15 resultados para flat spot
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
In this study, forward seismic modelling of four geological models with Hydrocarbon (HC) traps were performed by ray tracing method to produce synthetic seismogram of each model. The idea is to identify the Hydrocarbon Indicators (HCI‟s) such as bright spot, flat spot, dim spot and Bottom Simulating Reflector (BSR) in the synthethic seismogram. The modelling was performed in DISCO/FOCUS 5.0 seismic data processing programme. Strong positive and negative reflection amplitudes and some artifact reflection horizons were observed on produced seismograms due to rapid changes in subsurface velocity and geometry respectively Additionally, Amplitude-versus-angle (AVA) curves of each HCIs was calculated by the Crewes Zoeppritz Explorer programme. AVA curves show that how the reflection coefficients change with the density and the P and S wave velocities of each layer such as oil, gas, gas hydrate or water saturated sediments. Due to AVA curves, an increase in reflection amplitude with incident angle of seismic waves corresponds to an indicator of a hydrocarbon reservoir
This work is motivated in providing and evaluating a fusion algorithm of remotely sensed images, i.e. the fusion of a high spatial resolution panchromatic image with a multi-spectral image (also known as pansharpening) using the dual-tree complex wavelet transform (DT-CWT), an effective approach for conducting an analytic and oversampled wavelet transform to reduce aliasing, and in turn reduce shift dependence of the wavelet transform. The proposed scheme includes the definition of a model to establish how information will be extracted from the PAN band and how that information will be injected into the MS bands with low spatial resolution. The approach was applied to Spot 5 images where there are bands falling outside PAN’s spectrum. We propose an optional step in the quality evaluation protocol, which is to study the quality of the merger by regions, where each region represents a specific feature of the image. The results show that DT-CWT based approach offers good spatial quality while retaining the spectral information of original images, case SPOT 5. The additional step facilitates the identification of the most affected regions by the fusion process.
Many of the material models most frequently used for the numerical simulation of the behavior of concrete when subjected to high strain rates have been originally developed for the simulation of ballistic impact. Therefore, they are plasticity-based models in which the compressive behavior is modeled in a complex way, while their tensile failure criterion is of a rather simpler nature. As concrete elements usually fail in tensión when subjected to blast loading, available concrete material models for high strain rates may not represent accurately their real behavior. In this research work an experimental program of reinforced concrete fíat elements subjected to blast load is presented. Altogether four detonation tests are conducted, in which 12 slabs of two different concrete types are subjected to the same blast load. The results of the experimental program are then used for the development and adjustment of numerical tools needed in the modeling of concrete elements subjected to blast.
Acciona Energía dispone en Alemania de 150 MW de potencia instalada. Todos ellos de energía eólica, en un total de doce parques eólicos situados en la sur del país. El proyecto tiene por objeto comparar las distintas modalidades de venta de energía procedente de fuentes renovables que ofrece el estado alemán para la cartera de activos de Acciona Energía, llegando a una conclusión final de cuál de ellas es la más aconsejable. Para ello se ha realizado un estudio del funcionamiento y normas del mercado Epex Spot de la electricidad y de la legislación alemana correspondiente a la materia, así como un seguimiento exhaustivo de producción y otras variables de los parques eólicos para su análisis. Los cálculos y las estimaciones realizados llevaron a la conclusión, que la mejor opción era la venta directa en el mercado Epex Spot, para lo que primero habría que darse de alta como agente en dicho mercado. Aunque esta opción asuma mayores riesgos también ofrecería un aumento considerable de ingresos. ABSTRACT Acciona Energía has 150 MW of power capacity in Germany, all of them wind energy in a total of twelve installations, located in the south of the country. The main goal of the project is to compare the different ways to sell the energy which became from renewable source that German state offers for Acciona’s asset portfolio, finding the most advisable conclusion. To do so a study of standards and rules of Epex Spot electricity market and German law related to this topic has been made. In addition of an exhaustive monitoring of energy production and others wind farms variables has been analyzed. The reckoning and estimations saw the conclusion that the best option was the direct sell in Epex Spot market, in order to do that the first of all is to register as market agent. Despite this options assume bigger risks, it provide a substantial increase in income
This paper investigates the effective width of reinforced concrete flat slab structures subjected to seismic loading on the basis of dynamic shaking table tests. The study is focussed on the behavior of corner slab? column connections with structural steel I- or channel-shaped sections (shearheads) as shear punching reinforcement. To this end, a 1/2 scale test model consisting of a flat slab supported on four box-type steel columns was subjected to several seismic simulations of increasing intensity. It is found from the test results that the effective width tends to increase with the intensity of the seismic simulation, and this increase is limited by the degradation of adherence between reinforcing steel and concrete induced by the strain reversals caused by the earthquake. Also, significant differences are found between the effective width obtained from the tests and the values predicted by formula proposed in the literature. These differences are attributed to the stiffening effect provided by the steel profiles that constitute the punching shear reinforcement.
Use of computational fluid dynamic (CFD) methods to predict the power production from wind entire wind farms in flat and complex terrain is presented in this paper. Two full 3D Navier–Stokes solvers for incompressible flow are employed that incorporate the k–ε and k–ω turbulence models respectively. The wind turbines (W/Ts) are modelled as momentum absorbers by means of their thrust coefficient using the actuator disk approach. The WT thrust is estimated using the wind speed one diameter upstream of the rotor at hub height. An alternative method that employs an induction-factor based concept is also tested. This method features the advantage of not utilizing the wind speed at a specific distance from the rotor disk, which is a doubtful approximation when a W/T is located in the wake of another and/or the terrain is complex. To account for the underestimation of the near wake deficit, a correction is introduced to the turbulence model. The turbulence time scale is bounded using the general “realizability” constraint for the turbulent velocities. Application is made on two wind farms, a five-machine one located in flat terrain and another 43-machine one located in complex terrain. In the flat terrain case, the combination of the induction factor method along with the turbulence correction provides satisfactory results. In the complex terrain case, there are some significant discrepancies with the measurements, which are discussed. In this case, the induction factor method does not provide satisfactory results.
A novel photovoltaic concentrator enables highly uniform irradiance on a small number of efficient solar cells. The maximum electrical power of a photovoltaic (PV) energy installation depends on three factors: the available irradiance, the size of the systems collecting sunlight, and the rate at which the device transforms light into electricity (the conversion efficiency). Developers can maximize the irradiance by carefully selecting the site and orientation of the solar facility. But they can only expand their sunlight collection systems for standard flat plate PV devices by increasing the number of solar cells, at greater cost. Here, we consider the advantages of an alternative PV system that produces more energy without increasing the number of cells used (actually, reducing it), by improving the conversion rates.We also present a new device that may enhance the commercial viability of such technologies.
This paper addresses two aspects of the behavior of interior reinforced concrete waffle flat plate?column connections under lateral loads: the share of the unbalanced moment between flexure and excentric shear, and the effect of the transverse beams. A non-linear finite element model (benchmark model) was developed and calibrated with the results of quasi-static cyclic tests conducted on a 3/5 scale specimen. First, from this numerical model, the portion cv of the unbalanced moment transferred by the excentricity of shear about the centroid of the critical sections defined by Eurocode 2 (EC-2) and by ACI 318-11 was calculated and compared with the share-out prescribed by these codes. It is found that while the critical section of EC-2 is consistent with the cv provided by this code, in the case of ACI 318-11, the value assigned to cv is far below (about 50% smaller) the actual one obtained with the numerical simulations. Second, from the benchmark model, seven additional models were developed by varying the depth D of the transverse beam over the thickness h of the plate. It was found that the ductility of the connection and the effective width of the plate can respectively be increased up to 50% and 10% by raising D/h to 2 and 1.5.
In the last years, many analyses from acoustic signal processing have been used for different applications. In most cases, these sensor systems are based on the determination of times of flight for signals from every transducer. This paper presents a flat plate generalization method for impact detection and location over linear links or bars-based structures. The use of three piezoelectric sensors allow to achieve the position and impact time while the use of additional sensors lets cover a larger area of detection and avoid wrong timing difference measurements. An experimental setup and some experimental results are briefly presented.
The effect of an upstream building on the suction forces on the flat roof of a low-rise building placed in the wake of the former is analyzed. The analysis has been performed by wind tunnel testing of a flat roof, low-rise building model equipped with pressure taps on the roof and different block-type buildings (only configurations where the upstream building is as high or higher than the downstream one are considered in this paper). The influence of the distance between both buildings on the wind loads on the downstream building roof is analyzed, as well as the height of the upstream one and the wind angle of incidence. Experimental results reveal that the wind load increases as the relative height of the upstream building increases, the wind load being highest for intermediate distances between buildings, when a passage between them is formed.
Plano Horizontal Plano. Del plano horizontal como límite entre lo estereotómico y lo tectónico
The Flat Horizontal Plane, the platform, is more than just one of the most basic mechanisms of Architecture. In this essay, I would like to move towards understanding this Flat Horizontal Plane not only as the primary mechanism of Architecture, but also, when it is erected, as the spatial limit between the stereotomic and the tectonic.
The scope of the present paper is the derivation of a merit function which predicts the visual perception of LED spot lights. The color uniformity level Usl is described by a linear regression function of the spatial color distribution in the far field. Hereby, the function is derived from four basic functions. They describe the color uniformity of spot lights through different features. The result is a reliable prediction for the perceived color uniformity in spot lights. A human factor experiment was performed to evaluate the visual preferences for colors and patterns. A perceived rank order was derived from the subjects’ answers and compared with the four basic functions. The correlation between the perceived rank order and the basic functions was calculated resulting in the definition of the merit function Usl. The application of this function is shown by a comparison of visual evaluations and measurements of LED retrofit spot lamps. The results enable a prediction of color uniformity levels of simulations and measurements concerning the visual perception. The function provides a possibility to evaluate the far field of spot lights without individual subjective judgment. © (2014) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Spotlighting is one illumination field where the application of light emitting diodes (LED) creates many advantages. Commonly, the system for spot lights consists of a LED light engine and collimating secondary optics. Through angular or spatial separated emitted light from the source and imaging optical elements, a non uniform far field appears with colored rings, dots or patterns. Many feasible combinations result in very different spatial color distributions. Several combinations of three multi-chip light sources and secondary optical elements like reflectors and TIR lenses with additional facets or scattering elements were analyzed mainly regarding the color uniformity. They are assessed by the merit function Usl which was derived from human factor experiments and describes the color uniformity based on the visual perception of humans. Furthermore, the optical systems are compared concerning efficiency, peak candela and aspect ratio. Both types of optics differ in the relation between the color uniformity level and other properties. A plain reflector with a slightly color mixing light source performs adequate. The results for the TIR lenses indicate that they need additional elements for good color mixing or blended light source. The most convenient system depends on the requirements of the application.
We propose the use of a polarization based interferometer with variable transfer function for the generation of temporally flat top pulses from gain switched single mode semiconductor lasers. The main advantage of the presented technique is its flexibility in terms of input pulse characteristics, as pulse duration, spectral bandwidth and operating wavelength. Theoretical predictions and experimental demonstrations are presented and the proposed technique is applied to two different semiconductor laser sources emitting in the 1550 nm region. Flat top pulses are successfully obtained with input seed pulses with duration ranging from 40 ps to 100 ps.