9 resultados para Multi-method evaluation

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Hoy en día, por primera vez en la historia, la mayor parte de la población podrá vivir hasta los sesenta años y más (United Nations, 2015). Sin embargo, todavía existe poca evidencia que demuestre que las personas mayores, estén viviendo con mejor salud que sus padres, a la misma edad, ya que la mayoría de los problemas de salud en edades avanzadas están asociados a las enfermedades crónicas (WHO, 2015). Los sistemas sanitarios de los países desarrollados funcionan adecuadamente cuando se trata del cuidado de enfermedades agudas, pero no son lo suficientemente eficaces en la gestión de las enfermedades crónicas. Durante la última década, se han realizado esfuerzos para mejorar esta gestión, por medio de la utilización de estrategias de prevención y de reenfoque de la provisión de los servicios de atención para la salud (Kane et al. 2005). Según una revisión sistemática de modelos de cuidado de salud, comisionada por el sistema nacional de salud Británico, pocos modelos han conceptualizado cuáles son los componentes que hay que utilizar para proporcionar un cuidado crónico efectivo, y estos componentes no han sido suficientemente estructurados y articulados. Por lo tanto, no hay suficiente evidencia sobre el impacto real de cualquier modelo existente en la actualidad (Ham, 2006). Las innovaciones podrían ayudar a conseguir mejores diagnósticos, tratamientos y gestión de pacientes crónicos, así como a dar soporte a los profesionales y a los pacientes en el cuidado. Sin embargo, la forma en las que estas innovaciones se proporcionan no es lo suficientemente eficiente, efectiva y amigable para el usuario. Para mejorar esto, hace falta crear equipos de trabajo y estrategias multidisciplinares. En conclusión, hacen falta actividades que permitan conseguir que las innovaciones sean utilizadas en los sistemas de salud que quieren mejorar la gestión del cuidado crónico, para que sea posible: 1) traducir la “atención sanitaria basada en la evidencia” en “conocimiento factible”; 2) hacer frente a la complejidad de la atención sanitaria a través de una investigación multidisciplinaria; 3) identificar una aproximación sistemática para que se establezcan intervenciones innovadoras en el cuidado de salud. El marco de referencia desarrollado en este trabajo de investigación es un intento de aportar estas mejoras. Las siguientes hipótesis han sido propuestas: Hipótesis 1: es posible definir un proceso de traducción que convierta un modelo de cuidado crónico en una descripción estructurada de objetivos, requisitos e indicadores clave de rendimiento. Hipótesis 2: el proceso de traducción, si se ejecuta a través de elementos basados en la evidencia, multidisciplinares y de orientación económica, puede convertir un modelo de cuidado crónico en un marco descriptivo, que define el ciclo de vida de soluciones innovadoras para el cuidado de enfermedades crónicas. Hipótesis 3: es posible definir un método para evaluar procesos, resultados y capacidad de desarrollar habilidades, y asistir equipos multidisciplinares en la creación de soluciones innovadoras para el cuidado crónico. Hipótesis 4: es posible dar soporte al desarrollo de soluciones innovadoras para el cuidado crónico a través de un marco de referencia y conseguir efectos positivos, medidos en indicadores clave de rendimiento. Para verificar las hipótesis, se ha definido una aproximación metodológica compuesta de cuatro Fases, cada una asociada a una hipótesis. Antes de esto, se ha llevado a cabo una “Fase 0”, donde se han analizado los antecedentes sobre el problema (i.e. adopción sistemática de la innovación en el cuidado crónico) desde una perspectiva multi-dominio y multi-disciplinar. Durante la fase 1, se ha desarrollado un Proceso de Traducción del Conocimiento, elaborado a partir del JBI Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) model of evidence-based healthcare (Pearson, 2005), y sobre el cual se han definido cuatro Bloques de Innovación. Estos bloques consisten en una descripción de elementos innovadores, definidos en la fase 0, que han sido añadidos a los cuatros elementos que componen el modelo JBI. El trabajo llevado a cabo en esta fase ha servido también para definir los materiales que el proceso de traducción tiene que ejecutar. La traducción que se ha llevado a cabo en la fase 2, y que traduce la mejor evidencia disponible de cuidado crónico en acción: resultado de este proceso de traducción es la parte descriptiva del marco de referencia, que consiste en una descripción de un modelo de cuidado crónico (se ha elegido el Chronic Care Model, Wagner, 1996) en términos de objetivos, especificaciones e indicadores clave de rendimiento y organizada en tres ciclos de innovación (diseño, implementación y evaluación). Este resultado ha permitido verificar la segunda hipótesis. Durante la fase 3, para demostrar la tercera hipótesis, se ha desarrollado un método-mixto de evaluación de equipos multidisciplinares que trabajan en innovaciones para el cuidado crónico. Este método se ha creado a partir del método mixto usado para la evaluación de equipo multidisciplinares translacionales (Wooden, 2013). El método creado añade una dimensión procedural al marco. El resultado de esta fase consiste, por lo tanto, en una primera versión del marco de referencia, lista para ser experimentada. En la fase 4, se ha validado el marco a través de un caso de estudio multinivel y con técnicas de observación-participante como método de recolección de datos. Como caso de estudio se han elegido las actividades de investigación que el grupo de investigación LifeStech ha desarrollado desde el 2008 para mejorar la gestión de la diabetes, actividades realizadas en un contexto internacional. Los resultados demuestran que el marco ha permitido mejorar las actividades de trabajo en distintos niveles: 1) la calidad y cantidad de las publicaciones; 2) se han conseguido dos contratos de investigación sobre diabetes: el primero es un proyecto de investigación aplicada, el segundo es un proyecto financiado para acelerar las innovaciones en el mercado; 3) a través de los indicadores claves de rendimiento propuestos en el marco, una prueba de concepto de un prototipo desarrollado en un proyecto de investigación ha sido transformada en una evaluación temprana de una intervención eHealth para el manejo de la diabetes, que ha sido recientemente incluida en Repositorio de prácticas innovadoras del Partenariado de Innovación Europeo en Envejecimiento saludable y activo. La verificación de las 4 hipótesis ha permitido demonstrar la hipótesis principal de este trabajo de investigación: es posible contribuir a crear un puente entre la atención sanitaria y la innovación y, por lo tanto, mejorar la manera en que el cuidado crónico sea procurado en los sistemas sanitarios. ABSTRACT Nowadays, for the first time in history, most people can expect to live into their sixties and beyond (United Nations, 2015). However, little evidence suggests that older people are experiencing better health than their parents, and most of the health problems of older age are linked to Chronic Diseases (WHO, 2015). The established health care systems in developed countries are well suited to the treatment of acute diseases but are mostly inadequate for dealing with CDs. Healthcare systems are challenging the burden of chronic diseases by putting more emphasis on the prevention of disease and by looking for new ways to reorient the provision of care (Kane et al., 2005). According to an evidence-based review commissioned by the British NHS Institute, few models have conceptualized effective components of care for CDs and these components have been not structured and articulated. “Consequently, there is limited evidence about the real impact of any of the existing models” (Ham, 2006). Innovations could support to achieve better diagnosis, treatment and management for patients across the continuum of care, by supporting health professionals and empowering patients to take responsibility. However, the way they are delivered is not sufficiently efficient, effective and consumer friendly. The improvement of innovation delivery, involves the creation of multidisciplinary research teams and taskforces, rather than just working teams. There are several actions to improve the adoption of innovations from healthcare systems that are tackling the epidemics of CDs: 1) Translate Evidence-Based Healthcare (EBH) into actionable knowledge; 2) Face the complexity of healthcare through multidisciplinary research; 3) Identify a systematic approach to support effective implementation of healthcare interventions through innovation. The framework proposed in this research work is an attempt to provide these improvements. The following hypotheses have been drafted: Hypothesis 1: it is possible to define a translation process to convert a model of chronic care into a structured description of goals, requirements and key performance indicators. Hypothesis 2: a translation process, if executed through evidence-based, multidisciplinary, holistic and business-oriented elements, can convert a model of chronic care in a descriptive framework, which defines the whole development cycle of innovative solutions for chronic disease management. Hypothesis 3: it is possible to design a method to evaluate processes, outcomes and skill acquisition capacities, and assist multidisciplinary research teams in the creation of innovative solutions for chronic disease management. Hypothesis 4: it is possible to assist the development of innovative solutions for chronic disease management through a reference framework and produce positive effects, measured through key performance indicators. In order to verify the hypotheses, a methodological approach, composed of four Phases that correspond to each one of the stated hypothesis, was defined. Prior to this, a “Phase 0”, consisting in a multi-domain and multi-disciplinary background analysis of the problem (i.e.: systematic adoption of innovation to chronic care), was carried out. During phase 1, in order to verify the first hypothesis, a Knowledge Translation Process (KTP) was developed, starting from the JBI Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) model of evidence-based healthcare was used (Pearson, 2005) and adding Four Innovation Blocks. These blocks represent an enriched description, added to the JBI model, to accelerate the transformation of evidence-healthcare through innovation; the innovation blocks are built on top of the conclusions drawn after Phase 0. The background analysis gave also indication on the materials and methods to be used for the execution of the KTP, carried out during phase 2, that translates the actual best available evidence for chronic care into action: this resulted in a descriptive Framework, which is a description of a model of chronic care (the Chronic Care Model was chosen, Wagner, 1996) in terms of goals, specified requirements and Key Performance Indicators, and articulated in the three development cycles of innovation (i.e. design, implementation and evaluation). Thanks to this result the second hypothesis was verified. During phase 3, in order to verify the third hypothesis, a mixed-method to evaluate multidisciplinary teams working on innovations for chronic care, was created, based on a mixed-method used for the evaluation of Multidisciplinary Translational Teams (Wooden, 2013). This method adds a procedural dimension to the descriptive component of the Framework, The result of this phase consisted in a draft version of the framework, ready to be tested in a real scenario. During phase 4, a single and multilevel case study, with participant-observation data collection, was carried out, in order to have a complete but at the same time multi-sectorial evaluation of the framework. The activities that the LifeStech research group carried out since 2008 to improve the management of diabetes have been selected as case study. The results achieved showed that the framework allowed to improve the research activities in different directions: the quality and quantity of the research publications that LifeStech has issued, have increased substantially; 2 project grants to improve the management of diabetes, have been assigned: the first is a grant funding applied research while the second is about accelerating innovations into the market; by using the assessment KPIs of the framework, the proof of concept validation of a prototype developed in a research project was transformed into an early stage assessment of innovative eHealth intervention for Diabetes Management, which has been recently included in the repository of innovative practice of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Health Ageing initiative. The verification of the 4 hypotheses lead to verify the main hypothesis of this research work: it is possible to contribute to bridge the gap between healthcare and innovation and, in turn, improve the way chronic care is delivered by healthcare systems.


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Sustainable transport planning requires an integrated approach involving strategic planning, impact analysis and multi-criteria evaluation. This study aims at relaxing the utility-based decision-making assumption by newly embedding anticipated-regret and combined utility-regret decision mechanisms in an integrated transport planning framework. The framework consists of a two-round Delphi survey, an integrated land-use and transport model for Madrid, and multi-criteria analysis. Results show that (i) regret-based ranking has similar mean but larger variance than utility-based ranking; (ii) the least-regret scenario forms a compromise between the desired and the expected scenarios; (iii) the least-regret scenario can lead to higher user benefits in the short-term and lower user benefits in the long-term; (iv) utility-based, regret-based and combined utility-regret-based multi-criteria analysis result in different rankings of policy packages; and (v) the combined utility-regret ranking is more informative compared with utility-based or regret-based ranking.


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En la interacción con el entorno que nos rodea durante nuestra vida diaria (utilizar un cepillo de dientes, abrir puertas, utilizar el teléfono móvil, etc.) y en situaciones profesionales (intervenciones médicas, procesos de producción, etc.), típicamente realizamos manipulaciones avanzadas que incluyen la utilización de los dedos de ambas manos. De esta forma el desarrollo de métodos de interacción háptica multi-dedo dan lugar a interfaces hombre-máquina más naturales y realistas. No obstante, la mayoría de interfaces hápticas disponibles en el mercado están basadas en interacciones con un solo punto de contacto; esto puede ser suficiente para la exploración o palpación del entorno pero no permite la realización de tareas más avanzadas como agarres. En esta tesis, se investiga el diseño mecánico, control y aplicaciones de dispositivos hápticos modulares con capacidad de reflexión de fuerzas en los dedos índice, corazón y pulgar del usuario. El diseño mecánico de la interfaz diseñada, ha sido optimizado con funciones multi-objetivo para conseguir una baja inercia, un amplio espacio de trabajo, alta manipulabilidad y reflexión de fuerzas superiores a 3 N en el espacio de trabajo. El ancho de banda y la rigidez del dispositivo se han evaluado mediante simulación y experimentación real. Una de las áreas más importantes en el diseño de estos dispositivos es el efector final, ya que es la parte que está en contacto con el usuario. Durante este trabajo se ha diseñado un dedal de bajo peso, adaptable a diferentes usuarios que, mediante la incorporación de sensores de contacto, permite estimar fuerzas normales y tangenciales durante la interacción con entornos reales y virtuales. Para el diseño de la arquitectura de control, se estudiaron los principales requisitos para estos dispositivos. Entre estos, cabe destacar la adquisición, procesado e intercambio a través de internet de numerosas señales de control e instrumentación; la computación de equaciones matemáticas incluyendo la cinemática directa e inversa, jacobiana, algoritmos de detección de agarres, etc. Todos estos componentes deben calcularse en tiempo real garantizando una frecuencia mínima de 1 KHz. Además, se describen sistemas para manipulación de precisión virtual y remota; así como el diseño de un método denominado "desacoplo cinemático iterativo" para computar la cinemática inversa de robots y la comparación con otros métodos actuales. Para entender la importancia de la interacción multimodal, se ha llevado a cabo un estudio para comprobar qué estímulos sensoriales se correlacionan con tiempos de respuesta más rápidos y de mayor precisión. Estos experimentos se desarrollaron en colaboración con neurocientíficos del instituto Technion Israel Institute of Technology. Comparando los tiempos de respuesta en la interacción unimodal (auditiva, visual y háptica) con combinaciones bimodales y trimodales de los mismos, se demuestra que el movimiento sincronizado de los dedos para generar respuestas de agarre se basa principalmente en la percepción háptica. La ventaja en el tiempo de procesamiento de los estímulos hápticos, sugiere que los entornos virtuales que incluyen esta componente sensorial generan mejores contingencias motoras y mejoran la credibilidad de los eventos. Se concluye que, los sistemas que incluyen percepción háptica dotan a los usuarios de más tiempo en las etapas cognitivas para rellenar información de forma creativa y formar una experiencia más rica. Una aplicación interesante de los dispositivos hápticos es el diseño de nuevos simuladores que permitan entrenar habilidades manuales en el sector médico. En colaboración con fisioterapeutas de Griffith University en Australia, se desarrolló un simulador que permite realizar ejercicios de rehabilitación de la mano. Las propiedades de rigidez no lineales de la articulación metacarpofalange del dedo índice se estimaron mediante la utilización del efector final diseñado. Estos parámetros, se han implementado en un escenario que simula el comportamiento de la mano humana y que permite la interacción háptica a través de esta interfaz. Las aplicaciones potenciales de este simulador están relacionadas con entrenamiento y educación de estudiantes de fisioterapia. En esta tesis, se han desarrollado nuevos métodos que permiten el control simultáneo de robots y manos robóticas en la interacción con entornos reales. El espacio de trabajo alcanzable por el dispositivo háptico, se extiende mediante el cambio de modo de control automático entre posición y velocidad. Además, estos métodos permiten reconocer el gesto del usuario durante las primeras etapas de aproximación al objeto para su agarre. Mediante experimentos de manipulación avanzada de objetos con un manipulador y diferentes manos robóticas, se muestra que el tiempo en realizar una tarea se reduce y que el sistema permite la realización de la tarea con precisión. Este trabajo, es el resultado de una colaboración con investigadores de Harvard BioRobotics Laboratory. ABSTRACT When we interact with the environment in our daily life (using a toothbrush, opening doors, using cell-phones, etc.), or in professional situations (medical interventions, manufacturing processes, etc.) we typically perform dexterous manipulations that involve multiple fingers and palm for both hands. Therefore, multi-Finger haptic methods can provide a realistic and natural human-machine interface to enhance immersion when interacting with simulated or remote environments. Most commercial devices allow haptic interaction with only one contact point, which may be sufficient for some exploration or palpation tasks but are not enough to perform advanced object manipulations such as grasping. In this thesis, I investigate the mechanical design, control and applications of a modular haptic device that can provide force feedback to the index, thumb and middle fingers of the user. The designed mechanical device is optimized with a multi-objective design function to achieve a low inertia, a large workspace, manipulability, and force-feedback of up to 3 N within the workspace; the bandwidth and rigidity for the device is assessed through simulation and real experimentation. One of the most important areas when designing haptic devices is the end-effector, since it is in contact with the user. In this thesis the design and evaluation of a thimble-like, lightweight, user-adaptable, and cost-effective device that incorporates four contact force sensors is described. This design allows estimation of the forces applied by a user during manipulation of virtual and real objects. The design of a real-time, modular control architecture for multi-finger haptic interaction is described. Requirements for control of multi-finger haptic devices are explored. Moreover, a large number of signals have to be acquired, processed, sent over the network and mathematical computations such as device direct and inverse kinematics, jacobian, grasp detection algorithms, etc. have to be calculated in Real Time to assure the required high fidelity for the haptic interaction. The Hardware control architecture has different modules and consists of an FPGA for the low-level controller and a RT controller for managing all the complex calculations (jacobian, kinematics, etc.); this provides a compact and scalable solution for the required high computation capabilities assuring a correct frequency rate for the control loop of 1 kHz. A set-up for dexterous virtual and real manipulation is described. Moreover, a new algorithm named the iterative kinematic decoupling method was implemented to solve the inverse kinematics of a robotic manipulator. In order to understand the importance of multi-modal interaction including haptics, a subject study was carried out to look for sensory stimuli that correlate with fast response time and enhanced accuracy. This experiment was carried out in collaboration with neuro-scientists from Technion Israel Institute of Technology. By comparing the grasping response times in unimodal (auditory, visual, and haptic) events with the response times in events with bimodal and trimodal combinations. It is concluded that in grasping tasks the synchronized motion of the fingers to generate the grasping response relies on haptic cues. This processing-speed advantage of haptic cues suggests that multimodalhaptic virtual environments are superior in generating motor contingencies, enhancing the plausibility of events. Applications that include haptics provide users with more time at the cognitive stages to fill in missing information creatively and form a richer experience. A major application of haptic devices is the design of new simulators to train manual skills for the medical sector. In collaboration with physical therapists from Griffith University in Australia, we developed a simulator to allow hand rehabilitation manipulations. First, the non-linear stiffness properties of the metacarpophalangeal joint of the index finger were estimated by using the designed end-effector; these parameters are implemented in a scenario that simulates the behavior of the human hand and that allows haptic interaction through the designed haptic device. The potential application of this work is related to educational and medical training purposes. In this thesis, new methods to simultaneously control the position and orientation of a robotic manipulator and the grasp of a robotic hand when interacting with large real environments are studied. The reachable workspace is extended by automatically switching between rate and position control modes. Moreover, the human hand gesture is recognized by reading the relative movements of the index, thumb and middle fingers of the user during the early stages of the approximation-to-the-object phase and then mapped to the robotic hand actuators. These methods are validated to perform dexterous manipulation of objects with a robotic manipulator, and different robotic hands. This work is the result of a research collaboration with researchers from the Harvard BioRobotics Laboratory. The developed experiments show that the overall task time is reduced and that the developed methods allow for full dexterity and correct completion of dexterous manipulations.


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The objective of this study was to propose a multi-criteria optimization and decision-making technique to solve food engineering problems. This technique was demostrated using experimental data obtained on osmotic dehydratation of carrot cubes in a sodium chloride solution. The Aggregating Functions Approach, the Adaptive Random Search Algorithm, and the Penalty Functions Approach were used in this study to compute the initial set of non-dominated or Pareto-optimal solutions. Multiple non-linear regression analysis was performed on a set of experimental data in order to obtain particular multi-objective functions (responses), namely water loss, solute gain, rehydration ratio, three different colour criteria of rehydrated product, and sensory evaluation (organoleptic quality). Two multi-criteria decision-making approaches, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and the Tabular Method (TM), were used simultaneously to choose the best alternative among the set of non-dominated solutions. The multi-criteria optimization and decision-making technique proposed in this study can facilitate the assessment of criteria weights, giving rise to a fairer, more consistent, and adequate final compromised solution or food process. This technique can be useful to food scientists in research and education, as well as to engineers involved in the improvement of a variety of food engineering processes.


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The multi-dimensional classification problem is a generalisation of the recently-popularised task of multi-label classification, where each data instance is associated with multiple class variables. There has been relatively little research carried out specific to multi-dimensional classification and, although one of the core goals is similar (modelling dependencies among classes), there are important differences; namely a higher number of possible classifications. In this paper we present method for multi-dimensional classification, drawing from the most relevant multi-label research, and combining it with important novel developments. Using a fast method to model the conditional dependence between class variables, we form super-class partitions and use them to build multi-dimensional learners, learning each super-class as an ordinary class, and thus explicitly modelling class dependencies. Additionally, we present a mechanism to deal with the many class values inherent to super-classes, and thus make learning efficient. To investigate the effectiveness of this approach we carry out an empirical evaluation on a range of multi-dimensional datasets, under different evaluation metrics, and in comparison with high-performing existing multi-dimensional approaches from the literature. Analysis of results shows that our approach offers important performance gains over competing methods, while also exhibiting tractable running time.


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Fiber reinforced polymer composites (FRP) have found widespread usage in the repair and strengthening of concrete structures. FRP composites exhibit high strength-to-weight ratio, corrosion resistance, and are convenient to use in repair applications. Externally bonded FRP flexural strengthening of concrete beams is the most extended application of this technique. A common cause of failure in such members is associated with intermediate crack-induced debonding (IC debonding) of the FRP substrate from the concrete in an abrupt manner. Continuous monitoring of the concrete?FRP interface is essential to pre- vent IC debonding. Objective condition assessment and performance evaluation are challenging activities since they require some type of monitoring to track the response over a period of time. In this paper, a multi-objective model updating method integrated in the context of structural health monitoring is demonstrated as promising technology for the safety and reliability of this kind of strengthening technique. The proposed method, solved by a multi-objective extension of the particle swarm optimization method, is based on strain measurements under controlled loading. The use of permanently installed fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors embedded into the FRP-concrete interface or bonded onto the FRP strip together with the proposed methodology results in an automated method able to operate in an unsupervised mode.


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n this work, we explain a method to characterize graphene using electrical measurements in graphene field-effect transistors (GFET) devices. Our goal is to obtain the material electronic properties from the output characteristics of one GFET device. For the previous purpose, we will need to apply a physical model that allows us to correlate the electronic behavior of a GFET with the material properties.


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Among the different optical modulator technologies available such as polymer, III-V semiconductors, Silicon, the well-known Lithium Niobate (LN) offers the best trade-off in terms of performances, ease of use, and power handling capability [1-9]. The LN technology is still widely deployed within the current high data rate fibre optic communications networks. This technology is also the most mature and guarantees the reliability which is required for space applications [9].In or der to fulfil the target specifications of opto-microwave payloads, an optimization of the design of a Mach-Zehnder (MZ) modulator working at the 1500nm telecom wavelength was performed in the frame of the ESA-ARTES "Multi GigaHertz Optical Modulator" (MGOM) project in order to reach ultra-low optical insertion loss and low effective driving voltage in the Ka band. The selected modulator configuration was the X-cut crystal orientation, associated to high stability Titanium in-diffusion process for the optical waveguide. Starting from an initial modulator configuration exhibiting 9 V drive voltage @ 30 GHz, a complete redesign of the coplanar microwave electrodes was carried out in order to reach a 6 V drive voltage @ 30GHz version. This redesign was associated to an optimization of the interaction between the optical waveguide and the electrodes. Following the optimisation steps, an evaluation program was applied on a lot of 8 identical modulators. A full characterisation was carried out to compare performances, showing small variations between the initial and final functional characteristics. In parallel, two similar modulators were submitted to both gamma (10-100 krad) and proton irradiation (10.109 p/cm²) with minor performance degradation.


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This paper presents a novel robust visual tracking framework, based on discriminative method, for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to track an arbitrary 2D/3D target at real-time frame rates, that is called the Adaptive Multi-Classifier Multi-Resolution (AMCMR) framework. In this framework, adaptive Multiple Classifiers (MC) are updated in the (k-1)th frame-based Multiple Resolutions (MR) structure with compressed positive and negative samples, and then applied them in the kth frame-based Multiple Resolutions (MR) structure to detect the current target. The sample importance has been integrated into this framework to improve the tracking stability and accuracy. The performance of this framework was evaluated with the Ground Truth (GT) in different types of public image databases and real flight-based aerial image datasets firstly, then the framework has been applied in the UAV to inspect the Offshore Floating Platform (OFP). The evaluation and application results show that this framework is more robust, efficient and accurate against the existing state-of-art trackers, overcoming the problems generated by the challenging situations such as obvious appearance change, variant illumination, partial/full target occlusion, blur motion, rapid pose variation and onboard mechanical vibration, among others. To our best knowledge, this is the first work to present this framework for solving the online learning and tracking freewill 2D/3D target problems, and applied it in the UAVs.