45 resultados para Extensible Pluggable Architecture Hydra Data
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
La implantación de las tecnologías Internet ha permitido la extensión del uso de estrategias e-manufacturing y el desarrollo de herramientas para la recopilación, transformación y sincronización de datos de fabricación vía web. En este ámbito, un área de potencial desarrollo es la extensión del virtual manufacturing a los procesos de Performance Management (PM), área crítica para la toma de decisiones y ejecución de acciones de mejora en fabricación. Este trabajo doctoral propone un Arquitectura de Información para el desarrollo de herramientas virtuales en el ámbito PM. Su aplicación permite asegurar la interoperabilidad necesaria en los procesos de tratamiento de información de toma de decisión. Está formado por tres sub-sistemas: un modelo conceptual, un modelo de objetos y un marco Web compuesto de una plataforma de información y una arquitectura de servicios Web (WS). El modelo conceptual y el modelo de objetos se basa en el desarrollo de toda la información que se necesita para definir y obtener los diferentes indicadores de medida que requieren los procesos PM. La plataforma de información hace uso de las tecnologías XML y B2MML para estructurar un nuevo conjunto de esquemas de mensajes de intercambio de medición de rendimiento (PMXML). Esta plataforma de información se complementa con una arquitectura de servicios web que hace uso de estos esquemas para integrar los procesos de codificación, decodificación, traducción y evaluación de los performance key indicators (KPI). Estos servicios realizan todas las transacciones que permiten transformar los datos origen en información inteligente usable en los procesos de toma de decisión. Un caso práctico de intercambio de datos en procesos de medición del área de mantenimiento de equipos es mostrado para verificar la utilidad de la arquitectura. ABSTRAC The implementation of Internet technologies has led to e-Manufacturing technologies becoming more widely used and to the development of tools for compiling, transforming and synchronizing manufacturing data through the Web. In this context, a potential area for development is the extension of virtual manufacturing to Performance Measurement (PM) processes, a critical area for decision-making and implementing improvement actions in manufacturing. This thesis proposes a Information Architecture to integrate decision support systems in e-manufacturing. Specifically, the proposed architecture offers a homogeneous PM information exchange model that can be applied trough decision support in emanufacturing environment. Its application improves the necessary interoperability in decision-making data processing tasks. It comprises three sub-systems: a data model, a object model and Web Framework which is composed by a PM information platform and PM-Web services architecture. . The data model and the object model are based on developing all the information required to define and acquire the different indicators required by PM processes. The PM information platform uses XML and B2MML technologies to structure a new set of performance measurement exchange message schemas (PM-XML). This PM information platform is complemented by a PM-Web Services architecture that uses these schemas to integrate the coding, decoding, translation and assessment processes of the key performance indicators (KPIs). These services perform all the transactions that enable the source data to be transformed into smart data that can be used in the decision-making processes. A practical example of data exchange for measurement processes in the area of equipment maintenance is shown to demonstrate the utility of the architecture.
This paper presents a data-intensive architecture that demonstrates the ability to support applications from a wide range of application domains, and support the different types of users involved in defining, designing and executing data-intensive processing tasks. The prototype architecture is introduced, and the pivotal role of DISPEL as a canonical language is explained. The architecture promotes the exploration and exploitation of distributed and heterogeneous data and spans the complete knowledge discovery process, from data preparation, to analysis, to evaluation and reiteration. The architecture evaluation included large-scale applications from astronomy, cosmology, hydrology, functional genetics, imaging processing and seismology.
There is an increasing tendency of turning the current power grid, essentially unaware of variations in electricity demand and scattered energy sources, into something capable of bringing a degree of intelligence by using tools strongly related to information and communication technologies, thus turning into the so-called Smart Grid. In fact, it could be considered that the Smart Grid is an extensive smart system that spreads throughout any area where power is required, providing a significant optimization in energy generation, storage and consumption. However, the information that must be treated to accomplish these tasks is challenging both in terms of complexity (semantic features, distributed systems, suitable hardware) and quantity (consumption data, generation data, forecasting functionalities, service reporting), since the different energy beneficiaries are prone to be heterogeneous, as the nature of their own activities is. This paper presents a proposal on how to deal with these issues by using a semantic middleware architecture that integrates different components focused on specific tasks, and how it is used to handle information at every level and satisfy end user requests.
Con el auge del Cloud Computing, las aplicaciones de proceso de datos han sufrido un incremento de demanda, y por ello ha cobrado importancia lograr m�ás eficiencia en los Centros de Proceso de datos. El objetivo de este trabajo es la obtenci�ón de herramientas que permitan analizar la viabilidad y rentabilidad de diseñar Centros de Datos especializados para procesamiento de datos, con una arquitectura, sistemas de refrigeraci�ón, etc. adaptados. Algunas aplicaciones de procesamiento de datos se benefician de las arquitecturas software, mientras que en otras puede ser m�ás eficiente un procesamiento con arquitectura hardware. Debido a que ya hay software con muy buenos resultados en el procesamiento de grafos, como el sistema XPregel, en este proyecto se realizará una arquitectura hardware en VHDL, implementando el algoritmo PageRank de Google de forma escalable. Se ha escogido este algoritmo ya que podr��á ser m�ás eficiente en arquitectura hardware, debido a sus características concretas que se indicaráan m�ás adelante. PageRank sirve para ordenar las p�áginas por su relevancia en la web, utilizando para ello la teorí��a de grafos, siendo cada página web un vértice de un grafo; y los enlaces entre páginas, las aristas del citado grafo. En este proyecto, primero se realizará un an�álisis del estado de la técnica. Se supone que la implementaci�ón en XPregel, un sistema de procesamiento de grafos, es una de las m�ás eficientes. Por ello se estudiará esta �ultima implementaci�ón. Sin embargo, debido a que Xpregel procesa, en general, algoritmos que trabajan con grafos; no tiene en cuenta ciertas caracterí��sticas del algoritmo PageRank, por lo que la implementaci�on no es �optima. Esto es debido a que en PageRank, almacenar todos los datos que manda un mismo v�értice es un gasto innecesario de memoria ya que todos los mensajes que manda un vértice son iguales entre sí e iguales a su PageRank. Se realizará el diseño en VHDL teniendo en cuenta esta caracter��ística del citado algoritmo,evitando almacenar varias veces los mensajes que son iguales. Se ha elegido implementar PageRank en VHDL porque actualmente las arquitecturas de los sistemas operativos no escalan adecuadamente. Se busca evaluar si con otra arquitectura se obtienen mejores resultados. Se realizará un diseño partiendo de cero, utilizando la memoria ROM de IPcore de Xillinx (Software de desarrollo en VHDL), generada autom�áticamente. Se considera hacer cuatro tipos de módulos para que as�� el procesamiento se pueda hacer en paralelo. Se simplificar�á la estructura de XPregel con el fin de intentar aprovechar la particularidad de PageRank mencionada, que hace que XPregel no le saque el m�aximo partido. Despu�és se escribirá el c�ódigo, realizando una estructura escalable, ya que en la computación intervienen millones de páginas web. A continuación, se sintetizar�á y se probará el código en una FPGA. El �ultimo paso será una evaluaci�ón de la implementaci�ón, y de posibles mejoras en cuanto al consumo.
Internet está evolucionando hacia la conocida como Live Web. En esta nueva etapa en la evolución de Internet, se pone al servicio de los usuarios multitud de streams de datos sociales. Gracias a estas fuentes de datos, los usuarios han pasado de navegar por páginas web estáticas a interacturar con aplicaciones que ofrecen contenido personalizado, basada en sus preferencias. Cada usuario interactúa a diario con multiples aplicaciones que ofrecen notificaciones y alertas, en este sentido cada usuario es una fuente de eventos, y a menudo los usuarios se sienten desbordados y no son capaces de procesar toda esa información a la carta. Para lidiar con esta sobresaturación, han aparecido múltiples herramientas que automatizan las tareas más habituales, desde gestores de bandeja de entrada, gestores de alertas en redes sociales, a complejos CRMs o smart-home hubs. La contrapartida es que aunque ofrecen una solución a problemas comunes, no pueden adaptarse a las necesidades de cada usuario ofreciendo una solucion personalizada. Los Servicios de Automatización de Tareas (TAS de sus siglas en inglés) entraron en escena a partir de 2012 para dar solución a esta liminación. Dada su semejanza, estos servicios también son considerados como un nuevo enfoque en la tecnología de mash-ups pero centra en el usuarios. Los usuarios de estas plataformas tienen la capacidad de interconectar servicios, sensores y otros aparatos con connexión a internet diseñando las automatizaciones que se ajustan a sus necesidades. La propuesta ha sido ámpliamante aceptada por los usuarios. Este hecho ha propiciado multitud de plataformas que ofrecen servicios TAS entren en escena. Al ser un nuevo campo de investigación, esta tesis presenta las principales características de los TAS, describe sus componentes, e identifica las dimensiones fundamentales que los defines y permiten su clasificación. En este trabajo se acuña el termino Servicio de Automatización de Tareas (TAS) dando una descripción formal para estos servicios y sus componentes (llamados canales), y proporciona una arquitectura de referencia. De igual forma, existe una falta de herramientas para describir servicios de automatización, y las reglas de automatización. A este respecto, esta tesis propone un modelo común que se concreta en la ontología EWE (Evented WEb Ontology). Este modelo permite com parar y equiparar canales y automatizaciones de distintos TASs, constituyendo un aporte considerable paraa la portabilidad de automatizaciones de usuarios entre plataformas. De igual manera, dado el carácter semántico del modelo, permite incluir en las automatizaciones elementos de fuentes externas sobre los que razonar, como es el caso de Linked Open Data. Utilizando este modelo, se ha generado un dataset de canales y automatizaciones, con los datos obtenidos de algunos de los TAS existentes en el mercado. Como último paso hacia el lograr un modelo común para describir TAS, se ha desarrollado un algoritmo para aprender ontologías de forma automática a partir de los datos del dataset. De esta forma, se favorece el descubrimiento de nuevos canales, y se reduce el coste de mantenimiento del modelo, el cual se actualiza de forma semi-automática. En conclusión, las principales contribuciones de esta tesis son: i) describir el estado del arte en automatización de tareas y acuñar el término Servicio de Automatización de Tareas, ii) desarrollar una ontología para el modelado de los componentes de TASs y automatizaciones, iii) poblar un dataset de datos de canales y automatizaciones, usado para desarrollar un algoritmo de aprendizaje automatico de ontologías, y iv) diseñar una arquitectura de agentes para la asistencia a usuarios en la creación de automatizaciones. ABSTRACT The new stage in the evolution of the Web (the Live Web or Evented Web) puts lots of social data-streams at the service of users, who no longer browse static web pages but interact with applications that present them contextual and relevant experiences. Given that each user is a potential source of events, a typical user often gets overwhelmed. To deal with that huge amount of data, multiple automation tools have emerged, covering from simple social media managers or notification aggregators to complex CRMs or smart-home Hub/Apps. As a downside, they cannot tailor to the needs of every single user. As a natural response to this downside, Task Automation Services broke in the Internet. They may be seen as a new model of mash-up technology for combining social streams, services and connected devices from an end-user perspective: end-users are empowered to connect those stream however they want, designing the automations they need. The numbers of those platforms that appeared early on shot up, and as a consequence the amount of platforms following this approach is growing fast. Being a novel field, this thesis aims to shed light on it, presenting and exemplifying the main characteristics of Task Automation Services, describing their components, and identifying several dimensions to classify them. This thesis coins the term Task Automation Services (TAS) by providing a formal definition of them, their components (called channels), as well a TAS reference architecture. There is also a lack of tools for describing automation services and automations rules. In this regard, this thesis proposes a theoretical common model of TAS and formalizes it as the EWE ontology This model enables to compare channels and automations from different TASs, which has a high impact in interoperability; and enhances automations providing a mechanism to reason over external sources such as Linked Open Data. Based on this model, a dataset of components of TAS was built, harvesting data from the web sites of actual TASs. Going a step further towards this common model, an algorithm for categorizing them was designed, enabling their discovery across different TAS. Thus, the main contributions of the thesis are: i) surveying the state of the art on task automation and coining the term Task Automation Service; ii) providing a semantic common model for describing TAS components and automations; iii) populating a categorized dataset of TAS components, used to learn ontologies of particular domains from the TAS perspective; and iv) designing an agent architecture for assisting users in setting up automations, that is aware of their context and acts in consequence.
Nowadays, Internet is a place where social networks have reached an important impact in collaboration among people over the world in different ways. This article proposes a new paradigm for building CSCW business tools following the novel ideas provided by the social web to collaborate and generate awareness. An implementation of these concepts is described, including the components we provide to collaborate in workspaces, (such as videoconference, chat, desktop sharing, forums or temporal events), and the way we generate awareness from these complex social data structures. Figures and validation results are also presented to stress that this architecture has been defined to support awareness generation via joining current and future social data from business and social networks worlds, based on the idea of using social data stored in the cloud.
The fuzzy min–max neural network classifier is a supervised learning method. This classifier takes the hybrid neural networks and fuzzy systems approach. All input variables in the network are required to correspond to continuously valued variables, and this can be a significant constraint in many real-world situations where there are not only quantitative but also categorical data. The usual way of dealing with this type of variables is to replace the categorical by numerical values and treat them as if they were continuously valued. But this method, implicitly defines a possibly unsuitable metric for the categories. A number of different procedures have been proposed to tackle the problem. In this article, we present a new method. The procedure extends the fuzzy min–max neural network input to categorical variables by introducing new fuzzy sets, a new operation, and a new architecture. This provides for greater flexibility and wider application. The proposed method is then applied to missing data imputation in voting intention polls. The micro data—the set of the respondents’ individual answers to the questions—of this type of poll are especially suited for evaluating the method since they include a large number of numerical and categorical attributes.
In this paper an implementation of a Wake up Radio(WuR) with addressing capabilities based on an ultra low power FPGA for ultra low energy Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) is proposed. The main goal is to evaluate the utilization of very low power configurable devices to take advantage of their speed, flexibility and low power consumption instead of the traditional approaches based on ASICs or microcontrollers, for communication frame decoding and communication data control.
This article proposes a MAS architecture for network diagnosis under uncertainty. Network diagnosis is divided into two inference processes: hypothesis generation and hypothesis confirmation. The first process is distributed among several agents based on a MSBN, while the second one is carried out by agents using semantic reasoning. A diagnosis ontology has been defined in order to combine both inference processes. To drive the deliberation process, dynamic data about the influence of observations are taken during diagnosis process. In order to achieve quick and reliable diagnoses, this influence is used to choose the best action to perform. This approach has been evaluated in a P2P video streaming scenario. Computational and time improvements are highlight as conclusions.
Arquitectura de almacenamiento para imágenes JPEG2000 basado en la fragmentación del fichero para poder almacenar los datos en diferentes discos para optimizar el almacenamiento en función de la calidad de los datos y posibilitar el aumento de transferencia.
Modern FPGAs with Dynamic and Partial Reconfiguration (DPR) feature allow the implementation of complex, yet flexible, hardware systems. Combining this flexibility with evolvable hardware techniques, real adaptive systems, able to reconfigure themselves according to environmental changes, can be envisaged. In this paper, a highly regular and modular architecture combined with a fast reconfiguration mechanism is proposed, allowing the introduction of dynamic and partial reconfiguration in the evolvable hardware loop. Results and use case show that, following this approach, evolvable processing IP Cores can be built, providing intensive data processing capabilities, improving data and delay overheads with respect to previous proposals. Results also show that, in the worst case (maximum mutation rate), average reconfiguration time is 5 times lower than evaluation time.
A highly parallel and scalable Deblocking Filter (DF) hardware architecture for H.264/AVC and SVC video codecs is presented in this paper. The proposed architecture mainly consists on a coarse grain systolic array obtained by replicating a unique and homogeneous Functional Unit (FU), in which a whole Deblocking-Filter unit is implemented. The proposal is also based on a novel macroblock-level parallelization strategy of the filtering algorithm which improves the final performance by exploiting specific data dependences. This way communication overhead is reduced and a more intensive parallelism in comparison with the existing state-of-the-art solutions is obtained. Furthermore, the architecture is completely flexible, since the level of parallelism can be changed, according to the application requirements. The design has been implemented in a Virtex-5 FPGA, and it allows filtering 4CIF (704 × 576 pixels @30 fps) video sequences in real-time at frequencies lower than 10.16 Mhz.
EURATOM/CIEMAT and Technical University of Madrid (UPM) have been involved in the development of a FPSC [1] (Fast Plant System Control) prototype for ITER, based on PXIe (PCI eXtensions for Instrumentation). One of the main focuses of this project has been data acquisition and all the related issues, including scientific data archiving. Additionally, a new data archiving solution has been developed to demonstrate the obtainable performances and possible bottlenecks of scientific data archiving in Fast Plant System Control. The presented system implements a fault tolerant architecture over a GEthernet network where FPSC data are reliably archived on remote, while remaining accessible to be redistributed, within the duration of a pulse. The storing service is supported by a clustering solution to guaranty scalability, so that FPSC management and configuration may be simplified, and a unique view of all archived data provided. All the involved components have been integrated under EPICS [2] (Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System), implementing in each case the necessary extensions, state machines and configuration process variables. The prototyped solution is based on the NetCDF-4 [3] and [4] (Network Common Data Format) file format in order to incorporate important features, such as scientific data models support, huge size files management, platform independent codification, or single-writer/multiple-readers concurrency. In this contribution, a complete description of the above mentioned solution is presented, together with the most relevant results of the tests performed, while focusing in the benefits and limitations of the applied technologies.
A generic bio-inspired adaptive architecture for image compression suitable to be implemented in embedded systems is presented. The architecture allows the system to be tuned during its calibration phase. An evolutionary algorithm is responsible of making the system evolve towards the required performance. A prototype has been implemented in a Xilinx Virtex-5 FPGA featuring an adaptive wavelet transform core directed at improving image compression for specific types of images. An Evolution Strategy has been chosen as the search algorithm and its typical genetic operators adapted to allow for a hardware friendly implementation. HW/SW partitioning issues are also considered after a high level description of the algorithm is profiled which validates the proposed resource allocation in the device fabric. To check the robustness of the system and its adaptation capabilities, different types of images have been selected as validation patterns. A direct application of such a system is its deployment in an unknown environment during design time, letting the calibration phase adjust the system parameters so that it performs efcient image compression. Also, this prototype implementation may serve as an accelerator for the automatic design of evolved transform coefficients which are later on synthesized and implemented in a non-adaptive system in the final implementation device, whether it is a HW or SW based computing device. The architecture has been built in a modular way so that it can be easily extended to adapt other types of image processing cores. Details on this pluggable component point of view are also given in the paper.
In 2008, the City Council of Rivas-Vaciamadrid (Spain) decided to promote the construction of “Rivasecopolis”, a complex of sustainable buildings in which a new prototype of a zero-energy house would become the office of the Energy Agency. According to the initiative of the City Council, it was decided to recreate the dwelling prototype “Magic-box” which entered the 2005 Solar Decathlon Competition. The original project has been adapted to a new necessities programme, by adding the necessary spaces that allows it to work as an office. A team from university has designed and carried out the direction of the construction site. The new Solar House is conceived as a “testing building”. It is going to become the space for attending citizens in all questions about saving energy, energy efficiency and sustainable construction, having a permanent small exhibition space additional to the working places for the information purpose. At the same time, the building includes the use of experimental passive architecture systems and a monitoring and control system. Collected data will be sent to University to allow developing research work about the experimental strategies included in the building. This paper will describe and analyze the experience of transforming a prototype into a real durable building and the benefits for both university and citizens in learning about sustainability with the building