32 resultados para two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy
The low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor plays a central role in mammalian cholesterol metabolism, clearing lipoproteins which bear apolipoproteins E and B-100 from plasma. Mutations in this molecule are associated with familial hypercholesterolemia, a condition which leads to an elevated plasma cholesterol concentration and accelerated atherosclerosis. The N-terminal segment of the LDL receptor contains a heptad of cysteine-rich repeats that bind the lipoproteins. Similar repeats are present in related receptors, including the very low-density lipoprotein receptor and the LDL receptor-related protein/alpha 2-macroglobulin receptor, and in proteins which are functionally unrelated, such as the C9 component of complement. The first repeat of the human LDL receptor has been expressed in Escherichia coli as a glutathione S-transferase fusion protein, and the cleaved and purified receptor module has been shown to fold to a single, fully oxidized form that is recognized by the monoclonal antibody IgG-C7 in the presence of calcium ions. The three-dimensional structure of this module has been determined by two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy and shown to consist of a beta-hairpin structure, followed by a series of beta turns. Many of the side chains of the acidic residues, including the highly conserved Ser-Asp-Glu triad, are clustered on one face of the module. To our knowledge, this structure has not previously been described in any other protein and may represent a structural paradigm both for the other modules in the LDL receptor and for the homologous domains of several other proteins. Calcium ions had only minor effects on the CD spectrum and no effect on the 1H NMR spectrum of the repeat, suggesting that they induce no significant conformational change.
We report a general mass spectrometric approach for the rapid identification and characterization of proteins isolated by preparative two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. This method possesses the inherent power to detect and structurally characterize covalent modifications. Absolute sensitivities of matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization and high-energy collision-induced dissociation tandem mass spectrometry are exploited to determine the mass and sequence of subpicomole sample quantities of tryptic peptides. These data permit mass matching and sequence homology searching of computerized peptide mass and protein sequence data bases for known proteins and design of oligonucleotide probes for cloning unknown proteins. We have identified 11 proteins in lysates of human A375 melanoma cells, including: alpha-enolase, cytokeratin, stathmin, protein disulfide isomerase, tropomyosin, Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase, nucleoside diphosphate kinase A, galaptin, and triosephosphate isomerase. We have characterized several posttranslational modifications and chemical modifications that may result from electrophoresis or subsequent sample processing steps. Detection of comigrating and covalently modified proteins illustrates the necessity of peptide sequencing and the advantages of tandem mass spectrometry to reliably and unambiguously establish the identity of each protein. This technology paves the way for studies of cell-type dependent gene expression and studies of large suites of cellular proteins with unprecedented speed and rigor to provide information complementary to the ongoing Human Genome Project.
Duocarmycin A (Duo) normally alkylates adenine N3 at the 3′ end of A+T-rich sequences in DNA. The efficient adenine alkylation by Duo is achieved by its monomeric binding to the DNA minor groove. The addition of another minor groove binder, distamycin A (Dist), dramatically modulates the site of DNA alkylation by Duo, and the alkylation switches preferentially to G residues in G+C-rich sequences. HPLC product analysis using oligonucleotides revealed a highly efficient G–N3 alkylation via the cooperative binding of a heterodimer between Duo and Dist to the minor groove. The three-dimensional structure of the ternary alkylated complex of Duo/Dist/d(CAGGTGGT)·d(ACCACCTG) has been determined by nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE)-restrained refinement using 750 MHz two-dimensional NOE spectroscopy data. The refined NMR structure fully explains the sequence requirement of such modulated alkylations. This is the first demonstration of Duo DNA alkylation through cooperative binding with another structurally different natural product, and it suggests a promising new way to alter or modify the DNA alkylation selectivity in a predictable manner.
A new class of nickel-containing chlorins (acyl tunichlorins) has been isolated from the Caribbean tunicate Trididemnum solidum. The structures of 28 of these nickel (II) hydroporphyrins were elucidated using mass spectrometry, one- and two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy, and chemical degradation/derivatization. Unique structural features of these compounds include the diversity of aliphatic side chains, which are derived from C14:0 to C22:6 fatty acids, and their location at an unprecedented position at C-2a on the hydroporphyrin nucleus. No chlorins with ester-linked acyl side chains at C-2a have been reported previously. Although the exact biological role that these compounds play in T. solidum remains unknown, acyl tunichlorins represent the only nickel-containing chlorins to be isolated from a living system and are the C-2a acyl derivatives of tunichlorin, a nickel chlorin reported by this laboratory in 1988.
This paper describes the NMR observation of 15N—15N and 1H—15N scalar couplings across the hydrogen bonds in Watson–Crick base pairs in a DNA duplex, hJNN and hJHN. These couplings represent new parameters of interest for both structural studies of DNA and theoretical investigations into the nature of the hydrogen bonds. Two dimensional [15N,1H]-transverse relaxation-optimized spectroscopy (TROSY) with a 15N-labeled 14-mer DNA duplex was used to measure hJNN, which is in the range 6–7 Hz, and the two-dimensional hJNN-correlation-[15N,1H]-TROSY experiment was used to correlate the chemical shifts of pairs of hydrogen bond-related 15N spins and to observe, for the first time, hJHN scalar couplings, with values in the range 2–3.6 Hz. TROSY-based studies of scalar couplings across hydrogen bonds should be applicable for large molecular sizes, including protein-bound nucleic acids.
Fast transverse relaxation of 1H, 15N, and 13C by dipole-dipole coupling (DD) and chemical shift anisotropy (CSA) modulated by rotational molecular motions has a dominant impact on the size limit for biomacromolecular structures that can be studied by NMR spectroscopy in solution. Transverse relaxation-optimized spectroscopy (TROSY) is an approach for suppression of transverse relaxation in multidimensional NMR experiments, which is based on constructive use of interference between DD coupling and CSA. For example, a TROSY-type two-dimensional 1H,15N-correlation experiment with a uniformly 15N-labeled protein in a DNA complex of molecular mass 17 kDa at a 1H frequency of 750 MHz showed that 15N relaxation during 15N chemical shift evolution and 1HN relaxation during signal acquisition both are significantly reduced by mutual compensation of the DD and CSA interactions. The reduction of the linewidths when compared with a conventional two-dimensional 1H,15N-correlation experiment was 60% and 40%, respectively, and the residual linewidths were 5 Hz for 15N and 15 Hz for 1HN at 4°C. Because the ratio of the DD and CSA relaxation rates is nearly independent of the molecular size, a similar percentagewise reduction of the overall transverse relaxation rates is expected for larger proteins. For a 15N-labeled protein of 150 kDa at 750 MHz and 20°C one predicts residual linewidths of 10 Hz for 15N and 45 Hz for 1HN, and for the corresponding uniformly 15N,2H-labeled protein the residual linewidths are predicted to be smaller than 5 Hz and 15 Hz, respectively. The TROSY principle should benefit a variety of multidimensional solution NMR experiments, especially with future use of yet somewhat higher polarizing magnetic fields than are presently available, and thus largely eliminate one of the key factors that limit work with larger molecules.
Near infrared Yb3+ vibronic sideband spectroscopy was used to characterize specific lanthanide binding sites in bacteriorhodopsin (bR) and retinal free bacteriorhodopsin (bO). The VSB spectra for deionized bO regenerated with a ratio of 1:1 and 2:1 ion to bO are identical. Application of a two-dimensional anti-correlation technique suggests that only a single Yb3+ site is observed. The Yb3+ binding site in bO is observed to consist of PO2− groups and carboxylic acid groups, both of which are bound in a bidentate manner. An additional contribution most likely arising from a phenolic group is also observed. This implies that the ligands for the observed single binding site are the lipid head groups and amino acid residues. The vibronic sidebands of Yb3+ in deionized bR regenerated at a ratio of 2:1 ion to bR are essentially identical to those in bO. The other high-affinity binding site is thus either not evident or its fluorescence is quenched. A discussion is given on the difference in binding of Ca2+ (or Mg2+) and lanthanides in phospholipid membrane proteins.
Confocal fluorescence correlation spectroscopy as a time-averaging fluctuation analysis combining maximum sensitivity with high statistical confidence has proved to be a very versatile and powerful tool for detection and temporal investigation of biomolecules at ultralow concentrations on surfaces, in solutions, and in living cells. To probe the interaction of different molecular species for a detailed understanding of biologically relevant mechanisms, crosscorrelation studies on dual or multiple fluorophore assays with spectrally distinct excitation and emission are particularly promising. Despite the considerable improvement of detection specificity provided by fluorescence crosscorrelation analysis, few applications have so far been reported, presumably because of the practical challenges of properly aligning and controlling the stability of the experimental setup. In this work, we demonstrate that two-photon excitation combined with dual-color fluorescence correlation spectroscopy can be the key to simplifying simultaneous investigations of multiple fluorescent species significantly on a single-molecule scale. Two-photon excitation allows accession of common fluorophores of largely distinct emission by the same excitation wavelength, because differences in selection rules and vibronic coupling can induce considerable shifts between the one-photon and two-photon excitation spectra. The concept of dual-color two-photon fluorescence crosscorrelation analysis is introduced and experimentally demonstrated with an established assay probing the selective cleavage of dual-labeled DNA substrates by restriction endonuclease EcoRI.
Recent developments in multidimensional heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy and large-scale synthesis of uniformly 13C- and 15N-labeled oligonucleotides have greatly improved the prospects for determination of the solution structure of RNA. However, there are circumstances in which it may be advantageous to label only a segment of the entire RNA chain. For example, in a larger RNA molecule the structural question of interest may reside in a localized domain. Labeling only the corresponding nucleotides simplifies the spectrum and resonance assignments because one can filter proton spectra for coupling to 13C and 15N. Another example is in resolving alternative secondary structure models that are indistinguishable in imino proton connectivities. Here we report a general method for enzymatic synthesis of quantities of segmentally labeled RNA molecules required for NMR spectroscopy. We use the method to distinguish definitively two competing secondary structure models for the 5' half of Caenorhabditis elegans spliced leader RNA by comparison of the two-dimensional [15N] 1H heteronuclear multiple quantum correlation spectrum of the uniformly labeled sample with that of a segmentally labeled sample. The method requires relatively small samples; solutions in the 200-300 microM concentration range, with a total of 30 nmol or approximately 40 micrograms of RNA in approximately 150 microliters, give strong NMR signals in a short accumulation time. The method can be adapted to label an internal segment of a larger RNA chain for study of localized structural problems. This definitive approach provides an alternative to the more common enzymatic and chemical footprinting methods for determination of RNA secondary structure.
Measurement of fluorescent lifetimes of dye-tagged DNA molecules reveal the existence of different conformations. Conformational fluctuations observed by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy give rise to a relaxation behavior that is described by “stretched” exponentials and indicates the presence of a distribution of transition rates between two conformations. Whether this is an inhomogeneous distribution, where each molecule contributes with its own reaction rate to the overall distribution, or a homogeneous distribution, where the reaction rate of each molecule is time-dependent, is not yet known. We used a tetramethylrhodamine-linked 217-bp DNA oligonucleotide as a probe for conformational fluctuations. Fluorescence fluctuations from single DNA molecules attached to a streptavidin-coated surface directly show the transitions between two conformational states. The conformational fluctuations typical for single molecules are similar to those seen in single ion channels in cell membranes.
A sensitive, labor-saving, and easily automatable nonradioactive procedure named APEX-FCS (amplified probe extension detected by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy) has been established to detect specific in vitro amplification of pathogen genomic sequences. As an example, Mycobacterium tuberculosis genomic DNA was subjected to PCR amplification with the Stoffel fragment of Thermus aquaticus DNA polymerase in the presence of nanomolar concentrations of a rhodamine-labeled probe (third primer), binding to the target in between the micromolar amplification primers. The probe becomes extended only when specific amplification occurs. Its low concentration avoids false-positives due to unspecific hybridization under PCR conditions. With increasing portion of extended probe molecules, the probe’s average translational diffusion properties gradually change over the course of the reaction, reflecting amplification kinetics. Following PCR, this change from a stage of high to a stage of low mobility can directly be monitored during a 30-s measurement using a fluorescence correlation spectroscopy device. Quantitation down to 10 target molecules in a background of 2.5 μg unspecific DNA without post-PCR probe manipulations could be achieved with different primer/probe combinations. The assay holds the promise to concurrently perform amplification, probe hybridization, and specific detection without opening the reaction chamber, if sealable foils are used.
Reaction of the normal isomer of [B20H18]2− and the protected thiol anion, [SC(O)OC(CH3)3]−, produces an unexpected isomer of [B20H17SC(O)OC(CH3)3]4− directly and in good yield. The isomer produced under mild conditions is characterized by an apical–apical boron atom intercage connection as well as the location of the thiol substituent on an equatorial belt adjacent to the terminal boron apex. Although the formation of this isomer from nucleophilic attack of the normal isomer of [B20H18]2− has not been reported previously, the isomeric assignment has been unambiguously confirmed by one-dimensional and two-dimensional 11B NMR spectroscopy. Deprotection of the thiol substituent under acidic conditions produces a protonated intermediate, [B20H18SH]3−, which can be deprotonated with a suitable base to yield the desired product, [B20H17SH]4−. The sodium salt of the resulting [B20H17SH]4− ion has been encapsulated in small, unilamellar liposomes, which are capable of delivering their contents selectively to tumors in vivo, and investigated as a potential agent for boron neutron capture therapy. The biodistribution of boron was determined after intravenous injection of the liposomal suspension into BALB/c mice bearing EMT6 mammary adenocarcinoma. At low injected doses, the tumor boron concentration increased throughout the time-course experiment, resulting in a maximum observed boron concentration of 46.7 μg of B per g of tumor at 48 h and a tumor to blood boron ratio of 7.7. The boron concentration obtained in the tumor corresponds to 22.2% injected dose (i.d.) per g of tissue, a value analogous to the most promising polyhedral borane anions investigated for liposomal delivery and subsequent application in boron neutron capture therapy.
Regulation of the actin-activated ATPase of smooth muscle myosin II is known to involve an interaction between the two heads that is controlled by phosphorylation of the regulatory light chain. However, the three-dimensional structure of this inactivated form has been unknown. We have used a lipid monolayer to obtain two-dimensional crystalline arrays of the unphosphorylated inactive form of smooth muscle heavy meromyosin suitable for structural studies by electron cryomicroscopy of unstained, frozen-hydrated specimens. The three-dimensional structure reveals an asymmetric interaction between the two myosin heads. The ATPase activity of one head is sterically “blocked” because part of its actin-binding interface is positioned onto the converter domain of the second head. ATPase activity of the second head, which can bind actin, appears to be inhibited through stabilization of converter domain movements needed to release phosphate and achieve strong actin binding. When the subfragment 2 domain of heavy meromyosin is oriented as it would be in an actomyosin filament lattice, the position of the heads is very different from that needed to bind actin, suggesting an additional contribution to ATPase inhibition in situ.
A global approach was used to analyze protein synthesis and stability during the cell cycle of the bacterium Caulobacter crescentus. Approximately one-fourth (979) of the estimated C. crescentus gene products were detected by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, 144 of which showed differential cell cycle expression patterns. Eighty-one of these proteins were identified by mass spectrometry and were assigned to a wide variety of functional groups. Pattern analysis revealed that coexpression groups were functionally clustered. A total of 48 proteins were rapidly degraded in the course of one cell cycle. More than half of these unstable proteins were also found to be synthesized in a cell cycle-dependent manner, establishing a strong correlation between rapid protein turnover and the periodicity of the bacterial cell cycle. This is, to our knowledge, the first evidence for a global role of proteolysis in bacterial cell cycle control.
For the past two decades, all two-dimensional systems of electrons were believed to be insulating in the limit of zero temperature. Recent experiments provide evidence for an unexpected transition to a conducting phase at very low electron densities. The nature of this phase is not understood and is currently the focus of intense theoretical and experimental attention.