20 resultados para Possible piezoelectric effect

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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In this study, the mechanical properties of YBa2Cu3O7−x, obtained by the Bridgman technique, were examined using a Berkovich tip indenter on the basal plane (0 0 1). Intrinsic hardness was measured by nanoindentation tests and corrected using the Nix and Gao model for this material. Furthermore, Vickers hardness tests were performed, in order to determine the possible size effect on these measurements. The results showed an underestimation of the hardness value when the tests were performed with large loads. Moreover, the elastic modulus of the Bridgman samples was 128 ± 5 GPa. Different residual imprints were visualised by atomic force microscopy and a focused ion beam, in order to observe superficial and internal fracturing. Mechanical properties presented a considerable reduction at the interface. This effect could be attributed to internal stress generated during the texturing process. In order to corroborate this hypothesis, an observation using transmission electron microscopy was performed.


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The development of reliable clonal propagation technologies is a requisite for performing Multi-Varietal Forestry (MVF). Somatic embryogenesis is considered the tissue culture based method more suitable for operational breeding of forest trees. Vegetative propagation is very difficult when tissues are taken from mature donors, making clonal propagation of selected trees almost impossible. We have been able to induce somatic embryogenesis in leaves taken from mature oak trees, including cork oak (Quercus suber). This important species of the Mediterranean ecosystem produces cork regularly, conferring to this species a significant economic value. In a previous paper we reported the establishment of a field trial to compare the growth of plants of somatic origin vs zygotic origin, and somatic plants from mature trees vs somatic plants from juvenile seedlings. For that purpose somatic seedlings were regenerated from five selected cork oak trees and from young plants of their half-sib progenies by somatic embryogenesis. They were planted in the field together with acorn-derived plants of the same families. After the first growth period, seedlings of zygotic origin doubled the height of somatic seedlings, showing somatic plants of adult and juvenile origin similar growth. Here we provide data on height and diameter increases after two additional growth periods. In the second one, growth parameters of zygotic seedlings were also significantly higher than those of somatic ones, but there were not significant differences in height increase between seedlings and somatic plants of mature origin. In the third growth period, height and diameter increases of somatic seedlings cloned from the selected trees did not differ from those of zygotic seedlings, which were still higher than data from plants obtained from somatic embryos from the sexual progeny. Therefore, somatic seedlings from mature origin seem not to be influenced by a possible ageing effect, and plants from somatic embryos tend to minimize the initial advantage of plants from acorns


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GaN y AlN son materiales semiconductores piezoeléctricos del grupo III-V. La heterounión AlGaN/GaN presenta una elevada carga de polarización tanto piezoeléctrica como espontánea en la intercara, lo que genera en su cercanía un 2DEG de grandes concentración y movilidad. Este 2DEG produce una muy alta potencia de salida, que a su vez genera una elevada temperatura de red. Las tensiones de puerta y drenador provocan un stress piezoeléctrico inverso, que puede afectar a la carga de polarización piezoeléctrica y así influir la densidad 2DEG y las características de salida. Por tanto, la física del dispositivo es relevante para todos sus aspectos eléctricos, térmicos y mecánicos. En esta tesis se utiliza el software comercial COMSOL, basado en el método de elementos finitos (FEM), para simular el comportamiento integral electro-térmico, electro-mecánico y electro-térmico-mecánico de los HEMTs de GaN. Las partes de acoplamiento incluyen el modelo de deriva y difusión para el transporte electrónico, la conducción térmica y el efecto piezoeléctrico. Mediante simulaciones y algunas caracterizaciones experimentales de los dispositivos, hemos analizado los efectos térmicos, de deformación y de trampas. Se ha estudiado el impacto de la geometría del dispositivo en su auto-calentamiento mediante simulaciones electro-térmicas y algunas caracterizaciones eléctricas. Entre los resultados más sobresalientes, encontramos que para la misma potencia de salida la distancia entre los contactos de puerta y drenador influye en generación de calor en el canal, y así en su temperatura. El diamante posee une elevada conductividad térmica. Integrando el diamante en el dispositivo se puede dispersar el calor producido y así reducir el auto-calentamiento, al respecto de lo cual se han realizado diversas simulaciones electro-térmicas. Si la integración del diamante es en la parte superior del transistor, los factores determinantes para la capacidad disipadora son el espesor de la capa de diamante, su conductividad térmica y su distancia a la fuente de calor. Este procedimiento de disipación superior también puede reducir el impacto de la barrera térmica de intercara entre la capa adaptadora (buffer) y el substrato. La muy reducida conductividad eléctrica del diamante permite que pueda contactar directamente el metal de puerta (muy cercano a la fuente de calor), lo que resulta muy conveniente para reducir el auto-calentamiento del dispositivo con polarización pulsada. Por otra parte se simuló el dispositivo con diamante depositado en surcos atacados sobre el sustrato como caminos de disipación de calor (disipador posterior). Aquí aparece una competencia de factores que influyen en la capacidad de disipación, a saber, el surco atacado contribuye a aumentar la temperatura del dispositivo debido al pequeño tamaño del disipador, mientras que el diamante disminuiría esa temperatura gracias a su elevada conductividad térmica. Por tanto, se precisan capas de diamante relativamente gruesas para reducer ele efecto de auto-calentamiento. Se comparó la simulación de la deformación local en el borde de la puerta del lado cercano al drenador con estructuras de puerta estándar y con field plate, que podrían ser muy relevantes respecto a fallos mecánicos del dispositivo. Otras simulaciones se enfocaron al efecto de la deformación intrínseca de la capa de diamante en el comportamiento eléctrico del dispositivo. Se han comparado los resultados de las simulaciones de la deformación y las características eléctricas de salida con datos experimentales obtenidos por espectroscopía micro-Raman y medidas eléctricas, respectivamente. Los resultados muestran el stress intrínseco en la capa producido por la distribución no uniforme del 2DEG en el canal y la región de acceso. Además de aumentar la potencia de salida del dispositivo, la deformación intrínseca en la capa de diamante podría mejorar la fiabilidad del dispositivo modulando la deformación local en el borde de la puerta del lado del drenador. Finalmente, también se han simulado en este trabajo los efectos de trampas localizados en la superficie, el buffer y la barrera. Las medidas pulsadas muestran que tanto las puertas largas como las grandes separaciones entre los contactos de puerta y drenador aumentan el cociente entre la corriente pulsada frente a la corriente continua (lag ratio), es decir, disminuir el colapse de corriente (current collapse). Este efecto ha sido explicado mediante las simulaciones de los efectos de trampa de superficie. Por su parte, las referidas a trampas en el buffer se enfocaron en los efectos de atrapamiento dinámico, y su impacto en el auto-calentamiento del dispositivo. Se presenta también un modelo que describe el atrapamiento y liberación de trampas en la barrera: mientras que el atrapamiento se debe a un túnel directo del electrón desde el metal de puerta, el desatrapamiento consiste en la emisión del electrón en la banda de conducción mediante túnel asistido por fonones. El modelo también simula la corriente de puerta, debida a la emisión electrónica dependiente de la temperatura y el campo eléctrico. Además, también se ilustra la corriente de drenador dependiente de la temperatura y el campo eléctrico. ABSTRACT GaN and AlN are group III-V piezoelectric semiconductor materials. The AlGaN/GaN heterojunction presents large piezoelectric and spontaneous polarization charge at the interface, leading to high 2DEG density close to the interface. A high power output would be obtained due to the high 2DEG density and mobility, which leads to elevated lattice temperature. The gate and drain biases induce converse piezoelectric stress that can influence the piezoelectric polarization charge and further influence the 2DEG density and output characteristics. Therefore, the device physics is relevant to all the electrical, thermal, and mechanical aspects. In this dissertation, by using the commercial finite-element-method (FEM) software COMSOL, we achieved the GaN HEMTs simulation with electro-thermal, electro-mechanical, and electro-thermo-mechanical full coupling. The coupling parts include the drift-diffusion model for the electron transport, the thermal conduction, and the piezoelectric effect. By simulations and some experimental characterizations, we have studied the device thermal, stress, and traps effects described in the following. The device geometry impact on the self-heating was studied by electro-thermal simulations and electrical characterizations. Among the obtained interesting results, we found that, for same power output, the distance between the gate and drain contact can influence distribution of the heat generation in the channel and thus influence the channel temperature. Diamond possesses high thermal conductivity. Integrated diamond with the device can spread the generated heat and thus potentially reduce the device self-heating effect. Electro-thermal simulations on this topic were performed. For the diamond integration on top of the device (top-side heat spreading), the determinant factors for the heat spreading ability are the diamond thickness, its thermal conductivity, and its distance to the heat source. The top-side heat spreading can also reduce the impact of thermal boundary resistance between the buffer and the substrate on the device thermal behavior. The very low electrical conductivity of diamond allows that it can directly contact the gate metal (which is very close to the heat source), being quite convenient to reduce the self-heating for the device under pulsed bias. Also, the diamond coated in vias etched in the substrate as heat spreading path (back-side heat spreading) was simulated. A competing mechanism influences the heat spreading ability, i.e., the etched vias would increase the device temperature due to the reduced heat sink while the coated diamond would decrease the device temperature due to its higher thermal conductivity. Therefore, relative thick coated diamond is needed in order to reduce the self-heating effect. The simulated local stress at the gate edge of the drain side for the device with standard and field plate gate structure were compared, which would be relevant to the device mechanical failure. Other stress simulations focused on the intrinsic stress in the diamond capping layer impact on the device electrical behaviors. The simulated stress and electrical output characteristics were compared to experimental data obtained by micro-Raman spectroscopy and electrical characterization, respectively. Results showed that the intrinsic stress in the capping layer caused the non-uniform distribution of 2DEG in the channel and the access region. Besides the enhancement of the device power output, intrinsic stress in the capping layer can potentially improve the device reliability by modulating the local stress at the gate edge of the drain side. Finally, the surface, buffer, and barrier traps effects were simulated in this work. Pulsed measurements showed that long gates and distances between gate and drain contact can increase the gate lag ratio (decrease the current collapse). This was explained by simulations on the surface traps effect. The simulations on buffer traps effects focused on illustrating the dynamic trapping/detrapping in the buffer and the self-heating impact on the device transient drain current. A model was presented to describe the trapping and detrapping in the barrier. The trapping was the electron direct tunneling from the gate metal while the detrapping was the electron emission into the conduction band described by phonon-assisted tunneling. The reverse gate current was simulated based on this model, whose mechanism can be attributed to the temperature and electric field dependent electron emission in the barrier. Furthermore, the mechanism of the device bias via the self-heating and electric field impact on the electron emission and the transient drain current were also illustrated.


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The effect of the addition of a commercial enriched glutathione inactive dry yeast oenological preparation in the volatile and sensory properties of industrially manufactured rosé Grenache wines was evaluated during their shelf-life. In addition, triangle tests were performed at different times during wine aging (among 1 and 9 months) to determine the sensory differences between wines with and without glutathione inactive dry yeast preparations. Descriptive sensory analysis with a trained panel was carried out when sensory differences in the triangle test were noticed. In addition, consumer tests were performed in order to investigate consumers’ acceptability of wines. Results revealed significant sensory differences between control and glutathione inactive dry yeast wines after 9 months of aging. At that time, glutathione inactive dry yeast wines were more intense in fruity aromas (strawberry, banana) and less intense in yeast notes than control wine. The impact of the glutathione inactive dry yeast in the aroma might be the consequence of different effects that these preparations could induce in wine composition: modification of yeast byproducts during fermentation, release of volatile compounds from inactive dry yeast, interaction of wine volatile compounds with yeast macromolecules from inactive dry yeast and a possible antioxidant effect of the glutathione released by the inactive dry yeast preparation on some specific volatile compounds.


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The electromechanical response of piezoelectrically-actuated AlN micromachined bridge resonators has been characterized using laser interferometry and electrical admittance measurements. We compare the response of microbridges with different dimensions and buckling (induced by the initial residual stress of the layers). The resonance frequencies are in good agreement with numerical simulations of the electromechanical behavior of the structures. We show that it is possible to perform a rough tuning of the resonance frequencies by allowing a determined amount of builtin stress in the microbridge during its fabrication. Once the resonator is made, a DC bias added to the AC excitation signal allows to fine-tune the frequency. Our microbridges yield a tuning factor of around 88 Hz/V for a 500 ?m-long microbridge.


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This paper reports the effects produced on the organisms of the soil (plants, invertebrates and microorganisms), after the application of two types of poultry manure (sawdust and straw bed) on an agricultural land. The test was made using a terrestrial microcosm, Multi-Species Soil System (MS3) developed in INIA. There was no difference in the germination for any of the three species of plants considered in the study. The biomass was increased in the wheat (Triticum aestivum) coming from ground treated with both kinds of poultry manure. Oilseed rape (Brasica rapa) was not affected and regarding vetch (Vicia sativa) only straw poultry manure showed significant difference. For length only Vicia sativa was affected showing a reduction when straw was exposed to poultry manure. When the effect on invertebrates was studied, we observed a reduction in the number of worms during the test, especially from the ground control (13.7%), higher than in the ground with sawdust poultry manure (6.7%), whereas in the ground with straw poultry manure, there was no reduction. The biomass was affected and at the end of the test it was observed that while the reduction of worms in the ground control was about 48%, the number of those that were in the ground with sawdust poultry manure or straw poultry manure decreased by 41% and 22% respectively. Finally, the effects on microorganisms showed that the enzymatic activities: dehydrogenase (DH) and phosphatase and basal respiration rate increased at the beginning of the test, and the differences were statistically significant compared with the values of the control group. During the test, all these parameters decreased (except DH activities) but they were always higher than in the ground control. This is why it is possible to deduce that the contribution of poultry manure caused an improvement in the conditions of fertilization and also for the soil.


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La termografía infrarroja (TI) es una técnica no invasiva y de bajo coste que permite, con el simple acto de tomar una fotografía, el registro sin contacto de la energía que irradia el cuerpo humano (Akimov & Son’kin, 2011, Merla et al., 2005, Ng et al., 2009, Costello et al., 2012, Hildebrandt et al., 2010). Esta técnica comenzó a utilizarse en el ámbito médico en los años 60, pero debido a los malos resultados como herramienta diagnóstica y la falta de protocolos estandarizados (Head & Elliot, 2002), ésta se dejó de utilizar en detrimento de otras técnicas más precisas a nivel diagnóstico. No obstante, las mejoras tecnológicas de la TI en los últimos años han hecho posible un resurgimiento de la misma (Jiang et al., 2005, Vainer et al., 2005, Cheng et al., 2009, Spalding et al., 2011, Skala et al., 2012), abriendo el camino a nuevas aplicaciones no sólo centradas en el uso diagnóstico. Entre las nuevas aplicaciones, destacamos las que se desarrollan en el ámbito de la actividad física y el deporte, donde recientemente se ha demostrado que los nuevos avances con imágenes de alta resolución pueden proporcionar información muy interesante sobre el complejo sistema de termorregulación humana (Hildebrandt et al., 2010). Entre las nuevas aplicaciones destacan: la cuantificación de la asimilación de la carga de trabajo físico (Čoh & Širok, 2007), la valoración de la condición física (Chudecka et al., 2010, 2012, Akimov et al., 2009, 2011, Merla et al., 2010), la prevención y seguimiento de lesiones (Hildebrandt et al., 2010, 2012, Badža et al., 2012, Gómez Carmona, 2012) e incluso la detección de agujetas (Al-Nakhli et al., 2012). Bajo estas circunstancias, se acusa cada vez más la necesidad de ampliar el conocimiento sobre los factores que influyen en la aplicación de la TI en los seres humanos, así como la descripción de la respuesta de la temperatura de la piel (TP) en condiciones normales, y bajo la influencia de los diferentes tipos de ejercicio. Por consiguiente, este estudio presenta en una primera parte una revisión bibliográfica sobre los factores que afectan al uso de la TI en los seres humanos y una propuesta de clasificación de los mismos. Hemos analizado la fiabilidad del software Termotracker, así como su reproducibilidad de la temperatura de la piel en sujetos jóvenes, sanos y con normopeso. Finalmente, se analizó la respuesta térmica de la piel antes de un entrenamiento de resistencia, velocidad y fuerza, inmediatamente después y durante un período de recuperación de 8 horas. En cuanto a la revisión bibliográfica, hemos propuesto una clasificación para organizar los factores en tres grupos principales: los factores ambientales, individuales y técnicos. El análisis y descripción de estas influencias deben representar la base de nuevas investigaciones con el fin de utilizar la TI en las mejores condiciones. En cuanto a la reproducibilidad, los resultados mostraron valores excelentes para imágenes consecutivas, aunque la reproducibilidad de la TP disminuyó ligeramente con imágenes separadas por 24 horas, sobre todo en las zonas con valores más fríos (es decir, zonas distales y articulaciones). Las asimetrías térmicas (que normalmente se utilizan para seguir la evolución de zonas sobrecargadas o lesionadas) también mostraron excelentes resultados pero, en este caso, con mejores valores para las articulaciones y el zonas centrales (es decir, rodillas, tobillos, dorsales y pectorales) que las Zonas de Interés (ZDI) con valores medios más calientes (como los muslos e isquiotibiales). Los resultados de fiabilidad del software Termotracker fueron excelentes en todas las condiciones y parámetros. En el caso del estudio sobre los efectos de los entrenamientos de la velocidad resistencia y fuerza en la TP, los resultados muestran respuestas específicas según el tipo de entrenamiento, zona de interés, el momento de la evaluación y la función de las zonas analizadas. Los resultados mostraron que la mayoría de las ZDI musculares se mantuvieron significativamente más calientes 8 horas después del entrenamiento, lo que indica que el efecto del ejercicio sobre la TP perdura por lo menos 8 horas en la mayoría de zonas analizadas. La TI podría ser útil para cuantificar la asimilación y recuperación física después de una carga física de trabajo. Estos resultados podrían ser muy útiles para entender mejor el complejo sistema de termorregulación humano, y por lo tanto, para utilizar la TI de una manera más objetiva, precisa y profesional con visos a mejorar las nuevas aplicaciones termográficas en el sector de la actividad física y el deporte Infrared Thermography (IRT) is a safe, non-invasive and low-cost technique that allows the rapid and non-contact recording of the irradiated energy released from the body (Akimov & Son’kin, 2011; Merla et al., 2005; Ng et al., 2009; Costello et al., 2012; Hildebrandt et al., 2010). It has been used since the early 1960’s, but due to poor results as diagnostic tool and a lack of methodological standards and quality assurance (Head et al., 2002), it was rejected from the medical field. Nevertheless, the technological improvements of IRT in the last years have made possible a resurgence of this technique (Jiang et al., 2005; Vainer et al., 2005; Cheng et al., 2009; Spalding et al., 2011; Skala et al., 2012), paving the way to new applications not only focused on the diagnose usages. Among the new applications, we highlighted those in physical activity and sport fields, where it has been recently proven that a high resolution thermal images can provide us with interesting information about the complex thermoregulation system of the body (Hildebrandt et al., 2010), information than can be used as: training workload quantification (Čoh & Širok, 2007), fitness and performance conditions (Chudecka et al., 2010, 2012; Akimov et al., 2009, 2011; Merla et al., 2010; Arfaoui et al., 2012), prevention and monitoring of injuries (Hildebrandt et al., 2010, 2012; Badža et al., 2012, Gómez Carmona, 2012) and even detection of Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness – DOMS- (Al-Nakhli et al., 2012). Under this context, there is a relevant necessity to broaden the knowledge about factors influencing the application of IRT on humans, and to better explore and describe the thermal response of Skin Temperature (Tsk) in normal conditions, and under the influence of different types of exercise. Consequently, this study presents a literature review about factors affecting the application of IRT on human beings and a classification proposal about them. We analysed the reliability of the software Termotracker®, and also its reproducibility of Tsk on young, healthy and normal weight subjects. Finally, we examined the Tsk thermal response before an endurance, speed and strength training, immediately after and during an 8-hour recovery period. Concerning the literature review, we proposed a classification to organise the factors into three main groups: environmental, individual and technical factors. Thus, better exploring and describing these influence factors should represent the basis of further investigations in order to use IRT in the best and optimal conditions to improve its accuracy and results. Regarding the reproducibility results, the outcomes showed excellent values for consecutive images, but the reproducibility of Tsk slightly decreased with time, above all in the colder Regions of Interest (ROI) (i.e. distal and joint areas). The side-to-side differences (ΔT) (normally used to follow the evolution of some injured or overloaded ROI) also showed highly accurate results, but in this case with better values for joints and central ROI (i.e. Knee, Ankles, Dorsal and Pectoral) than the hottest muscle ROI (as Thigh or Hamstrings). The reliability results of the IRT software Termotracker® were excellent in all conditions and parameters. In the part of the study about the effects on Tsk of aerobic, speed and strength training, the results of Tsk demonstrated specific responses depending on the type of training, ROI, moment of the assessment and the function of the considered ROI. The results showed that most of muscular ROI maintained warmer significant Tsk 8 hours after the training, indicating that the effect of exercise on Tsk last at least 8 hours in most of ROI, as well as IRT could help to quantify the recovery status of the athlete as workload assimilation indicator. Those results could be very useful to better understand the complex skin thermoregulation behaviour, and therefore, to use IRT in a more objective, accurate and professional way to improve the new IRT applications for the physical activity and sport sector.


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The optoelectronic properties of Cu2ZnSnS4 and environmental considerations have attracted significant interest for photovoltaics. Using first-principles, we analyze the possible improvement of this material as a photovoltaic absorber via the isoelectronic substitution of S with O atoms. The evolution of the acceptor level is analyzed with respect to the atomic position of the nearest neighbors of the O atom. We estimate the maximum efficiency of this compound when used as a light absorber. The presence of the sub-band gap level below the conduction band could increases the solar-energy conversion with respect to the host.


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CaCu3Ti4O12 (CCTO) was prepared by a conventional synthesis (CS) and through reaction sintering, in which synthesis and sintering of the material take place in one single step. The microstructure and the dielectric properties of CCTO have been studied by XRD, FE-SEM, EDS, AFM, and impedance spectroscopy to correlate structure, microstructure, and electrical properties. Samples prepared by reactive sintering show very similar dielectric behavior to those prepared by CS. Therefore, it is possible to prepare CCTO by means of a single-step processing method.


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A theory is presented for a method, recently proposed by Hester and Sonin, of determining the ion temperature in a plasma by measuring the transient current to a cylindrical Langmuir probe after applying a potential Vp{ — eVpy>KTe) under conditions where collection is collision free and the ratio of probe radius to Debye length is small. The ion component of the current does not approach its final steady-state value monotonicalfy, but exhibits a strong, ion-temperature-dependent overshoot in the first few ion-plasma periods following the biasing of the probe. Analytical formulas are derived for the case of a Maxwellian plasma, and convenient graphical results are presented. The possible masking of the overshoot by a transient displacement current is discussed; it is shown how to avoid such displacement effects. For the overshoot to be sensitive to the ion temperature T the probe must be near plasma (zero) potential before applying V1,(eVp~<0.lKTe, VP~ being that initial potential); this is not a drawback of the method, but, on the contrary, it can be used to accurately determine plasma potential along with T.


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El presente trabajo de tesis investiga el efecto del fenómeno conocido como “Cross-talk” generado por el modo lateral de vibración, en la respuesta de un transductor ultrasónico formado por un arreglo de elementos piezoeléctricos tipo PZT (Zircanato Titanato de Plomo), la investigación se lleva a cabo desde el punto de vista de la naturaleza física de este efecto, así como de los parámetros asociados al mismo, así como un análisis del efecto del “Cross-talk” en la respuesta del transductor, formado por arreglos de elementos piezoeléctricos. Diversas investigaciones han abordado el fenómeno del “Cross-talk” y de sus efectos en la respuesta de los transductores, estos se han enfocado principalmente al modo espesor (thickness) de vibración. Sin embargo no ha habido un estudio a fondo para el estudio de este fenómeno en el modo lateral de vibración tema de interés de este trabajo de tesis. Este trabajo incluye simulaciones del fenómeno del “Cross-talk” mediante el método de los elementos finitos (MEF), así como la construcción de un transductor tipo matricial (arrray) de 2x3 elementos, en el que fueron realizadas las mediciones físicas del fenómeno. El trabajo abarca un estudio comparativo entre las simulaciones y las mediciones realizadas en el transductor, considerando que las cerámicas del transductor están montadas sobre diferentes materiales (backing) en donde la propagación de la energía emitida por las cerámicas piezoeléctricas provoca un mayor o menor grado de “Cross-talk” dependiendo de la velocidad en que se propaga dicha energía. Esta investigación también llevó a cabo el estudio del efecto del “Cross-talk” en el patrón de radiación que emite el arreglo de elementos piezoeléctricos, siendo este patrón de radiación un factor importante en la respuesta del transductor, motivo por el cual se realizó un análisis de cómo se ve afectado este patrón bajo la influencia del fenómeno del “Cross-talk”. Como ya se mencionó debido a la falta de un estudio a profundidad del fenómeno del “Cross-talk” en el modo lateral, la contribución del presente trabajo es importante ya que se enfoca al modo lateral de vibración de los elementos piezoeléctricos del arreglo. En particular se desarrollo una ecuación que permite cuantificar el fenómeno del “Cross-talk” y visualizar sus efectos en el arreglo. Derivando de este estudio se concluye que el fenómeno del “Cross-talk” generado por el modo lateral de vibración tiene un efecto significativo en la respuesta de los diferentes transductores matriciales considerados. ABSTRACT This thesis investigates the effect of the phenomenon known as crosstalk from the point of view of its physical nature and the elements that lead to the formation of this phenomenon to an analysis of how it may affect the performance of the ultrasonic transducer. This phenomenon occurs primarily in matrix arrays and this phenomenon is magnified by certain factors causing serious problems in the performance of a transducer. Researchers have addressed the phenomenon of crosstalk and their effects on the response of these transducers. They have mainly focused in the thickness vibration mode, and there has been no comprehensive study of this phenomenon in the lateral vibration mode, issue of interest of this thesis. This work includes simulations of the crosstalk phenomenon using the finite element method (FEM), and the construction of a matrix type transducer (array) of 2x3 elements, in which physical measurements were made. The work includes a comparative study between simulations and measurements in the transducer, whereas the ceramic transducer are mounted on different materials (backing) where the spread of the energy emitted by the piezoelectric ceramic causes a greater or lesser degree of crosstalk depending on the speed at which this energy spreads. This research also carried out the study of the effect of the crosstalk in the radiation pattern emitted by the piezoelectric array. The radiation pattern is an important factor in the response of the transducer that is why we conducted an analysis of how this pattern is affected under the influence of the crosstalk phenomenon. As mentioned before because of the lack of an in-depth study of the crosstalk phenomenon in the lateral vibration mode, the contribution of this work is important because it focuses in this vibration mode of the piezoelectric elements in the array. In particular, an equation was developed to quantify the crosstalk phenomenon and to see its effects in the array. Deriving from this study it is possible to conclude that the crosstalk phenomenon generated by the lateral vibration mode has a significant effect on the response of the different matrix transducers considered in this work.


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In a crosswind scenario, the risk of high-speed trains overturning increases when they run on viaducts since the aerodynamic loads are higher than on the ground. In order to increase safety, vehicles are sheltered by fences that are installed on the viaduct to reduce the loads experienced by the train. Windbreaks can be designed to have different heights, and with or without eaves on the top. In this paper, a parametric study with a total of 12 fence designs was carried out using a two-dimensional model of a train standing on a viaduct. To asses the relative effectiveness of sheltering devices, tests were done in a wind tunnel with a scaled model at a Reynolds number of 1 × 105, and the train’s aerodynamic coefficients were measured. Experimental results were compared with those predicted by Unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (URANS) simulations of flow, showing that a computational model is able to satisfactorily predict the trend of the aerodynamic coefficients. In a second set of tests, the Reynolds number was increased to 12 × 106 (at a free flow air velocity of 30 m/s) in order to simulate strong wind conditions. The aerodynamic coefficients showed a similar trend for both Reynolds numbers; however, their numerical value changed enough to indicate that simulations at the lower Reynolds number do not provide all required information. Furthermore, the variation of coefficients in the simulations allowed an explanation of how fences modified the flow around the vehicle to be proposed. This made it clear why increasing fence height reduced all the coefficients but adding an eave had an effect mainly on the lift force coefficient. Finally, by analysing the time signals it was possible to clarify the influence of the Reynolds number on the peak-to-peak amplitude, the time period and the Strouhal number.


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Laser shock processing (LSP) is increasingly applied as an effective technology for the improvement of metallic materials mechanical properties in different types of components as a means of enhancement of their fatigue life behavior. As reported in previous contributions by the authors, a main effect resulting from the application of the LSP technique consists on the generation of relatively deep compression residual stresses fields into metallic components allowing an improved mechanical behaviour, explicitly the life improvement of the treated specimens against wear, crack growth and stress corrosion cracking. Additional results accomplished by the authors in the line of practical development of the LSP technique at an experimental level (aiming its integral assessment from an interrelated theoretical and experimental point of view) are presented in this paper. Concretely, experimental results on the residual stress profiles and associated mechanical properties modification successfully reached in typical materials under different LSP irradiation conditions are presented. In this case, the specific behavior of a widely used material in high reliability components (especially in nuclear and biomedical applications) as AISI 316L is analyzed, the effect of possible “in-service” thermal conditions on the relaxation of the LSP effects being specifically characterized. I.


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Engineering of devices and systems such as magnets, fault current limiters or cables, based on High Temperature Superconducting wires requires a deep characterization of the possible degradation of their properties by handling at room temperature as well as during the service life thus establishing the limits for building up functional devices and systems. In the present work we report our study regarding the mechanical behavior of spliced joints between commercial HTS coated conductors based on YBCO at room temperature and service temperature, 77 K. Tensile tests under axial stress and the evolution of the critical current and the electric resistance of the joints have been measured. The complete strain contour for the tape and the joint has been obtained by using Digital Image Correlation. Also, tensile tests under external magnetic field have been performed and the effect of the applied field on the critical current and the electric resistance of the joints has been studied. Finally, a preliminary numerical study by means of Finite Element Method (FEM) of the mechanical behavior of the joints between commercial HTS is presented.


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Engineering of devices and systems such as magnets, fault current limiters or cables, based on High Temperature Superconducting wires requires a deep characterization of the possible degradation of their properties by handling at room temperature as well as during the service life thus establishing the limits for building up functional devices and systems. In the present work we report our study regarding the mechanical behavior of spliced joints between commercial HTS coated conductors based on YBCO at room temperature and service temperature, 77 K. Tensile tests under axial stress and the evolution of the critical current and the electric resistance of the joints have been measured. The complete strain contour for the tape and the joints has been obtained by using Digital Image Correlation. Also, tensile tests under external magnetic field have been performed and the effect of the applied field on the critical current and the electric resistance of the joints has been studied. Additionally, fatigue tests under constant cyclic stress and loading-unloading ramps have been carried out in order to evaluate the electromechanical behavior of the joints and the effect of maximum applied stress on the critical current. Finally, a preliminary numerical study by means of the Finite Element Method (FEM) of the electromechanical behavior of the joints between commercial HTS is presented.