23 resultados para Incremental Information-content

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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We propose a novel measure to assess the presence of meso-scale structures in complex networks. This measure is based on the identi?cation of regular patterns in the adjacency matrix of the network, and on the calculation of the quantity of information lost when pairs of nodes are iteratively merged. We show how this measure is able to quantify several meso-scale structures, like the presence of modularity, bipartite and core-periphery con?gurations, or motifs. Results corresponding to a large set of real networks are used to validate its ability to detect non-trivial topological patterns.


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La computación basada en servicios (Service-Oriented Computing, SOC) se estableció como un paradigma ampliamente aceptado para el desarollo de sistemas de software flexibles, distribuidos y adaptables, donde las composiciones de los servicios realizan las tareas más complejas o de nivel más alto, frecuentemente tareas inter-organizativas usando los servicios atómicos u otras composiciones de servicios. En tales sistemas, las propriedades de la calidad de servicio (Quality of Service, QoS), como la rapídez de procesamiento, coste, disponibilidad o seguridad, son críticas para la usabilidad de los servicios o sus composiciones en cualquier aplicación concreta. El análisis de estas propriedades se puede realizarse de una forma más precisa y rica en información si se utilizan las técnicas de análisis de programas, como el análisis de complejidad o de compartición de datos, que son capables de analizar simultáneamente tanto las estructuras de control como las de datos, dependencias y operaciones en una composición. El análisis de coste computacional para la composicion de servicios puede ayudar a una monitorización predictiva así como a una adaptación proactiva a través de una inferencia automática de coste computacional, usando los limites altos y bajos como funciones del valor o del tamaño de los mensajes de entrada. Tales funciones de coste se pueden usar para adaptación en la forma de selección de los candidatos entre los servicios que minimizan el coste total de la composición, basado en los datos reales que se pasan al servicio. Las funciones de coste también pueden ser combinadas con los parámetros extraídos empíricamente desde la infraestructura, para producir las funciones de los límites de QoS sobre los datos de entrada, cuales se pueden usar para previsar, en el momento de invocación, las violaciones de los compromisos al nivel de servicios (Service Level Agreements, SLA) potenciales or inminentes. En las composiciones críticas, una previsión continua de QoS bastante eficaz y precisa se puede basar en el modelado con restricciones de QoS desde la estructura de la composition, datos empiricos en tiempo de ejecución y (cuando estén disponibles) los resultados del análisis de complejidad. Este enfoque se puede aplicar a las orquestaciones de servicios con un control centralizado del flujo, así como a las coreografías con participantes multiples, siguiendo unas interacciones complejas que modifican su estado. El análisis del compartición de datos puede servir de apoyo para acciones de adaptación, como la paralelización, fragmentación y selección de los componentes, las cuales son basadas en dependencias funcionales y en el contenido de información en los mensajes, datos internos y las actividades de la composición, cuando se usan construcciones de control complejas, como bucles, bifurcaciones y flujos anidados. Tanto las dependencias funcionales como el contenido de información (descrito a través de algunos atributos definidos por el usuario) se pueden expresar usando una representación basada en la lógica de primer orden (claúsulas de Horn), y los resultados del análisis se pueden interpretar como modelos conceptuales basados en retículos. ABSTRACT Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) is a widely accepted paradigm for development of flexible, distributed and adaptable software systems, in which service compositions perform more complex, higher-level, often cross-organizational tasks using atomic services or other service compositions. In such systems, Quality of Service (QoS) properties, such as the performance, cost, availability or security, are critical for the usability of services and their compositions in concrete applications. Analysis of these properties can become more precise and richer in information, if it employs program analysis techniques, such as the complexity and sharing analyses, which are able to simultaneously take into account both the control and the data structures, dependencies, and operations in a composition. Computation cost analysis for service composition can support predictive monitoring and proactive adaptation by automatically inferring computation cost using the upper and lower bound functions of value or size of input messages. These cost functions can be used for adaptation by selecting service candidates that minimize total cost of the composition, based on the actual data that is passed to them. The cost functions can also be combined with the empirically collected infrastructural parameters to produce QoS bounds functions of input data that can be used to predict potential or imminent Service Level Agreement (SLA) violations at the moment of invocation. In mission-critical applications, an effective and accurate continuous QoS prediction, based on continuations, can be achieved by constraint modeling of composition QoS based on its structure, known data at runtime, and (when available) the results of complexity analysis. This approach can be applied to service orchestrations with centralized flow control, and choreographies with multiple participants with complex stateful interactions. Sharing analysis can support adaptation actions, such as parallelization, fragmentation, and component selection, which are based on functional dependencies and information content of the composition messages, internal data, and activities, in presence of complex control constructs, such as loops, branches, and sub-workflows. Both the functional dependencies and the information content (described using user-defined attributes) can be expressed using a first-order logic (Horn clause) representation, and the analysis results can be interpreted as a lattice-based conceptual models.


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Data-related properties of the activities involved in a service composition can be used to facilitate several design-time and run-time adaptation tasks, such as service evolution, distributed enactment, and instance-level adaptation. A number of these properties can be expressed using a notion of sharing. We present an approach for automated inference of data properties based on sharing analysis, which is able to handle service compositions with complex control structures, involving loops and sub-workflows. The properties inferred can include data dependencies, information content, domain-defined attributes, privacy or confidentiality levels, among others. The analysis produces characterizations of the data and the activities in the composition in terms of minimal and maximal sharing, which can then be used to verify compliance of potential adaptation actions, or as supporting information in their generation. This sharing analysis approach can be used both at design time and at run time. In the latter case, the results of analysis can be refined using the composition traces (execution logs) at the point of execution, in order to support run-time adaptation.


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Social behavior is mainly based on swarm colonies, in which each individual shares its knowledge about the environment with other individuals to get optimal solutions. Such co-operative model differs from competitive models in the way that individuals die and are born by combining information of alive ones. This paper presents the particle swarm optimization with differential evolution algorithm in order to train a neural network instead the classic back propagation algorithm. The performance of a neural network for particular problems is critically dependant on the choice of the processing elements, the net architecture and the learning algorithm. This work is focused in the development of methods for the evolutionary design of artificial neural networks. This paper focuses in optimizing the topology and structure of connectivity for these networks


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One of the biggest challenges that software developers face is to make an accurate estimate of the project effort. Radial basis function neural networks have been used to software effort estimation in this work using NASA dataset. This paper evaluates and compares radial basis function versus a regression model. The results show that radial basis function neural network have obtained less Mean Square Error than the regression method.


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This poster raises the issue of a research work oriented to the storage, retrieval, representation and analysis of dynamic GI, taking into account The ultimate objective is the modelling and representation of the dynamic nature of geographic features, establishing mechanisms to store geometries enriched with a temporal structure (regardless of space) and a set of semantic descriptors detailing and clarifying the nature of the represented features and their temporality. the semantic, the temporal and the spatiotemporal components. We intend to define a set of methods, rules and restrictions for the adequate integration of these components into the primary elements of the GI: theme, location, time [1]. We intend to establish and incorporate three new structures (layers) into the core of data storage by using mark-up languages: a semantictemporal structure, a geosemantic structure, and an incremental spatiotemporal structure. Thus, data would be provided with the capability of pinpointing and expressing their own basic and temporal characteristics, enabling them to interact each other according to their context, and their time and meaning relationships that could be eventually established


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Cultural content on the Web is available in various domains (cultural objects, datasets, geospatial data, moving images, scholarly texts and visual resources), concerns various topics, is written in different languages, targeted to both laymen and experts, and provided by different communities (libraries, archives museums and information industry) and individuals (Figure 1). The integration of information technologies and cultural heritage content on the Web is expected to have an impact on everyday life from the point of view of institutions, communities and individuals. In particular, collaborative environment scan recreate 3D navigable worlds that can offer new insights into our cultural heritage (Chan 2007). However, the main barrier is to find and relate cultural heritage information by end-users of cultural contents, as well as by organisations and communities managing and producing them. In this paper, we explore several visualisation techniques for supporting cultural interfaces, where the role of metadata is essential for supporting the search and communication among end-users (Figure 2). A conceptual framework was developed to integrate the data, purpose, technology, impact, and form components of a collaborative environment, Our preliminary results show that collaborative environments can help with cultural heritage information sharing and communication tasks because of the way in which they provide a visual context to end-users. They can be regarded as distributed virtual reality systems that offer graphically realised, potentially infinite, digital information landscapes. Moreover, collaborative environments also provide a new way of interaction between an end-user and a cultural heritage data set. Finally, the visualisation of metadata of a dataset plays an important role in helping end-users in their search for heritage contents on the Web.


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Management of certain populations requires the preservation of its pure genetic background. When, for different reasons, undesired alleles are introduced, the original genetic conformation must be recovered. The present study tested, through computer simulations, the power of recovery (the ability for removing the foreign information) from genealogical data. Simulated scenarios comprised different numbers of exogenous individuals taking partofthe founder population anddifferent numbers of unmanaged generations before the removal program started. Strategies were based on variables arising from classical pedigree analyses such as founders? contribution and partial coancestry. The ef?ciency of the different strategies was measured as the proportion of native genetic information remaining in the population. Consequences on the inbreeding and coancestry levels of the population were also evaluated. Minimisation of the exogenous founders? contributions was the most powerful method, removing the largest amount of genetic information in just one generation.However, as a side effect, it led to the highest values of inbreeding. Scenarios with a large amount of initial exogenous alleles (i.e. high percentage of non native founders), or many generations of mixing became very dif?cult to recover, pointing out the importance of being careful about introgression events in population


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The main goal of the bilingual and monolingual participation of the MIRACLE team in CLEF 2004 was to test the effect of combination approaches on information retrieval. The starting point was a set of basic components: stemming, transformation, filtering, generation of n-grams, weighting and relevance feedback. Some of these basic components were used in different combinations and order of application for document indexing and for query processing. A second order combination was also tested, mainly by averaging or selective combination of the documents retrieved by different approaches for a particular query.


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This paper describes the first set of experiments defined by the MIRACLE (Multilingual Information RetrievAl for the CLEf campaign) research group for some of the cross language tasks defined by CLEF. These experiments combine different basic techniques, linguistic-oriented and statistic-oriented, to be applied to the indexing and retrieval processes.


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This poster raises the issue of a research work oriented to the storage, retrieval, representation and analysis of dynamic GI, taking into account the semantic, the temporal and the spatiotemporal components. We intend to define a set of methods, rules and restrictions for the adequate integration of these components into the primary elements of the GI: theme, location, time [1]. We intend to establish and incorporate three new structures (layers) into the core of data storage by using mark-up languages: a semantictemporal structure, a geosemantic structure, and an incremental spatiotemporal structure. The ultimate objective is the modelling and representation of the dynamic nature of geographic features, establishing mechanisms to store geometries enriched with a temporal structure (regardless of space) and a set of semantic descriptors detailing and clarifying the nature of the represented features and their temporality. Thus, data would be provided with the capability of pinpointing and expressing their own basic and temporal characteristics, enabling them to interact each other according to their context, and their time and meaning relationships that could be eventually established


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Global analysis of logic programs can be performed effectively by the use of one of several existing efficient algorithms. However, the traditional global analysis scheme in which all the program code is known in advance and no previous analysis information is available is unsatisfactory in many situations. Incrementa! analysis of logic programs has been shown to be feasible and much more efficient in certain contexts than traditional (non-incremental) global analysis. However, incremental analysis poses additional requirements on the fixpoint algorithm used. In this work we identify these requirements, present an important class of strategies meeting the requirements, present sufficient a priori conditions for such strategies, and propose, implement, and evalúate experimentally a novel algorithm for incremental analysis based on these ideas. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm performs very efficiently in the incremental case while being comparable to (and, in some cases, considerably better than) other state-of-the-art analysis algorithms even for the non-incremental case. We argüe that our discussions, results, and experiments also shed light on some of the many tradeoffs involved in the design of algorithms for logic program analysis.


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This doctoral thesis focuses on the modeling of multimedia systems to create personalized recommendation services based on the analysis of users’ audiovisual consumption. Research is focused on the characterization of both users’ audiovisual consumption and content, specifically images and video. This double characterization converges into a hybrid recommendation algorithm, adapted to different application scenarios covering different specificities and constraints. Hybrid recommendation systems use both content and user information as input data, applying the knowledge from the analysis of these data as the initial step to feed the algorithms in order to generate personalized recommendations. Regarding the user information, this doctoral thesis focuses on the analysis of audiovisual consumption to infer implicitly acquired preferences. The inference process is based on a new probabilistic model proposed in the text. This model takes into account qualitative and quantitative consumption factors on the one hand, and external factors such as zapping factor or company factor on the other. As for content information, this research focuses on the modeling of descriptors and aesthetic characteristics, which influence the user and are thus useful for the recommendation system. Similarly, the automatic extraction of these descriptors from the audiovisual piece without excessive computational cost has been considered a priority, in order to ensure applicability to different real scenarios. Finally, a new content-based recommendation algorithm has been created from the previously acquired information, i.e. user preferences and content descriptors. This algorithm has been hybridized with a collaborative filtering algorithm obtained from the current state of the art, so as to compare the efficiency of this hybrid recommender with the individual techniques of recommendation (different hybridization techniques of the state of the art have been studied for suitability). The content-based recommendation focuses on the influence of the aesthetic characteristics on the users. The heterogeneity of the possible users of these kinds of systems calls for the use of different criteria and attributes to create effective recommendations. Therefore, the proposed algorithm is adaptable to different perceptions producing a dynamic representation of preferences to obtain personalized recommendations for each user of the system. The hypotheses of this doctoral thesis have been validated by conducting a set of tests with real users, or by querying a database containing user preferences - available to the scientific community. This thesis is structured based on the different research and validation methodologies of the techniques involved. In the three central chapters the state of the art is studied and the developed algorithms and models are validated via self-designed tests. It should be noted that some of these tests are incremental and confirm the validation of previously discussed techniques. Resumen Esta tesis doctoral se centra en el modelado de sistemas multimedia para la creación de servicios personalizados de recomendación a partir del análisis de la actividad de consumo audiovisual de los usuarios. La investigación se focaliza en la caracterización tanto del consumo audiovisual del usuario como de la naturaleza de los contenidos, concretamente imágenes y vídeos. Esta doble caracterización de usuarios y contenidos confluye en un algoritmo de recomendación híbrido que se adapta a distintos escenarios de aplicación, cada uno de ellos con distintas peculiaridades y restricciones. Todo sistema de recomendación híbrido toma como datos de partida tanto información del usuario como del contenido, y utiliza este conocimiento como entrada para algoritmos que permiten generar recomendaciones personalizadas. Por la parte de la información del usuario, la tesis se centra en el análisis del consumo audiovisual para inferir preferencias que, por lo tanto, se adquieren de manera implícita. Para ello, se ha propuesto un nuevo modelo probabilístico que tiene en cuenta factores de consumo tanto cuantitativos como cualitativos, así como otros factores de contorno, como el factor de zapping o el factor de compañía, que condicionan la incertidumbre de la inferencia. En cuanto a la información del contenido, la investigación se ha centrado en la definición de descriptores de carácter estético y morfológico que resultan influyentes en el usuario y que, por lo tanto, son útiles para la recomendación. Del mismo modo, se ha considerado una prioridad que estos descriptores se puedan extraer automáticamente de un contenido sin exigir grandes requisitos computacionales y, de tal forma que se garantice la posibilidad de aplicación a escenarios reales de diverso tipo. Por último, explotando la información de preferencias del usuario y de descripción de los contenidos ya obtenida, se ha creado un nuevo algoritmo de recomendación basado en contenido. Este algoritmo se cruza con un algoritmo de filtrado colaborativo de referencia en el estado del arte, de tal manera que se compara la eficiencia de este recomendador híbrido (donde se ha investigado la idoneidad de las diferentes técnicas de hibridación del estado del arte) con cada una de las técnicas individuales de recomendación. El algoritmo de recomendación basado en contenido que se ha creado se centra en las posibilidades de la influencia de factores estéticos en los usuarios, teniendo en cuenta que la heterogeneidad del conjunto de usuarios provoca que los criterios y atributos que condicionan las preferencias de cada individuo sean diferentes. Por lo tanto, el algoritmo se adapta a las diferentes percepciones y articula una metodología dinámica de representación de las preferencias que permite obtener recomendaciones personalizadas, únicas para cada usuario del sistema. Todas las hipótesis de la tesis han sido debidamente validadas mediante la realización de pruebas con usuarios reales o con bases de datos de preferencias de usuarios que están a disposición de la comunidad científica. La diferente metodología de investigación y validación de cada una de las técnicas abordadas condiciona la estructura de la tesis, de tal manera que los tres capítulos centrales se estructuran sobre su propio estudio del estado del arte y los algoritmos y modelos desarrollados se validan mediante pruebas autónomas, sin impedir que, en algún caso, las pruebas sean incrementales y ratifiquen la validación de técnicas expuestas anteriormente.


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Commercial computer-aided design systems support the geometric definition of product, but they lack utilities to support initial design stages. Typical tasks such as customer need capture, functional requirement formalization, or design parameter definition are conducted in applications that, for instance, support ?quality function deployment? and ?failure modes and effects analysis? techniques. Such applications are noninteroperable with the computer-aided design systems, leading to discontinuous design information flows. This study addresses this issue and proposes a method to enhance the integration of design information generated in the early design stages into a commercial computer-aided design system. To demonstrate the feasibility of the approach adopted, a prototype application was developed and two case studies were executed.


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The overall objective of this research project is to enrich geographic data with temporal and semantic components in order to significantly improve spatio-temporal analysis of geographic phenomena. To achieve this goal, we intend to establish and incorporate three new layers (structures) into the core of the Geographic Information by using mark-up languages as well as defining a set of methods and tools for enriching the system to make it able to retrieve and exploit such layers (semantic-temporal, geosemantic, and incremental spatio-temporal). Besides these layers, we also propose a set of models (temporal and spatial) and two semantic engines that make the most of the enriched geographic data. The roots of the project and its definition have been previously presented in Siabato & Manso-Callejo 2011. In this new position paper, we extend such work by delineating clearly the methodology and the foundations on which we will base to define the main components of this research: the spatial model, the temporal model, the semantic layers, and the semantic engines. By putting together the former paper and this new work we try to present a comprehensive description of the whole process, from pinpointing the basic problem to describing and assessing the solution. In this new article we just mention the methods and the background to describe how we intend to define the components and integrate them into the GI.