13 resultados para copper welding
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Laser Welding (LW) is more often used in manufacturing due to its advantages, such as accurate control, good repeatability, less heat input, opportunities for joining of special materials, high speed, capability to join small dimension parts etc. LW is dedicated to robotized manufacturing, and the fabrication cells are using various level of flexibility, from specialized robots to very flexible setups. This paper features several LW applications using two industrially-scaled manufacturing cells at UPM Laser Centre (CLUPM) of Polytechnical University of Madrid (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid). The one dedicated to Remote Laser Welding (RLW) of thin sheets for automotive and other sectors uses a CO2 laser of 3500 W. The second has a high flexibility, is based on a 6-axis ABB robot and a Nd:YAG laser of 3300 W, and is meant for various laser processing methods, including welding. After a short description of each cell, several LW applications experimented at CLUPM and recently implemented in industry are briefly presented: RLW of automotive coated sheets, LW of high strength automotive sheets, LW vs. laser hybrid welding (LHW) of Double Phase steel thin sheets, and LHW of thin sheets of stainless steel and carbon steel (dissimilar joints). The main technological issues overcame and the critical process parameters are pointed out. Conclusions about achievements and trends are provided.
Copper nitride is a metastable material which results very attractive because of their potential to be used in functional device. Cu3 N easily decomposes into Cu and N2 by annealing [1] or irradiation (electron, ions, laser) [2, 3]. Previous studies carried out in N-rich Cu3 N films irradiated with Cu at 42MeV evidence a very efficient sputtering of N whose yield (5×10 3 atom/ion), for a film with a thickness of just 100 nm, suggest that the origin of the sputtering has an electronic nature. This N depletion was observed to be responsible for new phase formation ( Cu2 O) and pure Cu [4]
Nitrogen sputtering yields as high as 104 atoms/ion, are obtained by irradiating N-rich-Cu3N films (N concentration: 33 ± 2 at.%) with Cu ions at energies in the range 10?42 MeV. The kinetics of N sputtering as a function of ion fluence is determined at several energies (stopping powers) for films deposited on both, glass and silicon substrates. The kinetic curves show that the amount of nitrogen release strongly increases with rising irradiation fluence up to reaching a saturation level at a low remaining nitrogen fraction (5?10%), in which no further nitrogen reduction is observed. The sputtering rate for nitrogen depletion is found to be independent of the substrate and to linearly increase with electronic stopping power (Se). A stopping power (Sth) threshold of ?3.5 keV/nm for nitrogen depletion has been estimated from extrapolation of the data. Experimental kinetic data have been analyzed within a bulk molecular recombination model. The microscopic mechanisms of the nitrogen depletion process are discussed in terms of a non-radiative exciton decay model. In particular, the estimated threshold is related to a minimum exciton density which is required to achieve efficient sputtering rates.
A one-step extraction procedure and a leaching column experiment were performed to assess the effects of citric and tartaric acids on Cu and Zn mobilization in naturally contaminated mine soils to facilitate assisted phytoextraction. A speciation modeling of the soil solution and the metal fractionation of soils were performed to elucidate the chemical processes that affected metal desorption by organic acids. Different extracting solutions were prepared, all of which contained 0.01 M KNO3 and different concentrations of organic acids: control without organic acids, 0.5 mM citric, 0.5 mM tartaric, 10 mM citric, 10 mM tartaric, and 5 mM citric +5 mM tartaric. The results of the extraction procedure showed that higher concentrations of organic acids increased metal desorption, and citric acid was more effective at facilitating metal desorption than tartaric acid. Metal desorption was mainly influenced by the decreasing pH and the dissolution of Fe and Mn oxides, not by the formation of soluble metal–organic complexes as was predicted by the speciation modeling. The results of the column study reported that low concentrations of organic acids did not significantly increase metal mobilization and that higher doses were also not able to mobilize Zn. However, 5–10 mM citric acid significantly promoted Cu mobilization (from 1 mg kg−1 in the control to 42 mg kg−1 with 10 mM citric acid) and reduced the exchangeable (from 21 to 3 mg kg−1) and the Fe and Mn oxides (from 443 to 277 mg kg−1) fractions. Citric acid could efficiently facilitate assisted phytoextraction techniques.
The electronic structure of modified chalcopyrite CuInS2 has been analyzed from first principles within the density functional theory. The host chalcopyrite has been modified by introducing atomic impurities M at substitutional sites in the lattice host with M = C, Si, Ge, Sn, Ti, V, Cr, Fe, Co, Ni, Rh, and Ir. Both substitutions M for In and M for Cu have been analyzed. The gap and ionization energies are obtained as a function of the M-S displacements. It is interesting for both spintronic and optoelectronic applications because it can provide significant information with respect to the pressure effect and the nonradiative recombination.
El objetivo del estudio es determinar el efecto de tratamiento de la madera de Pinus sylvestris con sustancias protectoras en las propiedades mecánicas. Para ello se utilizan 40 muestras de madera libre de defectos de Pinus sylvestris L. tratándose con protectores orgánicos (Vacsol Azure WR 2601) 50 con protectores hidrosolubles (Tanalith E 3492) y 40 muestras de control sin tratamiento. Se evaluó la resistencia mecánica a la flexión estática, módulo de elasticidad y la fuerza de compresión paralela a la fibra fueron comparados con madera no tratada. El análisis de regresión entre la penetración y la fuerza de compresión paralela se realizó con las muestras tratadas con conservante a base de agua. Resultados principales: Los resultados indican que la madera tratada (con cualquiera de los productos) presenta un aumento estadísticamente significativo de la resistencia mecánica en todas las tres características mecánicas. Los resultados obtenidos difieren de estudios anteriores llevada a cabo por otros autores. No hubo correlación entre la resistencia a la compresión en paralelo y el grado de impregnación de la madera con base de agua de cobre azoles. La explicación más probable para estos resultados se refiere a cambios en la presión durante el tratamiento. El uso de muestras de control no tratadas en lugar de las muestras tratadas sólo con agua es más probable para producir resultados significativos en los estudios de resistencia mecánica . La investigación pone de relieve que la madera tratada presenta un aumento estadísticamente significativo en el Modulo de Elasticidad, módulo de rotura a la flexión estática y resistencia a la compresión paralela. No hubo correlación entre la resistencia a la compresión en paralelo y el grado de impregnación con conservante hidrosoluble.
he nitrogen content dependence of the electronic properties for copper nitride thin films with an atomic percentage of nitrogen ranging from 26 ± 2 to 33 ± 2 have been studied by means of optical (spectroscopic ellipsometry), thermoelectric (Seebeck), and electrical resistivity measurements. The optical spectra are consistent with direct optical transitions corresponding to the stoichiometric semiconductor Cu3N plus a free-carrier contribution, essentially independent of temperature, which can be tuned in accordance with the N-excess. Deviation of the N content from stoichiometry drives to significant decreases from − 5 to − 50 μV/K in the Seebeck coefficient and to large enhancements, from 10− 3 up to 10 Ω cm, in the electrical resistivity. Band structure and density of states calculations have been carried out on the basis of the density functional theory to account for the experimental results.
Research question, methodology and messages to take home - Impact of copper (legacy networks)regulation(LLU and bitstream)on NGN adoption - Methodology: fixed effects regression and forecasting with s- curves(logistic) - Key message:(excessive) copper regulation discourages NGN adoption (deployment, investments), in particular an increase ofunbundling access charges and/or a decrease of wholesale access would increase penetration of fibre and cable modem.
The present investigation addresse the influence of laser welding process-ing parameters used for joining dis-similar metals (ferritic to austenitic steel), on the induced residual stress field. Welding was performed on a Nd:YAG laser DY033 (3300 W) in a continuous wave (CW), keyhole mode. The base metals (BM) employed in this study are AISI 1010 carbon steel (CS) and AISI 304L austenitic stainless steel (SS). Pairs of dissimilar plates of 200 mm x 45 mm x 3 mm were butt joined by laser welding. Different sets of parameters were used to engineer the base metals apportionment at joint formation, namely distinct dilution rates. Residual strain scanning, carried out by neutron diffraction was used to assess the joints. Through-thickness residual stress maps were determined for the laser welded samples of dis-similar steels using high spatial reso-lution. As a result, an appropriate set of processing parameters, able to mi-nimize the local tensile residual stress associated to the welding process, was found.
In this study, autogenous laser welding was used to join thin plates of low carbon ferritic and austenitic stainless steel. Due to the differences in the thermo-physical properties of base metals, this kind of weld exhibits a complex microstructure, which frequently leads to an overall loss of joint quality. Four welded samples were prepared by using different sets of processing parameters, with the aim of minimizing the induced residual stress field. The dissimilar austenitic-ferritic joints obtained under all welding conditions were uniform and free of defects. Variations in beam position did not influence the weld geometiy, which is a typical keyhole welding. Microstructural characterization and residual strain scanning (by neutron diffraction) were used to assess the features of the joints. By varying laser beam power density and by displacing the laser beam towards the carbon steel side, an optimum combination of processing parameters was found.
The present investigation addresses the overall and local mechanical performance of dissimilar joints of low carbon steel (CS) and stainless Steel (SS) thin sheets achieved by laser welding in case of heat source displacement from the weld gap centreline towards CS. Welding was performed on a Nd:YAG laser DY033 (3300 W) in a continuos wave (CW), keyhole mode. The tensile behavior of the joint different zones assessed by using a video-image based system (VIC-2D) reveals that the residual stress field, together with the positive difference in yield between the weld metal and the base materials protects the joint from being plastically deformed. The tensile loadings of flat transverse specimens generate the strain localization and failure in CS, far away from the weld.
Los pernos conectores aportan múltiples ventajas de uso, entre las que se encuentra el elevado margen de seguridad que ofrecen sus soldaduras ejecutadas mediante arco eléctrico. Estas soldaduras, aunque ampliamente fiables, son difícilmente comprobadas mediante ensayos no destructivos. Aparte de la inspección visual, que aporta gran información sobre la calidad de ejecución de la soldadura, el resto de ensayos no destructivos (líquidos penetrantes, partículas magnéticas, ultrasonidos, radiografías, etc.) resultan inviables en estos elementos. Por otro lado, los ensayos acústicos de piezas metálicas han existido siempre. Su comprobación se basaba en el análisis por medio de ¿un oído fino¿ del sonido resultante tras ser golpeado el elemento a evaluar. Con estas premisas se plantea el presente estudio de inspección de las soldaduras en pernos conectores mediante su espectro acústico. Analíticamente, la investigación se ha centrado en el cálculo informático de los primeros modos propios de vibración mediante elementos finitos. Se han modelizado diferentes grados de penetración de la soldadura mediante la modificación de las condiciones de contorno. Se ha observado que variando el número de movimientos coaccionados en los nodos pertenecientes a la soldadura se produce una reducción en su frecuencia de vibración.
Machinability of materials is one of the factors that make us wonder what tools to use and what material is best suited for a particular cutting tool and which process is more efficient in the production of a component. In the case of parts for the aerospace industry, manufacturing processes assume greater importance due to the extreme demands on reliability and quality.