6 resultados para Superfici minime, porzione regolare di superfici, area minima, problema variazionale.

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Graphics Processing Units have become a booster for the microelectronics industry. However, due to intellectual property issues, there is a serious lack of information on implementation details of the hardware architecture that is behind GPUs. For instance, the way texture is handled and decompressed in a GPU to reduce bandwidth usage has never been dealt with in depth from a hardware point of view. This work addresses a comparative study on the hardware implementation of different texture decompression algorithms for both conventional (PCs and video game consoles) and mobile platforms. Circuit synthesis is performed targeting both a reconfigurable hardware platform and a 90nm standard cell library. Area-delay trade-offs have been extensively analyzed, which allows us to compare the complexity of decompressors and thus determine suitability of algorithms for systems with limited hardware resources.


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The problem of finding a minimum area polygonization for a given set of points in the plane, Minimum Area Polygonization (MAP) is NP-hard. Due to the complexity of the problem we aim at the development of algorithms to obtain approximate solutions. In this work, we suggest di?erent strategies in order to minimize the polygonization area.We propose algorithms to search for approximate solutions for MAP problem. We present an experimental study for a set of instances for MAP problem.


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La aplicación de las estrategias que promuevan la eficiencia energética y la sostenibilidad en el sector de la construcción es una tarea de fundamental importancia que estamos llamados a llevar a cabo como ciudadanos, profesionales e investigadores. Esta tesis doctoral se enmarca dentro de los trabajos de investigación llevados a cabo en los últimos años que, en la línea más general de analizar sistemas a la vez energéticamente eficientes y beneficiosos para la mejora del confort de los usuarios, se han centrado en la caracterización de los efectos sobre edificios y medioambiente derivados de la aplicación de fachadas vegetales en el ámbito arquitectónico. La investigación parte del análisis del papel que las envolventes vegetales han tenido en relación a la arquitectura a lo largo de la Historia, para luego examinar su papel actual que, más allá de su reconocido valor estético, cada vez más cobra una función arquitectónica propia. Prueba de ello es la creciente integración de las superficies vegetales experimentada en los últimos años tanto en entornos arquitectónicos como urbanos; reflejo, a su vez, del desarrollo gradual de nuevas investigaciones sobre fachadas vegetales y de la difusión de diferentes sistemas en el mercado. Tras realizar un análisis detallado de los resultados obtenidos hasta el momento en el campo de la investigación y una vez detectadas sus carencias, se procede a plantear el objetivo general de esta tesis: analizar el comportamiento térmico de una solución constructiva que incorpore un elemento vegetal, a través de la monitorización de un prototipo experimental a escala real, así como, generar una herramienta flexible que permita predecir el comportamiento térmico de determinados tipos de fachadas vegetales, posibilitando su utilización en contextos diferentes al de estudio. Con el fin de elegir el sistema de fachada vegetal más adecuado para el estudio experimental, se realizan un análisis y una catalogación de los sistemas de fachadas vegetales existentes en el mercado. Para cada sistema, se destacan las principales características, las ventajas y los inconvenientes. Para evaluar la aplicabilidad del sistema a gran escala, se fijan unos criterios de selección basados en el grado de industrialización, la eficiencia energética y la sostenibilidad. Finalmente, se elige el sistema más adecuado para el estudio experimental: sistema con elementos modulares industrializados prevegetados compuestos por cajas contenedoras de sustrato y vegetación perenne. Como siguiente paso, se procede al diseño del experimento y se da comienzo a la fase experimental que comprende más de tres años, distinguiéndose dos etapas. En ambas, la experimentación se basa en la comparación de dos cerramientos idénticos cuya única diferencia está constituida por una capa de vegetación existente en uno de ellos. En una primera etapa, a través de un tratamiento estadístico de los datos, se analiza el comportamiento energético de un cerramiento sin aislante con el objetivo de caracterizar térmicamente el elemento vegetal (sustrato más vegetación), eliminado las variables relativas a la composición del cerramiento. En una segunda etapa, se monitoriza un cerramiento con aislante con el fin de verificar la efectividad energética del sistema vegetal en cerramientos aislados. Tras corroborar la eficacia energética de dicho sistema, incluso en cerramientos aislados, se concluye el trabajo con el desarrollo de un modelo de predicción del comportamiento térmico de determinados tipos de fachadas vegetales. El modelo, de rápida y sencilla utilización, permite estimar el comportamiento térmico de una fachada vegetal en función de la temperatura exterior, la humedad relativa del aire en el exterior y la irradiancia global. Dicho modelo, desarrollado a partir de los datos tomados durante la monitorización, ha sido validado experimentalmente mostrando un elevado grado de fiabilidad. ABSTRACT Mettere in atto strategie di promozione dell'e_cienza energetica e della sostenibilità nel settore delle costruzioni è un compito di fondamentale importanza che siamo chiamati a svolgere, come cittadini, professionisti e ricercatori. Questa tesi si colloca all'interno delle ricerche che, nella linea generale di sviluppo di sistemi che siano sia effcienti dal punto di vista energetico sia vantaggiosi dal punto di vista del miglioramento del comfort degli utenti, negli ultimi anni si sono occupate di indagare gli effetti sulle costruzioni e sull'ambiente derivati dall'applicazione di facciate verdi negli edifici. La ricerca si sviluppa partendo dall'analisi del ruolo che coperture e facciate verdi hanno avuto nel corso della storia dell'Architettura per poi giungere ad esaminare il loro ruolo nell'attualit_a: oltre a un roconosciuto valore estetico in maniera crescente queste tecnologie sono chiamate a svolgere una funzione architettonica propria. Ciò è dimostrato dalla crescente integrazione di superfici verdi sia a livello architettonico sia a livello urbano registrata negli ultimi anni, che è a sua volta conseguenza del graduale sviluppo di nuove ricerche sulle facciate verdi e della diffusione nel mercato di differenti sistemi. Dopo aver realizzato un'analisi dettagliata dei risultati ottenuti finora nel campo della ricerca e una volta individuate le loro carenze, si procede a fissare l'obiettivo generale di questa tesi: analizzare il comportamento termico di una soluzione costruttiva che incorpora un elemento di vegetale attraverso il monitoraggio di un prototipo sperimentale in scala reale, così come generare uno strumento essibile che consenta di prevedere il comportamento termico di alcuni tipi di facciate verdi, possibilitando il suo uso in contesti diversi da quello studiato. Al fine di scegliere il sistema di facciata verde pi_u adatto allo studio sperimentale, si effettua un'analisi e una catalogazione dei sistemi attualmente esistenti nel mercato. Per ogni sistema si mettono in evidenza le sue principali caratteristiche, i vantaggi e gli svantaggi, e si fissano criteri di selezione basati sul livello di industrializzazione del sistema, sulla sua efficienza energetica e sulla sostenibilità, con il fine ultimo di promuovere l'applicabilità del sistema a larga scala. Infine, si sceglie il sistema più adeguato per lo studio sperimentale: il sistema industrializzato modulare composto da pannelli prevegetati con substrato e vegetazione perenne. Come passo successivo, si procede allo sviluppo dell'esperimento e si dà inizio alla sperimentazione, composta da due fasi, che si sviluppa durante più di tre anni. In entrambe le fasi, la sperimentazione si basa sul confronto di due serramenti identici la cui unica differenza è costituita dallo strato di vegetazione presente in uno di essi. Nella prima fase, attraverso un trattamento statistico dei dati, si analizza il comportamento energetico di un involucro non isolato per caratterizzare termicamente l'elemento vegetale (vegetazione più substrato), eliminando le variabili relative alla composizione del serramento. Nella seconda fase, si studia un involucro isolato con il fine di verificare l'efficacia energetica del sistema verde in serramenti isolati. Dopo aver dimostrato che il sistema è effciente anche quando applicato in involucri isolati, il lavoro si conclude con lo sviluppo di un modello predittivo del comportamento termico di alcuni tipi di facciate verdi. Il modello, veloce e di semplice utilizzo, permette la stima del comportamento termico di una facciata verde conoscendo la temperatura esterna, l'umidità relativa esterna e l'irradianza globale. Questo modello, sviluppato a partire da dati di monitoraggio, è stato validato sperimentalmente mostrando un elevato grado di precisione.


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We studied the coastal zone of the Tavoliere di Puglia plain, (Puglia region, southern Italy) with the aim to recognize the main unconformities, and therefore, the unconformity-bounded stratigraphic units (UBSUs; Salvador 1987, 1994) forming its Quaternary sedimentary fill. Recognizing unconformities is particularly problematic in an alluvial plain, due to the difficulties in distinguishing the unconformities that bound the UBSUs. So far, the recognition of UBSUs in buried successions has been made mostly by using seismic profiles. Instead, in our case, the unavailability of the latter has prompted us to address the problem by developing a methodological protocol consisting of the following steps: I) geological survey in the field; II) draft of a preliminary geological setting based on the field-survey results; III) dating of 102 samples coming from a large number of boreholes and some outcropping sections by means of the amino acid racemization (AAR) method applied to ostracod shells and 14C dating, filtering of the ages and the selection of valid ages; IV) correction of the preliminary geological setting in the light of the numerical ages; definition of the final geological setting with UBSUs; identification of a ‘‘hypothetical’’ or ‘‘attributed time range’’ (HTR or ATR) for each UBSU, the former very wide and subject to a subsequent modification, the latter definitive; V) cross-checking between the numerical ages and/or other characteristics of the sedimentary bodies and/or the sea-level curves (with their effects on the sedimentary processes) in order to restrict also the hypothetical time ranges in the attributed time ranges. The successful application of AAR geochronology to ostracod shells relies on the fact that the ability of ostracods to colonize almost all environments constitutes a tool for correlation, and also allow the inclusion in the same unit of coeval sediments that differ lithologically and paleoenvironmentally. The treatment of the numerical ages obtained using the AAR method required special attention. The first filtering step was made by the laboratory (rejection criteria a and b). Then, the second filtering step was made by testing in the field the remaining ages. Among these, in fact, we never compared an age with a single preceding and/or following age; instead, we identified homogeneous groups of numerical ages consistent with their reciprocal stratigraphic position. This operation led to the rejection of further numerical ages that deviate erratically from a larger, homogeneous age population which fits well with its stratigraphic position (rejection criterion c). After all of the filtering steps, the valid ages that remained were used for the subdivision of the sedimentary sequences into UBSUs together with the lithological and paleoenvironmental criteria. The numerical ages allowed us, in the first instance, to recognize all of the age gaps between two consecutive samples. Next, we identified the level, in the sedimentary thickness that is between these two samples, that may represent the most suitable UBSU boundary based on its lithology and/or the paleoenvironment. The recognized units are: I) Coppa Nevigata sands (NEA), HTR: MIS 20–14, ATR: MIS 17–16; II) Argille subappennine (ASP), HTR: MIS 15–11, ATR: MIS 15–13; III) Coppa Nevigata synthem (NVI), HTR: MIS 13–8, ATR: MIS 12–11; IV) Sabbie di Torre Quarto (STQ), HTR: MIS 13–9.1, ATR: MIS 11; V) Amendola subsynthem (MLM1), HTR: MIS 12–10, ATR: MIS 11; VI) Undifferentiated continental unit (UCI), HTR: MIS 11–6.2, ATR: MIS 9.3–7.1; VII) Foggia synthem (TGF), ATR: MIS 6; VIII) Masseria Finamondo synthem (TPF), ATR: Upper Pleistocene; IX) Carapelle and Cervaro streams synthem (RPL), subdivided into: IXa) Incoronata subsynthem (RPL1), HTR: MIS 6–3; ATR: MIS 5–3; IXb) Marane La Pidocchiosa–Castello subsynthem (RPL3), ATR: Holocene; X) Masseria Inacquata synthem (NAQ), ATR: Holocene. The possibility of recognizing and dating Quaternary units in an alluvial plain to the scale of a marine isotope stage constitutes a clear step forward compared with similar studies regarding other alluvial-plain areas, where Quaternary units were dated almost exclusively using their stratigraphic position. As a result, they were generically associated with a geological sub-epoch. Instead, our method allowed a higher detail in the timing of the sedimentary processes: for example, MIS 11 and MIS 5.5 deposits have been recognized and characterized for the first time in the study area, highlighting their importance as phases of sedimentation.


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The paper identifies the potential spatial and social impacts of a proposed road-pricing scheme for different social groups in the Madrid Metropolitan Area (MMA). We appraise the accessibility of different districts within the MMA in terms of the actual and perceived cost of using the road infrastructure ‘before’ and ‘after’ implementation of the scheme. The appraisal framework was developed using quantitative survey data and qualitative focus group discussions with residents. We then simulated user behaviours (mode and route choice) based on the empirical evidence from a travel demand model for the MMA. The results from our simulation model demonstrated that implementation of the toll on the orbital metropolitan motorways (M40, M30, for example) decreases accessibility mostly in the districts where there are no viable public transport alternatives. Our specific study finding is that the economic burden of the road-pricing scheme particularly affects unskilled and lower income individuals living in the south of the MMA. The focus groups confirmed that low income drivers in the south part of the MMA would reduce their use of tolled roads and have to find new arrangements for these trips: i.e. switch to public transport, spend double the time travelling or stay at home. More generally, our research finds that European transport planners are still a long way from recognising the social equity implications of their policy decisions and that more thorough social appraisals are needed to avoid the social exclusion of low income populations when road tolling is proposed.


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The paper explores the spatial and social impacts arising from implementation of a road-pricing scheme in the Madrid Metropolitan Area (MMA). Our analytical focus is on understanding the effects of the scheme on the transport accessibility of different social groups within the MMA. We define an evaluation framework to appraise the accessibility of different districts within the MMA in terms of the actual and perceived cost of using the road infrastructure "before" and "after" the implementation of the scheme. The framework was developed using quantitative survey data and qualitative data from focus group discussions with residents. We then simulated user behaviors (mode and route choice) based on the empirical evidence from a travel demand model for the MMA. The results from our simulation model demonstrated that implementation of the toll on the orbital metropolitan motorways (M40, M30, for example) decreases accessibility, mostly in the districts where there are no viable public transport alternatives. Our key finding is that the economic burden of the road-pricing scheme particularly affects unskilled and lower income individuals living in the south of the MMA. Consequently lower income people reduce their use of tolled roads and have to find new arrangements for these trips: i.e. switch to the public transport, spend double the time for their commuter trips or stay at home. The results of our research could be applicable more widely for anyone wishing to better understand the important relationship between increased transport cost and social equity, especially where there is an intention to introduce similar road-pricing schemes within the urban context.