6 resultados para human nature

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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The tremendous expansion and the differentiation of the neocortex constitute two major events in the evolution of the mammalian brain. The increase in size and complexity of our brains opened the way to a spectacular development of cognitive and mental skills. This expansion during evolution facilitated the addition of microcircuits with a similar basic structure, which increased the complexity of the human brain and contributed to its uniqueness. However, fundamental differences even exist between distinct mammalian species. Here, we shall discuss the issue of our humanity from a neurobiological and historical perspective.


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The important developments in technology in all areas of human life have generated high expectations and hopes with regard to the health sector. Science and technology have favored the development of incredible therapeutic treatments to help resolve numerous problems relating to illness and disability. Nonetheless, many developments in the therapeutic realm have given rise to discussions over the possibility of whether this same scientific and technological progress could be beneficial even for those who may not be sick. One may ask: why not apply the same knowledge and technology used for treatment of illness for conditions where therapy is not necessary, but there is a desire to care for, improve and enhance human person? These new horizons offered by biomedical technologies undoubtedly express a deep desire of every person for health, happiness, and a long life. In order to offer a response to these questions, current biomedical technologies and those in development offer a wide range of possibilities. Therefore, in this investigation we attempt to identify and define four areas of non-therapeutic treatment: illness prevention, health promotion, improving human nature, and human enhancement. These four areas, which do not directly regard illness, give rise to a series of questions, which range from those regarding the meaning of health and illness to those concerning anthropological questions, such as situations and conditions that must be taken into account so human dignity is respected. The treatment, improvement and enhancement of the human being imply clarifying in scientific and technological terms the truth and meaning of the human person as such. This research identifies and looks at the relationship between the four anthropological cornerstones which non-therapeutic biomedical technologies should be based upon so as not to impact or violate the dignity of the human person. This research presents the anthropological boundaries which non-therapeutic biomedical technologies should take into consideration so as not to alter or violate the dignity of the human person. At the same time, the research proposes an anthropological foundation on which to build a code of ethics for non-therapeutic biomedical technologies. El gran desarrollo de las tecnologías en todos los ámbitos de la vida del hombre ha generado una gran expectativa y esperanza en lo que se refiere a la salud. Ciencia y técnica están aportando grandes beneficios en materia terapéutica, ayudando a resolver muchos problemas concernientes a la enfermedad y a la discapacidad. Pero este desarrollo que se ha producido en el ámbito terapéutico nos conduce a la formulación de preguntas sobre las posibilidades que esos avances técnico-científicos pueden aportar en beneficio del hombre, cuando no se encuentra enfermo: ¿por qué no pueden aplicarse los conocimientos y tecnologías usados en terapia a un ámbito diferente, no terapéutico, con el fin de mantener, mejorar o incluso potenciar al hombre? Ciertamente los nuevos horizontes que abren las Tecnologías Biomédicas encuentran repercusión en el deseo de bienestar, de felicidad e incluso de prolongación de la vida presente en todos los hombres. Para responder a esta pregunta las Tecnologías Biomédicas han desarrollado y están desarrollando una gama muy amplia de posibilidades. En este trabajo intentamos organizar en cuatro áreas los conceptos de los tratamientos no-terapéuticos: prevención de la enfermedad, promoción de la salud, mejoramiento de la naturaleza humana y potenciación del hombre. Estas cuatro áreas, que no se refieren directamente a la enfermedad, generan una serie de interrogantes que van desde las preguntas sobre el significado de salud y enfermedad, hasta las cuestiones antropológicas relativas a la posibilidad y las condiciones que se han de dar para que tales acciones respeten la dignidad humana. Cuidar, mejorar y potenciar al hombre implica que los objetivos de la ciencia y de la técnica mantengan siempre claros los valores y la realidad del hombre en cuanto tal. ... Este Trabajo de Investigación presenta los límites antropológicos dentro de los cuales deben moverse las Tecnologías Biomédicas no-terapéuticas para no alterar el ser ni menoscabar la dignidad del hombre. Y ofrece los fundamentos antropológicos sobre los cuales se pueda construir un código ético y deontológico para las Tecnologías Biomédicas no-terapéuticas.


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Understanding the molecular programs of the generation of human dopaminergic neurons (DAn) from their ventral mesencephalic (VM) precursors is of key importance for basic studies, progress in cell therapy, drug screening and pharmacology in the context of Parkinson's disease. The nature of human DAn precursors in vitro is poorly understood, their properties unstable, and their availability highly limited. Here we present positive evidence that human VM precursors retaining their genuine properties and long-term capacity to generate A9 type Substantia nigra human DAn (hVM1 model cell line) can be propagated in culture. During a one month differentiation, these cells activate all key genes needed to progress from pro-neural and prodopaminergic precursors to mature and functional DAn. For the first time, we demonstrate that gene cascades are correctly activated during differentiation, resulting in the generation of mature DAn. These DAn have morphological and functional properties undistinguishable from those generated by VM primary neuronal cultures. In addition, we have found that the forced expression of Bcl-XL induces an increase in the expression of key developmental genes (MSX1, NGN2), maintenance of PITX3 expression temporal profile, and also enhances genes involved in DAn long-term function, maintenance and survival (EN1, LMX1B, NURR1 and PITX3). As a result, Bcl-XL anticipates and enhances DAn generation.


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The introduction of open-plan offices in the 1960s with the intent of making the workplace more flexible, efficient, and team-oriented resulted in a higher noise floor level, which not only made concentrated work more difficult, but also caused physiological problems, such as increased stress, in addition to a loss of speech privacy. Irrelevant background human speech, in particular, has proven to be a major factor in disrupting concentration and lowering performance. Therefore, reducing the intelligibility of speech and has been a goal of increasing importance in recent years. One method employed to do so is the use of masking noises, which consists in emitting a continuous noise signal over a loudspeaker system that conceals the perturbing speech. Studies have shown that while effective, the maskers employed to date – normally filtered pink noise – are generally poorly accepted by users. The collaborative "Private Workspace" project, within the scope of which this thesis was carried out, attempts to develop a coupled, adaptive noise masking system along with a physical structure to be used for open-plan offices so as to combat these issues. There is evidence to suggest that nature sounds might be more accepted as masker, in part because they can have a visual object that acts as the source for the sound. Direct audio recordings are not recommended for various reasons, and thus the nature sounds must be synthesized. This work done consists of the synthesis of a sound texture to be used as a masker as well as its evaluation. The sound texture is composed of two parts: a wind-like noise synthesized with subtractive synthesis, and a leaf-like noise synthesized through granular synthesis. Different combinations of these two noises produced five variations of the masker, which were evaluated at different levels along with white noise and pink noise using a modified version of an Oldenburger Satztest to test for an affect on speech intelligibility and a questionnaire to asses its subjective acceptance. The goal was to find which of the synthesized noises works best as a speech masker. This thesis first uses a theoretical introduction to establish the basics of sound perception, psychoacoustic masking, and sound texture synthesis. The design of each of the noises, as well as their respective implementations in MATLAB, is explained, followed by the procedures used to evaluate the maskers. The results obtained in the evaluation are analyzed. Lastly, conclusions are drawn and future work is and modifications to the masker are proposed. RESUMEN. La introducción de las oficinas abiertas en los años 60 tenía como objeto flexibilizar el ambiente laboral, hacerlo más eficiente y que estuviera más orientado al trabajo en equipo. Como consecuencia, subió el nivel de ruido de fondo, que no sólo dificulta la concentración, sino que causa problemas fisiológicos, como el aumento del estrés, además de reducir la privacidad. Hay estudios que prueban que las conversaciones de fondo en particular tienen un efecto negativo en el nivel de concentración y disminuyen el rendimiento de los trabajadores. Por lo tanto, reducir la inteligibilidad del habla es uno de los principales objetivos en la actualidad. Un método empleado para hacerlo ha sido el uso de ruido enmascarante, que consiste en reproducir señales continuas de ruido a través de un sistema de altavoces que enmascare el habla. Aunque diversos estudios demuestran que es un método eficaz, los ruidos utilizados hasta la fecha (normalmente ruido rosa filtrado), no son muy bien aceptados por los usuarios. El proyecto colaborativo "Private Workspace", dentro del cual se engloba el trabajo realizado en este Proyecto Fin de Grado, tiene por objeto desarrollar un sistema de ruido enmascarador acoplado y adaptativo, además de una estructura física, para su uso en oficinas abiertas con el fin de combatir los problemas descritos anteriormente. Existen indicios de que los sonidos naturales son mejor aceptados, en parte porque pueden tener una estructura física que simule ser la fuente de los mismos. La utilización de grabaciones directas de estos sonidos no está recomendada por varios motivos, y por lo tanto los sonidos naturales deben ser sintetizados. El presente trabajo consiste en la síntesis de una textura de sonido (en inglés sound texture) para ser usada como ruido enmascarador, además de su evaluación. La textura está compuesta de dos partes: un sonido de viento sintetizado mediante síntesis sustractiva y un sonido de hojas sintetizado mediante síntesis granular. Diferentes combinaciones de estos dos sonidos producen cinco variaciones de ruido enmascarador. Estos cinco ruidos han sido evaluados a diferentes niveles, junto con ruido blanco y ruido rosa, mediante una versión modificada de un Oldenburger Satztest para comprobar cómo afectan a la inteligibilidad del habla, y mediante un cuestionario para una evaluación subjetiva de su aceptación. El objetivo era encontrar qué ruido de los que se han sintetizado funciona mejor como enmascarador del habla. El proyecto consiste en una introducción teórica que establece las bases de la percepción del sonido, el enmascaramiento psicoacústico, y la síntesis de texturas de sonido. Se explica a continuación el diseño de cada uno de los ruidos, así como su implementación en MATLAB. Posteriormente se detallan los procedimientos empleados para evaluarlos. Los resultados obtenidos se analizan y se extraen conclusiones. Por último, se propone un posible trabajo futuro y mejoras al ruido sintetizado.


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This paper shows the importance of a holistic comprehension of the Earth as a living planet, where man inhabits and is exposed to environmental incidences of different nature. The aim of the paper here summarized is a reflection on all these concepts and scientific considerations related to the important role of men in the handling of natural hazards. Our Planet is an unstable and dynamical system highly sensitive to initial conditions, as proposed by Chaos theory (González-Miranda 2004); it is a complex organic whole, which responds to minimal variations which can affect several natural phenomena such as plate tectonics, solar flares, fluid turbulences, landscape formation, forest fires, growth and migration of populations and biological evolution. This is known as the “butterfly effect” (Lorenz 1972), which means that a small change of the system causes a chain of events leading to large-scale unpredictable consequences. The aim of this work is dwelling on the importance of the knowledge of these natural and catastrophic geological, biological and human systems so much sensible to equilibrium conditions, to prevent, avoid and mend their effects, and to face them in a resilient way


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The effects of nature on people's mind have been an active research theme for decades. However, the impact of people's mind on landscape ecological health has received less attention. How and why perception, meanings and mental constructs determine the way nature is valued and consequently managed? How this interplay should be? These are in some cases more relevant questions than knowing what particular landscapes are preferred (Carlson 1993). This was the underlying inquiry in the focus group experience held in a natural protected area in La Rioja (Spain). Participants were asked to locate in a map areas representing low/high quality in terms of ecology and aesthetics. Some relevant conclusions for landscape management were derived from the analysis of participant's discourse in terms of ecological aesthetical appreciation and their consideration about how human takes place in nature.