11 resultados para Low intensity level lasertherapy (LILT)

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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The research work as presented in this article covers the design of detached breakwaters since they constitute a type of coastal defence work with which to combat many of the erosion problems found on beaches in a stable, sustainable fashion. The main aim of this work is to formulate a functional and environmental (but not structural) design method, enabling the fundamental characteristics of a detached breakwater to be defined as a function of the effect it is wished to induce on the coast, and taking into account variables of a different nature (climate, geomorphology and geometry) influencing the changes the shoreline undergoes after its construction. With this article, it is intended to submit the final result of the investigation undertaken, applying the detached breakwater design method as developed to solving a practical case. Thus it may be shown how the method enables a detached breakwater’s geometric pre-sizing to be tackled at a place on the coast with certain climate, geomorphology and littoral dynamic characteristics, first setting the final state of equilibrium it is wanted to obtain therein after its construction.


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In this article we research the design of detached breakwaters, a type of coastal defence work designed to combat erosion on beaches in a stable, sustainable fashion. Our aim is to formulate a functional and environmental (nonstructural) method of design that defines the fundamental characteristics of a detached breakwater as a function of the desired effect on the coast whilst meeting social demands and preserving or improving the quality of the littoral environment. We aim to make this method generally applicable by considering relations between variables of different natures (climatic, geomorphologic, and geometric) influencing the changes experienced on the coast after the detached breakwater has been built. We carried out the study of the relations between the different variables on the data from 19 actual, existing detached breakwaters on the Spanish Mediterranean coastline, and we followed a methodology based on the implementation of nondimensional monomials and on a search for relations of dependency between them. Finally, we discussed the results obtained and came up with a proposal for a design method that uses some of the graphic relations found between the variables studied and that achieves the main objective. For example, a case of a detached breakwater’s geometric presizing is solved as a practical demonstration of how the method is applied. La investigación que se presenta en este artículo aborda el diseño de los diques exentos, por constituir estos un tipo de obras de defensa costera con el que poder luchar de una forma estable y sostenible contra muchos de los problemas de erosión que existen en las playas. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es la formulación de un método de diseño funcional y ambiental (no estructural) que permita definir las características fundamentales de un dique exento en función del efecto que se quiera inducir en la costa, satisfaciendo las demandas sociales y preservando o mejorando la calidad del medio ambiente litoral. Además, se busca la aplicabilidad general del método mediante la consideración de relaciones entre variables de distinta naturaleza (climáticas, geomorfológicas y geométricas) que tienen influencia en los cambios que se experimentan en la costa tras la construcción del dique exento. El estudio de las relaciones entre las distintas variables se realiza sobre los datos de una base de diecinueve diques exentos reales, existentes en el litoral mediterráneo español, y sigue una metodología basada en el planteamiento de monomios adimensionales y en la búsqueda de relaciones de dependencia entre ellos. Finalmente, la discusión de los resultados obtenidos conduce a la propuesta de un método de diseño que utiliza algunas de las relaciones graficas encontradas entre las variables estudiadas y con el que se consigue el objetivo principal anteriormente expuesto. Para demostrar la aplicación práctica del método se resuelve un caso de predimensionamiento geométrico de un dique exento a modo de ejemplo.


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Cell-based therapy is a promising approach for many diseases, including ischemic heart disease. Cardiac mesoangioblasts are committed vessel-associated progenitors that can restore to a significant, although partial, extent, heart structure and function in a murine model of myocardial infarction. Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) is a noninvasive form of mechanical energy that can be delivered into biological tissues as acoustic pressure waves, and is widely used for clinical applications including bone fracture healing. We hypothesized that the positive effects of LIPUS on bone and soft tissue, such as increased cell differentiation and cytoskeleton reorganization, could be applied to increase the therapeutic potential of mesoangioblasts for heart repair. In this work, we show that LIPUS stimulation of cardiac mesoangioblasts isolated from mouse and human heart results in significant cellular modifications that provide beneficial effects to the cells, including increased malleability and improved motility. Additionally, LIPUS stimulation increased the number of binucleated cells and induced cardiac differentiation to an extent comparable with 5´-azacytidine treatment. Mechanistically, LIPUS stimulation activated the BMP-Smad signalling pathway and increased the expression of myosin light chain-2 together with upregulation of β1 integrin and RhoA, highlighting a potentially important role for cytoskeleton reorganization. Taken together, these results provide functional evidence that LIPUS might be a useful tool to explore in the field of heart cell therapy


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La diabetes comprende un conjunto de enfermedades metabólicas que se caracterizan por concentraciones de glucosa en sangre anormalmente altas. En el caso de la diabetes tipo 1 (T1D, por sus siglas en inglés), esta situación es debida a una ausencia total de secreción endógena de insulina, lo que impide a la mayoría de tejidos usar la glucosa. En tales circunstancias, se hace necesario el suministro exógeno de insulina para preservar la vida del paciente; no obstante, siempre con la precaución de evitar caídas agudas de la glucemia por debajo de los niveles recomendados de seguridad. Además de la administración de insulina, las ingestas y la actividad física son factores fundamentales que influyen en la homeostasis de la glucosa. En consecuencia, una gestión apropiada de la T1D debería incorporar estos dos fenómenos fisiológicos, en base a una identificación y un modelado apropiado de los mismos y de sus sorrespondientes efectos en el balance glucosa-insulina. En particular, los sistemas de páncreas artificial –ideados para llevar a cabo un control automático de los niveles de glucemia del paciente– podrían beneficiarse de la integración de esta clase de información. La primera parte de esta tesis doctoral cubre la caracterización del efecto agudo de la actividad física en los perfiles de glucosa. Con este objetivo se ha llevado a cabo una revisión sistemática de la literatura y meta-análisis que determinen las respuestas ante varias modalidades de ejercicio para pacientes con T1D, abordando esta caracterización mediante unas magnitudes que cuantifican las tasas de cambio en la glucemia a lo largo del tiempo. Por otro lado, una identificación fiable de los periodos con actividad física es un requisito imprescindible para poder proveer de esa información a los sistemas de páncreas artificial en condiciones libres y ambulatorias. Por esta razón, la segunda parte de esta tesis está enfocada a la propuesta y evaluación de un sistema automático diseñado para reconocer periodos de actividad física, clasificando su nivel de intensidad (ligera, moderada o vigorosa); así como, en el caso de periodos vigorosos, identificando también la modalidad de ejercicio (aeróbica, mixta o de fuerza). En este sentido, ambos aspectos tienen una influencia específica en el mecanismo metabólico que suministra la energía para llevar a cabo el ejercicio y, por tanto, en las respuestas glucémicas en T1D. En este trabajo se aplican varias combinaciones de técnicas de aprendizaje máquina y reconocimiento de patrones sobre la fusión multimodal de señales de acelerometría y ritmo cardíaco, las cuales describen tanto aspectos mecánicos del movimiento como la respuesta fisiológica del sistema cardiovascular ante el ejercicio. Después del reconocimiento de patrones se incorpora también un módulo de filtrado temporal para sacar partido a la considerable coherencia temporal presente en los datos, una redundancia que se origina en el hecho de que en la práctica, las tendencias en cuanto a actividad física suelen mantenerse estables a lo largo de cierto tiempo, sin fluctuaciones rápidas y repetitivas. El tercer bloque de esta tesis doctoral aborda el tema de las ingestas en el ámbito de la T1D. En concreto, se propone una serie de modelos compartimentales y se evalúan éstos en función de su capacidad para describir matemáticamente el efecto remoto de las concetraciones plasmáticas de insulina exógena sobre las tasas de eleiminación de la glucosa atribuible a la ingesta; un aspecto hasta ahora no incorporado en los principales modelos de paciente para T1D existentes en la literatura. Los datos aquí utilizados se obtuvieron gracias a un experimento realizado por el Institute of Metabolic Science (Universidad de Cambridge, Reino Unido) con 16 pacientes jóvenes. En el experimento, de tipo ‘clamp’ con objetivo variable, se replicaron los perfiles individuales de glucosa, según lo observado durante una visita preliminar tras la ingesta de una cena con o bien alta carga glucémica, o bien baja. Los seis modelos mecanísticos evaluados constaban de: a) submodelos de doble compartimento para las masas de trazadores de glucosa, b) un submodelo de único compartimento para reflejar el efecto remoto de la insulina, c) dos tipos de activación de este mismo efecto remoto (bien lineal, bien con un punto de corte), y d) diversas condiciones iniciales. ABSTRACT Diabetes encompasses a series of metabolic diseases characterized by abnormally high blood glucose concentrations. In the case of type 1 diabetes (T1D), this situation is caused by a total absence of endogenous insulin secretion, which impedes the use of glucose by most tissues. In these circumstances, exogenous insulin supplies are necessary to maintain patient’s life; although caution is always needed to avoid acute decays in glycaemia below safe levels. In addition to insulin administrations, meal intakes and physical activity are fundamental factors influencing glucose homoeostasis. Consequently, a successful management of T1D should incorporate these two physiological phenomena, based on an appropriate identification and modelling of these events and their corresponding effect on the glucose-insulin balance. In particular, artificial pancreas systems –designed to perform an automated control of patient’s glycaemia levels– may benefit from the integration of this type of information. The first part of this PhD thesis covers the characterization of the acute effect of physical activity on glucose profiles. With this aim, a systematic review of literature and metaanalyses are conduced to determine responses to various exercise modalities in patients with T1D, assessed via rates-of-change magnitudes to quantify temporal variations in glycaemia. On the other hand, a reliable identification of physical activity periods is an essential prerequisite to feed artificial pancreas systems with information concerning exercise in ambulatory, free-living conditions. For this reason, the second part of this thesis focuses on the proposal and evaluation of an automatic system devised to recognize physical activity, classifying its intensity level (light, moderate or vigorous) and for vigorous periods, identifying also its exercise modality (aerobic, mixed or resistance); since both aspects have a distinctive influence on the predominant metabolic pathway involved in fuelling exercise, and therefore, in the glycaemic responses in T1D. Various combinations of machine learning and pattern recognition techniques are applied on the fusion of multi-modal signal sources, namely: accelerometry and heart rate measurements, which describe both mechanical aspects of movement and the physiological response of the cardiovascular system to exercise. An additional temporal filtering module is incorporated after recognition in order to exploit the considerable temporal coherence (i.e. redundancy) present in data, which stems from the fact that in practice, physical activity trends are often maintained stable along time, instead of fluctuating rapid and repeatedly. The third block of this PhD thesis addresses meal intakes in the context of T1D. In particular, a number of compartmental models are proposed and compared in terms of their ability to describe mathematically the remote effect of exogenous plasma insulin concentrations on the disposal rates of meal-attributable glucose, an aspect which had not yet been incorporated to the prevailing T1D patient models in literature. Data were acquired in an experiment conduced at the Institute of Metabolic Science (University of Cambridge, UK) on 16 young patients. A variable-target glucose clamp replicated their individual glucose profiles, observed during a preliminary visit after ingesting either a high glycaemic-load or a low glycaemic-load evening meal. The six mechanistic models under evaluation here comprised: a) two-compartmental submodels for glucose tracer masses, b) a single-compartmental submodel for insulin’s remote effect, c) two types of activations for this remote effect (either linear or with a ‘cut-off’ point), and d) diverse forms of initial conditions.


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In this paper, a new countermeasure against power and electromagnetic (EM) Side Channel Attacks (SCA) on FPGA implemented cryptographic algorithms is proposed. This structure mainly focuses on a critical vulnerability, Early Evaluation, also known as Early Propagation Effect (EPE), which exists in most conventional SCA-hardened DPL (Dual-rail with Precharge Logic) solutions. The main merit of this proposal is that the EPE can be effectively prevented by using a synchronized non regular precharge network, which maintains identical routing between the original and mirror parts, where costs and design complexity compared with previous EPE-resistant countermeasures are reduced, while security level is not sacrificed. Another advantage for our Precharge Absorbed(PA) - DPL method is that its Dual-Core style (independent architecture for true and false parts) could be generated using partial reconfiguration. This helps to get a dynamic security protection with better energy planning. That means system only keeps the true part which fulfills the normal en/decryption task in low security level, and reconfigures the false parts once high security level is required. A relatively limited clock speed is a compromise, since signal propagation is restricted to a portion of the clock period. In this paper, we explain the principles of PA-DPL and provide the guidelines to design this structure. We experimentally validate our methods in a minimized AES co-processor on Xilinx Virtex-5 board using electromagnetic (EM) attacks.


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Separated transitional boundary layers appear on key aeronautical processes such as the flow around wings or turbomachinery blades. The aim of this thesis is the study of these flows in representative scenarios of technological applications, gaining knowledge about phenomenology and physical processes that occur there and, developing a simple model for scaling them. To achieve this goal, experimental measurements have been carried out in a low speed facility, ensuring the flow homogeneity and a low disturbances level such that unwanted transitional mechanisms are avoided. The studied boundary layers have been developed on a flat plate, by imposing a pressure gradient by means of contoured walls. They generate an initial acceleration region followed by a deceleration zone. The initial region is designed to obtain at the beginning of the deceleration the Blasius profile, characterized by its momentum thickness, and an edge boundary layer velocity, defining the problem characteristic velocity. The deceleration region is designed to obtain a linear evolution of the edge velocity, thereby defining the characteristic length of the problem. Several experimental techniques, both intrusive (hot wire anemometry, total pressure probes) as nonintrusive (PIV and LDV anemometry, high-speed filming), have been used in order to take advantage of each of them and allow cross-validation of the results. Once the boundary layer at the deceleration beginning has been characterized, ensuring the desired integral parameters and level of disturbance, the evolution of the laminar boundary layer up to the point of separation is studied. It has been compared with integral methods, and numerical simulations. In view of the results a new model for this evolution is proposed. Downstream from the separation, the flow near to the wall is configured as a shear layer that encloses low momentum recirculating fluid. The region where the shear layer remains laminar tends to be positioned to compensate the adverse pressure gradient associated with the imposed deceleration. Under these conditions, the momentum thickness remains almost constant. This laminar shear layer region extends up to where transitional phenomena appear, extension that scales with the momentum thickness at separation. These transitional phenomena are of inviscid type, similar to those found in free shear layers. The transitional region analysis begins with a study of the disturbances evolution in the linear growth region and the comparison of experimental results with a numerical model based on Linear Stability Theory for parallel flows and with data from other authors. The results’ coalescence for both the disturbances growth and the excited frequencies is stated. For the transition final stages the vorticity concentration into vortex blobs is found, analogously to what happens in free shear layers. Unlike these, the presence of the wall and the pressure gradient make the large scale structures to move towards the wall and quickly disappear under certain circumstances. In these cases, the recirculating flow is confined into a closed region saying the bubble is closed or the boundary layer reattaches. From the reattachment point, the fluid shows a configuration in the vicinity of the wall traditionally considered as turbulent. It has been observed that existing integral methods for turbulent boundary layers do not fit well to the experimental results, due to these methods being valid only for fully developed turbulent flow. Nevertheless, it has been found that downstream from the reattachment point the velocity profiles are self-similar, and a model has been proposed for the evolution of the integral parameters of the boundary layer in this region. Finally, the phenomenon known as bubble burst is analyzed. It has been checked the validity of existing models in literature and a new one is proposed. This phenomenon is blamed to the inability of the large scale structures formed after the transition to overcome with the adverse pressure gradient, move towards the wall and close the bubble. El estudio de capas límites transicionales con separación es de gran relevancia en distintas aplicaciones tecnológicas. Particularmente, en tecnología aeronáutica, aparecen en procesos claves, tales como el flujo alrededor de alas o álabes de turbomaquinaria. El objetivo de esta tesis es el estudio de estos flujos en situaciones representativas de las aplicaciones tecnológicas, ganando por un lado conocimiento sobre la fenomenología y los procesos físicos que aparecen y, por otra parte, desarrollando un modelo sencillo para el escalado de los mismos. Para conseguir este objetivo se han realizado ensayos en una instalación experimental de baja velocidad específicamente diseñada para asegurar un flujo homogéneo y con bajo nivel de perturbaciones, de modo que se evita el disparo de mecanismos transicionales no deseados. La capa límite bajo estudio se ha desarrollado sobre una placa plana, imponiendo un gradiente de presión a la misma por medio de paredes de geometría especificada. éstas generan una región inicial de aceleración seguida de una zona de deceleración. La región inicial se diseña para tener en al inicio de la deceleración un perfil de capa límite de Blasius, caracterizado por su espesor de cantidad de movimiento, y una cierta velocidad externa a la capa límite que se considera la velocidad característica del problema. La región de deceleración está concebida para que la variación de la velocidad externa a la capa límite sea lineal, definiendo de esta forma una longitud característica del problema. Los ensayos se han realizado explotando varias técnicas experimentales, tanto intrusivas (anemometría de hilo caliente, sondas de presión total) como no intrusivas (anemometrías láser y PIV, filmación de alta velocidad), de cara a aprovechar las ventajas de cada una de ellas y permitir validación cruzada de resultados entre las mismas. Caracterizada la capa límite al comienzo de la deceleración, y garantizados los parámetros integrales y niveles de perturbación deseados se procede al estudio de la zona de deceleración. Se presenta en la tesis un análisis de la evolución de la capa límite laminar desde el inicio de la misma hasta el punto de separación, comparando con métodos integrales, simulaciones numéricas, y proponiendo un nuevo modelo para esta evolución. Aguas abajo de la separación, el flujo en las proximidades de la pared se configura como una capa de cortadura que encierra una región de fluido recirculatorio de baja cantidad de movimiento. Se ha caracterizado la región en que dicha capa de cortadura permanece laminar, encontrando que se posiciona de modo que compensa el gradiente adverso de presión asociado a la deceleración de la corriente. En estas condiciones, el espesor de cantidad de movimiento permanece prácticamente constante y esta capa de cortadura laminar se extiende hasta que los fenómenos transicionales aparecen. Estos fenómenos son de tipo no viscoso, similares a los que aparecen en una capa de cortadura libre. El análisis de la región transicional comienza con un estudio de la evolución de las vii viii RESUMEN perturbaciones en la zona de crecimiento lineal de las mismas y la comparación de los resultados experimentales con un modelo numérico y con datos de otros autores. La coalescencia de los resultados tanto para el crecimiento de las perturbaciones como para las frecuencias excitadas queda demostrada. Para los estadios finales de la transición se observa la concentración de la vorticidad en torbellinos, de modo análogo a lo que ocurre en capas de cortadura libres. A diferencia de estas, la presencia de la pared y del gradiente de presión hace que, bajo ciertas condiciones, la gran escala se desplace hacia la pared y desaparezca rápidamente. En este caso el flujo recirculatorio queda confinado en una región cerrada y se habla de cierre de la burbuja o readherencia de la capa límite. A partir del punto de readherencia se tiene una configuración fluida en las proximidades de la pared que tradicionalmente se ha considerado turbulenta. Se ha observado que los métodos integrales existentes para capas límites turbulentas no ajustan bien a las medidas experimentales realizadas, hecho imputable a que no se obtiene en dicha región un flujo turbulento plenamente desarrollado. Se ha encontrado, sin embargo, que pasado el punto de readherencia los perfiles de velocidad próximos a la pared son autosemejantes entre sí y se ha propuesto un modelo para la evolución de los parámetros integrales de la capa límite en esta región. Finalmente, el fenómeno conocido como “estallido” de la burbuja se ha analizado. Se ha comprobado la validez de los modelos existentes en la literatura y se propone uno nuevo. Este fenómeno se achaca a la incapacidad de la gran estructura formada tras la transición para vencer el gradiente adverso de presión, desplazarse hacia la pared y cerrar la burbuja.


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The transition that the expansion flow of laser-produced plasmas experiences when one moves from long, low intensity pulses (temperature vanishing at the isentropic plasma-vacuum front,lying at finite distance) to short, intense ones (non-zero, uniform temperature at the plasma-vacuum front, lying at infinity) is studied. For plznar geometry and lqge ion number Z, the transition occurs for dq5/dt=0.14(27/8)k712Z’1zn$/m4f, 12nK,,; mi, and K are laser intensity, critical density,ion mass, and Spitzer’s heat conduction coefficient. This result remains valid for finite Zit,h ough the numerical factor in d$/dt is different. Shorter wavelength lasers and higher 4 plasmas allow faster rising pulses below transition.


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Smoothing of plasma ablated from a laser target under weakly nonuniform irradiation is discussed. Conduction is assumed restricted to a quasisteady layer enclosing the critical surface (large pellet or focal spot, and long, low-intensity, short-wavelength pulse). Light refraction can make the ablated plasma unstable.


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This paper describes the potential impact of social media and new technologies in secondary education. The case of study has been designed for the drama and theatre subject. A wide set of tools like social networks, blogs, internet, multimedia content, local press and other promotional tools are promoted to increase students’ motivation. The experiment was developed at the highschool IES Al-Satt located in Algete in the Comunidad de Madrid. The students included in the theatre group present a low academic level, 80% of them had previously repeated at least one grade, half of them come from programs for students with learning difficulties and were at risk of social exclusion. This action is supported by higher and secondary education professors and teachers who look forward to implanting networked media technologies as new tools to improve the academic results and the degree of involvement of students. The results of the experiment have been excellent, based on satisfactory opinions obtained from a survey answered by students at the end of the course, and also revealed by the analytics taken from different social networks. This project is a pioneer in the introduction and usage of new technologies in secondary high-schools in Spain.


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Uno de los retos a los que se enfrenta la humanidad es la demanda de una sociedad con casi cero residuos: la búsqueda de una economía más eficiente en el uso de los recursos teniendo en cuenta el cambio climático y un abastecimiento sostenible de materias primas que permitan satisfacer las necesidades de una población mundial cada vez mayor, dentro de los límites sostenibles de los recursos naturales del planeta. Abordar este desafío implica la recuperación y reciclaje de materiales para reducir consumos de materias primas y, para ello, debe promoverse la innovación en la prevención y gestión de residuos, como estrategia hacia un desarrollo urbano sostenible. Los envases y embalajes forman parte de la cultura actual, relacionándose con el grado de desarrollo de países y regiones; el sector de la construcción no es ajeno a la problemática y genera un importante volumen de embalajes en las obras que no se gestionan de forma adecuada. El modelo de gestión de Residuos de Construcción Demolición (RCD) actual es poco eficaz, ya que los vertederos siguen recibiendo grandes cantidades de residuos valorizables. La normativa ha conseguido minimizar las prácticas ilegales, pero se comprueba que la gestión actual de los RCD en obra deja en manos de las plantas de tratamiento la misión de separar los residuos según su naturaleza y los datos aportados por las distintas plantas no permiten afirmar el grado de alcance de dicho objetivo, ni el destino de los mismos. Los envases y embalajes son un tipo de residuos que por su naturaleza suponen una fuente de recursos valorizables y por ello están presentes en directivas y leyes, dirigidas fundamentalmente al sector de la alimentación. En el ámbito de la construcción, hasta la fecha, no se habían tratado de forma específica, motivo que justifica este trabajo. Esta Tesis Doctoral tiene como objetivo principal mejorar la gestión de residuos de embalajes procedentes de materiales de construcción. Para ello se estudia un importante conjunto de obras de edificación residencial colectiva de 1173 viviendas, análisis que llevará a conocer los patrones de producción de los Residuos de Envases y Embalajes en Construcción (REEC) e identificar los productos o materiales responsables de su generación. La monitorización realizada, permitirá diseñar estrategias específicas que minimicen la generación de estos residuos y optimicen su valorización. Se ha podido comprobar que el tratamiento particularizado de los REEC puede mejorar los resultados de la gestión del conjunto de RCD, debido a que, al no mezclarse, se elimina un importante agente contaminador de los residuos inertes. Las obras analizadas alcanzan un nivel de segregación in situ muy bajo, y los capítulos de cerramientos e instalaciones suman más del 50% del global de REEC. Particularizando en cada tipo de material, el cartón predomina en los trabajos de electricidad, el plástico en las particiones y la madera en fachadas. Se evalúa la opción del eco-­‐rediseño para uno de los embalajes predominantes, y se identifican estrategias para minimizar su impacto. Se comprueba que el ahorro en la gestión de RCD en caso de impulsar la segregación in situ no es muy significativo en las obras estudiadas, si bien se demuestra que la viabilidad económica es el factor más importante para motivar a las empresas constructoras. Las Administraciones Públicas deberían incentivar la gestión responsable, estableciendo medidas de control en las plantas de tratamiento e implementando en sus obras medidas de gestión de RCD ejemplares para el mercado. Una adecuada planificación de la obra, y formación específica para el personal son medidas que facilitan la segregación in situ y mejoran los resultados. Los promotores, mediante su relación contractual con el resto de agentes, tienen la capacidad de establecer objetivos de reducción, planificación y gestión sostenible de los REEC. Por último, se propone un sistema de gestión de REEC, integrable dentro del Sistema de Gestión de la empresa constructora, que permite evitar que residuos valorizables tales como los envases y embalajes se envíen a vertedero, guiando al sector hacia un futuro más respetuoso, alineado con el desarrollo sostenible. ABSTRACT One of the challenges humanity faces is the demand of an almost zero waste society: the search for a more efficient economy in the use of resources, taking into account climate change and a sustainable supply of raw materials, that meet the needs of an increasing world population within the sustainable limits of the planet's natural resources. Addressing this challenge involves the recovery and recycling of materials to reduce consumption of raw materials, so innovation must therefore be promoted in the prevention and management of waste, as a strategy towards a sustainable urban development. Packaging is part of our current culture and is related to the degree of development of countries and regions; the construction sector is no stranger to this problem and generates a significant amount of packaging waste in the site works, which nowadays is not managed properly. The current Construction Demolition Waste (CDW) management model is ineffective, since landfills continue to receive large amounts of recoverable waste. The legislation has managed to minimize illegal practices, but it has been observed that the current management of CDW in the analysed works leaves the mission of separating waste according to their nature to the plants, and data provided by the latter does not allow for checking the scope of this objective, nor the destiny of the waste. Packaging is a type of waste which, by its nature, represents a source of recoverable resources and is therefore present in directives and laws, focused primarily on the food industry. It has not been specifically treated to date in the construction field, hence the reason that justifies this work. This Thesis aims to improve the management of packaging waste from construction materials. An important set of residential building works with 1173 dwellings is analysed, which leads to knowledge on the production patterns of packaging waste (PW) in the construction industry, and the identification of the products responsible for its generation. The monitorization also allows for the design of specific strategies which minimise the generation of waste and optimize recovery. It has been found that the individualized treatment of PW can improve the results of the management of the whole CDW since, when not mixed, a major pollutant of inert waste is removed. The analysed works reached a very low segregation level and the façades and building services phases account for more than 50% of the overall PW. Focusing on each type of material, cardboard predominates electricity works, plastic on partitions and wood on façades. Eco-­‐redesign is evaluated for one of the predominant packages, and strategies are identified to minimise their impact are . There is evidence that the savings in the CDW management in case of promoting segregation on site are not very significant at the studied works, although economic feasibility is the most important factor to motivate the construction companies. Public Administrations should encourage responsible management, establishing control measures in treatment plants and implementing CDW management exemplary measures on their work sites for the market. A proper planning of the works and specific training for the personnel are measures that facilitate in situ segregation and improve outcomes. The developers, through their contractual relationship with the other agents, have the ability to set reduction targets, planning and sustainable management of PW. Finally, a management system for PW is proposed, integrated within the Management System of the construction company, which aims to avoid that recoverable waste such as packaging is sent to landfill, leading the industry towards a more environmentally friendly future, aligned with sustainable development.


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The search for new energy models arises as a necessity to have a sustainable power supply. The inclusion of distributed generation sources (DG) allows to reduce the cost of facilities, increase the security of the grid or alleviate problems of congestion through the redistribution of power flows. In remote microgrids it is needed in a particular way a safe and reliable supply, which can cover the demand for a low cost; due to this, distributed generation is an alternative that is being widely introduced in these grids. But the remote microgrids are especially weak grids because of their small size, low voltage level, reduced network mesh and distribution lines with a high ratio R/X. This ratio affects the coupling between grid voltages and phase shifts, and stability becomes an issue of greater importance than in interconnected systems. To ensure the appropriate behavior of generation sources inserted in remote microgrids -and, in general, any electrical equipment-, it is essential to have devices for testing and certification. These devices must, not only faithfully reproduce disturbances occurring in remote microgrids, but also to behave against the equipment under test (EUT) as a real weak grid. This also makes the device commercially competitive. To meet these objectives and based on the aforementioned, it has been designed, built and tested a voltage disturbances generator, in order to provide a simple, versatile, full and easily scalable device to manufacturers and laboratories in the sector.