22 resultados para Proteomic screen


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A global approach was used to analyze protein synthesis and stability during the cell cycle of the bacterium Caulobacter crescentus. Approximately one-fourth (979) of the estimated C. crescentus gene products were detected by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, 144 of which showed differential cell cycle expression patterns. Eighty-one of these proteins were identified by mass spectrometry and were assigned to a wide variety of functional groups. Pattern analysis revealed that coexpression groups were functionally clustered. A total of 48 proteins were rapidly degraded in the course of one cell cycle. More than half of these unstable proteins were also found to be synthesized in a cell cycle-dependent manner, establishing a strong correlation between rapid protein turnover and the periodicity of the bacterial cell cycle. This is, to our knowledge, the first evidence for a global role of proteolysis in bacterial cell cycle control.


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In this work we extended the study of genes controlling the formation of specific differentiation structures called “domes” formed by the rat mammary adenocarcinoma cell line LA7 under the influence of DMSO. We have reported previously that an interferon-inducible gene, rat-8, and the β-subunit of the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) play a fundamental role in this process. Now, we used a proteomic approach to identify proteins differentially expressed either in DMSO-induced LA7 or in 106A10 cells. Two differentially expressed proteins were investigated. The first, tropomyosin-5b, strongly expressed in DMSO-induced LA7 cells, is needed for dome formation because its synthesis inhibition by the antisense RNA technology abolished domes. The second protein, maspin, strongly expressed in the uninduced 106A10 cell line, inhibits dome formation because 106A10 cells, transfected with rat8 cDNA (the function of which is required for the organization of these structures), acquired the ability to develop domes when cultured in presence of an antimaspin antibody. Dome formation in these cultures are accompanied by ENaC β-subunit expression in the absence of DMSO. Therefore, dome formation requires the expression of tropomyosin-5b, in addition to the ENaC β-subunit and the rat8 proteins, and is under the negative control of maspin.


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Genetic screens in Drosophila have lead to the discovery of many genes important for patterning and signal transduction in diverse organisms. Traditionally, the phenotypic effects of loss-of-function mutations are analyzed. As an alternative way to link genes and function, I have developed a versatile misexpression screen in Drosophila, the first such screen in higher eukaryotes. The screen identifies genes that, when over- or misexpressed in a pattern of interest, give a specific phenotype or modulate an existing mutant phenotype. It is based on Gal4 transactivation of a mobile enhancer and promoter that "targets" random endogenous genes for expression. The modular design of the screen allows directed expression in any temporal or spatial pattern. When activated in the developing eye, 4% of target inserts gave dominant phenotypes. One insertion was in the gene encoding Ras GTPase-activating protein; its overexpression phenotype was strongly enhanced by a mutation in Ras1. Thus, biologically relevant phenotypes and genetic interactions are identified using this method. The screen is a powerful new tool for developmental genetics; similar approaches can also be developed for other organisms.


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We have developed a novel induction gene trap approach that preselects in vitro for integrations into genes that lie downstream of receptor/ligand-mediated signaling pathways. Using this approach, we have identified 20 gene trap integrations in embryonic stem cells, 9 of which were induced and 11 of which were repressed after exposure to exogenous retinoic acid (RA). All but one of these integrations showed unique spatially restricted or tissue-specific patterns of expression between 8.5 and 11.5 days of embryogenesis. Interestingly, expression was observed in tissues that are affected by alterations in RA levels during embryogenesis. Sequence analysis of fusion transcripts from six integrations revealed five novel gene sequences and the previously identified protooncogene c-fyn. To date, germ-line transmission and breeding has uncovered one homozygous embryonic lethal and three homozygous viable insertions. These studies demonstrate the potential of this induction gene trap approach for identifying and mutating genes downstream of signal transduction pathways.


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Optokinetic and phototactic behaviors of zebrafish larvae were examined for their usefulness in screening for recessive defects in the visual system. The optokinetic response can be reliably and rapidly detected in 5-day larvae, whereas the phototactic response of larvae is variable and not robust enough to be useful for screening. We therefore measured optokinetic responses of mutagenized larvae as a genetic screen for visual system defects. Third-generation larvae, representing 266 mutagenized genomes, were examined for abnormal optokinetic responses. Eighteen optokinetic-defective mutants were identified and two mutants that did not show obvious morphological defects, no optokinetic response a (noa) and partial optokinetic response a (poa), were studied further. We recorded the electroretinogram (ERG) to determine whether these two mutations affect the retina. The b-wave of noa larvae was grossly abnormal, being delayed in onset and significantly reduced in amplitude. In contrast, the ERG waveform of poa larvae was normal, although the b-wave was reduced in amplitude in bright light. Histologically, the retinas of noa and poa larvae appeared normal. We conclude that noa larvae have a functional defect in the outer retina, whereas the outer retina of poa larvae is likely to be normal.


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To identify cellular factors that function in -1 ribosomal frameshifting, we have developed assays in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae to screen for host mutants in which frameshifting is specifically affected. Expression vectors have been constructed in which the mouse mammary tumor virus gag-pro frameshift region is placed upstream of the lacZ gene or the CUP1 gene so that the reporters are in the -1 frame relative to the initiation codon. These vectors have been used to demonstrate that -1 frameshifting is recapitulated in yeast in response to retroviral mRNA signals. Using these reporters, we have isolated spontaneous host mutants in two complementation groups, ifs1 and ifs2, in which frameshifting is increased 2-fold. These mutants are also hypersensitive to antibiotics that target the 40S ribosomal subunit. We have cloned the IFS1 gene and shown that it encodes a previously undescribed protein of 1091 aa with clusters of acidic residues in the carboxyl-terminal region. Haploid cells lacking 82% of the IFS1 open reading frame are viable and phenotypically identical to ifs1-1 mutants. This approach could help identify potential targets for antiretroviral agents.