9 resultados para natural languages

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Esta tesis tiene por objeto estudiar las posibilidades de realizar en castellano tareas relativas a la resolución de problemas con sistemas basados en el conocimiento. En los dos primeros capítulos se plantea un análisis de la trayectoria seguida por las técnicas de tratamiento del lenguaje natural, prestando especial interés a los formalismos lógicos para la comprensión del lenguaje. Seguidamente, se plantea una valoración de la situación actual de los sistemas de tratamiento del lenguaje natural. Finalmente, se presenta lo que constituye el núcleo de este trabajo, un sistema llamado Sirena, que permite realizar tareas de adquisición, comprensión, recuperación y explicación de conocimiento en castellano con sistemas basados en el conocimiento. Este sistema contiene un subconjunto del castellano amplio pero simple formalizado con una gramática lógica. El significado del conocimiento se basa en la lógica y ha sido implementado en el lenguaje de programación lógica Prolog II vS. Palabras clave: Programación Lógica, Comprensión del Lenguaje Natural, Resolución de Problemas, Gramáticas Lógicas, Lingüistica Computacional, Inteligencia Artificial.---ABSTRACT---The purpose of this thesis is to study the possibi1 ities of performing in Spanish problem solving tasks with knowledge based systems. Ule study the development of the techniques for natural language processing with a particular interest in the logical formalisms that have been used to understand natural languages. Then, we present an evaluation of the current state of art in the field of natural language processing systems. Finally, we introduce the main contribution of our work, Sirena a system that allows the adquisition, understanding, retrieval and explanation of knowledge in Spanish with knowledge based systems. Sirena can deal with a large, although simple» subset of Spanish. This subset has been formalised by means of a logic grammar and the meaning of knowledge is based on logic. Sirena has been implemented in the programming language Prolog II v2. Keywords: Logic Programming, Understanding Natural Language, Problem Solving, Logic Grammars, Cumputational Linguistic, Artificial Intelligence.


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Recently, the Semantic Web has experienced significant advancements in standards and techniques, as well as in the amount of semantic information available online. Nevertheless, mechanisms are still needed to automatically reconcile information when it is expressed in different natural languages on the Web of Data, in order to improve the access to semantic information across language barriers. In this context several challenges arise [1], such as: (i) ontology translation/localization, (ii) cross-lingual ontology mappings, (iii) representation of multilingual lexical information, and (iv) cross-lingual access and querying of linked data. In the following we will focus on the second challenge, which is the necessity of establishing, representing and storing cross-lingual links among semantic information on the Web. In fact, in a “truly” multilingual Semantic Web, semantic data with lexical representations in one natural language would be mapped to equivalent or related information in other languages, thus making navigation across multilingual information possible for software agents.


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Recently, the Semantic Web has experienced signi�cant advancements in standards and techniques, as well as in the amount of semantic information available online. Even so, mechanisms are still needed to automatically reconcile semantic information when it is expressed in di�erent natural languages, so that access to Web information across language barriers can be improved. That requires developing techniques for discovering and representing cross-lingual links on the Web of Data. In this paper we explore the different dimensions of such a problem and reflect on possible avenues of research on that topic.


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The Web has witnessed an enormous growth in the amount of semantic information published in recent years. This growth has been stimulated to a large extent by the emergence of Linked Data. Although this brings us a big step closer to the vision of a Semantic Web, it also raises new issues such as the need for dealing with information expressed in different natural languages. Indeed, although the Web of Data can contain any kind of information in any language, it still lacks explicit mechanisms to automatically reconcile such information when it is expressed in different languages. This leads to situations in which data expressed in a certain language is not easily accessible to speakers of other languages. The Web of Data shows the potential for being extended to a truly multilingual web as vocabularies and data can be published in a language-independent fashion, while associated language-dependent (linguistic) information supporting the access across languages can be stored separately. In this sense, the multilingual Web of Data can be realized in our view as a layer of services and resources on top of the existing Linked Data infrastructure adding i) linguistic information for data and vocabularies in different languages, ii) mappings between data with labels in different languages, and iii) services to dynamically access and traverse Linked Data across different languages. In this article we present this vision of a multilingual Web of Data. We discuss challenges that need to be addressed to make this vision come true and discuss the role that techniques such as ontology localization, ontology mapping, and cross-lingual ontology-based information access and presentation will play in achieving this. Further, we propose an initial architecture and describe a roadmap that can provide a basis for the implementation of this vision.


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In the context of the Semantic Web, resources on the net can be enriched by well-defined, machine-understandable metadata describing their associated conceptual meaning. These metadata consisting of natural language descriptions of concepts are the focus of the activity we describe in this chapter, namely, ontology localization. In the framework of the NeOn Methodology, ontology localization is defined as the activity of adapting an ontology to a particular language and culture. This adaptation mainly involves the translation of the natural language descriptions of the ontology from a source natural language to a target natural language, with the final objective of obtaining a multilingual ontology, that is, an ontology documented in several natural languages. The purpose of this chapter is to provide detailed and prescriptive methodological guidelines to support the performance of this activity.


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In this article, we argue that there is a growing number of linked datasets in different natural languages, and that there is a need for guidelines and mechanisms to ensure the quality and organic growth of this emerging multilingual data network. However, we have little knowledge regarding the actual state of this data network, its current practices, and the open challenges that it poses. Questions regarding the distribution of natural languages, the links that are established across data in different languages, or how linguistic features are represented, remain mostly unanswered. Addressing these and other language-related issues can help to identify existing problems, propose new mechanisms and guidelines or adapt the ones in use for publishing linked data including language-related features, and, ultimately, provide metrics to evaluate quality aspects. In this article we review, discuss, and extend current guidelines for publishing linked data by focusing on those methods, techniques and tools that can help RDF publishers to cope with language barriers. Whenever possible, we will illustrate and discuss each of these guidelines, methods, and tools on the basis of practical examples that we have encountered in the publication of the datos.bne.es dataset.


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La tesis que se presenta tiene como propósito la construcción automática de ontologías a partir de textos, enmarcándose en el área denominada Ontology Learning. Esta disciplina tiene como objetivo automatizar la elaboración de modelos de dominio a partir de fuentes información estructurada o no estructurada, y tuvo su origen con el comienzo del milenio, a raíz del crecimiento exponencial del volumen de información accesible en Internet. Debido a que la mayoría de información se presenta en la web en forma de texto, el aprendizaje automático de ontologías se ha centrado en el análisis de este tipo de fuente, nutriéndose a lo largo de los años de técnicas muy diversas provenientes de áreas como la Recuperación de Información, Extracción de Información, Sumarización y, en general, de áreas relacionadas con el procesamiento del lenguaje natural. La principal contribución de esta tesis consiste en que, a diferencia de la mayoría de las técnicas actuales, el método que se propone no analiza la estructura sintáctica superficial del lenguaje, sino que estudia su nivel semántico profundo. Su objetivo, por tanto, es tratar de deducir el modelo del dominio a partir de la forma con la que se articulan los significados de las oraciones en lenguaje natural. Debido a que el nivel semántico profundo es independiente de la lengua, el método permitirá operar en escenarios multilingües, en los que es necesario combinar información proveniente de textos en diferentes idiomas. Para acceder a este nivel del lenguaje, el método utiliza el modelo de las interlinguas. Estos formalismos, provenientes del área de la traducción automática, permiten representar el significado de las oraciones de forma independiente de la lengua. Se utilizará en concreto UNL (Universal Networking Language), considerado como la única interlingua de propósito general que está normalizada. La aproximación utilizada en esta tesis supone la continuación de trabajos previos realizados tanto por su autor como por el equipo de investigación del que forma parte, en los que se estudió cómo utilizar el modelo de las interlinguas en las áreas de extracción y recuperación de información multilingüe. Básicamente, el procedimiento definido en el método trata de identificar, en la representación UNL de los textos, ciertas regularidades que permiten deducir las piezas de la ontología del dominio. Debido a que UNL es un formalismo basado en redes semánticas, estas regularidades se presentan en forma de grafos, generalizándose en estructuras denominadas patrones lingüísticos. Por otra parte, UNL aún conserva ciertos mecanismos de cohesión del discurso procedentes de los lenguajes naturales, como el fenómeno de la anáfora. Con el fin de aumentar la efectividad en la comprensión de las expresiones, el método provee, como otra contribución relevante, la definición de un algoritmo para la resolución de la anáfora pronominal circunscrita al modelo de la interlingua, limitada al caso de pronombres personales de tercera persona cuando su antecedente es un nombre propio. El método propuesto se sustenta en la definición de un marco formal, que ha debido elaborarse adaptando ciertas definiciones provenientes de la teoría de grafos e incorporando otras nuevas, con el objetivo de ubicar las nociones de expresión UNL, patrón lingüístico y las operaciones de encaje de patrones, que son la base de los procesos del método. Tanto el marco formal como todos los procesos que define el método se han implementado con el fin de realizar la experimentación, aplicándose sobre un artículo de la colección EOLSS “Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems” de la UNESCO. ABSTRACT The purpose of this thesis is the automatic construction of ontologies from texts. This thesis is set within the area of Ontology Learning. This discipline aims to automatize domain models from structured or unstructured information sources, and had its origin with the beginning of the millennium, as a result of the exponential growth in the volume of information accessible on the Internet. Since most information is presented on the web in the form of text, the automatic ontology learning is focused on the analysis of this type of source, nourished over the years by very different techniques from areas such as Information Retrieval, Information Extraction, Summarization and, in general, by areas related to natural language processing. The main contribution of this thesis consists of, in contrast with the majority of current techniques, the fact that the method proposed does not analyze the syntactic surface structure of the language, but explores his deep semantic level. Its objective, therefore, is trying to infer the domain model from the way the meanings of the sentences are articulated in natural language. Since the deep semantic level does not depend on the language, the method will allow to operate in multilingual scenarios, where it is necessary to combine information from texts in different languages. To access to this level of the language, the method uses the interlingua model. These formalisms, coming from the area of machine translation, allow to represent the meaning of the sentences independently of the language. In this particular case, UNL (Universal Networking Language) will be used, which considered to be the only interlingua of general purpose that is standardized. The approach used in this thesis corresponds to the continuation of previous works carried out both by the author of this thesis and by the research group of which he is part, in which it is studied how to use the interlingua model in the areas of multilingual information extraction and retrieval. Basically, the procedure defined in the method tries to identify certain regularities at the UNL representation of texts that allow the deduction of the parts of the ontology of the domain. Since UNL is a formalism based on semantic networks, these regularities are presented in the form of graphs, generalizing in structures called linguistic patterns. On the other hand, UNL still preserves certain mechanisms of discourse cohesion from natural languages, such as the phenomenon of the anaphora. In order to increase the effectiveness in the understanding of expressions, the method provides, as another significant contribution, the definition of an algorithm for the resolution of pronominal anaphora limited to the model of the interlingua, in the case of third person personal pronouns when its antecedent is a proper noun. The proposed method is based on the definition of a formal framework, adapting some definitions from Graph Theory and incorporating new ones, in order to locate the notions of UNL expression and linguistic pattern, as well as the operations of pattern matching, which are the basis of the method processes. Both the formal framework and all the processes that define the method have been implemented in order to carry out the experimentation, applying on an article of the "Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems" of the UNESCO-EOLSS collection.


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In the beginning of the 90s, ontology development was similar to an art: ontology developers did not have clear guidelines on how to build ontologies but only some design criteria to be followed. Work on principles, methods and methodologies, together with supporting technologies and languages, made ontology development become an engineering discipline, the so-called Ontology Engineering. Ontology Engineering refers to the set of activities that concern the ontology development process and the ontology life cycle, the methods and methodologies for building ontologies, and the tool suites and languages that support them. Thanks to the work done in the Ontology Engineering field, the development of ontologies within and between teams has increased and improved, as well as the possibility of reusing ontologies in other developments and in final applications. Currently, ontologies are widely used in (a) Knowledge Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science, (b) applications related to knowledge management, natural language processing, e-commerce, intelligent information integration, information retrieval, database design and integration, bio-informatics, education, and (c) the Semantic Web, the Semantic Grid, and the Linked Data initiative. In this paper, we provide an overview of Ontology Engineering, mentioning the most outstanding and used methodologies, languages, and tools for building ontologies. In addition, we include some words on how all these elements can be used in the Linked Data initiative.


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En el trabajo que aquí presentamos se incluye la base teórica (sintaxis y semántica) y una implementación de un framework para codificar el razonamiento de la representación difusa o borrosa del mundo (tal y como nosotros, seres humanos, entendemos éste). El interés en la realización de éste trabajo parte de dos fuentes: eliminar la complejidad existente cuando se realiza una implementación con un lenguaje de programación de los llamados de propósito general y proporcionar una herramienta lo suficientemente inteligente para dar respuestas de forma constructiva a consultas difusas o borrosas. El framework, RFuzzy, permite codificar reglas y consultas en una sintaxis muy cercana al lenguaje natural usado por los seres humanos para expresar sus pensamientos, pero es bastante más que eso. Permite representar conceptos muy interesantes, como fuzzificaciones (funciones usadas para convertir conceptos no difusos en difusos), valores por defecto (que se usan para devolver resultados un poco menos válidos que los que devolveríamos si tuviésemos la información necesaria para calcular los más válidos), similaridad entre atributos (característica que utilizamos para buscar aquellos individuos en la base de datos con una característica similar a la buscada), sinónimos o antónimos y, además, nos permite extender el numero de conectivas y modificadores (incluyendo modificadores de negación) que podemos usar en las reglas y consultas. La personalización de la definición de conceptos difusos (muy útil para lidiar con el carácter subjetivo de los conceptos borrosos, donde nos encontramos con que cualificar a alguien de “alto” depende de la altura de la persona que cualifica) es otra de las facilidades incluida. Además, RFuzzy implementa la semántica multi-adjunta. El interés en esta reside en que introduce la posibilidad de obtener la credibilidad de una regla a partir de un conjunto de datos y una regla dada y no solo el grado de satisfacción de una regla a partir de el universo modelado en nuestro programa. De esa forma podemos obtener automáticamente la credibilidad de una regla para una determinada situación. Aún cuando la contribución teórica de la tesis es interesante en si misma, especialmente la inclusión del modificador de negacion, sus multiples usos practicos lo son también. Entre los diferentes usos que se han dado al framework destacamos el reconocimiento de emociones, el control de robots, el control granular en computacion paralela/distribuída y las busquedas difusas o borrosas en bases de datos. ABSTRACT In this work we provide a theoretical basis (syntax and semantics) and a practical implementation of a framework for encoding the reasoning and the fuzzy representation of the world (as human beings understand it). The interest for this work comes from two sources: removing the existing complexity when doing it with a general purpose programming language (one developed without focusing in providing special constructions for representing fuzzy information) and providing a tool intelligent enough to answer, in a constructive way, expressive queries over conventional data. The framework, RFuzzy, allows to encode rules and queries in a syntax very close to the natural language used by human beings to express their thoughts, but it is more than that. It allows to encode very interesting concepts, as fuzzifications (functions to easily fuzzify crisp concepts), default values (used for providing results less adequate but still valid when the information needed to provide results is missing), similarity between attributes (used to search for individuals with a characteristic similar to the one we are looking for), synonyms or antonyms and it allows to extend the number of connectives and modifiers (even negation) we can use in the rules. The personalization of the definition of fuzzy concepts (very useful for dealing with the subjective character of fuzziness, in which a concept like tall depends on the height of the person performing the query) is another of the facilities included. Besides, RFuzzy implements the multi-adjoint semantics. The interest in them is that in addition to obtaining the grade of satisfaction of a consequent from a rule, its credibility and the grade of satisfaction of the antecedents we can determine from a set of data how much credibility we must assign to a rule to model the behaviour of the set of data. So, we can determine automatically the credibility of a rule for a particular situation. Although the theoretical contribution is interesting by itself, specially the inclusion of the negation modifier, the practical usage of it is equally important. Between the different uses given to the framework we highlight emotion recognition, robocup control, granularity control in parallel/distributed computing and flexible searches in databases.