58 resultados para Synthetic Peptide


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The cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) is a chloride ion channel, but its relationship to the primary clinical manifestation of CF, chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa pulmonary infection, is unclear. We report that CFTR is a cellular receptor for binding, endocytosing, and clearing P. aeruginosa from the normal lung. Murine cells expressing recombinant human wild-type CFTR ingested 30–100 times as many P. aeruginosa as cells lacking CFTR or expressing mutant ΔF508 CFTR protein. Purified CFTR inhibited ingestion of P. aeruginosa by human airway epithelial cells. The first extracellular domain of CFTR specifically bound to P. aeruginosa and a synthetic peptide of this region inhibited P. aeruginosa internalization in vivo, leading to increased bacterial lung burdens. CFTR clears P. aeruginosa from the lung, indicating a direct connection between mutations in CFTR and the clinical consequences of CF.


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The phosphotyrosine-binding (PTB) domain is a recently identified protein module that has been characterized as binding to phosphopeptides containing an NPXpY motif (X = any amino acid). We describe here a novel peptide sequence recognized by the PTB domain from Drosophila Numb (dNumb), a protein involved in cell fate determination and asymmetric cell division during the development of the Drosophila nervous system. Using a Tyr-oriented peptide library to screen for ligands, the dNumb PTB domain was found to bind selectively to peptides containing a YIGPYφ motif (φ represents a hydrophobic residue). A synthetic peptide containing this sequence bound specifically to the isolated dNumb PTB domain in solution with a dissociation constant (Kd) of 5.78 ± 0.74 μM. Interestingly, the affinity of this peptide for the dNumb PTB domain was increased (Kd = 1.41 ± 0.10 μM) when the second tyrosine in the sequence was phosphorylated. Amino acid substitution studies of the phosphopeptide demonstrated that a core motif of sequence GP(p)Y is required for high-affinity binding to the dNumb PTB domain. Nuclear magnetic resonance experiments performed on isotopically labeled protein complexed with either Tyr- or pTyr-containing peptides suggest that the same set of amino acids in the dNumb PTB domain is involved in binding both phosphorylated and nonphosphorylated forms of the peptide. The in vitro selectivity of the dNumb PTB domain is therefore markedly different from those of the Shc and IRS-1 PTB domains, in that it interacts preferentially with a GP(p)Y motif, rather than NPXpY, and does not absolutely require ligand phosphorylation for binding. Our results suggest that the PTB domain is a versatile protein module, capable of exhibiting varied binding specificities.


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FKBP52 (HSP56, p59, HBI) is the 59-kDa immunosuppressant FK506-binding protein and has peptidyl prolyl isomerase as well as a chaperone-like activity in vitro. FKBP52 associates with the heat shock protein HSP90 and is included in the steroid hormone receptor complexes in vivo. FKBP52 possesses a well conserved phosphorylation site for casein kinase II (CK2) that was previously shown to be associated with HSP90. Here we examined whether FKBP52 is phosphorylated by CK2 both in vivo and in vitro. Recombinant rabbit FKBP52 was phosphorylated by purified CK2. We expressed and purified deletion mutants of FKBP52 to determine the site(s) phosphorylated by CK2. Thr-143 in the hinge I region was identified as the major phosphorylation site for CK2. A synthetic peptide corresponding to this region was phosphorylated by CK2, and the peptide competitively inhibited the phosphorylation of other substrates by CK2. The [32P]phosphate labeling of FKBP52-expressing cells revealed that the same site is also phosphorylated in vivo. FK506 binding to FKBP52 did not affect the phosphorylation by CK2 and, conversely, the FK506-binding activity of FKBP52 was not affected by the phosphorylation. Most importantly, CK2-phosphorylated FKBP52 did not bind to HSP90. These results indicate that CK2 phosphorylates FKBP52 both in vitro and in vivo and thus may regulate the protein composition of chaperone-containing complexes such as those of steroid receptors and certain protein kinases.


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EGFRvIII is a mutant epidermal growth factor receptor found in glioblastoma, and in carcinoma of the breast, ovary, and lung. The mutant receptor has a deletion in its extracellular domain that results in the formation of a new, tumor-specific extracellular sequence. Mice were immunized with a synthetic peptide corresponding to this sequence and purified EGFRvIII. A single chain antibody variable domain (scFv) phage display library of 8 × 106 members was made from the spleen of one immunized mouse. A scFv specific for EGFRvIII was isolated from this library by panning with successively decreasing amounts of synthetic peptide. This was used to make an immunotoxin by fusing the scFv DNA sequence to sequences coding for domains II and III of Pseudomonas exotoxin A. Purified immunotoxin had a Kd of 22 nM for peptide and a Kd of 11 nM for cell-surface EGFRvIII. The immunotoxin was very cytotoxic to cells expressing EGFRvIII, with an IC50 of 1 ng/ml (16 pM) on mouse fibroblasts transfected with EGFRvIII and an IC50 of 7–10 ng/ml (110–160 pM) on transfected glioblastoma cells. There was no cytotoxic activity at 1000 ng/ml on the untransfected parent glioblastoma cell line. The immunotoxin was completely stable upon incubation at 37°C for 24 h in human serum. The combination of good affinity, cytotoxicity and stability make this immunotoxin a candidate for further preclinical evaluation.


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The identification of the neutralization domains of hepatitis C virus (HCV) is essential for the development of an effective vaccine. Here, we show that the hypervariable region 1 (HVR1) of the envelope 2 (E2) protein is a critical neutralization domain of HCV. Neutralization of HCV in vitro was attempted with a rabbit hyperimmune serum raised against a homologous synthetic peptide derived from the HVR1 of the E2 protein, and the residual infectivity was evaluated by inoculation of HCV-seronegative chimpanzees. The source of HCV was plasma obtained from a patient (H) during the acute phase of posttransfusion non-A, non-B hepatitis, which had been titered for infectivity in chimpanzees. The anti-HVR1 antiserum induced protection against homologous HCV infection in chimpanzees, but not against the emergence of neutralization escape mutants that were found to be already present in the complex viral quasispecies of the inoculum. The finding that HVR1 can elicit protective immunity opens new perspectives for the development of effective preventive strategies. However, the identification of the most variable region of HCV as a critical neutralization domain poses a major challenge for the development of a broadly reactive vaccine against HCV.


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Although long suspected from histochemical evidence for carbonic anhydrase (CA) activity on neurons and observations that CA inhibitors enhance the extracellular alkaline shifts associated with synaptic transmission, an extracellular CA in brain had not been identified. A candidate for this CA was suggested by the recent discovery of membrane CA (CA XIV) whose mRNA is expressed in mouse and human brain and in several other tissues. For immunolocalization of CA XIV in mouse and human brain, we developed two antibodies, one against a secretory form of enzymatically active recombinant mouse CA XIV, and one against a synthetic peptide corresponding to the 24 C-terminal amino acids in the human enzyme. Immunostaining for CA XIV was found on neuronal membranes and axons in both mouse and human brain. The highest expression was seen on large neuronal bodies and axons in the anterolateral part of pons and medulla oblongata. Other CA XIV-positive sites included the hippocampus, corpus callosum, cerebellar white matter and peduncles, pyramidal tract, and choroid plexus. Mouse brain also showed a positive reaction in the molecular layer of the cerebral cortex and granular cellular layer of the cerebellum. These observations make CA XIV a likely candidate for the extracellular CA postulated to have an important role in modulating excitatory synaptic transmission in brain.


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Our group recently demonstrated that autoimmune T cells directed against central nervous system-associated myelin antigens protect neurons from secondary degeneration. We further showed that the synthetic peptide copolymer 1 (Cop-1), known to suppress experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, can be safely substituted for the natural myelin antigen in both passive and active immunization for neuroprotection of the injured optic nerve. Here we attempted to determine whether similar immunizations are protective from retinal ganglion cell loss resulting from a direct biochemical insult caused, for example, by glutamate (a major mediator of degeneration in acute and chronic optic nerve insults) and in a rat model of ocular hypertension. Passive immunization with T cells reactive to myelin basic protein or active immunization with myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein-derived peptide, although neuroprotective after optic nerve injury, was ineffective against glutamate toxicity in mice and rats. In contrast, the number of surviving retinal ganglion cells per square millimeter in glutamate-injected retinas was significantly larger in mice immunized 10 days previously with Cop-1 emulsified in complete Freund's adjuvant than in mice injected with PBS in the same adjuvant (2,133 ± 270 and 1,329 ± 121, respectively, mean ± SEM; P < 0.02). A similar pattern was observed when mice were immunized on the day of glutamate injection (1,777 ± 101 compared with 1,414 ± 36; P < 0.05), but not when they were immunized 48 h later. These findings suggest that protection from glutamate toxicity requires reinforcement of the immune system by antigens that are different from those associated with myelin. The use of Cop-1 apparently circumvents this antigen specificity barrier. In the rat ocular hypertension model, which simulates glaucoma, immunization with Cop-1 significantly reduced the retinal ganglion cell loss from 27.8% ± 6.8% to 4.3% ± 1.6%, without affecting the intraocular pressure. This study may point the way to a therapy for glaucoma, a neurodegenerative disease of the optic nerve often associated with increased intraocular pressure, as well as for acute and chronic degenerative disorders in which glutamate is a prominent participant.


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Antigens of pathogenic microbes that mimic autoantigens are thought to be responsible for the activation of autoreactive T cells. Viral infections have been associated with the development of the neuroendocrine autoimmune diseases type 1 diabetes and stiff-man syndrome, but the mechanism is unknown. These diseases share glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD65) as a major autoantigen. We screened synthetic peptide libraries dedicated to bind to HLA-DR3, which predisposes to both diseases, using clonal CD4+ T cells reactive to GAD65 isolated from a prediabetic stiff-man syndrome patient. Here we show that these GAD65-specific T cells crossreact with a peptide of the human cytomegalovirus (hCMV) major DNA-binding protein. This peptide was identified after database searching with a recognition pattern that had been deduced from the library studies. Furthermore, we showed that hCMV-derived epitope can be naturally processed by dendritic cells and recognized by GAD65 reactive T cells. Thus, hCMV may be involved in the loss of T cell tolerance to autoantigen GAD65 by a mechanism of molecular mimicry leading to autoimmunity.


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It has previously been shown that the N-terminal domain of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) nitrate reductase (NR) is involved in the inactivation of the enzyme by phosphorylation, which occurs in the dark (L. Nussaume, M. Vincentz, C. Meyer, J.P. Boutin, and M. Caboche [1995] Plant Cell 7: 611–621). The activity of a mutant NR protein lacking this N-terminal domain was no longer regulated by light-dark transitions. In this study smaller deletions were performed in the N-terminal domain of tobacco NR that removed protein motifs conserved among higher plant NRs. The resulting truncated NR-coding sequences were then fused to the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S RNA promoter and introduced in NR-deficient mutants of the closely related species Nicotiana plumbaginifolia. We found that the deletion of a conserved stretch of acidic residues led to an active NR protein that was more thermosensitive than the wild-type enzyme, but it was relatively insensitive to the inactivation by phosphorylation in the dark. Therefore, the removal of this acidic stretch seems to have the same effects on NR activation state as the deletion of the N-terminal domain. A hypothetical explanation for these observations is that a specific factor that impedes inactivation remains bound to the truncated enzyme. A synthetic peptide derived from this acidic protein motif was also found to be a good substrate for casein kinase II.


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S-Adenosyl-l-methionine:l-methionine S-methyltransferase (MMT) catalyzes the synthesis of S-methyl-l-methionine (SMM) from l-methionine and S-adenosyl-l-methionine. SMM content increases during barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) germination. Elucidating the role of this compound is important from both a fundamental and a technological standpoint, because SMM is the precursor of dimethylsulfide, a biogenic source of atmospheric S and an undesired component in beer. We present a simple purification scheme for the MMT from barley consisting of 10% to 25% polyethylene glycol fractionation, anion-exchange chromatography on diethylaminoethyl-Sepharose, and affinity chromatography on adenosine-agarose. A final activity yield of 23% and a 2765-fold purification factor were obtained. After digestion of the protein with protease, the amino acid sequence of a major peptide was determined and used to produce a synthetic peptide. A polyclonal antibody was raised against this synthetic peptide conjugated to activated keyhole limpet hemocyanin. The antibody recognized the 115-kD denatured MMT protein and native MMT. During barley germination, both the specific activity and the amount of MMT protein increased. MMT-specific activity was found to be higher in the root and shoot than in the endosperm. MMT could be localized by an immunohistochemical approach in the shoot, scutellum, and aleurone cells but not in the root or endosperm (including aleurone).


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Evidence was obtained on the occurrence of protein threonine, serine, and tyrosine (Tyr) kinases in developing coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) zygotic embryos, based on in vitro phosphorylation of proteins in the presence of [γ-32P]ATP, alkaline treatment, and thin-layer chromatography analysis, which showed the presence of [32P]phosphoserine, [32P]phosphothreonine, and [32P]phosphotyrosine in [32P]-labeled protein hydrolyzates. Tyr kinase activity was further confirmed in extracts of embryos at different stages of development using antiphosphotyrosine monoclonal antibodies and the synthetic peptide derived from the amino acid sequence surrounding the phosphorylation site in pp60src (RR-SRC), which is specific for Tyr kinases. Anti-phosphotyrosine western blotting revealed a changing profile of Tyr-phosphorylated proteins during embryo development. Tyr kinase activity, as assayed using RR-SRC, also changed during embryo development, showing two peaks of activity, one during early and another during late embryo development. In addition, the use of genistein, a Tyr kinase inhibitor, diminished the ability of extracts to phosphorylate RR-SRC. Results presented here show the occurrence of threonine, serine, and Tyr kinases in developing coconut zygotic embryos, and suggest that protein phosphorylation, and the possible inference of Tyr phosphorylation in particular, may play a role in the coordination of the development of embryos in this species.


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Protein-protein interactions typically are characterized by highly specific interfaces that mediate binding with precisely tuned affinities. Binding of the Escherichia coli cochaperonin GroES to chaperonin GroEL is mediated, at least in part, by a mobile polypeptide loop in GroES that becomes immobilized in the GroEL/GroES/nucleotide complex. The bacteriophage T4 cochaperonin Gp31 possesses a similar highly flexible polypeptide loop in a region of the protein that shows low, but significant, amino acid similarity with GroES and other cochaperonins. When bound to GroEL, a synthetic peptide representing the mobile loop of either GroES or Gp31 adopts a characteristic bulged hairpin conformation as determined by transferred nuclear Overhauser effects in NMR spectra. Thermodynamic considerations suggest that flexible disorder in the cochaperonin mobile loops moderates their affinity for GroEL to facilitate cycles of chaperonin-mediated protein folding.


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Organelles in the axoplasm from the squid giant axon move along exogenous actin filaments toward their barbed ends. An approximately 235-kDa protein, the only band recognized by a pan-myosin antibody in Western blots of isolated axoplasmic organelles, has been previously proposed to be a motor for these movements. Here, we purify this approximately 235-kDa protein (p235) from axoplasm and demonstrate that it is a myosin, because it is recognized by a pan-myosin antibody and has an actin-activated Mg-ATPase activity per mg of protein 40-fold higher than that of axoplasm. By low-angle rotary shadowing, p235 differs from myosin II and it does not form bipolar filaments in low salt. The amino acid sequence of a 17-kDa protein that copurifies with p235 shows that it is a squid optic lobe calcium-binding protein, which is more similar by amino acid sequence to calmodulin (69% identity) than to the light chains of myosin II (33% identity). A polyclonal antibody to this light chain was raised by using a synthetic peptide representing the calcium binding domain least similar to calmodulin. We then cloned this light chain by reverse transcriptase-PCR and showed that this antibody recognizes the bacterially expressed protein but not brain calmodulin. In Western blots of sucrose gradient fractions, the 17-kDa protein is found in the organelle fraction, suggesting that it is a light chain of the p235 myosin that is also associated with organelles.


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A precise and rapid method for identifying sites of interaction between proteins was demonstrated; the basis of the method is direct mass spectrometric readout from the complex to determine the specific components of the proteins that interact--a method termed affinity-directed mass spectrometry. The strategy was used to define the region of interaction of a protein growth factor with a monoclonal antibody. A combination of proteolytic digestion and affinity-directed mass spectrometry was used to rapidly determine the approximate location of a continuous binding epitope within the growth factor. The precise boundaries of the binding epitope were determined by affinity-directed mass spectrometric analysis of sets of synthetic peptide ladders that span the approximate binding region. In addition to the mapping of such linear epitopes, affinity-directed mass spectrometry can be applied to the mapping of other types of molecule-molecule contacts, including ligand-receptor and protein-oligonucleotide interactions.


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Studies on circulating T cells and antibodies in newly diagnosed type 1 diabetic patients and rodent models of autoimmune diabetes suggest that beta-cell membrane proteins of 38 kDa may be important molecular targets of autoimmune attack. Biochemical approaches to the isolation and identification of the 38-kDa autoantigen have been hampered by the restricted availability of islet tissue and the low abundance of the protein. A procedure of epitope analysis for CD4+ T cells using subtracted expression libraries (TEASEL) was developed and used to clone a 70-amino acid pancreatic beta-cell peptide incorporating an epitope recognized by a 38-kDa-reactive CD4+ T-cell clone (1C6) isolated from a human diabetic patient. The minimal epitope was mapped to a 10-amino acid synthetic peptide containing a DR1 consensus binding motif. Data base searches did not reveal the identity of the protein, though a weak homology to the bacterial superantigens SEA (Streptococcus pyogenes exotoxin A) and SEB (Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxin B) (23% identity) was evident. The TEASEL procedure might be used to identify epitopes of other autoantigens recognized by CD4+ T cells in diabetes as well as be more generally applicable to the study low-abundance autoantigens in other tissue-specific autoimmune diseases.