23 resultados para non-technical training

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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The Future Internet is expected to be composed of a mesh of interoperable Web services accessed from all over the Web. This approach has not yet caught on since global user-service interaction is still an open issue. Successful composite applications rely on heavyweight service orchestration technologies that raise the bar far above end-user skills. The weakness lies in the abstraction of the underlying service front-end architecture rather than the infrastructure technologies themselves. In our opinion, the best approach is to offer end-to-end composition from user interface to service invocation, as well as an understandable abstraction of both building blocks and a visual composition technique. In this paper we formalize our vision with regard to the next-generation front-end Web technology that will enable integrated access to services, contents and things in the Future Internet. We present a novel reference architecture designed to empower non-technical end users to create and share their own self-service composite applications. A tool implementing this architecture has been developed as part of the European FP7 FAST Project and EzWeb Project, allowing us to validate the rationale behind our approach.


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Atmospheric emissions from road transport have increased all around the world during the last decades more rapidly than from other pollution sources. For instance, they contribute to more than 25% of total CO, CO2, NOx, and fine particle emissions in most of the European countries. This situation shows the importance of road transport when complying with emission ceilings and air quality standards applied to these pollutants. This paper presents a modelling system to perform atmospheric emission projections (simultaneously both air quality pollutants and greenhouse gases) from road transport including the development of a tailored software tool (EmiTRANS) as a planning tool. The methodology has been developed with two purposes: 1) to obtain outputs used as inputs to the COPERT4 software to calculate emission projections and 2) to summarize outputs for policy making evaluating the effect of emission abatement measures for a vehicle fleet. This methodology has been applied to the calculation of emission projections in Spain up to 2020 under several scenarios, including a sensitivity analysis useful for a better interpretation and confidence building on the results. This case study demonstrates the EmiTRANS applicability to a country, and points out the need for combining both technical and non-technical measures (such as behavioural changes or demand management) to reduce emissions, indirectly improving air quality and contributing to mitigate climate change.


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La termografía infrarroja (TI) es una técnica no invasiva y de bajo coste que permite, con el simple acto de tomar una fotografía, el registro sin contacto de la energía que irradia el cuerpo humano (Akimov & Son’kin, 2011, Merla et al., 2005, Ng et al., 2009, Costello et al., 2012, Hildebrandt et al., 2010). Esta técnica comenzó a utilizarse en el ámbito médico en los años 60, pero debido a los malos resultados como herramienta diagnóstica y la falta de protocolos estandarizados (Head & Elliot, 2002), ésta se dejó de utilizar en detrimento de otras técnicas más precisas a nivel diagnóstico. No obstante, las mejoras tecnológicas de la TI en los últimos años han hecho posible un resurgimiento de la misma (Jiang et al., 2005, Vainer et al., 2005, Cheng et al., 2009, Spalding et al., 2011, Skala et al., 2012), abriendo el camino a nuevas aplicaciones no sólo centradas en el uso diagnóstico. Entre las nuevas aplicaciones, destacamos las que se desarrollan en el ámbito de la actividad física y el deporte, donde recientemente se ha demostrado que los nuevos avances con imágenes de alta resolución pueden proporcionar información muy interesante sobre el complejo sistema de termorregulación humana (Hildebrandt et al., 2010). Entre las nuevas aplicaciones destacan: la cuantificación de la asimilación de la carga de trabajo físico (Čoh & Širok, 2007), la valoración de la condición física (Chudecka et al., 2010, 2012, Akimov et al., 2009, 2011, Merla et al., 2010), la prevención y seguimiento de lesiones (Hildebrandt et al., 2010, 2012, Badža et al., 2012, Gómez Carmona, 2012) e incluso la detección de agujetas (Al-Nakhli et al., 2012). Bajo estas circunstancias, se acusa cada vez más la necesidad de ampliar el conocimiento sobre los factores que influyen en la aplicación de la TI en los seres humanos, así como la descripción de la respuesta de la temperatura de la piel (TP) en condiciones normales, y bajo la influencia de los diferentes tipos de ejercicio. Por consiguiente, este estudio presenta en una primera parte una revisión bibliográfica sobre los factores que afectan al uso de la TI en los seres humanos y una propuesta de clasificación de los mismos. Hemos analizado la fiabilidad del software Termotracker, así como su reproducibilidad de la temperatura de la piel en sujetos jóvenes, sanos y con normopeso. Finalmente, se analizó la respuesta térmica de la piel antes de un entrenamiento de resistencia, velocidad y fuerza, inmediatamente después y durante un período de recuperación de 8 horas. En cuanto a la revisión bibliográfica, hemos propuesto una clasificación para organizar los factores en tres grupos principales: los factores ambientales, individuales y técnicos. El análisis y descripción de estas influencias deben representar la base de nuevas investigaciones con el fin de utilizar la TI en las mejores condiciones. En cuanto a la reproducibilidad, los resultados mostraron valores excelentes para imágenes consecutivas, aunque la reproducibilidad de la TP disminuyó ligeramente con imágenes separadas por 24 horas, sobre todo en las zonas con valores más fríos (es decir, zonas distales y articulaciones). Las asimetrías térmicas (que normalmente se utilizan para seguir la evolución de zonas sobrecargadas o lesionadas) también mostraron excelentes resultados pero, en este caso, con mejores valores para las articulaciones y el zonas centrales (es decir, rodillas, tobillos, dorsales y pectorales) que las Zonas de Interés (ZDI) con valores medios más calientes (como los muslos e isquiotibiales). Los resultados de fiabilidad del software Termotracker fueron excelentes en todas las condiciones y parámetros. En el caso del estudio sobre los efectos de los entrenamientos de la velocidad resistencia y fuerza en la TP, los resultados muestran respuestas específicas según el tipo de entrenamiento, zona de interés, el momento de la evaluación y la función de las zonas analizadas. Los resultados mostraron que la mayoría de las ZDI musculares se mantuvieron significativamente más calientes 8 horas después del entrenamiento, lo que indica que el efecto del ejercicio sobre la TP perdura por lo menos 8 horas en la mayoría de zonas analizadas. La TI podría ser útil para cuantificar la asimilación y recuperación física después de una carga física de trabajo. Estos resultados podrían ser muy útiles para entender mejor el complejo sistema de termorregulación humano, y por lo tanto, para utilizar la TI de una manera más objetiva, precisa y profesional con visos a mejorar las nuevas aplicaciones termográficas en el sector de la actividad física y el deporte Infrared Thermography (IRT) is a safe, non-invasive and low-cost technique that allows the rapid and non-contact recording of the irradiated energy released from the body (Akimov & Son’kin, 2011; Merla et al., 2005; Ng et al., 2009; Costello et al., 2012; Hildebrandt et al., 2010). It has been used since the early 1960’s, but due to poor results as diagnostic tool and a lack of methodological standards and quality assurance (Head et al., 2002), it was rejected from the medical field. Nevertheless, the technological improvements of IRT in the last years have made possible a resurgence of this technique (Jiang et al., 2005; Vainer et al., 2005; Cheng et al., 2009; Spalding et al., 2011; Skala et al., 2012), paving the way to new applications not only focused on the diagnose usages. Among the new applications, we highlighted those in physical activity and sport fields, where it has been recently proven that a high resolution thermal images can provide us with interesting information about the complex thermoregulation system of the body (Hildebrandt et al., 2010), information than can be used as: training workload quantification (Čoh & Širok, 2007), fitness and performance conditions (Chudecka et al., 2010, 2012; Akimov et al., 2009, 2011; Merla et al., 2010; Arfaoui et al., 2012), prevention and monitoring of injuries (Hildebrandt et al., 2010, 2012; Badža et al., 2012, Gómez Carmona, 2012) and even detection of Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness – DOMS- (Al-Nakhli et al., 2012). Under this context, there is a relevant necessity to broaden the knowledge about factors influencing the application of IRT on humans, and to better explore and describe the thermal response of Skin Temperature (Tsk) in normal conditions, and under the influence of different types of exercise. Consequently, this study presents a literature review about factors affecting the application of IRT on human beings and a classification proposal about them. We analysed the reliability of the software Termotracker®, and also its reproducibility of Tsk on young, healthy and normal weight subjects. Finally, we examined the Tsk thermal response before an endurance, speed and strength training, immediately after and during an 8-hour recovery period. Concerning the literature review, we proposed a classification to organise the factors into three main groups: environmental, individual and technical factors. Thus, better exploring and describing these influence factors should represent the basis of further investigations in order to use IRT in the best and optimal conditions to improve its accuracy and results. Regarding the reproducibility results, the outcomes showed excellent values for consecutive images, but the reproducibility of Tsk slightly decreased with time, above all in the colder Regions of Interest (ROI) (i.e. distal and joint areas). The side-to-side differences (ΔT) (normally used to follow the evolution of some injured or overloaded ROI) also showed highly accurate results, but in this case with better values for joints and central ROI (i.e. Knee, Ankles, Dorsal and Pectoral) than the hottest muscle ROI (as Thigh or Hamstrings). The reliability results of the IRT software Termotracker® were excellent in all conditions and parameters. In the part of the study about the effects on Tsk of aerobic, speed and strength training, the results of Tsk demonstrated specific responses depending on the type of training, ROI, moment of the assessment and the function of the considered ROI. The results showed that most of muscular ROI maintained warmer significant Tsk 8 hours after the training, indicating that the effect of exercise on Tsk last at least 8 hours in most of ROI, as well as IRT could help to quantify the recovery status of the athlete as workload assimilation indicator. Those results could be very useful to better understand the complex skin thermoregulation behaviour, and therefore, to use IRT in a more objective, accurate and professional way to improve the new IRT applications for the physical activity and sport sector.


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Spanish Young Generation in Nuclear (Jóvenes Nucleares, JJNN) is a non-profrt organization that depends on the Spanish Nuclear Society (Sociedad Nuclear Española, SNE).Since one of rts main goals is to spread the knowledge about nuclear power,severa! technical tours to facilities wrth an importan!role in the nuclear fuel cycle have been organized for the purpose ofleaming about the different stages of the Spanish tuel cycle. Spanish Young Generation in Nuclear had the opportunity to visit ENUSA Fuel Assembly Factory in Juzbado (Salamanca, Spain), Where it could be understood the front-end cycle which involves the uranium supply and storage, design and manufacturing of fuel bundles for European nuclear power plants. Alterwards, due to the tour of Almaraz NPP (PWR) and Santa María de Garoña NPP (BWR), rt could be comprehended how to obtain energy from this fuel in two different types of reactors.Furthermore,in these two plants, the facilities related to the back-end cycle could be toured. lt was possible to watch the Spent FuelPools, where the fuel bundles are stored under water until their activity is reduced enough to transport them to an Individual Temporary Storage Facility orto the Centralized Temporary Storage. Finally, a technical tour to ENSA Heavy Components Factory (ENSA) was accomplished, Where it could be experienced at first hand how different Nuclear Steam Supply System (NSSS) components and other nuclear elements, such as racks or shipping and storage casks for spent nuclear fuel, are manulactured. All these perlonned technical tours were a complete success thanks to a generous care and know-how of the wor1


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El uso de técnicas para la monitorización del movimiento humano generalmente permite a los investigadores analizar la cinemática y especialmente las capacidades motoras en aquellas actividades de la vida cotidiana que persiguen un objetivo concreto como pueden ser la preparación de bebidas y comida, e incluso en tareas de aseo. Adicionalmente, la evaluación del movimiento y el comportamiento humanos en el campo de la rehabilitación cognitiva es esencial para profundizar en las dificultades que algunas personas encuentran en la ejecución de actividades diarias después de accidentes cerebro-vasculares. Estas dificultades están principalmente asociadas a la realización de pasos secuenciales y al reconocimiento del uso de herramientas y objetos. La interpretación de los datos sobre la actitud de este tipo de pacientes para reconocer y determinar el nivel de éxito en la ejecución de las acciones, y para ampliar el conocimiento en las enfermedades cerebrales, sus consecuencias y severidad, depende totalmente de los dispositivos usados para la captura de esos datos y de la calidad de los mismos. Más aún, existe una necesidad real de mejorar las técnicas actuales de rehabilitación cognitiva contribuyendo al diseño de sistemas automáticos para crear una especie de terapeuta virtual que asegure una vida más independiente de estos pacientes y reduzca la carga de trabajo de los terapeutas. Con este objetivo, el uso de sensores y dispositivos para obtener datos en tiempo real de la ejecución y estado de la tarea de rehabilitación es esencial para también contribuir al diseño y entrenamiento de futuros algoritmos que pudieran reconocer errores automáticamente para informar al paciente acerca de ellos mediante distintos tipos de pistas como pueden ser imágenes, mensajes auditivos o incluso videos. La tecnología y soluciones existentes en este campo no ofrecen una manera totalmente robusta y efectiva para obtener datos en tiempo real, por un lado, porque pueden influir en el movimiento del propio paciente en caso de las plataformas basadas en el uso de marcadores que necesitan sensores pegados en la piel; y por otro lado, debido a la complejidad o alto coste de implantación lo que hace difícil pensar en la idea de instalar un sistema en el hospital o incluso en la casa del paciente. Esta tesis presenta la investigación realizada en el campo de la monitorización del movimiento de pacientes para proporcionar un paso adelante en términos de detección, seguimiento y reconocimiento del comportamiento de manos, gestos y cara mediante una manera no invasiva la cual puede mejorar la técnicas actuales de rehabilitación cognitiva para la adquisición en tiempo real de datos sobre el comportamiento del paciente y la ejecución de la tarea. Para entender la importancia del marco de esta tesis, inicialmente se presenta un resumen de las principales enfermedades cognitivas y se introducen las consecuencias que tienen en la ejecución de tareas de la vida diaria. Más aún, se investiga sobre las metodologías actuales de rehabilitación cognitiva. Teniendo en cuenta que las manos son la principal parte del cuerpo para la ejecución de tareas manuales de la vida cotidiana, también se resumen las tecnologías existentes para la captura de movimiento de manos. Una de las principales contribuciones de esta tesis está relacionada con el diseño y evaluación de una solución no invasiva para detectar y seguir las manos durante la ejecución de tareas manuales de la vida cotidiana que a su vez involucran la manipulación de objetos. Esta solución la cual no necesita marcadores adicionales y está basada en una cámara de profundidad de bajo coste, es robusta, precisa y fácil de instalar. Otra contribución presentada se centra en el reconocimiento de gestos para detectar el agarre de objetos basado en un sensor infrarrojo de última generación, y también complementado con una cámara de profundidad. Esta nueva técnica, y también no invasiva, sincroniza ambos sensores para seguir objetos específicos además de reconocer eventos concretos relacionados con tareas de aseo. Más aún, se realiza una evaluación preliminar del reconocimiento de expresiones faciales para analizar si es adecuado para el reconocimiento del estado de ánimo durante la tarea. Por su parte, todos los componentes y algoritmos desarrollados son integrados en un prototipo simple para ser usado como plataforma de monitorización. Se realiza una evaluación técnica del funcionamiento de cada dispositivo para analizar si es adecuada para adquirir datos en tiempo real durante la ejecución de tareas cotidianas reales. Finalmente, se estudia la interacción con pacientes reales para obtener información del nivel de usabilidad del prototipo. Dicha información es esencial y útil para considerar una rehabilitación cognitiva basada en la idea de instalación del sistema en la propia casa del paciente al igual que en el hospital correspondiente. ABSTRACT The use of human motion monitoring techniques usually let researchers to analyse kinematics, especially in motor strategies for goal-oriented activities of daily living, such as the preparation of drinks and food, and even grooming tasks. Additionally, the evaluation of human movements and behaviour in the field of cognitive rehabilitation is essential to deep into the difficulties some people find in common activities after stroke. This difficulties are mainly associated with sequence actions and the recognition of tools usage. The interpretation of attitude data of this kind of patients in order to recognize and determine the level of success of the execution of actions, and to broaden the knowledge in brain diseases, consequences and severity, depends totally on the devices used for the capture of that data and the quality of it. Moreover, there is a real need of improving the current cognitive rehabilitation techniques by contributing to the design of automatic systems to create a kind of virtual therapist for the improvement of the independent life of these stroke patients and to reduce the workload of the occupational therapists currently in charge of them. For this purpose, the use of sensors and devices to obtain real time data of the execution and state of the rehabilitation task is essential to also contribute to the design and training of future smart algorithms which may recognise errors to automatically provide multimodal feedback through different types of cues such as still images, auditory messages or even videos. The technology and solutions currently adopted in the field don't offer a totally robust and effective way for obtaining real time data, on the one hand, because they may influence the patient's movement in case of marker-based platforms which need sensors attached to the skin; and on the other hand, because of the complexity or high cost of implementation, which make difficult the idea of installing a system at the hospital or even patient's home. This thesis presents the research done in the field of user monitoring to provide a step forward in terms of detection, tracking and recognition of hand movements, gestures and face via a non-invasive way which could improve current techniques for cognitive rehabilitation for real time data acquisition of patient's behaviour and execution of the task. In order to understand the importance of the scope of the thesis, initially, a summary of the main cognitive diseases that require for rehabilitation and an introduction of the consequences on the execution of daily tasks are presented. Moreover, research is done about the actual methodology to provide cognitive rehabilitation. Considering that the main body members involved in the completion of a handmade daily task are the hands, the current technologies for human hands movements capture are also highlighted. One of the main contributions of this thesis is related to the design and evaluation of a non-invasive approach to detect and track user's hands during the execution of handmade activities of daily living which involve the manipulation of objects. This approach does not need the inclusion of any additional markers. In addition, it is only based on a low-cost depth camera, it is robust, accurate and easy to install. Another contribution presented is focused on the hand gesture recognition for detecting object grasping based on a brand new infrared sensor, and also complemented with a depth camera. This new, and also non-invasive, solution which synchronizes both sensors to track specific tools as well as recognize specific events related to grooming is evaluated. Moreover, a preliminary assessment of the recognition of facial expressions is carried out to analyse if it is adequate for recognizing mood during the execution of task. Meanwhile, all the corresponding hardware and software developed are integrated in a simple prototype with the purpose of being used as a platform for monitoring the execution of the rehabilitation task. Technical evaluation of the performance of each device is carried out in order to analyze its suitability to acquire real time data during the execution of real daily tasks. Finally, a kind of healthcare evaluation is also presented to obtain feedback about the usability of the system proposed paying special attention to the interaction with real users and stroke patients. This feedback is quite useful to consider the idea of a home-based cognitive rehabilitation as well as a possible hospital installation of the prototype.


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En un ejercicio no extenuante la frecuencia cardíaca (FC) guarda una relación lineal con el consumo máximo de oxígeno (V O2max) y se suele usar como uno de los parámetros de referencia para cuantificar la capacidad del sistema cardiovascular. Normalmente la frecuencia cardíaca puede remplazar el porcentaje de V O2max en las prescripciones básicas de ejercicio para la mejora de la resistencia aeróbica. Para obtener los mejores resultados en la mejora de la resistencia aeróbica, el entrenamiento de los individuos se debe hacer a una frecuencia cardíaca suficientemente alta, para que el trabajo sea de predominio dinámico con la fosforilación oxidativa como fuente energética primaria, pero no tan elevada que pueda suponer un riesgo de infarto de miocardio para el sujeto que se está entrenando. Los programas de entrenamiento de base mínima y de base óptima, con ejercicios de estiramientos para prevenir lesiones, son algunos de los programas más adecuados para el entrenamiento de la resistencia aeróbica porque maximizan los beneficios y minimizan los riesgos para el sistema cardiovascular durante las sesiones de entrenamiento. En esta tesis, se ha definido un modelo funcional para sistemas de inteligencia ambiental capaz de monitorizar, evaluar y entrenar las cualidades físicas que ha sido validado cuando la cualidad física es la resistencia aeróbica. El modelo se ha implementado en una aplicación Android utilizando la camiseta inteligente “GOW running” de la empresa Weartech. El sistema se ha comparado en el Laboratorio de Fisiología del Esfuerzo (LFE) de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) durante la realización de pruebas de esfuerzo. Además se ha evaluado un sistema de guiado con voz para los entrenamientos de base mínima y de base óptima. También el desarrollo del software ha sido validado. Con el uso de cuestionarios sobre las experiencias de los usuarios utilizando la aplicación se ha evaluado el atractivo de la misma. Por otro lado se ha definido una nueva metodología y nuevos tipos de cuestionarios diseñados para evaluar la utilidad que los usuarios asignan al uso de un sistema de guiado por voz. Los resultados obtenidos confirman la validez del modelo. Se ha obtenido una alta concordancia entre las medidas de FC hecha por la aplicación Android y el LFE. También ha resultado que los métodos de estimación del VO2max de los dos sistemas pueden ser intercambiables. Todos los usuarios que utilizaron el sistema de guiado por voz para entrenamientos de 10 base mínima y de base óptimas de la resistencia aeróbica consiguieron llevar a cabo las sesiones de entrenamientos con un 95% de éxito considerando unos márgenes de error de un 10% de la frecuencia cardíaca máxima teórica. La aplicación fue atractiva para los usuarios y hubo también una aceptación del sistema de guiado por voz. Se ha obtenido una evaluación psicológica positiva de la satisfacción de los usuarios que interactuaron con el sistema. En conclusión, se ha demostrado que es posible desarrollar sistemas de Inteligencia Ambiental en dispositivos móviles para la mejora de la salud. El modelo definido en la tesis es el primero modelo funcional teórico de referencia para el desarrollo de este tipo de aplicaciones. Posteriores estudios se realizarán con el objetivo de extender dicho modelo para las demás cualidades físicas que suponen modelos fisiológicos más complejos como por ejemplo la flexibilidad. Abstract In a non-strenuous exercise, the heart rate (HR) shows a linear relationship with the maximum volume of oxygen consumption (V O2max) and serves as an indicator of performance of the cardiovascular system. The heart rate replaces the %V O2max in exercise program prescription to improve aerobic endurance. In order to achieve an optimal effect during endurance training, the athlete needs to work out at a heart rate high enough to trigger the aerobic metabolism, while avoiding the high heart rates that bring along significant risks of myocardial infarction. The minimal and optimal base training programs, followed by stretching exercises to prevent injuries, are adequate programs to maximize benefits and minimize health risks for the cardiovascular system during single session training. In this thesis, we have defined an ambient intelligence system functional model that monitors, evaluates and trains physical qualities, and it has been validated for aerobic endurance. It is based on the Android System and the “GOW Running” smart shirt. The system has been evaluated during functional assessment stress testing of aerobic endurance in the Stress Physiology Laboratory (SPL) of the Technical University of Madrid (UPM). Furthermore, a voice system, designed to guide the user through minimal and optimal base training programs, has been evaluated. Also the software development has been evaluated. By means of user experience questionnaires, we have rated the attractiveness of the android application. Moreover, we have defined a methodology and a new kind of questionnaires in order to assess the user experience with the audio exercise guide system. The results obtained confirm the model. We have a high similarity between HR measurements made of our system and the one used by SPL. We have also a high correlation between the VO2max estimations of our system and the SPL system. All users, that tried the voice guidance system for minimal and optimal base training programs, were able to perform the 95% of the training session with an error lower than the 10% of theoretical maximum heart rate. The application appeared attractive to the users, and it has also been proven that the voice guidance system was useful. As result we obtained a positive evaluation of the users' satisfaction while they interacted with the system. In conclusion, it has been demonstrated that is possible to develop mobile Ambient Intelligence applications for the improvement of healthy lifestyle. AmIRTEM model is the first theoretical reference functional model for the design of this kind of applications. Further studies will be realized in order to extend the AmIRTEM model to other physical qualities whose physiological models are more complex than the aerobic endurance.


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The penalty corner is one of the most important game situations in field hockey with one third of all goals resulting from this tactical situation. The aim of this study was to develop and apply a training method, based on previous studies, to improve the drag- flick skill on a young top-class field hockey player. A young top-class player exercised three times per week using specific drills over a four week period. A VICON optoelectronic system (Oxford Metrics, Oxford, UK) was employed to capture twenty drag-flicks, with six cameras sampling at 250 Hz, prior and after the training period. In order to analyze pre- and post-test differences a dependent t-test was carried out. Angular velocities and the kinematic sequence were similar to previous studies. The player improved (albeit not significantly) the angular velocity of the stick. The player increased front foot to the ball at T1 (p < 0.01) and the drag-flick distances. The range of motion from the front leg decreased from T1 to T6 after the training period (p < 0.01). The specific training sessions conducted with the player improved some features of this particular skill. This article shows how technical knowledge can help with the design of training programs and whether some drills are more effective than others.


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Jóvenes Nucleares (Spanish Young Generation in Nuclear, JJNN) is a non-profit organization and a commission of the Spanish Nuclear Society (SNE). The Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Technical University of Madrid, UPM) is one of the most prestigious technical universities of Spain, and has a very strong curriculum in nuclear engineering training and research. Finishing 2009, JJNN and the UPM started to plan a new and first-of-a-kind Seminar in Nuclear Safety focused on the Advanced Reactors (Generation III, III+ and IV). The scope was to make a general description of the safety in the new reactors, comparing them with the built Generation II reactors from a technical point of view but simple and without the need of strong background in nuclear engineering to try to be interesting for the most number of people possible.


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The objective of this paper is to address the methodological process of a teaching strategy for training project management complexity in postgraduate programs. The proposal is made up of different methods —intuitive, comparative, deductive, case study, problem-solving Project-Based Learning— and different activities inside and outside the classroom. This integration of methods motivated the current use of the concept of “learning strategy”. The strategy has two phases: firstly, the integration of the competences —technical, behavioral and contextual—in real projects; and secondly, the learning activity was oriented in upper level of knowledge, the evaluating the complexity for projects management in real situations. Both the competences in the learning strategy and the Project Complexity Evaluation are based on the ICB of IPMA. The learning strategy is applied in an international Postgraduate Program —Erasmus Mundus Master of Science— with the participation of five Universities of the European Union. This master program is fruit of a cooperative experience from one Educative Innovation Group of the UPM -GIE-Project-, two Research Groups of the UPM and the collaboration with other external agents to the university. Some reflections on the experience and the main success factors in the learning strategy were presented in the paper


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The objective of this paper is to address the methodological process of a teaching strategy for training project management complexity in postgraduate programs. The proposal is made up of different methods —intuitive, comparative, deductive, case study, problem-solving Project-Based Learning— and different activities inside and outside the classroom. This integration of methods motivated the current use of the concept of ―learning strategy‖. The strategy has two phases: firstly, the integration of the competences —technical, behavioral and contextual—in real projects; and secondly, the learning activity was oriented in upper level of knowledge, the evaluating the complexity for projects management in real situations. Both the competences in the learning strategy and the Project Complexity Evaluation are based on the ICB of IPMA. The learning strategy is applied in an international Postgraduate Program —Erasmus Mundus Master of Science— with the participation of five Universities of the European Union. This master program is fruit of a cooperative experience from one Educative Innovation Group of the UPM -GIE-Project-, two Research Groups of the UPM and the collaboration with other external agents to the university. Some reflections on the experience and the main success factors in the learning strategy were presented in the paper.


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Swarm colonies reproduce social habits. Working together in a group to reach a predefined goal is a social behaviour occurring in nature. Linear optimization problems have been approached by different techniques based on natural models. In particular, Particles Swarm optimization is a meta-heuristic search technique that has proven to be effective when dealing with complex optimization problems. This paper presents and develops a new method based on different penalties strategies to solve complex problems. It focuses on the training process of the neural networks, the constraints and the election of the parameters to ensure successful results and to avoid the most common obstacles when searching optimal solutions.


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Teamwork, is one of the abilities that today is highly valued in the professional arena with a great importance for various personal and interpersonal skills associated with it. In this context, the Technical University of Madrid, is developing a coordinated educational innovation project, which main objective is to develop methodological and assessment tools for the acquisition of personal skills necessary to improve the employability of graduates and their skills for project management. Within this context, this paper proposes a methodology composed of various activities and indicators, as well as specific assessment instruments linked to the teamwork competence. Through a series of systematic steps it was allowed the design of an instrument and construction of a scale for measuring the competence of teamwork. The practical application of the methodology has been carried out in Projects lectures from different Schools of Engineering at the Technical University of Madrid, which results are presented in this document as a pilot experience. Results show the various aspects and methods that teachers should consider in evaluating the competence of the work, including analysis of the quality of results, through reliability and construct validity. On the other hand, show the advantages of applying this methodology in the field of project management teaching.


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An innovative dissipative multi-beam network for triangular arrays of three radiating elements is proposed. This novel network provides three orthogonal beams in θ0 elevation angle and a fourth one in the broadside steering direction. The network is composed of 90º hybrid couplers and fixed phase shifters. In this paper, a relation between network components, radiating element distance and beam steering directions will be shown. Application of the proposed dissipative network to the triangular cells of three radiating elements that integrate the intelligent antenna GEODA will be exhibited. This system works at 1.7 GHz, it has a 60º single radiating element beamwidth and a distance between array elements of 0.57 λ. Both beam patterns, theoretical and simulated, obtained with the network will be depicted. Moreover, the whole system, dissipative network built with GEODA cell array, has been measured in the anechoic chamber of the Radiation Group of Technical University of Madrid, demonstrating expected performance.


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In many university courses such as Building Engineering or Technical Architectural, the high density of the contents included in the curriculum, make the student, after graduation, unable to develop the skills already acquired and evaluated in the disciplines of the first courses. From the Group of Educational Innovation at the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM) "Teaching of Structural Concrete" (GIEHE) we have conducted a study in which are valued specific skills acquired by students after the first courses of career. We have worked with students from UPM fourth-year career and with Technical Architecture students who have completed their studies and also have completed the Adaptation Course of Technical Architecture to the Building Engineer. The work is part of the Educational Innovation Project funded by the UPM "Integration of training and assessment of generic and specific skills in structural concrete" We have evaluated specific skills learned in the areas of durability and control of structural concrete structures. The results show that overall, students are not able to fully develop the skills already acquired earlier, even being these essential to their professional development. Possibly, the large amount of content taught in these degrees together with a teaching and assessment of "flat profile", ie, which are presented and evaluated with the same intensity as the fundamental and the accessory, are causes enough to cause these results.


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In the last few years, technical debt has been used as a useful means for making the intrinsic cost of the internal software quality weaknesses visible. This visibility is made possible by quantifying this cost. Specifically, technical debt is expressed in terms of two main concepts: principal and interest. The principal is the cost of eliminating or reducing the impact of a, so called, technical debt item in a software system; whereas the interest is the recurring cost, over a time period, of not eliminating a technical debt item. Previous works about technical debt are mainly focused on estimating principal and interest, and on performing a cost-benefit analysis. This cost-benefit analysis allows one to determine if to remove technical debt is profitable and to prioritize which items incurring in technical debt should be fixed first. Nevertheless, for these previous works technical debt is flat along the time. However the introduction of new factors to estimate technical debt may produce non flat models that allow us to produce more accurate predictions. These factors should be used to estimate principal and interest, and to perform cost-benefit analysis related to technical debt. In this paper, we take a step forward introducing the uncertainty about the interest, and the time frame factors so that it becomes possible to depict a number of possible future scenarios. Estimations obtained without considering the possible evolution of the interest over time may be less accurate as they consider simplistic scenarios without changes.