29 resultados para Ramponi, Jorge Enrique

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) is the credit system for higher education used in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), which involves all the countries engaged in the Bologna Process. This paper describes a study which is part of the project of the Bologna Experts Team-Spain and was carried out with the following aims: 1) designing some procedures for the assessment of transferable competences; and 2) testing some basic psychometric features that an assessment device with some consequences for the subjects being evaluated needs to prove. We will focus on the degrees of Computing. The sample of students (20) includes first year students from the Technical University of Madrid. In this paper, we will report some results of data analyses carried out to this moment on reliability and validity of the task designed to measure problem solving.


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En 2005, un grupo de profesores de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) constituyó el Grupo de Innovación Educativa DMAE-DIA que fue reconocido como tal por la UPM en 2006 y en 2009. A posteriori, se han incorporado al grupo profesores de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Las líneas de actuación prioritarias del grupo son la evaluación de competencias genéricas y las metodologías de aprendizaje activo. Desde entonces estamos realizando evaluaciones sobre la adquisición por parte de estudiantes de ingeniería de algunas competencias genéricas. En este trabajo mostraremos las dos estrategias que estamos utilizando para evaluar la adquisición de competencias transversales: test psicométricos y pruebas (genéricas y específicas) con contenidos.


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Neutron spectra unfolding and dose equivalent calculation are complicated tasks in radiation protection, are highly dependent of the neutron energy, and a precise knowledge on neutron spectrometry is essential for all dosimetry-related studies as well as many nuclear physics experiments. In previous works have been reported neutron spectrometry and dosimetry results, by using the ANN technology as alternative solution, starting from the count rates of a Bonner spheres system with a LiI(Eu) thermal neutrons detector, 7 polyethylene spheres and the UTA4 response matrix with 31 energy bins. In this work, an ANN was designed and optimized by using the RDANN methodology for the Bonner spheres system used at CIEMAT Spain, which is composed of a He neutron detector, 12 moderator spheres and a response matrix for 72 energy bins. For the ANN design process a neutrons spectra catalogue compiled by the IAEA was used. From this compilation, the neutrons spectra were converted from lethargy to energy spectra. Then, the resulting energy ?uence spectra were re-binned by using the MCNP code to the corresponding energy bins of the He response matrix before mentioned. With the response matrix and the re-binned spectra the counts rate of the Bonner spheres system were calculated and the resulting re-binned neutrons spectra and calculated counts rate were used as the ANN training data set.


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With the Bonner spheres spectrometer neutron spectrum is obtained through an unfolding procedure. Monte Carlo methods, Regularization, Parametrization, Least-squares, and Maximum Entropy are some of the techniques utilized for unfolding. In the last decade methods based on Artificial Intelligence Technology have been used. Approaches based on Genetic Algorithms and Artificial Neural Networks have been developed in order to overcome the drawbacks of previous techniques. Nevertheless the advantages of Artificial Neural Networks still it has some drawbacks mainly in the design process of the network, vg the optimum selection of the architectural and learning ANN parameters. In recent years the use of hybrid technologies, combining Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms, has been utilized to. In this work, several ANN topologies were trained and tested using Artificial Neural Networks and Genetically Evolved Artificial Neural Networks in the aim to unfold neutron spectra using the count rates of a Bonner sphere spectrometer. Here, a comparative study of both procedures has been carried out.


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Se ha estudiado la anisotropía de una fuente de Am-Be de 111 GBq (3Ci) mediante el uso de un pequeño motor que permite girar paso a paso la fuente situada en su posición de irradiación habitual. Las medidas se han realizado con un contador proporcional de 3He alojado en el interior de una esfera moderadora de 8” correspondiente a un sistema de espectrometría de esferas Bonner. Se reportan los resultados obtenidos y el factor de anisotropía determinado para esta fuente.


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La evaluación de las competencias básicas tal y como se define en el RD 1393/2007, de 29 de octubre (BOE núm. 260, de 30 octubre 2007), por el que se establece la ordenación de las enseñanzas universitarias oficiales es una tarea que tendrán que abordar todas las universidades de cara a la posterior evaluación por la ANECA para mantener la acreditación de sus títulos de grado. En este trabajo se ilustra el protocolo que se ha diseñado y ejecutado para evaluar dichas competencias en los tres títulos de grado de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid relacionados con la informática: Grado en Ingeniería de Computadores, Grado en Ingeniería del Software y Grado en Ingeniería Informática.


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The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects obtained after applying two active learning methodologies (cooperative learning and project based learning) to the achievement of the competence problem solving. This study was carried out at the Technical University of Madrid, where these methodologies were applied to two Operating Systems courses. The first hypothesis tested was whether the implementation of active learning methodologies favours the achievement of ?problem solving?. The second hypothesis was focused on testing if students with higher rates in problem solving competence obtain better results in their academic performance. The results indicated that active learning methodologies do not produce any significant change in the generic competence ?problem solving? during the period analysed. Concerning this, we consider that students should work with these methodologies for a longer period, besides having a specific training. Nevertheless, a close correlation between problem solving self appraisal and academic performance has been detected.


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El continuo desarrollo que está teniendo el mundo de las telecomunicaciones móviles hace que la red móvil esté sufriendo progresivos cambios para adaptarse a las nuevas tecnologías móviles que ofrecen un mejor servicio. El cambio en la red móvil no solo se produce por el desarrollo de las nuevas generaciones móviles. La red móvil se adapta también a la demanda de usuarios la cual no deja de incrementar a lo largo de los últimos años. Por tanto, los operadores tienen que ampliar su red instalando nodos que tengan las nuevas tecnologías y también las anteriores. Aparte de crear nuevos nodos también tienen que modificar sus nodos antiguos y convertirlos en nodos que soporten mayor número de usuarios. Hoy en día, en España, se están instalando nuevos nodos con 2G, 3G y 4G y además se están realizando ampliaciones de portadora para 3G. Este proyecto se divide en cuatro partes, la primera de ella se centra en explicar el proceso a seguir para la instalación de un nuevo nodo urbano. Este proceso es muy parecido para instalar un nodo con una tecnología u otra, en el caso del proyecto se explicarán los pasos a seguir para la instalación de un nodo con 2G y 3G. Posteriormente se explicará cómo se realizan las medidas para corroborar el correcto funcionamiento de un nodo rural y se compararán a las medidas de zona urbana mediante capturas de un nodo específico. En la penúltima parte del proyecto se estudia la cobertura en interiores y las diversas soluciones que se toman normalmente para mejorar dicha cobertura en edificios, almacenes y centros comerciales. Por último aparecen las conclusiones del proyecto y los trabajos futuros en donde se realiza una visión de posibles estudios relacionados con este proyecto y una visión de cómo puede quedar formada la red en unos años. ABSTRACT. Due to the continuous development of mobile telecommunications the mobile networks have undergone rapid changes to adapt to new mobile technologies that offer a better service. The mobile network change hasn´t only occurred because of the development of new generations of mobile radio-communications. The mobile network adapts itself to user demand, which has been growing over the last few years faster than expected. Therefore, mobile operators have to enlarge its network by installing nodes that share the old and new technologies. Apart from creating new nodes, the operators have to modify the old ones and turn them into nodes that support an increasing number of users. Nowadays, in Spain new nodes with 2G 3G and 4G are being installed, and carrier extensions for 3G are being made as well. This project is divided into four parts. The first chapter focuses on explaining the process that should be followed to install a new urban node. This process is similar to install a node with any of the technologies available. In the case of this project, the steps to follow in setting up a wireless node with 2G and 3G will be detailed. Afterwards, in the second chapter the document continues explaining the measurements that should be carried out to ensure proper performance of a rural node. Then, those measurements will be compared with the ones of an urban node. In the third part of the project it is explained how coverage indoor studies are performed, and the different solutions that are usually proposed to improve coverage in buildings, stores and shopping centers. The last chapter explains the conclusions that have been reached and future works. It is provided a widespread view of possible studies related to this project and how the mobile will improve in the following years.


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UML is widely accepted as the standard for representing the various software artifacts generated by a development process. For this reason, there have been attempts to use this language to represent the software architecture of systems as well. Unfortunately, these attempts have ended in the same representations (boxes and lines) already criticized by the software architecture community.In this work we propose an extension to the UML metamodel that is able to represent the syntactics and semantics of the C3 architectural style. This style is derived from C2. The modifications to define C3 are described in section 4. This proposal is innovative regarding UML extensions for software architectures, since previous proposals where based on light extensions to the UML meta-model, while we propose a heavyweight extension of the metamodel. On the other hand, this proposal is less ambitious than previous proposals, since we do not want to represent in UML any architectural style, but only one: C3.


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The Bologna Declaration and the implementation of the European Higher Education Area are promoting the use of active learning methodologies. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects obtained after applying active learning methodologies to the achievement of generic competences as well as to the academic performance. This study has been carried out at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, where these methodologies have been applied to the Operating Systems I subject of the degree in Technical Engineering in Computer Systems. The fundamental hypothesis tested was whether the implementation of active learning methodologies (cooperative learning and problem based learning) favours the achievement of certain generic competences (‘teamwork’ and ‘planning and time management’) and also whether this fact improved the academic performance of our students. The original approach of this work consists in using psychometric tests to measure the degree of acquired student’s generic competences instead of using opinion surveys, as usual. Results indicated that active learning methodologies improve the academic performance when compared to the traditional lecture/discussion method, according to the success rate obtained. These methods seem to have as well an effect on the teamwork competence (the perception of the behaviour of the other members in the group) but not on the perception of each students’ behaviour. Active learning does not produce any significant change in the generic competence ‘planning and time management'.


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Los nuevos títulos de grado en la Universidad española generados a raíz del proceso de Bolonia,inciden en una nueva dimensión: las competencias genéricas que deben adquirir los estudiantes universitarios. Pero ¿cómo armonizar el desarrollo y evaluación de dichas competencias con la actual actividad docente? En este trabajo se expone un modelo que permite la citada armonización con un mínimo de “ruido” y de esfuerzo complementario por parte de los docentes. En el modelo propuesto primero se hace una selección y una ordenación de las competencias que se quieren incorporar en un plan de estudios. Se hace una proyección de las competencias en los cuatrimestres y asignaturas del plan de estudios. La introducción de las competencias en las asignaturas asignadas se hace a través del diseño de actividades de formación, desarrollo y evaluación de la competencia. La segunda componente del modelo propuesto tiene por objeto coordinar las acciones que implementen la transversalidad de las competencias bajo desarrollo tanto en espacio como en tiempo. Por último, existen un conjunto de actividades destinadas a realizar el control de calidad del proceso propuesto. Este modelo se está implementado en las dos titulaciones de grado impartidas por la Escuela Universitaria de Informática de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid durante el curso 2012/13. La coordinación se ha mostrado especialmente difícil dado la falta de experie ncia y el desconocimiento en este campo y las reticencias de algunos docentes a implicarse en este proceso. El modelo demuestra varias bondades: flexibilidad, aplicabilidad, extensibilidad, universalidad,globalidad y economía. ABSTRACT: The new degrees in Spanish University, generated as a result of the Bologna process, affect a new dimension: the generic competences to be acquired by university students. But, how can we harmonize the development and evaluation of these competencies with current teaching? This paper presents a model that allows the aforementioned harmonization with minimal "noise" and additional effort on the part of teachers. The proposed model first makes a selection and organization of competences that are to be incorporated into a curriculum. The following is a projection of competences in the semesters and curriculum subjects. The introduction of competences in the subjects assigned is carried out by designing activities of training, development and assessment. The second component of the proposed model is focused on coordinating actions to implement the transverse character of competences in both space and time. Finally, there are a set of activities to perform quality control of the proposed process. This model is being implemented in two degree taught by the School of Computer Science at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid during the year 2012/13. Coordination has been particularly difficult given the lack of experience and lack of knowledge in this field and the reluctance of teachers to engage in this process.


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The new degrees in Spanish universities generated as a result of the Bologna process, stress a new dimension: the generic competencies to be acquired by university students (leadership, problem solving, respect for the environment, etc.). At Universidad Polite¿cnica de Madrid a teaching model was defined for two degrees: Graduate in Computer Engineering and Graduate in Software Engineering. Such model incorporates the training, development and assessment of generic competencies planned in these curricula. The aim of this paper is to describe how this model was implemented in both degrees. The model has three components. The first refers to a set of seven activities for introducing mechanisms for training, development and assessment of generic competencies. The second component aims to coordinate actions that implement the competencies across courses (in space and time). The third component consists of a series of activities to perform quality control. The implementation of generic competencies was carried out in first year courses (first and second semesters), together with the planning for second year courses (third and fourth semesters). We managed to involve a high percentage of first-year courses (80%) and the contacts that have been initiated suggest a high percentage in the second year as well.


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Estudio tecno-económico acerca de la provisión de banda ancha móvil de 30 Mbps al tercio final de la población Española. Competencia entre plataformas e infraestructuras.


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La política de gestión del espectro radioeléctrico en Europa se encuentra en un proceso de adecuación a los cambios tecnológicos actuales. La liberalización de las bandas GSM, habitualmente denominada Refarming, junto con la aparición de nuevas bandas de frecuencias designadas a la banda ancha móvil juega un papel central en dicho proceso. El propósito de este artículo es presentar, mediante un análisis descriptivo, las políticas públicas que los países Europeos han considerado, o están considerando, para liberalizar las bandas de 900 y 1.800 MHz, en pro de la mayor eficiencia social, económica y técnica de uso del espectro radioeléctrico.


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Actualmente se están utilizando supercomputadores para resolver problemas intensivos en cálculo tales como las previsiones meteorológicas, el aprendizaje de redes neuronales artificiales o incluso aplicaciones lúdicas como el ajedrez. El uso de esta tecnología queda limitado a las grandes corporaciones con medios financieros suficientes como para abordar la adquisición de tales ordenadores. La distribución del cálculo entre varios ordenadores es una solución más barata para aquellos casos en los que la aplicación es susceptible de ser distribuida. De hecho, es la única solución para muchas empresas que no pueden adquirir supercomputadores y que sin embargo soportan aplicaciones que precisan de mucha potencia de cálculo (por ejemplo, el análisis de imágenes). En este artículo mostraremos cómo utilizando un middelware, CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture), y una implementación concreta de este, DST (Distributed Smalltalk), es posible distribuir una aplicación entre varios ordenadores de una manera elegante y escalable y cómo el trabajo cooperativo de varios ordenadores disminuye significativamente el tiempo total de cómputo. Creemos que esta forma de distribución puede solucionar muchos de los problemas de tiempos de ejecución con los que se enfrentan actualmente las empresas de desarrollo software