19 resultados para stream function-vorticity-current density

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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The metallization stack Ti/Pd/Ag on n-type Si has been readily used in solar cells due to its low metal/semiconductor specific contact resistance, very high sheet conductance, bondability, long-term durability, and cost-effectiveness. In this study, the use of Ti/Pd/Ag metallization on n-type GaAs is examined, targeting electronic devices that need to handle high current densities and with grid-like contacts with limited surface coverage (i.e., solar cells, lasers, or light emitting diodes). Ti/Pd/Ag (50 nm/50 nm/1000 nm) metal layers were deposited on n-type GaAs by electron beam evaporation and the contact quality was assessed for different doping levels (from 1.3 × 1018 cm−3 to 1.6 × 1019 cm−3) and annealing temperatures (from 300°C to 750°C). The metal/semiconductor specific contact resistance, metal resistivity, and the morphology of the contacts were studied. The results show that samples doped in the range of 1018 cm−3 had Schottky-like I–V characteristics and only samples doped 1.6 × 1019 cm−3 exhibited ohmic behavior even before annealing. For the ohmic contacts, increasing annealing temperature causes a decrease in the specific contact resistance (ρ c,Ti/Pd/Ag ~ 5 × 10−4 Ω cm2). In regard to the metal resistivity, Ti/Pd/Ag metallization presents a very good metal conductivity for samples treated below 500°C (ρ M,Ti/Pd/Ag ~ 2.3 × 10−6 Ω cm); however, for samples treated at 750°C, metal resistivity is strongly degraded due to morphological degradation and contamination in the silver overlayer. As compared to the classic AuGe/Ni/Au metal system, the Ti/Pd/Ag system shows higher metal/semiconductor specific contact resistance and one order of magnitude lower metal resistivity.


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Una amarra electrodinámica (electrodynamic tether) opera sobre principios electromagnéticos intercambiando momento con la magnetosfera planetaria e interactuando con su ionosfera. Es un subsistema pasivo fiable para desorbitar etapas de cohetes agotadas y satélites al final de su misión, mitigando el crecimiento de la basura espacial. Una amarra sin aislamiento captura electrones del plasma ambiente a lo largo de su segmento polarizado positivamente, el cual puede alcanzar varios kilómetros de longitud, mientras que emite electrones de vuelta al plasma mediante un contactor de plasma activo de baja impedancia en su extremo catódico, tal como un cátodo hueco (hollow cathode). En ausencia de un contactor catódico activo, la corriente que circula por una amarra desnuda en órbita es nula en ambos extremos de la amarra y se dice que ésta está flotando eléctricamente. Para emisión termoiónica despreciable y captura de corriente en condiciones limitadas por movimiento orbital (orbital-motion-limited, OML), el cociente entre las longitudes de los segmentos anódico y catódico es muy pequeño debido a la disparidad de masas entre iones y electrones. Tal modo de operación resulta en una corriente media y fuerza de Lorentz bajas en la amarra, la cual es poco eficiente como dispositivo para desorbitar. El electride C12A7 : e−, que podría presentar una función de trabajo (work function) tan baja como W = 0.6 eV y un comportamiento estable a temperaturas relativamente altas, ha sido propuesto como recubrimiento para amarras desnudas. La emisión termoiónica a lo largo de un segmento así recubierto y bajo el calentamiento de la operación espacial, puede ser más eficiente que la captura iónica. En el modo más simple de fuerza de frenado, podría eliminar la necesidad de un contactor catódico activo y su correspondientes requisitos de alimentación de gas y subsistema de potencia, lo que resultaría en un sistema real de amarra “sin combustible”. Con este recubrimiento de bajo W, cada segmento elemental del segmento catódico de una amarra desnuda de kilómetros de longitud emitiría corriente como si fuese parte de una sonda cilíndrica, caliente y uniformemente polarizada al potencial local de la amarra. La operación es similar a la de una sonda de Langmuir 2D tanto en los segmentos catódico como anódico. Sin embargo, en presencia de emisión, los electrones emitidos resultan en carga espacial (space charge) negativa, la cual reduce el campo eléctrico que los acelera hacia fuera, o incluso puede desacelerarlos y hacerlos volver a la sonda. Se forma una doble vainas (double sheath) estable con electrones emitidos desde la sonda e iones provenientes del plasma ambiente. La densidad de corriente termoiónica, variando a lo largo del segmento catódico, podría seguir dos leyes distintas bajo diferentes condiciones: (i) la ley de corriente limitada por la carga espacial (space-charge-limited, SCL) o (ii) la ley de Richardson-Dushman (RDS). Se presenta un estudio preliminar sobre la corriente SCL frente a una sonda emisora usando la teoría de vainas (sheath) formada por la captura iónica en condiciones OML, y la corriente electrónica SCL entre los electrodos cilíndricos según Langmuir. El modelo, que incluye efectos óhmicos y el efecto de transición de emisión SCL a emisión RDS, proporciona los perfiles de corriente y potencial a lo largo de la longitud completa de la amarra. El análisis muestra que en el modo más simple de fuerza de frenado, bajo condiciones orbitales y de amarras típicas, la emisión termoiónica proporciona un contacto catódico eficiente y resulta en una sección catódica pequeña. En el análisis anterior, tanto la transición de emisión SCL a RD como la propia ley de emisión SCL consiste en un modelo muy simplificado. Por ello, a continuación se ha estudiado con detalle la solución de vaina estacionaria de una sonda con emisión termoiónica polarizada negativamente respecto a un plasma isotrópico, no colisional y sin campo magnético. La existencia de posibles partículas atrapadas ha sido ignorada y el estudio incluye tanto un estudio semi-analítico mediante técnica asintóticas como soluciones numéricas completas del problema. Bajo las tres condiciones (i) alto potencial, (ii) R = Rmax para la validez de la captura iónica OML, y (iii) potencial monotónico, se desarrolla un análisis asintótico auto-consistente para la estructura de plasma compleja que contiene las tres especies de cargas (electrones e iones del plasma, electrones emitidos), y cuatro regiones espaciales distintas, utilizando teorías de movimiento orbital y modelos cinéticos de las especies. Aunque los electrones emitidos presentan carga espacial despreciable muy lejos de la sonda, su efecto no se puede despreciar en el análisis global de la estructura de la vaina y de dos capas finas entre la vaina y la región cuasi-neutra. El análisis proporciona las condiciones paramétricas para que la corriente sea SCL. También muestra que la emisión termoiónica aumenta el radio máximo de la sonda para operar dentro del régimen OML y que la emisión de electrones es mucho más eficiente que la captura iónica para el segmento catódico de la amarra. En el código numérico, los movimientos orbitales de las tres especies son modelados para potenciales tanto monotónico como no-monotónico, y sonda de radio R arbitrario (dentro o más allá del régimen de OML para la captura iónica). Aprovechando la existencia de dos invariante, el sistema de ecuaciones Poisson-Vlasov se escribe como una ecuación integro-diferencial, la cual se discretiza mediante un método de diferencias finitas. El sistema de ecuaciones algebraicas no lineal resultante se ha resuelto de con un método Newton-Raphson paralelizado. Los resultados, comparados satisfactoriamente con el análisis analítico, proporcionan la emisión de corriente y la estructura del plasma y del potencial electrostático. ABSTRACT An electrodynamic tether operates on electromagnetic principles and exchanges momentum through the planetary magnetosphere, by continuously interacting with the ionosphere. It is a reliable passive subsystem to deorbit spent rocket stages and satellites at its end of mission, mitigating the growth of orbital debris. A tether left bare of insulation collects electrons by its own uninsulated and positively biased segment with kilometer range, while electrons are emitted by a low-impedance active device at the cathodic end, such as a hollow cathode, to emit the full electron current. In the absence of an active cathodic device, the current flowing along an orbiting bare tether vanishes at both ends and the tether is said to be electrically floating. For negligible thermionic emission and orbital-motion-limited (OML) collection throughout the entire tether (electron/ion collection at anodic/cathodic segment, respectively), the anodic-to-cathodic length ratio is very small due to ions being much heavier, which results in low average current and Lorentz drag. The electride C12A7 : e−, which might present a possible work function as low as W = 0.6 eV and moderately high temperature stability, has been proposed as coating for floating bare tethers. Thermionic emission along a thus coated cathodic segment, under heating in space operation, can be more efficient than ion collection and, in the simplest drag mode, may eliminate the need for an active cathodic device and its corresponding gas-feed requirements and power subsystem, which would result in a truly “propellant-less” tether system. With this low-W coating, each elemental segment on the cathodic segment of a kilometers-long floating bare-tether would emit current as if it were part of a hot cylindrical probe uniformly polarized at the local tether bias, under 2D probe conditions that are also applied to the anodic-segment analysis. In the presence of emission, emitted electrons result in negative space charge, which decreases the electric field that accelerates them outwards, or even reverses it, decelerating electrons near the emitting probe. A double sheath would be established with electrons being emitted from the probe and ions coming from the ambient plasma. The thermionic current density, varying along the cathodic segment, might follow two distinct laws under different con ditions: i) space-charge-limited (SCL) emission or ii) full Richardson-Dushman (RDS) emission. A preliminary study on the SCL current in front of an emissive probe is presented using the orbital-motion-limited (OML) ion-collection sheath and Langmuir’s SCL electron current between cylindrical electrodes. A detailed calculation of current and bias profiles along the entire tether length is carried out with ohmic effects considered and the transition from SCL to full RDS emission is included. Analysis shows that in the simplest drag mode, under typical orbital and tether conditions, thermionic emission provides efficient cathodic contact and leads to a short cathodic section. In the previous analysis, both the transition between SCL and RDS emission and the current law for SCL condition have used a very simple model. To continue, considering an isotropic, unmagnetized, colissionless plasma and a stationary sheath, the probe-plasma contact is studied in detail for a negatively biased probe with thermionic emission. The possible trapped particles are ignored and this study includes both semianalytical solutions using asymptotic analysis and complete numerical solutions. Under conditions of i) high bias, ii) R = Rmax for ion OML collection validity, and iii) monotonic potential, a self-consistent asymptotic analysis is carried out for the complex plasma structure involving all three charge species (plasma electrons and ions, and emitted electrons) and four distinct spatial regions using orbital motion theories and kinetic modeling of the species. Although emitted electrons present negligible space charge far away from the probe, their effect cannot be neglected in the global analysis for the sheath structure and two thin layers in between the sheath and the quasineutral region. The parametric conditions for the current to be space-chargelimited are obtained. It is found that thermionic emission increases the range of probe radius for OML validity and is greatly more effective than ion collection for cathodic contact of tethers. In the numerical code, the orbital motions of all three species are modeled for both monotonic and non-monotonic potential, and for any probe radius R (within or beyond OML regime for ion collection). Taking advantage of two constants of motion (energy and angular momentum), the Poisson-Vlasov equation is described by an integro differential equation, which is discretized using finite difference method. The non-linear algebraic equations are solved using a parallel implementation of the Newton-Raphson method. The results, which show good agreement with the analytical results, provide the results for thermionic current, the sheath structure, and the electrostatic potential.


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The effects of power and time conditions of in situ N2 plasma treatment, prior to silicon nitride (SiN) passivation, were investigated on an AlGaN/GaN high-electron mobility transistor (HEMT). These studies reveal that N2 plasma power is a critical parameter to control the SiN/AlGaN interface quality, which directly affects the 2-D electron gas density. Significant enhancement in the HEMT characteristics was observed by using a low power N2 plasma pretreatment. In contrast, a marked gradual reduction in the maximum drain-source current density (IDS max) and maximum transconductance (gm max), as well as in fT and fmax, was observed as the N2 plasma power increases (up to 40% decrease for 210 W). Different mechanisms were proposed to be dominant as a function of the discharge power range. A good correlation was observed between the device electrical characteristics and the surface assessment by atomic force microscopy and Kelvin force microscopy techniques.


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On the basis of the BBGKY hierarchy of equations an expression is derived for the response of a fully ionized plasma to a strong, high-frequency electric field in the limit of infinite ion mass. It is found that even in this limit the ionion correlation function is substantially affected by the field. The corrections to earlier nonlinear results for the current density appear to be quite ssential. The validity of the model introduced by Dawson and Oberman to study the response to a vanishingly small field is confirmed for larger values of the field when the eorrect expression for the ion-ion correlations i s introduced; the model by itself does not yield such an expression. The results have interest for the heating of the plasma and for the propagation of a strong electromagnetic wave through the plasma. The theory seems to be valid for any field intensity for which the plasma is stable.


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Twenty production blasts in two open pit mines were monitored, in rocks with medium to very high strength. Three different blasting agents (ANFO, watergel and emulsion blend) were used, with powder factors ranging between 0.88 and 1.45 kg/m3. Excavators were front loaders and rope shovels. Mechanical properties of the rock, blasting characteristics and mucking rates were carefully measured. A model for the calculation of the productivity of excavators is developed thereof, in which the production rate results as a product of an ideal, maximum, productivity rate times an operating efficiency. The maximum rate is a function of the dipper capacity and the efficiency is a function of rock density, strength, and explosive energy concentration in the rock. The model is statistically significant and explains up to 92 % of the variance of the production rate measurements.


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Los sistemas de concentración fotovoltaica (CPV) parecen ser una de las vías más prometedoras para generar electricidad a gran escala a precios competitivos. La investigación actual se centra en aumentar la eficiencia y la concentración de los sistemas para abaratar costes. Al mismo tiempo se investiga sobre la fiabilidad de los diferentes componentes que integran un sistema de concentración, ya que para que los sistemas de concentración sean competitivos es necesario que tengan una fiabilidad al menos similar a los sistemas basados en células de silicio. En la presente tesis doctoral se ha llevado a cabo el estudio de aspectos avanzados de células solares multi-unión diseñadas para trabajar a concentraciones ultra-altas. Para ello, se ha desarrollado un modelo circuital tridimensional distribuido con el que simular el comportamiento de las células solares triple-unión bajo distintas condiciones de funcionamiento, así mismo se ha realizado una caracterización avanzada de este tipo de células para comprender mejor su modo de operación y así poder contribuir a mejorar su eficiencia. Finalmente, se han llevado a cabo ensayos de vida acelerados en células multiunión comerciales para conocer la fiabilidad de este tipo de células solares. Para la simulación de células solares triple-unión se ha desarrollado en la presente tesis doctoral un modelo circuital tridimensinal distribuido el cuál integra una descripción completa de la unión túnel. De este modo, con el modelo desarrollado, hemos podido simular perfiles de luz sobre la célula solar que hacen que la densidad de corriente fotogenerada sea mayor a la densidad de corriente pico de la unión túnel. El modelo desarrollado también contempla la distribución lateral de corriente en las capas semiconductoras que componen y rodean la unión túnel. Por tanto, se ha podido simular y analizar el efecto que tiene sobre el funcionamiento de la célula solar que los concentradores ópticos produzcan perfiles de luz desuniformes, tanto en nivel de irradiancia como en el contenido espectral de la luz (aberración cromática). Con el objetivo de determinar cuáles son los mecanismos de recombinación que están limitando el funcionamiento de cada subcélula que integra una triple-unión, y así intentar reducirlos, se ha llevado a cabo la caracterización eléctrica de células solares monouni ón idénticas a las subcelulas de una triple-unión. También se ha determinado la curva corriente-tensión en oscuridad de las subcélulas de GaInP y GaAs de una célula dobleunión mediante la utilización de un teorema de reciprocidad electro-óptico. Finalmente, se ha analizado el impacto de los diferentes mecanismos de recombinación en el funcionamiento de la célula solar triple-unión en concentración. Por último, para determinar la fiabilidad de este tipo de células, se ha llevado a cabo un ensayo de vida acelerada en temperatura en células solares triple-unión comerciales. En la presente tesis doctoral se describe el diseño del ensayo, el progreso del mismo y los datos obtenidos tras el análisis de los resultados preliminares. Abstract Concentrator photovoltaic systems (CPV) seem to be one of the most promising ways to generate electricity at competitive prices. Nowadays, the research is focused on increasing the efficiency and the concentration of the systems in order to reduce costs. At the same time, another important area of research is the study of the reliability of the different components which make up a CPV system. In fact, in order for a CPV to be cost-effective, it should have a warranty at least similar to that of the systems based on Si solar cells. In the present thesis, we will study in depth the behavior of multijunction solar cells under ultra-high concentration. With this purpose in mind, a three-dimensional circuital distributed model which is able to simulate the behavior of triple-junction solar cells under different working conditions has been developed. Also, an advanced characterization of these solar cells has been carried out in order to better understand their behavior and thus contribute to improving efficiency. Finally, accelerated life tests have been carried out on commercial lattice-matched triple-junction solar cells in order to determine their reliability. In order to simulate triple-junction solar cells, a 3D circuital distributed model which integrates a full description of the tunnel junction has been developed. We have analyzed the behavior of the multijunction solar cell under light profiles which cause the current density photo-generated in the solar cell to be higher than the tunnel junction’s peak current density. The advanced model developed also takes into account the lateral current spreading through the semiconductor layers which constitute and surround the tunnel junction. Therefore, the effects of non-uniform light profiles, in both irradiance and the spectral content produced by the concentrators on the solar cell, have been simulated and analyzed. In order to determine which recombination mechanisms are limiting the behavior of each subcell in a triple-junction stack, and to try to reduce them when possible, an electrical characterization of single-junction solar cells that resemble the subcells in a triplejunction stack has been carried out. Also, the dark I-V curves of the GaInP and GaAs subcells in a dual-junction solar cell have been determined by using an electro-optical reciprocity theorem. Finally, the impact of the different recombination mechanisms on the behavior of the triple-junction solar cell under concentration has been analyzed. In order to determine the reliability of these solar cells, a temperature accelerated life test has been carried out on commercial triple-junction solar cells. In the present thesis, the design and the evolution of the test, as well as the data obtained from the analysis of the preliminary results, are presented.


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An n(++)-GaAs/p(++)-AlGaAs tunnel junction with a peak current density of 10 100Acm(-2) is developed. This device is a tunnel junction for multijunction solar cells, grown lattice-matched on standard GaAs or Ge substrates, with the highest peak current density ever reported. The voltage drop for a current density equivalent to the operation of the multijunction solar cell up to 10 000 suns is below 5 mV. Trap-assisted tunnelling is proposed to be behind this performance, which cannot be justified by simple band-to-band tunnelling. The metal-organic vapour-phase epitaxy growth conditions, which are in the limits of the transport-limited regime, and the heavy tellurium doping levels are the proposed origins of the defects enabling trap-assisted tunnelling. The hypothesis of trap-assisted tunnelling is supported by the observed annealing behaviour of the tunnel junctions, which cannot be explained in terms of dopant diffusion or passivation. For the integration of these tunnel junctions into a triple-junction solar cell, AlGaAs barrier layers are introduced to suppress the formation of parasitic junctions, but this is found to significantly degrade the performance of the tunnel junctions. However, the annealed tunnel junctions with barrier layers still exhibit a peak current density higher than 2500Acm(-2) and a voltage drop at 10 000 suns of around 20 mV, which are excellent properties for tunnel junctions and mean they can serve as low-loss interconnections in multijunction solar cells working at ultra-high concentrations.


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A three-phase transformer with flat conductor layers is proposed in this article. This arrangement is used for high current density transformers. Cost effectiveness in planar magnetic are related with the optimization in the number of layers in each winding. This fact takes more relevance for the medium and high power three-phase transformers where the number of parallels to achieve the required DCR is increased. The proposed method allows the use of off-the-shell core shapes that are used for single phase transformers. Cost impact is significant and design implications become more flexible. The proposed solution has been validated and compared using the conventional and the proposed methodologies to design a high power (20 kW) transformer.


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We have analyzed a resonant behavior in the dielectric constant associated to the barrier of YBa2Cu3O7 (YBCO) grain boundary Josephson junctions (GBJJs) fabricated on a wide variety of bicrystalline substrates: 12° [0 0 1] tilt asymmetric, 24° [0 0 1] tilt asymmetric, 24° [0 0 1] tilt symmetric, 24° [1 0 0] tilt asymmetric, 45° [1 0 0] tilt asymmetric and 24° [0 0 1] tilt symmetric +45° [1 0 0] tilt asymmetric bicrystals. The resonance analysis allows us to estimate a more appropriate value of the relative dielectric constant, and so a more adequate value for the length L of the normal N region assuming a SNINS model for the barrier. In this work, the L dependence on the critical current density Jc has been investigated. This analysis makes possible a single representation for all the substrate geometries independently on around which axes the rotation is produced to generate the grain boundary. On the other hand, no clear evidences exist on the origin of the resonance. The resonance frequency is in the order of 1011 Hz, pointing to a phonon dynamic influence on the resonance mechanism. Besides, its position is affected by the oxygen content of the barrier: a shift at low frequencies is observed when the misorientation angle increases.


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The paths towards high efficiency multijunction solar cells operating inside real concentrators at ultra high concentration (>1000 suns) are described. The key addressed factors comprehend: 1) the development of an optimized tunnel junction with a high peak current density (240 A/cm2) to mitigate the non-uniform light profiles created by concentrators, 2) the inclusion of highly conductive semiconductor lateral layers to minimize the effects of the non-uniform light profiles in general, and the chromatic aberration in particular; and 3) an adequate design of reliability studies to test multijunction solar cells for real operation conditions in order to determine the fragile parts in the device and improve them. These challenges are faced by means of experimental and theoretical investigation using a quasi-3D distributed circuital model.


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Twenty production blasts in two open pit mines were monitored, in rocks with medium to very high strength. Three different blasting agents (ANFO, watergel and emulsion blend) were used, with powder factors ranging between 0.88 and 1.45 kg/m3 . Excavators were front loaders and rope shovels. Mechanical properties of the rock, blasting characteristics and mucking rates were carefully measured. A model for the calculation of the productivity of excavators is developed thereof, in which the production rate results as a product of an ideal, maximum, productivity rate times an operating efficiency. The maximum rate is a function of the dipper capacity and the efficiency is a function of rock density, strength, and explosive energy concentration in the rock. The model is statistically significant and explains up to 92 % of the variance of the production rate measurements. RESUMEN Se han analizado veinte voladuras de producción en dos minas a cielo abierto, en rocas con resistencia entre media y muy alta. Se usaron tres agentes de voladura diferentes (ANFO, hidrogel y emulsión mezcla), con consumos específicos entre 0.88 y 1.45 kg/m3 . Las excavadoras eran cargadoras frontales y palas de cables. Se midió cuidadosamente las propiedades de la roca, las características de las voladuras y las velocidades de carga, a partir de las cuales se desarrolla un modelo para el cálculo de la productividad de las excavadoras en el que ésta es función de una productividad máxima o ideal multiplicada por una eficacia operativa. La producción máxima es función de la capacidad del cazo y la eficiencia es función de la densidad y resistencia de la roca, y de la concentración energética del explosivo en la roca. El modelo tiene significación estadística y explica un 92 % de la varianza de las medidas de velocidad.


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La corrosión del acero es una de las patologías más importantes que afectan a las estructuras de hormigón armado que están expuestas a ambientes marinos o al ataque de sales fundentes. Cuando se produce corrosión, se genera una capa de óxido alrededor de la superficie de las armaduras, que ocupa un volumen mayor que el acero inicial; como consecuencia, el óxido ejerce presiones internas en el hormigón circundante, que lleva a la fisuración y, ocasionalmente, al desprendimiento del recubrimiento de hormigón. Durante los últimos años, numerosos estudios han contribuido a ampliar el conocimiento sobre el proceso de fisuración; sin embargo, aún existen muchas incertidumbres respecto al comportamiento mecánico de la capa de óxido, que es fundamental para predecir la fisuración. Por ello, en esta tesis se ha desarrollado y aplicado una metodología, para mejorar el conocimiento respecto al comportamiento del sistema acero-óxido-hormigón, combinando experimentos y simulaciones numéricas. Se han realizado ensayos de corrosión acelerada en condiciones de laboratorio, utilizando la técnica de corriente impresa. Con el objetivo de obtener información cercana a la capa de acero, como muestras se seleccionaron prismas de hormigón con un tubo de acero liso como armadura, que se diseñaron para conseguir la formación de una única fisura principal en el recubrimiento. Durante los ensayos, las muestras se equiparon con instrumentos especialmente diseñados para medir la variación de diámetro y volumen interior de los tubos, y se midió la apertura de la fisura principal utilizando un extensómetro comercial, adaptado a la geometría de las muestras. Las condiciones de contorno se diseñaron cuidadosamente para que los campos de corriente y deformación fuesen planos durante los ensayos, resultando en corrosión uniforme a lo largo del tubo, para poder reproducir los ensayos en simulaciones numéricas. Se ensayaron series con varias densidades de corriente y varias profundidades de corrosión. De manera complementaria, el comportamiento en fractura del hormigón se caracterizó en ensayos independientes, y se midió la pérdida gravimétrica de los tubos siguiendo procedimientos estándar. En todos los ensayos, la fisura principal creció muy despacio durante las primeras micras de profundidad de corrosión, pero después de una cierta profundidad crítica, la fisura se desarrolló completamente, con un aumento rápido de su apertura; la densidad de corriente influye en la profundidad de corrosión crítica. Las variaciones de diámetro interior y de volumen interior de los tubos mostraron tendencias diferentes entre sí, lo que indica que la deformación del tubo no fue uniforme. Después de la corrosión acelerada, las muestras se cortaron en rebanadas, que se utilizaron en ensayos post-corrosión. El patrón de fisuración se estudió a lo largo del tubo, en rebanadas que se impregnaron en vacío con resina y fluoresceína para mejorar la visibilidad de las fisuras bajo luz ultravioleta, y se estudió la presencia de óxido dentro de las grietas. En todas las muestras, se formó una fisura principal en el recubrimiento, infiltrada con óxido, y varias fisuras secundarias finas alrededor del tubo; el número de fisuras varió con la profundidad de corrosión de las muestras. Para muestras con la misma corrosión, el número de fisuras y su posición fue diferente entre muestras y entre secciones de una misma muestra, debido a la heterogeneidad del hormigón. Finalmente, se investigó la adherencia entre el acero y el hormigón, utilizando un dispositivo diseñado para empujar el tubo en el hormigón. Las curvas de tensión frente a desplazamiento del tubo presentaron un pico marcado, seguido de un descenso constante; la profundidad de corrosión y la apertura de fisura de las muestras influyeron notablemente en la tensión residual del ensayo. Para simular la fisuración del hormigón causada por la corrosión de las armaduras, se programó un modelo numérico. Éste combina elementos finitos con fisura embebida adaptable que reproducen la fractura del hormigón conforme al modelo de fisura cohesiva estándar, y elementos de interfaz llamados elementos junta expansiva, que se programaron específicamente para reproducir la expansión volumétrica del óxido y que incorporan su comportamiento mecánico. En el elemento junta expansiva se implementó un fenómeno de despegue, concretamente de deslizamiento y separación, que resultó fundamental para obtener localización de fisuras adecuada, y que se consiguió con una fuerte reducción de la rigidez tangencial y la rigidez en tracción del óxido. Con este modelo, se realizaron simulaciones de los ensayos, utilizando modelos bidimensionales de las muestras con elementos finitos. Como datos para el comportamiento en fractura del hormigón, se utilizaron las propiedades determinadas en experimentos. Para el óxido, inicialmente se supuso un comportamiento fluido, con deslizamiento y separación casi perfectos. Después, se realizó un ajuste de los parámetros del elemento junta expansiva para reproducir los resultados experimentales. Se observó que variaciones en la rigidez normal del óxido apenas afectaban a los resultados, y que los demás parámetros apenas afectaban a la apertura de fisura; sin embargo, la deformación del tubo resultó ser muy sensible a variaciones en los parámetros del óxido, debido a la flexibilidad de la pared de los tubos, lo que resultó fundamental para determinar indirectamente los valores de los parámetros constitutivos del óxido. Finalmente, se realizaron simulaciones definitivas de los ensayos. El modelo reprodujo la profundidad de corrosión crítica y el comportamiento final de las curvas experimentales; se comprobó que la variación de diámetro interior de los tubos está fuertemente influenciada por su posición relativa respecto a la fisura principal, en concordancia con los resultados experimentales. De la comparación de los resultados experimentales y numéricos, se pudo extraer información sobre las propiedades del óxido que de otra manera no habría podido obtenerse. Corrosion of steel is one of the main pathologies affecting reinforced concrete structures exposed to marine environments or to molten salt. When corrosion occurs, an oxide layer develops around the reinforcement surface, which occupies a greater volume than the initial steel; thus, it induces internal pressure on the surrounding concrete that leads to cracking and, eventually, to full-spalling of the concrete cover. During the last years much effort has been devoted to understand the process of cracking; however, there is still a lack of knowledge regarding the mechanical behavior of the oxide layer, which is essential in the prediction of cracking. Thus, a methodology has been developed and applied in this thesis to gain further understanding of the behavior of the steel-oxide-concrete system, combining experiments and numerical simulations. Accelerated corrosion tests were carried out in laboratory conditions, using the impressed current technique. To get experimental information close to the oxide layer, concrete prisms with a smooth steel tube as reinforcement were selected as specimens, which were designed to get a single main crack across the cover. During the tests, the specimens were equipped with instruments that were specially designed to measure the variation of inner diameter and volume of the tubes, and the width of the main crack was recorded using a commercial extensometer that was adapted to the geometry of the specimens. The boundary conditions were carefully designed so that plane current and strain fields were expected during the tests, resulting in nearly uniform corrosion along the length of the tube, so that the tests could be reproduced in numerical simulations. Series of tests were carried out with various current densities and corrosion depths. Complementarily, the fracture behavior of concrete was characterized in independent tests, and the gravimetric loss of the steel tubes was determined by standard means. In all the tests, the main crack grew very slowly during the first microns of corrosion depth, but after a critical corrosion depth it fully developed and opened faster; the current density influenced the critical corrosion depth. The variation of inner diameter and inner volume of the tubes had different trends, which indicates that the deformation of the tube was not uniform. After accelerated corrosion, the specimens were cut into slices, which were used in post-corrosion tests. The pattern of cracking along the reinforcement was investigated in slices that were impregnated under vacuum with resin containing fluorescein to enhance the visibility of cracks under ultraviolet lightening and a study was carried out to assess the presence of oxide into the cracks. In all the specimens, a main crack developed through the concrete cover, which was infiltrated with oxide, and several thin secondary cracks around the reinforcement; the number of cracks diminished with the corrosion depth of the specimen. For specimens with the same corrosion, the number of cracks and their position varied from one specimen to another and between cross-sections of a given specimen, due to the heterogeneity of concrete. Finally, the bond between the steel and the concrete was investigated, using a device designed to push the tubes of steel in the concrete. The curves of stress versus displacement of the tube presented a marked peak, followed by a steady descent, with notably influence of the corrosion depth and the crack width on the residual stress. To simulate cracking of concrete due to corrosion of the reinforcement, a numerical model was implemented. It combines finite elements with an embedded adaptable crack that reproduces cracking of concrete according to the basic cohesive model, and interface elements so-called expansive joint elements, which were specially designed to reproduce the volumetric expansion of oxide and incorporate its mechanical behavior. In the expansive joint element, a debonding effect was implemented consisting of sliding and separation, which was proved to be essential to achieve proper localization of cracks, and was achieved by strongly reducing the shear and the tensile stiffnesses of the oxide. With that model, simulations of the accelerated corrosion tests were carried out on 2- dimensional finite element models of the specimens. For the fracture behavior of concrete, the properties experimentally determined were used as input. For the oxide, initially a fluidlike behavior was assumed with nearly perfect sliding and separation; then the parameters of the expansive joint element were modified to fit the experimental results. Changes in the bulk modulus of the oxide barely affected the results and changes in the remaining parameters had a moderate effect on the predicted crack width; however, the deformation of the tube was very sensitive to variations in the parameters of oxide, due to the flexibility of the tube wall, which was crucial for indirect determination of the constitutive parameters of oxide. Finally, definitive simulations of the tests were carried out. The model reproduced the critical corrosion depth and the final behavior of the experimental curves; it was assessed that the variation of inner diameter of the tubes is highly influenced by its relative position with respect to the main crack, in accordance with the experimental observations. From the comparison of the experimental and numerical results, some properties of the mechanical behavior of the oxide were disclosed that otherwise could not have been measured.


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La investigación realizada en este trabajo de tesis se ha centrado en el estudio de la generación, anclaje y desenganche de paredes de dominio magnético en nanohilos de permalloy con defectos controlados. Las últimas tecnologías de nanofabricación han abierto importantes líneas de investigación centradas en el estudio del movimiento de paredes de dominio magnético, gracias a su potencial aplicación en memorias magnéticas del futuro. En el 2004, Stuart Parkin de IBM introdujo un concepto innovador, el dispositivo “Racetrack”, basado en un nanohilo ferromagnético donde los dominios de imanación representan los "bits" de información. La frontera entre dominios, ie pared magnética, se moverían en una situación ideal por medio de transferencia de espín de una corriente polarizada. Se anclan en determinadas posiciones gracias a pequeños defectos o constricciones de tamaño nanométrico fabricados por litografía electrónica. El éxito de esta idea se basa en la generación, anclaje y desenganche de las paredes de dominio de forma controlada y repetitiva, tanto para la lectura como para la escritura de los bits de información. Slonczewski en 1994 muestra que la corriente polarizada de espín puede transferir momento magnético a la imanación local y así mover paredes por transferencia de espín y no por el campo creado por la corriente. Desde entonces muchos grupos de investigación de todo el mundo trabajan en optimizar las condiciones de transferencia de espín para mover paredes de dominio. La fracción de electrones polarizados que viaja en un hilo ferromagnético es considerablemente pequeña, así hoy por hoy la corriente necesaria para mover una pared magnética por transferencia de espín es superior a 1 107 A/cm2. Una densidad de corriente tan elevada no sólo tiene como consecuencia una importante degradación del dispositivo sino también se observan importantes efectos relacionados con el calentamiento por efecto Joule inducido por la corriente. Otro de los problemas científico - tecnológicos a resolver es la diversidad de paredes de dominio magnético ancladas en el defecto. Los diferentes tipos de pared anclados en el defecto, su quiralidad o el campo o corriente necesarios para desenganchar la pared pueden variar dependiendo si el defecto posee dimensiones ligeramente diferentes o si la pared se ancla con un método distinto. Además, existe una componente estocástica presente tanto en la nucleación como en el proceso de anclaje y desenganche que por un lado puede ser debido a la naturaleza de la pared que viaja por el hilo a una determinada temperatura distinta de cero, así como a defectos inevitables en el proceso de fabricación. Esto constituye un gran inconveniente dado que según el tipo de pared es necesario aplicar distintos valores de corriente y/o campo para desenganchar la pared del defecto. Como se menciona anteriormente, para realizar de forma eficaz la lectura y escritura de los bits de información, es necesaria la inyección, anclaje y desenganche forma controlada y repetitiva. Esto implica generar, anclar y desenganchar las paredes de dominio siempre en las mismas condiciones, ie siempre a la misma corriente o campo aplicado. Por ello, en el primer capítulo de resultados de esta tesis estudiamos el anclaje y desenganche de paredes de dominio en defectos de seis formas distintas, cada uno, de dos profundidades diferentes. Hemos realizado un análisis estadístico en diferentes hilos, donde hemos estudiado la probabilidad de anclaje cada tipo de defecto y la dispersión en el valor de campo magnético aplicado necesario para desenganchar la pared. Luego, continuamos con el estudio de la nucleación de las paredes de dominio magnético con pulsos de corriente a través una linea adyacente al nanohilo. Estudiamos defectos de tres formas distintas e identificamos, en función del valor de campo magnético aplicado, los distintos tipos de paredes de dominio anclados en cada uno de ellos. Además, con la ayuda de este método de inyección que es rápido y eficaz, hemos sido capaces de generar y anclar un único tipo de pared minimizando el comportamiento estocástico de la pared mencionado anteriormente. En estas condiciones óptimas, hemos estudiado el desenganche de las paredes de dominio por medio de corriente polarizada en espín, donde hemos conseguido desenganchar la pared de forma controlada y repetitiva siempre para los mismos valores de corriente y campo magnético aplicados. Además, aplicando pulsos de corriente en distintas direcciones, estudiamos en base a su diferencia, la contribución térmica debido al efecto Joule. Los resultados obtenidos representan un importante avance hacia la explotación práctica de este tipo de dispositivos. ABSTRACT The research activity of this thesis was focused on the nucleation, pinning and depinning of magnetic domain walls (DWs) in notched permalloy nanowires. The access to nanofabrication techniques has boosted the number of applications based on magnetic domain walls (DWs) like memory devices. In 2004, Stuart Parkin at IBM, conceived an innovative concept, the “racetrack memory” based on a ferromagnetic nanowire were the magnetic domains constitute the “bits” of information. The frontier between those magnetic domains, ie magnetic domain wall, will move ideally assisted by a spin polarized current. DWs will pin at certain positions due to artificially created pinning sites or “notches” fabricated with ebeam lithography. The success of this idea relies on the careful and predictable control on DW nucleation and a defined pinning-depinning process in order to read and write the bits of information. Sloncsewski in 1994 shows that a spin polarized current can transfer magnetic moment to the local magnetization to move the DWs instead of the magnetic field created by the current. Since then many research groups worldwide have been working on optimizing the conditions for the current induced DW motion due to the spin transfer effect. The fraction of spin polarized electrons traveling through a ferromagnetic nanowire is considerably small, so nowadays the current density required to move a DW by STT exceeds 1 107 A/cm2. A high current density not only can produce a significant degradation of the device but also important effects related to Joule heating were also observed . There are other scientific and technological issues to solve regarding the diversity of DWs states pinned at the notch. The types of DWs pinned, their chirality or their characteristic depinning current or field, may change if the notch has slightly different dimensions, the stripe has different thickness or even if the DW is pinned by a different procedure. Additionally, there is a stochastic component in both the injection of the DW and in its pinning-depinning process, which may be partly intrinsic to the nature of the travelling DW at a non-zero temperature and partly due to the unavoidable defects introduced during the nano-fabrication process. This constitutes an important inconvenient because depending on the DW type different values of current of magnetic field need to be applied in order to depin a DW from the notch. As mentioned earlier, in order to write and read the bits of information accurately, a controlled reproducible and predictable pinning- depinning process is required. This implies to nucleate, pin and depin always at the same applied magnetic field or current. Therefore, in the first chapter of this thesis we studied the pinning and depinning of DW in six different notch shapes and two depths. An statistical analysis was conducted in order to determine which notch type performed best in terms of pinning probability and the dispersion measured in the magnetic field necessary to depin the magnetic DWs. Then, we continued studying the nucleation of DWs with nanosecond current pulses by an adjacent conductive stripe. We studied the conditions for DW injection that allow a selective pinning of the different types of DWs in Permalloy nanostripes with 3 different notch shapes. Furthermore, with this injection method, which has proven to be fast and reliable, we manage to nucleate only one type of DW avoiding its stochastic behavior mentioned earlier. Having achieved this optimized conditions we studied current induced depinning where we also achieved a controlled and reproducible depinning process at always the same applied current and magnetic field. Additionally, changing the pulse polarity we studied the joule heating contribution in a current induced depinning process. The results obtained represent an important step towards the practical exploitation of these devices.


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Several attempts have been carried out to manufacture intermediate band solar cells (IBSC) by means of quantum dot (QD) superlattices. This novel photovoltaic concept allows the collection of a wider range of the sunlight spectrum in order to provide higher cell photocurrent while maintaining the open-circuit voltage (VOC) of the cell. In this work, we analyze InAs/GaAsN QD-IBSCs. In these cells, the dilute nitrogen in the barrier plays an important role for the strain-balance (SB) of the QD layer region that would otherwise create dislocations under the effect of the accumulated strain. The introduction of GaAsN SB layers allows increasing the light absorption in the QD region by multi-stacking more than 100 QD layers. The photo-generated current density (JL) versus VOC was measured under varied concentrated light intensity and temperature. We found that the VOC of the cell at 20 K is limited by the bandgap of the GaAsN barriers, which has important consequences regarding IBSC bandgap engineering that are also discussed in this work.


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Tunnel junctions are key for developing multijunction solar cells (MJSC) for ultra-high concentration applications. We have developed a highly conductive, high bandgap p  + + -AlGaAs/n  + + -GaInP tunnel junction with a peak tunneling current density for as-grown and thermal annealed devices of 996 A/cm 2 and 235 A/cm 2, respectively. The J–V characteristics of the tunnel junction after thermal annealing, together with its behavior at MJSCs typical operation temperatures, indicate that this tunnel junction is a suitable candidate for ultra-high concentrator MJSC designs. The benefits of the optical transparency are also assessed for a lattice-matched GaInP/GaInAs/Ge triple junction solar cell, yielding a current density increase in the middle cell of 0.506 mA/cm 2 with respect to previous designs.