34 resultados para Nonlinear vibration dynamics composite

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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The computation of the non-linear vibration dynamics of an aerodynamically unstable bladed-disk is a formidable numerical task, even for the simplified case of aerodynamic forces assumed to be linear. The nonlinear friction forces effectively couple dif- ferent travelling waves modes and, in order to properly elucidate the dynamics of the system, large time simulations are typically required to reach a final, saturated state. Despite of all the above complications, the output of the system (in the friction microslip regime) is basically a superposition of the linear aeroelastic un- stable travelling waves, which exhibit a slow time modulation that is much longer than the elastic oscillation period. This slow time modulation is due to both, the small aerodynamic effects and the small nonlinear friction forces, and it is crucial to deter- mine the final amplitude of the flutter vibration. In this presenta- tion we apply asymptotic techniques to obtain a new simplified model that captures the slow time dynamics of the amplitudes of the travelling waves. The resulting asymptotic model is very re- duced and extremely cheap to simulate, and it has the advantage that it gives precise information about the characteristics of the nonlinear friction models that actually play a role in the satura- tion of the vibration amplitude.


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The computation of the non-linear vibration dynamics of an aerodynamically unstable bladed-disk is a formidable numerical task, even for the simplified case of aerodynamic forces assumed to be linear. The nonlinear friction forces effectively couple dif- ferent travelling waves modes and, in order to properly elucidate the dynamics of the system, large time simulations are typically required to reach a final, saturated state. Despite of all the above complications, the output of the system (in the friction microslip regime) is basically a superposition of the linear aeroelastic un- stable travelling waves, which exhibit a slow time modulation that is much longer than the elastic oscillation period. This slow time modulation is due to both, the small aerodynamic effects and the small nonlinear friction forces, and it is crucial to deter- mine the final amplitude of the flutter vibration. In this presenta- tion we apply asymptotic techniques to obtain a new simplified model that captures the slow time dynamics of the amplitudes of the travelling waves. The resulting asymptotic model is very re- duced and extremely cheap to simulate, and it has the advantage that it gives precise information about the characteristics of the nonlinear friction models that actually play a role in the satura- tion of the vibration amplitude.


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Dynamics interaction between rails and structure in a composite bridge of 120 m length


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A theory is provided for a common experimental set up that is used to measure surface properties in surfactant monolayers. The set up consists of a surfactant monolayer (over a shallow liquid layer) that is compressed/expanded in a periodic fashion by moving in counter-phase two parallel, slightly immersed solid barriers, which vary the free surface area and thus the surfactant concentration. The simplest theory ignores the fluid dynamics in the bulk fluid, assuming spatially uniform surfactant concentration, which requires quite small forcing frequencies and provides reversible dynamics in the compression/expansion cycles. In this paper, we present a long-wave theory for not so slow oscillations that assumes local equilibrium but takes the fluid dynamics into account. This simple theory uncovers the physical mechanisms involved in the surfactant behavior and allows for extracting more information from each experimental run. The conclusion is that the fluid dynamics cannot be ignored, and that some irreversible dynamics could well have a fluid dynamic origin


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The study of lateral dynamics of running trains on bridges is of importance mainly for the safety of the traffic, and may be relevant for laterally compliant bridges. These studies require threedimensional coupled vehicle-bridge models, wheree consideration of wheel to rail contact is a key aspect. Furthermore, an adequate evaluation of safety of rail traffic requires nonlinear models. A nonlinear coupled model is proposed here for vehicle-structure vertical and lateral dynamics. Vehicles are considered as fully three-dimensional multibody systems including gyroscopic terms and large rotation effects. The bridge structure is modeled by means of finite elements which may be of beam, shell or continuum type and may include geometric or material nonlinearities. The track geometry includes distributed track alignment irregularities. Both subsystems (bridge and vehicles) are described with coordinates in absolute reference frames, as opposed to alternative approaches which describe the multibody system with coordinates relative to the base bridge motion. The wheelrail contact employed is a semi-Hertzian model based on realistic wheel-rail profiles. It allows a detailed geometrical description of the contact patch under each wheel including multiple-point contact, flange contact and uplift. Normal and tangential stresses in each contact are integrated at each time-step to obtain the resultant contact forces. The models have been implemented within an existing finite element analysis software with multibody capabilities, Abaqus (Simulia Ltd., 2010). Further details of the model are presented in Antolín et al. (2012). Representative applications are presented for railway vehicles under lateral wind action on laterally compliant viaducts, showing the relevance of the nonlinear wheel-rail contact model as well as the interaction between bridge and vehicle.


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We propose in this work a very simple torsion-free beam element capable of capturing geometrical nonlinearities. The simple formulation is objective and unconditionally con- vergent for geometrically nonlinear models with large displacements, in the traditional sense that guarantees more precise numerical solutions for finer discretizations. The formulation does not employ rotational degrees of freedom, can be applied to two and three-dimensional problems, and it is computationally very efficient.


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Esta tesis propone una completa formulación termo-mecánica para la simulación no-lineal de mecanismos flexibles basada en métodos libres de malla. El enfoque se basa en tres pilares principales: la formulación de Lagrangiano total para medios continuos, la discretización de Bubnov-Galerkin, y las funciones de forma libres de malla. Los métodos sin malla se caracterizan por la definición de un conjunto de funciones de forma en dominios solapados, junto con una malla de integración de las ecuaciones discretas de balance. Dos tipos de funciones de forma se han seleccionado como representación de las familias interpolantes (Funciones de Base Radial) y aproximantes (Mínimos Cuadrados Móviles). Su formulación se ha adaptado haciendo sus parámetros compatibles, y su ausencia de conectividad predefinida se ha aprovechado para interconectar múltiples dominios de manera automática, permitiendo el uso de mallas de fondo no conformes. Se propone una formulación generalizada de restricciones, juntas y contactos, válida para sólidos rígidos y flexibles, siendo estos últimos discretizados mediante elementos finitos (MEF) o libres de malla. La mayor ventaja de este enfoque reside en que independiza completamente el dominio con respecto de las uniones y acciones externas a cada sólido, permitiendo su definición incluso fuera del contorno. Al mismo tiempo, también se minimiza el número de ecuaciones de restricción necesarias para la definición de uniones realistas. Las diversas validaciones, ejemplos y comparaciones detalladas muestran como el enfoque propuesto es genérico y extensible a un gran número de sistemas. En concreto, las comparaciones con el MEF indican una importante reducción del error para igual número de nodos, tanto en simulaciones mecánicas, como térmicas y termo-mecánicas acopladas. A igualdad de error, la eficiencia numérica de los métodos libres de malla es mayor que la del MEF cuanto más grosera es la discretización. Finalmente, la formulación se aplica a un problema de diseño real sobre el mantenimiento de estructuras masivas en el interior de un reactor de fusión, demostrando su viabilidad en análisis de problemas reales, y a su vez mostrando su potencial para su uso en simulación en tiempo real de sistemas no-lineales. A new complete formulation is proposed for the simulation of nonlinear dynamic of multibody systems with thermo-mechanical behaviour. The approach is founded in three main pillars: total Lagrangian formulation, Bubnov-Galerkin discretization, and meshfree shape functions. Meshfree methods are characterized by the definition of a set of shape functions in overlapping domains, and a background grid for integration of the Galerkin discrete equations. Two different types of shape functions have been chosen as representatives of interpolation (Radial Basis Functions), and approximation (Moving Least Squares) families. Their formulation has been adapted to use compatible parameters, and their lack of predefined connectivity is used to interconnect different domains seamlessly, allowing the use of non-conforming meshes. A generalized formulation for constraints, joints, and contacts is proposed, which is valid for rigid and flexible solids, being the later discretized using either finite elements (FEM) or meshfree methods. The greatest advantage of this approach is that makes the domain completely independent of the external links and actions, allowing to even define them outside of the boundary. At the same time, the number of constraint equations needed for defining realistic joints is minimized. Validation, examples, and benchmarks are provided for the proposed formulation, demonstrating that the approach is generic and extensible to further problems. Comparisons with FEM show a much lower error for the same number of nodes, both for mechanical and thermal analyses. The numerical efficiency is also better when coarse discretizations are used. A final demonstration to a real problem for handling massive structures inside of a fusion reactor is presented. It demonstrates that the application of meshfree methods is feasible and can provide an advantage towards the definition of nonlinear real-time simulation models.


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Los fenómenos dinámicos pueden poner en peligro la integridad de estructuras aeroespaciales y los ingenieros han desarrollado diferentes estrategias para analizarlos. Uno de los grandes problemas que se plantean en la ingeniería es cómo atacar un problema dinámico estructural. En la presente tesis se plantean distintos fenómenos dinámicos y se proponen métodos para estimar o simular sus comportamientos mediante un análisis paramétrico determinista y aleatorio del problema. Se han propuesto desde problemas sencillos con pocos grados de libertad que sirven para analizar las diferentes estrategias y herramientas a utilizar, hasta fenómenos muy dinámicos que contienen comportamientos no lineales, daños y fallos. Los primeros ejemplos de investigación planteados cubren una amplia gama de los fenómenos dinámicos, como el análisis de vibraciones de elementos másicos, incluyendo impactos y contactos, y el análisis de una viga con carga armónica aplicada a la que también se le añaden parámetros aleatorios que pueden responder a un desconocimiento o incertidumbre de los mismos. Durante el desarrollo de la tesis se introducen conceptos y se aplican distintos métodos, como el método de elementos finitos (FEM) en el que se analiza su resolución tanto por esquemas implícitos como explícitos, y métodos de análisis paramétricos y estadísticos mediante la técnica de Monte Carlo. Más adelante, una vez ya planteadas las herramientas y estrategias de análisis, se estudian fenómenos más complejos, como el impacto a baja velocidad en materiales compuestos, en el que se busca evaluar la resistencia residual y, por lo tanto, la tolerancia al daño de la estructura. Se trata de un suceso que puede producirse por la caída de herramienta, granizo o restos en la pista de aterrizaje. Otro de los fenómenos analizados también se da en un aeropuerto y se trata de la colisión con un dispositivo frangible, el cual tiene que romperse bajo ciertas cargas y, sin embargo, soportar otras. Finalmente, se aplica toda la metodología planteada en simular y analizar un posible incidente en vuelo, el fenómeno de la pérdida de pala de un turbohélice. Se trata de un suceso muy particular en el que la estructura tiene que soportar unas cargas complejas y excepcionales con las que la aeronave debe ser capaz de completar con éxito el vuelo. El análisis incluye comportamientos no lineales, daños, y varios tipos de fallos, y en el que se trata de identificar los parámetros clave en la secuencia del fallo. El suceso se analiza mediante análisis estructurales deterministas más habituales y también mediante otras técnicas como el método de Monte Carlo con el que se logran estudiar distintas incertidumbres en los parámetros con variables aleatorias. Se estudian, entre otros, el tamaño de pala perdida, la velocidad y el momento en el que se produce la rotura, y la rigidez y resistencia de los apoyos del motor. Se tiene en cuenta incluso el amortiguamiento estructural del sistema. Las distintas estrategias de análisis permiten obtener unos resultados valiosos e interesantes que han sido objeto de distintas publicaciones. ABSTRACT Dynamic phenomena can endanger the integrity of aerospace structures and, consequently, engineers have developed different strategies to analyze them. One of the major engineering problems is how to deal with the structural dynamics. In this thesis, different dynamic phenomena are introduced and several methods are proposed to estimate or simulate their behaviors. The analysis is considered through parametric, deterministic and statistical methods. The suggested issues are from simple problems with few degrees of freedom, in order to develop different strategies and tools to solve them, to very dynamic phenomena containing nonlinear behaviors failures, damages. The first examples cover a wide variety of dynamic phenomena such as vibration analysis of mass elements, including impacts and contacts, and beam analysis with harmonic load applied, in which random parameters are included. These parameters can represent the unawareness or uncertainty of certain variables. During the development of the thesis several concepts are introduced and different methods are applied, such as the finite element method (FEM), which is solved through implicit and explicit schemes, and parametrical and statistical methods using the Monte Carlo analysis technique. Next, once the tools and strategies of analysis are set out more complex phenomena are studied. This is the case of a low-speed impact in composite materials, the residual strength of the structure is evaluated, and therefore, its damage tolerance. This incident may occur from a tool dropped, hail or debris throw on the runway. At an airport may also occur, and it is also analyzed, a collision between an airplane and a frangible device. The devise must brake under these loads, however, it must withstand others. Finally, all the considered methodology is applied to simulate and analyze a flight incident, the blade loss phenomenon of a turboprop. In this particular event the structure must support complex and exceptional loads and the aircraft must be able to successfully complete the flight. Nonlinear behavior, damage, and different types of failures are included in the analysis, in which the key parameters in the failure sequence are identified. The incident is analyzed by deterministic structural analysis and also by other techniques such as Monte Carlo method, in which it is possible to include different parametric uncertainties through random variables. Some of the evaluated parameters are, among others, the blade loss size, propeller rotational frequency, speed and angular position where the blade is lost, and the stiffness and strength of the engine mounts. The study does also research on the structural damping of the system. The different strategies of analysis obtain valuable and interesting results that have been already published.


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Typical streak computations present in the literature correspond to linear streaks or to small amplitude nonlinear streaks computed using DNS or nonlinear PSE. We use the Reduced Navier-Stokes (RNS) equations to compute the streamwise evolution of fully non-linear streaks with high amplitude in a laminar flat plate boundary layer. The RNS formulation provides Reynolds number independent solutions that are asymptotically exact in the limit $Re \gg 1$, it requires much less computational effort than DNS, and it does not have the consistency and convergence problems of the PSE. We present various streak computations to show that the flow configuration changes substantially when the amplitude of the streaks grows and the nonlinear effects come into play. The transversal motion (in the wall normal-streamwise plane) becomes more important and strongly distorts the streamwise velocity profiles, that end up being quite different from those of the linear case. We analyze in detail the resulting flow patterns for the nonlinearly saturated streaks and compare them with available experimental results.


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Under-deck cable-stayed bridges are very effective structural systems for which the strong contribution of the stay cables under live loading allows for the design of very slender decks for persistent and transient loading scenarios. Their behaviour when subjected to seismic excitation is investigated herein and a set of design criteria are presented that relate to the type and arrangement of bearings, the number and configuration of struts, and the transverse distribution of stay cables. The nonlinear behaviour of these bridges when subject to both near-field and far-field accelerograms has been thoroughly investigated through the use of incremental dynamic analyses. An intensity measure that reflects the pertinent contributions to response when several vibration modes are activated was proposed and is shown to be effective for the analysis of this structural type. The under-deck cable-stay system contributes in a very positive manner to reducing the response when the bridges are subject to very strong seismic excitation. For such scenarios, the reduction in the stiffness of the deck because of crack formation, when prestressed concrete decks are used, mobilises the cable system and enhances the overall performance of the system. Sets of natural accelerograms that are compliant with the prescriptions of Eurocode 8 were also applied to propose a set of design criteria for this bridge type in areas prone to earthquakes. Particular attention is given to outlining the optimal strategies for the deployment of bearings


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La vía tradicional sobre balasto sigue siendo una selección para las líneas de alta velocidad a pesar de los problemas técnicos y la prestación del funcionamiento. El problema de la vía sobre balasto es el proceso continuo del deterioro de éste debido a las cargas asociadas al tráfico ferroviario. En consecuencia es imprescindible un mantenimiento continuado para mantener un alineamiento adecuado de la vía. Por eso se surge la necesidad de comprender mejor el mecanismo involucrado en el deterioro de la vía y los factores claves que rigen su progresión a lo largo de ciclos de carga con el fin de reducir los costos del mantenimiento de la vía y mejorar el diseño de las nuevas vías. La presente tesis intenta por un lado desarrollar los modelos más adecuados y eficientes del vehículo y de la vía para los cálculos de los efectos dinámicos debido al tráfico de ferrocarril sobre la infraestructura de la vía sobre balasto, y por otro evaluar estos efectos dinámicos sobre el deterioro de la vía sobre balasto a largo plazo, empleando un adecuado modelo de predicción del deterioro de la misma. Se incluye en el trabajo una recopilación del estado del arte en lo referente a la dinámica de la vía, a la modelización del vehículo, de la vía y de la interacción entre ambos. También se hace un repaso al deterioro de la vía y los factores que influyen en su proceso. Para la primera línea de investigación de esta tesis, se han desarrollado los diferentes modelos del vehículo y de la vía y la modelización de la interacción entre ambos para los cálculos dinámicos en dos y tres dimensiones. En la interacción vehículo-vía, se ha empleado la formulación de contacto nodo-superficie para establecer la identificación de las superficies en contacto y el método de los multiplicadores de Lagrange para imponer las restricciones de contacto. El modelo de interacción se ha contrastado con los casos reportados en la literatura. Teniendo en cuenta el contacto no lineal entre rueda-carril y los perfiles de irregularidades distribuidas de la vía, se han evaluado y comparado los efectos dinámicos sobre el sistema vehículo-vía en la interacción de ambos, para distintas velocidades de circulación del vehículo, en los aspectos como la vibración del vehículo, fuerza de contacto, fuerza transmitida en los railpads, la vibración del carril. También se hace un estudio de la influencia de las propiedades de los componentes de la vía en la respuesta dinámica del sistema vehículo-vía. Se ha desarrollado el modelo del asiento de la vía que consiste en la implementación del modelo de acumulación de Bochum y del modelo de hipoplasticidad en la subrutina del usuario \UMAT" del programa ABAQUS. La implementación numérica ha sido comprobado al comparar los resultados de las simulaciones numéricas con los reportados en la literatura. Se ha evaluado la calidad geométrica de la vía sobre balasto de los tramos de estudio con datos reales de la auscultación proporcionados por ADIF (2012). Se ha propuesto una metodología de simulación, empleando el modelo de asiento, para reproducir el deterioro de la geometría de la vía. Se usan los perfiles de la nivelación longitudinal de la auscultación como perfiles de irregularidades iniciales de la vía en las simulaciones numéricas. También se evalúa la influencia de la velocidad de circulación sobre el deterioro de la vía. The traditional ballast track structures are still being used in high speed railways lines with success, however technical problems or performance features have led to ballast track solution in some cases. The considerable maintenance work is needed for ballasted tracks due to the track deterioration. Therefore it is very important to understand the mechanism of track deterioration and to predict the track settlement or track irregularity growth rate in order to reduce track maintenance costs and enable new track structures to be designed. This thesis attempts to develop the most adequate and efficient models for calculation of dynamic track load effects on railways track infrastructure, and to evaluate these dynamic effects on the track settlement, using a track settlement prediction model, which consists of the vehicle/track dynamic model previously selected and a track settlement law. A revision of the state of the knowledge regarding the track dynamics, the modelling of the vehicle, the track and the interaction between them is included. An overview related to the track deterioration and the factors influencing the track settlement is also done. For the first research of this thesis, the different models of vehicle, track and the modelling of the interaction between both have been developed. In the vehicle-track interaction, the node-surface contact formulation to establish the identification of the surfaces in contact and the Lagrange multipliers method to enforce contact constraint are used. The interaction model has been verified by contrast with some benchmarks reported in the literature. Considering the nonlinear contact between wheel-rail and the track irregularities, the dynamic effects on the vehicle-track system have been evaluated and compared, for different speeds of the vehicle, in aspects as vehicle vibration, contact force, force transmitted in railpads, rail vibration. A study of the influence of the properties of the track components on the the dynamic response of the vehicle-track system has been done. The track settlement model is developed that consist of the Bochum accumulation model and the hipoplasticity model in the user subroutine \UMAT" of the program ABAQUS. The numerical implementation has been verified by comparing the numerical results with those reported in the literature. The geometric quality of the ballast track has been evaluated with real data of auscultation provided by ADIF (2012). The simulation methodology has been proposed, using the settlement model for the ballast material, to reproduce the deterioration of the track geometry. The profiles of the longitudinal level of the auscultation is used as initial profiles of the track irregularities in the numerical simulation. The influence of the running speed on the track deterioration is also investigated.


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The dynamic effects of high-speed trains on viaducts are important issues for the design of the structures, as well as for the consideration of safe running conditions for the trains. In this work we start by reviewing the relevance of some basic design aspects. The significance of impact factor envelopes for moving loads is considered first. Resonance which may be achieved for high-speed trains requires dynamic analysis, for which some key aspects are discussed. The relevance of performing a longitudinal distribution of axle loads, the number of modes taken in analysis, and the consideration of vehicle-structure interaction are discussed with representative examples. The lateral dynamic effects of running trains on bridges is of importance for laterally compliant viaducts, such as some very tall structures erected in new high-speed lines. The relevance of this study is mainly for the safety of the traffic, considering both internal actions such as the hunting motion as well as external actions such as wind or earthquakes [1]. These studies require three-dimensional dynamic coupled vehicle-bridge models, and consideration of wheel to rail contact, a phenomenon which is complex and costly to model in detail. We describe here a fully nonlinear coupled model, described in absolute coordinates and incorporated into a commercial finite element framework [2]. The wheel-rail contact has been considered using a FastSim algorithm which provides a compromise between accuracy and computational cost, and captures the main nonlinear response of the contact interface. Two applications are presented, firstly to a vehicle subject to a strong wind gust traversing a bridge, showing the relevance of the nonlinear wheel-rail contact model as well as the dynamic interaction between bridge and vehicle. The second application is to a real HS viaduct with a long continuous deck and tall piers and high lateral compliance [3]. The results show the safety of the traffic as well as the importance of considering features such as track alignment irregularities.


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We present a novel approach for the detection of severe obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) based on patients' voices introducing nonlinear measures to describe sustained speech dynamics. Nonlinear features were combined with state-of-the-art speech recognition systems using statistical modeling techniques (Gaussian mixture models, GMMs) over cepstral parameterization (MFCC) for both continuous and sustained speech. Tests were performed on a database including speech records from both severe OSA and control speakers. A 10 % relative reduction in classification error was obtained for sustained speech when combining MFCC-GMM and nonlinear features, and 33 % when fusing nonlinear features with both sustained and continuous MFCC-GMM. Accuracy reached 88.5 % allowing the system to be used in OSA early detection. Tests showed that nonlinear features and MFCCs are lightly correlated on sustained speech, but uncorrelated on continuous speech. Results also suggest the existence of nonlinear effects in OSA patients' voices, which should be found in continuous speech.


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The flexural vibration of a homogeneous isotropic linearly elastic cylinder of any aspect ratio is analysed in this paper. Natural frequencies of a cylinder under uniformly distributed axial loads acting on its bases are calculated numerically by the Ritz method with terms of power series in the coordinate directions as approximating functions. The effect of axial loads on the flexural vibration cannot be described by applying infinitesimal strain theory, therefore, geometrically nonlinear strain–displacement relations with second-order terms are considered here. The natural frequencies of free–free, clamped–clamped, and sliding–sliding cylinders subjected to axial loads are calculated using the proposed three-dimensional Ritz approach and are compared with those obtained with the finite element method and the Bernoulli–Euler theory. Different experiments with cylinders axially compressed by a hydraulic press are carried out and the experimental results for the lowest flexural frequency are compared with the numerical results. An approach based on the Ritz formulation is proposed for the flexural vibration of a cylinder between the platens of the press with constraints varying with the intensity of the compression. The results show that for low compressions the cylinder behaves similarly to a sliding–sliding cylinder, whereas for high compressions the cylinder vibrates as a clamped–clamped one.


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The nonlinear streamwise growth of a spanwise periodic array of steady streaks in a flat plate boundary layer is numerically computed using the well known Reduced Navier- Stokes formulation. It is found that the flow configuration changes substantially when the amplitude of the streaks grows and the nonlinear effects come into play. The transversal motion (in the wall normal-spanwise plane), which is normally not considered, becomes non-negligible in the nonlinear regime, and it strongly distorts the streamwise velocity profiles, which end up being quite different from those predicted by the linear theory. We analyze in detail the resulting flow patterns for the nonlinearly saturated streaks, and compare them with available experimental results.