5 resultados para in-situ marine data
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Los sensores de presión capacitivos tipo Rosemount son ampliamente utilizados en las centrales nucleares para la medida de la presión, el caudal y el nivel. Están unidos a las líneas de proceso de la central mediante líneas sensoras siendo el mantenimiento del sistema sensor-línea fundamental para mantener la seguridad en la planta. La vigilancia in situ del sistema en su conjunto, sensor-línea, se suele realizar mediante la medida del tiempo de respuesta del transmisor de presión con las técnicas de análisis de ruido. Sin embargo, determinadas averías como la pérdida de aceite de su cámara interna no son detectables por medio de la medida del tiempo de respuesta, ya que éste apenas varía su valor en una fase incipiente del síndrome. No obstante, la mejora de la descripción dinámica del sensor podría servir para detectar dichas averías. En laboratorio se ha demostrado que la función de transferencia del sistema sensor-línea puede tener más de un polo real, y en consecuencia, el modelo de tres polos (dos polos complejos conjugados y uno real) utilizado hasta ahora en otros trabajos podría sustituirse por uno de cuatro o incluso cinco. En este trabajo se propone utilizar técnicas de vigilancia in situ basadas en el análisis de ruido y en el Dynamic Data System para ampliar la descripción dinámica del sensor y con ello mejorar las posibilidades de diagnóstico de averías como el síndrome de la pérdida de aceite del sensor en fases incipientes. Se han analizado varias medidas de planta con la metodología propuesta y se muestran los resultados obtenidos.
Outline: • Motivation, aim • Complement waveguide data on silica • Optical data in quartz • Detailed analysis, i.e. both fluence kinetics and resolution • Efficiency of irradiation and analysis, samples, time... • Experimental set-up description • Reflectance procedure • Options: light source (lasers, white light..), detectors, configurations • Results and discussion • Comparative of amorphous and crystalline phases
In this work, a methodology is proposed to find the dynamic poles of a capacitive pressure transmitter in order to enhance and extend the online surveillance of this type of sensor based on the response time measurement by applying noise analysis techniques and the dynamic data system procedure. Several measurements taken from a pressurized water reactor have been analyzed. The methodology proposes an autoregressive fit whose order is determined by the sensor dynamic poles. Nevertheless, the signals that have been analyzed could not be filtered properly in order to remove the plant noise; thus, this was considered as an additional pair of complex conjugate poles. With this methodology we have come up with the numerical value of the sensor second real pole in spite of its low influence on the sensor dynamic response. This opens up a more accurate online sensor surveillance since the previous methods were achieved by considering one real pole only.
In this work, a methodology is proposed to find the dynamics poles of a capacitive pressure transmitter in order to enhance and extend the on line surveillance of this type of sensors based on the response time measurement by applying noise analysis techniques and the Dynamic Data System. Several measurements have been analyzed taken from a Pressurized Water Reactor. The methodology proposes an autoregressive fit whose order is determined by the sensor dynamics poles. Nevertheless, the signals that have been analyzed, could not be filtered properly in order to remove the plant noise, thus, this was considered as an additional pair of complex conjugate poles. With this methodology we have come up with the numerical value of the sensor second real pole in spite of its low influence on the sensor dynamic response. This opens up a more accurate on line sensor surveillance since the previous methods were achieved by considering one real pole only.
The recently noticed disagreement between ionospheric charged-particle temperature values obtained from ground-based (incoherent backscatter) and in situ (Langmuir probe type) measurements is considered; it is suggested that a main cause of disagreement lies in the poor theoretical basis of present in situ measurements. It is pointed out that the usually neglected geomagnetic field influence may result in too high an electron temperature. It is also shown that the theory used at present to interpret data from ion retarding potential analyzers has serious pitfalls, and that these devices greatly disturb the surrounding plasma when measuring ion temperature. Finally, it is shown how the ion temperature can be accurately obtained from the characteristic of a cylindrical Langmuir probe in a rarefied plasma flow.