45 resultados para MOVPE REACTOR

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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With the final goal of integrating III-V materials to silicon for tandem solar cells, the influence of the metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE) environment on the minority carrier properties of silicon wafers has been evaluated. These properties will essentially determine the photovoltaic performance of the bottom cell in a III-V-on-Si tandem solar cell device. A comparison of the base minority carrier lifetimes obtained for different thermal processes carried out in a MOVPE reactor on Czochralski silicon wafers has been carried out. The effect of the formation of the emitter by phosphorus diffusion has also been evaluated.


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Dual-junction solar cells formed by a GaAsP or GaInP top cell and a silicon bottom cell seem to be attractive candidates to materialize the long sought-for integration of III-V materials on silicon for photovoltaic applications. One of the first issues to be considered in the development of this structure will be the strategy to create the silicon emitter of the bottom subcell. In this study, we explore the possibility of forming the silicon emitter by phosphorus diffusion (i.e. exposing the wafer to PH3 in a MOVPE reactor) and still obtain good surface morphologies to achieve a successful III-V heteroepitaxy as occurs in conventional III-V on germanium solar cell technology. Consequently, we explore the parameter space (PH3 partial pressure, time and temperature) that is needed to create optimized emitter designs and assess the impact of such treatments on surface morphology using atomic force microscopy. Although a strong degradation of surface morphology caused by prolonged exposure of silicon to PH3 is corroborated, it is also shown that subsequent anneals under H-2 can recover silicon surface morphology and minimize its RMS roughness and the presence of pits and spikes.


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We investigated the atomic surface properties of differently prepared silicon and germanium (100) surfaces during metal-organic vapour phase epitaxy/chemical vapour deposition (MOVPE/MOCVD), in particular the impact of the MOVPE ambient, and applied reflectance anisotropy/difference spectroscopy (RAS/RDS) in our MOVPE reactor to in-situ watch and control the preparation on the atomic length scale for subsequent III-V-nucleation. The technological interest in the predominant opto-electronic properties of III-V-compounds drives the research for their heteroepitaxial integration on more abundant and cheaper standard substrates such as Si(100) or Ge(100). In these cases, a general task must be accomplished successfully, i.e. the growth of polar materials on non-polar substrates and, beyond that, very specific variations such as the individual interface formation and the atomic step structure, have to be controlled. Above all, the method of choice to grow industrial relevant high-performance device structures is MOVPE, not normally compatible with surface and interface sensitive characterization tools, which are commonly based on ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) ambients. A dedicated sample transfer system from MOVPE environment to UHV enabled us to benchmark the optical in-situ spectra with results from various surfaces science instruments without considering disruptive contaminants. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) provided direct observation of different terminations such as arsenic and phosphorous and verified oxide removal under various specific process parameters. Absorption lines in Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectra were used to identify specific stretch modes of coupled hydrides and the polarization dependence of the anti-symmetric stretch modes distinguished different dimer orientations. Scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) studied the atomic arrangement of dimers and steps and tip-induced H-desorption proved the saturation of dangling bonds after preparati- n. In-situ RAS was employed to display details transiently such as the presence of H on the surface at lower temperatures (T <; 800°C) and the absence of Si-H bonds at elevated annealing temperature and also surface terminations. Ge buffer growth by the use of GeH4 enables the preparation of smooth surfaces and leads to a more pronounced amplitude of the features in the spectra which indicates improvements of the surface quality.


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Dual-junction solar cells formed by a GaAsP or GaInP top cell and a silicon (Si) bottom cell seem to be attractive candidates to materialize the long sought-for integration of III-V materials on Si for photovoltaic (PV) applications. Such integration would offer a cost breakthrough for PV technology, unifying the low cost of Si and the efficiency potential of III-V multijunction solar cells. The optimization of the Si solar cells properties in flat-plate PV technology is well-known; nevertheless, it has been proven that the behavior of Si substrates is different when processed in an MOVPE reactor In this study, we analyze several factors influencing the bottom subcell performance, namely, 1) the emitter formation as a result of phosphorus diffusion; 2) the passivation quality provided by the GaP nucleation layer; and 3) the process impact on the bottom subcell PV properties.


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With the final goal of integrating III-V materials on silicon substrates for tandem solar cells, the influence of the Metal-Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy (MOVPE) environment on the minority carrier properties of silicon wafers has been evaluated. These properties will essentially determine the photovoltaic performance of the bottom cell in a III-V-on-Si tandem solar cell. A comparison of the base minority carrier lifetimes obtained for different thermal processes carried out in a MOVPE reactor on Czochralski silicon wafers has been carried out. An important degradation of minority carrier lifetime during the surface preparation (i.e. H2 anneal) has been observed. Three different mechanisms have been proposed for explaining this behavior: 1) the introduction of extrinsic impurities coming from the reactor; 2) the activation of intrinsic lifetime killing impurities coming from the wafer itself; and finally, 3) the formation of crystal defects, which eventually become recombination centers. The effect of the emitter formation by phosphorus diffusion has also been evaluated. In this sense, it has been reported that lifetime can be recovered during the emitter formation either by the effect of the P on extracting impurities, or by the role of the atomic hydrogen on passivating the defects.


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This work summarizes the observations made on the variation and time evolution of the reflectanceanisotropy signal during the MOVPE growth of GaInPnucleation layers on Germanium substrates. This in situ monitoring tool is used to assess the impact of different nucleation routines and reactor conditions on the quality of the layers grown. This comparison is carried out by establishing a correlation between reflectanceanisotropy signature at 2.1 eV and the morphology of the epilayers evaluated by atomic force microscopy (AFM). This paper outlines the potential of reflectanceanisotropy to predict, explore, and therefore optimize, the best growth conditions that lead to a high quality III–V epilayer on a Ge substrate


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Determining as accurate as possible spent nuclear fuel isotopic content is gaining importance due to its safety and economic implications. Since nowadays higher burn ups are achievable through increasing initial enrichments, more efficient burn up strategies within the reactor cores and the extension of the irradiation periods, establishing and improving computation methodologies is mandatory in order to carry out reliable criticality and isotopic prediction calculations. Several codes (WIMSD5, SERPENT 1.1.7, SCALE 6.0, MONTEBURNS 2.0 and MCNP-ACAB) and methodologies are tested here and compared to consolidated benchmarks (OECD/NEA pin cell moderated with light water) with the purpose of validating them and reviewing the state of the isotopic prediction capabilities. These preliminary comparisons will suggest what can be generally expected of these codes when applied to real problems. In the present paper, SCALE 6.0 and MONTEBURNS 2.0 are used to model the same reported geometries, material compositions and burn up history of the Spanish Van de llós II reactor cycles 7-11 and to reproduce measured isotopies after irradiation and decay times. We analyze comparisons between measurements and each code results for several grades of geometrical modelization detail, using different libraries and cross-section treatment methodologies. The power and flux normalization method implemented in MONTEBURNS 2.0 is discussed and a new normalization strategy is developed to deal with the selected and similar problems, further options are included to reproduce temperature distributions of the materials within the fuel assemblies and it is introduced a new code to automate series of simulations and manage material information between them. In order to have a realistic confidence level in the prediction of spent fuel isotopic content, we have estimated uncertainties using our MCNP-ACAB system. This depletion code, which combines the neutron transport code MCNP and the inventory code ACAB, propagates the uncertainties in the nuclide inventory assessing the potential impact of uncertainties in the basic nuclear data: cross-section, decay data and fission yields


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Isotopic content assessment has a paramount importance for safety and storage reasons. During the latest years, a great variety of codes have been developed to perform transport and decay calculations, but only those that couple both in an iterative manner achieve an accurate prediction of the final isotopic content of irradiated fuels. Needless to say, them all are supposed to pass the test of the comparison of their predictions against the corresponding experimental measures.


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One of the most advance designs for HiPER fusion reactor is a spherical chamber 10 m in diameter based on dry wall concept. In this system, the first wall will have to withstand short energy pulses of 5 to 20 MJ at a repetition rate of 0.5-10 Hz mostly in form of X-rays and charged particles. To avoid melting of the inner surface, the first wall consists on a thin armor attached to the structural material. Thickness (th) and material of each layer have to be chosen to assure the proper functioning of the facility during its planned lifetime.


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Numerous references can be found in scientific literature regarding biomass gasification. However, there are few works related to sludge gasification. A study of sewage sludge gasification process in a bubbling fluidised bed gasifier on a laboratory scale is here reported. The aim was to find the optimum conditions for reducing the production of tars and gain more information on the influx of different operating variables in the products resulting from the gasification of this waste. The variables studied were the equivalence ratio (ER), the steam-biomass ratio (SB) and temperature. Specifically, the ER was varied from 0.2 to 0.4, the SB from 0 to 1 and the temperature from 750 °C (1023 K) to 850 °C (1123 K). Although it was observed that tar production could be considerably reduced (up to 72%) by optimising the gasification conditions, the effect of using alumina (aluminium oxide, of proven efficacy in destroying the tar produced in biomass gasification) as primary catalyst in air and air-steam mixture tests was also verified. The results show that by adding small quantities of alumina to the bed (10% by weight of fed sludge) considerable reductions in tar production can be obtained (up to 42%) improving, at the same time, the lower heating value (LHV) of the gas and carbon conversion.


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We have studied the thermo-mechanical response and atomistic degradation of final lenses in HiPER project. Final silica lenses are squares of 75 × 75 cm2 with a thickness of 5 cm. There are two scenarios where lenses are located at 8 m from the centre: •HiPER 4a, bunches of 100 shots (maximum 5 DT shots <48 MJ at ≈0.1 Hz). No blanket in chamber geometry. •HiPER 4b, continuous mode with shots ≈50 MJ at 10 Hz to generate 0.5 GW. Liquid metal blanket in chamber design.


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En el año 2002 durante una inspección se localizó una importante corrosión en la cabeza de la vasija de Davis Besse NPP. Si no se hubiera producido esa detección temprana, la corrosión hubiera provocado una pequeña rotura en la cabeza de la vasija. La OECD/NEA consideró la importancia de simular esta secuencia en la instalación experimental ROSA, la cual fue reproducida posteriormente por grupos de investigación internacionales con varios códigos de planta. En este caso el código utilizado para la simulación de las secuencias experimentales es TRACE. Los resultados de este test experimental fueron muy analizados internacionalmente por la gran influencia que dos factores tenía sobre el resultado: las acciones del operador relativas a la despresurización y la detección del descubrimiento del núcleo por los termopares que se encuentran a su salida. El comienzo del inicio de la despresurización del secundario estaba basado en la determinación del descubrimiento del núcleo por la lectura de los temopares de salida del núcleo. En el experimento se registró un retraso importante en la determinación de ese descubrimiento, comenzando la despresurización excesivamente tarde y haciendo necesaria la desactivación de los calentadores que simulan el núcleo del reactor para evitar su daño. Dada las condiciones excesivamente conservadoras del test experimentale, como el fallo de los dos trenes de inyección de alta presión durante todo el transitorio, en las aplicaciones de los experimentos con modelo de Almaraz NPP, se ha optado por reproducir dicho accidente con condiciones más realistas, verificando el impacto en los resultados de la disponibilidad de los trenes de inyección de alta presión o los tiempos de las acciones manuales del operador, como factores más limitantes y estableciendo el diámetro de rotura en 1”


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La simulación de accidentes de rotura pequeña en el fondo de la vasija se aparta del convencional análisis de LOCA de rama fría, el más limitante en los análisis deterministas La rotura de una de las penetraciones de instrumentación de la vasija ha sido desestimada históricamente en los análisis de licencia y en los Análisis Probabilistas de Seguridad y por ello, hay una falta evidente de literatura para dicho análisis. En el año 2003 durante una inspección, se detectó una considerable corrosión en el fondo de la vasija de South Texas Project Unit I NPP. La evolución en el tiempo de dicha corrosión habría derivado en una pequeña rotura en el fondo de la vasija si su detección no se hubiera producido a tiempo. La OECD/NEA consideró la importancia de simular dicha secuencia en la instalación experimental ROSA, la cual fue reproducida posteriormente por grupos de investigación internacionales con varios códigos de planta. En este caso el código utilizado para la simulación de las secuencias experimentales es TRACE. Tanto en el experimento como en la simulación se observaron las dificultades de reinundar la vasija al tener la rotura en el fondo de la misma, haciendo clave la gestión del accidente por parte del operador. Dadas las condiciones excesivamente conservadoras del test experimental, como el fallo de los dos trenes de inyección de alta presión durante todo el transitorio, en las aplicaciones de los experimentos con modelo de Almaraz NPP, se ha optado por reproducir dicho accidente con condiciones más realistas, verificando el impacto en los resultados de la disponibilidad de los trenes de inyección de alta presión o los tiempos de las acciones manuales del operador, como factores más limitantes y estableciendo el diámetro de rotura en 1”


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Within the frame of the HiPER reactor, we propose and study a Self Cooled Lead Lithium blanket with two different cooling arrangements of the system First Wall – Blanket for the HiPER reactor: Integrated First Wall Blanket and Separated First Wall Blanket. We compare the two arrangements in terms of power cycle efficiency, operation flexibility in out-off-normal situations and proper cooling and acceptable corrosion. The Separated First Wall Blanket arrangement is superior in all of them, and it is selected as the advantageous proposal for the HiPER reactor blanket. However, it still has to be improved from the standpoint of proper cooling and corrosion rates


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A Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) is being developed for a steam-methane reforming hydrogen production plant linked to a High-Temperature Gas Cooled Nuclear Reactor (HTGR). This work is based on the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute’s (JAERI) High Temperature Test Reactor (HTTR) prototype in Japan. This study has two major objectives: calculate the risk to onsite and offsite individuals, and calculate the frequency of different types of damage to the complex. A simplified HAZOP study was performed to identify initiating events, based on existing studies. The initiating events presented here are methane pipe break, helium pipe break, and PPWC heat exchanger pipe break. Generic data was used for the fault tree analysis and the initiating event frequency. Saphire was used for the PSA analysis. The results show that the average frequency of an accident at this complex is 2.5E-06, which is divided into the various end states. The dominant sequences result in graphite oxidation which does not pose a health risk to the population. The dominant sequences that could affect the population are those that result in a methane explosion and occur 6.6E-8/year, while the other sequences are much less frequent. The health risk presents itself if there are people in the vicinity who could be affected by the explosion. This analysis also demonstrates that an accident in one of the plants has little effect on the other. This is true given the design base distance between the plants, the fact that the reactor is underground, as well as other safety characteristics of the HTGR. Sensitivity studies are being performed in order to determine where additional and improved data is needed.