29 resultados para electron-beam lithography

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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III-nitride nanorods have attracted much scientific interest during the last decade because of their unique optical and electrical properties [1,2]. The high crystal quality and the absence of extended defects make them ideal candidates for the fabrication of high efficiency opto-electronic devices such as nano-photodetectors, light-emitting diodes, and solar cells [1-3]. Nitride nanorods are commonly grown in the self-assembled mode by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) [4]. However, self-assembled nanorods are characterized by inhomogeneous heights and diameters, which render the device processing very difficult and negatively affect the electronic transport properties of the final device. For this reason, the selective area growth (SAG) mode has been proposed, where the nanorods preferentially grow with high order on pre-defined sites on a pre-patterned substrate


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We present experimental and numerical results on intense-laser-pulse-produced fast electron beams transport through aluminum samples, either solid or compressed and heated by laser-induced planar shock propagation. Thanks to absolute K� yield measurements and its very good agreement with results from numerical simulations, we quantify the collisional and resistive fast electron stopping powers: for electron current densities of � 8 � 1010 A=cm2 they reach 1:5 keV=�m and 0:8 keV=�m, respectively. For higher current densities up to 1012 A=cm2, numerical simulations show resistive and collisional energy losses at comparable levels. Analytical estimations predict the resistive stopping power will be kept on the level of 1 keV=�m for electron current densities of 1014 A=cm2, representative of the full-scale conditions in the fast ignition of inertially confined fusion targets.


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We report on the conversion of non-luminescent conventional poly(methylmethacrylate) (PMMA)-based electron-beam resists into luminescent materials when used as negative-tone resists, that is, when exposed to high electron irradiation doses. Raman spectroscopy reveals the chemical transformation induced by electron irradiation which is responsible for the observed luminescence in the visible (blue) region. The emission intensity from exposed PMMA-based patterns can be controlled by the electron irradiation dose employed to create them.


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An electrically floating metallic bare tether in a low Earth orbit would be highly negative with respect to the ambient plasma over most of its length, and would be bombarded by ambient ions. This would liberate secondary electrons, which, after acceleration through the same voltage, would form a magnetically guided two-sided planar e-beam. Upon impact on the atmospheric E-layer, at about 120-140 Km altitude auroral effects (ionization and light emission) can be expected. This paper examines in a preliminary way the feasibility of using this effect as an upper atmospheric probe. It is concluded that significant perturbations can be produced along the illuminated planar sheet of the atmosphere, with ionization rates of several thousand cm-3 sec1. Observation of the induced optical emission is made difficult by the narrowness and high moving speed of the illuminated zone, but it is shown that vertical resolution of single spectral lines is possible, as is wider spectral coverage with no vertical resolution.


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Platinum is the most used catalyst in electrodes for fuel cells due to its high catalytic activity. Polymer electrolyte and direct methanol fuel cells usually include Pt as catalyst in their electrodes. In order to diminish the cost of such electrodes, different Pt deposition methods that permit lowering the metal load whilst maintaining their electroactivity, are being investigated. In this work, the behaviour of electron beam Pt (e-beam Pt) deposited electrodes for fuel cells is studied. Three different Pt loadings have been investigated. The electrochemical behaviour by cyclic voltammetry in H2SO4, HClO4 and in HClO4+MeOH before and after the Pt deposition on carbon cloth has been analysed. The Pt improves the electrochemical properties of the carbon support used. The electrochemical performance of e-beam Pt deposited electrodes was finally studied in a single direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) and the obtained results indicate that this is a promising and adequate method to prepare fuel cell electrodes.


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We present a combined magnetooptic and ferromagnetic resonance study of a series of arrays of single-crystalline Fe stripes fabricated by electron beam lithography on epitaxial Au(001)/Fe(001)/MgO(001) films grown by pulsed laser deposition. The analysis of the films revealed a clear fourfold magnetocrystalline anisotropy, with no significant presence of other anisotropy sources. The use of a large series of arrays, with stripe widths between 140 and 1000 nm and separation between them of either 200 nm or 500 nm, allowed studying their magnetization processes and resonance modes as well as the effects of the dipolar interactions on both. The magnetization processes of the stripes were interpreted in terms of a macrospin approximation, with a good agreement between experiments and calculations and negligible influence of the dipolar interactions. The ferromagnetic resonance spectra evidenced two types of resonances linked to bulk oscillation modes, essentially insensitive to the dipolar interactions, and a third one associated with edge-localized oscillations, whose resonance field is strongly dependent on the dipolar interactions. The ability to produce a high quality, controlled series of stripes provided a good opportunity to achieve an agreement between the experiments and calculations, carried out by taking into account just the Fe intrinsic properties and the morphology of the arrays, thus evidencing the relatively small role of other extrinsic factors.


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E-beam lithography was used to pattern a titanium mask on a GaN substrate with ordered arrays of nanoholes. This patterned mask served as a template for the subsequent ordered growth of GaN/InGaN nanorods by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy. The mask patterning process was optimized for several holes configurations. The smallest holes were 30 nm in diameter with a pitch (center-to-center distance) of 100 nm only. High quality masks of several geometries were obtained that could be used to grow ordered GaN/InGaN nanorods with full selectivity (growth localized inside the nanoholes only) over areas of hundreds of microns. Although some parasitic InGaN growth occurred between the nanorods during the In incorporation, transmission electron microscopy and photoluminescence measurements demonstrated that these ordered nanorods exhibit high crystal quality and reproducible optical properties.


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Selective area growth of a-plane GaN nanocolumns by molecular beam epitaxy was performed for the first time on a-plane GaN templates. Ti masks with 150 nm diameter nanoholes were fabricated by colloidal lithography, an easy, fast and cheap process capable to handle large areas. Even though colloidal lithography does not provide a perfect geometrical arrangement like e-beam lithography, it produces a very homogeneous mask in terms of nanohole diameter and density, and is used here for the first time for the selective area growth of GaN. Selective area growth of a-plane GaN nanocolumns is compared, in terms of anisotropic lateral and vertical growth rates, with GaN nanocolumns grown selectively on the c-plane


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This work describes the electron-beam (e-beam) lithography process developed to manufacture nano interdigital transducers (IDTs) to be used in high frequency (GHz) surface acoustic wave (SAW) applications. The combination of electron-beam (e-beam) lithography and lift-off process is shown to be effective in fabricating well-defined IDT finger patterns with a line width below 100 nm with a good yield. Working with insulating piezoelectric substrates brings about e-beam deflection. It is also shown how a very thin organic anti-static layer works well in avoiding this charge accumulation during e-beam lithography on the resist layer. However, the use of this anti-static layer is not required with the insulating piezoelectric layer laying on a semiconducting substrate such as highly doped silicon. The effect of the e-beam dose on a number of different layers (of insulating, insulating on semiconducting, semiconducting, and conductive natures) is provided. Among other advantages, the use of reduced e-beam doses increases the manufacturing time. The principal aim of this work is to explain the interrelation among e-beam dose, substrate nature and IDT structure. An extensive study of the e-beam lithography of long IDT-fingers is provided, in a wide variety of electrode widths, electrode numbers and electrode pitches. It is worthy to highlight that this work shows the influence of the e-beam dose on five substrates of different conductive nature


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Ordered arrays of III-Nitride nanocolumns are excellent candidates for the fabrication of nano-optoelectronic devices. Different technologies such as e-beam lithography or colloidal lithography, have been used to obtain ordered arrays. All these technologies have in common several processing steps that can affect the crystalline growth of the nanocolumns. In this work, we present a single lithographic step that permits to grow ordered GaN nanocolumns with different geometries. The patterning is based in the use of a focusedionbeam with different doses. With this method has been possible to create GaN nanopillars and nanocylinders


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Ordered arrays of III-Nitride nanocolumns are excellent candidates for the fabrication of nano-optoelectronic devices. Different technologies such as e-beam lithography or colloidal lithography, have been used to obtain ordered arrays. All these technologies have in common several processing steps that can affect the crystalline growth of the nanocolumns. In this work, we present a single lithographic step that permits to grow ordered GaN nanocolumns with different geometries. The patterning is based in the use of a focused ion beam with different doses. With this method has been possible to create GaN nanopillars and nanocylinders.


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Precise and reproducible surface nanopatterning is the key for a successful ordered growth of GaN nanocolumns. In this work, we point out the main technological issues related to the patterning process, mainly surface roughness and cleaning, and mask adhesion to the substrate. We found that each of these factors, process-related, has a dramatic impact on the subsequent selective growth of the columns inside the patterned holes. We compare the performance of e-beam lithography, colloidal lithography, and focused ion beam in the fabrication of hole-patterned masks for ordered columnar growth. These results are applicable to the ordered growth of nanocolumns of different materials.


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Durante los últimos años el flujo de datos en la transmisión que tiene lugar en los sistemas de comunicación ha aumentado considerablemente de forma que día a día se requieren más aplicaciones trabajando en un rango de frecuencias muy alto (3-30 GHz). Muchos de estos sistemas de comunicación incluyen dispositivos de onda acústica superficial (SAW) y por tanto se hace necesario el aumento de frecuencia a la que éstos trabajan. Pero este incremento de frecuencia de los dispositivos SAW no sólo es utilizado en los sistemas de comunicación, varios tipos de sensores, por ejemplo, aumentan su sensibilidad cuando la frecuencia a la que trabajan también lo hace. Tradicionalmente los dispositivos SAW se han fabricado sobre cuarzo, LiNbO3 y LiTaO3 principalmente. Sin embargo la principal limitación de estos materiales es su velocidad SAW. Además, debido a la alta temperatura a la que se depositan no pueden ser integrados en la tecnología de fabricación CMOS. El uso de la tecnología de capa delgada, en la que un material piezoeléctrico es depositado sobre un substrato, se está utilizando en las últimas décadas para incrementar la velocidad SAW de la estructura y poder obtener dispositivos trabajando en el rango de frecuencias requerido en la actualidad. Por otra parte, esta tecnología podría ser integrada en el proceso de fabricación CMOS. Durante esta tesis nos hemos centrado en la fabricación de dispositivos SAW trabajando a muy alta frecuencia. Para ello, utilizando la tecnología de capa delgada, hemos utilizado la estructura nitruro de aluminio (AlN) sobre diamante que permite conseguir velocidades SAW del sustrato que no se pueden alcanzar con otros materiales. El depósito de AlN se realizó mediante sputtering reactivo. Durante esta tesis se han realizado diferentes experimentos para optimizar dicho depósito de forma que se han obtenido los parámetros óptimos para los cuales se pueden obtener capas de AlN de alta calidad sobre cualquier tipo de sustrato. Además todo el proceso se realizó a baja temperatura para que el procesado de estos dispositivos pueda ser compatible con la tecnología CMOS. Una vez optimizada la estructura AlN/diamante, mediante litografía por haz de electrones se fabricaron resonadores SAW de tamaño nanométrico que sumado a la alta velocidad resultante de la combinación AlN/diamante nos ha permitido obtener dispositivos trabajando en el rango de 10-28 GHz con un alto factor de calidad y rechazo fuera de la banda. Estás frecuencias y prestaciones no han sido alcanzadas por el momento en resonadores de este tipo. Por otra parte, se han utilizado estos dispositivos para fabricar sensores de presión de alta sensibilidad. Estos dispositivos son afectados altamente por los cambios de temperatura. Se realizó también un exhaustivo estudio de cómo se comportan en temperatura estos resonadores, entre -250ºC y 250ºC (rango de temperaturas no estudiado hasta el momento) diferenciándose dos regiones una a muy baja temperatura en la que el dispositivo muestra un coeficiente de retraso en frecuencia (TCF) relativamente bajo y otra a partir de los -100ºC en la que el TCF es similar al observado en la bibliografía. Por tanto, durante esta tesis se ha optimizado el depósito de AlN sobre diamante para que sea compatible con la tecnología CMOS y permita el procesado de dispositivos trabajando a muy alta frecuencia con altas prestaciones para comunicaciones y sensores. ABSTRACT The increasing volume of information in data transmission systems results in a growing demand of applications working in the super-high-frequency band (3–30 GHz). Most of these systems work with surface acoustic wave (SAW) devices and thus there is a necessity of increasing their resonance frequency. Moreover, sensor application includes this kind of devices. The sensitivity of them is proportional with its frequency. Traditionally, quartz, LiNbO3 and LiTaO3 have been used in the fabrication of SAW devices. These materials suffer from a variety of limitations and in particular they have low SAW velocity as well as being incompatible with the CMOS technology. In order to overcome these problems, thin film technology, where a piezoelectric material is deposited on top of a substrate, has been used during the last decades. The piezoelectric/substrate structure allows to reach the frequencies required nowadays and could be compatible with the mass electronic production CMOS technology. This thesis work focuses on the fabrication of SAW devices working in the super-high-frequency range. Thin film technology has been used in order to get it, especially aluminum nitride (AlN) deposited by reactive sputtering on diamond has been used to increase the SAW velocity. Different experiments were carried out to optimize the parameters for the deposit of high quality AlN on any kind of substrates. In addition, the system was optimized under low temperature and thus this process is CMOS compatible. Once the AlN/diamond was optimized, thanks to the used e-beam lithography, nanometric SAW resonators were fabricated. The combination of the structure and the size of the devices allow the fabrication of devices working in the range of 10-28 GHz with a high quality factor and out of band rejection. These high performances and frequencies have not been reached so far for this kind of devices. Moreover, these devices have been used as high sensitivity pressure sensors. They are affected by temperature changes and thus a wide temperature range (-250ºC to 250ºC) study was done. From this study two regions were observed. At very low temperature, the temperature coefficient of frequency (TCF) is low. From -100ºC upwards the TCF is similar to the one appearing in the literature. Therefore, during this thesis work, the sputtering of AlN on diamond substrates was optimized for the CMOS compatible fabrication of high frequency and high performance SAW devices for communication and sensor application.


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Use of a conductive bare tape electrically floating in low Earth orbit as an effective electron beam source to produce artificial auroral effects, free of problems that mard tandard beams, is considered. Ambient ions impacting the tape with keV energies over most of its length liberate secondary electrons that race down the magnetic field, excite neutrals in the E layer, and result in auroral emissions. The tether would operate with both a power supply and a plasma contactor off at nighttime; power and contactor would be on at daytime for reboost. Tomographic analysis of auroral emissions from the footprint of the beam, as observed from the spacecraft, can provide density profiles of dominant neutral species in the E layer. A characteristic tether system, at altitude 300 km and moderate orbital inclination, would involve an aluminum tape with a length of 20 km, a width of 15 mm, and a thickness of 0.2 mm for a full-system mass around 1200 kg, with two thirds going into the power subsystem.


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GaN based high electron mobility transistors have draw great attention due to its potential in high temperature, high power and high frequency applications [1, 2]. However, significant gate leakage current is still one of the issues which need to be solved to improve the performance and reliability of the devices [3]. Several research groups have contributed to solve this problem by using metal–oxide–semiconductor HEMTs (MOSHEMTs), with a thin dielectric layer, such as SiO2 [4], Al2O3 [5], HfO2 [6] and Gd2O3 [7] between the gate and the barrier layer on AlGaN/GaN heterostructures. Gd2O3 has shown low interfacial density of states(Dit) with GaN and a high dielectric constant and low electrical leakage currents [8], thus is considered as a promising candidate for the gate dielectrics on GaN. MOS-HEMTs using Gd2O3 grown by electron-beam heating [7] or molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) [8] on GaN or AlGan/GaN structure have been investigated, but further research is still needed in Gd2O3 based AlGaN/GaN MOSHEMTs.