11 resultados para mobile business intelligence (mobile BI)

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Vivimos en una sociedad en la que la información ha adquirido una vital importancia. El uso de Internet y el desarrollo de nuevos sistemas de la información han generado un ferviente interés tanto de empresas como de instituciones en la búsqueda de nuevos patrones que les proporcione la clave del éxito. La Analítica de Negocio reúne un conjunto de herramientas, estrategias y técnicas orientadas a la explotación de la información con el objetivo de crear conocimiento útil dentro de un marco de trabajo y facilitar la optimización de los recursos tanto de empresas como de instituciones. El presente proyecto se enmarca en lo que se conoce como Gestión Educativa. Se aplicará una arquitectura y modelo de trabajo similar a lo que se ha venido haciendo en los últimos años en el entorno empresarial con la Inteligencia de Negocio. Con esta variante, se pretende mejorar la calidad de la enseñanza, agilizar las decisiones dentro de la institución académica, fortalecer las capacidades del cuerpo docente y en definitiva favorecer el aprendizaje del alumnado. Para lograr el objetivo se ha decidido seguir las etapas del Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD), una de las metodologías más conocidas dentro de la Inteligencia de Negocio, que describe el procedimiento que va desde la selección de la información y su carga en sistemas de almacenamiento, hasta la aplicación de técnicas de minería de datos para la obtención nuevo conocimiento. Los estudios se realizan a partir de la información de la activad de los usuarios dentro la plataforma de Tele-Enseñanza de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Moodle). Se desarrollan trabajos de extracción y preprocesado de la base de datos en crudo y se aplican técnicas de minería de datos. En la aplicación de técnicas de minería de datos, uno de los factores más importantes a tener en cuenta es el tipo de información que se va a tratar. Por este motivo, se trabaja con la Minería de Datos Educativa, en inglés, Educational Data Mining (EDM) que consiste en la aplicación de técnicas de minería optimizadas para la información que se genera en entornos educativos. Dentro de las posibilidades que ofrece el EDM, se ha decidido centrar los estudios en lo que se conoce como analítica predictiva. El objetivo fundamental es conocer la influencia que tienen las interacciones alumno-plataforma en las calificaciones finales y descubrir nuevas reglas que describan comportamientos que faciliten al profesorado discriminar si un estudiante va a aprobar o suspender la asignatura, de tal forma que se puedan tomar medidas que mejoren su rendimiento. Toda la información tratada en el presente proyecto ha sido previamente anonimizada para evitar cualquier tipo de intromisión que atente contra la privacidad de los elementos participantes en el estudio. ABSTRACT. We live in a society dominated by data. The use of the Internet accompanied by developments in information systems has generated a sustained interest among companies and institutions to discover new patterns to succeed in their business ventures. Business Analytics (BA) combines tools, strategies and techniques focused on exploiting the available information, to optimize resources and create useful insight. The current project is framed under Educational Management. A Business Intelligence (BI) architecture and business models taught up to date will be applied with the aim to accelerate the decision-making in academic institutions, strengthen teacher´s skills and ultimately improve the quality of teaching and learning. The best way to achieve this is to follow the Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD), one of the best-known methodologies in B.I. This process describes data preparation, selection, and cleansing through to the application of purely Data Mining Techniques in order to incorporate prior knowledge on data sets and interpret accurate solutions from the observed results. The studies will be performed using the information extracted from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Learning Management System (LMS), Moodle. The stored data is based on the user-platform interaction. The raw data will be extracted and pre-processed and afterwards, Data Mining Techniques will be applied. One of the crucial factors in the application of Data Mining Techniques is the kind of information that will be processed. For this reason, a new Data Mining perspective will be taken, called Educational Data Mining (EDM). EDM consists of the application of Data Mining Techniques but optimized for the raw data generated by the educational environment. Within EDM, we have decided to drive our research on what is called Predictive Analysis. The main purpose is to understand the influence of the user-platform interactions in the final grades of students and discover new patterns that explain their behaviours. This could allow teachers to intervene ahead of a student passing or failing, in such a way an action could be taken to improve the student performance. All the information processed has been previously anonymized to avoid the invasion of privacy.


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Tras los distintos análisis diseñados por Jorge Beltrán Luna en el proyecto "Aplicación de Inteligencia de Negocio a la Gestión Educativa" [Beltrán2014] sobre el comportamiento de los alumnos de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid en las asignaturas cursadas por estos durante el curso 2013-2014, se llegó a la conclusión que se debía desarrollar una aplicación web mediante la cual pudiesen configurarse estos análisis con distintos parámetros para adecuarlos a los requerimientos del usuario. Este proyecto ha cumplido con el objetivo anteriormente mencionado. Se ha desarrollado una aplicación web capaz de mostrar por medio de un navegador web, las gráficas y tablas generadas por el programa de minería de datos. Mediante esta aplicación el usuario puede realizar diversas funciones. Una de ellas es la de solicitar mediante el formulario recibido en la interfaz principal de la aplicación, la visualización de los resultados generados por el sistema de acuerdo con los parámetros seleccionados por el diseñador de los análisis. El usuario conseguirá observar los resultados que obtendría si ejecutase directamente los análisis desarrollados en el proyecto de Jorge Beltrán Luna [Beltrán2014] en la herramienta Rapidminer. Otra de las funciones que podría realizar el usuario sería la de realizar estos mismos análisis pero modificando sus parámetros de configuración para adecuar dichos análisis a los resultados que se quiere obtener. El resultado será el que se habría conseguido en la aplicación Rapidminer si se cambiasen los mismos parámetros que los modificados en la página web de este prototipo. Por último, se ha diseñado un botón con el cual el usuario podrá recuperar el último análisis realizado, con el fin de que no sea necesario esperar el tiempo que tarde en realizarse el análisis para visualizar los resultados. También se ha realizado una explicación detallada de la aplicación de la inteligencia de negocio en el ámbito educacional. ABSTRACT. After different analysis designed by Jorge Beltran Luna in the "Aplicación de Inteligencia de Negocio a la Gestión Educativa" [Beltrán2014] project on the behaviour of the students at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid during the course 2013-14, the tutor of this project concluded that it should be interesting to develop a web application through which teachers could view and configure these analysis with different parameters. This project has fulfilled the aforementioned objective. A web application has been develop to show through a web browser, the graphs and charts generated by the data mining tool. Using this application, the user can perform various features. One of this features is to request, employing the formulary received in the main interface, to display an analysis according to the chosen parameters. The user will see the results that would be observed in case that the analysis had been directly executed using the project designed by Jorge Beltrán Luna [Beltrán2014] in the RapidMiner tool. Another feature that the user could perform would be to make these analysis modifying its settings Similar result would be obtained in the RapidMiner tool in the case that identical modifications were carried out in the configuration parameters. Finally, a button to allow with recall the last analysis has been implemented. It is not necessary to wait for the execution of this analysis to see newly the results. A detailed explanation on the usage of business intelligence in the educational field has also been performed.


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El avance tecnológico de los últimos años ha aumentado la necesidad de guardar enormes cantidades de datos de forma masiva, llegando a una situación de desorden en el proceso de almacenamiento de datos, a su desactualización y a complicar su análisis. Esta situación causó un gran interés para las organizaciones en la búsqueda de un enfoque para obtener información relevante de estos grandes almacenes de datos. Surge así lo que se define como inteligencia de negocio, un conjunto de herramientas, procedimientos y estrategias para llevar a cabo la “extracción de conocimiento”, término con el que se refiere comúnmente a la extracción de información útil para la propia organización. Concretamente en este proyecto, se ha utilizado el enfoque Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD), que permite lograr la identificación de patrones y un manejo eficiente de las anomalías que puedan aparecer en una red de comunicaciones. Este enfoque comprende desde la selección de los datos primarios hasta su análisis final para la determinación de patrones. El núcleo de todo el enfoque KDD es la minería de datos, que contiene la tecnología necesaria para la identificación de los patrones mencionados y la extracción de conocimiento. Para ello, se utilizará la herramienta RapidMiner en su versión libre y gratuita, debido a que es más completa y de manejo más sencillo que otras herramientas como KNIME o WEKA. La gestión de una red engloba todo el proceso de despliegue y mantenimiento. Es en este procedimiento donde se recogen y monitorizan todas las anomalías ocasionadas en la red, las cuales pueden almacenarse en un repositorio. El objetivo de este proyecto es realizar un planteamiento teórico y varios experimentos que permitan identificar patrones en registros de anomalías de red. Se ha estudiado el repositorio de MAWI Lab, en el que se han almacenado anomalías diarias. Se trata de buscar indicios característicos anuales detectando patrones. Los diferentes experimentos y procedimientos de este estudio pretenden demostrar la utilidad de la inteligencia de negocio a la hora de extraer información a partir de un almacén de datos masivo, para su posterior análisis o futuros estudios. ABSTRACT. The technological progresses in the recent years required to store a big amount of information in repositories. This information is often in disorder, outdated and needs a complex analysis. This situation has caused a relevant interest in investigating methodologies to obtain important information from these huge data stores. Business intelligence was born as a set of tools, procedures and strategies to implement the "knowledge extraction". Specifically in this project, Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) approach has been used. KDD is one of the most important processes of business intelligence to achieve the identification of patterns and the efficient management of the anomalies in a communications network. This approach includes all necessary stages from the selection of the raw data until the analysis to determine the patterns. The core process of the whole KDD approach is the Data Mining process, which analyzes the information needed to identify the patterns and to extract the knowledge. In this project we use the RapidMiner tool to carry out the Data Mining process, because this tool has more features and is easier to use than other tools like WEKA or KNIME. Network management includes the deployment, supervision and maintenance tasks. Network management process is where all anomalies are collected, monitored, and can be stored in a repository. The goal of this project is to construct a theoretical approach, to implement a prototype and to carry out several experiments that allow identifying patterns in some anomalies records. MAWI Lab repository has been selected to be studied, which contains daily anomalies. The different experiments show the utility of the business intelligence to extract information from big data warehouse.


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Nowadays, a wide offer of mobile augmented reality (mAR) applications is available at the market, and the user base of mobile AR-capable devices -smartphones- is rapidly increasing. Nevertheless, likewise to what happens in other mobile segments, business models to put mAR in value are not clearly defined yet. In this paper, we focus on sketching the big picture of the commercial offer of mAR applications, in order to inspire a posterior analysis of business models that may successfully support the evolution of mAR. We have gathered more than 400 mAR applications from Android Market, and analyzed the offer as a whole, taking into account some technology aspects, pricing schemes and user adoption factors. Results show, for example, that application providers are not expecting to generate revenues per direct download, although they are producing high-quality applications, well rated by the users.


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It has taken more than a decade of intense technical and market developments for mobile Internet to take off as a mass phenomenon. And it has arrived with great intensity: an avalanche of mobile content and applications is now overrunning us. Similar to its wired counterpart, wireless Web users will continuously demand access to data and content in an efficient and user-friendly manner.


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Interaction with smart objects can be accomplished with different technologies, such as tangible interfaces or touch computing, among others. Some of them require the object to be especially designed to be 'smart', and some other are limited in the variety and complexity of the possible actions. This paper describes a user-smart object interaction model and prototype based on the well known event-condition-action (ECA) reasoning, which can work, to a degree, independently of the intelligence embedded into the smart object. It has been designed for mobile devices to act as mediators between users and smart objects and provides an intuitive means for personalization of object's behavior. When the user is close to an object, this one publishes its 'event & action' capabilities to the user's device. The user may accept the object's module offering, which will enable him to configure and control that object, but also its actions with respect to other elements of the environment or the virtual world. The modular ECA interaction model facilitates the integration of different types of objects in a smart space, giving the user full control of their capabilities and facilitating creative mash-uping to build customized functionalities that combine physical and virtual actions


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Many mobile devices embed nowadays inertial sensors. This enables new forms of human-computer interaction through the use of gestures (movements performed with the mobile device) as a way of communication. This paper presents an accelerometer-based gesture recognition system for mobile devices which is able to recognize a collection of 10 different hand gestures. The system was conceived to be light and to operate in a user -independent manner in real time. The recognition system was implemented in a smart phone and evaluated through a collection of user tests, which showed a recognition accuracy similar to other state-of-the art techniques and a lower computational complexity. The system was also used to build a human -robot interface that enables controlling a wheeled robot with the gestures made with the mobile phone.


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This work describes a semantic extension for a user-smart object interaction model based on the ECA paradigm (Event-Condition-Action). In this approach, smart objects publish their sensing (event) and action capabilities in the cloud and mobile devices are prepared to retrieve them and act as mediators to configure personalized behaviours for the objects. In this paper, the information handled by this interaction system has been shaped according several semantic models that, together with the integration of an embedded ontological and rule-based reasoner, are exploited in order to (i) automatically detect incompatible ECA rules configurations and to (ii) support complex ECA rules definitions and execution. This semantic extension may significantly improve the management of smart spaces populated with numerous smart objects from mobile personal devices, as it facilitates the configuration of coherent ECA rules.


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Providing QoS in the context of Ad Hoc networks includes a very wide field of application from the perspective of every level of the architecture in the network.In order for simulation studies to be useful, it is very important that the simulation results match as closely as possible with the test bed results. In this Paper, we study the throughput performance (parameter QoS) in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) and compares emulated test bed results with simulation results from NS2 (Network Simulator). The performance of the Mobile Ad Hoc Networks is very sensitive to the number of users and the offered load. When the number of users/offered load is high then the collisions increase resulting in larger wastage of the medium and lowering overall throughput. The aim of this research is to compare the throughput of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks using three different scenarios: 97, 100 and 120 users (nodes) using simulator NS2. By analyzing the graphs in MANETs, it is concluded When the number of users o nodes is increased beyond the certain limit, throughput decreases.


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Due to the intensive use of mobile phones for diferent purposes, these devices usually contain condential information which must not be accessed by another person apart from the owner of the device. Furthermore, the new generation phones commonly incorporate an accelerometer which may be used to capture the acceleration signals produced as a result of owner s gait. Nowadays, gait identication in basis of acceleration signals is being considered as a new biometric technique which allows blocking the device when another person is carrying it. Although distance based approaches as Euclidean distance or dynamic time warping have been applied to solve this identication problem, they show di±culties when dealing with gaits at diferent speeds. For this reason, in this paper, a method to extract an average template from instances of the gait at diferent velocities is presented. This method has been tested with the gait signals of 34 subjects while walking at diferent motion speeds (slow, normal and fast) and it has shown to improve the performance of Euclidean distance and classical dynamic time warping.


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We introduce the need for a distributed guideline-based decision sup-port (DSS) process, describe its characteristics, and explain how we implement-ed this process within the European Union?s MobiGuide project. In particular, we have developed a mechanism of sequential, piecemeal projection, i.e., 'downloading' small portions of the guideline from the central DSS server, to the local DSS in the patient's mobile device, which then applies that portion, us-ing the mobile device's local resources. The mobile device sends a callback to the central DSS when it encounters a triggering pattern predefined in the pro-jected module, which leads to an appropriate predefined action by the central DSS, including sending a new projected module, or directly controlling the rest of the workflow. We suggest that such a distributed architecture that explicitly defines a dialog between a central DSS server and a local DSS module, better balances the computational load and exploits the relative advantages of the cen-tral server and of the local mobile device.