39 resultados para photovoltaic system

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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In recent years, interest in light-emitting diode (LED) lighting has been growing because of its high efficacy, lifetime and ruggedness. This paper proposes a better adaptation of LED lamps to the technical requirements of photovoltaic lighting domestic systems, whose main quality criteria are reliability and that behave as voltage power supplies. As the key element of reliability in LED lamps is temperature, a solution is proposed for driving LED lamps using voltage sources, such as photovoltaic system batteries, with a control architecture based on pulse width modulation signal that regulates the current applied according to the LED lamp temperature. A prototype of the LED lamp has been implemented and tested to show its good performance at different temperatures and at different battery voltages.


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The 1-diode/2-resistors electric circuit equivalent to a photovoltaic system is analyzed. The equations at particular points of the I–V curve are studied considering the maximum number of terms. The maximum power point as a boundary condition is given special attention. A new analytical method is developed based on a reduced amount of information, consisting in the normal manufacturer data. Results indicate that this new method is faster than numerical methods and has similar (or better) accuracy than other existing methods, numerical or analytical.


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At present, photovoltaic energy is one of the most important renewable energy sources. The demand for solar panels has been continuously growing, both in the industrial electric sector and in the private sector. In both cases the analysis of the solar panel efficiency is extremely important in order to maximize the energy production. In order to have a more efficient photovoltaic system, the most accurate understanding of this system is required. However, in most of the cases the only information available in this matter is reduced, the experimental testing of the photovoltaic device being out of consideration, normally for budget reasons. Several methods, normally based on an equivalent circuit model, have been developed to extract the I-V curve of a photovoltaic device from the small amount of data provided by the manufacturer. The aim of this paper is to present a fast, easy, and accurate analytical method, developed to calculate the equivalent circuit parameters of a solar panel from the only data that manufacturers usually provide. The calculated circuit accurately reproduces the solar panel behavior, that is, the I-V curve. This fact being extremely important for practical reasons such as selecting the best solar panel in the market for a particular purpose, or maximize the energy extraction with MPPT (Maximum Peak Power Tracking) methods.


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Este proyecto, titulado “Caracterización de colectores para concentración fotovoltaica”, consiste en una aplicación en Labview para obtener las características de los elementos ópticos utilizados en sistemas de concentración fotovoltaica , atendiendo a la distribución espacial del foco de luz concentrado que generan. Un sistema de concentración fotovoltaica utiliza un sistema óptico para transmitir la radiación luminosa a la célula solar aumentando la densidad de potencia luminosa. Estos sistemas ópticos están formados por espejos o lentes para recoger la radiación incidente en ellos y concentrar el haz de luz en una superficie mucho menor. De esta manera se puede reducir el área de material semiconductor necesario, lo que conlleva una importante reducción del coste del sistema. Se pueden distinguir diferentes sistemas de concentración dependiendo de la óptica que emplee, la estructura del receptor o el rango de concentración. Sin embargo, ya que el objetivo es analizar la distribución espacial, diferenciaremos dos tipos de concentradores dependiendo de la geometría que presenta el foco de luz. El concentrador lineal o cilíndrico que enfoca sobre una línea, y el concentrador de foco puntual o circular que enfoca la luz sobre un punto. Debido a esta diferencia el análisis en ambos casos se realizará de forma distinta. El análisis se realiza procesando una imagen del foco tomada en el lugar del receptor, este método se llama LS-CCD (Difusión de luz y captura con CCD). Puede utilizarse en varios montajes dependiendo si se capta la imagen por reflexión o por transmisión en el receptor. En algunos montajes no es posible captar la imagen perpendicular al receptor por lo que la aplicación realizará un ajuste de perspectiva para obtener el foco con su forma original. La imagen del foco ofrece información detallada acerca de la uniformidad del foco mediante el mapa de superficie, que es una representación en 3D de la imagen pero que resulta poco manejable. Una representación más sencilla y útil es la que ofrecen los llamados “perfiles de intensidad”. El perfil de intensidad o distribución de la irradiancia que representa la distribución de la luz para cada distancia al centro, y el perfil acumulado o irradiancia acumulada que representa la luz contenida en relación también al centro. Las representaciones de estos perfiles en el caso de un concentrador lineal y otro circular son distintas debido a su diferente geometría. Mientras que para un foco lineal se expresa el perfil en función de la semi-anchura del receptor, para uno circular se expresa en función del radio. En cualquiera de los casos ofrecen información sobre la uniformidad y el tamaño del foco de luz necesarios para diseñar el receptor. El objetivo de este proyecto es la creación de una aplicación software que realice el procesado y análisis de las imágenes obtenidas del foco de luz de los sistemas ópticos a caracterizar. La aplicación tiene una interfaz sencilla e intuitiva para que pueda ser empleada por cualquier usuario. Los recursos necesarios para realizar el proyecto son: un PC con sistema operativo Windows, el software Labview 8.6 Professional Edition y los módulos NI Vision Development Module (para trabajar con imágenes) y NI Report Generation Toolkit (para realizar reportes y guardar datos de la aplicación). ABSTRACT This project, called “Characterization of collectors for concentration photovoltaic systems”, consists in a Labview application to obtain the characteristics of the optical elements used in photovoltaic concentrator, taking into account the spatial distribution of concentrated light source generated. A concentrator photovoltaic system uses an optical system to transmit light radiation to the solar cell by increasing the light power density. This optical system are formed by mirrors or lenses to collect the radiation incident on them and focus the beam of light in a much smaller surface area. In this way you can reduce the area of semiconductor material needed, which implies a significant reduction in system cost. There are different concentration systems depending on the optics used, receptor structure or concentration range. However, as the aim is to analyze the spatial distribution, distinguish between two types of concentrators depending on the geometry that has the light focus. The linear or cylindrical concentrator that focused on a line, and the circular concentrator that focused light onto a point. Because this difference in both cases the analysis will be carried out differently. The analysis is performed by processing a focus image taken at the receiver site, this method is called “LS-CCD” (Light Scattering and CCD recording). Can be used in several mountings depending on whether the image is captured by reflection or transmission on the receiver. In some mountings it is not possible to capture the image perpendicular to the receivers so that the application makes an adjustment of perspective to get the focus to its original shape. The focus image provides detail information about the uniformity of focus through the surface map, which is a 3D image representation but it is unwieldy. A simple and useful representation is provided by so called “intensity profiles”. The intensity profile or irradiance distribution which represents the distribution of light to each distance to the center. The accumulated profile or accumulated irradiance that represents the cumulative light contained in relation also to the center. The representation of these profiles in the case of a linear and a circular concentrator are different due to their distinct geometry. While for a line focus profile is expressed in terms of semi-width of the receiver, for a circular concentrator is expressed in terms of radius. In either case provides information about the uniformity and size of focus needed to design the receiver. The objective of this project is the creation of a software application to perform processing and analysis of images obtained from light source of optical systems to characterize.The application has a simple and a intuitive interface so it can be used for any users. The resources required for the project are: a PC with Windows operating system, LabVIEW 8.6 Professional Edition and the modules NI Vision Development Module (for working with images) and NI Report Generation Toolkit (for reports and store application data .)


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El presente proyecto engloba el estudio del potencial fotovoltaico del Campus Sur de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Este estudio se divide en tres partes. En primer lugar, se calcula la productividad del campus. En segundo lugar, se diseña la disposición de los generadores fotovoltaicos en los terrenos disponibles. Como paso final, se realiza un estudio económico de distintos supuestos. Para realizar los cálculos de productividad, se utiliza IESPRO, un programa desarrollado en Matlab©, junto con una aplicación complementaria desarrollada en el mismo lenguaje. Gracias a estos dos software es posible obtener una estimación muy realista de la energía anual generada. El aprovechamiento del terreno se estudia con la ayuda del software libre Sketchup©. Gracias a esta aplicación, es posible la reconstrucción del Campus Sur en 3D. Dicha reconstrucción incluye edificaciones y vegetación, facilitando la distribución de los generadores fotovoltaicos en todas las zonas, pudiendo evitar zonas con sombreado o no aptas para la instalación, y maximizando la utilización del terreno. El conjunto de los análisis anteriores permiten determinar el rendimiento energético del Campus Sur en sus distintas configuraciones, es decir, únicamente instalando generadores fotovoltaicos en las azoteas de los edificios, o la instalación en todo el terreno disponible, el cual incluye las azoteas y los descampados. Este rendimiento energético, comparado con el consumo anual de todo el campus, permite estimar el coste financiero de llevar a cabo la instalación y su rentabilidad, todo ello detallado en el estudio económico. El estudio económico se basa en dos supuestos, el primero de ellos, únicamente tiene en cuenta la instalación en las azoteas de los edificios. El segundo estudio, incluye los descampados y las azoteas. Con estos dos estudios se puede verificar la viabilidad del proyecto, facilitando datos concretos sobre las ventajas de cada uno de ellos. ABSTRACT. The aim of this work is to study the photovoltaic potential in the South Campus of the Polytechnic University of Madrid. The work has been divided into three parts. The first one is focused on the calculus of the solar harvesting productivity of the South Campus. The second part is centered in the development of the complete photovoltaic system layout design, taking into account the available placement. In the third part, an economic study considering several different scenarios is carried out. In order to calculate the solar productivity, the MATLAB based software tool IESPRO together with a complementary application developed in MATLAB as well, have been used. These programs allow to obtain an accurate estimation of the generated annual energy. The land use is studied with the help of free software SketchUp. With this application, it is possible to rebuild the South Campus in 3D. This reconstruction includes: buildings and vegetation, facilitating the distribution of photovoltaic generators in all areas, to avoid shaded or unsuitable areas for the installation, and maximizing land use. All the above analysis allow determining the energy efficiency of the South Campus for two different configurations, i.e., installing solar photovoltaic arrays only on the roofs of the buildings, or installing solar photovoltaic arrays throughout the land available, including vacant lots and rooftops. The facilities final cost and the cost effectiveness are estimated by comparing the energy efficiency with the South Campus total consumption. This study is based on two different scenarios: the first one considers the solar arrays installation in the buildings roofs, and the second one includes in the layout the vacant lots and rooftops. These studies allow verifying the feasibility of the project, and provide specific information related to the advantages and drawbacks of each scenario.


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The uncertainty associated to the forecast of photovoltaic generation is a major drawback for the widespread introduction of this technology into electricity grids. This uncertainty is a challenge in the design and operation of electrical systems that include photovoltaic generation. Demand-Side Management (DSM) techniques are widely used to modify energy consumption. If local photovoltaic generation is available, DSM techniques can use generation forecast to schedule the local consumption. On the other hand, local storage systems can be used to separate electricity availability from instantaneous generation; therefore, the effects of forecast error in the electrical system are reduced. The effects of uncertainty associated to the forecast of photovoltaic generation in a residential electrical system equipped with DSM techniques and a local storage system are analyzed in this paper. The study has been performed in a solar house that is able to displace a residential user?s load pattern, manage local storage and estimate forecasts of electricity generation. A series of real experiments and simulations have carried out on the house. The results of this experiments show that the use of Demand Side Management (DSM) and local storage reduces to 2% the uncertainty on the energy exchanged with the grid. In the case that the photovoltaic system would operate as a pure electricity generator feeding all generated electricity into grid, the uncertainty would raise to around 40%.


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The hot-spot phenomenon is a relatively frequent problem occurring in current photovoltaic generators. It entails both a risk for the photovoltaic module’s lifetime and a decrease in its operational efficiency. Nevertheless, there is still a lack of widely accepted procedures for dealing with them in practice. This paper presents the IES–UPM observations on 200 affected photovoltaic modules. Visual and infrared inspection, as well as electroluminescence, peak power rating and operating voltage tests have been carried out. Thermography under steady state conditions and photovoltaic module operating voltage, both at normal photovoltaic system operating conditions, are the selected methods to deal in practice with hot-spots. The temperature difference between the hot-spot and its surroundings, and the operating voltage differences between affected and non-affected photovoltaic modules are the base for establishing defective criteria, at the lights of both lifetime and operating efficiency considerations. Hot-spots temperature gradients larger than 20 °C, in any case, and larger than 10 °C when, at the same time, voltage operating losses are larger than the allowable power losses fixed at the photovoltaic module warranties, are proposed as rejecting conditions for routine inspections under contractual frameworks. The upper threshold of 20 °C is deduced for temperate climates from the basic criterion of keeping absolute hot-spot temperatures below 20 °C.


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La situación energética actual es insostenible y como consecuencia se plantea un escenario próximo orientado a conseguir un futuro energético sostenible que permita el desarrollo económico y el bienestar social. La situación ambiental actual está afectada directamente por la combustión de combustibles fósiles que en 2013 constituyeron el 81% de la energía primaria utilizada por el ser humano y son la principal fuente antropogénica de gases de efecto invernadero. Los informes del IPCC1, ponen de manifiesto que el cambio climático se ha consolidado durante los últimos años y en la conferencia de la ONU sobre cambio climático de París que se celebrará a finales de 2015, se pretende que los gobiernos suscriban un acuerdo universal para limitar las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero y evitar que el incremento de la temperatura media global supere los 2°C. Por otra parte, en el interior de las ciudades es especialmente preocupante, por su efecto directo sobre la salud humana, el impacto ambiental producido por las emisiones de NOx que generan el transporte de personas y mercancías. El sector del transporte fue responsable en 2012 del 27,9% del consumo final de energía. Una vez expuesto el escenario energético y ambiental actual, en esta tesis, se analiza la eficiencia de un sistema autónomo fotovoltaico para la carga de baterías de vehículos eléctricos y el uso del mismo con otras cargas, con el objetivo de aprovechar al máximo la energía eléctrica generada y contribuir a la utilización de energía limpia que no produzca impacto ambiental. Como primer paso para el desarrollo de la tesis se hizo un estudio de trabajos previos comenzando por las primeras aplicaciones de la energía fotovoltaica en los vehículos solares para después pasar a trabajos más recientes enfocados al suministro de energía a los vehículos eléctricos. También se hizo este estudio sobre las metodologías de simulación en los sistemas fotovoltaicos y en el modelado de distintos componentes. Posteriormente se eligieron, dentro de la amplia oferta existente en el mercado, los componentes con características técnicas más adecuadas para este tipo de instalaciones y para las necesidades que se pretenden cubrir. A partir de los parámetros técnicos de los componentes elegidos para configurar la instalación autónoma y utilizando modelos contrastados de distintos componentes, se ha desarrollado un modelo de simulación en ordenador del sistema completo con el que se han hecho simulaciones con distintos modos de demanda de energía eléctrica, según los modos de carga disponibles en el vehículo eléctrico para corriente alterna monofásica de 230 V. También se han simulado distintos tamaños del generador fotovoltaico y del sistema de acumulación de energía eléctrica para poder determinar la influencia de estos parámetros en los balances energéticos del sistema. Utilizando recursos propios el doctorando ha realizado la instalación real de un sistema fotovoltaico que incluye sistema de acumulación e inversor en un edificio de su propiedad. Para la realización de la tesis, La Fundación de Fomento e Innovación Industrial (F2I2) ha facilitado al doctorando un dispositivo que permite realizar la alimentación del vehículo eléctrico en modo 2 (este modo emplea un adaptador que incorpora dispositivos de seguridad y se comunica con el vehículo permitiendo ajustar la velocidad de recarga) y que ha sido necesario para los trabajos desarrollados. Se ha utilizado la red eléctrica como sistema de apoyo de la instalación fotovoltaica para permitir la recarga en el modo 2 que requiere más potencia que la proporcionada por el sistema fotovoltaico instalado. Se han analizado mediante simulación distintos regímenes de carga que se han estudiado experimentalmente en la instalación realizada, a la vez que se han hecho ensayos que se han reproducido mediante simulación con los mismos valores de radiación solar y temperatura con objeto de contrastar el modelo. Se han comparado los resultados experimentales con los obtenidos mediante simulación con objeto de caracterizar el comportamiento del sistema de acumulación (energía eléctrica suministrada y tensión de salida en las baterías) y del generador fotovoltaico (energía eléctrica fotovoltaica suministrada). Por último, se ha realizado un estudio económico de la instalación autónoma fotovoltaica ejecutada y simulada. En el mismo se ha planteado la utilización de fondos propios (como realmente se ha llevado a cabo) y la utilización de financiación, para determinar dos posibles escenarios que pudieran ser de utilidad a un propietario de vehículo eléctrico. Se han comparado los resultados obtenidos en los dos escenarios propuestos del estudio económico del sistema, en cuanto a los parámetros de tiempo de retorno de la inversión, valor actual neto de la inversión y tasa interna de retorno de la misma. Las conclusiones técnicas obtenidas, permiten la utilización del sistema con los modos de carga ensayados y otro tipo de cargas que aprovechen la generación eléctrica del sistema. Las baterías ofrecen mejor comportamiento cuando el aporte fotovoltaico está presente, pero no considera adecuado la conexión de cargas elevadas a un sistema de acumulación de gel (plomo-acido) como el que se ha utilizado, debido al comportamiento de este tipo de baterías ante demandas de intensidad de corriente eléctrica elevadas. Por otra parte, el comportamiento de este tipo de baterías con valores de intensidad de corriente eléctrica inferiores a 10 A en ausencia de energía fotovoltaica, con el objetivo de utilizar la generación de energía eléctrica diaria acumulada en el sistema, sí resulta interesante y ofrece un buen comportamiento del sistema de acumulación. Las circunstancias actuales de mercado, que carece de sistemas de acumulación de litio con precios de compra interesantes, no han permitido poder experimentar este sistema de acumulación en la instalación autónoma fotovoltaica ejecutada, tampoco se ha podido obtener el favor de ningún fabricante para ello. Actualmente hay disponibles sistemas de acumulación en litio que no se comercializan en España y que serían adecuados para el sistema de acumulación de energía propuesto en este estudio, que deja abierta las puertas para futuros trabajos de investigación. Las conclusiones económicas obtenidas, rentabilizan el uso de una instalación autónoma fotovoltaica con consumo instantáneo, sin acumulación de energía eléctrica. El futuro de conexión a red por parte de estas instalaciones, cuando se regule, aportará un incentivo económico para rentabilizar con menos tiempo las instalaciones autónomas fotovoltaicas, esto también deja la puerta abierta a futuros trabajos de investigación. El sistema de acumulación de energía aporta el mayor peso económico de inversión en este tipo de instalaciones. La instalación estudiada aporta indicadores económicos que la hacen rentable, pero se necesitaría que los precios de acumulación de la energía en sistemas eficientes estén comprendidos entre 100-200 €/kWh para que el sistema propuesto en este trabajo resulte atractivo a un potencial propietario de un vehículo eléctrico. ABSTRACT The current energy situation is untenable; it poses a scenario next focused on reaching a sustainable energy future, to allow economic development and social welfare. The environmental current situation is affected directly by the combustion of fossil fuels that in 2013 constituted 81 % of the primary energy used by the human being and they are the principal source human of greenhouse gases. The reports of the IPCC2, they reveal that the climate change has consolidated during the last years and in the conference of the UNO on climate change of Paris that will be celebrated at the end of 2015, there is claimed that the governments sign a universal agreement to limit the emission of greenhouse gases and to prevent that the increase of the global average temperature overcomes them 2°C. On the other hand, inside the cities it is specially worrying, for his direct effect on the human health, the environmental impact produced by the NOx emissions that generate the persons' transport and goods. The sector of the transport was responsible in 2012 of 27,9 % of the final consumption of energy. Once exposed the scenario and present environmental energy, in this thesis, it has analyzed the efficiency of an autonomous photovoltaic system for charging electric vehicles, and the use of the same with other workloads, with the objective to maximize the electrical energy generated and contribute to the use of clean energy that does not produce environmental impact. Since the first step for the development of the thesis did to itself a study of previous works beginning for the first applications of the photovoltaic power in the solar vehicles later to go on to more recent works focused on the power supply to the electrical vehicles. Also this study was done on the methodologies of simulation in the photovoltaic systems and in the shaped one of different components. Later they were chosen, inside the wide existing offer on the market, the components with technical characteristics more adapted for this type of facilities and for the needs that try to cover. From the technical parameters of the components chosen to form the autonomous installation and using models confirmed of different components, a model of simulation has developed in computer of the complete system with which simulations have been done by different manners of demand of electric power, according to the available manners of load in the electrical vehicle for single-phase alternating current of 230 V. Also there have been simulated different sizes of the photovoltaic generator and of the system of accumulation of electric power to be able to determine the influence of these parameters in the energy balances of the system. Using own resources the PhD student has realized a real installation of a photovoltaic system that includes system of accumulation and investing in a building of his property. For the accomplishment of the thesis, The Foundation of Promotion and Industrial Innovation (F2I2) it has facilitated to the PhD student a device that allows to realize the supply of the electrical vehicle in way 2 (this way uses an adapter that incorporates safety devices and communicates with the vehicle allowing to fit the speed of recharges) and that has been necessary for the developed works. The electrical network has been in use as system of support of the photovoltaic installation for allowing it her recharges in the way 2 that more power needs that provided by the photovoltaic installed system. There have been analyzed by means of simulation different rate of load that have been studied experimentally in the realized installation, simultaneously that have done to themselves tests that have reproduced by means of simulation with the same values of solar radiation and temperature in order the model contrasted. The experimental results have been compared by the obtained ones by means of simulation in order to characterize the behavior of the system of accumulation (supplied electric power and tension of exit in the batteries) and of the photovoltaic generator (photovoltaic supplied electric power). Finally, there has been realized an economic study of the autonomous photovoltaic executed and simulated installation. In the same one there has appeared the utilization of own funds (since really it has been carried out) and the utilization of financing, to determine two possible scenes that could be of usefulness to an owner of electrical vehicle. There have been compared the results obtained in both scenes proposed of the economic study of the system, as for the parameters of time of return of the investment, current clear value of the investment and rate hospitalizes of return of the same one. The technical obtained conclusions, they make the utilization of the system viable with the manners of load tested and another type of loads of that they take advantage the electrical generation of the system. The batteries offer better behavior when the photovoltaic contribution is present, but he does not consider to be suitable the connection of loads risen up to a system of accumulation of gel (lead - acid) as the one that has been in use, due to the behavior of this type of batteries before demands of intensity of electrical current raised. On the other hand, the behavior of this type of batteries with low values of intensity of electrical current to 10 To in absence of photovoltaic power, with the aim to use the generation of daily electric power accumulated in the system, yes turns out to be interesting and offers a good behavior of the system of accumulation. The current circumstances of market, which lacks systems of accumulation of lithium with interesting purchase prices, have not allowed to be able to experience this system of accumulation in the autonomous photovoltaic executed installation, neither one could have obtained the favor of any manufacturer for it. Nowadays there are available systems of accumulation in lithium that is not commercialized in Spain and that they would be adapted for the system of accumulation of energy proposed in this study, which makes the doors opened for future works of investigation. The economic obtained conclusions; they make more profitable the use of an autonomous photovoltaic installation with instantaneous consumption, without accumulation of electric power. The future of connection to network on the part of these facilities, when it is regulated, will contribute an economic incentive to make profitable with less time the autonomous photovoltaic facilities, this also leaves the door opened for future works of investigation. The system of accumulation of energy contributes the major economic weight of investment in this type of facilities. The studied installation contributes economic indicators that make her profitable, but it would be necessary that the prices of accumulation of the energy in efficient systems are understood between 100-200 € in order that the system proposed in this work turns out to be attractive to a proprietary potential of an electrical vehicle.


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Esta tesis doctoral presenta un procedimiento integral de control de calidad en centrales fotovoltaicas, que comprende desde la fase inicial de estimación de las expectativas de producción hasta la vigilancia del funcionamiento de la instalación una vez en operación, y que permite reducir la incertidumbre asociada su comportamiento y aumentar su fiabilidad a largo plazo, optimizando su funcionamiento. La coyuntura de la tecnología fotovoltaica ha evolucionado enormemente en los últimos años, haciendo que las centrales fotovoltaicas sean capaces de producir energía a unos precios totalmente competitivos en relación con otras fuentes de energía. Esto hace que aumente la exigencia sobre el funcionamiento y la fiabilidad de estas instalaciones. Para cumplir con dicha exigencia, es necesaria la adecuación de los procedimientos de control de calidad aplicados, así como el desarrollo de nuevos métodos que deriven en un conocimiento más completo del estado de las centrales, y que permitan mantener la vigilancia sobre las mismas a lo largo del tiempo. Además, los ajustados márgenes de explotación actuales requieren que durante la fase de diseño se disponga de métodos de estimación de la producción que comporten la menor incertidumbre posible. La propuesta de control de calidad presentada en este trabajo parte de protocolos anteriores orientados a la fase de puesta en marcha de una instalación fotovoltaica, y las complementa con métodos aplicables a la fase de operación, prestando especial atención a los principales problemas que aparecen en las centrales a lo largo de su vida útil (puntos calientes, impacto de la suciedad, envejecimiento…). Además, incorpora un protocolo de vigilancia y análisis del funcionamiento de las instalaciones a partir de sus datos de monitorización, que incluye desde la comprobación de la validez de los propios datos registrados hasta la detección y el diagnóstico de fallos, y que permite un conocimiento automatizado y detallado de las plantas. Dicho procedimiento está orientado a facilitar las tareas de operación y mantenimiento, de manera que se garantice una alta disponibilidad de funcionamiento de la instalación. De vuelta a la fase inicial de cálculo de las expectativas de producción, se utilizan los datos registrados en las centrales para llevar a cabo una mejora de los métodos de estimación de la radiación, que es la componente que más incertidumbre añade al proceso de modelado. El desarrollo y la aplicación de este procedimiento de control de calidad se han llevado a cabo en 39 grandes centrales fotovoltaicas, que totalizan una potencia de 250 MW, distribuidas por varios países de Europa y América Latina. ABSTRACT This thesis presents a comprehensive quality control procedure to be applied in photovoltaic plants, which covers from the initial phase of energy production estimation to the monitoring of the installation performance, once it is in operation. This protocol allows reducing the uncertainty associated to the photovoltaic plants behaviour and increases their long term reliability, therefore optimizing their performance. The situation of photovoltaic technology has drastically evolved in recent years, making photovoltaic plants capable of producing energy at fully competitive prices, in relation to other energy sources. This fact increases the requirements on the performance and reliability of these facilities. To meet this demand, it is necessary to adapt the quality control procedures and to develop new methods able to provide a more complete knowledge of the state of health of the plants, and able to maintain surveillance on them over time. In addition, the current meagre margins in which these installations operate require procedures capable of estimating energy production with the lower possible uncertainty during the design phase. The quality control procedure presented in this work starts from previous protocols oriented to the commissioning phase of a photovoltaic system, and complete them with procedures for the operation phase, paying particular attention to the major problems that arise in photovoltaic plants during their lifetime (hot spots, dust impact, ageing...). It also incorporates a protocol to control and analyse the installation performance directly from its monitoring data, which comprises from checking the validity of the recorded data itself to the detection and diagnosis of failures, and which allows an automated and detailed knowledge of the PV plant performance that can be oriented to facilitate the operation and maintenance of the installation, so as to ensure a high operation availability of the system. Back to the initial stage of calculating production expectations, the data recorded in the photovoltaic plants is used to improved methods for estimating the incident irradiation, which is the component that adds more uncertainty to the modelling process. The development and implementation of the presented quality control procedure has been carried out in 39 large photovoltaic plants, with a total power of 250 MW, located in different European and Latin-American countries.


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The inverter in a photovoltaic system assures two essential functions. The first is to track the maximum power point of the system IV curve throughout variable environmental conditions. The second is to convert DC power delivered by the PV panels into AC power. Nowadays, in order to qualify inverters, manufacturers and certifying organisms use mainly European and/or CEC efficiency standards. The question arises if these are still representative of CPV system behaviour. We propose to use a set of CPV – specific weighted average and a representative dynamic response to have a better determination of the static and dynamic MPPT efficiencies. Four string-sized commercial inverters used in real CPV plants have been tested.


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In this work, we explain the behavior of multijunction solar cells under non-uniform (spatially and in spectral content) light profiles in general and in particular when Gaussian light profiles cause a photo-generated current density, which exceeds locally the peak current density of the tunnel junction. We have analyzed the implications on the tunnel junction's limitation, that is, in the loss of efficiency due to the appearance of a dip in the I–V curve. For that, we have carried out simulations with our three-dimensional distributed model for multijunction solar cells, which contemplates a full description of the tunnel junction and also takes into account the lateral resistances in the tunnel junction. The main findings are that the current density photo-generated spreads out through the lateral resistances of the device, mainly through the tunnel junction layers and the back contact. Therefore, under non-uniform light profiles these resistances are determinant not only to avoid the tunnel junction's limitation but also for mitigating losses in the fill factor. Therefore, taking into account these lateral resistances could be the key for jointly optimizing the concentrator photovoltaic system (concentrator optics, front grid layout and semiconductor structure)


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In some countries photovoltaic (PV) technology is at a stage of development at which it can compete with conventional electricity sources. A case in point is Germany where PV market has reached a mature stage. As a manifest of this, the German government has recently reduced the feed-in-tariff, which had been the strongest driver of PV diffusion. This development raises a fundamental question: Why would potential adopters be motivated to adopt PV when feed-in tariff diminishes? The point of departure for the literature on diffusion of PV has been on the effect of subsidies but little attention has paid to adopter motives when the policy support is scaled down. This paper presents an in-depth analysis of the adopter motives for photovoltaic applications. Anchored in an extensive exploratory case study we provide an encompassing explanation of roles of policy, adopters and system suppliers on diffusion of PV.


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Metal grid lines are a vital element in multijunction solar cells in order to take out from the cell the generated photocurrent. Nevertheless all this implies certain shadowing factor and thus certain reflectivity on cells surface that lowers its light absorption. This reflectivity produces a loss in electrical efficiency and thus a loss in global energy production for CPV systems. We present here an optical design for recovering this portion of reflected light, and thus leading to a system efficiency increase. This new design is based on an external confinement cavity, an optical element able to redirect the light reflected by the cell towards its surface again. It has been possible thanks to the recent invention of the advanced Köhler concentrators by LPI, likely to integrate one of these cavities easily. We have proven the excellent performance of these cavities integrated in this kind of CPV modules offering outstanding results: 33.2% module electrical efficiency @Tcell=25ºC and relative efficiency and Isc gains of over 6%.


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A novel HCPV nonimaging concentrator concept with high concentration (>500×) is presented. It uses the combination of a commercial concentration GaInP∕GaInAs∕Ge 3J cell and a concentration Back‐Point‐Contact (BPC) concentration silicon cell for efficient spectral utilization, and external confinement techniques for recovering the 3J cell′s reflection. The primary optical element (POE) is a flat Fresnel lens and the secondary optical element (SOE) is a free‐form RXI‐type concentrator with a band‐pass filter embedded it, both POE and SOE performing Köhler integration to produce light homogenization. The band‐pass filter sends the IR photons in the 900–1200 nm band to the silicon cell. Computer simulations predict that four‐terminal terminal designs could achieve ∼46% added cell efficiencies using commercial 39% 3J and 26% Si cells. A first proof‐of concept receiver prototype has been manufactured using a simpler optical architecture (with a lower concentration, ∼ 100× and lower simulated added efficiency), and experimental measurements have shown up to 39.8% 4J receiver efficiency using a 3J with peak efficiency of 36.9%


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Young trees transplanted from nursery into open field require a minimum amount of soil moisture to successfully root in their new location, especially in dry-climate areas. One possibility is to obtain the required water from air moisture. This can be achieved by reducing the temperature of a surface below the air dew point temperature, inducing water vapor condensation on the surface. The temperature of a surface can be reduced by applying the thermoelectric effect, with Peltier modules powered by electricity. Here, we present a system that generates electricity with a solar photovoltaic module, stores it in a battery, and finally, it uses the electricity at the moment in which air humidity and temperature are optima to maximize water condensation while minimizing energy consumption. Also, a method to reduce the evaporation of the condensed water is proposed. The objective of the system, rather than irrigating young plants in such a degree as to boost their growth, is to maintain them alive in the dryer periods.