9 resultados para red wine

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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The aim of this work is to evaluate the influence of S. pombe and T. delbrueckii species on the sensory quality of red wine when used in sequential and mixed fermentations with S. cerevisiae.


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Most red wines commercialized in the market use the malolactic fermentationprocess in order to ensure stability from a microbiological point of view. In this secondfermentation, malic acid is converted into L-lactic acid under controlled setups. Howeverthis process is not free from possible collateral effects that on some occasions produceoff-flavors, wine quality loss and human health problems. In warm viticulture regions suchas the south of Spain, the risk of suffering a deviation during the malolactic fermentationprocess increases due to the high must pH. This contributes to produce wines with highvolatile acidity and biogenic amine values. This manuscript develops a new red winemakingmethodology that consists of combining the use of two non-Saccharomyces yeast strains asan alternative to the traditional malolactic fermentation. In this method, malic acid is totallyconsumed by Schizosaccharomyces pombe, thus achieving the microbiological stabilizationobjective, while Lachancea thermotolerans produces lactic acid in order not to reduce andeven increase the acidity of wines produced from low acidity musts. This technique reducesthe risks inherent to the malolactic fermentation process when performed in warm regions.The result is more fruity wines that contain less acetic acid and biogenic amines than thetraditional controls that have undergone the classical malolactic fermentation.


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The aim of this work is to evaluate the influence of S. pombe and T. delbrueckii species on the sensory quality of red wine when used in sequential and mixed fermentations with S. cerevisiae.


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This work examines the physiology of a new commercial strain of Torulaspora delbrueckii in the production of red wine following different combined fermentation strategies. For a detailed comparison, several yeast metabolites and the strains implantation were measured over the entire fermentation period. In all fermentations in which T. delbrueckii was involved, the ethanol concentration was reduced; some malic acid was consumed; more pyruvic acid was released, and fewer amounts of higher alcohols were produced. The sensorial properties of final wines varied widely, emphasising the structure of wine in sequential fermentations with T. delbrueckii. These wines presented the maximum overall impression and were preferred by tasters. Semi-industrial assays were carried out confirming these differences at a higher scale. No important differences were observed in volatile aroma composition between fermentations. However, differences in mouthfeel properties were observed in semi-industrial fermentations, which were correlated with an increase in the mannoprotein content of red wines fermented sequentially with T. delbrueckii.


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El aumento progresivo de la temperatura media anual y el déficit hídrico están provocando importantes cambios en la composición y la maduración de la uva, que repercuten directamente sobre el proceso fermentativo y, por ende, sobre la calidad del vino elaborado. En este trabajo se evalúan diferentes estrategias para la reducción del grado alcohólico, la mejora del color del vino y su estabilidad, y el incremento y la persistencia aromática. Mediante el empleo de levaduras con ineficiencia glicolítica se lograron reducciones medias en el grado alcohólico de entre 0.3 y 1.7 % v/v, mientras que con las fermentaciones secuenciales la máxima reducción lograda fue de 3.3 y 3.4 % v/v al combinar las cepas 938 (Schizosaccharomyces pombe) y 7013 (Torulaspora delbrueckii) con la 7VA (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). Al aplicar un tratamiento térmico sobre el inóculo, la TP2A(16) mostró una reducción media significativa en el grado alcohólico de 1 % v/v. El principal inconveniente en todas las técnicas empleadas para reducir el grado alcohólico fue la falta de repetibilidad en los resultados obtenidos. Por otra parte, la aplicación de altas presiones sobre uva despalillada resultó efectiva como tratamiento de pasteurización y como potenciador de la extracción de polifenoles, logrando un incremento en el contenido medio de antocianos totales del 12.4-18.5 %. La adición de flavonoides al mosto estimuló la formación de pigmentos estables como resultado de su condensación con antocianos mediada por acetaldehído. Con el empleo de Torulaspora delbrueckii en fermentación secuencial fue posible incrementar la producción de diacetilo y acetato de 2-feniletilo, además de la síntesis de un nuevo compuesto, el 3-etoxi-1-propanol. Sin embargo, su aportación sobre el color fue nula, así que debería combinarse con una cepa de Saccharomyces cerevisiae con buena formación de pigmentos piranoantociánicos. El empleo de Schizosaccharomyces pombe (938, V1) y Torulaspora delbrueckii (1880) en fermentaciones secuenciales y mixtas con Saccharomyces cerevisiae permitió mejorar el perfil sensorial del vino tinto mediante la mayor síntesis de polioles y la potenciación de aromas frutales, florales y herbáceos, e incrementar la estabilidad de la materia colorante al favorecer la formación de vitisinas y piranoantocianos vinilfenólicos. La crianza sobre lías en barrica a partir de levaduras seleccionadas, puede mejorar la complejidad y persistencia aromática del vino tinto, aunque sin grandes cambios en el color. ABSTRACT The progressive increase in annual average temperature, along with water deficit, is causing significant changes in grape composition and in its maturation, which directly affects the fermentative process and hence alters wine quality. In this work, different strategies for reducing the alcoholic strength, improve wine color and its stability, and increase aromatic complexity and its persistence, are evaluated. By using yeasts with glycolytic inefficiency, it was possible to achieve mean reductions between 0.3 and 1.7 % v/v in the alcoholic strength, while sequential fermentations allowed a maximum reduction of 3.3 and 3.4 % v/v by combining strains 938 (Schizosaccharomyces pombe) and 7013 (Torulaspora delbrueckii) with 7VA (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). When applying a heat shock treatment on the inoculum, only TP2A(16) strain showed a significant mean reduction of 1 % v/v in the alcohol content, compared with the control. The main drawback in all the techniques used to reduce the alcohol content was the lack of repeatability in the results. Moreover, the application of high pressures on destemmed grapes was effective as pasteurization treatment and also as enhancer of polyphenol extraction, achieving an increase of 12.4-18.5% in the average content of total anthocyanins. As expected, addition of flavonoids to the must, stimulated the formation of stable pigments, mainly as a result of condensation reactions between anthocyanins and flavanols mediated by acetaldehyde. With the use of Torulaspora delbrueckii strains in sequential fermentation with Saccharomyces cerevisiae, it was possible to increase the production of diacetyl and 2-phenylethyl acetate, besides the synthesis of a new compound: 3-ethoxy-1-propanol. The use of Schizosaccharomyces pombe (938, V1) and Torulaspora delbrueckii (1880) strains in sequential and mixed fermentations with Saccharomyces cerevisiae improved the sensory profile of red wine by increasing polyols synthesis and enhancing fruity, floral and herbaceous aromas, and it also increased the stability of the coloring matter by favouring vitisins and vinylphenolic pyranoanthocyanins formation. Ageing on lees in barrels from selected yeasts can improve the complexity and aromatic persistence of red wine, without major changes in the color.


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Esta tesis se enmarca dentro de una línea de investigación iniciada en el 2004 focalizada en el estudio de soluciones constructivas energéticamente eficientes para la crianza del vino. El objetivo principal es promover el ahorro energético y la sostenibilidad en el diseño de la sala de crianza de las bodegas. Para ello, se profundiza en el estudio de las bodegas subterráneas, ejemplo de eco-construcción, ya que por lo general proporcionan condiciones adecuadas para la crianza sin gasto energético en climatización. En concreto, se abordan aspectos clave para la caracterización y comprensión del funcionamiento de estas construcciones, que en muchas ocasiones condicionan el éxito o el fracaso de las mismas. Así, se analiza el complejo comportamiento de la ventilación natural a lo largo del año, determinando los factores que la condicionan, desvelando el papel que desempeña tanto el túnel de acceso como las chimeneas de ventilación en su funcionamiento. Además, se desarrollan y validan modelos de simulación mediante CFD, que permiten evaluar y predecir con detalle el comportamiento termofluidodinámico de las construcciones subterráneas. Por otra parte, se cuantifica la uniformidad y estabilidad de la sala de crianza a lo largo del año, información que permite fijar recomendaciones y pautas concretas de diseño de los planes de monitorización. Finalmente, se determinan las diferencias de comportamiento higrotérmico existentes entre un amplio abanico de bodegas subterráneas para vino tinto, bodegas representativas de otras soluciones constructivas alternativas de vino tinto, así como bodegas para cavas y vinos generosos, enmarcando el comportamiento de estas bodegas en un contexto global. Además, se desarrollan metodologías adaptadas a las características particulares de estas construcciones, en concreto un sistema de monitorización basado en termografía infrarroja para llevar a cabo inspecciones puntuales para el control ambiental de grandes naves de crianza. Es de esperar que los estudios técnicos y las herramientas desarrolladas ayuden a mejorar el diseño de nuevas bodegas, y a la mejora de las condiciones higrotérmicas de las ya existentes, colaborando a que España siga situada en la vanguardia de la producción de vino de calidad. ABSTRACT This thesis is part of the research started in 2004 and focusing on the study of the energy efficiency in wine aging constructive solutions. The main objective is to promote energy conservation and sustainability in the design of wine aging rooms. To do so, this study focuses on the analysis of the underground cellars, example of eco-construction, since they usually provide adequate conditions for wine aging without using air-conditioning systems. In particular, key aspects for characterizing and understanding these constructions, which often determine the success or failure of them. Thus, the complex behavior of natural ventilation throughout the year is discussed, determining the influencing factors and revealing the role of both the access tunnel and the ventilation chimney. In addition, numerical models are developed and validated using CFD simulation, allowing an in-depth assessment and prediction of the thermofluidynamic behavior in underground constructions. Moreover, uniformity and stability of the aging room throughout the year is quantified, allowing for precise information useful to set recommendations and design guidelines for defining monitoring plans. Finally, hygrothermal behavior differences between a wide range of underground cellars for red wine, red wine wineries with alternative construction solutions and wineries for generous wines and cava wines, In addition, new methodologies adapted towards the particular characteristics of these constructions, a monitoring system based on infrared thermography to perform periodic inspections for environmental controls of the aging rooms, are developed. It is expected that the technical studies and tools developed here will help to improve the design of new wineries, and also the hygrothermal conditions of the existing ones, headed for keeping Spain in the forefront of the countries producing high quality wine.


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This work has studied the production of stable pyranoanthocyanin pigments during fermentation using S. pombe and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Along the fermentation, anthocyanins were determined by HPLC-DAD/MS, acetaldehyde was measured using GC-FID and pyruvic acid was quantified by enzymatic tests. Results show that S. pombe strains produce higher amounts of pyruvic acid, and therefore also of vitisin A, than Saccharomyces controls.


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In this work we have studied the combined effect of using cinnamyl esterases (CE) and HCDC+ yeast strains of S. cerevisiae to transform TE-HCAs into vinylphenols to condense them with grape anthocyanins forming VPAs. These VPAs improve the color stability of the wine and at the same time remove EP precursors of the wine.


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The Schizosaccharomyces strains consumed less primary amino nitrogen and produced less urea and more pyruvic acid than other Saccharomyces species. Further, three of the four Schizosaccharomyces strains completed the breakdown of malic acid by day 4 of fermentation. The main negative effect of the use of Schizosaccharomyces was strong acetic acid production. The Schizosaccharomyces strains that produced most pyruvic acid (938 and 936) were associated with better ?wine? colour than the remaining yeasts. The studied Schizosaccharomyces could therefore be of oenological interest.