, our longer polymers were able to incorporate in vitro and ex vivo characteristics of both low-molecular-weight heparin derivatives and heparin, displaying hybrid anticoagulant properties. These studies emphasize the significance of sulfation pattern specificity in specific carbohydrate-protein interactions, and demonstrate the effectiveness of multivalent molecules in recapitulating the activity of natural polysaccharides.


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Understanding the mechanisms of enzymes is crucial for our understanding of their role in biology and for designing methods to perturb or harness their activities for medical treatments, industrial processes, or biological engineering. One aspect of enzymes that makes them difficult to fully understand is that they are in constant motion, and these motions and the conformations adopted throughout these transitions often play a role in their function.

Traditionally, it has been difficult to isolate a protein in a particular conformation to determine what role each form plays in the reaction or biology of that enzyme. A new technology, computational protein design, makes the isolation of various conformations possible, and therefore is an extremely powerful tool in enabling a fuller understanding of the role a protein conformation plays in various biological processes.

One such protein that undergoes large structural shifts during different activities is human type II transglutaminase (TG2). TG2 is an enzyme that exists in two dramatically different conformational states: (1) an open, extended form, which is adopted upon the binding of calcium, and (2) a closed, compact form, which is adopted upon the binding of GTP or GDP. TG2 possess two separate active sites, each with a radically different activity. This open, calcium-bound form of TG2 is believed to act as a transglutaminse, where it catalyzes the formation of an isopeptide bond between the sidechain of a peptide-bound glutamine and a primary amine. The closed, GTP-bound conformation is believed to act as a GTPase. TG2 is also implicated in a variety of biological and pathological processes.

To better understand the effects of TG2’s conformations on its activities and pathological processes, we set out to design variants of TG2 isolated in either the closed or open conformations. We were able to design open-locked and closed-biased TG2 variants, and use these designs to unseat the current understanding of the activities and their concurrent conformations of TG2 and explore each conformation’s role in celiac disease models. This work also enabled us to help explain older confusing results in regards to this enzyme and its activities. The new model for TG2 activity has immense implications for our understanding of its functional capabilities in various environments, and for our ability to understand which conformations need to be inhibited in the design of new drugs for diseases in which TG2’s activities are believed to elicit pathological effects.


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The electron diffraction investigation of the following compounds has been carried out: sulfur, sulfur nitride, realgar, arsenic trisulfide, spiropentane, dimethyltrisulfide, cis and trans lewisite, methylal, and ethylene glycol.

The crystal structures of the following salts have been determined by x-ray diffraction: silver molybdateand hydrazinium dichloride.

Suggested revisions of the covalent radii for B, Si, P, Ge, As, Sn, Sb, and Pb have been made, and values for the covalent radii of Al, Ga, In, Ti, and Bi have been proposed.

The Schomaker-Stevenson revision of the additivity rule for single covalent bond distances has been used in conjunction with the revised radii. Agreement with experiment is in general better with the revised radii than with the former radii and additivity.

The principle of ionic bond character in addition to that present in a normal covalent bond has been applied to the observed structures of numerous molecules. It leads to a method of interpretation which is at least as consistent as the theory of multiple bond formation.

The revision of the additivity rule has been extended to double bonds. An encouraging beginning along these lines has been made, but additional experimental data are needed for clarification.


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β-lactamases are a group of enzymes that confer resistance to penam and cephem antibiotics by hydrolysis of the β-lactam ring, thereby inactivating the antibiotic. Crystallographic and computer modeling studies of RTEM-1 β-lactamase have indicated that Asp 132, a strictly conserved residue among the class A β-lactamases, appears to be involved in substrate binding, catalysis, or both. To study the contribution of residue 132 to β-lactamase function, site saturation mutagenesis was used to generate mutants coding for all 20 amino acids at position 132. Phenotypic screening of all mutants indicated that position 132 is very sensitive to amino acid changes, with only N132C, N132D, N132E, and N132Q showing any appreciable activity. Kinetic analysis of three of these mutants showed increases in K_M, along with substantial decreases in k_(cat). Efforts to trap a stable acyl-enzyme intermediate were unsuccessfuL These results indicate that residue 132 is involved in substrate binding, as well as catalysis, and supports the involvement of this residue in acylation as suggested by Strynadka et al.

Crystallographic and computer modeling studies of RTEM-1 β-lactamase have indicated that Lys 73 and Glu 166, two strictly conserved residues among the class A β-lactamases, appear to be involved in substrate binding, catalysis, or both. To study the contribution of these residues to β-lactamase function, site saturation mutagenesis was used to generate mutants coding for all 20 amino acids at positions 73 and 166. Then all 400 possible combinations of mutants were created by combinatorial mutagenesis. The colonies harboring the mutants were screened for growth in the presence of ampicillin. The competent colonys' DNA were sequenced, and kinetic parameters investigated. It was found that lysine is essential at position 73, and that position 166 only tolerated fairly conservative changes (Aspartic acid, Histidine, and Tyrosine). These functional mutants exhibited decreased kcat's, but K_M was close to wild-type levels. The results of the combinatorial mutagenesis experiments indicate that Lysis absolutely required for activity at position 73; no mutation at residue 166 can compensate for loss of the long side chain amine. The active mutants found--K73K/E166D, K73KIE166H, and K73KIE166Y were studied by kinetic analysis. These results reaffirmed the function of residue 166 as important in catalysis, specifically deacylation.

The identity of the residue responsible for enhancing the active site serine (Ser 70) in RTEM-1 β-lactamase has been disputed for some time. Recently, analysis of a crystal structure of RTEM-1 β-lactamase with covalently bound intermediate was published, and it was suggested that Lys 73, a strictly conserved residue among the class A β-lactamases, was acting as a general base, activating Ser 70. For this to be possible, the pK_a of Lys 73 would have to be depressed significantly. In an attempt to assay the pK_a of Lys 73, the mutation K73C was made. This mutant protein can be reacted with 2-bromoethylamine, and activity is restored to near wild type levels. ^(15)N-2-bromoethylamine hydrobromide and ^(13)C-2-bromoethylamine hydrobromide were synthesized. Reacting these compounds with the K73C mutant gives stable isotopic enrichment at residue 73 in the form of aminoethylcysteine, a lysine homologue. The pK_a of an amine can be determined by NMR titration, following the change in chemical shift of either the ^(15)N-amine nuclei or adjacent Be nuclei as pH is changed. Unfortunately, low protein solubility, along with probable label scrambling in the Be experiment, did not permit direct observation of either the ^(15)N or ^(13)C signals. Indirect detection experiments were used to observe the protons bonded directly to the ^(13)C atoms. Two NMR signals were seen, and their chemical shift change with pH variation was noted. The peak which was determined to correspond to the aminoethylcysteine residue shifted from 3.2 ppm down to 2.8 ppm over a pH range of 6.6 to 12.5. The pK_a of the amine at position 73 was determined to be ~10. This indicates that residue 73 does not function as a general base in the acylation step of the reaction. However the experimental measurement takes place in the absence of substrate. Since the enzyme undergoes conformational changes upon substrate binding, the measured pK_a of the free enzyme may not correspond to the pK_a of the enzyme substrate complex.