20 resultados para receive circuit
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
El entrenamiento con cargas es una actividad anaeróbica glucolítica intensa y se ha comprobado que el error en las estimaciones del gasto energético en esta actividad varía entre un 13 y un 30%. El principal objetivo de este trabajo es describir la contribución anaeróbica de energía en un circuito con cargas. Doce hombres (20-26 años) y diecisiete mujeres (18-29 años) estudiantes de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte realizaron un entrenamiento en circuito de cargas a 6 intensidades diferentes (entre el 30% y 80% de su 15RM). Durante la totalidad de los circuitos se registró el gasto energético aeróbico por calorimetría indirecta, la frecuencia cardiaca con pulsómetro Polar® y la concentración de lactato en sangre capilar para medir la contribución anaeróbica. El incremento que produjo la energía anaeróbica se situó entre el 5,1% y un máximo del 13,5%, lo que hace evidente que medir o no la contribución anaeróbica en el entrenamiento en circuito puede provocar un error medio del 9,65%. Existen diferencias significativas (Pmenor que 0,05) entre el gasto energético aeróbico y total (aeróbico+anaeróbico) en todas las intensidades, en un circuito de entrenamiento con cargas a intensidades progresivas.
A combination of Method of Moments (MoM) and compound slot Equivalent Circuit Model for linear array design is presented in this document. From the S Matrix of the single element, the more suitable network for its characterization is analyzed and selected. Then according to the radiation requirements of the desired array, the elements are designed and then properly connected by means of Forward Matching Procedure (FMP), which takes into account impedance matters in order to keep the input matched at the designing frequency. Comparison between HFSS simulations and MoM-FMP results are also presented. First part of this work was introduced in (1)(2) but a summary is included here to make the understanding easier.
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common cause of demenMa. Neuronal and synapMc losses occur iniMally and predominantly in the medial temporal lobe structures including hippocampus, amygdala and thalamus, structures that belong to the Papez circuit. The integrity of the connecMons amongst them is essenMal for episodic memory, which is specifically impaired in AD. For this reason we have invesMgated the degeneraMon paRern of subcorMcal structures and its relaMon to early stages of AD, i.e. Mild CogniMve Impairment (MCI), both in the amnesic and mulMdomain types using structural magneMc resonance imaging (using a 3T GE scanner) and VBM‐DARTEL.
The use of the SenseWear™ armband (SWA), an objective monitor of physical activity, is a relatively new device used by researchers to measure energy expenditure. These monitors are practical, relatively inexpensive and easy-to-use. The aim of the present study was to assess the validity of SWAs for the measurement of energy expenditure (EE) in circuit resistance training (CRT) at three different intensities in moderately active, healthy subjects. The study subjects (17 females, 12 males) undertook CRT at 30, 50 and 70% of the 15 repetition maximum for each exercise component wearing an SWA as well as an Oxycon Mobile (OM) portable metabolic system (a gold standard method for measuring EE). The EE rose as exercise intensity increased, but was underestimated by the SWAs. For women, Bland-Altman plots showed a bias of 1.13 ± 1.48 METs and 32.1 ± 34.0 kcal in favour of the OM system, while for men values of 2.33 ± 1.82 METs and 75.8 ± 50.8 kcal were recorded.
Los arrays de ranuras son sistemas de antennas conocidos desde los años 40, principalmente destinados a formar parte de sistemas rádar de navíos de combate y grandes estaciones terrenas donde el tamaño y el peso no eran altamente restrictivos. Con el paso de los años y debido sobre todo a importantes avances en materiales y métodos de fabricación, el rango de aplicaciones de este tipo de sistemas radiantes creció en gran medida. Desde nuevas tecnologías biomédicas, sistemas anticolisión en automóviles y navegación en aviones, enlaces de comunicaciones de alta tasa binaria y corta distancia e incluso sistemas embarcados en satélites para la transmisión de señal de televisión. Dentro de esta familia de antennas, existen dos grupos que destacan por ser los más utilizados: las antennas de placas paralelas con las ranuras distribuidas de forma circular o espiral y las agrupaciones de arrays lineales construidos sobre guia de onda. Continuando con las tareas de investigación desarrolladas durante los últimos años en el Instituto de Tecnología de Tokyo y en el Grupo de Radiación de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, la totalidad de esta tesis se centra en este último grupo, aunque como se verá se separa en gran medida de las técnicas de diseño y metodologías convencionales. Los arrays de ranuras rectas y paralelas al eje de la guía rectangular que las alimenta son, sin ninguna duda, los modelos más empleados debido a la fiabilidad que presentan a altas frecuencias, su capacidad para gestionar grandes cantidades de potencia y la sencillez de su diseño y fabricación. Sin embargo, también presentan desventajas como estrecho ancho de banda en pérdidas de retorno y rápida degradación del diagrama de radiación con la frecuencia. Éstas son debidas a la naturaleza resonante de sus elementos radiantes: al perder la resonancia, el sistema global se desajusta y sus prestaciones degeneran. En arrays bidimensionales de slots rectos, el campo eléctrico queda polarizado sobre el plano transversal a las ranuras, correspondiéndose con el plano de altos lóbulos secundarios. Esta tesis tiene como objetivo el desarrollo de un método sistemático de diseño de arrays de ranuras inclinadas y desplazadas del centro (en lo sucesivo “ranuras compuestas”), definido en 1971 como uno de los desafíos a superar dentro del mundo del diseño de antennas. La técnica empleada se basa en el Método de los Momentos, la Teoría de Circuitos y la Teoría de Conexión Aleatoria de Matrices de Dispersión. Al tratarse de un método circuital, la primera parte de la tesis se corresponde con el estudio de la aplicabilidad de las redes equivalentes fundamentales, su capacidad para recrear fenómenos físicos de la ranura, las limitaciones y ventajas que presentan para caracterizar las diferentes configuraciones de slot compuesto. Se profundiza en las diferencias entre las redes en T y en ! y se condiciona la selección de una u otra dependiendo del tipo de elemento radiante. Una vez seleccionado el tipo de red a emplear en el diseño del sistema, se ha desarrollado un algoritmo de cascadeo progresivo desde el puerto alimentador hacia el cortocircuito que termina el modelo. Este algoritmo es independiente del número de elementos, la frecuencia central de funcionamiento, del ángulo de inclinación de las ranuras y de la red equivalente seleccionada (en T o en !). Se basa en definir el diseño del array como un Problema de Satisfacción de Condiciones (en inglés, Constraint Satisfaction Problem) que se resuelve por un método de Búsqueda en Retroceso (Backtracking algorithm). Como resultado devuelve un circuito equivalente del array completo adaptado a su entrada y cuyos elementos consumen una potencia acorde a una distribución de amplitud dada para el array. En toda agrupación de antennas, el acoplo mutuo entre elementos a través del campo radiado representa uno de los principales problemas para el ingeniero y sus efectos perjudican a las prestaciones globales del sistema, tanto en adaptación como en capacidad de radiación. El empleo de circuito equivalente se descartó por la dificultad que suponía la caracterización de estos efectos y su inclusión en la etapa de diseño. En esta tesis doctoral el acoplo también se ha modelado como una red equivalente cuyos elementos son transformadores ideales y admitancias, conectada al conjunto de redes equivalentes que representa el array. Al comparar los resultados estimados en términos de pérdidas de retorno y radiación con aquellos obtenidos a partir de programas comerciales populares como CST Microwave Studio se confirma la validez del método aquí propuesto, el primer método de diseño sistemático de arrays de ranuras compuestos alimentados por guía de onda rectangular. Al tratarse de ranuras no resonantes, el ancho de banda en pérdidas de retorno es mucho mas amplio que el que presentan arrays de slots rectos. Para arrays bidimensionales, el ángulo de inclinación puede ajustarse de manera que el campo quede polarizado en los planos de bajos lóbulos secundarios. Además de simulaciones se han diseñado, construido y medido dos prototipos centrados en la frecuencia de 12GHz, de seis y diez elementos. Las medidas de pérdidas de retorno y diagrama de radiación revelan excelentes resultados, certificando la bondad del método genuino Method of Moments - Forward Matching Procedure desarrollado a lo largo de esta tésis. Abstract The slot antenna arrays are well known systems from the decade of 40s, mainly intended to be part of radar systems of large warships and terrestrial stations where size and weight were not highly restrictive. Over the years, mainly due to significant advances in materials and manufacturing methods, the range of applications of this type of radiating systems grew significantly. From new biomedical technologies, collision avoidance systems in cars and aircraft navigation, short communication links with high bit transfer rate and even embedded systems in satellites for television broadcast. Within this family of antennas, two groups stand out as being the most frequent in the literature: parallel plate antennas with slots placed in a circular or spiral distribution and clusters of waveguide linear arrays. To continue the vast research work carried out during the last decades in the Tokyo Institute of Technology and in the Radiation Group at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, this thesis focuses on the latter group, although it represents a technique that drastically breaks with traditional design methodologies. The arrays of slots straight and parallel to the axis of the feeding rectangular waveguide are without a doubt the most used models because of the reliability that they present at high frequencies, its ability to handle large amounts of power and their simplicity of design and manufacturing. However, there also exist disadvantages as narrow bandwidth in return loss and rapid degradation of the radiation pattern with frequency. These are due to the resonant nature of radiating elements: away from the resonance status, the overall system performance and radiation pattern diminish. For two-dimensional arrays of straight slots, the electric field is polarized transverse to the radiators, corresponding to the plane of high side-lobe level. This thesis aims to develop a systematic method of designing arrays of angled and displaced slots (hereinafter "compound slots"), defined in 1971 as one of the challenges to overcome in the world of antenna design. The used technique is based on the Method of Moments, Circuit Theory and the Theory of Scattering Matrices Connection. Being a circuitry-based method, the first part of this dissertation corresponds to the study of the applicability of the basic equivalent networks, their ability to recreate the slot physical phenomena, their limitations and advantages presented to characterize different compound slot configurations. It delves into the differences of T and ! and determines the selection of the most suitable one depending on the type of radiating element. Once the type of network to be used in the system design is selected, a progressive algorithm called Forward Matching Procedure has been developed to connect the proper equivalent networks from the feeder port to shorted ending. This algorithm is independent of the number of elements, the central operating frequency, the angle of inclination of the slots and selected equivalent network (T or ! networks). It is based on the definition of the array design as a Constraint Satisfaction Problem, solved by means of a Backtracking Algorithm. As a result, the method returns an equivalent circuit of the whole array which is matched at its input port and whose elements consume a power according to a given amplitude distribution for the array. In any group of antennas, the mutual coupling between elements through the radiated field represents one of the biggest problems that the engineer faces and its effects are detrimental to the overall performance of the system, both in radiation capabilities and return loss. The employment of an equivalent circuit for the array design was discarded by some authors because of the difficulty involved in the characterization of the coupling effects and their inclusion in the design stage. In this thesis the coupling has also been modeled as an equivalent network whose elements are ideal transformers and admittances connected to the set of equivalent networks that represent the antennas of the array. By comparing the estimated results in terms of return loss and radiation with those obtained from popular commercial software as CST Microwave Studio, the validity of the proposed method is fully confirmed, representing the first method of systematic design of compound-slot arrays fed by rectangular waveguide. Since these slots do not work under the resonant status, the bandwidth in return loss is much wider than the longitudinal-slot arrays. For the case of two-dimensional arrays, the angle of inclination can be adjusted so that the field is polarized at the low side-lobe level plane. Besides the performed full-wave simulations two prototypes of six and ten elements for the X-band have been designed, built and measured, revealing excellent results and agreement with the expected results. These facts certify that the genuine technique Method of Moments - Matching Forward Procedure developed along this thesis is valid and trustable.
In this paper fault detection and isolation (FDI) schemes are applied in the context of the surveillance of emerging faults in an electrical circuit. The FDI problem is studied on a noisy nonlinear circuit, where both abrupt and incipient faults in the voltage source are considered. A rigorous analysis of fault detectability precedes the application of the fault detection (FD) scheme; then, the fault isolation (FI) phase is accomplished with two alternative FI approaches, proposed as new extensions of that FD approach. Numerical simulations illustrate the applicability of the mentioned schemes.
This work is related to the improvement of the output impedance of the Buck converter by means of introducing an additional power path that virtually increases the output capacitance during transients. It is well known that in VRM applications, with wide load steps, voltage overshoots and undershoots may lead to undesired performance of the load. To solve this problem, high-bandwidth high-switching frequency power converters can be applied to reduce the transient time or a big output capacitor can be applied to reduce the output impedance. The first solution can degrade the efficiency by increasing switching losses of the MOSFETS, and the second solution is penalizing the cost and size of the output filter. The Output Impedance Correction Circuit (OICC), as presented here, is used to inject or extract a current n-1 times larger than the output capacitor current, thus virtually increasing n times the value of the output capacitance during the transients. This feature allows the usage of a low frequency Buck converter with smaller capacitor but satisfying the dynamic requirements.
Visually impaired people have many difficulties when traveling because it is impossible for them to detect obstacles that stand in their way. Bats instead of using the sight to detect these obstacles use a method based on ultrasounds, as their sense of hearing is much more developed than that of sight. The aim of the project is to design and build a device based on the method used by the bats to detect obstacles and transmit this information to people with vision problems to improve their skills. The method involves sending ultrasonic waves and analyzing the echoes produced when these waves collide with an obstacle. The sent signals are pulses and the information needed is the time elapsed from we send a pulse to receive the echo produced. The speed of sound is fixed within the same environment, so measuring the time it takes the wave to make the return trip, we can easily know the distance where the object is located. To build the device we have to design the necessary circuits, fabricate printed circuit boards and mount the components. We also have to design a program that would work within the digital part, which will be responsible for performing distance calculations and generate the signals with the information for the user. The circuits are the emitter and the receiver. The transmitter circuit is responsible for generating the signals that we will use. We use an ultrasonic transmitter which operates at 40 kHz so the sent pulses have to be modulated with this frequency. For this we generate a 40 kHz wave with an astable multivibrator formed by NAND gates and a train of pulses with a timer. The signal is the product of these two signals. The circuit of the receiver is a signal conditioner which transforms the signals received by the ultrasonic receiver in square pulses. The received signals have a 40 kHz carrier, low voltage and very different shapes. In the signal conditioner we will amplify the voltage to appropriate levels, eliminate the component of 40 kHz and make the shape of the pulses square to use them digitally. To simplify the design and manufacturing process in the digital part of the device we will use the Arduino platform. The pulses sent and received echoes enter through input pins with suitable voltage levels. In the Arduino, our program will poll these two signals storing the time when a pulse occurs. These time values are analyzed and used to generate an audible signal with the user information. This information is stored in the frequency of the signal, so that the generated signal frequency varies depending on the distance at which the objects are. RESUMEN Las personas con discapacidad visual tienen muchas dificultades a la hora de desplazarse ya que les es imposible poder detectar los obstáculos que se interpongan en su camino. Los murciélagos en vez de usar la vista para detectar estos obstáculos utilizan un método basado en ultrasonidos, ya que su sentido del oído está mucho más desarrollado que el de la vista. El objetivo del proyecto es diseñar y construir un dispositivo basado en el método usado por los murciélagos para detectar obstáculos y que pueda ser usado por las personas con problemas en la vista para mejorar sus capacidades. El método utilizado consiste en enviar ondas de ultrasonidos y analizar el eco producido cuando estas ondas chocan con algún obstáculo. Las señales enviadas tendrán forma de pulsos y la información necesaria es el tiempo transcurrido entre que enviamos un pulso y recibimos el eco producido. La velocidad del sonido es fija dentro de un mismo entorno, por lo que midiendo el tiempo que tarda la onda en hacer el viaje de ida y vuelta podemos fácilmente conocer la distancia a la que se encuentra el objeto. Para construir el dispositivo tendremos que diseñar los circuitos necesarios, fabricar las placas de circuito impreso y montar los componentes. También deberemos diseñar el programa que funcionara dentro de la parte digital, que será el encargado de realizar los cálculos de la distancia y de generar las señales con la información para el usuario. Los circuitos diseñados corresponden uno al emisor y otro al receptor. El circuito emisor es el encargado de generar las señales que vamos a emitir. Vamos a usar un emisor de ultrasonidos que funciona a 40 kHz por lo que los pulsos que enviemos van a tener que estar modulados con esta frecuencia. Para ello generamos una onda de 40 kHz mediante un multivibrador aestable formado por puertas NAND y un tren de pulsos con un timer. La señal enviada es el producto de estas dos señales. El circuito de la parte del receptor es un acondicionador de señal que transforma las señales recibidas por el receptor de ultrasonidos en pulsos cuadrados. Las señales recibidas tienen una portadora de 40 kHz para poder usarlas con el receptor de ultrasonidos, bajo voltaje y formas muy diversas. En el acondicionador de señal amplificaremos el voltaje a niveles adecuados además de eliminar la componente de 40 kHz y conseguir pulsos cuadrados que podamos usar de forma digital. Para simplificar el proceso de diseño y fabricación en la parte digital del dispositivo usaremos la plataforma Arduino. Las señales correspondientes el envío de los pulsos y a la recepción de los ecos entraran por pines de entrada después de haber adaptado los niveles de voltaje. En el Arduino, nuestro programa sondeara estas dos señales almacenando el tiempo en el que se produce un pulso. Estos valores de tiempo se analizan y se usan para generar una señal audible con la información para el usuario. Esta información ira almacenada en la frecuencia de la señal, por lo que la señal generada variará su frecuencia en función de la distancia a la que se encuentren los objetos.
Este proyecto consiste en el diseño y construcción de un sintetizador basado en el chip 6581 Sound Interface Device (SID). Este chip era el encargado de la generación de sonido en el Commodore 64, ordenador personal comercializado en 1982, y fue el primer sintetizador complejo construido para ordenador. El chip en cuestión es un sintetizador de tres voces, cada una de ellas capaz de generar cuatro diferentes formas de onda. Cada voz tiene control independiente de varios parámetros, permitiendo una relativamente amplia variedad de sonidos y efectos, muy útil para su uso en videojuegos. Además está dotado de un filtro programable para conseguir distintos timbres mediante síntesis sustractiva. El sintetizador se ha construido sobre Arduino, una plataforma de electrónica abierta concebida para la creación de prototipos, consistente en una placa de circuito impreso con un microcontrolador, programable desde un PC para que realice múltiples funciones (desde encender LEDs hasta controlar servomecanismos en robótica, procesado y transmisión de datos, etc.). El sintetizador es controlable vía MIDI, por ejemplo, desde un teclado de piano. A través de MIDI recibe información tal como qué notas debe tocar, o los valores de los parámetros del SID que modifican las propiedades del sonido. Además, toda esa información también la puede recibir de un PC mediante una conexión USB. Se han construido dos versiones del sintetizador: una versión “hardware”, que utiliza el SID para la generación de sonido, y otra “software”, que reemplaza el SID por un emulador, es decir, un programa que se comporta (en la medida de lo posible) de la misma manera que el SID. El emulador se ha implementado en un microcontrolador Atmega 168 de Atmel, el mismo que utiliza Arduino. ABSTRACT. This project consists on design and construction of a synthesizer which is based on chip 6581 Sound Interface Device (SID). This chip was used for sound generation on the Commodore 64, a home computer presented in 1982, and it was the first complex synthesizer built for computers. The chip is a three-voice synthesizer, each voice capable of generating four different waveforms. Each voice has independent control of several parameters, allowing a relatively wide variety of sounds and effects, very useful for its use on videogames. It also includes a programmable filter, allowing more timbre control via subtractive synthesis. The synthesizer has been built on Arduino, an open-source electronics prototyping platform that consists on a printed circuit board with a microcontroller, which is programmable with a computer to do several functions (lighting LEDs, controlling servomechanisms on robotics, data processing or transmission, etc.). The synthesizer is controlled via MIDI, in example, from a piano-type keyboard. It receives from MIDI information such as the notes that should be played or SID’s parameter values that modify the sound. It also can receive that information from a PC via USB connection. Two versions of the synthesizer have been built: a hardware one that uses the SID chip for sound generation, and a software one that replaces SID by an emulator, it is, a program that behaves (as far as possible) in the same way the SID would. The emulator is implemented on an Atmel’s Atmega 168 microcontroller, the same one that is used on Arduino.
En este proyecto, se ha desarrollado una aplicación electrónica para un coche de competición, en concreto para la fórmula SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers), una competición universitaria en la que cada equipo, formado por estudiantes, debe diseñar, construir y probar un prototipo basándose en una serie de reglas. El objetivo final de la competición es proporcionar a los estudiantes el conocimiento práctico necesario para su futura labor profesional, del cual se pensaba que los estudiantes adolecían al acabar sus estudios universitarios cuando se creó esta competición. La aplicación desarrollada en este proyecto consiste en un sistema de telemetría, utilizado para transmitir los datos proporcionados por los sensores del vehículo a través de un sistema de radiofrecuencia, de manera que se pueda estudiar el comportamiento del coche durante los ensayos a la vez que el coche está rodando y así no depender de un sistema de adquisición de datos del que había que descargarse la información una vez finalizada la sesión de ensayo, como había que hacer hasta el momento. Para la implementación del proyecto, se ha utilizado un kit de desarrollo (Xbee Pro 868) que incluye dos módulos de radio, dos placas de desarrollo, dos cables USB y una antena, el cual ha permitido desarrollar la parte de radio del proyecto. Para transmitir los datos proporcionados por la centralita del vehículo, la cual recoge la información de todos los sensores presentes en el vehículo, se han desarrollado dos placas de circuito impreso. La primera de ellas tiene como elemento principal un microprocesador PIC de la marca Microchip (PIC24HJ64GP502), que recoge los datos proporcionados por la centralita del vehículo a través de su bus CAN de comunicaciones. La segunda placa de circuito impreso tiene como elemento fundamental el transmisor de radio. Dicho transmisor está conectado al microprocesador de la otra placa a través de línea serie. Como receptor de radio se ha utilizado una de las placas de prueba que integraba el kit de desarrollo Xbee Pro 868, la cual recoge los datos que han sido enviados vía radio y los manda a su vez a través de USB a un ordenador donde son monitorizados. Hasta aquí la parte hardware del sistema. En cuanto a la parte software, ha habido que desarrollar una aplicación en lenguaje C, que ejecuta el microprocesador PIC, que se encarga de recoger los datos enviados por la centralita a través del bus CAN (Controller Area Network) y transmitirlos a través de línea serie al chip de radio. Por último, para la monitorización de los datos se han desarrollado dos aplicaciones en LabVIEW, una que recoge los datos a través de USB, los muestra en pantalla y los guarda en un fichero y otra que lee los datos del fichero y los representa gráficamente para permitir un estudio más detallado del comportamiento del vehículo. ABSTRACT In this project, an electronic application has been developed for a race car – Formula SAE car-. Formula SAE is a university championship in which each team, made up of students, should design, construct and test a prototype within certain rules. The final goal of the competition is to enhance the practical knowledge of the students, which was thougth to be poor at the time the competition was created. The application developed in this project consists of a telemetry system, employed to transmit the data provided by the car’s sensors through a radio frequency system, so that it could be possible to study the behaviour of the vehicle during tests and do not depend on a datalogger system as it occurred until now. To carry out the radio module of the project, a Xbee Pro 868 development kit has been used, which includes two radio modules, two development boards, two USB cables and an antenna. To transmit the data provided by the ECU (Engine Control Unit) of the vehicle, which receives information from all the sensors the vehicle has, two printed circuit boards have been built. One of them has a PIC microprocessor of Microchip (PIC24HJ64GP502) which receives the data coming from CAN bus of the ECU. Tha main element of the other printed circuit board is the radio transmitter. This chip receives the data from the microprocessor through its serial line. The development board of the Xbee Pro 868 has been used as receiver. When data arrives to the receiver, it transmits them to a computer through USB where the data are displayed. All this composes the hardware of the system. Regarding the software, a C coded application has been developed. This application is executed by the microprocessor and its function is to receive the data from the bus CAN (Controller Area Network) and send them to the radio transmitter through the microprocessor’s serial line. To show the data on the computer, two LabVIEW applications has been developed. The first one receives the data through the USB port, displays them on the screen and save them to a file and the second one reads the data from the file while represents them graphically to allow studying the behaviour of the car on track.
Locating stator-winding ground faults accurately is a very difficult task. In this paper the grounding circuit measurements are evaluated in order to obtain information about the stator ground-fault location in synchronous generators. In power generators grounded through a high impedance, the relation between the neutral voltage and the phase voltage provide a first estimation of the fault location. The location error by using this ratio depends on the fault resistance and the value of the capacitance to ground of the stator winding. However, the error added by ignoring the value of the fault resistance is the most relevant term. This location estimation and the location error have been evaluated through the data of a real synchronous machine.
The decision to select the most suitable type of energy storage system for an electric vehicle is always difficult, since many conditionings must be taken into account. Sometimes, this study can be made by means of complex mathematical models which represent the behavior of a battery, ultracapacitor or some other devices. However, these models are usually too dependent on parameters that are not easily available, which usually results in nonrealistic results. Besides, the more accurate the model, the more specific it needs to be, which becomes an issue when comparing systems of different nature. This paper proposes a practical methodology to compare different energy storage technologies. This is done by means of a linear approach of an equivalent circuit based on laboratory tests. Via these tests, the internal resistance and the self-discharge rate are evaluated, making it possible to compare different energy storage systems regardless their technology. Rather simple testing equipment is sufficient to give a comparative idea of the differences between each system, concerning issues such as efficiency, heating and self-discharge, when operating under a certain scenario. The proposed methodology is applied to four energy storage systems of different nature for the sake of illustration.
This work is related to the output impedance improvement of a Multiphase Buck converter with Peak Current Mode Control (PCMC) by means of introducing an additional power path that virtually increases the output capacitance during transients. Various solutions that can be employed to improve the dynamic behavior of the converter system exist, but nearly all solutions are developed for a Single Phase Buck converter with Voltage Mode Control (VMC), while in the VRM applications, due to the high currents, the system is usually implemented as a Multiphase Buck Converter with Current Mode Control. The Output Impedance Correction Circuit (OICC) is used to inject or extract a current n-1 times larger than the output capacitor current, thus virtually increasing n times the value of the output capacitance during the transients. Furthermore, this work extends the OICC concept to a Multiphase Buck Converter system while comparing proposed solution with the system that has n times bigger output capacitor. In addition, the OICC is implemented as a Synchronous Buck Converter with PCMC, thus reducing its influence on the system efficiency
Due to the high dependence of photovoltaic energy efficiency on environmental conditions (temperature, irradiation...), it is quite important to perform some analysis focusing on the characteristics of photovoltaic devices in order to optimize energy production, even for small-scale users. The use of equivalent circuits is the preferred option to analyze solar cells/panels performance. However, the aforementioned small-scale users rarely have the equipment or expertise to perform large testing/calculation campaigns, the only information available for them being the manufacturer datasheet. The solution to this problem is the development of new and simple methods to define equivalent circuits able to reproduce the behavior of the panel for any working condition, from a very small amount of information. In the present work a direct and completely explicit method to extract solar cell parameters from the manufacturer datasheet is presented and tested. This method is based on analytical formulation which includes the use of the Lambert W-function to turn the series resistor equation explicit. The presented method is used to analyze commercial solar panel performance (i.e., the current-voltage–I-V–curve) at different levels of irradiation and temperature. The analysis performed is based only on the information included in the manufacturer’s datasheet.
Due to the high dependence of photovoltaic energy efficiency on environmental conditions (temperature, irradiation...), it is quite important to perform some analysis focusing on the characteristics of photovoltaic devices in order to optimize energy production, even for small-scale users. The use of equivalent circuits is the preferred option to analyze solar cells/panels performance. However, the aforementioned small-scale users rarely have the equipment or expertise to perform large testing/calculation campaigns, the only information available for them being the manufacturer datasheet. The solution to this problem is the development of new and simple methods to define equivalent circuits able to reproduce the behavior of the panel for any working condition, from a very small amount of information. In the present work a direct and completely explicit method to extract solar cell parameters from the manufacturer datasheet is presented and tested. This method is based on analytical formulation which includes the use of the Lambert W-function to turn the series resistor equation explicit. The presented method is used to analyze the performance (i.e., the I - V curve) of a commercial solar panel at different levels of irradiation and temperature. The analysis performed is based only on the information included in the manufacturer's datasheet.