14 resultados para maize production areas of highly variable rainfall
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
En una región amplia como España se demuestra —mediante inferencias estadísticas sobre una muestra completa de 875 manantiales en los que se conoce su caudal medio y la litología de su área de alimentación y que han sido agrupados en regiones de distinta pluviometría— que la recarga media anual es una fracción fija de la precipitación media para cada litología. Se han establecido así unas tasas de recarga respecto de la precipitación para seis grupos litológicos de diferente permeabilidad: arenas, gravas y formaciones aluviales en general, 8.3%; conglomerados, 5.6%; areniscas, 7.3%; calizas y dolomías, 34.3%; margas, margocalizas, limos y arcillas, 3.3%; otras rocas, 1.3%. Teniendo en cuenta la representatividad de España, la cual tiene una gran variabilidad de litología, pluviometría, topografía, etcétera, estas tasas de recarga respecto de la precipita-ción son probablemente valores cuasi universales que pueden ser utilizados para estimar la recarga media o los recursos hídricos subterráneos medios de regiones amplias en cualquier parte del mundo, salvo en regiones especiales, como las que tienen permafrost, por ejemplo. En todo caso, estas tasas de recarga podrían ser retocadas para cada región según sus particulares características. Los datos de precipitación y litología son muy corrientes, por lo que el método puede ser ampliamente utilizado para completar balances hidráulicos.In a region as large as Spain, annual mean recharge is shown to be a fixed proportion of the mean rainfall for each lithology. This determination is based on statistical inferences from a complete sample of 875 springs for which mean flow and catchment areas are known and which have been grouped into distinct rainfall regions. Recharge rates have thus been established with respect to rainfall for six lithological groups with different permeability: sands, gravels and generally alluvial formations, 8.3%; conglomerates, 5.6%; sandstones, 7.3%; limestone and dolomite 34.3%; marls, marly limestones, silts and clays, 3.3%; and hard rocks, 1.3%. Considering the representativeness of Spain, which is large in size and has a highly varied lithology, topography and rainfall, these recharge rates for rainfall are probably quasi-universal values that can be used to estimate average recharge or average groundwater resources of large regions in any part of the world (except in special cases such as areas with permafrost, for example). For any case, these recharge rates can be adapted to each region according to its particular characteristics. Rainfall and lithology data are very common, and so the method can be widely used to calculate hydraulic balances.
Increased summer drought will exacerbate the regeneration of many tree species at their lower latitudinal and altitudinal distribution limits. In vulnerable habitats, introduction of more drought-tolerant provenances or species is currently considered to accelerate tree species migration and facilitate forest persistence. Trade-offs between drought adaptation and growth plasticity might, however, limit the effectiveness of assisted migration, especially if introductions focus on provenances or species from different climatic regions. We tested in a common garden experiment the performance of Pinus sylvestris seedlings from the continental Central Alps under increased temperatures and extended spring and/or summer drought, and compared seedling emergence, survival and biomass allocation to that of P. sylvestris and closely related Pinus nigra from a Mediterranean seed source. Soil heating had only minor effects on seedling performance but high spring precipitation doubled the number of continental P. sylvestris seedlings present after the summer drought. At the same time, twice as many seedlings of the Mediterranean than the continental P. sylvestris provenance were present, which was due to both higher emergence and lower mortality under dry conditions. Both P. sylvestris provenances allocated similar amounts of biomass to roots when grown under low summer precipitation. Mediterranean seedlings, however, revealed lower phenotypic plasticity than continental seedlings under high precipitation, which might limit their competitive ability in continental Alpine forests in non-drought years. By contrast, high variability in the response of individual seedlings to summer drought indicates the potential of continental P. sylvestris provenances to adapt to changing environmental conditions.
Small family farm in mountain areas can found in horticulture one alternative to increase incomes. Horticulture crop required more labour and increased the land intensification. Market of production will be the key factor in the future of this family farms.
The present study analyzes residential models in coastal areas with large influxes of tourism, the sustainability of their planning and its repercussion on urban values. The project seeks to establish a methodology for territorial valuation through the analysis of externalities that have influenced urban growth and its impact on the formation of residential real estate values. This will make it possible to create a map for qualitative land valuation, resulting from a combination of environmental, landscape, social and productive valuations. This in turn will establish a reference value for each of the areas in question, as well as their spatial interrelations. These values become guidelines for the study of different territorial scenarios, which help improve the sustainable territorial planning process. This is a rating scale for urban planning. The results allow us to establish how the specific characteristics of the coast are valued and how they can be incorporated into sustainable development policies.
Community development must be accompanied by a social involvement process which creates functional groups of citizens capable of taking responsibility for their own development. It is important that this process promotes the structuring of all population groups and provides the appropriate institutional and technical support. The present paper addresses these issues based on over 25 years of experience by the Association Instituto de Desarrollo Comunitario de Cuenca in revitalizing rural areas of the Spanish province of Cuenca. This paper analyses the social involvement process encouraged by this association, the relationships between public institutions and local associations, the role of these associations and the difficulties encountered in the rural areas. The long-term perspective of this experience provides some keys which can be used to successfully support the process of social involvement ―such as information on its characteristics and methodological tools―, establish local associations and create sustainable partnerships that foster the growth of leadership within the community development process.
Millennium Development Goals point out the necessity of actively promoting maternal-child health care status, especially in underserved areas. This article details the development actions carried out between 2008 and 2011 in some rural communities of Nicaragua with the aim to provide a low-cost tele-health communication service. The service is managed by the health care center of Cusmapa, which leads the program and maintains a communication link between its health staff and the health brigades of 26 distant communities. Local agents can use the system to report urgent maternal-child health care episodes to be assessed through WiMAX-WiFi voice and data communications attended by two physicians and six nurses located at the health care center. The health and nutritional status of the maternal-child population can be monitored to prevent diseases, subnutrition, and deaths. The action approach assumes the fundamentals of appropriate technology and looks for community- based, sustainable, replicable, and scalable solutions to ensure future deployments according to the strategies of the United Nations.
The effect of crystal misorientation, geometrical tilt, and contact misalignment on the compression of highly anisotropic single crystal micropillars was assessed by means of crystal plasticity finite element simulations. The investigation was focused in single crystals with the NaCl structure, like MgO or LiF, which present a marked plastic anisotropy as a result of the large difference in the critical resolved shear stress between the “soft” {110}〈110〉 and the “hard” {100}〈110〉 active slip systems. It was found that contact misalignment led to a large reduction in the initial stiffness of the micropillar in crystals oriented in the soft and hard direction. The crystallographic tilt did not modify, however, the initial crystal stiffness. From the viewpoint of the plastic response, none of the effects analyzed led to significant differences in the flow stress when the single crystals were oriented along the “soft” [100] direction. Large differences were found, however, if the single crystal was oriented in the “hard” [111] direction as a result of the activation of the soft slip system. Numerical simulations were in very good agreement with experimental literature data.
Efficient high speed propulsion requires exploiting the cooling capability of the cryogenic fuel in the propulsion cycle. This paper presents the numerical model of a combined cycle engine while in air turbo-rocket configuration. Specific models of the various heat exchanger modules and the turbomachinery elements were developed to represent the physical behavior at off-design operation. The dynamic nature of the model allows the introduction of the engine control logic that limits the operation of certain subcomponents and extends the overall engine operational envelope. The specific impulse and uninstalled thrust are detailed while flying a determined trajectory between Mach 2.5 and 5 for varying throttling levels throughout the operational envelope.
We report numerical evidence of the effects of a periodic modulation in the delay time of a delayed dynamical system. By referring to a Mackey-Glass equation and by adding a modula- tion in the delay time, we describe how the solution of the system passes from being chaotic to shadow periodic states. We analyze this transition for both sinusoidal and sawtooth wave mod- ulations, and we give, in the latter case, the relationship between the period of the shadowed orbit and the amplitude of the modulation. Future goals and open questions are highlighted.
This work aims at a deeper understanding of the energy loss phenomenon in polysilicon production reactors by the so-called Siemens process. Contributions to the energy consumption of the polysilicon deposition step are studied in this paper, focusing on the radiation heat loss phenomenon. A theoretical model for radiation heat loss calculations is experimentally validated with the help of a laboratory CVD prototype. Following the results of the model, relevant parameters that directly affect the amount of radiation heat losses are put forward. Numerical results of the model applied to a state-of-the-art industrial reactor show the influence of these parameters on energy consumption due to radiation per kilogram of silicon produced; the radiation heat loss can be reduced by 3.8% when the reactor inner wall radius is reduced from 0.78 to 0.70 m, by 25% when the wall emissivity is reduced from 0.5 to 0.3, and by 12% when the final rod diameter is increased from 12 to 15 cm.
Results lead to the conclusion that the effect of health status on traumatic phellogen formation and activity is clear but not uniform. Further studies are necessary for a deeper understanding of the effect of stress situations on pore formation and characteristics
El programa de Evaluación Recursos Hídricos procedentes de la Innivación (ERHIN) ha desarrollado un modelo hidrológico con subrutinas que contemplan el proceso de acumulación/fusión de nieve que permite el seguimiento del manto de nieve y su fusión , esencial para la previsión de avenidas en embalses cuyas cuencas vertientes recogen altos porcentajes de precipitación solida. En determinados sectores del territorio español (Pirineos, Cordilleras Cantábrica e Ibérica, Sistema Central y Sierra Nevada) la precipitación nival alcanza valores significativos durante el invierno, que conducen a espesores de nieve persistentes en las cuencas alimentadoras de numerosos embalses y a la fusión rápida de esta nieve en períodos cortos de tiempo, directamente relacionados con la elevación de la isoterma de cero grados en primavera. Estos procesos condicionan la gestión de los mencionados embalses.
English Summary: Both in the remote origin of the city and the more recent one of urbanism as a remedial discipline conceived as a means of tackling with the urban and territorial impacts of industrialisation, the relatively balanced relation between town and country was a constant which endured until the progressive fragmentation and separation among the different areas of knowledge and action contributed to create a gap between them both, with disastrous consequences in environmental, social and economical terms. The tasks at hands from the perspective of integral sustainability is to promote a reunion throughout a new culture of territory. Resumen Tanto en los orígenes remotos de la ciudad como en los recientes del urbanismo como disciplina surgida para mitigar el impacto urbano y territorial del industrialismo, la relación relativamente equilibrada entre campo y ciudad fue una constante que se mantuvo hasta que la progresiva fragmentación entre áreas de conocimiento y de intervención contribuyó a un paulatino desencuentro entre ambos, de desastrosas consecuencias en términos sociales, ambientales y económicos. La tarea que se presenta desde la óptica de la sostenibilidad integral es propiciar el reencuentro a través de una nueva cultura del territorio
En el Código Técnico de la Edificación se define el riesgo como medida del alcance del peligro que representa un evento no deseado para las personas, expresado en términos de probabilidad vinculada a las consecuencias de un evento, también se expresa como Exigencia Básica de Resistencia y Estabilidad, que estas serán las adecuadas para que no se generen riesgos indebidos manteniendo la resistencia y estabilidad frente a las acciones e influencias previsibles durante la construcción y usos previstos de los edificios, y que además, los posibles eventos extraordinarios que puedan producirse no originen consecuencias desproporcionadas respecto a la causa original. Es ahora donde la gestión de riesgos juega un papel muy importante en la sociedad moderna, siendo esta cada vez más exigente con los resultados y calidad de productos y servicios, además de cumplir también con la responsabilidad jurídica que trae la concepción, diseño y construcción de proyectos de gran envergadura como los son la obra civil y edificación. La obra civil destinada al sector industrial debe ser ejecutada con la mayor precisión posible, pues requiere la instalación de complejos equipos y sistemas productivos que pueden producir esfuerzos dinámicos que muchas veces no se consideran en el diseño de los cimientos que lo soportan, razón por la cual interviene la gestión de riesgos para conocer y reducir los posibles riesgos de fallos que se puedan generar y así intentar aproximarse cada vez más al desarrollo de diseños eficientes y confiables, afianzando la exactitud y minimizando errores en la producción y elaboración de piezas, sistemas y equipos de las distintas áreas productivas de la industria. El presente trabajo de investigación se centra en el estudio de los riesgos técnicos existentes en el diseño y ejecución de cimentaciones para maquinarias, mediante la aplicación de varios métodos de investigación, a fin de intentar cubrir los aspectos más importantes que puedan incurrir en una posible causa de fallo de la estructura, evaluando el acoplamiento entre el sistema máquina-cimiento-suelo. Risk is defined, by the Technical Building Code (Código Técnico de la Edificación, CTE) as a measure of the scope of the hazard of an undesired event for people, expressed in terms of probability related to the consequences of an event, also is expressed as a Basic Requirement Strength and Stability these will be appropriate to not cause undue risk maintaining strength and stability against predictable actions and influences during construction and expected uses of the buildings. Nowadays, Risk Management is an important process in modern society, becoming ever more demanding about the results and quality of products and services, and also complies with the legal responsibility that brings the conception, design and construction of large projects as are civil engineering and construction projects. Civil work as a part of industry must be performed as accurately as possible, requiring the installation of sophisticated equipment and production systems which can produce dynamic forces that often are not considered in the design of the foundations, this is the reason why risk management is involved to understand and reduce the risks of failures that may arise and try to move closer to the development of efficient and reliable designs, strengthening the accuracy and minimizing errors in the production and processing of parts, systems and equipments from different production areas of the industry. This paper is a study of existing technical risks in the design and execution of foundations for machinery, through the application of various research methods, in order to try to cover the most important aspects that may produce the failure of the structure, evaluating the union between the machine-foundation system and soil.