7 resultados para black-box
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Performing three-dimensional pin-by-pin full core calculations based on an improved solution of the multi-group diffusion equation is an affordable option nowadays to compute accurate local safety parameters for light water reactors. Since a transport approximation is solved, appropriate correction factors, such as interface discontinuity factors, are required to nearly reproduce the fully heterogeneous transport solution. Calculating exact pin-by-pin discontinuity factors requires the knowledge of the heterogeneous neutron flux distribution, which depends on the boundary conditions of the pin-cell as well as the local variables along the nuclear reactor operation. As a consequence, it is impractical to compute them for each possible configuration; however, inaccurate correction factors are one major source of error in core analysis when using multi-group diffusion theory. An alternative to generate accurate pin-by-pin interface discontinuity factors is to build a functional-fitting that allows incorporating the environment dependence in the computed values. This paper suggests a methodology to consider the neighborhood effect based on the Analytic Coarse-Mesh Finite Difference method for the multi-group diffusion equation. It has been applied to both definitions of interface discontinuity factors, the one based on the Generalized Equivalence Theory and the one based on Black-Box Homogenization, and for different few energy groups structures. Conclusions are drawn over the optimal functional-fitting and demonstrative results are obtained with the multi-group pin-by-pin diffusion code COBAYA3 for representative PWR configurations.
This paper presents results of the benchmarking of COBAYA3 pin-by-pin for VVER-1000 obtained in the frame of the EU NURISP project. The 3D lattice solver in COBAYA3 uses transport corrected multi-group diffusion approximation with side-dependent interface discontinuity factors of GET or Selengut Black Box type. The objective of this study is to test the few-group calculation scheme when using structur ed and unstructured spatial meshes. Unstructured mesh is necessary to model the water gaps between the hexagonal assemblies. The benchmark problems include pin-by-pin calculations of 2D subsets of the core and comparison with APOLLO2 and TR IPOLI4 transport reference solutions. COBAYA3 solutions in 2, 4 and 8 energy groups have been tested. The results show excellent agreement with the reference on es when using side-dependent interface discontinuity factors.
This paper presents solutions of the NURISP VVER lattice benchmark using APOLLO2, TRIPOLI4 and COBAYA3 pin-by-pin. The main objective is to validate MOC based calculation schemes for pin-by-pin cross-section generation with APOLLO2 against TRIPOLI4 reference results. A specific objective is to test the APOLLO2 generated cross-sections and interface discontinuity factors in COBAYA3 pin-by-pin calculations with unstructured mesh. The VVER-1000 core consists of large hexagonal assemblies with 2mm inter-assembly water gaps which require the use of unstructured meshes in the pin-by-pin core simulators. The considered 2D benchmark problems include 19-pin clusters, fuel assemblies and 7-assembly clusters. APOLLO2 calculation schemes with the step characteristic method (MOC) and the higher-order Linear Surface MOC have been tested. The comparison of APOLLO2 vs.TRIPOLI4 results shows a very close agreement. The 3D lattice solver in COBAYA3 uses transport corrected multi-group diffusion approximation with interface discontinuity factors of GET or Black Box Homogenization type. The COBAYA3 pin-by-pin results in 2, 4 and 8 energy groups are close to the reference solutions when using side-dependent interface discontinuity factors.
The optimization of power architectures is a complex problem due to the plethora of different ways to connect various system components. This issue has been addressed by developing a methodology to design and optimize power architectures in terms of the most fundamental system features: size, cost and efficiency. The process assumes various simplifications regarding the utilized DC/DC converter models in order to prevent the simulation time to become excessive and, therefore, stability is not considered. The objective of this paper is to present a simplified method to analyze small-signal stability of a system in order to integrate it into the optimization methodology. A black-box modeling approach, applicable to commercial converters with unknown topology and components, is based on frequency response measurements enabling the system small-signal stability assessment. The applicability of passivity-based stability criterion is assessed. The stability margins are stated utilizing a concept of maximum peak criteria derived from the behavior of the impedance-based sensitivity function that provides a single number to state the robustness of the stability of a well-defined minor-loop gain.
There are significant levels of concern about the relevance and the difficulty of learning some issues on Strength of Materials and Structural Analysis. Most students of Continuum Mechanics and Structural Analysis in Civil Engineering usually point out some key learning aspects as especially difficult for acquiring specific skills. These key concepts entail comprehension difficulties but ease access and applicability to structural analysis in more advanced subjects. Likewise, some elusive but basic structural concepts, such as flexibility, stiffness or influence lines, are paramount for developing further skills required for advanced structural design: tall buildings, arch-type structures as well as bridges. As new curricular itineraries are currently being implemented, it appears appropriate to devise a repository of interactive web-based applications for training in those basic concepts. That will hopefully train the student to understand the complexity of such concepts, to develop intuitive knowledge on actual structural response and to improve their preparation for exams. In this work, a web-based learning assistant system for influence lines on continuous beams is presented. It consists of a collection of interactive user-friendly applications accessible via Web. It is performed in both Spanish and English languages. Rather than a “black box” system, the procedure involves open interaction with the student, who can simulate and virtually envisage the structural response. Thus, the student is enabled to set the geometric, topologic and mechanic layout of a continuous beam and to change or shift the loading and the support conditions. Simultaneously, the changes in the beam response prompt on the screen, so that the effects of the several issues involved in structural analysis become apparent. The system is performed through a set of web pages which encompasses interactive exercises and problems, written in JavaScript under JQuery and DyGraphs frameworks, given that their efficiency and graphic capabilities are renowned. Students can freely boost their self-study on this subject in order to face their exams more confidently. Besides, this collection is expected to be added to the "Virtual Lab of Continuum Mechanics" of the UPM, launched in 2013 (http://serviciosgate.upm.es/laboratoriosvirtuales/laboratorios/medios-continuos-en-construcci%C3%B3n)
En paralelo a la superficie cotidiana de la ciudad moderna, discurre otra "ciudad invisible" o "caja negra" tecnológica, que opera, de manera silenciosa e imperceptible, al servicio de los ciudadanos. Paradójicamente, en este espacio invisible, se toman decisiones de la máxima relevancia para la ciudad: en la "caja negra", las ciudades pactan sus relaciones con la naturaleza; a través de ella, se produce la administración y distribución de los recursos que componen su metabolismo urbano. En definitiva, la "caja negra" es el conjunto de las arquitecturas donde se urbaniza la naturaleza, donde ésta pasa a ser ciudad. Y, sin embargo, ha tendido a permanecer invisible. No obstante, en el último tercio del siglo XX, se ha "abierto la caja negra" urbana y lo que era invisible ha dejado de serlo o, al menos, ha alterado su estatuto de visibilidad. El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es evaluar las repercusiones arquitectónicas, urbanísticas y ecológicas, que conlleva este reciente fenómeno urbano que, desde hace unas décadas, está teniendo lugar en muchas de las ciudades herederas de las grandes reformas urbanas acometidas en las metrópolis europeas durante el siglo XIX, bajo el paradigma simbólico de un proyecto moderno "prometeico" y emancipador. Para abordar dicho análisis, se pondrán en relación dos parámetros urbanos elementales que han tendido a ser estudiados por separado. Por un lado, la "ecología política urbana", es decir, la red de relaciones socio-ecológicas que acontecen en la ciudad. Por otro lado, la "economía de la visibilidad", es decir, las formas de articular lo visible y lo invisible, en relación a los marcos de gobernanza. La intersección entre la "ecología política urbana" y la "economía de la visibilidad" proporciona un marco de análisis efectivo para comprender el fenómeno de la "apertura de la caja negra" y conlleva un cuestionamiento de algunas nociones dominantes en la teoría urbana y arquitectónica clásicas, como la segregación de la naturaleza, las infraestructuras y la sociedad o como las formas tradicionales de explotación ecológica del medio. Además, ofrece un criterio de análisis privilegiado para la comprensión del proceso de deslegitimación (filosófica, arquitectónica, económica, así como desde perspectivas ecológicas, sociales, de género o queer) de los modelos urbanísticos integrales modernos, herederos de los marcos antropocéntricos del siglo XIX. Por último, proporciona algunas herramientas arquitectónicas para afrontar los desafíos ecosistémicos del siglo XXI. A través del estudio de autores relevantes que han analizado esta problemática para la arquitectura, así como del estudio de casos arquitectónicos que han marcado hitos fundamentales en la consolidación urbana de los procesos asociados a la "caja negra", se concluirá que, en términos ecológicos, la ciudad moderna ha movilizado una "ecología política urbana" basada en fórmulas de sometimiento del entorno, a partir de operaciones arquitectónicas y tecnológicas invisibles. En esta tesis doctoral se estudiará la organización arquitectónica de las arquitecturas de la "caja negra" y se evaluará si el fenómeno de la "apertura de la caja negra" puede ser considerado como un síntoma de la alteración en la "ecología política urbana". 'Abriremos la caja negra" para estudiar cómo se integran en el espacio urbano los dispositivos tecnológicos de escala urbana, toda vez éstos han dejado de ser invisibles. Cómo participan, como un actor más, en la configuración de otros marcos de cohabitación, dentro de la ciudad contemporánea. ABSTRACT An 'invisible city' or technological 'black box' runs parallel to the day-to-day surface of modern cities, remaining silent, unnoticed, at the service of the citizenry. Paradoxically, this invisible space is where some of the most relevant decisions concerning the city are made: the 'black box' is where cities agree on their relationships with nature; it is used to manage and distribute the resources that form its urban metabolism. In short, the 'black box' is the collection of architectures where nature is urbanised, where it becomes a city. And in spite of all this, it has mostly remained invisible. Nevertheless, this urban 'black box' was opened during the last third of the 20th century, so what used to be invisible is invisible no more, or at least the laws governing its visibility have been altered. The purpose of this doctoral thesis is to evaluate the architectural, urban planning and ecological repercussions of this recent urban phenomenon that has been taking place for several decades in many of the cities that followed in the footsteps of the large European metropolises of the 19th century, under the symbolic paradigm of a modern 'prometheic' and emancipating project. This analysis shall be done by juxtaposing two basic urban parameters that in general have been studied separately: frstly the ‘urban political ecology', that is, the network of socio-ecological relationships within the city. Secondly, the 'economy of visibility', that is, the way the visible and invisible spheres are structured in relation with the governance frameworks. The intersection between the 'urban political ecology' and the 'economy of visibility' provides an effective analysis framework to understand the phenomenon of the 'opening of the black box'. It entails calling into question some of the predominant notions in classical urban and architectural theory, such as the segregation of nature, infrastructures and society, or the traditional forms of ecological usage of the environment. It also offers an exceptional analysis criterion to understand the discrediting process (from a philosophical, architectural, economic perspective, but also from the point of view of ecology, society, gender or queerness) of modern all-encompassing urban models that draw from the anthropocentric frameworks of the 19th century. Finally, it provides some architectural tools to tackle 21st-century ecosystemic challenges. The study of relevant authors that have analysed these problems for architecture, as well as the study of milestone architectural cases for the urban consolidation of processes associated to the 'black box', shall serve to reach the conclusion that, in ecological terms, modern cities have mobilised an 'urban political ecology' based on formulas of subjugation of the environment, through invisible architectural and technological operations. This thesis shall present an evaluation of whether the phenomenon of the 'opening of the black box' can be considered a symptom of the alteration of the 'urban political ecology'. We shall 'open the black box' to study the integration of the various urbanscale technological devices within the urban landscape, now that they have ceased to be invisible. We shall see how they participate, like any other actor, in the confguration of other cohabitation frameworks within today's cities.
This paper presents an online C compiler designed so that students can program their practical assignments in Programming courses. What is really innovative is the self-assessment of the exercises based on black-box tests and train students’ skill to test software. Moreover, this tool lets instructors, not only proposing and classifying practical exercises, but also evaluating automatically the efforts dedicated and the results obtained by the students. The system has been applied to the 1st-year students at the Industrial Engineering specialization at the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid. Results show that the students obtained better academic performance, reducing the failure rate in the practical exam considerably with respect to previous years, in addition that an anonymous survey proved that students are satisfied with the system because they get instant feedback about their programs.