10 resultados para DMS (Computer system)

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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This paper describes the multi-agent organization of a computer system that was designed to assist operators in decision making in the presence of emergencies. The application was developed for the case of emergencies caused by river floods. It operates on real-time receiving data recorded by sensors (rainfall, water levels, flows, etc.) and applies multi-agent techniques to interpret the data, predict the future behavior and recommend control actions. The system includes an advanced knowledge based architecture with multiple symbolic representation with uncertainty models (bayesian networks). This system has been applied and validated at two particular sites in Spain (the Jucar basin and the South basin).


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This paper describes the architecture of a computer system conceived as an intelligent assistant for public transport management. The goal of the system is to help operators of a control center in making strategic decisions about how to solve problems of a fleet of buses in an urban network. The system uses artificial intelligence techniques to simulate the decision processes. In particular, a complex knowledge model has been designed by using advanced knowledge engineering methods that integrates three main tasks: diagnosis, prediction and planning. Finally, the paper describes two particular applications developed following this architecture for the cities of Torino (Italy) and Vitoria (Spain).


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In the presence of a river flood, operators in charge of control must take decisions based on imperfect and incomplete sources of information (e.g., data provided by a limited number sensors) and partial knowledge about the structure and behavior of the river basin. This is a case of reasoning about a complex dynamic system with uncertainty and real-time constraints where bayesian networks can be used to provide an effective support. In this paper we describe a solution with spatio-temporal bayesian networks to be used in a context of emergencies produced by river floods. In the paper we describe first a set of types of causal relations for hydrologic processes with spatial and temporal references to represent the dynamics of the river basin. Then we describe how this was included in a computer system called SAIDA to provide assistance to operators in charge of control in a river basin. Finally the paper shows experimental results about the performance of the model.


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AIMS: To investigate the effect of pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) taught in a general exercise class during pregnancy on the prevention of urinary incontinence (UI) in nulliparous continent pregnant women. METHODS: This was a unicenter two armed randomized controlled trial. One hundred sixty-nine women were randomized by a central computer system to an exercise group (EG) (exercise class including PFMT) (n = 73) or a control group (CG) (n = 96). 10.1% loss to follow-up: 10 from EG and 7 from CG. The intervention consisted of 70-75 sessions (22 weeks, three times per week, 55-60 min/session including 10 min of PFMT). The CG received usual care (which included follow up by midwifes including information about PFMT). Questions on prevalence and degree of UI were posed before (week 10-14) and after intervention (week 36-39) using the International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire-Urinary Incontinence Short Form (ICIQ-UI SF). RESULTS: At the end of the intervention, there was a statistically significant difference in favor of the EG. Reported frequency of UI [Never: CG: 54/60.7%, EG: 60/95.2% (P < 0.001)]. Amount of leakage [None: CG: 45/60.7%, EG: 60/95.2% (P < 0.001)]. There was also a statistically significant difference in ICIQ-UI SF Score between groups after the intervention period [CG: 2.7 (SD 4.1), EG: 0.2 (SD 1.2) (P < 0.001)]. The estimated effect size was 0.8. CONCLUSION: PFMT taught in a general exercise class three times per week for at least 22 weeks, without former assessment of ability to perform a correct contraction was effective in primary prevention of UI in primiparous pregnant women.


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El principal objetivo del proyecto es intentar reducir los costes de algunas de las operaciones de vigilancia llevadas a cabo por agencias o instituciones de seguridad. El proyecto consiste en diseñar y desarrollar un sistema informático que permita el manejo a distancia de un cuadricóptero a través de un ordenador, utilizando el teclado y visualizando las imágenes recibidas del módulo de la videocámara. Cada cuadricóptero estará compuesto de diferentes módulos y cada módulo tiene una funcionalidad característica. Se desarrollará un sistema de gestión de aeronaves para poder añadir nuevas unidades de cuadricópteros, así como un sistema de gestión de usuarios para administrar los usuarios en el sistema. Adicionalmente, se construirá un prototipo de cuadricóptero y se implementará su unidad controladora para poder realizar las pruebas del sistema desarrollado con ello. ---ABSTRACT---The aim of this project is to attempt to reduce the costs of some surveillance services offered by security agencies or institutions. The project consists in designing and developing a computer system to remotely control a drone or quad-copter through a computer, manipulating the drone through the keyboard and watching the images captured from the camera module. Each drone is built with one or more modules, and each module has its own functionality. Both new drones and new users can be added to the computer system through the drone management system and the user management system, respectively. Both of management systems are going to be developed. The project also includes the making of a quad-copter prototype and a controller unit implementation.


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El presente trabajo se enmarca en el ámbito de la eficiencia energética y contempla la gestión del consumo eléctrico en hogares. Concretamente, para este proyecto fin de grado se propone el desarrollo de un sistema informático que permita el análisis y monitorización del consumo eléctrico y optimización en la contratación del suministro eléctrico en el hogar. El sistema desarrollado permite la monitorización del consumo eléctrico, expresado en kilovatios-hora (kWh), y la monitorización del coste real de dicho consumo, expresado en euros, en función del tipo de tarifa que se tenga contratada en la modalidad del PVPC1 (Precio Voluntario para el Pequeño Consumidor). También se ha desarrollado una interfaz web a través de la cual el usuario tiene acceso a la información y datos del sistema. En dicha web se muestran gráficas de consumo, potencia, voltaje, corriente y coste de la energía por días. Además, se ha dotado al sistema de un generador de alertas que notifica al usuario, vía web y vía correo electrónico, cuando el consumo sobrepasa los límites fijados por él mismo. El usuario, por tanto, podrá definir los valores de alerta de sobreconsumo y visualizar tanto un histórico de las alertas generadas en el pasado como las alertas activas en ese momento. Las alertas se muestran en la gráfica correspondiente dentro de la aplicación web. Por último, se dispone de la opción de exportar las gráficas que son visualizadas en la aplicación web en formato PNG, JPEG, PDF y SVG, además de la posibilidad de imprimirla.---ABSTRACT---This project belongs to the Energy Efficiency field and is aimed at home energy management. Specifically, for this thesis the development of a computer system that allows monitoring and analysis of energy consumption and contracted power optimization is proposed. The developed system allows energy consumption management within households (expressed in kilowatts per hour, kWh) and real cost monitoring (in euros) according to the contract tariff. A web interface has been developed in order to provide the user with power consumption information and control energy tools. In this web application, electric consumption, power, voltage, current and energy cost by day are shown. Besides, an alert generation system has been implemented so that the user can define maximum power consumption values and be informed through email or web when these values are exceeded. The user will be able to check older power alerts as well as the currently active ones. These alerts are shown in a specific graph within the web application. Finally, the user generated graphs can be exported from the web using PNG, JPEG, PDF or SVG image formats as well as be printed from the web.


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Los sistemas microinformáticos se componen principalmente de hardware y software, con el paso del tiempo el hardware se degrada, se deteriora y en ocasiones se avería. El software evoluciona, requiere un mantenimiento, de actualización y en ocasiones falla teniendo que ser reparado o reinstalado. A nivel hardware se analizan los principales componentes que integran y que son comunes en gran parte estos sistemas, tanto en equipos de sobre mesa como portátiles, independientes del sistema operativo, además de los principales periféricos, también se analizan y recomiendan algunas herramientas necesarias para realizar el montaje, mantenimiento y reparación de estos equipos. Los principales componentes hardware internos son la placa base, memoria RAM, procesador, disco duro, carcasa, fuente de alimentación y tarjeta gráfica. Los periféricos más destacados son el monitor, teclado, ratón, impresora y escáner. Se ha incluido un apartado donde se detallan los distintos tipos de BIOS y los principales parámetros de configuración. Para todos estos componentes, tanto internos como periféricos, se ha realizado un análisis de las características que ofrecen y los detalles en los que se debe prestar especial atención en el momento de seleccionar uno frente a otro. En los casos que existen diferentes tecnologías se ha hecho una comparativa entre ambas, destacando las ventajas y los inconvenientes de unas frente a otras para que sea el usuario final quien decida cual se ajusta mejor a sus necesidades en función de las prestaciones y el coste. Un ejemplo son las impresoras de inyección de tinta frente a las laser o los discos duros mecánicos en comparación con y los discos de estado sólido (SSD). Todos estos componentes están relacionados, interconectados y dependen unos de otros, se ha dedicado un capítulo exclusivamente para estudiar cómo se ensamblan estos componentes, resaltando los principales fallos que se suelen cometer o producir y se han indicado unas serie tareas de mantenimiento preventivo que se pueden realizar para prolongar la vida útil del equipo y evitar averías por mal uso. Los mantenimientos se pueden clasificar como predictivo, perfectivo, adaptativo, preventivo y correctivo. Se ha puesto el foco principalmente en dos tipos de mantenimiento, el preventivo descrito anteriormente y en el correctivo, tanto software como hardware. El mantenimiento correctivo está enfocado al análisis, localización, diagnóstico y reparación de fallos y averías hardware y software. Se describen los principales fallos que se producen en cada componente, cómo se manifiestan o qué síntomas presentan para poder realizar pruebas específicas que diagnostiquen y acoten el fallo. En los casos que es posible la reparación se detallan las instrucciones a seguir, en otro caso se recomienda la sustitución de la pieza o componente. Se ha incluido un apartado dedicado a la virtualización, una tecnología en auge que resulta muy útil para realizar pruebas de software, reduciendo tiempos y costes en las pruebas. Otro aspecto interesante de la virtualización es que se utiliza para montar diferentes servidores virtuales sobre un único servidor físico, lo cual representa un importante ahorro en hardware y costes de mantenimiento, como por ejemplo el consumo eléctrico. A nivel software se realiza un estudio detallado de los principales problemas de seguridad y vulnerabilidades a los que está expuesto un sistema microinformático enumerando y describiendo el comportamiento de los distintos tipos de elementos maliciosos que pueden infectar un equipo, las precauciones que se deben tomar para minimizar los riesgos y las utilidades que se pueden ejecutar para prevenir o limpiar un equipo en caso de infección. Los mantenimientos y asistencias técnicas, en especial las de tipo software, no siempre precisan de la atención presencial de un técnico cualificado, por ello se ha dedicado un capítulo a las herramientas de asistencia remota que se pueden utilizar en este ámbito. Se describen algunas de las más populares y utilizadas en el mercado, su funcionamiento, características y requerimientos. De esta forma el usuario puede ser atendido de una forma rápida, minimizando los tiempos de respuesta y reduciendo los costes. ABSTRACT Microcomputer systems are basically made up of pieces of hardware and software, as time pass, there’s a degradation of the hardware pieces and sometimes failures of them. The software evolves, new versions appears and requires maintenance, upgrades and sometimes also fails having to be repaired or reinstalled. The most important hardware components in a microcomputer system are analyzed in this document for a laptop or a desktop, with independency of the operating system they run. In addition to this, the main peripherals and devices are also analyzed and a recommendation about the most proper tools necessary for maintenance and repair this kind of equipment is given as well. The main internal hardware components are: motherboard, RAM memory, microprocessor, hard drive, housing box, power supply and graphics card. The most important peripherals are: monitor, keyboard, mouse, printer and scanner. A section has been also included where different types of BIOS and main settings are listed with the basic setup parameters in each case. For all these internal components and peripherals, an analysis of their features has been done. Also an indication of the details in which special attention must be payed when choosing more than one at the same time is given. In those cases where different technologies are available, a comparison among them has been done, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of selecting one or another to guide the end user to decide which one best fits his needs in terms of performance and costs. As an example, the inkjet vs the laser printers technologies has been faced, or also the mechanical hard disks vs the new solid state drives (SSD). All these components are interconnected and are dependent one to each other, a special chapter has been included in order to study how they must be assembled, emphasizing the most often mistakes and faults that can appear during that process, indicating different tasks that can be done as preventive maintenance to enlarge the life of the equipment and to prevent damage because of a wrong use. The different maintenances can be classified as: predictive, perfective, adaptive, preventive and corrective. The main focus is on the preventive maintains, described above, and in the corrective one, in software and hardware. Corrective maintenance is focused on the analysis, localization, diagnosis and repair of hardware and software failures and breakdowns. The most typical failures that can occur are described, also how they can be detected or the specific symptoms of each one in order to apply different technics or specific tests to diagnose and delimit the failure. In those cases where the reparation is possible, instructions to do so are given, otherwise, the replacement of the component is recommended. A complete section about virtualization has also been included. Virtualization is a state of the art technology that is very useful especially for testing software purposes, reducing time and costs during the tests. Another interesting aspect of virtualization is the possibility to have different virtual servers on a single physical server, which represents a significant savings in hardware inversion and maintenance costs, such as electricity consumption. In the software area, a detailed study has been done about security problems and vulnerabilities a microcomputer system is exposed, listing and describing the behavior of different types of malicious elements that can infect a computer, the precautions to be taken to minimize the risks and the tools that can be used to prevent or clean a computer system in case of infection. The software maintenance and technical assistance not always requires the physical presence of a qualified technician to solve the possible problems, that’s why a complete chapter about the remote support tools that can be used to do so has been also included. Some of the most popular ones used in the market are described with their characteristics and requirements. Using this kind of technology, final users can be served quickly, minimizing response times and reducing costs.


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Commercial computer-aided design systems support the geometric definition of product, but they lack utilities to support initial design stages. Typical tasks such as customer need capture, functional requirement formalization, or design parameter definition are conducted in applications that, for instance, support ?quality function deployment? and ?failure modes and effects analysis? techniques. Such applications are noninteroperable with the computer-aided design systems, leading to discontinuous design information flows. This study addresses this issue and proposes a method to enhance the integration of design information generated in the early design stages into a commercial computer-aided design system. To demonstrate the feasibility of the approach adopted, a prototype application was developed and two case studies were executed.


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First, this paper describes a future layered Air Traffic Management (ATM) system centred in the execution phase of flights. The layered ATM model is based on the work currently performed by SESAR [1] and takes into account the availability of accurate and updated flight information ?seen by all? across the European airspace. This shared information of each flight will be referred as Reference Business Trajectory (RBT). In the layered ATM system, exchanges of information will involve several actors (human or automatic), which will have varying time horizons, areas of responsibility and tasks. Second, the paper will identify the need to define the negotiation processes required to agree revisions to the RBT in the layered ATM system. Third, the final objective of the paper is to bring to the attention of researchers and engineers the communalities between multi-player games and Collaborative Decision Making processes (CDM) in a layered ATM system


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The aim of this Master Thesis is the analysis, design and development of a robust and reliable Human-Computer Interaction interface, based on visual hand-gesture recognition. The implementation of the required functions is oriented to the simulation of a classical hardware interaction device: the mouse, by recognizing a specific hand-gesture vocabulary in color video sequences. For this purpose, a prototype of a hand-gesture recognition system has been designed and implemented, which is composed of three stages: detection, tracking and recognition. This system is based on machine learning methods and pattern recognition techniques, which have been integrated together with other image processing approaches to get a high recognition accuracy and a low computational cost. Regarding pattern recongition techniques, several algorithms and strategies have been designed and implemented, which are applicable to color images and video sequences. The design of these algorithms has the purpose of extracting spatial and spatio-temporal features from static and dynamic hand gestures, in order to identify them in a robust and reliable way. Finally, a visual database containing the necessary vocabulary of gestures for interacting with the computer has been created.