6 resultados para Executives.
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
In this paper, the authors present results from a study on the usage rate of 2.0 tools and technologies among Spanish enterprises. The main objective of the study is to analyze, from the perceptions of executives, the influence of social software tools on a set of business processes. This analysis has been made using two graphic tools: the “2.0 Success Matrix” and the “Tool’s Footprint”. Both the review of literature and the empirical work have lead to important findings and conclusions.
En los últimos años, el desarrollo industrial a nivel globalizado en los diferentes sectores, la difusión de la TI y el uso estratégico de la misma, han crecido de manera exponencial. El uso adecuado de esta, se ha convertido en una gran preocupación para los órganos de gobierno de las organizaciones ya que la falta de dirección y control en las inversiones que se realizan en ellas, así como un uso inadecuado de las mismas pueden comprometer la consecución de los objetivos de la organización, su competitividad y su sostenibilidad a medio-largo plazo. La preocupación de los propietarios de los negocios es mejorar su rendimiento con la ayuda de la TI frente a sus competidores, realizando los procesos de negocio de una manera eficaz y eficiente, por lo que muchas organizaciones han realizado inversiones importantes en la adquisición de tecnología para lograr sus propósitos. Sin embargo la ejecución de estas inversiones no se ha gestionado adecuadamente, conforme a las políticas y planes especificados en los planes de negocio de la organización y la entrega de los servicios de TI no ha sido conforme a los objetivos previstos, generando pérdidas importantes y lo que es peor un gran deterioro de la imagen de la organización, por lo que consideramos a la gestión de la demanda estratégica de la TI como uno de los factores claves para el éxito de los negocios, el cual no ha sido tomada en cuenta por los consejos de gobierno o los altos ejecutivos de las organizaciones. La investigación comienza con una amplia revisión de la literatura, identificando dos elementos muy importantes, la demanda y el suministro de la TI dentro de la gobernanza corporativa de la TI; notándose la escasa información relacionado con la gestión de la demanda estratégica de la TI. Se realizó un estudio exploratorio para conocer como los miembros del consejo de administración y altos ejecutivos de una organización gestionan la demanda estratégica de la TI, obteniendo una respuesta de 130 encuestados, donde se confirma que hace falta normas o metodologías para la gestión de la demanda estratégica de la TI. En base a estos resultados se ha construido un marco de trabajo para todo el proceso de la gestión de la demanda de la TI y como una solución que se plantea en esta tesis doctoral, consiste en la elaboración de una metodología, combinando e integrando marcos de trabajo y estándares relacionados con la gobernanza corporativa de la TI. La metodología propuesta está conformada por tres fases, cada fase con sus actividades principales, y cada actividad principal por un conjunto de sub-actividades. Además, se establecen los roles y responsabilidades de los altos ejecutivos para cada una de las actividades principales. Esta propuesta debe ser de fácil implantación y aplicable en las organizaciones, permitiendo a estas afrontar con éxito el desarrollo de sus negocios, con una mejor calidad, reduciendo los costes de operación y empleando el menor tiempo posible. La validación de la metodología propuesta se realizó a través de una encuesta online y un estudio de casos. En la encuesta de validación participaron 42 altos ejecutivos de diferentes empresas y el estudio de casos se realizó con 5 empresas internacionales. Las respuestas de los estudios fueron analizados, para determinar la aceptación o el rechazo de la metodología propuesta por los participantes, confirmando la validez y confiabilidad del estudio. Este es uno de los primeros estudios reportado con evidencias empíricas para el proceso de la gestión de la demanda estratégica de la TI. Los resultados de esta investigación han sido publicados en revistas y congresos internacionales. ABSTRACT In recent years, the globalized industrial development, diffusion and strategic use of IT in different sectors has grown exponentially. Proper use of IT has become a major concern for government bodies and organizations. Uncontrolled or mismanaged IT investments or improper IT use may compromise the achievement of an organization’s objectives, competitiveness and sustainability in the medium to long term. Business owners set out to use IT to outperform their competitors, enacting business processes effectively and efficiently. Many organizations have made significant investments in technology in order to achieve their aims. However, the deployment of these investments has not been managed properly in accordance with the policies and plans specified in the organizations’ business plans, and IT services have not been delivered in accordance with the specified objectives. This has generated significant losses and, worse still, has seriously damaged the image of organizations. Accordingly, we believe that IT strategic demand management is one of the key factors for business success which has not been overlooked by the boards of trustees or senior executives of organizations. The research begins with an extensive review of the literature. This review has identified two very important elements: IT demand and supply within the corporate governance of IT. We have found that information related to IT strategic demand management is scant. We conducted an exploratory study to learn how members of the board of directors and senior executives of an organization manage IT strategic demand. The survey, which was taken by 130 respondents, confirmed that standards or methodologies are needed to manage IT strategic demand. Based on the results, we have built a framework for the entire IT demand management process. The solution proposed in this thesis is to develop a methodology, combining and integrating frameworks and standards related to the corporate governance of IT. The proposed methodology is divided into three phases. Each phase is composed of a series of key activities, and each key activity is further split into minor activities. We also establish the roles and responsibilities of senior executives for each of the key activities. This proposal should be easy to implement and apply in organizations, enabling corporations to successfully conduct better quality business, reduce operating costs and save time. The proposed methodology was validated by means of an online survey and a case study. The validation survey was completed by 42 senior executives from different companies, and the case study was conducted at five international companies. The study results were analysed to determine the acceptance or rejection of the proposed methodology by the participants, confirming the validity and reliability of the study. This is one the first studies to report empirical evidence for the process of IT strategic demand management. The results of this research have been published in international journals and conferences.
Durante décadas y aun en la actualidad muchas organizaciones, a nivel mundial, continúan afrontando pérdidas significativas debido a fracasos parciales y totales respecto a sus inversiones en sistemas de información (SI), planteando serios retos a los niveles gerenciales y los profesionales de SI. Estadísticas alarmantes y décadas de experiencia en la praxis en el área de SI en diversas organizaciones llevan al autor a poner el énfasis en los usuarios finales internos (UF) que son designados como representantes (UFR) de sus pares en los proyectos de desarrollo de SI (PDSI) por considerarlos como factores influyentes de manera significativa en el problema. Particularmente, con enfoque en ciertos factores de los UFR críticos para el éxito de los PDSI, con dimensiones analizadas de forma aislada o incompleta en otros estudios empíricos, a la fecha. No se encontraron estudios en Latinoamérica ni en otras latitudes que abordasen el fenómeno del éxito/fracaso de los SI desde el punto de vista adoptado en esta tesis. Por ello, esta investigación empírica ha evaluado en qué grado estos factores pudiesen influenciar los resultados durante el desarrollo e implementación de SI y su posible impacto en la satisfacción de los UF, siendo esta última aceptada por variados autores como la principal medida del éxito de los SI. Este estudio fue realizado en América Latina en las cuatro grandes empresas industriales que integran verticalmente el sector aluminio de Venezuela, sometidas a un macro PDSI para instalar el paquete, de tipo ERP, SAP/R3. Experimentados profesionales fueron encuestados o entrevistados, tales como altos ejecutivos, desarrolladores, líderes de proyecto y líderes de los UF. Un enfoque metodológico de triangulación permitió combinar un análisis cuantitativo con un análisis cualitativo interpretativo del tipo hermenéutico/dialéctico, hallándose resultados convergentes y complementarios. Un análisis estadístico, utilizando Partial Least Squares (PLS), seguido de un análisis hermenéutico/dialéctico. Los resultados confirmaron un hecho importante: en los casos problemáticos, paradójicamente, los orígenes de las razones de rechazo de esos SI argumentadas por los UF, en alto grado, apuntaron a los UFR o a ellos mismos. Los resultados también confirmaron la prevalencia de factores de orden cognitivo, conductual y político en estas organizaciones sobre los tecnológicos, al igual que el alto riesgo de dar por sentado la presencia y calidad de los factores requeridos de los UFR y de los otros factores estudiados. La validación estadística del modelo propuesto reveló al constructo conocimientos de los UFR como la principal variable latente, con los variables indicadoras que componen este constructo ejerciendo la mayor influencia sobre la calidad y el éxito de los SI. Un hallazgo contrario al de otros estudios, mostró que los conocimientos sobre las tecnologías de la información (TI) fueron los menos relevantes. Los SI de nómina y de administración de los RRHH fueron los más problemáticos, como suele ser el caso, por su complejidad en organizaciones grandes. Las conclusiones principales confirman el decisivo rol de los UF para el éxito de los PDSI y su relación con la creciente problemática planteada, la cual amerita más investigación y de las organizaciones una mayor atención y preparación. Descuidar los factores humanos y sociales así como una efectiva planificación y gestión de los mismos en preparación para estos proyectos origina serios riesgos. No obstante las limitaciones de este trabajo, la problemática analizada suele influir en los PDSI en diversas organizaciones, indistintamente de su tamaño o tipo de SI, estimándose, por tanto, que los resultados, conclusiones y recomendaciones de esta investigación tienen un alto grado de generalización. Una relación de indicadores claves es suministrada con fines preventivos. Finalmente, los factores evaluados pueden usarse para ampliar el modelo reconocido de DeLone y McLean (2003), conectándolos como variables latentes de sus variables independientes calidad de la información y calidad del SI. ABSTRACT For decades, many organizations worldwide have been enduring heavy losses due to partial and total failures regarding their investments in information systems (IS), posing serious challenges to all management levels and IS practitioners. Alarming statistics in this regard and decades of practice in the IS area lead the author to place an emphasis on the end users (EU) who are appointed in representation of their peers (EUR) to IS development projects (ISDP), considering them as highly influential factors on the problem. Especially, focusing on certain EUR success factors, and their dimensions, deemed critical to any IS development and implementation, omitted or not thoroughly analyzed neither in the theory nor in the empirical research on the subject, so far. No studies were found in Latin America or elsewhere addressing the phenomenon of IS success/failure from the perspective presented herein. Hence, this empirical research has assessed to what degree such factors can influence the outcomes of an ISDP and their feasible impact on the EU´s satisfaction, being the latter accepted by several authors as the main measure of IS success. This study was performed in Latin America embracing four major industrial enterprises, which vertically integrate the aluminum sector of Venezuela, subjected to a macro ISDP to install the ERP-type package SAP/R3. The field work included surveying and interviewing experienced professionals such as IS executives, IS developers, IS project leaders and end-user project leaders. A triangulation methodological approach allowed combining quantitative and interpretive analyses, obtaining convergent and complementing results. A statistical analysis, using Partial Least Squares (PLS), was carried out followed by a hermeneutical/dialectical analysis. Results confirmed a major finding: in problematic cases, paradoxically, the origins of IS rejection reasons argued by the EU, at a high degree, were usually traceable to the EUR and themselves. The results also confirmed the prevalence of cognitive, behavioral and political factors in these organizations as well as the high risk of taking for granted the presence and quality of those factors demanded from the EUR. The statistical validation of the proposed model revealed the construct EUR knowledge as the main latent variable, with its items exerting a major influence on IS quality and success. Another finding, in contradiction with that of other studies, proved knowledge of information technology (IT) aspects to be irrelevant. The payroll and the human resources administration IS were the most problematic, as is usually the case in large companies. The main conclusions confirm the EU´s decisive role for IS success and their relationship with the problem, which continues, demanding more research and, from organizations, more attention and preparation. Neglecting human and social factors in organizations as well as their effective planning and management in preparation for ISDP poses serious risks. Despite the limitations of this work, the analyzed problem tends to influence ISDP in a wide range of organizations; regardless of their size or type of IS, thus showing a high degree of generalization. Therefore it is believed that the results, conclusions and suggestions of this research have a high degree of generalization. A detailed checklist comprising key measures is provided for preventive actions. Finally, the factors evaluated can be used to expand the well-known model of DeLone & McLean (2003), by connecting them as latent variables of its independent variables information quality and IS quality.
According to the PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge), project management is “the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet the project requirements” [1]. Project Management has proven to be one of the most important disciplines at the moment of determining the success of any project [2][3][4]. Given that many of the activities covered by this discipline can be said that are “horizontal” for any kind of domain, the importance of acknowledge the concepts and practices becomes even more obvious. The specific case of the projects that fall in the domain of Software Engineering are not the exception about the great influence of Project Management for their success. The critical role that this discipline plays in the industry has come to numbers. A report by McKinsey & Co [4] shows that the establishment of programs for the teaching of critical skills of project management can improve the performance of the project in time and costs. As an example of the above, the reports exposes: “One defense organization used these programs to train several waves of project managers and leaders who together administered a portfolio of more than 1,000 capital projects ranging in Project management size from $100,000 to $500 million. Managers who successfully completed the training were able to cut costs on most projects by between 20 and 35 percent. Over time, the organization expects savings of about 15 percent of its entire baseline spending”. In a white paper by the PMI (Project Management Institute) about the value of project management [5], it is stated that: “Leading organizations across sectors and geographic borders have been steadily embracing project management as a way to control spending and improve project results”. According to the research made by the PMI for the paper, after the economical crisis “Executives discovered that adhering to project management methods and strategies reduced risks, cut costs and improved success rates—all vital to surviving the economic crisis”. In every elite company, a proper execution of the project management discipline has become a must. Several members of the software industry have putted effort into achieving ways of assuring high quality results from projects; many standards, best practices, methodologies and other resources have been produced by experts from different fields of expertise. In the industry and the academic community, there is a continuous research on how to teach better software engineering together with project management [4][6]. For the general practices of Project Management the PMI produced a guide of the required knowledge that any project manager should have in their toolbox to lead any kind of project, this guide is called the PMBOK. On the side of best practices 10 and required knowledge for the Software Engineering discipline, the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) developed the SWEBOK (Software Engineering Body of Knowledge) in collaboration with software industry experts and academic researchers, introducing into the guide many of the needed knowledge for a 5-year expertise software engineer [7]. The SWEBOK also covers management from the perspective of a software project. This thesis is developed to provide guidance to practitioners and members of the academic community about project management applied to software engineering. The way used in this thesis to get useful information for practitioners is to take an industry-approved guide for software engineering professionals such as the SWEBOK, and compare the content to what is found in the PMBOK. After comparing the contents of the SWEBOK and the PMBOK, what is found missing in the SWEBOK is used to give recommendations on how to enrich project management skills for a software engineering professional. Recommendations for members of the academic community on the other hand, are given taking into account the GSwE2009 (Graduated Software Engineering 2009) standard [8]. GSwE2009 is often used as a main reference for software engineering master programs [9]. The standard is mostly based on the content of the SWEBOK, plus some contents that are considered to reinforce the education of software engineering. Given the similarities between the SWEBOK and the GSwE2009, the results of comparing SWEBOK and PMBOK are also considered valid to enrich what the GSwE2009 proposes. So in the end the recommendations for practitioners end up being also useful for the academic community and their strategies to teach project management in the context of software engineering.
Fashion is one of the most vibrant sectors in Europe and important contributors to the European Union (EU) economy. In particular, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) play a major part in European fashion industry (EU 2012). Just like fashion, where people¿s style has inherently meant to be shared as it is foremost a representation of one¿s self-image, social media allow the reflection of ones' personality and emotions. Although fashion practitioners have embraced social media in their marketing activities, it is still relatively few known at an academic level about the specificities of fashion industry when approaching social media marketing (SMM) strategies. This study sets out to explore fashion companies' SMM strategy and its activities. From an exploratory approach, we present case studies of two Spanish SME fashion companies, anonymously named hereafter as Company A and Company B, to deepen our understanding on how fashion brands implement their SMM strategy. Company A offers high-end fashion products while Company B produces medium fashion products. We analyzed the case studies using qualitative (interviews to companies' executives) and a mix of qualitative and quantitative (content analysis of companies' social media platform) methods. Public posts data of both companies' Facebook brand pages were used to perform the content analysis. Our findings through case studies of the two companies reveal that branding-oriented strategic objectives are the main drivers of their SMM implementations. There are significant differences between both companies. The main strategic action employed by Company A is engaging customers to participate into brand's offline social gathering events by inviting them through social media platform, while Company B focuses its effort on posting product promotion related contents and engaging influencers such as fashion bloggers. Our results are expected to serve as a basis of further investigations on how SMM strategy and strategic actions implemented by fashion brands may influence marketing outcomes.
This work is the outcome of the interest that the Board of Executives of the lASS showed on the papers presented at the lASS-Symposium in Osaka (1986)