13 resultados para Socio-cognitive approach
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
This article analyses a number of social and cultural aspects of the blog phenomenon with the methodological aid of a complexity model, the New Techno-social Environment (hereinafter also referred to by its Spanish acronym, NET, or Nuevo Entorno Tecnosocial) together with the socio-technical approach of the two blogologist authors. Both authors are researchers interested in the new reality of the Digital Universal Network (DUN). After a review of some basic definitions, the article moves on to highlight some key characteristics of an emerging blog culture and relates them to the properties of the NET. Then, after a brief practical parenthesis for people entering the blogosphere for the first time, we present some reflections on blogs as an evolution of virtual communities and on the changes experienced by the inhabitants of the infocity emerging from within the NET. The article concludes with a somewhat disturbing question; whether among these changes there might not be a gradual transformation of the structure and form of human intelligence.
El mundo de las telecomunicaciones evoluciona a gran velocidad, acorde con las necesidades de los usuarios. El crecimiento del número de servicios a través de las conexiones que actualmente utilizamos para conectarnos a Internet (Ej. IPTV) con elevados requerimientos de ancho de banda, que junto a los servicios de nuevo nacimiento (ej. OTT), contribuyen tanto al aumento de la necesidad de mayores velocidades de conexión de los usuarios como a la implantación de nuevos modelos de calidad de servicio. Las redes de datos de banda ancha (fija y móvil) actuales deben, por lo tanto, experimentar una profunda transformación para conseguir solventar de una forma eficiente los problemas y las necesidades de tráfico, pudiendo así absorber el progresivo incremento del ancho de banda, dejando las puertas abiertas a futuras mejoras. Y para ello las operadoras se nutrirán con la valiosa información de tráfico y usuario que les lleven a tomar las mejores decisiones de cara a que las transformaciones llevadas a cabo cubran exactamente lo que el usuario demanda de la forma más eficiente posible. Con estas premisas, surgieron las ideas que se plasmaron como objetivos del PFC : La idea de narrar el despliegue de la banda ancha en España desde sus orígenes hasta la actualidad, enfocando su crecimiento desde un punto de vista sociotecnológico. Dando continuidad al punto anterior, se persiguió la idea de conocer las herramientas sociales y tecnológicas a raíz de las cuales se pueda realizar una previsión del tráfico en las redes de las operadoras en un futuro cercano. La pretensión de mostrar las características de los usuarios de banda ancha y del tráfico de datos que generan, que son de carácter crítico para las operadoras en la elaboración de forma adecuada de la planificación de sus redes. La intención de revelar los procedimientos de las operadoras para que, una vez conocidas las características de sus usuarios, se puedan cumplir los requisitos demandados por los mismos: QoS y los indicadores clave de rendimiento (KPIs) Por otro lado, el nivel de detalle dado pretende adecuarse a un público que no tenga profundos conocimientos sobre la materia, y salvo partes bastante concretas, se puede catalogar este trabajo como de abierto al público en general. ABSTRACT. The world of telecommunications is evolving at high speed, according to the needs of users. The growing of services number through the connections that currently have been used to connect to the Internet (eg IPTV ) with high bandwidth requirements, which together with the new birth services (eg OTT ) contribute both to increased the need for higher connection speeds users and the implementation of new models of service quality. Data networks broadband (fixed and mobile ) today must , therefore, undergo a deep transformation to achieve an efficient solving problems and traffic needs, thus being able to absorb the gradual increase of bandwidth, leaving the door open to future improvements. And for that the operators will be nurtured with valuable information and user traffic that lead them to make better decisions in the face of the transformations carried out exactly meet the user demand for the most efficient possible way. With these assumptions, the ideas that emerged were expressed as PFC objectives : The idea of narrating the broadband deployment in Spain from its origins to the present, focusing its growth from a socio-technological approach. Continuing the previous point, it pursued the idea of knowing the social tools and technology as a result of which it can perform a traffic forecast operators networks in the near future. The attempt to show the characteristics of broadband users and data traffic they generate, which are mission critical for operators in developing adequately planning their networks. The intention to disclose procedures for operators, once known the characteristics of their users, it can meet the requirements demanded by them: QoS and key performance indicators (KPI). On the other hand, the level of detail given suit seeks an audience that does not have deep knowledge on the subject, unless quite specific parts, this work can be classified as open to the general public.
Esta tesis doctoral, que es la culminación de mis estudios de doctorado impartidos por el Departamento de Lingüística Aplicada a la Ciencia y a la Tecnología de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, aborda el análisis del uso de la matización (hedging) en el lenguaje legal inglés siguiendo los postulados y principios de la análisis crítica de género (Bhatia, 2004) y empleando las herramientas de análisis de córpora WordSmith Tools versión 6 (Scott, 2014). Como refleja el título, el estudio se centra en la descripción y en el análisis contrastivo de las variedades léxico-sintácticas de los matizadores del discurso (hedges) y las estrategias discursivas que con ellos se llevan a cabo, además de las funciones que éstas desempeñan en un corpus de sentencias del Tribunal Supremo de EE. UU., y de artículos jurídicos de investigación americanos, relacionando, en la medida posible, éstas con los rasgos determinantes de los dos géneros, desde una perspectiva socio-cognitiva. El elemento innovador que ofrece es que, a pesar de los numerosos estudios que se han podido realizar sobre los matizadores del discurso en el inglés general (Lakoff, 1973; Hübler, 1983; Clemen, 1997; Markkanen and Schröder, 1997; Mauranen, 1997; Fetzer 2010; y Finnegan, 2010 entre otros) académico (Crompton, 1997; Meyer, 1997; Skelton, 1997; Martín Butragueňo, 2003) científico (Hyland, 1996a, 1996c, 1998c, 2007; Grabe and Kaplan, 1997; Salager-Meyer, 1997 Varttala, 2001) médico (Prince, 1982; Salager-Meyer, 1994; Skelton, 1997), y, en menor medida el inglés legal (Toska, 2012), no existe ningún tipo de investigación que vincule los distintos usos de la matización a las características genéricas de las comunicaciones profesionales. Dentro del lenguaje legal, la matización confirma su dependencia tanto de las expectativas a macro-nivel de la comunidad de discurso, como de las intenciones a micro-nivel del escritor de la comunicación, variando en función de los propósitos comunicativos del género ya sean éstos educativos, pedagógicos, interpersonales u operativos. El estudio pone de relieve el uso predominante de los verbos modales epistémicos y de los verbos léxicos como matizadores del discurso, estos últimos divididos en cuatro tipos (Hyland 1998c; Palmer 1986, 1990, 2001) especulativos, citativos, deductivos y sensoriales. La realización léxico-sintáctica del matizador puede señalar una de cuatro estrategias discursivas particulares (Namsaraev, 1997; Salager-Meyer, 1994), la indeterminación, la despersonalización, la subjectivisación, o la matización camuflada (camouflage hedging), cuya incidencia y función varia según género. La identificación y cuantificación de los distintos matizadores y estrategias empleados en los diferentes géneros del discurso legal puede tener implicaciones pedagógicos para los estudiantes de derecho no nativos que tienen que demostrar una competencia adecuada en su uso y procesamiento. ABSTRACT This doctoral thesis, which represents the culmination of my doctoral studies undertaken in the Department of Linguistics Applied to Science and Technology of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, focusses on the analysis of hedging in legal English following the principles of Critical Genre Analysis (Bhatia, 2004), and using WordSmith Tools version 6 (Scott, 2014) corpus analysis tools. As the title suggests, this study centers on the description and contrastive analysis of lexico-grammatical realizations of hedges and the discourse strategies which they can indicate, as well as the functions they can carry out, in a corpus of U.S. Supreme Court opinions and American law review articles. The study relates realization, incidence and function of hedging to the predominant generic characteristics of the two genres from a socio-cognitive perspective. While there have been numerous studies on hedging in general English (Lakoff, 1973; Hübler, 1983; Clemen, 1997; Markkanen and Schröder, 1997; Mauranen, 1997; Fetzer 2010; and Finnegan, 2010 among others) academic English (Crompton, 1997; Meyer, 1997; Skelton, 1997; Martín Butragueňo, 2003) scientific English (Hyland, 1996a, 1996c, 1998c, 2007; Grabe and Kaplan, 1997; Salager-Meyer, 1997 Varttala, 2001) medical English (Prince, 1982; Salager-Meyer, 1994; Skelton, 1997), and, to a lesser degree, legal English (Toska, 2012), this study is innovative in that it links the different realizations and functions of hedging to the generic characteristics of a particular professional communication. Within legal English, hedging has been found to depend on not only the macro-level expectations of the discourse community for a specific genre, but also on the micro-level intentions of the author of a communication, varying according to the educational, pedagogical, interpersonal or operative purposes the genre may have. The study highlights the predominance of epistemic modal verbs and lexical verbs as hedges, dividing the latter into four types (Hyland, 1998c; Palmer, 1986, 1990, 2001): speculative, quotative, deductive and sensorial. Lexical-grammatical realizations of hedges can signal one of four discourse strategies (Namsaraev, 1997; Salager-Meyer, 1994), indetermination, depersonalization, subjectivization and camouflage hedging, as well as fulfill a variety of functions. The identification and quantification of the different hedges and hedging strategies and functions in the two genres may have pedagogical implications for non-native law students who must demonstrate adequate competence in the production and interpretation of hedged discourse.
El objetivo del presente trabajo de investigación es diseñar un Modelo de Educación que permita formar ingenieros industriales en Perú que sean capaces de enfrentar los retos modernos de fuerte y sostenido crecimiento económico y social. Las necesidades que se han generado a lo largo de los últimos años llevan a identificar que una gran carencia es el poco dominio del concepto, naturaleza y gestión de un proyecto y la marcada ausencia de habilidades humanas y funcionales al momento de ejercer la profesión; entendiendo proyecto como “Un esfuerzo temporal que se lleva a cabo para crear un producto, servicio o resultado único. La naturaleza temporal de los proyectos indica un principio y un final definidos. El final se alcanza cuando se logran los objetivos del proyecto o cuando se termina el proyecto porque sus objetivos no se cumplirán o no pueden ser cumplidos, o cuando ya no existe la necesidad que dio origen al proyecto…. los proyectos pueden tener impactos sociales, económicos y ambientales susceptibles de perdurar mucho más que los propios proyectos.”1. Entonces, formularnos la hipótesis que es posible tener un modelo educativo para la Ingeniería Industrial de Perú que permita y estimule alcanzar estas características tan reclamadas por la sociedad, confiando desde el inicio que su diseño y empleo tendrá fuerte repercusión tanto en el desarrollo personal de los estudiantes, como en el social y económico, por las habilidades y condiciones que serán capaces de desplegar los egresados en sus ámbitos de acción laboral. Para lograr el objetivo se ha hecho una definición de la identidad de la universidad latinoamericana y una verificación de si es posible o no tomar modelos y experiencias de otros lugares y trasladarlos con éxito a escenarios nuevos y distintos. Luego, se han determinado las tendencias más fuertes en la formación de ingenieros industriales en los contextos más exitosos actualmente. Para definir esas habilidades tan reclamadas por el sector público y privado de la sociedad, se busca y define una codificación de competencias genéricas que permite tener un ingeniero moderno bien perfilado para las exigencias globales. Los pasos finales son determinar el Modelo para la Educación Superior de la Ingeniería Industrial de Perú desde las Competencias (MESIC) a partir de novedosos enfoques para la educación como la contextualización, la gestión del conocimiento experto y experimentado, el enfoque socioformativo y la definición de Aspectos Clave del modelo antes de iniciar una planificación curricular de ingeniería. Al final se muestra una aplicación del modelo llegando a detalles de definición de competencias muy interesantes y a la necesidad de contar con un sistema de aseguramiento de calidad de la gestión curricular. Al término de la investigación concluimos que es posible definir un modelo apropiado para formar ingenieros industriales en Perú desde las competencias, capaces de enfrentar los modernos retos locales y globales. También determinamos que el proceso no puede ser impuesto, debe pasar por un transitorio periodo de adecuación de docentes y alumnos y requiere de compromiso, pues se suele enfocar este cambio como una forma de desestimar todo lo anterior, cuando debe entenderse que son procesos complementarios, ya que los importantes logros con clases magistrales y resolución de problemas son evidentes y se trata de estilos diferentes de encarar la educación. El resultado de la imposición puede ser devastador para algunos estudiantes y frustrante para algunos docentes, consecuencias que no se desean y deben evitarse. La aplicación se realiza en una universidad del norte de Perú, la Universidad de Piura, y puede observarse en el último capítulo de este trabajo. ABSTRACT The main objective of this research is to find an Educational Modell in order to train industrial engineers in Peru who are able to face modern challenges of strong and sustained economic and social growth. Over recent years the generated needs have led to understand that a major weakness in our professionals is the poor skills in project management and the marked absence of functional and human skills when exercising the profession. This diagnose has led to formulate the hypothesis that it is possible to have an educational model for Peru Industrial Engineering that allows and encourages to achieve these features which are claimed by society. A project which we trust will have a strong impact from the beginning on both, personal development of students as well as in the social and economic conditions, considering the skills graduates will be able to deploy in their work fields. To achieve the goal first it was defined the identity of the Latin American university and verified whether it is possible or not to take models and experiences elsewhere and move successfully to new and different scenarios. Then there were determined the strongest trends in the industrial engineers training in currently successful contexts. In order to define these demanded skills by the public and private sectors of society, there are defined a set of generic skills that allows to have a modern engineer well profiled for global context. Considering these elements, a Model for Higher Education in Industrial Engineering from Peru Competence (MESIC)is proposed considering novel approaches to education such as territoriality, skilled and experienced knowledge management, socio - formative approach and set the definition of Key aspects of the model before starting a engineering curricular planning. Finally detailed records of an application of the model is shown through modern learning methodologies, development and assessment of skills and the need to have a quality assurance system for entire curriculum management. Through this research it can be concluded that it is possible to determine an appropriate model to train industrial engineers in Peru from the skills, in order to meet the modern local and global challenges. Results show that the process cannot be imposed, instead it must go through a transitional period of adaptation from teachers and students and requires commitment, focusing that this change usually is a way to dismiss the above, and is important to address that there are obvious achievements on education lectures and problem solving, and it should be understood that they are complementary processes. The result of change imposition can be devastating for some students and frustrating for some teachers, unwanted consequences and they should be avoided. The proposed model is applied at a university in northern Peru, the University of Piura, and the results can be seen in the last chapter of this work.
sharedcircuitmodels is presented in this work. The sharedcircuitsmodelapproach of sociocognitivecapacities recently proposed by Hurley in The sharedcircuitsmodel (SCM): how control, mirroring, and simulation can enable imitation, deliberation, and mindreading. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31(1) (2008) 1–22 is enriched and improved in this work. A five-layer computational architecture for designing artificialcognitivecontrolsystems is proposed on the basis of a modified sharedcircuitsmodel for emulating sociocognitive experiences such as imitation, deliberation, and mindreading. In order to show the enormous potential of this approach, a simplified implementation is applied to a case study. An artificialcognitivecontrolsystem is applied for controlling force in a manufacturing process that demonstrates the suitability of the suggested approach
Increased variability in performance has been associated with the emergence of several neurological and psychiatric pathologies. However, whether and how consistency of neuronal activity may also be indicative of an underlying pathology is still poorly understood. Here we propose a novel method for evaluating consistency from non-invasive brain recordings. We evaluate the consistency of the cortical activity recorded with magnetoencephalography in a group of subjects diagnosed with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), a condition sometimes prodromal of dementia, during the execution of a memory task. We use metrics coming from nonlinear dynamics to evaluate the consistency of cortical regions. A representation known as parenclitic networks is constructed, where atypical features are endowed with a network structure, the topological properties of which can be studied at various scales. Pathological conditions correspond to strongly heterogeneous networks, whereas typical or normative conditions are characterized by sparsely connected networks with homogeneous nodes. The analysis of this kind of networks allows identifying the extent to which consistency is affected in the MCI group and the focal points where MCI is especially severe. To the best of our knowledge, these results represent the first attempt at evaluating the consistency of brain functional activity using complex networks theory.
Prevalence of vitamin B12 deficiency is very common in elderly people and can reach values as high as 40.5% of the population. It can be the result of the interaction among several factors. Vitamin B12 deficiencies have been associated with neurological, cognitive deterioration, haematological abnormalities and cardiovascular diseases that have an important influence on the health of the elderly and their quality of life. It is necessary to approach the problems arisen from the lack of data relative to them. The main objective of this thesis was to analyse the evolution of vitamin B12 status and related parameters, lipid and haematological profiles and their relationship to health risk factors, and to functional and cognitive status over one year and to determine the effect of an oral supplementation of 500 μg of cyanocobalamin for a short period of 28 days. An additional objective was to analyze the possible effects of medicine intakes on vitamin B status. Three studies were performed: a) a one year longitudinal follow-up with four measure points; b) an intervention study providing an oral liquid supplement of 500 μg of cyanocobalamin for a 28 days period; and c) analysis of the possible effect of medication intake on vitamin B status using the ATC classification of medicines. The participants for these studies were recruited from nursing homes for the elderly in the Region of Madrid. Sixty elders (mean age 84 _ 7y, 19 men and 41 women) were recruited for Study I and 64 elders (mean age 82 _ 7y, 24 men and 40 women) for Study II. For Study III, baseline data from the initially recruited participants of the first two studies were used. An informed consent was obtained from all participants or their mentors. The studies were approved by the Ethical Committee of the University of Granada. Blood samples were obtained at each examination date and were analyzed for serum cobalamin, holoTC, serum and RBC folate and total homocysteine according to laboratory standard procedures. The haematological parameters analyzed were haematocrit, haemoglobin and MCV. For the lipid profile TG, total cholesterol, LDL- and HDLcholesterol were analyzed. Anthropometric measures (BMI, skinfolds [triceps and subscapular], waist girth and waist to hip ratio), functional tests (hand grip, arm and leg strength tests, static balance) and MMSE were obtained or administered by trained personal. The vitamin B12 supplement of Study II was administered with breakfast and the medication intake was taken from the residents’ anamnesis. Data were analyzed by parametric and non-parametric statistics depending on the obtained data. Comparisons were done using the appropriate ANOVAs or non-parametric tests. Pearsons’ partial correlations with the variable “time” as control were used to define the association of the analyzed parameters. XIII The results showed that: A) Over one year, in relationship to vitamin B status, serum cobalamin decreased, serum folate and mean corpuscular volumen increased significantly and total homocysteine concentrations were stable. Regarding blood lipid profile, triglycerides increased and HDL-cholesterol decreased significantly. Regarding selected anthropometric measurements, waist circumference increased significantly. No significant changes were observed for the rest of parameters. B) Prevalence of hyperhomocysteinemia was high in the elderly studied, ranging from 60% to 90 % over the year depending on the cut-off used for the classification. LDL-cholesterol values were high, especially among women, and showed a tendency to increase over the year. Results of the balance test showed a deficiency and a tendency to decrease; this indicates that the population studied is at high risk for falls. Lower extremity muscular function was deficient and showed a tendency to decrease. A highly significant relationship was observed between the skinfold of the triceps and blood lipid profile. C) Low cobalamin concentrations correlated significantly with low MMSE scores in the elderly studied. No correlations were observed between vitamin B12 status and functional parameters. D) Regarding vitamin B12 status, holo-transcobalamin seems to be more sensitive for diagnosis; 5-10% of the elderly had a deficiency using serum cobalamin as a criterion, and 45-52% had a deficiency when using serum holotranscobalamin as a criterion. E) 500 μg of cyanocobalamin administered orally during 28 days significantly improved vitamin B12 status and significantly decreased total homocysteine concentrations in institutionalized elderly. No effect of the intervention was observed on functional and cognitive parameters. F) The relative change (%) of improvement of vitamin B12 status was higher when using serum holo-transcobalamin as a criterion than serum cobalamin. G) Antiaenemic drug intake normalized cobalamin, urologic drugs and corticosteroids serum folate, and psychoanaleptics holo-transcobalamin levels. Drugs treating pulmonary obstruction increased total homocysteine concentration significantly. H) The daily mean drug intake was 5.1. Fiftynine percent of the elderly took medication belonging to 5 or more different ATC groups. The most prevalent were psycholeptic (53%), antiacid (53%) and antithrombotic (47%) drugs.
The implementation of a charging policy for heavy goods vehicles in European Union (EU) member countries has been imposed to reflect costs of construction and maintenance of infrastructure as well as externalities such as congestion, accidents and environmental impact. In this context, EU countries approved the Eurovignette directive (1999/62/EC) and its amending directive (2006 /38/EC) which established a legal framework to regulate the system of tolls. Even if that regulation seek s to increase the efficien cy of freight, it will trigger direct and indirect effects on Spain’s regional economies by increasing transport costs. This paper presents the development of a multiregional Input-Output methodology (MRIO) with elastic trade coefficients to predict in terregional trade, using transport attributes integrated in multinomial logit models. This method is highly useful to carry out an ex-ante evaluation of transport policies because it involves road freight transport cost sensitivity, and determine regional distributive and substitution economic effect s of countries like Spain, characterized by socio-demographic and economic attributes, differentiated region by region. It will thus be possible to determine cost-effective strategies, given different policy scenarios. MRIO mode l would then be used to determine the impact on the employment rate of imposing a charge in the Madrid-Sevilla corridor in Spain. This methodology is important for measuring the impact on the employment rate since it is one of the main macroeconomic indicators of Spain’s regional and national economic situation. A previous research developed (DESTINO) using a MRIO method estimated employment impacts of road pricing policy across Spanish regions considering a fuel tax charge (€/liter) in the entire shortest cost path network for freight transport. Actually, it found that the variation in employment is expected to be substantial for some regions, and negligible for others. For example, in this Spanish case study of regional employment has showed reductions between 16.1% (Rioja) and 1.4% (Madrid region). This variation range seems to be related to either the intensity of freight transport in each region or dependency of regions to transport intensive economic sect ors. In fact, regions with freight transport intensive sectors will lose more jobs while regions with a predominantly service economy undergo a fairly insignificant loss of employment. This paper is focused on evaluating a freight transport vehicle-kilometer charge (€/km) in a non-tolled motorway corridor (A-4) between Madrid-Sevilla (517 Km.). The consequences of the road pricing policy implementation show s that the employment reductions are not as high as the diminution stated in the previous research because this corridor does not affect the whole freight transport system of Spain.
One of the most challenging problems that must be solved by any theoretical model purporting to explain the competence of the human brain for relational tasks is the one related with the analysis and representation of the internal structure in an extended spatial layout of múltiple objects. In this way, some of the problems are related with specific aims as how can we extract and represent spatial relationships among objects, how can we represent the movement of a selected object and so on. The main objective of this paper is the study of some plausible brain structures that can provide answers in these problems. Moreover, in order to achieve a more concrete knowledge, our study will be focused on the response of the retinal layers for optical information processing and how this information can be processed in the first cortex layers. The model to be reported is just a first trial and some major additions are needed to complete the whole vision process.
Sustaining irrigated agriculture to meet food production needs while maintaining aquatic ecosystems is at the heart of many policy debates in various parts of the world, especially in arid and semi-arid areas. Researchers and practitioners are increasingly calling for integrated approaches, and policy-makers are progressively supporting the inclusion of ecological and social aspects in water management programs. This paper contributes to this policy debate by providing an integrated economic-hydrologic modeling framework that captures the socio-economic and environmental effects of various policy initiatives and climate variability. This modeling integration includes a risk-based economic optimization model and a hydrologic water management simulation model that have been specified for the Middle Guadiana basin, a vulnerable drought-prone agro-ecological area with highly regulated river systems in southwest Spain. Namely, two key water policy interventions were investigated: the implementation of minimum environmental flows (supported by the European Water Framework Directive, EU WFD), and a reduction in the legal amount of water delivered for irrigation (planned measure included in the new Guadiana River Basin Management Plan, GRBMP, still under discussion). Results indicate that current patterns of excessive water use for irrigation in the basin may put environmental flow demands at risk, jeopardizing the WFD s goal of restoring the ?good ecological status? of water bodies by 2015. Conflicts between environmental and agricultural water uses will be stressed during prolonged dry episodes, and particularly in summer low-flow periods, when there is an important increase of crop irrigation water requirements. Securing minimum stream flows would entail a substantial reduction in irrigation water use for rice cultivation, which might affect the profitability and economic viability of small rice-growing farms located upstream in the river. The new GRBMP could contribute to balance competing water demands in the basin and to increase economic water productivity, but might not be sufficient to ensure the provision of environmental flows as required by the WFD. A thoroughly revision of the basin s water use concession system for irrigation seems to be needed in order to bring the GRBMP in line with the WFD objectives. Furthermore, the study illustrates that social, economic, institutional, and technological factors, in addition to bio-physical conditions, are important issues to be considered for designing and developing water management strategies. The research initiative presented in this paper demonstrates that hydro-economic models can explicitly integrate all these issues, constituting a valuable tool that could assist policy makers for implementing sustainable irrigation policies.
This study suggests a theoretical framework for improving the teaching/ learning process of English employed in the Aeronautical discourse that brings together cognitive learning strategies, Genre Analysis and the Contemporary theory of Metaphor (Lakoff and Johnson 1980; Lakoff 1993). It maintains that cognitive strategies such as imagery, deduction, inference and grouping can be enhanced by means of metaphor and genre awareness in the context of content based approach to language learning. A list of image metaphors and conceptual metaphors which comes from the terminological database METACITEC is provided. The metaphorical terms from the area of Aeronautics have been taken from specialised dictionaries and have been categorised according to the conceptual metaphors they respond to, by establishing the source domains and the target domains, as well as the semantic networks found. This information makes reference to the internal mappings underlying the discourse of aeronautics reflected in five aviation accident case studies which are related to accident reports from the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and provides an important source for designing language teaching tasks. La Lingüística Cognitiva y el Análisis del Género han contribuido a la mejora de la enseñanza de segundas lenguas y, en particular, al desarrollo de la competencia lingüística de los alumnos de inglés para fines específicos. Este trabajo pretende perfeccionar los procesos de enseñanza y el aprendizaje del lenguaje empleado en el discurso aeronáutico por medio de la práctica de estrategias cognitivas y prestando atención a la Teoría del análisis del género y a la Teoría contemporánea de la metáfora (Lakoff y Johnson 1980; Lakoff 1993). Con el propósito de crear recursos didácticos en los que se apliquen estrategias metafóricas, se ha elaborado un listado de metáforas de imagen y de metáforas conceptuales proveniente de la base de datos terminológica META-CITEC. Estos términos se han clasificado de acuerdo con las metáforas conceptuales y de imagen existentes en esta área de conocimiento. Para la enseñanza de este lenguaje de especialidad, se proponen las correspondencias y las proyecciones entre el dominio origen y el dominio meta que se han hallado en los informes de accidentes aéreos tomados de la Junta federal de la Seguridad en el Transporte (NTSB)
El uso de técnicas para la monitorización del movimiento humano generalmente permite a los investigadores analizar la cinemática y especialmente las capacidades motoras en aquellas actividades de la vida cotidiana que persiguen un objetivo concreto como pueden ser la preparación de bebidas y comida, e incluso en tareas de aseo. Adicionalmente, la evaluación del movimiento y el comportamiento humanos en el campo de la rehabilitación cognitiva es esencial para profundizar en las dificultades que algunas personas encuentran en la ejecución de actividades diarias después de accidentes cerebro-vasculares. Estas dificultades están principalmente asociadas a la realización de pasos secuenciales y al reconocimiento del uso de herramientas y objetos. La interpretación de los datos sobre la actitud de este tipo de pacientes para reconocer y determinar el nivel de éxito en la ejecución de las acciones, y para ampliar el conocimiento en las enfermedades cerebrales, sus consecuencias y severidad, depende totalmente de los dispositivos usados para la captura de esos datos y de la calidad de los mismos. Más aún, existe una necesidad real de mejorar las técnicas actuales de rehabilitación cognitiva contribuyendo al diseño de sistemas automáticos para crear una especie de terapeuta virtual que asegure una vida más independiente de estos pacientes y reduzca la carga de trabajo de los terapeutas. Con este objetivo, el uso de sensores y dispositivos para obtener datos en tiempo real de la ejecución y estado de la tarea de rehabilitación es esencial para también contribuir al diseño y entrenamiento de futuros algoritmos que pudieran reconocer errores automáticamente para informar al paciente acerca de ellos mediante distintos tipos de pistas como pueden ser imágenes, mensajes auditivos o incluso videos. La tecnología y soluciones existentes en este campo no ofrecen una manera totalmente robusta y efectiva para obtener datos en tiempo real, por un lado, porque pueden influir en el movimiento del propio paciente en caso de las plataformas basadas en el uso de marcadores que necesitan sensores pegados en la piel; y por otro lado, debido a la complejidad o alto coste de implantación lo que hace difícil pensar en la idea de instalar un sistema en el hospital o incluso en la casa del paciente. Esta tesis presenta la investigación realizada en el campo de la monitorización del movimiento de pacientes para proporcionar un paso adelante en términos de detección, seguimiento y reconocimiento del comportamiento de manos, gestos y cara mediante una manera no invasiva la cual puede mejorar la técnicas actuales de rehabilitación cognitiva para la adquisición en tiempo real de datos sobre el comportamiento del paciente y la ejecución de la tarea. Para entender la importancia del marco de esta tesis, inicialmente se presenta un resumen de las principales enfermedades cognitivas y se introducen las consecuencias que tienen en la ejecución de tareas de la vida diaria. Más aún, se investiga sobre las metodologías actuales de rehabilitación cognitiva. Teniendo en cuenta que las manos son la principal parte del cuerpo para la ejecución de tareas manuales de la vida cotidiana, también se resumen las tecnologías existentes para la captura de movimiento de manos. Una de las principales contribuciones de esta tesis está relacionada con el diseño y evaluación de una solución no invasiva para detectar y seguir las manos durante la ejecución de tareas manuales de la vida cotidiana que a su vez involucran la manipulación de objetos. Esta solución la cual no necesita marcadores adicionales y está basada en una cámara de profundidad de bajo coste, es robusta, precisa y fácil de instalar. Otra contribución presentada se centra en el reconocimiento de gestos para detectar el agarre de objetos basado en un sensor infrarrojo de última generación, y también complementado con una cámara de profundidad. Esta nueva técnica, y también no invasiva, sincroniza ambos sensores para seguir objetos específicos además de reconocer eventos concretos relacionados con tareas de aseo. Más aún, se realiza una evaluación preliminar del reconocimiento de expresiones faciales para analizar si es adecuado para el reconocimiento del estado de ánimo durante la tarea. Por su parte, todos los componentes y algoritmos desarrollados son integrados en un prototipo simple para ser usado como plataforma de monitorización. Se realiza una evaluación técnica del funcionamiento de cada dispositivo para analizar si es adecuada para adquirir datos en tiempo real durante la ejecución de tareas cotidianas reales. Finalmente, se estudia la interacción con pacientes reales para obtener información del nivel de usabilidad del prototipo. Dicha información es esencial y útil para considerar una rehabilitación cognitiva basada en la idea de instalación del sistema en la propia casa del paciente al igual que en el hospital correspondiente. ABSTRACT The use of human motion monitoring techniques usually let researchers to analyse kinematics, especially in motor strategies for goal-oriented activities of daily living, such as the preparation of drinks and food, and even grooming tasks. Additionally, the evaluation of human movements and behaviour in the field of cognitive rehabilitation is essential to deep into the difficulties some people find in common activities after stroke. This difficulties are mainly associated with sequence actions and the recognition of tools usage. The interpretation of attitude data of this kind of patients in order to recognize and determine the level of success of the execution of actions, and to broaden the knowledge in brain diseases, consequences and severity, depends totally on the devices used for the capture of that data and the quality of it. Moreover, there is a real need of improving the current cognitive rehabilitation techniques by contributing to the design of automatic systems to create a kind of virtual therapist for the improvement of the independent life of these stroke patients and to reduce the workload of the occupational therapists currently in charge of them. For this purpose, the use of sensors and devices to obtain real time data of the execution and state of the rehabilitation task is essential to also contribute to the design and training of future smart algorithms which may recognise errors to automatically provide multimodal feedback through different types of cues such as still images, auditory messages or even videos. The technology and solutions currently adopted in the field don't offer a totally robust and effective way for obtaining real time data, on the one hand, because they may influence the patient's movement in case of marker-based platforms which need sensors attached to the skin; and on the other hand, because of the complexity or high cost of implementation, which make difficult the idea of installing a system at the hospital or even patient's home. This thesis presents the research done in the field of user monitoring to provide a step forward in terms of detection, tracking and recognition of hand movements, gestures and face via a non-invasive way which could improve current techniques for cognitive rehabilitation for real time data acquisition of patient's behaviour and execution of the task. In order to understand the importance of the scope of the thesis, initially, a summary of the main cognitive diseases that require for rehabilitation and an introduction of the consequences on the execution of daily tasks are presented. Moreover, research is done about the actual methodology to provide cognitive rehabilitation. Considering that the main body members involved in the completion of a handmade daily task are the hands, the current technologies for human hands movements capture are also highlighted. One of the main contributions of this thesis is related to the design and evaluation of a non-invasive approach to detect and track user's hands during the execution of handmade activities of daily living which involve the manipulation of objects. This approach does not need the inclusion of any additional markers. In addition, it is only based on a low-cost depth camera, it is robust, accurate and easy to install. Another contribution presented is focused on the hand gesture recognition for detecting object grasping based on a brand new infrared sensor, and also complemented with a depth camera. This new, and also non-invasive, solution which synchronizes both sensors to track specific tools as well as recognize specific events related to grooming is evaluated. Moreover, a preliminary assessment of the recognition of facial expressions is carried out to analyse if it is adequate for recognizing mood during the execution of task. Meanwhile, all the corresponding hardware and software developed are integrated in a simple prototype with the purpose of being used as a platform for monitoring the execution of the rehabilitation task. Technical evaluation of the performance of each device is carried out in order to analyze its suitability to acquire real time data during the execution of real daily tasks. Finally, a kind of healthcare evaluation is also presented to obtain feedback about the usability of the system proposed paying special attention to the interaction with real users and stroke patients. This feedback is quite useful to consider the idea of a home-based cognitive rehabilitation as well as a possible hospital installation of the prototype.
Las redes de sensores inalámbricas son uno de los sectores con más crecimiento dentro de las redes inalámbricas. La rápida adopción de estas redes como solución para muchas nuevas aplicaciones ha llevado a un creciente tráfico en el espectro radioeléctrico. Debido a que las redes inalámbricas de sensores operan en las bandas libres Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) se ha producido una saturación del espectro que en pocos años no permitirá un buen funcionamiento. Con el objetivo de solucionar este tipo de problemas ha aparecido el paradigma de Radio Cognitiva (CR). La introducción de las capacidades cognitivas en las redes inalámbricas de sensores permite utilizar estas redes para aplicaciones con unos requisitos más estrictos respecto a fiabilidad, cobertura o calidad de servicio. Estas redes que aúnan todas estas características son llamadas redes de sensores inalámbricas cognitivas (CWSNs). La mejora en prestaciones de las CWSNs permite su utilización en aplicaciones críticas donde antes no podían ser utilizadas como monitorización de estructuras, de servicios médicos, en entornos militares o de vigilancia. Sin embargo, estas aplicaciones también requieren de otras características que la radio cognitiva no nos ofrece directamente como, por ejemplo, la seguridad. La seguridad en CWSNs es un aspecto poco desarrollado al ser una característica no esencial para su funcionamiento, como pueden serlo el sensado del espectro o la colaboración. Sin embargo, su estudio y mejora es esencial de cara al crecimiento de las CWSNs. Por tanto, esta tesis tiene como objetivo implementar contramedidas usando las nuevas capacidades cognitivas, especialmente en la capa física, teniendo en cuenta las limitaciones con las que cuentan las WSNs. En el ciclo de trabajo de esta tesis se han desarrollado dos estrategias de seguridad contra ataques de especial importancia en redes cognitivas: el ataque de simulación de usuario primario (PUE) y el ataque contra la privacidad eavesdropping. Para mitigar el ataque PUE se ha desarrollado una contramedida basada en la detección de anomalías. Se han implementado dos algoritmos diferentes para detectar este ataque: el algoritmo de Cumulative Sum y el algoritmo de Data Clustering. Una vez comprobado su validez se han comparado entre sí y se han investigado los efectos que pueden afectar al funcionamiento de los mismos. Para combatir el ataque de eavesdropping se ha desarrollado una contramedida basada en la inyección de ruido artificial de manera que el atacante no distinga las señales con información del ruido sin verse afectada la comunicación que nos interesa. También se ha estudiado el impacto que tiene esta contramedida en los recursos de la red. Como resultado paralelo se ha desarrollado un marco de pruebas para CWSNs que consta de un simulador y de una red de nodos cognitivos reales. Estas herramientas han sido esenciales para la implementación y extracción de resultados de la tesis. ABSTRACT Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are one of the fastest growing sectors in wireless networks. The fast introduction of these networks as a solution in many new applications has increased the traffic in the radio spectrum. Due to the operation of WSNs in the free industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) bands, saturation has ocurred in these frequencies that will make the same operation methods impossible in the future. Cognitive radio (CR) has appeared as a solution for this problem. The networks that join all the mentioned features together are called cognitive wireless sensor networks (CWSNs). The adoption of cognitive features in WSNs allows the use of these networks in applications with higher reliability, coverage, or quality of service requirements. The improvement of the performance of CWSNs allows their use in critical applications where they could not be used before such as structural monitoring, medical care, military scenarios, or security monitoring systems. Nevertheless, these applications also need other features that cognitive radio does not add directly, such as security. The security in CWSNs has not yet been explored fully because it is not necessary field for the main performance of these networks. Instead, other fields like spectrum sensing or collaboration have been explored deeply. However, the study of security in CWSNs is essential for their growth. Therefore, the main objective of this thesis is to study the impact of some cognitive radio attacks in CWSNs and to implement countermeasures using new cognitive capabilities, especially in the physical layer and considering the limitations of WSNs. Inside the work cycle of this thesis, security strategies against two important kinds of attacks in cognitive networks have been developed. These attacks are the primary user emulator (PUE) attack and the eavesdropping attack. A countermeasure against the PUE attack based on anomaly detection has been developed. Two different algorithms have been implemented: the cumulative sum algorithm and the data clustering algorithm. After the verification of these solutions, they have been compared and the side effects that can disturb their performance have been analyzed. The developed approach against the eavesdropping attack is based on the generation of artificial noise to conceal information messages. The impact of this countermeasure on network resources has also been studied. As a parallel result, a new framework for CWSNs has been developed. This includes a simulator and a real network with cognitive nodes. This framework has been crucial for the implementation and extraction of the results presented in this thesis.