12 resultados para power transmission lines

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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A high-power high-efficiency laser power transmission system at 100m based on an optimized multi-cell GaAs converter capable of supplying 9.7W of electricity is demonstrated. An I-V testing system integrated with a data acquisition circuit and an analysis software is designed to measure the efficiency and the I-V characteristics of the laser power converter (LPC). The dependencies of the converter’s efficiency with respect to wavelength, laser intensity and temperature are analyzed. A diode laser with 793nm of wavelength and 24W of power is used to test the LPC and the software. The maximum efficiency of the LPC is 48.4% at an input laser power of 8W at room temperature. When the input laser power is 24W (laser intensity of 60000W/m2), the efficiency is 40.4% and the output voltage is 4 V. The overall efficiency from electricity to electricity is 11.6%.


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In this paper, the dynamic response of a hydro power plant for providing secondary regulation reserve is studied in detail. Special emphasis is given to the elastic water column effects both in the penstock and the tailrace tunnel. For this purpose, a nonlinear model based on the analogy between mass and momentum conservation equations of a water conduit and those of wave propagation in transmission lines is used. The influence of the plant configuration and design parameters on the fulfilment of the Spanish Electrical System Operator requirements is analysed


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In this paper, the dynamic response of a hydro power plant for providing secondary regulation reserve is studied in detail. S pecial emphasis is given to the elastic water column effects both in the penstock and the tailrace tunnel. For this purpose, a nonline ar model based on the analogy between mass and momentum conservation equations of a water conduit and those of wave propagation in transmission lines is used. The influence of the plant configuration and design parameters on the fulfilment of the Spanish Electrical System Operator requirem ents is analysed.


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This paper describes two methods to cancel the effect of two kinds of leakage signals which may be presented when an antenna is measured in a planar near-field range. One method tries to reduce leakage bias errors from the receiver¿s quadrature detector and it is based on estimating the bias constant added to every near-field data sample. Then, that constant is subtracted from the data, removing its undesired effect on the far-field pattern. The estimation is performed by back-propagating the field from the scan plane to the antenna under test plane (AUT) and averaging all the data located outside the AUT aperture. The second method is able to cancel the effect of the leakage from faulty transmission lines, connectors or rotary joints. The basis of this method is also a reconstruction process to determine the field distribution on the AUT plane. Once this distribution is known, a spatial filtering is applied to cancel the contribution due to those faulty elements. After that, a near-field-to-far-field transformation is applied, obtaining a new radiation pattern where the leakage effects have disappeared. To verify the effectiveness of both methods, several examples are presented.


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Negative Refractive Lens (NRL) has shown that an optical system can produce images with details below the classic Abbe diffraction limit using materials of negative dielectric and magnetic constants. Recently, two devices with positive refraction, the Maxwell Fish Eye lens (MFE) (Leonhardt et al 2000) and the Spherical Geodesic Waveguide (SGW)(Minano et all 2011) have been claimed to break the diffraction limit using positive refraction with a different meaning. In these cases, it has been considered the power transmission from a point source to a point receptor, which falls drastically when the receptor is displaced from the focus by a distance much smaller than the wavelength. Moreover, recent analysis of the SGW with defined object and image surfaces, which are both conical sections of the sphere, has shown that the system transmits images bellow diffraction limit. The key assumption is the use of a perfectly absorbing receptor called perfect drain. This receptor is capable to absorb all the radiation without reflection or scattering. Here, it is presented the COMSOL analysis of the SGW using a perfect drain that absorbs perfectly two modes. The design procedure for PD capable to absorb k modes is proposed, as well.


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Negative Refractive Lens (NRL) has shown that an optical system can produce images with details below the classic Abbe diffraction limit. This optical system transmits the electromagnetic fields, emitted by an object plane, towards an image plane producing the same field distribution in both planes. In particular, a Dirac delta electric field in the object plane is focused without diffraction limit to the Dirac delta electric field in the image plane. Two devices with positive refraction, the Maxwell Fish Eye lens (MFE) and the Spherical Geodesic Waveguide (SGW) have been claimed to break the diffraction limit using positive refraction with a different meaning. In these cases, it has been considered the power transmission from a point source to a point receptor, which falls drastically when the receptor is displaced from the focus by a distance much smaller than the wavelength. Although these systems can detect displacements up to ?/3000, they cannot be compared to the NRL, since the concept of image is different. The SGW deals only with point source and drain, while in the case of the NRL, there is an object and an image surface. Here, it is presented an analysis of the SGW with defined object and image surfaces (both are conical surfaces), similarly as in the case of the NRL. The results show that a Dirac delta electric field on the object surface produces an image below the diffraction limit on the image surface.


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Perfect drain for the Maxwell Fish Eye (MFE) is a nonmagnetic dissipative region placed in the focal point to absorb all the incident radiation without reflection or scattering. The perfect drain was recently designed as a material with complex permittivity ? that depends on frequency. However, this material is only a theoretical material, so it can not be used in practical devices. Recently, the perfect drain has been claimed as necessary to achieve super-resolution [Leonhard 2009, New J. Phys. 11 093040], which has increased the interest for practical perfect drains suitable for manufacturing. Here, we analyze the superresolution properties of a device equivalent to the MFE, known as Spherical Geodesic Waveguide (SGW), loaded with the perfect drain. In the SGW the source and drain are implemented with coaxial probes. The perfect drain is realized using a circuit (made of a resistance and a capacitor) connected to the drain coaxial probes. Superresolution analysis for this device is done in Comsol Multiphysics. The results of simulations predict the superresolution up to ? /3000 and optimum power transmission from the source to the drain.


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The traditional power grid is just a one-way supplier that gets no feedback data about the energy delivered, what tariffs could be the most suitable ones for customers, the shifting daily needs of electricity in a facility, etc. Therefore, it is only natural that efforts are being invested in improving power grid behavior and turning it into a Smart Grid. However, to this end, several components have to be either upgraded or created from scratch. Among the new components required, middleware appears as a critical one, for it will abstract all the diversity of the used devices for power transmission (smart meters, embedded systems, etc.) and will provide the application layer with a homogeneous interface involving power production and consumption management data that were not able to be provided before. Additionally, middleware is expected to guarantee that updates to the current metering infrastructure (changes in service or hardware availability) or any added legacy measuring appliance will get acknowledged for any future request. Finally, semantic features are of major importance to tackle scalability and interoperability issues. A survey on the most prominent middleware architectures for Smart Grids is presented in this paper, along with an evaluation of their features and their strong points and weaknesses.


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Hybrid Stepper Motors are widely used in open-loop position applications. They are the choice of actuation for the collimators in the Large Hadron Collider, the largest particle accelerator at CERN. In this case the positioning requirements and the highly radioactive operating environment are unique. The latter forces both the use of long cables to connect the motors to the drives which act as transmission lines and also prevents the use of standard position sensors. However, reliable and precise operation of the collimators is critical for the machine, requiring the prevention of step loss in the motors and maintenance to be foreseen in case of mechanical degradation. In order to make the above possible, an approach is proposed for the application of an Extended Kalman Filter to a sensorless stepper motor drive, when the motor is separated from its drive by long cables. When the long cables and high frequency pulse width modulated control voltage signals are used together, the electrical signals difer greatly between the motor and drive-side of the cable. Since in the considered case only drive-side data is available, it is therefore necessary to estimate the motor-side signals. Modelling the entire cable and motor system in an Extended Kalman Filter is too computationally intensive for standard embedded real-time platforms. It is, in consequence, proposed to divide the problem into an Extended Kalman Filter, based only on the motor model, and separated motor-side signal estimators, the combination of which is less demanding computationally. The efectiveness of this approach is shown in simulation. Then its validity is experimentally demonstrated via implementation in a DSP based drive. A testbench to test its performance when driving an axis of a Large Hadron Collider collimator is presented along with the results achieved. It is shown that the proposed method is capable of achieving position and load torque estimates which allow step loss to be detected and mechanical degradation to be evaluated without the need for physical sensors. These estimation algorithms often require a precise model of the motor, but the standard electrical model used for hybrid stepper motors is limited when currents, which are high enough to produce saturation of the magnetic circuit, are present. New model extensions are proposed in order to have a more precise model of the motor independently of the current level, whilst maintaining a low computational cost. It is shown that a significant improvement in the model It is achieved with these extensions, and their computational performance is compared to study the cost of model improvement versus computation cost. The applicability of the proposed model extensions is demonstrated via their use in an Extended Kalman Filter running in real-time for closed-loop current control and mechanical state estimation. An additional problem arises from the use of stepper motors. The mechanics of the collimators can wear due to the abrupt motion and torque profiles that are applied by them when used in the standard way, i.e. stepping in open-loop. Closed-loop position control, more specifically Field Oriented Control, would allow smoother profiles, more respectful to the mechanics, to be applied but requires position feedback. As mentioned already, the use of sensors in radioactive environments is very limited for reliability reasons. Sensorless control is a known option but when the speed is very low or zero, as is the case most of the time for the motors used in the LHC collimator, the loss of observability prevents its use. In order to allow the use of position sensors without reducing the long term reliability of the whole system, the possibility to switch from closed to open loop is proposed and validated, allowing the use of closed-loop control when the position sensors function correctly and open-loop when there is a sensor failure. A different approach to deal with the switched drive working with long cables is also presented. Switched mode stepper motor drives tend to have poor performance or even fail completely when the motor is fed through a long cable due to the high oscillations in the drive-side current. The design of a stepper motor output fillter which solves this problem is thus proposed. A two stage filter, one devoted to dealing with the diferential mode and the other with the common mode, is designed and validated experimentally. With this ?lter the drive performance is greatly improved, achieving a positioning repeatability even better than with the drive working without a long cable, the radiated emissions are reduced and the overvoltages at the motor terminals are eliminated.


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El auge del "Internet de las Cosas" (IoT, "Internet of Things") y sus tecnologías asociadas han permitido su aplicación en diversos dominios de la aplicación, entre los que se encuentran la monitorización de ecosistemas forestales, la gestión de catástrofes y emergencias, la domótica, la automatización industrial, los servicios para ciudades inteligentes, la eficiencia energética de edificios, la detección de intrusos, la gestión de desastres y emergencias o la monitorización de señales corporales, entre muchas otras. La desventaja de una red IoT es que una vez desplegada, ésta queda desatendida, es decir queda sujeta, entre otras cosas, a condiciones climáticas cambiantes y expuestas a catástrofes naturales, fallos de software o hardware, o ataques maliciosos de terceros, por lo que se puede considerar que dichas redes son propensas a fallos. El principal requisito de los nodos constituyentes de una red IoT es que estos deben ser capaces de seguir funcionando a pesar de sufrir errores en el propio sistema. La capacidad de la red para recuperarse ante fallos internos y externos inesperados es lo que se conoce actualmente como "Resiliencia" de la red. Por tanto, a la hora de diseñar y desplegar aplicaciones o servicios para IoT, se espera que la red sea tolerante a fallos, que sea auto-configurable, auto-adaptable, auto-optimizable con respecto a nuevas condiciones que puedan aparecer durante su ejecución. Esto lleva al análisis de un problema fundamental en el estudio de las redes IoT, el problema de la "Conectividad". Se dice que una red está conectada si todo par de nodos en la red son capaces de encontrar al menos un camino de comunicación entre ambos. Sin embargo, la red puede desconectarse debido a varias razones, como que se agote la batería, que un nodo sea destruido, etc. Por tanto, se hace necesario gestionar la resiliencia de la red con el objeto de mantener la conectividad entre sus nodos, de tal manera que cada nodo IoT sea capaz de proveer servicios continuos, a otros nodos, a otras redes o, a otros servicios y aplicaciones. En este contexto, el objetivo principal de esta tesis doctoral se centra en el estudio del problema de conectividad IoT, más concretamente en el desarrollo de modelos para el análisis y gestión de la Resiliencia, llevado a la práctica a través de las redes WSN, con el fin de mejorar la capacidad la tolerancia a fallos de los nodos que componen la red. Este reto se aborda teniendo en cuenta dos enfoques distintos, por una parte, a diferencia de otro tipo de redes de dispositivos convencionales, los nodos en una red IoT son propensos a perder la conexión, debido a que se despliegan en entornos aislados, o en entornos con condiciones extremas; por otra parte, los nodos suelen ser recursos con bajas capacidades en términos de procesamiento, almacenamiento y batería, entre otros, por lo que requiere que el diseño de la gestión de su resiliencia sea ligero, distribuido y energéticamente eficiente. En este sentido, esta tesis desarrolla técnicas auto-adaptativas que permiten a una red IoT, desde la perspectiva del control de su topología, ser resiliente ante fallos en sus nodos. Para ello, se utilizan técnicas basadas en lógica difusa y técnicas de control proporcional, integral y derivativa (PID - "proportional-integral-derivative"), con el objeto de mejorar la conectividad de la red, teniendo en cuenta que el consumo de energía debe preservarse tanto como sea posible. De igual manera, se ha tenido en cuenta que el algoritmo de control debe ser distribuido debido a que, en general, los enfoques centralizados no suelen ser factibles a despliegues a gran escala. El presente trabajo de tesis implica varios retos que conciernen a la conectividad de red, entre los que se incluyen: la creación y el análisis de modelos matemáticos que describan la red, una propuesta de sistema de control auto-adaptativo en respuesta a fallos en los nodos, la optimización de los parámetros del sistema de control, la validación mediante una implementación siguiendo un enfoque de ingeniería del software y finalmente la evaluación en una aplicación real. Atendiendo a los retos anteriormente mencionados, el presente trabajo justifica, mediante una análisis matemático, la relación existente entre el "grado de un nodo" (definido como el número de nodos en la vecindad del nodo en cuestión) y la conectividad de la red, y prueba la eficacia de varios tipos de controladores que permiten ajustar la potencia de trasmisión de los nodos de red en respuesta a eventuales fallos, teniendo en cuenta el consumo de energía como parte de los objetivos de control. Así mismo, este trabajo realiza una evaluación y comparación con otros algoritmos representativos; en donde se demuestra que el enfoque desarrollado es más tolerante a fallos aleatorios en los nodos de la red, así como en su eficiencia energética. Adicionalmente, el uso de algoritmos bioinspirados ha permitido la optimización de los parámetros de control de redes dinámicas de gran tamaño. Con respecto a la implementación en un sistema real, se han integrado las propuestas de esta tesis en un modelo de programación OSGi ("Open Services Gateway Initiative") con el objeto de crear un middleware auto-adaptativo que mejore la gestión de la resiliencia, especialmente la reconfiguración en tiempo de ejecución de componentes software cuando se ha producido un fallo. Como conclusión, los resultados de esta tesis doctoral contribuyen a la investigación teórica y, a la aplicación práctica del control resiliente de la topología en redes distribuidas de gran tamaño. Los diseños y algoritmos presentados pueden ser vistos como una prueba novedosa de algunas técnicas para la próxima era de IoT. A continuación, se enuncian de forma resumida las principales contribuciones de esta tesis: (1) Se han analizado matemáticamente propiedades relacionadas con la conectividad de la red. Se estudia, por ejemplo, cómo varía la probabilidad de conexión de la red al modificar el alcance de comunicación de los nodos, así como cuál es el mínimo número de nodos que hay que añadir al sistema desconectado para su re-conexión. (2) Se han propuesto sistemas de control basados en lógica difusa para alcanzar el grado de los nodos deseado, manteniendo la conectividad completa de la red. Se han evaluado diferentes tipos de controladores basados en lógica difusa mediante simulaciones, y los resultados se han comparado con otros algoritmos representativos. (3) Se ha investigado más a fondo, dando un enfoque más simple y aplicable, el sistema de control de doble bucle, y sus parámetros de control se han optimizado empleando algoritmos heurísticos como el método de la entropía cruzada (CE, "Cross Entropy"), la optimización por enjambre de partículas (PSO, "Particle Swarm Optimization"), y la evolución diferencial (DE, "Differential Evolution"). (4) Se han evaluado mediante simulación, la mayoría de los diseños aquí presentados; además, parte de los trabajos se han implementado y validado en una aplicación real combinando técnicas de software auto-adaptativo, como por ejemplo las de una arquitectura orientada a servicios (SOA, "Service-Oriented Architecture"). ABSTRACT The advent of the Internet of Things (IoT) enables a tremendous number of applications, such as forest monitoring, disaster management, home automation, factory automation, smart city, etc. However, various kinds of unexpected disturbances may cause node failure in the IoT, for example battery depletion, software/hardware malfunction issues and malicious attacks. So, it can be considered that the IoT is prone to failure. The ability of the network to recover from unexpected internal and external failures is known as "resilience" of the network. Resilience usually serves as an important non-functional requirement when designing IoT, which can further be broken down into "self-*" properties, such as self-adaptive, self-healing, self-configuring, self-optimization, etc. One of the consequences that node failure brings to the IoT is that some nodes may be disconnected from others, such that they are not capable of providing continuous services for other nodes, networks, and applications. In this sense, the main objective of this dissertation focuses on the IoT connectivity problem. A network is regarded as connected if any pair of different nodes can communicate with each other either directly or via a limited number of intermediate nodes. More specifically, this thesis focuses on the development of models for analysis and management of resilience, implemented through the Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), which is a challenging task. On the one hand, unlike other conventional network devices, nodes in the IoT are more likely to be disconnected from each other due to their deployment in a hostile or isolated environment. On the other hand, nodes are resource-constrained in terms of limited processing capability, storage and battery capacity, which requires that the design of the resilience management for IoT has to be lightweight, distributed and energy-efficient. In this context, the thesis presents self-adaptive techniques for IoT, with the aim of making the IoT resilient against node failures from the network topology control point of view. The fuzzy-logic and proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control techniques are leveraged to improve the network connectivity of the IoT in response to node failures, meanwhile taking into consideration that energy consumption must be preserved as much as possible. The control algorithm itself is designed to be distributed, because the centralized approaches are usually not feasible in large scale IoT deployments. The thesis involves various aspects concerning network connectivity, including: creation and analysis of mathematical models describing the network, proposing self-adaptive control systems in response to node failures, control system parameter optimization, implementation using the software engineering approach, and evaluation in a real application. This thesis also justifies the relations between the "node degree" (the number of neighbor(s) of a node) and network connectivity through mathematic analysis, and proves the effectiveness of various types of controllers that can adjust power transmission of the IoT nodes in response to node failures. The controllers also take into consideration the energy consumption as part of the control goals. The evaluation is performed and comparison is made with other representative algorithms. The simulation results show that the proposals in this thesis can tolerate more random node failures and save more energy when compared with those representative algorithms. Additionally, the simulations demonstrate that the use of the bio-inspired algorithms allows optimizing the parameters of the controller. With respect to the implementation in a real system, the programming model called OSGi (Open Service Gateway Initiative) is integrated with the proposals in order to create a self-adaptive middleware, especially reconfiguring the software components at runtime when failures occur. The outcomes of this thesis contribute to theoretic research and practical applications of resilient topology control for large and distributed networks. The presented controller designs and optimization algorithms can be viewed as novel trials of the control and optimization techniques for the coming era of the IoT. The contributions of this thesis can be summarized as follows: (1) Mathematically, the fault-tolerant probability of a large-scale stochastic network is analyzed. It is studied how the probability of network connectivity depends on the communication range of the nodes, and what is the minimum number of neighbors to be added for network re-connection. (2) A fuzzy-logic control system is proposed, which obtains the desired node degree and in turn maintains the network connectivity when it is subject to node failures. There are different types of fuzzy-logic controllers evaluated by simulations, and the results demonstrate the improvement of fault-tolerant capability as compared to some other representative algorithms. (3) A simpler but more applicable approach, the two-loop control system is further investigated, and its control parameters are optimized by using some heuristic algorithms such as Cross Entropy (CE), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), and Differential Evolution (DE). (4) Most of the designs are evaluated by means of simulations, but part of the proposals are implemented and tested in a real-world application by combining the self-adaptive software technique and the control algorithms which are presented in this thesis.


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Las transiciones en guía de onda son las estructuras utilizadas en microondas para transferir y adaptar la señal que viaja en un determinado sistema de transmisión (por ejemplo, un cable coaxial) a otro sistema de transmisión o a un sistema radiante (por ejemplo, una antena de bocina). Los dos sistemas de transmisión entre los que la transición adapta la señal pueden ser distintos o del mismo tipo pero con alguna de sus dimensiones diferente. Existen diferentes transiciones de guía de onda que dependiendo de su utilidad son diseñadas y construidas con diferentes secciones: circular, rectangular, elíptica o incluso combinaciones de éstas. No es necesario que la sección de la guía presente una forma geométrica conocida pero los estándares que se van a seguir hacen referencia en concreto a secciones rectangulares y circulares. En el trabajo que aquí se desarrolla se pretende optimizar por medio de simulaciones paramétricas una transición entre cable coaxial con conector tipo K y una guía de onda de sección circular que sigue el estándar presentado por Flann, Millitech y Antarfs para la banda WR34. La transición que va a ser objeto de este estudio se denomina transición tapered o transición conformada. Este tipo de transiciones se caracterizan por variar una de sus dimensiones progresivamente hasta llegar al tamaño definido en el estándar correspondiente. La manera de realizar la optimización de la transición se basará en el estudio del parámetro S11 que presente la estructura a lo largo de la banda de trabajo. Ya que se sigue el estándar WR34 la banda de trabajo que éste comprende va de 21,7 a 33 GHz. Se pretende conseguir que la respuesta del parámetro S11 se encuentre por debajo de -20 dB en la banda de WR34 como resultado del diseño para poder contar de esta manera con una buena adaptación. Finalmente se propondrá un criterio a seguir para optimizar este tipo de transiciones siguiendo el objetivo de mejor adaptación teniendo en cuenta el impacto de cada tramo sobre el rango de frecuencias en el que influye y se presentarán las características finales que presenta la transición bajo estudio. En este documento se introduce de manera breve la utilidad de los transformadores de impedancias lambda cuartos en líneas de transmisión, el estado del arte de las diferentes técnicas para su diseño, y la propuesta de diseño y caracterización objeto del presente trabajo. Posteriormente, se presenta el caso de estudio para el diseño de la transición para ser integrada a una bocina de choke. Luego, se introduce el marco teórico del trabajo presentando algunos ejemplos ilustrativos de tramos de guía de onda rectangular y guía de onda circular, introduciendo adaptadores de λ/4 en simulaciones. A continuación, se explica la implementación del modelo bajo estudio en CST (Computer Simulation Technology) Studio Suite. Finalmente se presenta la discusión de los resultados obtenidos, las conclusiones y líneas futuras de trabajo. ABSTRACT. Waveguide transitions are structures used in microwave in order to transfer and adapt the signal that travels from a certain transmission system (e.g. coaxial cable) to other transmission system or to a radiant system (e.g. horn antenna). Both transmission systems between which the transition adapts the signal can be different or from the same type, but with differences in some of their dimensions. There are different waveguide transitions that, depending on their utility, are designed and constructed in different sections: circular, rectangular, elliptic or combinations of the former. The section of the guide does not have to have a known geometric shape, although the standards to be followed in this thesis apply to rectangular and circular sections. In the work here presented, we aim to optimize by means of parametric simulations, a transition between a coaxial cable with a K-type connector and a waveguide with circular section following the standard presented by Flann, Millitech y Antarfs for the band WR34. The transition studied is called tapered transition, which is characterized by the progressive variation of its dimensions, until reaching the defined size of the corresponding standard. The way of optimizing the transition will be based in the study of the parameter S11 presented by the structure along the bandwidth. Since the standard used is the WR34, the bandwidth can be defined from 21.7 up to 33 GHz. It is aimed that the response of the S11 parameter be lower equal than -20dB in the frequency band under study according to the design in order to be well matched. Finally, a criterion to follow is proposed in order to optimize these transitions type, following the better-match objective. That will be done taking into account the impact of each section on the frequency range in which influences and the final characteristics of the studied transition will be presented. In this document, it is briefly introduced the utility of quarter-wave impedance transformers in transmission lines, the state-of-art of the different techniques for their design, and the proposal of design and characterization aimed with this work. Afterwards, the study case for the design of the transition to be integrated with a choke horn antenna will be presented. Later, the theoretical frame work is introduced, giving some illustrative examples of rectangular and circular waveguide sections, and also introducing λ/4 adaptors in the simulations. Subsequently, the implementation of the model under study in CST (Computer Simulation Technology) Studio Suite will be explained. Finally, the discussion of the results, conclusion and future lines of the work are presented.


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The location of ground faults in railway electric lines in 2 × 5 kV railway power supply systems is a difficult task. In both 1 × 25 kV and transmission power systems it is common practice to use distance protection relays to clear ground faults and localize their positions. However, in the particular case of this 2 × 25 kV system, due to the widespread use of autotransformers, the relation between the distance and the impedance seen by the distance protection relays is not linear and therefore the location is not accurate enough. This paper presents a simple and economical method to identify the subsection between autotransformers and the conductor (catenary or feeder) where the ground fault is happening. This method is based on the comparison of the angle between the current and the voltage of the positive terminal in each autotransformer. Consequently, after the identification of the subsection and the conductor with the ground defect, only the subsection where the ground fault is present will be quickly removed from service, with the minimum effect on rail traffic. This method has been validated through computer simulations and laboratory tests with positive results.