13 resultados para Organizational Probes

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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In this paper, the authors present results from a study on the usage rate of 2.0 tools and technologies among Spanish enterprises. The main objective of the study is to analyze, from the perceptions of executives, the influence of social software tools on a set of business processes. This analysis has been made using two graphic tools: the “2.0 Success Matrix” and the “Tool’s Footprint”. Both the review of literature and the empirical work have lead to important findings and conclusions.


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Current to a cylindrical probe of arbitrary cross section is discussed. Previous results for circular cylinders at the high bias and moderate radius R of interest for electrodynamic bare tethers, for which space charge may be ignored over a large neighborhood of the probe, depend in separate ways on both R and perimeter p. These results are extended to a general convex cross section by introducing certain equivalent radius Req. For any concave cross section, results use a proper equivalent perimeter peq , in addition to Req. Finally, for the joint cross section of separate parallel probes, certain effective perimeter peff replaces peq. Rules to determine Req. peq. and peff are used to discuss collection interference among two or more parallel cylinders when brought from far away to contact


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An asymptotic analysis of electron collection at high bias Fp serves to determine the domain of validity of the orbital-motion-limited regime of cylindrical Langmuir probes, which is basic for the workings of conductive bare tethers. The radius of a wire collecting OML current in an unmagnetized plasma at rest cannot exceed a value, Rmax , which is found to exhibit a minimum as a function of Fp ; atFp values of interest, Rmax is already increasing and is larger than the electron Debye length lDe . The breakdown of the regime relates to conditions far fromthe probe, at electron energies comparable to the ion thermal energy, kTi ; Rmax is found to increase with Ti . It is also found that ~1! the maximumwidth of a thin tape, if used instead of a wire, is 4Rmax ; ~2! the electron thermal gyroradius must be larger than both R and lDe for magnetic effects to be negligible; and ~3! conditions applying to the tether case are such that trapped-orbit effects are negligible.


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The current I to a cylindrical probe at rest in an unmagnetized plasma, with probe bias highly positive, is determined. The way I lags behind the orbital-motion-limited OMLcurrent, 1 OML R, as the radius R exceeds the maximum radius for the OML regime to hold, is of interest for space-tether applications. The ratio I/I OML is roughly a decreasing function of R/lD R max /lDe , which is independent of bias, with lDe the electron Debye length and Rmax /l De roughly an increasing function of the temperature ratio, Ti /Te. The dependence of current on ion energy is used to discuss the effect of probe motion through the plasma, a case applying to tethers in low orbit.


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A theory is developed of an electrostatic probe in a fully-ionized plasma in the presence of a strong magnetic field. The ratio of electron Larmor radius to probe transverse dimension is assumed to be small. Poisson's equation, together with kinetic equations for ions and electrons are considered. An asymptotic perturbation method of multiple scales is used by considering the characteristic lengths appearing in the problem. The leading behavior of the solution is found. The results obtained appear to apply to weaker fields also, agreeing with the solutions known in the limit of no magnetic field. The range of potentials for wich results are presented is limited. The basic effects produced by the field are a depletion of the plasma near the probe and a non-monotonic potential surrounding the probe. The ion saturation current is not changed but changes appear in both the floating potential Vf and the slope of the current-voltage diagram at Vf. The transition region extends beyond the space potential Vs,at wich point the current is largely reduced. The diagram does not have an exponential form in this region as commonly assumed. There exists saturation in electron collection. The extent to which the plasma is disturbed is determined. A cylindrical probe has no solution because of a logarithmic singularity at infinity. Extensions of the theory are considered.


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The determination of the plasma potential Vpl of unmagnetized plasmas by using the floating potential of emissive Langmuir probes operated in the strong emission regime is investigated. The experiments evidence that, for most cases, the electron thermionic emission is orders of magnitude larger than the plasma thermal electron current. The temperature-dependent floating potentials of negatively biased Vpmenor queVpl emissive probes are in agreement with the predictions of a simple phenomenological model that considers, in addition to the plasma electrons, an ad-ditional electron group that contributes to the probe current. The latter would be constituted by a fraction of the repelled electron thermionic current, which might return back to the probe with a different energy spectrum. Its origin would be a plasma potential well formed in the plasma sheath around the probe, acting as a virtual cathode or by collisions and electron thermalization pro-cesses. These results suggest that, for probe bias voltages close to the plasma potential Vp?Vpl, two electron populations coexist, i.e., the electrons from the plasma with temperatureTeand a large group of returned thermionic electrons. These results question the theoretical possibility of measuring the electron temperature by using emissive probes biased to potentials Vp about lower equal than ?Vpl.


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Las sondas eléctricas se emplean habitualmente en la diagnosis de plasmas. La presente tesis aborda la operación de las sondas colectoras y emisoras de Langmuir en plasmas fríos de baja densidad. El estudio se ha centrado en la determinación del potencial de plasma, Vsp, mediante el potencial flotante de una sonda emisora. Esta técnica consiste en la medida del potencial de la sonda correspondiente a la condición de corriente neta igual a cero, el cual se denomina potencial flotante, VF. Este potencial se desplaza hacia el potencial del plasma según aumenta la emisión termoiónica de la sonda, hasta que se satura cerca de Vsp. Los experimentos llevados a cabo en la pluma de plasma de un motor iónico y en un plasma de descarga de glow muestran que la corriente de electrones termoiónicos es mayor que la corriente de electrones recogidos para una sonda polarizada por debajo del potencial del plasma, resultado inconsistente con la teoría tradicionalmente aceptada. Para investigar estos resultados se ha introducido el parámetro R, definido como el cociente entre la corriente de electrones emitidos y recogidos por la sonda. Este parámetro, que está relacionado con la diferencia de potencial VF - Vsp, también es útil para la descripción de los modos de operación de la sonda emisora (débil, fuerte y más allá del fuerte). Los resultados experimentales evidencian que, al contrario de lo que indica la teoría, R es mayor que la unidad. Esta discrepancia se puede solucionar introduciendo una población efectiva de electrones. Con dicha población, el nuevo modelo para la corriente total de la sonda reproduce los datos experimentales. El origen de este grupo electrónico es todavía una cuestión abierta, pero podría estar originada por una nueva estructura de potencial cerca de la sonda cuando ésta trabaja en el régimen de emisión fuerte. Para explicar dicha estructura de potencial, se propone un modelo unidimensional compuesto por un mínimo de potencial cerca de la superficie de la sonda. El análisis numérico indica que este pozo de potencial aparece para muy altas temperaturas de la sonda, reduciendo la cantidad de electrones emitidos que alcanzan el plasma y evitando así cualquier posible perturbación de éste. Los aspectos experimentales involucrados en el método del potencial flotante también se han estudiado, incluyendo cuestiones como las diferentes técnicas de obtención del VF, el cociente señal-ruido, el acoplamiento de la señal de los equipos utilizados para la obtención de las curvas I-V o la evidencia experimental de los diferentes modos de operación de la sonda. Estas evidencias empíricas se encuentran en todos los aspectos de operación de la sonda: la recolección de electrones, el potencial flotante, la precisión en las curvas I-V y la emisión electrónica. Ésta última también se estudia en la tesis, debido a que un fenómeno de super emisión tiene lugar en el régimen de emisión fuerte. En este modo de operación, las medidas experimentales indican que las corrientes termoiónicas de electrones son mayores que aquéllas predichas por la ecuación de Richardson-Dushman clásica. Por último, la diagnosis de plasmas usando sondas eléctrica bajo presencia de granos de polvo (plasmas granulares) en plasmas fríos de baja densidad también se ha estudiado, mediante la aplicación numérica de la técnica del potencial flotante de la sonda emisora en un plasma no convencional. Los resultados apuntan a que el potencial flotante de una sonda emisora se vería afectado por altas densidades de polvo o grandes partículas. ABSTRACT Electric probes are widely employed for plasma diagnostics. This dissertation concerns the operation of collecting and emissive Langmuir probes in low density cold plasmas. The study is focused on the determination of the plasma potential, Vsp, by means of the floating potential of emissive probes. This technique consists of the measurement of the probe potential, corresponding to the zero net probe current, which is the so-called floating potential, VF . This potential displaces towards the plasma potential as the thermionic electron emission increases, until it saturates near Vsp. Experiments carried out in the plasma plume of an ion thruster and in a glow discharge plasma show the thermionic electron current of the emissive Langmuir probe is higher than the collected electron current, for a probe with a bias potential below Vsp, which is inconsistent with the traditional accepted theory. To investigate these results, a parameter R is introduced as the ratio between the emitted and the collected electron current. This parameter, which is related to the difference VF - Vsp, is also useful for the description of the operation modes of the emissive Langmuir probe (weak, strong and beyond strong). The experimental results give an inconsistency of R > 1, which is solved by a modification of the theory for emissive probes, with the introduction of an effective electron population. With this new electron group, the new model for the total probe current agrees with the experimental data. The origin of this electron group remains an open question, but it might be originated by a new potential structure near the emissive probe when it operates in the strong emission regime. A simple one-dimension model composed by a minimum of potential near the probe surface is discussed for strongly emitting emissive probes. The results indicate that this complex potential structure appears for very high probe temperatures and the potential well might reduce the emitted electrons population reaching the plasma bulk. The experimental issues involved in the floating potential method are also studied, as the different obtaining techniques of VF, the signal-to-noise ratio, the signal coupling of the I-V curve measurement system or the experimental evidence of the probe operation modes. These empirical proofs concern all the probe operation aspects: the electron collection, the floating potential, the I-V curve accuracy as well as the electron emission. This last issue is also investigated in this dissertation, because a super emission takes place in the strong emission regime. In this operation mode, the experimental results indicate that the thermionic electron currents might be higher than those predicted by the classical Richardson-Dushman equation. Finally, plasma diagnosis using electric probes in the presence of dust grains (dusty plasmas) in low density cold plasmas is also addressed. The application of the floating potential technique of the emissive probe in a non-conventional complex plasma is numerically investigated, whose results point out the floating potential of the emissive probe might be shifted for high dust density or large dust particles.


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Current collection by positively polarized cylindrical Langmuir probes immersed in flowing plasmas is analyzed using a non-stationary direct Vlasov-Poisson code. A detailed description of plasma density spatial structure as a function of the probe-to-plasma relative velocity U is presented. Within the considered parametric domain, the well-known electron density maximum close to the probe is weakly affected by U. However, in the probe wake side, the electron density minimum becomes deeper as U increases and a rarified plasma region appears. Sheath radius is larger at the wake than at the front side. Electron and ion distribution functions show specific features that are the signature of probe motion. In particular, the ion distribution function at the probe front side exhibits a filament with positive radial velocity. It corresponds to a population of rammed ions that were reflected by the electric field close to the positively biased probe. Numerical simulations reveal that two populations of trapped electrons exist: one orbiting around the probe and the other with trajectories confined at the probe front side. The latter helps to neutralize the reflected ions, thus explaining a paradox in past probe theory.


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The building sector has experienced a significant decline in recent years in Spain and Europe as a result of the financial crisis that began in 2007. This drop accompanies a low penetration of information and communication technologies in inter-organizational oriented business processes. The market decrease is causing a slowdown in the building sector, where only flexible small and medium enterprises (SMEs) survive thanks to specialization and innovation in services, which allow them to face new market demands. Inter-organizational information systems (IOISs) support innovation in services, and are thus a strategic tool for SMEs to obtain competitive advantage. Because of the inherent complexity of IOIS adoption, this research extends Kurnia and Johnston's (2000) theoretical model of IOIS adoption with an empirical model of IOIS characterization. The resultant model identifies the factors influencing IOIS adoption in SMEs in the building sector, to promote further service innovation for competitive and collaborative advantages. An empirical longitudinal study over six consecutive years using data from Spanish SMEs in the building sector validates the model, using the partial least squares technique and analyzing temporal stability. The main findings of this research are the four ways an IOIS might contribute to service innovation in the building sector. Namely: a) improving client interfaces and the link between service providers and end users; b) defining a specific market where SMEs can develop new service concepts; c) enhancing the service delivery system in traditional customer?supplier relationships; and d) introducing information and communication technologies and tools to improve information management.


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In the process of value creation, organizations perform an intense intra-organizational dialog through which internal VS alignment is achieved towards certain strategic objectives. Within the context of complex organizational networks, were goal conflicts are preprogrammed through incentive structures, VS alignment as legitimation of action towards strategic goals has special interest. On the one hand it facilitates the access to necessary resources for goal achievement and on the other it increases the sustainability and supports commonly agreed upon decisions leading to success. This paper provides a winnerless process (WLP) differential equations model for quantifying intra-organizational value stream (VS) alignment dynamics that can help design sustainable lean management solutions. This paper presents ongoing research results that show how the model was implemented in one industrial facility.


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This study analyzes the effect of organizational characteristics on the innovation project performance. This research applies fuzzy set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA) to a large sample of Spanish firms appearing in the Community Innovation survey (CIS). The results show that the combination of organizational innovation, firm size and cooperationwith national and, especially, international firms is a sufficient condition for the success of innovation projects within the organization. Evidence also suggests that variables such as the investment on R&D peremployee or the seniority of the company do not affect the success of innovation projects. These findings help complement some results in previous studies on innovation projects performance.


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As sustainability reporting (SR) practices have being increasingly adopted by corporations over the last twenty years, most of the existing literature on SR has stressed the role of external determinants (such as institutional and stakeholder pressures) in explaining this uptake. However, given that recent evidence points to a broader range of motives and uses (both external and internal) of SR, we contend that its role within company-level activities deserves greater academic attention. In order to address this research gap, this paper seeks to provide a more detailed examination of the organizational characteristics acting as drivers and/or barriers of SR integration within corporate sustainability practices at the company-level. More specifically, we suggest that substantive SR implementation can be predicted by assessing the level of fit between the organization and the SR framework being adopted. Building on this hypothesis, our theoretical model defines three forms of fit (technical, cultural and political) and identifies organizational characteristics associated to each of these fits. Finally, implications for academic research, businesses and policy-makers are derived.