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The Glu-134–Arg-135 residues in rhodopsin, located near the cytoplasmic end of the C helix, are involved in G protein binding, or activation, or both. Furthermore, the charge-neutralizing mutation Glu-134 to Gln-134 produces hyperactivity in the activated state and produces constitutive activity in opsin. The Glu/Asp-Arg charge pair is highly conserved in equivalent positions in other G protein-coupled receptors. To investigate the structural consequences of charge-neutralizing mutations at Glu-134 and Arg-135 in rhodopsin, single spin-labeled side chains were introduced at sites in the cytoplasmic domains of helices C (140), E (227), F (250), or G (316) to serve as “molecular sensors” of the local helix bundle conformation. In each of the spin-labeled rhodopsins, a Gln substitution was introduced at either Glu-134 or Arg-135, and the electron paramagnetic resonance spectrum of the spin label was used to monitor the structural response of the helix bundle. The results indicate that a Gln substitution at Glu-134 induces a photoactivated conformation around helices C and G even in the dark state, an observation of potential relevance to the hyperactivity and constitutive activity of the mutant. In contrast, little change is induced in helix F, which has been shown to undergo a dominant motion upon photoactivation. This result implies that the multiple helix motions accompanying photoactivation are not strongly coupled and can be induced to take place independently. Gln substitution at Arg-135 produces only minor structural changes in the dark- or light-activated conformation, suggesting that this residue is not a determinant of structure in the regions investigated, although it may be functionally important.


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In Drosophila, stripe (sr) gene function is required for normal muscle development. Some mutations disrupt embryonic muscle development and are lethal. Other mutations cause total loss of only a single muscle in the adult. Molecular analysis shows that sr encodes a predicted protein containing a zinc finger motif. This motif is homologous to the DNA binding domains encoded by members of the early growth response (egr) gene family. In mammals, expression of egr genes is induced by intercellular signals, and there is evidence for their role in many developmental events. The identification of sr as an egr gene and its pattern of expression suggest that it functions in muscle development via intercellular communication.


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Checkpoints maintain the order and fidelity of the eukaryotic cell cycle, and defects in checkpoints contribute to genetic instability and cancer. Much of our current understanding of checkpoints comes from genetic studies conducted in yeast. In the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe (Sp), SpRad3 is an essential component of both the DNA damage and DNA replication checkpoints. The SpChk1 and SpCds1 protein kinases function downstream of SpRad3. SpChk1 is an effector of the DNA damage checkpoint and, in the absence of SpCds1, serves an essential function in the DNA replication checkpoint. SpCds1 functions in the DNA replication checkpoint and in the S phase DNA damage checkpoint. Human homologs of both SpRad3 and SpChk1 but not SpCds1 have been identified. Here we report the identification of a human cDNA encoding a protein (designated HuCds1) that shares sequence, structural, and functional similarity to SpCds1. HuCds1 was modified by phosphorylation and activated in response to ionizing radiation. It was also modified in response to hydroxyurea treatment. Functional ATM protein was required for HuCds1 modification after ionizing radiation but not after hydroxyurea treatment. Like its fission yeast counterpart, human Cds1 phosphorylated Cdc25C to promote the binding of 14-3-3 proteins. These findings suggest that the checkpoint function of HuCds1 is conserved in yeast and mammals.


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Oleamide is an endogenous fatty acid primary amide that possesses sleep-inducing properties in animals and that has been shown to effect serotonergic receptor responses and block gap junction communication. Herein, the potentiation of the 5-HT1A receptor response is disclosed, and a study of the structural features of oleamide required for potentiation of the 5-HT2A and 5-HT1A response to serotonin (5-HT) is described. Of the naturally occurring fatty acids, the primary amide of oleic acid (oleamide) is the most effective at potentiating the 5-HT2A receptor response. The structural features required for activity were found to be highly selective. The presence, position, and stereochemistry of the Δ9-cis double bond is required, and even subtle structural variations reduce or eliminate activity. Secondary or tertiary amides may replace the primary amide but follow a well defined relationship requiring small amide substituents, suggesting that the carboxamide serves as a hydrogen bond acceptor but not donor. Alternative modifications at the carboxamide as well as modifications of the methyl terminus or the hydrocarbon region spanning the carboxamide and double bond typically eliminate activity. A less extensive study of the 5-HT1A potentiation revealed that it is more tolerant and accommodates a wider range of structural modifications. An interesting set of analogs was identified that inhibit rather than potentiate the 5-HT2A, but not the 5-HT1A, receptor response, further suggesting that such analogs may permit the selective modulation of serotonin receptor subtypes and even have opposing effects on the different subtypes.


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cAMP, through the activation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA), is involved in transcriptional regulation. In eukaryotic cells, cAMP is not considered to alter the binding affinity of CREB/ATF to cAMP-responsive element (CRE) but to induce serine phosphorylation and consequent increase in transcriptional activity. In contrast, in prokaryotic cells, cAMP enhances the DNA binding of the catabolite repressor protein to regulate the transcription of several operons. The structural similarity of the cAMP binding sites in catabolite repressor protein and regulatory subunit of PKA type II (RII) suggested the possibility of a similar role for RII in eukaryotic gene regulation. Herein we report that RIIβ subunit of PKA is a transcription factor capable of interacting physically and functionally with a CRE. In contrast to CREB/ATF, the binding of RIIβ to a CRE was enhanced by cAMP, and in addition, RIIβ exhibited transcriptional activity as a Gal4-RIIβ fusion protein. These experiments identify RIIβ as a component of an alternative pathway for regulation of CRE-directed transcription in eukaryotic cells.


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Local translation of proteins in distal dendrites is thought to support synaptic structural plasticity. We have previously shown that metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR1) stimulation initiates a phosphorylation cascade, triggering rapid association of some mRNAs with translation machinery near synapses, and leading to protein synthesis. To determine the identity of these mRNAs, a cDNA library produced from distal nerve processes was used to screen synaptic polyribosome-associated mRNA. We identified mRNA for the fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP) in these processes by use of synaptic subcellular fractions, termed synaptoneurosomes. We found that this mRNA associates with translational complexes in synaptoneurosomes within 1–2 min after mGluR1 stimulation of this preparation, and we observed increased expression of FMRP after mGluR1 stimulation. In addition, we found that FMRP is associated with polyribosomal complexes in these fractions. In vivo, we observed FMRP immunoreactivity in spines, dendrites, and somata of the developing rat brain, but not in nuclei or axons. We suggest that rapid production of FMRP near synapses in response to activation may be important for normal maturation of synaptic connections.


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Two-component systems, sensor kinase-response regulator pairs, dominate bacterial signal transduction. Regulation is exerted by phosphorylation of an Asp in receiver domains of response regulators. Lability of the acyl phosphate linkage has limited structure determination for the active, phosphorylated forms of receiver domains. As assessed by both functional and structural criteria, beryllofluoride yields an excellent analogue of aspartyl phosphate in response regulator NtrC, a bacterial enhancer-binding protein. Beryllofluoride also appears to activate the chemotaxis, sporulation, osmosensing, and nitrate/nitrite response regulators CheY, Spo0F, OmpR, and NarL, respectively. NMR spectroscopic studies indicate that beryllofluoride will facilitate both biochemical and structural characterization of the active forms of receiver domains.


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The peptides bound to class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules extend out both ends of the peptide binding groove. This structural feature provided the opportunity to design multivalent polypeptide chains that cross-link class II MHC molecules through multiple, repetitive MHC binding sites. By using recombinant techniques, polypeptide oligomers were constructed that consist of up to 32 copies of an HLA-DR1-restricted T cell epitope. The epitope HA306–318, derived from influenza virus hemagglutinin, was connected by 12- to 36-aa long spacer sequences. These oligomers were found to cross-link soluble HLA-DR1 molecules efficiently and, upon binding to the MHC molecules of a monocyte line, to trigger signal transduction indicated by the enhanced expression of some cell surface molecules. A particularly strong effect was evident in the T cell response. A hemagglutinin-specific T cell clone recognized these antigens at concentrations up to three to four orders of magnitude lower than that of the peptide or the hemagglutinin protein. Both signal transduction in the monocyte and the proliferative response of the T cell were affected greatly by the length of the oligomer (i.e., the number of repetitive units) and the distance of the epitopes within the oligomer (spacing). Thus, the formation of defined clusters of T cell receptor/MHC/peptide antigen complexes appears to be crucial for triggering the immune response and can be used to enhance the antigenicity of a peptide antigen by oligomerizing the epitope.


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This paper is devoted to the quantization of the degree of nonlinearity of the relationship between two biological variables when one of the variables is a complex nonstationary oscillatory signal. An example of the situation is the indicial responses of pulmonary blood pressure (P) to step changes of oxygen tension (ΔpO2) in the breathing gas. For a step change of ΔpO2 beginning at time t1, the pulmonary blood pressure is a nonlinear function of time and ΔpO2, which can be written as P(t-t1 | ΔpO2). An effective method does not exist to examine the nonlinear function P(t-t1 | ΔpO2). A systematic approach is proposed here. The definitions of mean trends and oscillations about the means are the keys. With these keys a practical method of calculation is devised. We fit the mean trends of blood pressure with analytic functions of time, whose nonlinearity with respect to the oxygen level is clarified here. The associated oscillations about the mean can be transformed into Hilbert spectrum. An integration of the square of the Hilbert spectrum over frequency yields a measure of oscillatory energy, which is also a function of time, whose mean trends can be expressed by analytic functions. The degree of nonlinearity of the oscillatory energy with respect to the oxygen level also is clarified here. Theoretical extension of the experimental nonlinear indicial functions to arbitrary history of hypoxia is proposed. Application of the results to tissue remodeling and tissue engineering of blood vessels is discussed.


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The Enterococcus faecalis conjugative plasmid pAD1 (60 kb) encodes a mating response to the recipient-produced peptide sex pheromone cAD1. The response involves two key plasmid-encoded regulatory proteins: TraE1, which positively regulates all or most structural genes relating to conjugation, and TraA, which binds DNA and negatively regulates expression of traE1. In vitro studies that included development of a DNA-associated protein-tag affinity chromatography technique showed that TraA (37.9 kDa) binds directly to cAD1 near its carboxyl-terminal end and, as a consequence, loses its affinity for DNA. Analyses of genetically modified TraA proteins indicated that truncations within the carboxyl-terminal 9 residues significantly affected the specificity of peptide-directed association/dissociation of DNA. The data support earlier observations that transposon insertions near the 3′ end of traA eliminated the ability of cells to respond to cAD1.


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The structural basis for the T cell response to glycolipid antigens (Ags) remains poorly understood. T lymphocytes autoreactive for mouse CD1 (mCD1.1) or reactive for the glycosphingolipid αgalactosylceramide (α-GalCer) presented by mCD1.1 have been described previously. In this paper it is shown that mutations at the top of the α helices and in the bottom of the Ag-binding groove can disrupt both mCD1.1 autoreactivity and α-GalCer recognition. The locations of the positions that affect T cell responses indicate that recognition of mCD1.1 is not likely to be unconventional or superantigen-like. Furthermore, the effects of the bottom of the pocket mutation suggest that the autoreactive response could require an autologous ligand, and they indicate that α-GalCer binds to the groove of mCD1.1, most likely with the shorter 18-carbon hydrophobic chain in the A′ pocket. Natural killer T cell hybridomas with identical T cell antigen receptor (TCR) α chains and different β chains respond differently to α-GalCer presented by mCD1.1 mutants. This finding indicates a role for TCR β in defining natural killer T cell specificity, despite the more restricted diversity of the α chains in these cells. Overall, the data are consistent with a mode of lipoglycan recognition similar to that proposed for glycopeptides, in which the TCR α and β chains survey a surface composed of both mCD1.1 and the carbohydrate portion of α-GalCer.


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Vitamin K antagonists such as warfarin inhibit the vitamin K-dependent γ-glutamyl carboxylation during protein processing and block the secretion of under-γ-carboxylated prothrombin (FII) in the rat but not in the human or bovine. Under-γ-carboxylated prothrombin is also secreted from warfarin-treated human (HepG2) cell cultures but is degraded in the endoplasmic reticulum in warfarin-treated rat (H-35) cell cultures. This differential response to warfarin has been shown to be determined by the structural difference in the proteins rather than by the origin of the cell line. When recombinant rat prothrombin (rFII) and human prothrombin (hFII) were expressed in a transformed human kidney cell line (HEK293), secretion of rFII but not hFII was drastically decreased in response to warfarin. To determine the structural signal required for this differential response, chimeric cDNAs with the propeptide/Gla domains, kringle domain, and serine protease domain exchanged between rFII and hFII were generated (FIIRHH and FIIHRR, FIIRRH and FIIHHR, FIIRHR and FIIHRH) and expressed in both warfarin-treated HEK293 cells and HepG2 cells. The presence of the hFII kringle domain changed the stability of rFII to that of hFII, and the rFII kringle domain changed the stability of hFII to that of rFII. The kringle domain therefore is critical in determining the metabolic fate of under-γ-carboxylated prothrombin precursors during processing. Prothrombin contains two kringle structures, and expression of additional rFII/hFII chimeras (FIIHrhH and FIIHhrH, FIIRrhR, and FIIRhrR) was used to determine that the first of the two kringles plays a more important role in the recognition process.


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CheY, a response regulator protein in bacterial chemotaxis, serves as a prototype for the analysis of response regulator function in two-component signal transduction. Phosphorylation of a conserved aspartate at the active site mediates a conformational change at a distal signaling surface that modulates interactions with the flagellar motor component FliM, the sensor kinase CheA, and the phosphatase CheZ. The objective of this study was to probe the conformational coupling between the phosphorylation site and the signaling surface of CheY in the reverse direction by quantifying phosphorylation activity in the presence and absence of peptides of CheA, CheZ, and FliM that specifically interact with CheY. Binding of these peptides dramatically impacted autophosphorylation of CheY by small molecule phosphodonors, which is indicative of reverse signal propagation in CheY. Autodephosphorylation and substrate affinity, however, were not significantly affected. Kinetic characterization of several CheY mutants suggested that conserved residues Thr-87, Tyr-106, and Lys-109, implicated in the activation mechanism, are not essential for conformational coupling. These findings provide structural and conceptual insights into the mechanism of CheY activation. Our results are consistent with a multistate thermodynamic model of response regulator activation.


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In eukaryotes, RNA polymerase II transcribes messenger RNAs and several small nuclear RNAs. Like RNA polymerases I and III, polymerase II cannot act alone. Instead, general initiation factors [transcription factor (TF) IIB, TFIID, TFIIE, TFIIF, and TFIIH] assemble on promoter DNA with polymerase II, creating a large multiprotein–DNA complex that supports accurate initiation. Another group of accessory factors, transcriptional activators and coactivators, regulate the rate of RNA synthesis from each gene in response to various developmental and environmental signals. Our current knowledge of this complex macromolecular machinery is reviewed in detail, with particular emphasis on insights gained from structural studies of transcription factors.


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The human cerebral cortex is notorious for the depth and irregularity of its convolutions and for its variability from one individual to the next. These complexities of cortical geography have been a chronic impediment to studies of functional specialization in the cortex. In this report, we discuss ways to compensate for the convolutions by using a combination of strategies whose common denominator involves explicit reconstructions of the cortical surface. Surface-based visualization involves reconstructing cortical surfaces and displaying them, along with associated experimental data, in various complementary formats (including three-dimensional native configurations, two-dimensional slices, extensively smoothed surfaces, ellipsoidal representations, and cortical flat maps). Generating these representations for the cortex of the Visible Man leads to a surface-based atlas that has important advantages over conventional stereotaxic atlases as a substrate for displaying and analyzing large amounts of experimental data. We illustrate this by showing the relationship between functionally specialized regions and topographically organized areas in human visual cortex. Surface-based warping allows data to be mapped from individual hemispheres to a surface-based atlas while respecting surface topology, improving registration of identifiable landmarks, and minimizing unwanted distortions. Surface-based warping also can aid in comparisons between species, which we illustrate by warping a macaque flat map to match the shape of a human flat map. Collectively, these approaches will allow more refined analyses of commonalities as well as individual differences in the functional organization of primate cerebral cortex.