6 resultados para Tejada Gómez, Armando

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Runoff generation depends on rainfall, infiltration, interception, and surface depressional storage. Surface depressional storage depends on surface microtopography, usually quantified trough soil surface roughness (SSR). SSR is subject to spatial and temporal changes that create a high variability. In an agricultural environment, tillage operations produce abrupt changes in roughness. Subsequent rainfall gradually decreases roughness. Beside it, local variation in soil properties and hydrology cause its SSR to vary spatially at different scales. The methods commonly used to measure it involve collecting point elevations in regular grids using laser profilers or scanners, digital close range stereo-photogrammetry and terrestrial laser scanning or LIDAR systems. In this case, a laser-scanning instrument was used to obtain representative digital elevation models (DEMs) at a grid resolution of 7.2x7.2mm that cover an area of 0.9x0.9m. The DEMs were obtained from two study sites with different soils. The first study site was an experimental field on which five conventional tillage methods were applied. The second study site was a large olive orchard with trees planted at 7.5x5.0m and bare soils between rows. Here, three tillage treatments were applied. In this work we have evaluated the spatial variability of SSR at several scales studying differences in height calculated from points separated by incremental distances h were raised to power values q (from 0 to 4 in steps of 0.1). The q = 2 data were studied as a semivariogram model. The logarithm of average differences plotted vs. log h were characterized by their slope, ?(q). Structure functions [?(q) vs. q] were fitted showing that data had nonlinear structure functions typical of multiscale phenomena. Comparisson of the two types of soil in their respective structure functions are shown.


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La epistemología contemporánea de la fotografía aborda aspectos clave para valorar y entender el alcance del retrato, género fotográfico que ha sustituido al retrato pictórico como instrumento visual para representar la identidad física y caracterológica de los individuos. El arquitecto es retratado en sociedad, para poder asociar su imagen personal a su obra o viceversa. Durante los años sesenta, el protagonismo que la revista Nueva Forma otorga al retrato de los arquitectos en sus portadas contrasta con los criterios coetáneos de la revista Arquitectura, cuyo fotógrafo Paco Gómez, sin embargo, sí que realizó un notable número de retratos a arquitectos. Estos dos casos de estudio sirven en el presente texto como excusa y desencadenante para analizar ?a nivel disciplinar, formal y teórico? este género en el ámbito de la arquitectura española y, junto a otras referencias, articular una primera reflexión sobre su naturaleza y alcance crítico.


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Soil erosion is a complex phenomenon involving the detachment and transport of soil particles, storage and runoff of rainwater, and infiltration. The relative magnitude and importance of these processes depends on several factors being one of them surface microtopography, usually quantified trough soil surface roughness (SSR). Surface soil porosity and SSR can be altered by tillage operation. Even though the surface porosity is an important parameter of a tilled field, however, no practical technique for rapid and non-contact measurement of surface porosity has been developed yet.


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Accommodation is a first need and one of the most important decisions that university students have to decide taking into account their limited budget. The satisfaction grade of these students is the relevant aspect for the administrators and managers of the university residences, because it allows assuring the viability and sustainability of this kind of accommodation. In a situation of decline in rate of retention of students into the residence, coupled with an environment of economic crisis. Hence, of disposable income reduction, it seems essential to get to know what factors affect the motivation to remain into the university residence more than others when it comes to the final choice. The offer?s increase of different kind of accommodation is another variable to be considered when taking the decision related to the management of this kind of accommodation. Thus, there is the need to know which are the key factors and to obtain information about these variables in order to go deep into the relevance grade with the aim to pursue the strategic objectives, that will allow to improve the relationship with the customer and to respond to his accommodation? needs. This article researches the motivation elements that lead the students to remain in a university residence or to abandon it in exchange or a different accommodation, as per example shared flats or individual apartments. This research work intends to be useful for the university residence?s managers in order to increase its incomes, to raise the satisfaction degree among its residents and to obtain better end results in the management of these properties. The fieldwork conducted in the Residencia Universitaria Gómez Pardo (RUGP), Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), for four semesters, which means students from 27 different grades (undergraduates) and 81 surveys finished, shows the following conclusions. Not only the relation with the residence?s personnel but also the quality and quantity of the feeding and the availability and quality of the internet service, constitute key factors when it comes to make the decision of remaining or of abandoning the residence when the semester comes to its end.


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La realidad virtual es una alternativa de motivación de los estudiantes al darles la posibilidad de realizar acciones como volar u observar el entorno desde diferentes perspectivas de manera controlada. La interacción multiusuario en realidad virtual da lugar a los entornos virtuales colaborativos que favorecen el desarrollo de habilidades sociales como el trabajo en equipo, en particular en equipos con integrantes con ubicaciones geográficas diferentes. En estos contextos se encuentran diversas propuestas de aplicación de la realidad virtual que transportan a los estudiantes a entornos donde deben tomar decisiones conjuntas para lograr los objetivos propuestos. Sin embargo, estas propuestas no hacen énfasis en la importancia de reconocer las fortalezas o habilidades de cada miembro del equipo para mejorar su desempeño. El presente artículo propone un videojuego, basado en realidad virtual, que incorpora los principios de gamificación para promover y mejorar el trabajo en equipo en estudiantes de ingeniería.


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Discurso pronunciado por D. Rafael Portaencasa, Rector de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, con motivo de la entrega de la medalla de oro de la Universidad al doctor dominicano D. José Francisco Peña Gómez