58 resultados para inferencia fuzzy
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
La tesis doctoral CONTRIBUCIÓN AL ESTUDIO DE DOS CONCEPTOS BÁSICOS DE LA LÓGICA FUZZY constituye un conjunto de nuevas aportaciones al análisis de dos elementos básicos de la lógica fuzzy: los mecanismos de inferencia y la representación de predicados vagos. La memoria se encuentra dividida en dos partes que corresponden a los dos aspectos señalados. En la Parte I se estudia el concepto básico de «estado lógico borroso». Un estado lógico borroso es un punto fijo de la aplicación generada a partir de la regla de inferencia conocida como modus ponens generalizado. Además, un preorden borroso puede ser representado mediante los preórdenes elementales generados por el conjunto de sus estados lógicos borrosos. El Capítulo 1 está dedicado a caracterizar cuándo dos estados lógicos dan lugar al mismo preorden elemental, obteniéndose también un representante de la clase de todos los estados lógicos que generan el mismo preorden elemental. El Capítulo finaliza con la caracterización del conjunto de estados lógicos borrosos de un preorden elemental. En el Capítulo 2 se obtiene un subconjunto borroso trapezoidal como una clase de una relación de indistinguibilidad. Finalmente, el Capítulo 3 se dedica a estudiar dos tipos de estados lógicos clásicos: los irreducibles y los minimales. En el Capítulo 4, que inicia la Parte II de la memoria, se aborda el problema de obtener la función de compatibilidad de un predicado vago. Se propone un método, basado en el conocimiento del uso del predicado mediante un conjunto de reglas y de ciertos elementos distinguidos, que permite obtener una expresión general de la función de pertenencia generalizada de un subconjunto borroso que realice la función de extensión del predicado borroso. Dicho método permite, en ciertos casos, definir un conjunto de conectivas multivaluadas asociadas al predicado. En el último capítulo se estudia la representación de antónimos y sinónimos en lógica fuzzy a través de auto-morfismos. Se caracterizan los automorfismos sobre el intervalo unidad cuando sobre él se consideran dos operaciones: una t-norma y una t-conorma ambas arquimedianas. The PhD Thesis CONTRIBUCIÓN AL ESTUDIO DE DOS CONCEPTOS BÁSICOS DE LA LÓGICA FUZZY is a contribution to two basic concepts of the Fuzzy Logic. It is divided in two parts, the first is devoted to a mechanism of inference in Fuzzy Logic, and the second to the representation of vague predicates. «Fuzzy Logic State» is the basic concept in Part I. A Fuzzy Logic State is a fixed-point for the mapping giving the Generalized Modus Ponens Rule of inference. Moreover, a fuzzy preordering can be represented by the elementary preorderings generated by its Fuzzy Logic States. Chapter 1 contemplates the identity of elementary preorderings and the selection of representatives for the classes modulo this identity. This chapter finishes with the characterization of the set of Fuzzy Logic States of an elementary preordering. In Chapter 2 a Trapezoidal Fuzzy Set as a class of a relation of Indistinguishability is obtained. Finally, Chapter 3 is devoted to study two types of Classical Logic States: irreducible and minimal. Part II begins with Chapter 4 dealing with the problem of obtaining a Compa¬tibility Function for a vague predicate. When the use of a predicate is known by means of a set of rules and some distinguished elements, a method to obtain the general expression of the Membership Function is presented. This method allows, in some cases, to reach a set of multivalued connectives associated to the predicate. Last Chapter is devoted to the representation of antonyms and synonyms in Fuzzy Logic. When the unit interval [0,1] is endowed with both an archimedean t-norm and a an archi-medean t-conorm, it is showed that the automorphisms' group is just reduced to the identity function.
The data acquired by Remote Sensing systems allow obtaining thematic maps of the earth's surface, by means of the registered image classification. This implies the identification and categorization of all pixels into land cover classes. Traditionally, methods based on statistical parameters have been widely used, although they show some disadvantages. Nevertheless, some authors indicate that those methods based on artificial intelligence, may be a good alternative. Thus, fuzzy classifiers, which are based on Fuzzy Logic, include additional information in the classification process through based-rule systems. In this work, we propose the use of a genetic algorithm (GA) to select the optimal and minimum set of fuzzy rules to classify remotely sensed images. Input information of GA has been obtained through the training space determined by two uncorrelated spectral bands (2D scatter diagrams), which has been irregularly divided by five linguistic terms defined in each band. The proposed methodology has been applied to Landsat-TM images and it has showed that this set of rules provides a higher accuracy level in the classification process
The confluence of three-dimensional (3D) virtual worlds with social networks imposes on software agents, in addition to conversational functions, the same behaviours as those common to human-driven avatars. In this paper, we explore the possibilities of the use of metabots (metaverse robots) with motion capabilities in complex virtual 3D worlds and we put forward a learning model based on the techniques used in evolutionary computation for optimizing the fuzzy controllers which will subsequently be used by metabots for moving around a virtual environment.
This article presents a multi-agent expert system (SMAF) , that allows the input of incidents which occur in different elements of the telecommunications area. SMAF interacts with experts and general users, and each agent with all the agents? community, recording the incidents and their solutions in a knowledge base, without the analysis of their causes. The incidents are expressed using keywords taken from natural language (originally Spanish) and their main concepts are recorded with their severities as the users express them. Then, there is a search of the best solution for each incident, being helped by a human operator using a distancenotions between them.
The fuzzy min–max neural network classifier is a supervised learning method. This classifier takes the hybrid neural networks and fuzzy systems approach. All input variables in the network are required to correspond to continuously valued variables, and this can be a significant constraint in many real-world situations where there are not only quantitative but also categorical data. The usual way of dealing with this type of variables is to replace the categorical by numerical values and treat them as if they were continuously valued. But this method, implicitly defines a possibly unsuitable metric for the categories. A number of different procedures have been proposed to tackle the problem. In this article, we present a new method. The procedure extends the fuzzy min–max neural network input to categorical variables by introducing new fuzzy sets, a new operation, and a new architecture. This provides for greater flexibility and wider application. The proposed method is then applied to missing data imputation in voting intention polls. The micro data—the set of the respondents’ individual answers to the questions—of this type of poll are especially suited for evaluating the method since they include a large number of numerical and categorical attributes.
Trillas et al. (1999, Soft computing, 3 (4), 197–199) and Trillas and Cubillo (1999, On non-contradictory input/output couples in Zadeh's CRI proceeding, 28–32) introduced the study of contradiction in the framework of fuzzy logic because of the significance of avoiding contradictory outputs in inference processes. Later, the study of contradiction in the framework of Atanassov's intuitionistic fuzzy sets (A-IFSs) was initiated by Cubillo and Castiñeira (2004, Contradiction in intuitionistic fuzzy sets proceeding, 2180–2186). The axiomatic definition of contradiction measure was stated in Castiñeira and Cubillo (2009, International journal of intelligent systems, 24, 863–888). Likewise, the concept of continuity of these measures was formalized through several axioms. To be precise, they defined continuity when the sets ‘are increasing’, denominated continuity from below, and continuity when the sets ‘are decreasing’, or continuity from above. The aim of this paper is to provide some geometrical construction methods for obtaining contradiction measures in the framework of A-IFSs and to study what continuity properties these measures satisfy. Furthermore, we show the geometrical interpretations motivating the measures.
Salamanca has been considered among the most polluted cities in Mexico. The vehicular park, the industry and the emissions produced by agriculture, as well as orography and climatic characteristics have propitiated the increment in pollutant concentration of Particulate Matter less than 10 μg/m3 in diameter (PM10). In this work, a Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network has been used to make the prediction of an hour ahead of pollutant concentration. A database used to train the Neural Network corresponds to historical time series of meteorological variables (wind speed, wind direction, temperature and relative humidity) and air pollutant concentrations of PM10. Before the prediction, Fuzzy c-Means clustering algorithm have been implemented in order to find relationship among pollutant and meteorological variables. These relationship help us to get additional information that will be used for predicting. Our experiments with the proposed system show the importance of this set of meteorological variables on the prediction of PM10 pollutant concentrations and the neural network efficiency. The performance estimation is determined using the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and Mean Absolute Error (MAE). The results shown that the information obtained in the clustering step allows a prediction of an hour ahead, with data from past 2 hours
In this paper, we commence the study of the so called supplementarity measures. They are introduced axiomatically and are then related to incompatibility measures by antonyms. To do this, we have to establish what we mean by antonymous measure. We then prove that, under certain conditions, supplementarity and incompatibility measuresare antonymous. Besides, with the aim of constructing antonymous measures, we introduce the concept of involution on the set made up of all the ordered pairs of fuzzy sets. Finally, we obtain some antonymous supplementarity measures from incompatibility measures by means of involutions.
When we try to analyze and to control a system whose model was obtained only based on input/output data, accuracy is essential in the model. On the other hand, to make the procedure practical, the modeling stage must be computationally efficient. In this regard, this paper presents the application of extended Kalman filter for the parametric adaptation of a fuzzy model
Application of the Extended Kalman filter to fuzzy modeling: Algorithms and practical implementation
Modeling phase is fundamental both in the analysis process of a dynamic system and the design of a control system. If this phase is in-line is even more critical and the only information of the system comes from input/output data. Some adaptation algorithms for fuzzy system based on extended Kalman filter are presented in this paper, which allows obtaining accurate models without renounce the computational efficiency that characterizes the Kalman filter, and allows its implementation in-line with the process
The run-of-river hydro power plant usually have low or nil water storage capacity, and therefore an adequate control strategy is required to keep the water level constant in pond. This paper presents a novel technique based on TSK fuzzy controller to maintain the pond head constant. The performance is investigated over a wide range of hill curve of hydro turbine. The results are compared with PI controller as discussed in [1].
This article presents the model of a multi-agent system (SMAF), which objectives are the input of fuzzy incidents as the human experts express them with different severities degrees and the further search and suggestion of solutions. The solutions will be later confirm or not by the users. This model was designed, implemented and tested in the telecommunications field, with heterogeneous agents in a cooperative model. In the design, different abstract levels where considered, according to the agents? objectives, their ways to carry it out and the environment in which they act. Each agent is modeled with different spectrum of the knowledge base
The goal of the work described in this paper is to develop a visual line guided system for being used on-board an Autonomous Guided Vehicle (AGV) commercial car, controlling the steering and using just the visual information of a line painted below the car. In order to implement the control of the vehicle, a Fuzzy Logic controller has been implemented, that has to be robust against curvature changes and velocity changes. The only input information for the controller is the visual distance from the image center captured by a camera pointing downwards to the guiding line on the road, at a commercial frequency of 30Hz. The good performance of the controller has successfully been demonstrated in a real environment at urban velocities. The presented results demonstrate the capability of the Fuzzy controller to follow a circuit in urban environments without previous information about the path or any other information from additional sensors
This article presents a visual servoing system to follow a 3D moving object by a Micro Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (MUAV). The presented control strategy is based only on the visual information given by an adaptive tracking method based on the colour information. A visual fuzzy system has been developed for servoing the camera situated on a rotary wing MAUV, that also considers its own dynamics. This system is focused on continuously following of an aerial moving target object, maintaining it with a fixed safe distance and centred on the image plane. The algorithm is validated on real flights on outdoors scenarios, showing the robustness of the proposed systems against winds perturbations, illumination and weather changes among others. The obtained results indicate that the proposed algorithms is suitable for complex controls task, such object following and pursuit, flying in formation, as well as their use for indoor navigation
There are many situations where input feature vectors are incomplete and methods to tackle the problem have been studied for a long time. A commonly used procedure is to replace each missing value with an imputation. This paper presents a method to perform categorical missing data imputation from numerical and categorical variables. The imputations are based on Simpson’s fuzzy min-max neural networks where the input variables for learning and classification are just numerical. The proposed method extends the input to categorical variables by introducing new fuzzy sets, a new operation and a new architecture. The procedure is tested and compared with others using opinion poll data.