10 resultados para Ultrasonic velocity measurement

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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In a general situation a non-uniform velocity field gives rise to a shift of the otherwise straight acoustic pulse trajectory between the transmitter and receiver transducers of a sonic anemometer. The aim of this paper is to determine the effects of trajectory shifts on the velocity as measured by the sonic anemometer. This determination has been accomplished by developing a mathematical model of the measuring process carried out by sonic anemometers; a model which includes the non-straight trajectory effect. The problem is solved by small perturbation techniques, based on the relevant small parameter of the problem, the Mach number of the reference flow, M. As part of the solution, a general analytical expression for the deviations of the computed measured speed from the nominal speed has been obtained. The correction terms of both the transit time and of the measured speed are of M 2 order in rotational velocity field. The method has been applied to three simple, paradigmatic flows: one-directional horizontal and vertical shear flows, and mixed with a uniform horizontal flow.


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Ultrasonic sound velocity measurements with hand-held equipment remain due to their simplicity among the most used methods for non-destructive grading of sawn woods, yet a dedicated normalization effort with respect to strength classes for Spanish species is still required. As part of an ongoing project with the aim of definition of standard testing methods, the effect of the dimensions of commonly tested Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) timbers and equipment testing frequency on ultrasonic velocity were investigated. A dedicated full-wave finite-difference time-domain software allowed simulation of pulse propagation through timbers of representative length and section combinations. Sound velocity measurements vL were performed along the grain with the indirect method at 22 kHz and 45 kHz for grids of measurement points at specific distances. For sample sections larger than the cross-sectional wavelength ?RT, the simulated sound velocity vL converges to vL = (CL/?)0.5. For smaller square sections the sound velocity drops down to vL = (EL/?)0.5, where CL, EL and ? are the stiffness, E-modul and density, respectively. The experiments confirm a linear regression between time of flight and measurement distance even at less than two wavelength menor que2?L distance, the fitted sound speed values increased by 15% between the two tested frequencies.


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Ultrasound wave velocity was measured in 30 pieces of Spanish Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), 90 x 140 mm in cross-section and 4 m long. Five different sensor placement arrangements were used: end to end (V0), face to opposite face, edge to opposite edge, face to same face and edge to same edge. The pieces were successively shortened to 3, 2 and 1 m, in order to obtain these velocities and their ratios to reference value V0 for different lengths and angles with respect to the piece axis for the crossed measurements. The velocity obtained in crossed measurements is lower than V0. A correction coefficient for crossed velocities is proposed, depending on the angle, to adjust them to the V0 benchmark. The velocities measured on a surface, are also lower than V0, and their ratio with respect to V0 is close to 0.97 for distances equal to or greater than 18 times the depth of the beam.


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This work studies the use of ultrasonic imaging as an evaluation tool in concrete subjected to freeze–thaw (F–T) cycles. To evaluate the damage in this deterioration process, ultrasonic velocity and attenuation images have been generated from concrete specimens with and without air-entraining agents. Two parameters have been proposed from these ultrasonic images according to our experimental setup: the non-assessable area proportion (NAAP) and a weighted average velocity in terms of the NAAP. The proposed parameters have been compared with the recommended failure criteria of the ASTM and Rilem standards, which employ ultrasonic contact measurements. The principal advantage of the use of ultrasonic images and the proposed methodology in comparison with the ultrasonic velocity measurements by contact is the possibility of detection of incipient damage caused by accelerated freeze–thaw cycles.


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La calidad del hormigón prefabricado se determina mediante ensayos de rotura a compresión en probetas transcurridos los 28 días de curado, según establece la EHE-08. Sin embargo, en la plantas de prefabricados es necesario además saber cuándo el hormigón está listo para ser procesado (destensado, cortado, trasladado), por lo que es necesario hacer ensayos de resistencia a la compresión entre las 48 y 72 horas, este tiempo se determina a partir de la experiencia previa adquirida y depende de las condiciones de cada planta. Si las probetas no han alcanzado el valor establecido, normalmente debido a un cambio en las condiciones climatológicas o en los materiales utilizados como el tipo de cemento o agregados, la solución adoptada suele ser dejar curar el material más horas en la pista para que alcance la resistencia necesaria para ser procesado. Si sigue sin alcanzarla, lo cual sucede muy ocasionalmente, se intenta analizar cuál ha sido el motivo, pudiéndose tirar toda la producción de ese día si se comprueba que ha sido un fallo en la fabricación de la línea, y no un fallo de la probeta. Por tanto, esta metodología de control de calidad, basada en técnicas destructivas, supone dos tipos de problemas, costes y representatividad. Los métodos no destructivos que más se han aplicado para caracterizar el proceso de curado del hormigón son los ultrasónicos y la medida de la temperatura como se recoge en la bibliografía consultada. Hay diferentes modelos que permiten establecer una relación entre la temperatura y el tiempo de curado para estimar la resistencia a compresión del material, y entre la velocidad de propagación ultrasónica y la resistencia. Aunque estas relaciones no son generales, se han obtenido muy buenos resultados, ejemplo de ello es el modelo basado en la temperatura, Maturity Method, que forma parte de la norma de la ASTM C 1074 y en el mercado hay disponibles equipos comerciales (maturity meters) para medir el curado del hormigón. Además, es posible diseñar sistemas de medida de estos dos parámetros económicos y robustos; por lo cual es viable la realización de una metodología para el control de calidad del curado que pueda ser implantado en las plantas de producción de prefabricado. En este trabajo se ha desarrollado una metodología que permite estimar la resistencia a la compresión del hormigón durante el curado, la cual consta de un procedimiento para el control de calidad del prefabricado y un sistema inalámbrico de sensores para la medida de la temperatura y la velocidad ultrasónica. El procedimiento para el control de calidad permite realizar una predicción de la resistencia a compresión a partir de un modelo basado en la temperatura de curado y otros dos basados en la velocidad, método de tiempo equivalente y método lineal. El sistema inalámbrico de sensores desarrollado, WilTempUS, integra en el mismo dispositivo sensores de temperatura, humedad relativa y ultrasonidos. La validación experimental se ha realizado mediante monitorizaciones en probetas y en las líneas de prefabricados. Los resultados obtenidos con los modelos de estimación y el sistema de medida desarrollado muestran que es posible predecir la resistencia en prefabricados de hormigón en planta con errores comparables a los aceptables por norma en los ensayos de resistencia a compresión en probetas. ABSTRACT Precast concrete quality is determined by compression tests breakage on specimens after 28 days of curing, as established EHE-08. However, in the precast plants is also necessary to know when the concrete is ready to be processed (slack, cut, moved), so it is necessary to test the compressive strength between 48 and 72 hours. This time is determined from prior experience and depends on the conditions of each plant. If the samples have not reached the set value, usually due to changes in the weather conditions or in the materials used as for example the type of cement or aggregates, the solution usually adopted is to cure the material on track during more time to reach the required strength for processing. If the material still does not reach this strength, which happens very occasionally, the reason of this behavior is analyzed , being able to throw the entire production of that day if there was a failure in the manufacturing line, not a failure of the specimen. Therefore, this method of quality control, using destructive techniques, involves two kinds of problems, costs and representativeness. The most used non-destructive methods to characterize the curing process of concrete are those based on ultrasonic and temperature measurement as stated in the literature. There are different models to establish a relationship between temperature and the curing time to estimate the compressive strength of the material, and between the ultrasonic propagation velocity and the compressive strength. Although these relationships are not general, they have been very successful, for example the Maturity Method is based on the temperature measurements. This method is part of the standards established in ASTM C 1074 and there are commercial equipments available (maturity meters) in the market to measure the concrete curing. Furthermore, it is possible to design inexpensive and robust systems to measure ultrasounds and temperature. Therefore is feasible to determine a method for quality control of curing to be implanted in the precast production plants. In this work, it has been developed a methodology which allows to estimate the compressive strength of concrete during its curing process. This methodology consists of a procedure for quality control of the precast concrete and a wireless sensor network to measure the temperature and ultrasonic velocity. The procedure for quality control allows to predict the compressive strength using a model based on the curing temperature and two other models based on ultrasonic velocity, the equivalent time method and the lineal one. The wireless sensor network, WilTempUS, integrates is the same device temperature, relative humidity and ultrasonic sensors. The experimental validation has been carried out in cubic specimens and in the production plants. The results obtained with the estimation models and the measurement system developed in this thesis show that it is possible to predict the strength in precast concrete plants with errors within the limits of the standards for testing compressive strength specimens.


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Speed enforcement on public roadways is an important issue in order to guarantee road security and to reduce the number and seriousness of traffic accidents. Traditionally, this task has been partially solved using radar and/or laser technologies and, more recently, using video-camera based systems. All these systems have significant shortcomings that have yet to be overcome. The main drawback of classical Doppler radar technology is that the velocity measurement fails when several vehicles are in the radars beam. Modern radar systems are able to measure speed and range between vehicle and radar. However, this is not enough to discriminate the lane where the vehicle is driving on. The limitation of several vehicles in the beam is overcome using laser technology. However, laser systems have another important limitation: They cannot measure the speed of several vehicles simultaneously. Novel video-camera systems, based on license plate identification, solve the previous drawbacks, but they have the problem that they can only measure average speed but never top-speed. This paper studies the feasibility of using an interferometric linear frequency modulated continuous wave radar to improve top-speed enforcement on roadways. Two different systems based on down-the-road and across-the-road radar configurations are presented. The main advantage of the proposed solutions is they can simultaneously measure speed, range, and lane of several vehicles, allowing the univocal identification of the offenders. A detailed analysis about the operation and accuracy of these solutions is reported. In addition, the feasibility of the proposed techniques has been demonstrated with simulations and real experiments using a Ka-band interferometric radar developed by our research group.


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El autor ha trabajado como parte del equipo de investigación en mediciones de viento en el Centro Nacional de Energías Renovables (CENER), España, en cooperación con la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid y la Universidad Técnica de Dinamarca. El presente reporte recapitula el trabajo de investigación realizado durante los últimos 4.5 años en el estudio de las fuentes de error de los sistemas de medición remota de viento, basados en la tecnología lidar, enfocado al error causado por los efectos del terreno complejo. Este trabajo corresponde a una tarea del paquete de trabajo dedicado al estudio de sistemas remotos de medición de viento, perteneciente al proyecto de intestigación europeo del 7mo programa marco WAUDIT. Adicionalmente, los datos de viento reales han sido obtenidos durante las campañas de medición en terreno llano y terreno complejo, pertenecientes al también proyecto de intestigación europeo del 7mo programa marco SAFEWIND. El principal objetivo de este trabajo de investigación es determinar los efectos del terreno complejo en el error de medición de la velocidad del viento obtenida con los sistemas de medición remota lidar. Con este conocimiento, es posible proponer una metodología de corrección del error de las mediciones del lidar. Esta metodología está basada en la estimación de las variaciones del campo de viento no uniforme dentro del volumen de medición del lidar. Las variaciones promedio del campo de viento son predichas a partir de los resultados de las simulaciones computacionales de viento RANS, realizadas para el parque experimental de Alaiz. La metodología de corrección es verificada con los resultados de las simulaciones RANS y validadas con las mediciones reales adquiridas en la campaña de medición en terreno complejo. Al inicio de este reporte, el marco teórico describiendo el principio de medición de la tecnología lidar utilizada, es presentado con el fin de familiarizar al lector con los principales conceptos a utilizar a lo largo de este trabajo. Posteriormente, el estado del arte es presentado en donde se describe los avances realizados en el desarrollo de la la tecnología lidar aplicados al sector de la energía eólica. En la parte experimental de este trabajo de investigación se ha estudiado los datos adquiridos durante las dos campañas de medición realizadas. Estas campañas has sido realizadas en terreno llano y complejo, con el fin de complementar los conocimiento adquiridos en casa una de ellas y poder comparar los efectos del terreno en las mediciones de viento realizadas con sistemas remotos lidar. La primer campaña experimental se desarrollo en terreno llano, en el parque de ensayos de aerogeneradores H0vs0re, propiedad de DTU Wind Energy (anteriormente Ris0). La segunda campaña experimental se llevó a cabo en el parque de ensayos de aerogeneradores Alaiz, propiedad de CENER. Exactamente los mismos dos equipos lidar fueron utilizados en estas campañas, haciendo de estos experimentos altamente relevantes en el contexto de evaluación del recurso eólico. Un equipo lidar está basado en tecnología de onda continua, mientras que el otro está basado en tecnología de onda pulsada. La velocidad del viento fue medida, además de con los equipos lidar, con anemómetros de cazoletas, veletas y anemómetros verticales, instalados en mástiles meteorológicos. Los sensores del mástil meteorológico son considerados como las mediciones de referencia en el presente estudio. En primera instancia, se han analizado los promedios diez minútales de las medidas de viento. El objetivo es identificar las principales fuentes de error en las mediciones de los equipos lidar causadas por diferentes condiciones atmosféricas y por el flujo no uniforme de viento causado por el terreno complejo. El error del lidar ha sido estudiado como función de varias propiedades estadísticas del viento, como lo son el ángulo vertical de inclinación, la intensidad de turbulencia, la velocidad vertical, la estabilidad atmosférica y las características del terreno. El propósito es usar este conocimiento con el fin de definir criterios de filtrado de datos. Seguidamente, se propone una metodología para corregir el error del lidar causado por el campo de viento no uniforme, producido por la presencia de terreno complejo. Esta metodología está basada en el análisis matemático inicial sobre el proceso de cálculo de la velocidad de viento por los equipos lidar de onda continua. La metodología de corrección propuesta hace uso de las variaciones de viento calculadas a partir de las simulaciones RANS realizadas para el parque experimental de Alaiz. Una ventaja importante que presenta esta metodología es que las propiedades el campo de viento real, presentes en las mediciones instantáneas del lidar de onda continua, puede dar paso a análisis adicionales como parte del trabajo a futuro. Dentro del marco del proyecto, el trabajo diario se realizó en las instalaciones de CENER, con supervisión cercana de la UPM, incluyendo una estancia de 1.5 meses en la universidad. Durante esta estancia, se definió el análisis matemático de las mediciones de viento realizadas por el equipo lidar de onda continua. Adicionalmente, los efectos del campo de viento no uniforme sobre el error de medición del lidar fueron analíticamente definidos, después de asumir algunas simplificaciones. Adicionalmente, durante la etapa inicial de este proyecto se desarrollo una importante trabajo de cooperación con DTU Wind Energy. Gracias a esto, el autor realizó una estancia de 1.5 meses en Dinamarca. Durante esta estancia, el autor realizó una visita a la campaña de medición en terreno llano con el fin de aprender los aspectos básicos del diseño de campañas de medidas experimentales, el estudio del terreno y los alrededores y familiarizarse con la instrumentación del mástil meteorológico, el sistema de adquisición y almacenamiento de datos, así como de el estudio y reporte del análisis de mediciones. ABSTRACT The present report summarizes the research work performed during last 4.5 years of investigation on the sources of lidar bias due to complex terrain. This work corresponds to one task of the remote sensing work package, belonging to the FP7 WAUDIT project. Furthermore, the field data from the wind velocity measurement campaigns of the FP7 SafeWind project have been used in this report. The main objective of this research work is to determine the terrain effects on the lidar bias in the measured wind velocity. With this knowledge, it is possible to propose a lidar bias correction methodology. This methodology is based on an estimation of the wind field variations within the lidar scan volume. The wind field variations are calculated from RANS simulations performed from the Alaiz test site. The methodology is validated against real scale measurements recorded during an eight month measurement campaign at the Alaiz test site. Firstly, the mathematical framework of the lidar sensing principle is introduced and an overview of the state of the art is presented. The experimental part includes the study of two different, but complementary experiments. The first experiment was a measurement campaign performed in flat terrain, at DTU Wind Energy H0vs0re test site, while the second experiment was performed in complex terrain at CENER Alaiz test site. Exactly the same two lidar devices, based on continuous wave and pulsed wave systems, have been used in the two consecutive measurement campaigns, making this a relevant experiment in the context of wind resource assessment. The wind velocity was sensed by the lidars and standard cup anemometry and wind vanes (installed on a met mast). The met mast sensors are considered as the reference wind velocity measurements. The first analysis of the experimental data is dedicated to identify the main sources of lidar bias present in the 10 minute average values. The purpose is to identify the bias magnitude introduced by different atmospheric conditions and by the non-uniform wind flow resultant of the terrain irregularities. The lidar bias as function of several statistical properties of the wind flow like the tilt angle, turbulence intensity, vertical velocity, atmospheric stability and the terrain characteristics have been studied. The aim of this exercise is to use this knowledge in order to define useful lidar bias data filters. Then, a methodology to correct the lidar bias caused by non-uniform wind flow is proposed, based on the initial mathematical analysis of the lidar measurements. The proposed lidar bias correction methodology has been developed focusing on the the continuous wave lidar system. In a last step, the proposed lidar bias correction methodology is validated with the data of the complex terrain measurement campaign. The methodology makes use of the wind field variations obtained from the RANS analysis. The results are presented and discussed. The advantage of this methodology is that the wind field properties at the Alaiz test site can be studied with more detail, based on the instantaneous measurements of the CW lidar. Within the project framework, the daily basis work has been done at CENER, with close guidance and support from the UPM, including an exchange period of 1.5 months. During this exchange period, the mathematical analysis of the lidar sensing of the wind velocity was defined. Furthermore, the effects of non-uniform wind fields on the lidar bias were analytically defined, after making some assumptions for the sake of simplification. Moreover, there has been an important cooperation with DTU Wind Energy, where a secondment period of 1.5 months has been done as well. During the secondment period at DTU Wind Energy, an important introductory learning has taken place. The learned aspects include the design of an experimental measurement campaign in flat terrain, the site assessment study of obstacles and terrain conditions, the data acquisition and processing, as well as the study and reporting of the measurement analysis.


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The readout procedure of charge-coupled device (CCD) cameras is known to generate some image degradation in different scientific imaging fields, especially in astrophysics. In the particular field of particle image velocimetry (PIV), widely extended in the scientific community, the readout procedure of the interline CCD sensor induces a bias in the registered position of particle images. This work proposes simple procedures to predict the magnitude of the associated measurement error. Generally, there are differences in the position bias for the different images of a certain particle at each PIV frame. This leads to a substantial bias error in the PIV velocity measurement (~0.1 pixels). This is the order of magnitude that other typical PIV errors such as peak-locking may reach. Based on modern CCD technology and architecture, this work offers a description of the readout phenomenon and proposes a modeling for the CCD readout bias error magnitude. This bias, in turn, generates a velocity measurement bias error when there is an illumination difference between two successive PIV exposures. The model predictions match the experiments performed with two 12-bit-depth interline CCD cameras (MegaPlus ES 4.0/E incorporating the Kodak KAI-4000M CCD sensor with 4 megapixels). For different cameras, only two constant values are needed to fit the proposed calibration model and predict the error from the readout procedure. Tests by different researchers using different cameras would allow verification of the model, that can be used to optimize acquisition setups. Simple procedures to obtain these two calibration values are also described.


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In this paper a previously developed theoretical model of the measurement process performed by a transit-time ultrasonic anemometer is applied to a fluid flowing through a circular section pipe. This model considers the influence of the shift of the acoustic pulse trajectory from straight propagation due to the flow on the measured speed. The aim of this work is to estimate the errors induced in the measured velocity by the shift of the acoustic pulse trajectory. Using different duct’s flow models, laminar and turbulent regimes have been analyzed. The results show that neglecting the effect of shift of the acoustic pulse trajectory leads to flow rate measurement underestimation.


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The wake produced by the structural supports of the ultrasonic anemometers (UAs)causes distortions in the velocity field in the vicinity of the sonic path. These distortions are measured by the UA, inducing errors in the determination of the mean velocity, turbulence intensity, spectrum, etc.; basic parameters to determine the effect of wind on structures. Additionally, these distortions can lead to indefinition in the calibration function of the sensors (Cuerva et al., 2004). Several wind tunnel tests have been dedicated to obtaining experimental data, from which have been developed fit models to describe and to correct these distortions (Kaimal, 1978 and Wyngaard, 1985). This work explores the effect of a vortex wake generated by the supports of an UA, on the measurement of wind speed done by this instrument. To do this, the Von Karman¿s vortex street potential model is combined with the mathematical model of the measuring process carried out by UAs developed by Franchini et al. (2007). The obtained results are the correction functions of the measured wind velocity, which depends on the geometry of the sonic anemometer and aerodynamic conditions. These results have been validated with the ones obtained in a wind tunnel test done on a single path UA, especially developed for research. The supports of this UA have been modified in order to reproduce the conditions of the theoretical model. Good agreements between experimental and theoretical results have been found.