20 resultados para Google Maps

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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A través de esta tesis se busca aportar un análisis de los elementos peatonales que cubren las necesidades y las infraestructuras de apoyo al peatón, siendo un campo poco desarrollado en nuestro país a diferencia de otros como Dinamarca, Reino Unido, Alemania y Holanda, donde las actuaciones peatonales ejecutadas son tradicionales y muy exitosas. Se trata por tanto de un tema poco estudiado pero que adquiere singular importancia en estos años de búsqueda de nuevos modelos urbanos que eviten el derroche de recursos, y avancen hacia formas de movilidad más adecuadas a un mundo limitado y vulnerable. La investigación tiene un carácter eminentemente descriptivo cuyo principal valor es documentar y analizar sistemáticamente una realidad poco conocida, aportándose datos para entender el origen y desarrollo de las actuaciones peatonales. El propósito es ayudar a cimentar este campo en nuestro país, definiendo con precisión el estado de la cuestión geográficamente y dejando para un futuro una cartografía temática completa. El objeto general es estudiar y comprender los elementos peatonales de un número limitado de ciudades medias españolas, marcándose como objetivos específicos los siguientes: - Identificar y describir los principales elementos que conforman la red peatonal de las ciudades. ‐ Estudiar las tipologías espaciales dominantes, sus características y orígenes, pudiendo distinguir de un lado, las desarrolladas en la ciudad consolidada, como las actuaciones en los cascos antiguos; y por otro, las ejecutadas en la ciudad nueva a través de fórmulas arquitectónicas generalmente residenciales con espacios peatonales adjuntos. ‐ Analizar los referidos elementos para comprobar si han conformado redes de uso peatonal, si se han constituido articulando la ciudad como en el caso de los ejes lineales en las ciudades con río o mar, o si han influenciado el carácter del entorno en el que se han realizado, centrando el interés en los cascos históricos peatonalizados. ‐ Comprobar si hay actuaciones complementarias a los procesos de urbanización y mejora urbanística, así como la aprobación de ayudas y subvenciones para afrontar las mismas. ‐ Finalmente, describir y evaluar los procesos y procedimientos mediante los que se produce la peatonalización de determinadas áreas urbanas, los orígenes, los instrumentos y fechas de su puesta en marcha, aportando una cronología peatonal. La metodología comienza con la acotación de 22 ciudades españolas, capitales de provincia con una población entre 100.000 y 500.000 habitantes según los datos del INE del año 2009. La distribución es equilibrada con la selección de ciudades de costa, de interior, con río/ría, con carácter patrimonial, ciudades en islas, etc. El análisis de los elementos peatonales de estas urbes se realiza gracias a la gran resolución de las bases cartográficas públicas y privadas que hay en la actualidad en internet, especialmente con el uso de las herramientas de Google Earth y Google Maps en su versión “street view”, softwares que permiten un paseo virtual de cada ciudad detallándose con gran precisión las actuaciones peatonales. Las ciudades elegidas son: ‐ 11 ciudades costeras: Alicante, Almería, Bilbao, Cádiz, Castellón de la Plana, Huelva, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Palma de Mallorca, Santander, San Sebastián y Tarragona. ‐ 11 ciudades de interior: Albacete, Burgos, Córdoba, León, Lérida, Logroño, Oviedo, Murcia, Pamplona, Valladolid y Vitoria. Finalmente, por tener los porcentajes mas elevados de las áreas peatonales de sus casco histórico, se eligen 3 casos de ciudades representativas para un desarrollo peatonal en profundidad, seleccionándose Burgos, San Sebastián y Pamplona. Otros aspectos metodológicos interesantes a destacar, es la extensa documentación adquirida a través de las fuentes de Internet, sobre todo a la hora de desarrollar el último capítulo “Procesos de peatonalización de las ciudades españolas” centrado en las 3 ciudades elegidas. Se consulta las hemerotecas de periódicos locales, los boletines oficiales, las actas de los plenos de los Ayuntamientos y los documentos de planificación (Planes Generales, Planes Especiales, Planes y Proyectos Municipales, Planes de Movilidad), adquiriéndose una precisa información en cuanto a la cronología de las fechas y extensión del trabajo. Se complementa la metodología con las entrevistas a actores claves en el proceso peatonal, como el personal técnico de los Ayuntamiento y los técnicos redactores de los proyectos; y con la colaboración directa de los técnicos de los consistorios de las 3 ciudades seleccionadas, aportando todo tipo de información demandada. En la tesis, se introduce los elementos peatonales mediante el estudio de los espacios peatonales y los procesos de peatonalización existentes, a través del análisis de la literatura consultada aportándose información valiosa en cuanto a la definición de los modelos peatonales, exponiéndose una breve historia de las peatonalizaciones. Destacan las publicaciones de los expertos europeos en la materia como los autores Carmen Hass-Klau, Rolf Monheim, Rob Krier y Collin Buchanan. En España, las actuaciones peatonales fueron tardías en el tiempo en comparación con el resto de Europa, con casi 40 años de retraso. Las referencias bibliográficas españolas en esta materia son escasas siendo las mas significativas las realizadas por Alfonso Sanz y por el profesor Julio Pozueta destacando una de sus últimas publicaciones “La ciudad paseable” describiéndose los elementos peatonales existentes en las ciudades, sirviendo como modelo y ejemplo para esta investigación. En base a lo anterior, se definen los elementos peatonales como aquellos espacios públicos libres de edificación que, por sus características y diseño, garantizan un confortable uso estancial, de tránsito peatonal y están expresamente reservados para ello. En la tesis se detectan y se especifican los siguientes elementos peatonales: las calles y plazas peatonales, las aceras y bulevares de una anchura superior a 8 metros, los paseos peatonales, los elementos de paso (tradicionales y mecánicos), espacios peatonales ligados a nuevas áreas residenciales, los soportales y pasajes peatonales con una anchura mínima de 4 metros, recintos feriales, espacios libres y zonas verdes y parques. Para cada una de las 22 ciudades seleccionadas se realiza un exhaustivo inventario de los anteriores elementos a través de fichas, aportando un gran número de proyectos individuales ejecutados en cada urbe. Esta información se recoge gráficamente en 2 fotoplanos, conformándose como herramientas fundamentales para esta investigación. El Fotoplano 1 se hace sobre la base de la ciudad del Google Earth diferenciándose las áreas peatonales y las zonas verdes. En el Fotoplano 2, y con el soporte anterior, se distinguen las tipologías persistentes y dominantes como son los grandes ejes peatonales, las redes peatonales locales y los elementos peatonales singulares. Finalmente, a partir de los 2 fotoplanos, se realiza la denominada “Huella peatonal” que destaca por su atractivo y pregnancia, algo de lo que el campo de lo peatonal es muy útil. A través de la huella se obtiene una rápida información al tener el plano dos colores, color naranja para lo peatonal (formado por las áreas peatonales y zonas verdes) y color negro para el resto el resto no peatonal. Toda esta documentación gráfica y descriptiva de los elementos peatonales de cada ciudad, queda ampliamente recogida en el Anexo de la tesis. La “Huella peatonal” se considera como el plano básico en la investigación obteniendo una percepción rápida, clara y visual del espacio peatonal de cada ciudad. Se arroja información morfológica con respecto a la distribución espacial, articulación, equilibrio, modulación, cohesión, concentración peatonal, etc. de cada una de las ciudades seleccionadas. A través de la huella se resuelve muchos de las cuestiones enmarcadas como objetivos de la tesis, comprobándose de forma general, que los elementos peatonales dentro de la trama urbana están desarticulados ya que no hay una estructura que module la ciudad como un conjunto cohesionado. Se localizan pequeñas redes conectadas entre sí, que de forma heterogénea, están dispersas por la ciudad. Se verifica que los elementos peatonales con mayor concentración y presencia en las ciudades analizadas son los ejes peatonales, los cascos históricos y los elementos peatonales en las nuevas áreas residenciales. En la investigación, además de estos 3 elementos mencionados, se analiza con mayor profundidad otros tipos que destacan por su persistencia y repetición en la “Huella peatonal” de cada una de las 22 ciudades, como son las plazas peatonales, los soportales y los elementos singulares peatonales: espacios tradicionales (recintos feriales, pasajes, puentes históricos), nuevos elementos peatonales (pasarelas peatonales, elementos mecánicos de paso), áreas peatonales entorno a edificios culturales y otros casos como los consistentes en la recuperación y transformación de edificaciones y construcciones urbanas de diferente uso y tipología, en nuevas áreas peatonales. Se aporta luz sobre su definición, localización, cronología, proporción, presencia y génesis, facilitando resultados de cada uno de ellos. De forma paralela, se obtiene información de índole cuantitativa a través de las mediciones de la huella, obteniéndose datos y porcentajes de extensión de la ciudad, de las zonas peatonales y de las zonas verdes, de los cascos históricos y de sus superficies peatonales, de los metros lineales de dichos cascos históricos y de sus calles peatonales. Se proporcionan ratios e índices que se consideran fundamentales para una mejor comprensión peatonal de cada urbe. Se establece una clasificación de las ciudades en cada uno de los ámbitos descritos, destacando las ciudades de Pamplona, San Sebastián y Burgos por arrojar las cifras peatonales más positivas encabezando la mayoría de las tablas clasificatorias. La peor ciudad valorada es Alicante, seguida según criterio, de Almería, Palma de Mallorca y Las Palmas de GC. En el capítulo final de la investigación, se eligen las ciudades de Burgos, San Sebastián y Pamplona como casos de estudio representativos. El objetivo es obtener un conocimiento más preciso en cuanto a su origen, cronología y procesos de las peatonalizaciones. Cada ciudad se compone de un cuadro cronológicos por etapas, desarrollándose de forma exhaustiva cada una de ellas, enunciadas normalmente, como instrumentos de planeamiento o proyectos de urbanización, acompañadas de los planos de las actuaciones peatonales. Al final de cada etapa se aportan datos de las cifras de las peatonalizaciones que se van realizando, con un cuadro numérico de localizaciones, superficie peatonal, superficie reurbanizada, longitud peatonal y el grado de peatonalización del casco histórico, además de los datos acumulados por etapa. De las conclusiones cruzadas de estas 3 ciudades, destaca la comprobación de la tendencia de ir peatonalizando los centros antiguos llegando incluso al 100% de calles peatonales en el caso de San Sebastián. No obstante, es difícil confirmar si el objetivo es una peatonalización global de los cascos, ya que son muchas las variables que afectan e influyen en el proceso peatonal de cada ciudad. Se coteja adicionalmente cómo se extiende la cultura peatonal desde el interior al exterior, mas allá de los cascos históricos hacia los ensanches próximos. En cuanto al origen de las peatonalizaciones, se concluye que no hay una concepción inicial y teórica marcada, a partir de la cual se va desarrollando la trama peatonal de cada ciudad. Se puede afirmar que los procesos peatonales ejecutados son variados y de diversa índole, sin poder precisar un hecho como causa principal. Según el momento y las circunstancias, las peatonalizaciones responden a distintas iniciativas promovidas por los comerciantes, por las administraciones locales o por los técnicos de planeamiento, con sus expertas aportaciones en los planes. Estos tres agentes actúan como impulsores de proyectos individuales peatonales que se van solapando en el tiempo. Como punto final de la tesis, se propone una serie de nuevas líneas de investigación que pueden servir como estudio adicional y complementario, respondiendo a aspectos tan relevantes como cuestiones de índole económica, social y de movilidad, fuertemente ligadas a las peatonalizaciones, tal y como se demuestra en la literatura consultada. ABSTRACT This thesis aims to analyse the pedestrian elements dealing with the needs and infrastructures that support pedestrians, as this is a field that is little developed in our country, in comparison to other regions such as Denmark, the United Kingdom, Germany and the Netherlands, where the pedestrian actions implemented are traditional and highly successful. Therefore, even though little research has been done about this topic, this field is increasingly important throughout these years of search for urban models intended to prevent the waste of resources and to develop new mobility ways, more adapted to a limited, vulnerable world. This research is essentially descriptive and it mainly aims to document and systematically analysed a scarcely known reality by providing data in order to understand the origin and development of pedestrian actions. This thesis intends to lay the foundations of this field in Spain, accurately defining the state of the art from a geographical point of view and preparing a full thematic map that may be used in the future. The overall aim is to study and understand the pedestrian elements of a limited number of Spanish medium-size cities, establishing the following specific goals: - To identify and describe the main elements comprising cities' pedestrian networks. - To study of special predominant typologies, their features and origins, with the possibility to, on the one hand, make a difference between the typologies developed in well-established cities, such as the actions in historic quarters, and, on the other hand, those implemented in new cities through generally residential architectural formulae with adjoining pedestrian areas. - To analyse the said elements in order to check whether they have resulted in pedestrian-use networks, whether they have been established by organising the city, such as the linear axes in coastal and riverside cities, or whether they have had an impact on the character of the areas where these elements have been implemented, focusing on pedestrian historic quarters. - Check whether there are actions supplementary to the urban development and urban improvement processes, as well as the approval of financial support and subventions to deal with these actions. - Finally, to describe and assess the processes and procedures by which the pedestrianisation of certain urban areas is carried out, the origins, the instruments and the date of their implementation, providing a pedestrian timeline. The methodology starts by defining 22 Spanish cities, province capitals with a population ranging from 100,000 to 500,000 inhabitants, according to the data recorded by the Spanish Statistics Institute (INE) in 2009. The distribution of coastal, riverside and interior cities, as well as of patrimonial cities and cities in islands, etc. is well balanced. The analysis of the pedestrian elements of these cities is made with the great resolution of the public and private map databases that can be accessed on the Internet, especially using the "street-view" version of tools such as Google Earth and Google Maps, software applications that allow to go for a virtual walk in each city, providing highly precise details about the pedestrian actions. The following cities have been chosen: ‐ 11 coastal cities: Alicante, Almería, Bilbao, Cádiz, Castellón de la Plana, Huelva, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Palma de Mallorca, Santander, San Sebastián and Tarragona. ‐ 11 interior cities: Albacete, Burgos, Córdoba, León, Lérida, Logroño, Oviedo, Murcia, Pamplona, Valladolid and Vitoria. Finally, as they have the highest percentages regarding the pedestrian areas found in the historic quarters, 3 cities representing a deep pedestrian development have been chosen: Burgos, San Sebastián and Pamplona. Other significant methodological aspects are the many documents found from online sources, especially when preparing the last chapter: “Processes for the pedestrianisation of Spanish cities”, which focuses on the 3 cities chosen. Local newspaper and periodical libraries, official gazettes, the minutes of plenary sessions of councils and the zoning regulation documents (General Zoning Plans, Special Zoning Plans, Municipal Plans and Projects, Mobility Plans, etc.) have been consulted, obtaining accurate information regarding the timeline and the extension of the works carried out. The methodology is supplemented by interviews with key players in the pedestrianisation process, such as the technical staff in councils and the officers drafting and designing the projects, as well as with the direct collaboration by the officers of the councils of the 3 cities chosen, who provided all the information requested. The thesis introduces the pedestrian elements by studying pedestrian areas and existing pedestrianisation processes through the analysis of the literature consulted, providing valuable information for the definition of pedestrian models and showing a brief history and background of the pedestrianisation process. Remarkable papers published by some European experts in the field, such as Carmen Hass-Klau, Rolf Monheim and Collin Buchanan, are covered in the thesis. In Spain, the pedestrianisation actions were late in time in comparison to the rest of Europe, with at least 40 years of delay. The Spanish literature references in this field are limited. The most significant papers are those published by Alfonso Sanz and by Professor Julio Pozueta, with a special mention of one of his last works "La ciudad paseable" (The Walkable City), which describes the pedestrian elements found in the cities and is used a model and an example for this research. Based on the elements above, pedestrian elements are defined as those construction-free public areas that, due to their features and design, ensure the comfortable, convenient use of the spaces, characterised by pedestrian traffic and specifically reserved for this purpose. The thesis detects and specifies the following pedestrian elements: pedestrian streets and squares, pavements (sidewalks) and boulevards with a width exceeding 8 metres, pedestrian promenades, crossing elements (traditional and mechanical), pedestrian spaces linked to new residential areas, colonnades and pedestrian passages or narrow streets with a minimum width of 4 metres, exhibition sites, free spaces and green areas and parks. For each of the 22 cities chosen, a thorough inventory of the elements mentioned above has been made by using worksheets, providing a significant number of individual projects developed in each city. This information is graphically collected and displayed on 2 photomaps, resulting in tools essential for this research. Photomap 1 is made based on the city displayed by Google Earth, making a difference between pedestrian areas and green areas. On Photomap 2, using the tool mentioned above, a difference can be made between persistent and predominant typologies, such as the big pedestrian axes, the local pedestrian networks and singular pedestrian elements. Finally, the 2 photomaps are used in order to establish the so-called "pedestrian footprint", which is highlighted by its attractiveness and appeal, concepts for which the pedestrian field is very useful. With the pedestrian footprint, quick information can be obtained, since the map shows two colours: orange for pedestrian elements (made up of pedestrian areas and green areas) and black for the other non-pedestrian elements. A significant part of these graphic, descriptive documents about each city's pedestrian elements can be found in the thesis appendix. The "Pedestrian Footprint" is regarded in the research as the basic map, obtaining a quick, clear and visual perception of each city's pedestrian space. This footprint provides morphological information regarding the space distribution, the organisation, the balance, the modulation, the cohesion, the pedestrian concentration, etc. in each of the cities chosen. The pedestrian footprint helps solve many of the questions established as the thesis goals, proving that, in general, the pedestrian elements are not organised in the urban plot, as there is no structure modulating the city as a properly linked set of elements. Small networks linked to each other and heterogeneously scattered all over the city are found. It has been verified that the pedestrian elements with the highest concentration and presence in the cities analysed are the pedestrian axes, the historic quarters and the pedestrian elements found in the new residential areas. Besides these 3 elements mentioned, the research analyses in depth other types that are remarkable due to their persistence and repetition in the "Pedestrian Footprint" of each of the 22 cities, such as the pedestrian squares, the colonnades and the singular pedestrian elements: traditional spaces (exhibition sites, passages, historic bridges), new pedestrian elements (pedestrian footbridges, mechanical crossing elements), pedestrian areas around cultural buildings and other cases such as those consisting of recovering and transforming building and urban constructions, intended for a wide range of purposes and of different types, into new pedestrian areas. This work puts light on the definition, location, timeline, proportion, presence and origin, providing results for each of these concepts. At the same time, quantitative information is obtained by measuring the footprint, getting data and percentages on the size of the city, the pedestrian areas and the green areas, the historic quarters and the pedestrian zones, the linear metres of such historic quarters and pedestrian streets. The footprint also provides ratios and rates that are considered as essential in order to better understand the pedestrian elements of each city. A classification of cities is established for each of the areas described, highlighting the cities of Pamplona, San Sebastián and Burgos, as they provide the most positive pedestrian figures and lead most of the classification tables or rankings. According to the criteria considered, the city with the worst values is Alicante, followed by Almería, Palma de Mallorca and Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. In the final chapter in the thesis, the cities of Burgos, San Sebastián and Pamplona are chosen as representative study cases. The aim is to gain more accurate knowledge regarding the pedestrianisation origin, timeline and processes. Each city comprises a chronological sequence made of stages, each of which is thoroughly developed and usually announced as zoning plans or urban development projects, accompanied by the plans of the pedestrian actions. At the end of each stage, data with the figures of the pedestrianisation projects are provided, including a numerical chart with locations, pedestrian area, redeveloped urban areas, pedestrian length and pedestrianisation degree in the historic quarter, as well as the data cumulated throughout each stage. In the crossed conclusions on the three cities, the trend of gradually pedestrianising the historic quarters (even reaching the 100% of the pedestrian streets as in San Sebastián) is verified. However, it is difficult to confirm whether the purpose is to reach an overall pedestrianisation of the historic quarters, since there are many variables that affect and influence each city's pedestrianisation process. In addition, the spread of the pedestrian culture from the internal areas to the external areas, beyond the historic quarters to the nearby expansion areas, is compared. Regarding the origin of pedestrianisations, the thesis comes to the conclusion that there is no initial or theoretical conception from which each city's pedestrian plot is developed. The pedestrian processes implemented are varied and diverse but no fact can be specified as the main cause. Based on the moment and circumstances, the pedestrianisation processes are due to different initiatives promoted by shopkeepers, by the local administrations or by the zoning officers, with their expert contributions to the plans. These three players promote and drive individual pedestrianisation projects that overlap in the course of time. Finally, new lines of research are put forwards, as they can be taken as an additional study and as a supplement to this research, dealing with aspects as significant as the economic, social and mobility factors, closely linked to the pedestrianisation processes, as proven in the literature consulted.


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El proyecto “Aplicación móvil y web para la gestión de lugares geolocalizados (www.midiez.com)” tiene como objetivo principal crear un repositorio de listas categorizadas de sitios para su uso en el ámbito personal o comercial. Tanto la aplicación web como la aplicación móvil desarrollada en Android tienen el propósito de gestionar listas de lugares de interés (Restaurantes, tiendas,..) o con propósitos específicos (Organización de viajes) o simplemente como una forma de anotar aquellos sitios que nos comentan y que nos gustaría visitar. El desarrollo de este proyecto además permitirá contrastar las distintas alternativas y la evolución de las distintas herramientas que se han ido desarrollando para la gestión del ocio en los últimos años desde el sistema Android y plataformas web. Todo el proyecto ha sido realizado usando software libre (PHP para el lenguaje web servidor y Java para la programación móvil). La principal finalidad desde el punto de vista del desarrollador es: aprovechar las sinergias de la programación móvil y la programación web de manera que las mismas capas de negocio de Datos sean usadas por ambas plataformas. Asimismo crear una aplicación distribuida y fácilmente escalable. Las herramientas que se han usado para desarrollar han sido: la SDK proporcionada por Google, una JDK de Java y un IDE de desarrollo Java como es Eclipse y otro similar para el desarrollo de la parte PHP. La BBDD elegida ha sido MySQL. El proyecto pretende mostrar el potencial de las aplicaciones móviles geolocalizadas desde el punto de vista del ocio y compararlas con el estado del arte actual. Por lo tanto la mayor parte del tiempo dedicado al proyecto ha sido empleado en el desarrollo de la aplicación web, la aplicación móvil y en la base de datos pero también he dedicado una pequeña parte del trabajo para realizar un estudio sobre las consecuencias que esta tecnología está teniendo en nuestros cerebros. ABSTRACT The project "Web and Mobile App for managing geolocation places” has as main objective managing of places lists in order to use them in the leisure time scope. Nowadays the use of GPS is being a constant in mobile applications so that is already part of our daily life. We used to know where we are always and at the same time we can find locations using the technology of our mobile phones. Now it is very difficult to get lost outside but also is difficult to explain somebody how to get to anywhere without using Google Maps. Google Maps, Geolocation, gps navigators, … all that kind of stuff are making our life easier and less complicated but also are making our brains lazier. Furthermore, the development of this project will use the potential of locate places into maps to avoid annotate every spot we would like to visit or a brand new restaurant. The project itself shows the location features of Google Maps combined with an places data base in order to create, and manage places lists and use them to get to them as well as to share those places with our contacts. Also, the main purpose from the point of view of the developer is to combine different programming languages and use the resulting synergies in a easily scalable and portable environment. The tools that have been used to develop are: the SDK provided by Google, one JDK Java and Java development IDE such as Eclipse and similar to the development of the PHP part. The DB has been chosen MySQL. Finally, this project aims to show, from an educational point of view, the use and potential of this technology. Thus, it has been devoted a large amount of time of the project (and, consequently, its documentation) on develop the Android app, the data base and the web app but also but also to highlight the consequences of using technology.


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The Self-OrganizingMap (SOM) is a neural network model that performs an ordered projection of a high dimensional input space in a low-dimensional topological structure. The process in which such mapping is formed is defined by the SOM algorithm, which is a competitive, unsupervised and nonparametric method, since it does not make any assumption about the input data distribution. The feature maps provided by this algorithm have been successfully applied for vector quantization, clustering and high dimensional data visualization processes. However, the initialization of the network topology and the selection of the SOM training parameters are two difficult tasks caused by the unknown distribution of the input signals. A misconfiguration of these parameters can generate a feature map of low-quality, so it is necessary to have some measure of the degree of adaptation of the SOM network to the input data model. The topologypreservation is the most common concept used to implement this measure. Several qualitative and quantitative methods have been proposed for measuring the degree of SOM topologypreservation, particularly using Kohonen's model. In this work, two methods for measuring the topologypreservation of the Growing Cell Structures (GCSs) model are proposed: the topographic function and the topology preserving map


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The adaptation to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) is becoming a great challenge for the University Community, especially for its teaching and research staff, which is involved actively in the teaching-learning process. It is also inducing a paradigm change for lecturers and students. Among the methodologies used for processes of teaching innovation, system thinking plays an important role when working mainly with mind maps, and is focused to highlighting the essence of the knowledge, allowing its visual representation. In this paper, a method for using these mind maps for organizing a particular subject is explained. This organization is completed with the definition of duration, precedence relationships and resources for each of these activities, as well as with their corresponding monitoring. Mind maps are generated by means of the MINDMANAGER package whilst Ms-PROJECT is used for establishing tasks relationships, durations, resources, and monitoring. Summarizing, a procedure and the necessary set of applications for self organizing and managing (timed) scheduled teaching tasks has been described in this paper.


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The adaptation to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) is becoming a great challenge for the University Community, especially for its teaching and research staff, which is involved actively in the teaching-learning process. It is also inducing a paradigm change for lecturers and students. Among the methodologies used for processes of teaching innovation, system thinking plays an important role when working mainly with mind maps, and is focused to highlighting the essence of the knowledge, allowing its visual representation. In this paper, a method for using these mind maps for organizing a particular subject is explained. This organization is completed with the definition of duration, precedence relationships and resources for each of these activities, as well as with their corresponding monitoring. Mind maps are generated by means of the MINDMANAGER package whilst Ms-PROJECT is used for establishing tasks relationships, durations, resources, and monitoring. Summarizing, a procedure and the necessary set of applications for self organizing and managing (timed) scheduled teaching tasks has been described in this paper


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In this paper, we consider a scenario where 3D scenes are modeled through a View+Depth representation. This representation is to be used at the rendering side to generate synthetic views for free viewpoint video. The encoding of both type of data (view and depth) is carried out using two H.264/AVC encoders. In this scenario we address the reduction of the encoding complexity of depth data. Firstly, an analysis of the Mode Decision and Motion Estimation processes has been conducted for both view and depth sequences, in order to capture the correlation between them. Taking advantage of this correlation, we propose a fast mode decision and motion estimation algorithm for the depth encoding. Results show that the proposed algorithm reduces the computational burden with a negligible loss in terms of quality of the rendered synthetic views. Quality measurements have been conducted using the Video Quality Metric.


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Se proponen novedosas fórmulas para evaluar la certeza de la cartografía


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We propose a new Bayesian framework for automatically determining the position (location and orientation) of an uncalibrated camera using the observations of moving objects and a schematic map of the passable areas of the environment. Our approach takes advantage of static and dynamic information on the scene structures through prior probability distributions for object dynamics. The proposed approach restricts plausible positions where the sensor can be located while taking into account the inherent ambiguity of the given setting. The proposed framework samples from the posterior probability distribution for the camera position via data driven MCMC, guided by an initial geometric analysis that restricts the search space. A Kullback-Leibler divergence analysis is then used that yields the final camera position estimate, while explicitly isolating ambiguous settings. The proposed approach is evaluated in synthetic and real environments, showing its satisfactory performance in both ambiguous and unambiguous settings.


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It has been demonstrated that rating trust and reputation of individual nodes is an effective approach in distributed environments in order to improve security, support decision-making and promote node collaboration. Nevertheless, these systems are vulnerable to deliberate false or unfair testimonies. In one scenario, the attackers collude to give negative feedback on the victim in order to lower or destroy its reputation. This attack is known as bad mouthing attack. In another scenario, a number of entities agree to give positive feedback on an entity (often with adversarial intentions). This attack is known as ballot stuffing. Both attack types can significantly deteriorate the performances of the network. The existing solutions for coping with these attacks are mainly concentrated on prevention techniques. In this work, we propose a solution that detects and isolates the abovementioned attackers, impeding them in this way to further spread their malicious activity. The approach is based on detecting outliers using clustering, in this case self-organizing maps. An important advantage of this approach is that we have no restrictions on training data, and thus there is no need for any data pre-processing. Testing results demonstrate the capability of the approach in detecting both bad mouthing and ballot stuffing attack in various scenarios.


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The aim of this work is to provide the necessary methods to register and fuse the endo-epicardial signal intensity (SI) maps extracted from contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (ceMRI) with X-ray coronary ngiograms using an intrinsic registrationbased algorithm to help pre-planning and guidance of catheterization procedures. Fusion of angiograms with SI maps was treated as a 2D-3D pose estimation, where each image point is projected to a Plücker line, and the screw representation for rigid motions is minimized using a gradient descent method. The resultant transformation is applied to the SI map that is then projected and fused on each angiogram. The proposed method was tested in clinical datasets from 6 patients with prior myocardial infarction. The registration procedure is optionally combined with an iterative closest point algorithm (ICP) that aligns the ventricular contours segmented from two ventriculograms.


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In this paper we present an adaptive spatio-temporal filter that aims to improve low-cost depth camera accuracy and stability over time. The proposed system is composed by three blocks that are used to build a reliable depth map of static scenes. An adaptive joint-bilateral filter is used to obtain consistent depth maps by jointly considering depth and video information and by adapting its parameters to different levels of estimated noise. Kalman filters are used to reduce the temporal random fluctuations of the measurements. Finally an interpolation algorithm is used to obtain consistent depth maps in the regions where the depth information is not available. Results show that this approach allows to considerably improve the depth maps quality by considering spatio-temporal information and by adapting its parameters to different levels of noise.


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In this paper we present an efficient hole filling strategy that improves the quality of the depth maps obtained with the Microsoft Kinect device. The proposed approach is based on a joint-bilateral filtering framework that includes spatial and temporal information. The missing depth values are obtained applying iteratively a joint-bilateral filter to their neighbor pixels. The filter weights are selected considering three different factors: visual data, depth information and a temporal-consistency map. Video and depth data are combined to improve depth map quality in presence of edges and homogeneous regions. Finally, the temporal-consistency map is generated in order to track the reliability of the depth measurements near the hole regions. The obtained depth values are included iteratively in the filtering process of the successive frames and the accuracy of the hole regions depth values increases while new samples are acquired and filtered


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We propose a new method to automatically refine a facial disparity map obtained with standard cameras and under conventional illumination conditions by using a smart combination of traditional computer vision and 3D graphics techniques. Our system inputs two stereo images acquired with standard (calibrated) cameras and uses dense disparity estimation strategies to obtain a coarse initial disparity map, and SIFT to detect and match several feature points in the subjects face. We then use these points as anchors to modify the disparity in the facial area by building a Delaunay triangulation of their convex hull and interpolating their disparity values inside each triangle. We thus obtain a refined disparity map providing a much more accurate representation of the the subjects facial features. This refined facial disparity map may be easily transformed, through the camera calibration parameters, into a depth map to be used, also automatically, to improve the facial mesh of a 3D avatar to match the subjects real human features.


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In this paper we provide a method that allows the visualization of similarity relationships present between items of collaborative filtering recommender systems, as well as the relative importance of each of these. The objective is to offer visual representations of the recommender system?s set of items and of their relationships; these graphs show us where the most representative information can be found and which items are rated in a more similar way by the recommender system?s community of users. The visual representations achieved take the shape of phylogenetic trees, displaying the numerical similarity and the reliability between each pair of items considered to be similar. As a case study we provide the results obtained using the public database Movielens 1M, which contains 3900 movies.


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Suslin analytic sets characterize the sets of asymptotic values of entire holomorphic functions. By a theorem of Ahlfors, the set of asymptotic values is finite for a function with finite order of growth. Quasiregular maps are a natural generalization of holomorphic functions to dimensions n ≥ 3 and, in fact, many of the properties of holomorphic functions have counterparts for quasiregular maps. It is shown that analytic sets also characterize the sets of asymptotic values of quasiregular maps in Rn, even for those with finite order of growth. Our construction is based on Drasin's quasiregular sine function