19 resultados para ultrasonic nebulization

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Cellular ferroelectrets exhibit interesting electromechanical- acoustical characteristics. Their recent appearance and remarkable properties open up new possibilities for the design and development of ultrasonic transducers. In particular, the feasibility of fabricating ultrasonic vortex generators using ferroelectret films is demonstrated in this work. To this end, a transducer prototype was built by gluing the material onto a tangential-helical surface (outer diameter: 40 mm, pitch: 3.45 mm). Experimental results agree well with the theoretical estimation of the pressure and phase of the acoustic field in the near field and far field, which corroborates the potential of ferroelectrets to customize special acoustic fields. Furthermore, the proposed fabrication procedure is inexpensive and represents a new alternative for exploring and analyzing the special characteristics of acoustical helical wavefronts


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Currently, vehicles are often equipped with active safety systems to reduce the risk of accidents, most of which occur in urban environments. The most prominent include Antilock Braking Systems (ABS), Traction Control and Stability Control. All these systems use different kinds of sensors to constantly monitor the conditions of the vehicle, and act in an emergency. In this paper the use of ultrasonic sensors in active safety systems for urban traffic is proposed, and the advantages and disadvantages when compared to other sensors are discussed. Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) for urban traffic based on ultrasounds is presented as an application example. The proposed system has been implemented in a fully-automated prototype vehicle and has been tested under real traffic conditions. The results confirm the good performance of ultrasonic sensors in these systems. ©2011 by the authors.


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This work studies the use of ultrasonic imaging as an evaluation tool in concrete subjected to freeze–thaw (F–T) cycles. To evaluate the damage in this deterioration process, ultrasonic velocity and attenuation images have been generated from concrete specimens with and without air-entraining agents. Two parameters have been proposed from these ultrasonic images according to our experimental setup: the non-assessable area proportion (NAAP) and a weighted average velocity in terms of the NAAP. The proposed parameters have been compared with the recommended failure criteria of the ASTM and Rilem standards, which employ ultrasonic contact measurements. The principal advantage of the use of ultrasonic images and the proposed methodology in comparison with the ultrasonic velocity measurements by contact is the possibility of detection of incipient damage caused by accelerated freeze–thaw cycles.


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The wake produced by the structural supports of the ultrasonic anemometers (UAs)causes distortions in the velocity field in the vicinity of the sonic path. These distortions are measured by the UA, inducing errors in the determination of the mean velocity, turbulence intensity, spectrum, etc.; basic parameters to determine the effect of wind on structures. Additionally, these distortions can lead to indefinition in the calibration function of the sensors (Cuerva et al., 2004). Several wind tunnel tests have been dedicated to obtaining experimental data, from which have been developed fit models to describe and to correct these distortions (Kaimal, 1978 and Wyngaard, 1985). This work explores the effect of a vortex wake generated by the supports of an UA, on the measurement of wind speed done by this instrument. To do this, the Von Karman¿s vortex street potential model is combined with the mathematical model of the measuring process carried out by UAs developed by Franchini et al. (2007). The obtained results are the correction functions of the measured wind velocity, which depends on the geometry of the sonic anemometer and aerodynamic conditions. These results have been validated with the ones obtained in a wind tunnel test done on a single path UA, especially developed for research. The supports of this UA have been modified in order to reproduce the conditions of the theoretical model. Good agreements between experimental and theoretical results have been found.


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A fully integrated on-board electronic system that can perform in-situ structural health monitoring (SHM) of aircraft?s structures using specifically designed equipment for SHM based on guided wave ultrasonic method or Lamb waves? method is introduced. This equipment is called Phased Array Monitoring for Enhanced Life Assessment (PAMELA III) and is an essential part of overall PAMELA SHM? system. PAMELA III can generate any kind of excitation signals, acquire the response signals that propagate throughout the structure being tested, and perform the signal processing for damage detection directly on the structure without need to send the huge amount of raw signals but only the final SHM maps. It monitors the structure by means of an array of integrated Phased Array (PhA) transducers preferably bonded onto the host structure. The PAMELA III hardware for SHM mapping has been designed, built and subjected to laboratory tests, using aluminum and CFRP structures. The 12 channel system has been designed to be low weight (265 grams only), to have a small form factor, to be directly mounted above the integrated PhA transducers without need for cables and to be EMI protected so that the equipment can be taken on board an aircraft to perform required SHM analyses by use of embedded SHM algorithms. Moreover, the autonomous, automatic and on real-time working procedure makes it suitable for the avionic field, sending the corresponding alerts, maps and reports to external equipment.


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A new method is presented that increases the sensitivity of ultrasound-based techniques for detection of bacteria. The technique was developed for the detection of catalase-positive microorganisms. It uses a bubble trapping medium containing hydrogen peroxide that is mixed with the sample for microbiological evaluation. The enzyme catalase is present in catalase-positive bacteria, which induces a rapid hydrolysis of hydrogen peroxide, forming bubbles which remain in the medium. This reaction results in the amplification of the mechanical changes that the microorganisms produce in the medium. The effect can be detected by means of ultrasonic wave amplitude continuous measurement since the bubbles increase the ultrasonic attenuation significantly. It is shown that microorganism concentrations of the order of 105 cells ml−1 can be detected using this method. This allows an improvement of three orders of magnitude in the ultrasonic detection threshold of microorganisms in conventional culture media, and is competitive with modern rapid microbiological methods. It can also be used for the characterization of the enzymatic activity.


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Los métodos de detección rápida de microorganismos se están convirtiendo en una herramienta esencial para el control de calidad en el área de la biotecnología, como es el caso de las industrias de alimentos y productos farmacéuticos y bioquímicos. En este escenario, el objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es desarrollar una técnica de inspección rápida de microoganismos basada en ultrasonidos. La hipótesis propuesta es que la combinación de un dispositivo ultrasónico de medida y un medio líquido diseñado específicamente para producir y atrapar burbujas, pueden constituir la base de un método sensible y rápido de detección de contaminaciones microbianas. La técnica presentada es efectiva para bacterias catalasa-positivas y se basa en la hidrólisis del peróxido de hidrógeno inducida por la catalasa. El resultado de esta reacción es un medio con una creciente concentración de burbujas. Tal medio ha sido estudiado y modelado desde el punto de vista de la propagación ultrasónica. Las propiedades deducidas a partir del análisis cinemático de la enzima se han utilizado para evaluar el método como técnica de inspección microbiana. En esta tesis, se han investigado aspectos teóricos y experimentales de la hidrólisis del peróxido de hidrógeno. Ello ha permitido describir cuantitativamente y comprender el fenómeno de la detección de microorganismos catalasa-positivos mediante la medida de parámetros ultrasónicos. Más concretamente, los experimentos realizados muestran cómo el oxígeno que aparece en forma de burbujas queda atrapado mediante el uso de un gel sobre base de agar. Este gel fue diseñado y preparado especialmente para esta aplicación. A lo largo del proceso de hidrólisis del peróxido de hidrógeno, se midió la atenuación de la onda y el “backscattering” producidos por las burbujas, utilizando una técnica de pulso-eco. Ha sido posible detectar una actividad de la catalasa de hasta 0.001 unidades/ml. Por otra parte, este estudio muestra que por medio del método propuesto, se puede lograr una detección microbiana para concentraciones de 105 células/ml en un periodo de tiempo corto, del orden de unos pocos minutos. Estos resultados suponen una mejora significativa de tres órdenes de magnitud en comparación con otros métodos de detección por ultrasonidos. Además, la sensibilidad es competitiva con modernos y rápidos métodos microbiológicos como la detección de ATP por bioluminiscencia. Pero sobre todo, este trabajo muestra una metodología para el desarrollo de nuevas técnicas de detección rápida de bacterias basadas en ultrasonidos. ABSTRACT In an industrial scenario where rapid microbiological methods are becoming essential tools for quality control in the biotechnological area such as food, pharmaceutical and biochemical; the objective of the work presented in this doctoral thesis is to develop a rapid microorganism inspection technique based on ultrasounds. It is proposed that the combination of an ultrasonic measuring device with a specially designed liquid medium, able to produce and trap bubbles could constitute the basis of a sensitive and rapid detection method for microbial contaminations. The proposed technique is effective on catalase positive microorganisms. Well-known catalase induced hydrogen peroxide hydrolysis is the fundamental of the developed method. The physical consequence of the catalase induced hydrogen peroxide hydrolysis is an increasingly bubbly liquid medium. Such medium has been studied and modeled from the point of view of ultrasonic propagation. Properties deduced from enzyme kinematics analysis have been extrapolated to investigate the method as a microbial inspection technique. In this thesis, theoretical and experimental aspects of the hydrogen peroxide hydrolysis were analyzed in order to quantitatively describe and understand the catalase positive microorganism detection by means of ultrasonic measurements. More concretely, experiments performed show how the produced oxygen in form of bubbles is trapped using the new gel medium based on agar, which was specially designed for this application. Ultrasonic attenuation and backscattering is measured in this medium using a pulse-echo technique along the hydrogen peroxide hydrolysis process. Catalase enzymatic activity was detected down to 0.001 units/ml. Moreover, this study shows that by means of the proposed method, microbial detection can be achieved down to 105 cells/ml in a short time period of the order of few minutes. These results suppose a significant improvement of three orders of magnitude compared to other ultrasonic detection methods for microorganisms. In addition, the sensitivity reached is competitive with modern rapid microbiological methods such as ATP detection by bioluminescence. But above all, this work points out a way to proceed for developing new rapid microbial detection techniques based on ultrasound.


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Ultrasonic sound velocity measurements with hand-held equipment remain due to their simplicity among the most used methods for non-destructive grading of sawn woods, yet a dedicated normalization effort with respect to strength classes for Spanish species is still required. As part of an ongoing project with the aim of definition of standard testing methods, the effect of the dimensions of commonly tested Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) timbers and equipment testing frequency on ultrasonic velocity were investigated. A dedicated full-wave finite-difference time-domain software allowed simulation of pulse propagation through timbers of representative length and section combinations. Sound velocity measurements vL were performed along the grain with the indirect method at 22 kHz and 45 kHz for grids of measurement points at specific distances. For sample sections larger than the cross-sectional wavelength ?RT, the simulated sound velocity vL converges to vL = (CL/?)0.5. For smaller square sections the sound velocity drops down to vL = (EL/?)0.5, where CL, EL and ? are the stiffness, E-modul and density, respectively. The experiments confirm a linear regression between time of flight and measurement distance even at less than two wavelength menor que2?L distance, the fitted sound speed values increased by 15% between the two tested frequencies.


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Nowadays, devices that monitor the health of structures consume a lot of power and need a lot of time to acquire, process, and send the information about the structure to the main processing unit. To decrease this time, fast electronic devices are starting to be used to accelerate this processing. In this paper some hardware algorithms implemented in an electronic logic programming device are described. The goal of this implementation is accelerate the process and diminish the information that has to be send. By reaching this goal, the time the processor needs for treating all the information is reduced and so the power consumption is reduced too.


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In a general situation a non-uniform velocity field gives rise to a shift of the otherwise straight acoustic pulse trajectory between the transmitter and receiver transducers of a sonic anemometer. The aim of this paper is to determine the effects of trajectory shifts on the velocity as measured by the sonic anemometer. This determination has been accomplished by developing a mathematical model of the measuring process carried out by sonic anemometers; a model which includes the non-straight trajectory effect. The problem is solved by small perturbation techniques, based on the relevant small parameter of the problem, the Mach number of the reference flow, M. As part of the solution, a general analytical expression for the deviations of the computed measured speed from the nominal speed has been obtained. The correction terms of both the transit time and of the measured speed are of M 2 order in rotational velocity field. The method has been applied to three simple, paradigmatic flows: one-directional horizontal and vertical shear flows, and mixed with a uniform horizontal flow.


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In this paper a previously developed theoretical model of the measurement process performed by a transit-time ultrasonic anemometer is applied to a fluid flowing through a circular section pipe. This model considers the influence of the shift of the acoustic pulse trajectory from straight propagation due to the flow on the measured speed. The aim of this work is to estimate the errors induced in the measured velocity by the shift of the acoustic pulse trajectory. Using different duct’s flow models, laminar and turbulent regimes have been analyzed. The results show that neglecting the effect of shift of the acoustic pulse trajectory leads to flow rate measurement underestimation.


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La fisuración iniciada en la superficie de los pavimentos asfálticos constituye uno de los más frecuentes e importantes modos de deterioro que tienen lugar en los firmes bituminosos, como han demostrado los estudios teóricos y experimentales llevados a cabo en la última década. Sin embargo, este mecanismo de fallo no ha sido considerado por los métodos tradicionales de diseño de estos firmes. El concepto de firmes de larga duración se fundamenta en un adecuado seguimiento del proceso de avance en profundidad de estos deterioros y la intervención en el momento más apropiado para conseguir mantenerlos confinados como fisuras de profundidad parcial en la capa superficial más fácilmente accesible y reparable, de manera que pueda prolongarse la durabilidad y funcionalidad del firme y reducir los costes generalizados de su ciclo de vida. Por lo tanto, para la selección de la estrategia óptima de conservación de los firmes resulta esencial disponer de metodologías que posibiliten la identificación precisa in situ de la fisuración descendente, su seguimiento y control, y que además permitan una determinación fiable y con alto rendimiento de su profundidad y extensión. En esta Tesis Doctoral se presentan los resultados obtenidos mediante la investigación sistemática de laboratorio e in situ llevada a cabo para la obtención de datos sobre fisuración descendente en firmes asfálticos y para el estudio de procedimientos de evaluación de la profundidad de este tipo de fisuras empleando técnicas de ultrasonidos. Dichos resultados han permitido comprobar que la metodología no destructiva propuesta, de rápida ejecución, bajo coste y sencilla implementación (principalmente empleada hasta el momento en estructuras metálicas y de hormigón, debido a las dificultades que introduce la naturaleza viscoelástica de los materiales bituminosos) puede ser aplicada con suficiente fiabilidad y repetibilidad sobre firmes asfálticos. Las medidas resultan asimismo independientes del espesor total del firme. Además, permite resolver algunos de los inconvenientes frecuentes que presentan otros métodos de diagnóstico de las fisuras de pavimentos, tales como la extracción de testigos (sistema destructivo, de alto coste y prolongados tiempos de interrupción del tráfico) o algunas otras técnicas no destructivas como las basadas en medidas de deflexiones o el georradar, las cuales no resultan suficientemente precisas para la investigación de fisuras superficiales. Para ello se han realizado varias campañas de ensayos sobre probetas de laboratorio en las que se han estudiado diferentes condiciones empíricas como, por ejemplo, distintos tipos de mezclas bituminosas en caliente (AC, SMA y PA), espesores de firme y adherencias entre capas, temperaturas, texturas superficiales, materiales de relleno y agua en el interior de las grietas, posición de los sensores y un amplio rango de posibles profundidades de fisura. Los métodos empleados se basan en la realización de varias medidas de velocidad o de tiempo de transmisión del pulso ultrasónico sobre una única cara o superficie accesible del material, de manera que resulte posible obtener un coeficiente de transmisión de la señal (mediciones relativas o autocompensadas). Las mediciones se han realizado a bajas frecuencias de excitación mediante dos equipos de ultrasonidos diferentes dotados, en un caso, de transductores de contacto puntual seco (DPC) y siendo en el otro instrumento de contacto plano a través de un material especialmente seleccionado para el acoplamiento (CPC). Ello ha permitido superar algunos de los tradicionales inconvenientes que presenta el uso de los transductores convencionales y no precisar preparación previa de las superficies. La técnica de autocalibración empleada elimina los errores sistemáticos y la necesidad de una calibración local previa, demostrando el potencial de esta tecnología. Los resultados experimentales han sido comparados con modelos teóricos simplificados que simulan la propagación de las ondas ultrasónicas en estos materiales bituminosos fisurados, los cuales han sido deducidos previamente mediante un planteamiento analítico y han permitido la correcta interpretación de dichos datos empíricos. Posteriormente, estos modelos se han calibrado mediante los resultados de laboratorio, proporcionándose sus expresiones matemáticas generalizadas y gráficas para su uso rutinario en las aplicaciones prácticas. Mediante los ensayos con ultrasonidos efectuados en campañas llevadas a cabo in situ, acompañados de la extracción de testigos del firme, se han podido evaluar los modelos propuestos. El máximo error relativo promedio en la estimación de la profundidad de las fisuras al aplicar dichos modelos no ha superado el 13%, con un nivel de confianza del 95%, en el conjunto de todos los ensayos realizados. La comprobación in situ de los modelos ha permitido establecer los criterios y las necesarias recomendaciones para su utilización sobre firmes en servicio. La experiencia obtenida posibilita la integración de esta metodología entre las técnicas de auscultación para la gestión de su conservación. Abstract Surface-initiated cracking of asphalt pavements constitutes one of the most frequent and important types of distress that occur in flexible bituminous pavements, as clearly has been demonstrated in the technical and experimental studies done over the past decade. However, this failure mechanism has not been taken into consideration for traditional methods of flexible pavement design. The concept of long-lasting pavements is based on adequate monitoring of the depth and extent of these deteriorations and on intervention at the most appropriate moment so as to contain them in the surface layer in the form of easily-accessible and repairable partial-depth topdown cracks, thereby prolonging the durability and serviceability of the pavement and reducing the overall cost of its life cycle. Therefore, to select the optimal maintenance strategy for perpetual pavements, it becomes essential to have access to methodologies that enable precise on-site identification, monitoring and control of top-down propagated cracks and that also permit a reliable, high-performance determination of the extent and depth of cracking. This PhD Thesis presents the results of systematic laboratory and in situ research carried out to obtain information about top-down cracking in asphalt pavements and to study methods of depth evaluation of this type of cracking using ultrasonic techniques. These results have demonstrated that the proposed non-destructive methodology –cost-effective, fast and easy-to-implement– (mainly used to date for concrete and metal structures, due to the difficulties caused by the viscoelastic nature of bituminous materials) can be applied with sufficient reliability and repeatability to asphalt pavements. Measurements are also independent of the asphalt thickness. Furthermore, it resolves some of the common inconveniences presented by other methods used to evaluate pavement cracking, such as core extraction (a destructive and expensive procedure that requires prolonged traffic interruptions) and other non-destructive techniques, such as those based on deflection measurements or ground-penetrating radar, which are not sufficiently precise to measure surface cracks. To obtain these results, extensive tests were performed on laboratory specimens. Different empirical conditions were studied, such as various types of hot bituminous mixtures (AC, SMA and PA), differing thicknesses of asphalt and adhesions between layers, varied temperatures, surface textures, filling materials and water within the crack, different sensor positions, as well as an ample range of possible crack depths. The methods employed in the study are based on a series of measurements of ultrasonic pulse velocities or transmission times over a single accessible side or surface of the material that make it possible to obtain a signal transmission coefficient (relative or auto-calibrated readings). Measurements were taken at low frequencies by two short-pulse ultrasonic devices: one equipped with dry point contact transducers (DPC) and the other with flat contact transducers that require a specially-selected coupling material (CPC). In this way, some of the traditional inconveniences presented by the use of conventional transducers were overcome and a prior preparation of the surfaces was not required. The auto-compensating technique eliminated systematic errors and the need for previous local calibration, demonstrating the potential for this technology. The experimental results have been compared with simplified theoretical models that simulate ultrasonic wave propagation in cracked bituminous materials, which had been previously deduced using an analytical approach and have permitted the correct interpretation of the aforementioned empirical results. These models were subsequently calibrated using the laboratory results, providing generalized mathematical expressions and graphics for routine use in practical applications. Through a series of on-site ultrasound test campaigns, accompanied by asphalt core extraction, it was possible to evaluate the proposed models, with differences between predicted crack depths and those measured in situ lower than 13% (with a confidence level of 95%). Thereby, the criteria and the necessary recommendations for their implementation on in-service asphalt pavements have been established. The experience obtained through this study makes it possible to integrate this methodology into the evaluation techniques for pavement management systems.


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El proyecto de rehabilitación de una de las naves del complejo fabril de la industria química ?CROS? en Valencia se llevó a cabo con el criterio de mantener, en la medida de lo posible, los elementos estructurales presentes en la nave. Con este objetivo se realizaron una serie de ensayos no destructivos (END) in situ. Estos ensayos permitieron evaluar la calidad de la madera, determinar qué elementos estructurales debían ser sustituidos y comprobar la aptitud de los que iban a ser reutilizados. Los END empleados en este estudio fueron los siguientes: (1) Identificación de la especie por técnicas anatómicas, (2) Clasificación resistente por método visual, (3) Estimación de humedad por la técnica de resistencia eléctrica; (4) Obtención de velocidades de propagación ultrasónicas (5) Resistógrafía y (6) Alteración de la propagación de ondas electromagnéticas por medio de Georradar. Para la calibración de estos END se tomó una muestra de piezas y se hicieron ensayos destructivos bajo condiciones controladas en laboratorio. En el trabajo que aquí se presenta se muestra la metodología empleada durante el proceso de toma de datos, de análisis de resultados y de cruce de la información obtenida a partir de cada uno de los ensayos hasta llegar a un diagnóstico para los elementos analizados. The assessment of structural timber was requested in the rehabilitation project of the Naves of the chemical industry "CROS". The criterion was to maintain as much as possible timber of the structure and to make only partial replacements. In order not to damage the existing structure and to assess the quality of the existing timber, a series of non-destructive testing (NDT) in the entire structure were performed: (1) Identification of the species by anatomical techniques, (2) Strength grading by visual method, (3) Estimation of moisture content by the technique of electrical resistance, (4) Acquisition of ultrasonic propagation velocities (5) Resistography and (6) Record of the propagation of electromagnetic waves by means of Ground-penetrating radar. Following, a sample group was chose to carry out destructive testing in the lab and compare the NDT results with those obtained with the standard UNE-EN408 (modules of strength, stiffness and density). In the present work, the results provided by each of the NDT techniques are detailed and above all, what is more important, the validity of these after they have been contrasted with the destructive standard tests.


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Ultrasonic transducers have often been used in the development of sensory systems for robotics applications. In most cases, these sensory systems are based on the determination of times of flight for signals from every transducer. In this work we have used piezoresistive and piezoelectric materials to measure the instant and position collision in metallic structures by using the difference of the times of propagation of an acoustic wave when it is produced over a ferromagnetic (iron, steel or another material) based structure. An immediate application of the proposed method is the detection and location of impacts over the metallic links of an industrial robot or the collision position in a metallic structure for an automated inspection


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Freezing of water or salt solution in concrete pores is a main cause for severe damage and significant reduction of the service life. Most of the freeze-thaw (F-T) accelerated tests measure the scaling of concrete by weighting. This paper presents complementary procedures based on the use of strain gages and ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) for measuring the deterioration of concrete due to freezing and thawing. These non-destructive testing (NDT) procedures are applied to two types of concretes, one susceptible to F-T damage and the other does not. The results show a good correlation between scaling and the measurements obtained with NDT. Showing NDT the advantage to detect before the damage and to perform continuous measurement