20 resultados para Cleaning.
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
The province of Salta is located the Northwest of Argentina in the border with Bolivia, Chile and Paraguay. Its Capital is the city of Salta that concentrates half of the inhabitants of the province and has grown to 600000 hab., from a small active Spanish town well founded in 1583. The city is crossed by the Arenales River descending from close mountains at North, source of water and end of sewers. But with actual growing it has become a focus of infection and of remarkable unhealthiness. It is necessary to undertake a plan for the recovery of the river, directed to the attainment of the well-being and to improve the life?s quality of the Community. The fundamental idea of the plan is to obtain an ordering of the river basin and an integral management of the channel and its surroundings, including the cleaning out. The improvement of the water?s quality, the healthiness of the surroundings and the improvement of the environment, must go hand by hand with the development of sport activities, of relaxation, tourism, establishment of breeding grounds, kitchen gardens, micro enterprises with clean production and other actions that contribute to their benefit by the society, that being a basic factor for their care and sustainable use. The present pollution is organic, chemical, industrial, domestic, due to the disposition of sweepings and sewer effluents that affects not only the flora and small fauna, destroying the biodiversity, but also to the health of people living in their margins. Within the plan it will be necessary to consider, besides hydric and environmental cleaning and the prevention of floods, the planning of the extraction of aggregates, the infrastructure and consolidation of margins works and the arrangement of all the river basin. It will be necessary to consider the public intervention at state, provincial and local level, and the private intervention. In the model it has been necessary to include the sub-model corresponding to the election of the entity to be the optimal instrument to reach the proposed objectives, giving an answer to the social, environmental and economic requirements. For that the authors have used multi-criteria decision methods to qualify and select alternatives, and for the programming of their implementation. In the model the authors have contemplated the short, average and long term actions. They conform a Paretooptimal alternative which secures the ordering, integral and suitable management of the basin of the Arenales River, focusing on its passage by the city of Salta.
Precise and reproducible surface nanopatterning is the key for a successful ordered growth of GaN nanocolumns. In this work, we point out the main technological issues related to the patterning process, mainly surface roughness and cleaning, and mask adhesion to the substrate. We found that each of these factors, process-related, has a dramatic impact on the subsequent selective growth of the columns inside the patterned holes. We compare the performance of e-beam lithography, colloidal lithography, and focused ion beam in the fabrication of hole-patterned masks for ordered columnar growth. These results are applicable to the ordered growth of nanocolumns of different materials.
This work describes the structural and piezoelectric assessment of aluminum nitride (AlN) thin films deposited by pulsed-DC reactive sputtering on insulating substrates. We investigate the effect of different insulating seed layers on AlN properties (crystallinity, residual stress and piezoelectric activity). The seed layers investigated, silicon nitride (Si3N4), silicon dioxide (SiO2), amorphous tantalum oxide (Ta2O5), and amorphous or nano-crystalline titanium oxide (TiO2) are deposited on glass plates to a thickness lower than 100 nm. Before AlN films deposition, their surface is pre-treated with a soft ionic cleaning, either with argon or nitrogen ions. Only AlN films grown of TiO2 seed layers exhibit a significant piezoelectric activity to be used in acoustic device applications. Pure c-axis oriented films, with FWHM of rocking curve of 6º, stress below 500 MPa, and electromechanical coupling factors measured in SAW devices of 1.25% are obtained. The best AlN films are achieved on amorphous TiO2 seed layers deposited at high target power and low sputtering pressure. On the other hand, AlN films deposited on Si3N4, SiO2 and TaOx exhibit a mixed orientation, high stress and very low piezoelectric activity, which invalidate their use in acoustic devices.
Desde que el Hombre era morador de las cavernas ha sido manifiesto su deseo innato por grabar y reproducir "instantáneas con las que perpetuarse o sobre las que mirarse ". La aparición y desarrollo de la fotografía como medio para poder captar y fijar "la imagen directa de la realidad circundante " pronto se convierte en un nuevo lenguaje estético y poético que permite al artista la interpretación y reflexión de lo observado. Se imprime a la imagen el carácter de la mirada del fotógrafo, estableciendo un diálogo conceptual con el juego de luces. La presente Tesis plantea la creación de una nueva piel de arquitectura mediante la impresión fotográfica sobre materiales pétreos. La búsqueda de la expresividad de los materiales como soporte de expresión artística implica un cambio de escala al trasladar la instantánea fotográfica a la arquitectura y la aplicación de un nuevo soporte al imprimir la fotografía sobre materiales arquitectónicos. Se justifica la elección del dispositivo láser CO2 como sistema de impresión fotográfica sobre los materiales pétreos arquitectónicos, como la técnica que permite la unión física de la imagen y el proyecto arquitectónico, generando un valor añadido a través del arte de la fotografía. Se justifica la elección de los materiales investigados, Silestone® Blanco Zeus y GRC® con TX Active® Aria, de forma que la investigación de esta nueva piel de arquitectura abarca tanto la envolvente del edificio como su volumen interior, permitiendo cerrar el círculo arquitectónico "in&out" y dota al proyecto arquitectónico de un valor añadido al introducir conceptos sostenibles de carácter estético y medioambiental. Se realiza una consulta a las empresas del sector arquitectónico relacionadas directamente con la producción y distribución de los materiales Silestone® y GRC®, así como a las empresas especializadas en sistemas de impresión fotográfica sobre materiales, acerca del estado del arte. Se recorre la Historia de la fotografía desde sus orígenes hasta el desarrollo de la era digital y se analiza su condición artística. Se recopilan los sistemas de impresión fotográfica que han evolucionado en paralelo con los dispositivos de captura de la instantánea fotográfica y se describe en profundidad el sistema de impresión fotográfica mediante dispositivo láser CO2. Se describen los procesos de fabricación, las características técnicas, cualidades y aplicaciones de los materiales pétreos arquitectónicos Silestone® Blanco Zeus y GRC® con TX Active® Aria. Se explica la técnica utilizada para la captación de la imagen fotográfica, su justificación artística y su proceso de impresión mediante dispositivo láser CO2 bajo diferentes parámetros sobre muestras de los materiales arquitectónicos investigados. Se comprueba la viabilidad de desarrollo de la nueva piel de arquitectura sobre Silestone® Blanco Zeus y GRC® con TX Active® Aria sometiendo a las piezas impresas bajo diferentes parámetros a tres ensayos de laboratorio. En cada uno de ellos se concreta el objetivo y procedimiento del ensayo, la enumeración de las muestras ensayadas y los parámetros bajo los que han sido impresas, el análisis de los resultados del ensayo y las conclusiones del ensayo. Ensayo de amplitud térmica. Se determina el grado de afectación de las imágenes impresas bajo la acción de contrastes térmicos. Series de muestras de Silestone® Blanco Zeus y GRC® con TX Active® Aria impresas con láser CO2 se someten a ciclos de contraste frío-calor de 12 horas de duración para una amplitud térmica total de 102°C. Se realiza una toma sistemática de fotografías microscópicas con lupa de aumento de cada pieza antes y después de los ciclos frío-calor y la observación de las transformaciones que experimentan los materiales bajo la acción del láser CO2. Ensayo de exposición a la acción de la radiación ultravioleta (UV). Se determina el grado de afectación de las imágenes impresas al activar la capacidad autolimpiante de partículas orgánicas. Una serie de muestras de GRC® con TX Active® Aria impresa con láser CO2 se someten a ciclos de exposición de radiación ultravioleta de 26 horas de duración. Se somete la serie a un procedimiento de activación del aditivo TX Active®. Se simula la contaminación orgánica mediante la aplicación controlada de Rodamina B, tinte orgánico, y se simula la radiación UV mediante el empleo de una bombilla de emisión de rayos ultravioleta. Se realiza una toma sistemática de fotografías macroscópicas de la serie de muestras ensayadas: antes de aplicación de la Rodamina B, momento 00:00h, momento 04:00h y momento 26:00h del ensayo. Se procede a la descarga y análisis del histograma de las fotografías como registro de la actividad fotocatalítica. Ensayo de la capacidad autodescontaminante del GRC® con TX Active® impreso con láser CO2. Se comprueba si la capacidad autodescontaminante del GRC® con TX Active® se ve alterada como consecuencia de la impresión de la imagen fotográfica impresa con láser CO2. Serie de muestras de GRC® con TX Active® Aria impresa con láser CO2 se someten a test de capacidad autodescontaminante: atmósfera controlada y contaminada con óxidos de nitrógeno en los que se coloca cada pieza ensayada bajo la acción de una lámpara de emisión de radiación ultravioleta (UV). Se registra la actividad fotocatalítica en base a la variación de concentración de óxido de nitrógeno. Se recopila el análisis e interpretación de los resultados de los ensayos de laboratorio y se elaboran las conclusiones generales de la investigación. Se sintetizan las futuras líneas de investigación que, a partir de las investigaciones realizadas y de sus conclusiones generales, podrían desarrollarse en el ámbito de la impresión fotográfica sobre materiales arquitectónicos. Se describe el rendimiento tecnológico y artístico generado por las investigaciones previas que han dado origen y desarrollo a la Tesis Doctoral. ABSTRACT Since ancient time, humanity has been driven by an innate wish to reproduce and engrave "snapshots that could help to perpetúate or to look at one self". Photography's birth and its development as a mean to capture and fix "the direct image of the surrounding reality" quickly becomes a new aesthetical and poetical language allowing the artist to interpret and think over what has been observed. The photographer's eye is imprinted onto the image, and so the conceptual dialogue between the artist and the light beams begins. The current thesis suggests the creation of a new architectural skin through photography imprinting over stony materials. The search for material's expressiveness as a medium of artistic expression involves a change of scale as it transfers photographic snapshot into architecture and the use of a new photographic printing support over architectural materials. CO2 laser is the chosen printing system for this technique as it allows the physical union of the image and the architectonic project, generating an added value through the art of photography. The researched materials selected were Silestone®, Blanco Zeus and GRC® with TX Active® Aria. This new architectural skin contains the building surrounding as well as its interior volume, closing the architectonic "in & out" circle and adding a value to the project by introducing aesthetical and environmental sustainable concepts. Architecture companies related to the production and distribution of materials like Silestone® and GRC®, as well as companies specialized in photography printing over materials were consulted to obtain a State of the Art. A thorough analysis of photography's History from its origins to the digital era development was made and its artistic condition was studied in this thesis. In this study the author also makes a compilation of several photographic printing systems that evolved together with photographic snapshot devices. The CO2 laser-based photographic printing system is also described in depth. Regarding stony materials of architecture like Silestone®, Blanco Zeus and GRC® with TX Active® Aria, the present study also describes their manufacture processes as well as technical features, quality and application. There is also an explanation about the technique to capture the photographic image, its artistic justification and its CO2 laser-based printing system over the researched materials under different parameters. We also tested the feasibility of this new architectural skin over Silestone® Blanco Zeus and GRC® with TX Active® Aria. The pieces were tested under different parameters in three laboratory trials. Each trial comprises of an explanation of its objective and its process, the samples were numbered and the printing parameters were specified. Finally, with the analysis of the results some conclusions were drawn. In the thermal amplitude trial we tried to determine how printed images were affected as a result of the action of thermal contrasts. Series of samples of Silestone® Blanco Zeus and GRC® with TX Active® Aria printed with CO2 laser were subjected to several 12h warm-cold cycles for thermal total amplitude of 102oc. Each sample was captured systematically with microscopic enhanced lenses before and after cold-warm cycles. The changes experienced by these materials under the effect of CO2 laser were observed and recorded. Trial regarding the Ultraviolet Radiation (UR) effect on images. We determined to which extent printed images were affected once the self-cleaning organic particles were activated. This time GRC® with TX Active® Aria samples printed with CO2 laser were exposed to a 26h UR cycle. The samples were subjected to the activation of TX Active® additive. Through the controlled application of Rodamine B and organic dye we were able to simulate the organic contamination process. UR was simulated using an ultraviolet beam emission bulb. A systematic capture of macroscopic pictures of the tested sample series was performed at different time points: before Rodamine B application, at moment 00:00h, moment 04:00h and moment 26:00h of the trial. Picture's histogram was downloaded and analyzed as a log of photocatalytic activity. Trial regarding the self-decontaminating ability of GRC® with TX Active® printed with CO2 laser. We tested if this self-decontaminating ability is altered as a result of CO2 laser printed image. GRC® with TX Active® Aria samples printed with CO2 laser, were subject to self-decontaminating ability tests with controlled and nitrogen oxide contaminated atmosphere. Each piece was put under the action of an UR emission lamp. Photocatalytic activity was recorded according to the variation in nitrogen oxide concentration. The results of the trial and their interpretation as well as the general conclusions of the research are also compiled in the present study. Study conclusions enable to draw future research lines of potential applications of photographic printing over architecture materials. Previous research generated an artistic and technological outcome that led to the development of this doctoral thesis.
There are many industries that use highly technological solutions to improve quality in all of their products. The steel industry is one example. Several automatic surface-inspection systems are used in the steel industry to identify various types of defects and to help operators decide whether to accept, reroute, or downgrade the material, subject to the assessment process. This paper focuses on promoting a strategy that considers all defects in an integrated fashion. It does this by managing the uncertainty about the exact position of a defect due to different process conditions by means of Gaussian additive influence functions. The relevance of the approach is in making possible consistency and reliability between surface inspection systems. The results obtained are an increase in confidence in the automatic inspection system and an ability to introduce improved prediction and advanced routing models. The prediction is provided to technical operators to help them in their decision-making process. It shows the increase in improvement gained by reducing the 40 % of coils that are downgraded at the hot strip mill because of specific defects. In addition, this technology facilitates an increase of 50 % in the accuracy of the estimate of defect survival after the cleaning facility in comparison to the former approach. The proposed technology is implemented by means of software-based, multi-agent solutions. It makes possible the independent treatment of information, presentation, quality analysis, and other relevant functions.
Como consecuencia del proceso de desalación, se produce el vertido al mar de un agua de rechazo hipersalino o salmuera. La salinidad de este vertido es variable, dependiendo del origen de la captación y del proceso de tratamiento. Muchos de los hábitats y biocenosis de los ecosistemas marinos se encuentran adaptados a ambientes de salinidad casi constante y son muy susceptibles a los incrementos de salinidad originados por estos vertidos. Junto con el vertido de salmuera otro de los principales inconvenientes que plantean las plantas desaladoras es el alto consumo energético, con todas las desventajas que esto supone: alto coste del agua desalada para los consumidores, contaminación del medio... El desarrollo de los métodos de vertido, herramientas de gestión de la salmuera, estudios del comportamiento de la pluma salina… ha buscado la mitigación de estos efectos sobre los ecosistemas marinos. El desarrollo en membranas de ósmosis inversa, diseño de bombas y sistemas de recuperación de energía ha permitido también la reducción del consumo energético en las plantas de desalación. Sin embargo, estos campos parecen haber encontrado un techo tecnológico difícil de rebasar en los últimos tiempos. La energía osmótica se plantea como uno de los caminos a investigar aplicado al campo de la reducción del consumo energético en desalación de agua de mar, a través del aprovechamiento energético de la salmuera. Con esta tesis se pretende cumplir principalmente con los siguientes objetivos: reducción del consumo energético en desalación, mitigar el impacto del vertido sobre el medio y ser una nueva herramienta en la gestión de la salmuera. En el presente documento se plantea el desarrollo de un nuevo proceso que utiliza el fenómeno de la ósmosis directa a través de membranas semipermeables, y busca la sinergia desalación depuración, integrando ambos, en un único proceso de tratamiento dentro del ciclo integral del agua. Para verificar los valores de producción, calidad y rendimiento del proceso, se proyecta y construye una planta piloto ubicada en la Planta Desaladora de Alicante II, escalada de tal manera que permite la realización de los ensayos con equipos comerciales de tamaño mínimo. El objetivo es que el resultado final sea extrapolable a tamaños superiores sin que el escalado afecte a la certeza y fiabilidad de las conclusiones obtenidas. La planta se proyecta de forma que el vertido de una desaladora de ósmosis inversa junto con el vertido de un terciario convencional, se pasan por una ósmosis directa y a continuación por una ósmosis inversa otra vez, ésta última con el objeto de abrir la posibilidad de incrementar la producción de agua potable. Ambas ósmosis están provistas de un sistema de pretratamiento físico-químico (para adecuar la calidad del agua de entrada a las condiciones requeridas por las membranas en ambos casos), y un sistema de limpieza química. En todos los ensayos se usa como fuente de disolución concentrada (agua salada), el rechazo de un bastidor de ósmosis inversa de una desaladora convencional de agua de mar. La fuente de agua dulce marca la distinción entre dos tipos de ensayos: ensayos con el efluente del tratamiento terciario de una depuradora convencional, con lo que se estudia el comportamiento de la membrana ante el ensuciamiento; y ensayos con agua permeada, que permiten estudiar el comportamiento ideal de la membrana. Los resultados de los ensayos con agua salobre ponen de manifiesto problemas de ensuciamiento de la membrana, el caudal de paso a través de la misma disminuye con el tiempo y este efecto se ve incrementado con el aumento de la temperatura del agua. Este fenómeno deriva en una modificación del pretratamiento de la ósmosis directa añadiendo un sistema de ultrafiltración que ha permitido que la membrana presente un comportamiento estable en el tiempo. Los ensayos con agua permeada han hecho posible estudiar el comportamiento “ideal” de la membrana y se han obtenido las condiciones óptimas de operación y a las que se debe tender, consiguiendo tasas de recuperación de energía de 1,6; lo que supone pasar de un consumo de 2,44 kWh/m3 de un tren convencional de ósmosis a 2,28 kWh/m3 al añadir un sistema de ósmosis directa. El objetivo de futuras investigaciones es llegar a tasas de recuperación de 1,9, lo que supondría alcanzar consumos inferiores a 2 kWh/m3. Con esta tesis se concluye que el proceso propuesto permite dar un paso más en la reducción del consumo energético en desalación, además de mitigar los efectos del vertido de salmuera en el medio marino puesto que se reduce tanto el caudal como la salinidad del vertido, siendo además aplicable a plantas ya existentes y planteando importantes ventajas económicas a plantas nuevas, concebidas con este diseño. As a consequence of the desalination process, a discharge of a hypersaline water or brine in the sea is produced. The salinity of these discharges varies, depending on the type of intake and the treatment process. Many of the habitats and biocenosis of marine ecosystems are adapted to an almost constant salinity environment and they are very susceptible to salinity increases caused by these discharges. Besides the brine discharge, another problem posed by desalination plants, is the high energy consumption, with all the disadvantages that this involves: high cost of desalinated water for consumers, environmental pollution ... The development of methods of disposal, brine management tools, studies of saline plume ... has sought the mitigation of these effects on marine ecosystems. The development of reverse osmosis membranes, pump design and energy recovery systems have also enabled the reduction of energy consumption in desalination plants. However, these fields seem to have reached a technological ceiling which is difficult to exceed in recent times. Osmotic power is proposed as a new way to achieve the reduction of energy consumption in seawater desalination, through the energy recovery from the brine. This thesis mainly tries to achieve the following objectives: reduction of energy consumption in desalination, mitigation of the brine discharge impact on the environment and become a new tool in the management of the brine. This paper proposes the development of a new process, that uses the phenomenon of forward osmosis through semipermeable membranes and seeks the synergy desalination-wastewater reuse, combining both into a single treatment process within the integral water cycle. To verify the production, quality and performance of the process we have created a pilot plant. This pilot plant, located in Alicante II desalination plant, has been designed and built in a scale that allows to carry out the tests with minimum size commercial equipment. The aim is that the results can be extrapolated to larger sizes, preventing that the scale affects the accuracy and reliability of the results. In the projected plant, the discharge of a reverse osmosis desalination plant and the effluent of a convencional tertiary treatment of a wastewater plant, go through a forward osmosis module, and then through a reverse osmosis, in order to open the possibility of increasing potable water production. Both osmosis systems are provided with a physicochemical pretreatment (in order to obtain the required conditions for the membranes in both cases), and a chemical cleaning system. In all tests, it is used as a source of concentrated solution (salt water), the rejection of a rack of a conventional reverse osmosis seawater desalination. The source of fresh water makes the difference between two types of tests: test with the effluent from a tertiary treatment of a conventional wastewater treatment plant (these tests study the behavior of the membrane facing the fouling) and tests with permeate, which allow us to study the ideal behavior of the membrane. The results of the tests with brackish water show fouling problems, the flow rate through the membrane decreases with the time and this effect is increased with water temperature. This phenomenon causes the need for a modification of the pretreatment of the direct osmosis module. An ultrafiltration system is added to enable the membrane to present a stable behavior . The tests with permeate have made possible the study of the ideal behavior of the membrane and we have obtained the optimum operating conditions. We have achieved energy recovery rates of 1.6, which allows to move from a consumption of 2.44 kWh/m3 in a conventional train of reverse osmosis to 2.28 kWh / m3 if it is added the direct osmosis system. The goal of future researches is to achieve recovery rates of 1.9, which would allow to reach a consumption lower than 2 kWh/m3. This thesis concludes that the proposed process allows us to take a further step in the reduction of the energy consumption in desalination. We must also add the mitigation of the brine discharge effects on the marine environment, due to the reduction of the flow and salinity of the discharge. This is also applicable to existing plants, and it suggests important economic benefits to new plants that will be built with this design.
Tanto los robots autónomos móviles como los robots móviles remotamente operados se utilizan con éxito actualmente en un gran número de ámbitos, algunos de los cuales son tan dispares como la limpieza en el hogar, movimiento de productos en almacenes o la exploración espacial. Sin embargo, es difícil garantizar la ausencia de defectos en los programas que controlan dichos dispositivos, al igual que ocurre en otros sectores informáticos. Existen diferentes alternativas para medir la calidad de un sistema en el desempeño de las funciones para las que fue diseñado, siendo una de ellas la fiabilidad. En el caso de la mayoría de los sistemas físicos se detecta una degradación en la fiabilidad a medida que el sistema envejece. Esto es debido generalmente a efectos de desgaste. En el caso de los sistemas software esto no suele ocurrir, ya que los defectos que existen en ellos generalmente no han sido adquiridos con el paso del tiempo, sino que han sido insertados en el proceso de desarrollo de los mismos. Si dentro del proceso de generación de un sistema software se focaliza la atención en la etapa de codificación, podría plantearse un estudio que tratara de determinar la fiabilidad de distintos algoritmos, válidos para desempeñar el mismo cometido, según los posibles defectos que pudieran introducir los programadores. Este estudio básico podría tener diferentes aplicaciones, como por ejemplo elegir el algoritmo menos sensible a los defectos, para el desarrollo de un sistema crítico o establecer procedimientos de verificación y validación, más exigentes, si existe la necesidad de utilizar un algoritmo que tenga una alta sensibilidad a los defectos. En el presente trabajo de investigación se ha estudiado la influencia que tienen determinados tipos de defectos software en la fiabilidad de tres controladores de velocidad multivariable (PID, Fuzzy y LQR) al actuar en un robot móvil específico. La hipótesis planteada es que los controladores estudiados ofrecen distinta fiabilidad al verse afectados por similares patrones de defectos, lo cual ha sido confirmado por los resultados obtenidos. Desde el punto de vista de la planificación experimental, en primer lugar se realizaron los ensayos necesarios para determinar si los controladores de una misma familia (PID, Fuzzy o LQR) ofrecían una fiabilidad similar, bajo las mismas condiciones experimentales. Una vez confirmado este extremo, se eligió de forma aleatoria un representante de clase de cada familia de controladores, para efectuar una batería de pruebas más exhaustiva, con el objeto de obtener datos que permitieran comparar de una forma más completa la fiabilidad de los controladores bajo estudio. Ante la imposibilidad de realizar un elevado número de pruebas con un robot real, así como para evitar daños en un dispositivo que generalmente tiene un coste significativo, ha sido necesario construir un simulador multicomputador del robot. Dicho simulador ha sido utilizado tanto en las actividades de obtención de controladores bien ajustados, como en la realización de los diferentes ensayos necesarios para el experimento de fiabilidad. ABSTRACT Autonomous mobile robots and remotely operated robots are used successfully in very diverse scenarios, such as home cleaning, movement of goods in warehouses or space exploration. However, it is difficult to ensure the absence of defects in programs controlling these devices, as it happens in most computer sectors. There exist different quality measures of a system when performing the functions for which it was designed, among them, reliability. For most physical systems, a degradation occurs as the system ages. This is generally due to the wear effect. In software systems, this does not usually happen, and defects often come from system development and not from use. Let us assume that we focus on the coding stage in the software development pro¬cess. We could consider a study to find out the reliability of different and equally valid algorithms, taking into account any flaws that programmers may introduce. This basic study may have several applications, such as choosing the algorithm less sensitive to pro¬gramming defects for the development of a critical system. We could also establish more demanding procedures for verification and validation if we need an algorithm with high sensitivity to programming defects. In this thesis, we studied the influence of certain types of software defects in the reliability of three multivariable speed controllers (PID, Fuzzy and LQR) designed to work in a specific mobile robot. The hypothesis is that similar defect patterns affect differently the reliability of controllers, and it has been confirmed by the results. From the viewpoint of experimental planning, we followed these steps. First, we conducted the necessary test to determine if controllers of the same family (PID, Fuzzy or LQR) offered a similar reliability under the same experimental conditions. Then, a class representative was chosen at ramdom within each controller family to perform a more comprehensive test set, with the purpose of getting data to compare more extensively the reliability of the controllers under study. The impossibility of performing a large number of tests with a real robot and the need to prevent the damage of a device with a significant cost, lead us to construct a multicomputer robot simulator. This simulator has been used to obtain well adjusted controllers and to carry out the required reliability experiments.
This paper describes the UPM system for the Spanish-English translation task at the NAACL 2012 workshop on statistical machine translation. This system is based on Moses. We have used all available free corpora, cleaning and deleting some repetitions. In this paper, we also propose a technique for selecting the sentences for tuning the system. This technique is based on the similarity with the sentences to translate. With our approach, we improve the BLEU score from 28.37% to 28.57%. And as a result of the WMT12 challenge we have obtained a 31.80% BLEU with the 2012 test set. Finally, we explain different experiments that we have carried out after the competition.
Background: Analysis of exhaled volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in breath is an emerging approach for cancer diagnosis, but little is known about its potential use as a biomarker for colorectal cancer (CRC). We investigated whether a combination of VOCs could distinct CRC patients from healthy volunteers. Methods: In a pilot study, we prospectively analyzed breath exhalations of 38 CRC patient and 43 healthy controls all scheduled for colonoscopy, older than 50 in the average-risk category. The samples were ionized and analyzed using a Secondary ElectroSpray Ionization (SESI) coupled with a Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer (SESI-MS). After a minimum of 2 hours fasting, volunteers deeply exhaled into the system. Each test requires three soft exhalations and takes less than ten minutes. No breath condensate or collection are required and VOCs masses are detected in real time, also allowing for a spirometric profile to be analyzed along with the VOCs. A new sampling system precludes ambient air from entering the system, so background contamination is reduced by an overall factor of ten. Potential confounding variables from the patient or the environment that could interfere with results were analyzed. Results: 255 VOCs, with masses ranging from 30 to 431 Dalton have been identified in the exhaled breath. Using a classification technique based on the ROC curve for each VOC, a set of 9 biomarkers discriminating the presence of CRC from healthy volunteers was obtained, showing an average recognition rate of 81.94%, a sensitivity of 87.04% and specificity of 76.85%. Conclusions: A combination of cualitative and cuantitative analysis of VOCs in the exhaled breath could be a powerful diagnostic tool for average-risk CRC population. These results should be taken with precaution, as many endogenous or exogenous contaminants could interfere as confounding variables. On-line analysis with SESI-MS is less time-consuming and doesn’t need sample preparation. We are recruiting in a new pilot study including breath cleaning procedures and spirometric analysis incorporated into the postprocessing algorithms, to better control for confounding variables.
The effect of soiling in flat PV modules has been already studied, causing a reduction of the electrical output of 4% on average. For CPV's, as far as soiling produces light scattering at the optical collector surface, the scattered rays should be definitively lost because they cannot be focused onto the receivers again. While the theoretical study becomes difficult because soiling is variable at different sites, it becomes easier to begin the monitoring of the real field performance of concentrators and then raise the following question: how much does the soiling affect to PV concentrators in comparison with flat panels?? The answers allow to predict the PV concentrator electrical performance and to establish a pattern of cleaning frequency. Some experiments have been conducted at the IES-UPM and CSES-ANU sites, consisting in linear reflective concentration systems, a point focus refractive concentrator and a flat module. All the systems have been measured when soiled and then after cleaning, achieving different increases of ISC. In general, results show that CPV systems are more sensitive to soiling than flat panels, accumulating losses in ISC of about 14% on average in three different tests conducted at IESUPM and CSES-ANU test sites in Madrid (Spain) and Canberra (Australia). Some concentrators can reach losses up to 26% when the system is soiled for 4 months of exposure.
La Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) y la Università degli Studi di Firenze (UniFi), bajo la coordinación técnica de AMPHOS21, participan desde 2009 en el proyecto de investigación “Estrategias de Monitorización de CO2 y otros gases en el estudio de Análogos Naturales”, financiado por la Fundación Ciudad de la Energía (CIUDEN) en el marco del Proyecto Compostilla OXYCFB300 (http://www.compostillaproject.eu), del Programa “European Energy Program for Recovery - EEPR”. El objetivo principal del proyecto fue el desarrollo y puesta a punto de metodologías de monitorización superficiales para su aplicación en el seguimiento y control de los emplazamientos donde se realice el almacenamiento geológico de CO2, analizando técnicas que permitan detectar y cuantificar las posibles fugas de CO2 a la atmósfera. Los trabajos se realizaron tanto en análogos naturales (españoles e italianos) como en la Planta de Desarrollo Tecnológico de Almacenamiento de CO2 de Hontomín. Las técnicas analizadas se centran en la medición de gases y aguas superficiales (de escorrentía y manantiales). En cuanto a la medición de gases se analizó el flujo de CO2 que emana desde el suelo a la atmósfera y la aplicabilidad de trazadores naturales (como el radón) para la detección e identificación de las fugas de CO2. En cuanto al análisis químico de las aguas se analizaron los datos geoquímicos e isotópicos y los gases disueltos en las aguas de los alrededores de la PDT de Hontomín, con objeto de determinar qué parámetros son los más apropiados para la detección de una posible migración del CO2 inyectado, o de la salmuera, a los ambientes superficiales. Las medidas de flujo de CO2 se realizaron con la técnica de la cámara de acúmulo. A pesar de ser una técnica desarrollada y aplicada en diferentes ámbitos científicos se estimó necesario adaptar un protocolo de medida y de análisis de datos a las características específicas de los proyectos de captura y almacenamiento de CO2 (CAC). Donde los flujos de CO2 esperados son bajos y en caso de producirse una fuga habrá que detectar pequeñas variaciones en los valores flujo con un “ruido” en la señal alto, debido a actividad biológica en el suelo. La medida de flujo de CO2 mediante la técnica de la cámara de acúmulo se puede realizar sin limpiar la superficie donde se coloca la cámara o limpiando y esperando al reequilibrio del flujo después de la distorsión al sistema. Sin embargo, los resultados obtenidos después de limpiar y esperar muestran menor dispersión, lo que nos indica que este procedimiento es el mejor para la monitorización de los complejos de almacenamiento geológico de CO2. El protocolo de medida resultante, utilizado para la obtención de la línea base de flujo de CO2 en Hontomín, sigue los siguiente pasos: a) con una espátula se prepara el punto de medición limpiando y retirando el recubrimiento vegetal o la primera capa compacta de suelo, b) se espera un tiempo para la realización de la medida de flujo, facilitando el reequilibrio del flujo del gas tras la alteración provocada en el suelo y c) se realiza la medida de flujo de CO2. Una vez realizada la medición de flujo de CO2, y detectada si existen zonas de anomalías, se debe estimar la cantidad de CO2 que se está escapando a la atmósfera (emanación total), con el objetivo de cuantificar la posible fuga. Existen un amplio rango de metodologías para realizar dicha estimación, siendo necesario entender cuáles son las más apropiadas para obtener el valor más representativo del sistema. En esta tesis se comparan seis técnicas estadísticas: media aritmética, estimador insegado de la media (aplicando la función de Sichel), remuestreo con reemplazamiento (bootstrap), separación en diferentes poblaciones mediante métodos gráficos y métodos basados en criterios de máxima verosimilitud, y la simulación Gaussiana secuencial. Para este análisis se realizaron ocho campañas de muestreo, tanto en la Planta de Desarrollo Tecnológico de Hontomón como en análogos naturales (italianos y españoles). Los resultados muestran que la simulación Gaussiana secuencial suele ser el método más preciso para realizar el cálculo, sin embargo, existen ocasiones donde otros métodos son más apropiados. Como consecuencia, se desarrolla un procedimiento de actuación para seleccionar el método que proporcione el mejor estimador. Este procedimiento consiste, en primer lugar, en realizar un análisis variográfico. Si existe una autocorrelación entre los datos, modelizada mediante el variograma, la mejor técnica para calcular la emanación total y su intervalo de confianza es la simulación Gaussiana secuencial (sGs). Si los datos son independientes se debe comprobar la distribución muestral, aplicando la media aritmética o el estimador insesgado de la media (Sichel) para datos normales o lognormales respectivamente. Cuando los datos no son normales o corresponden a una mezcla de poblaciones la mejor técnica de estimación es la de remuestreo con reemplazamiento (bootstrap). Siguiendo este procedimiento el máximo valor del intervalo de confianza estuvo en el orden del ±20/25%, con la mayoría de valores comprendidos entre ±3,5% y ±8%. La identificación de las diferentes poblaciones muestrales en los datos de flujo de CO2 puede ayudar a interpretar los resultados obtenidos, toda vez que esta distribución se ve afectada por la presencia de varios procesos geoquímicos como, por ejemplo, una fuente geológica o biológica del CO2. Así pues, este análisis puede ser una herramienta útil en el programa de monitorización, donde el principal objetivo es demostrar que no hay fugas desde el reservorio a la atmósfera y, si ocurren, detectarlas y cuantificarlas. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que el mejor proceso para realizar la separación de poblaciones está basado en criterios de máxima verosimilitud. Los procedimientos gráficos, aunque existen pautas para realizarlos, tienen un cierto grado de subjetividad en la interpretación de manera que los resultados son menos reproducibles. Durante el desarrollo de la tesis se analizó, en análogos naturales, la relación existente entre el CO2 y los isótopos del radón (222Rn y 220Rn), detectándose en todas las zonas de emisión de CO2 una relación positiva entre los valores de concentración de 222Rn en aire del suelo y el flujo de CO2. Comparando la concentración de 220Rn con el flujo de CO2 la relación no es tan clara, mientras que en algunos casos aumenta en otros se detecta una disminución, hecho que parece estar relacionado con la profundidad de origen del radón. Estos resultados confirmarían la posible aplicación de los isótopos del radón como trazadores del origen de los gases y su aplicación en la detección de fugas. Con respecto a la determinación de la línea base de flujo CO2 en la PDT de Hontomín, se realizaron mediciones con la cámara de acúmulo en las proximidades de los sondeos petrolíferos, perforados en los ochenta y denominados H-1, H-2, H-3 y H-4, en la zona donde se instalarán el sondeo de inyección (H-I) y el de monitorización (H-A) y en las proximidades de la falla sur. Desde noviembre de 2009 a abril de 2011 se realizaron siete campañas de muestreo, adquiriéndose más de 4.000 registros de flujo de CO2 con los que se determinó la línea base y su variación estacional. Los valores obtenidos fueron bajos (valores medios entre 5 y 13 g•m-2•d-1), detectándose pocos valores anómalos, principalmente en las proximidades del sondeo H-2. Sin embargo, estos valores no se pudieron asociar a una fuente profunda del CO2 y seguramente estuvieran más relacionados con procesos biológicos, como la respiración del suelo. No se detectaron valores anómalos cerca del sistema de fracturación (falla Ubierna), toda vez que en esta zona los valores de flujo son tan bajos como en el resto de puntos de muestreo. En este sentido, los valores de flujo de CO2 aparentemente están controlados por la actividad biológica, corroborado al obtenerse los menores valores durante los meses de otoño-invierno e ir aumentando en los periodos cálidos. Se calcularon dos grupos de valores de referencia, el primer grupo (UCL50) es 5 g•m-2•d-1 en las zonas no aradas en los meses de otoño-invierno y 3,5 y 12 g•m-2•d-1 en primavera-verano para zonas aradas y no aradas, respectivamente. El segundo grupo (UCL99) corresponde a 26 g•m-2•d- 1 durante los meses de otoño-invierno en las zonas no aradas y 34 y 42 g•m-2•d-1 para los meses de primavera-verano en zonas aradas y no aradas, respectivamente. Flujos mayores a estos valores de referencia podrían ser indicativos de una posible fuga durante la inyección y posterior a la misma. Los primeros datos geoquímicos e isotópicos de las aguas superficiales (de escorrentía y de manantiales) en el área de Hontomín–Huermeces fueron analizados. Los datos sugieren que las aguas estudiadas están relacionadas con aguas meteóricas con un circuito hidrogeológico superficial, caracterizadas por valores de TDS relativamente bajos (menor a 800 mg/L) y una fácie hidrogeoquímica de Ca2+(Mg2+)-HCO3 −. Algunas aguas de manantiales se caracterizan por concentraciones elevadas de NO3 − (concentraciones de hasta 123 mg/l), lo que sugiere una contaminación antropogénica. Se obtuvieron concentraciones anómalas de of Cl−, SO4 2−, As, B y Ba en dos manantiales cercanos a los sondeos petrolíferos y en el rio Ubierna, estos componentes son probablemente indicadores de una posible mezcla entre los acuíferos profundos y superficiales. El estudio de los gases disueltos en las aguas también evidencia el circuito superficial de las aguas. Estando, por lo general, dominado por la componente atmosférica (N2, O2 y Ar). Sin embargo, en algunos casos el gas predominante fue el CO2 (con concentraciones que llegan al 63% v/v), aunque los valores isotópicos del carbono (<-17,7 ‰) muestran que lo más probable es que esté relacionado con un origen biológico. Los datos geoquímicos e isotópicos de las aguas superficiales obtenidos en la zona de Hontomín se pueden considerar como el valor de fondo con el que comparar durante la fase operacional, la clausura y posterior a la clausura. En este sentido, la composición de los elementos mayoritarios y traza, la composición isotópica del carbono del CO2 disuelto y del TDIC (Carbono inorgánico disuelto) y algunos elementos traza se pueden considerar como parámetros adecuados para detectar la migración del CO2 a los ambientes superficiales. ABSTRACT Since 2009, a group made up of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM; Spain) and Università degli Studi Firenze (UniFi; Italy) has been taking part in a joint project called “Strategies for Monitoring CO2 and other Gases in Natural analogues”. The group was coordinated by AMPHOS XXI, a private company established in Barcelona. The Project was financially supported by Fundación Ciudad de la Energía (CIUDEN; Spain) as a part of the EC-funded OXYCFB300 project (European Energy Program for Recovery -EEPR-; www.compostillaproject.eu). The main objectives of the project were aimed to develop and optimize analytical methodologies to be applied at the surface to Monitor and Verify the feasibility of geologically stored carbon dioxide. These techniques were oriented to detect and quantify possible CO2 leakages to the atmosphere. Several investigations were made in natural analogues from Spain and Italy and in the Tecnchnological Development Plant for CO2 injection al Hontomín (Burgos, Spain). The studying techniques were mainly focused on the measurements of diffuse soil gases and surface and shallow waters. The soil-gas measurements included the determination of CO2 flux and the application to natural trace gases (e.g. radon) that may help to detect any CO2 leakage. As far as the water chemistry is concerned, geochemical and isotopic data related to surface and spring waters and dissolved gases in the area of the PDT of Hontomín were analyzed to determine the most suitable parameters to trace the migration of the injected CO2 into the near-surface environments. The accumulation chamber method was used to measure the diffuse emission of CO2 at the soil-atmosphere interface. Although this technique has widely been applied in different scientific areas, it was considered of the utmost importance to adapt the optimum methodology for measuring the CO2 soil flux and estimating the total CO2 output to the specific features of the site where CO2 is to be stored shortly. During the pre-injection phase CO2 fluxes are expected to be relatively low where in the intra- and post-injection phases, if leakages are to be occurring, small variation in CO2 flux might be detected when the CO2 “noise” is overcoming the biological activity of the soil (soil respiration). CO2 flux measurements by the accumulation chamber method could be performed without vegetation clearance or after vegetation clearance. However, the results obtained after clearance show less dispersion and this suggests that this procedure appears to be more suitable for monitoring CO2 Storage sites. The measurement protocol, applied for the determination of the CO2 flux baseline at Hontomín, has included the following steps: a) cleaning and removal of both the vegetal cover and top 2 cm of soil, b) waiting to reduce flux perturbation due to the soil removal and c) measuring the CO2 flux. Once completing the CO2 flux measurements and detected whether there were anomalies zones, the total CO2 output was estimated to quantify the amount of CO2 released to the atmosphere in each of the studied areas. There is a wide range of methodologies for the estimation of the CO2 output, which were applied to understand which one was the most representative. In this study six statistical methods are presented: arithmetic mean, minimum variances unbiased estimator, bootstrap resample, partitioning of data into different populations with a graphical and a maximum likelihood procedures, and sequential Gaussian simulation. Eight campaigns were carried out in the Hontomín CO2 Storage Technology Development Plant and in natural CO2 analogues. The results show that sequential Gaussian simulation is the most accurate method to estimate the total CO2 output and the confidential interval. Nevertheless, a variety of statistic methods were also used. As a consequence, an application procedure for selecting the most realistic method was developed. The first step to estimate the total emanation rate was the variogram analysis. If the relation among the data can be explained with the variogram, the best technique to calculate the total CO2 output and its confidence interval is the sequential Gaussian simulation method (sGs). If the data are independent, their distribution is to be analyzed. For normal and log-normal distribution the proper methods are the arithmetic mean and minimum variances unbiased estimator, respectively. If the data are not normal (log-normal) or are a mixture of different populations the best approach is the bootstrap resampling. According to these steps, the maximum confidence interval was about ±20/25%, with most of values between ±3.5% and ±8%. Partitioning of CO2 flux data into different populations may help to interpret the data as their distribution can be affected by different geochemical processes, e.g. geological or biological sources of CO2. Consequently, it may be an important tool in a monitoring CCS program, where the main goal is to demonstrate that there are not leakages from the reservoir to the atmosphere and, if occurring, to be able to detect and quantify it. Results show that the partitioning of populations is better performed by maximum likelihood criteria, since graphical procedures have a degree of subjectivity in the interpretation and results may not be reproducible. The relationship between CO2 flux and radon isotopes (222Rn and 220Rn) was studied in natural analogues. In all emissions zones, a positive relation between 222Rn and CO2 was observed. However, the relationship between activity of 220Rn and CO2 flux is not clear. In some cases the 220Rn activity indeed increased with the CO2 flux in other measurements a decrease was recognized. We can speculate that this effect was possibly related to the route (deep or shallow) of the radon source. These results may confirm the possible use of the radon isotopes as tracers for the gas origin and their application in the detection of leakages. With respect to the CO2 flux baseline at the TDP of Hontomín, soil flux measurements in the vicinity of oil boreholes, drilled in the eighties and named H-1 to H-4, and injection and monitoring wells were performed using an accumulation chamber. Seven surveys were carried out from November 2009 to summer 2011. More than 4,000 measurements were used to determine the baseline flux of CO2 and its seasonal variations. The measured values were relatively low (from 5 to 13 g•m-2•day-1) and few outliers were identified, mainly located close to the H-2 oil well. Nevertheless, these values cannot be associated to a deep source of CO2, being more likely related to biological processes, i.e. soil respiration. No anomalies were recognized close to the deep fault system (Ubierna Fault) detected by geophysical investigations. There, the CO2 flux is indeed as low as other measurement stations. CO2 fluxes appear to be controlled by the biological activity since the lowest values were recorded during autumn-winter seasons and they tend to increase in warm periods. Two reference CO2 flux values (UCL50 of 5 g•m-2•d-1 for non-ploughed areas in autumn-winter seasons and 3.5 and 12 g•m-2•d-1 for in ploughed and non-ploughed areas, respectively, in spring-summer time, and UCL99 of 26 g•m-2•d-1 for autumn-winter in not-ploughed areas and 34 and 42 g•m-2•d-1 for spring-summer in ploughed and not-ploughed areas, respectively, were calculated. Fluxes higher than these reference values could be indicative of possible leakage during the operational and post-closure stages of the storage project. The first geochemical and isotopic data related to surface and spring waters and dissolved gases in the area of Hontomín–Huermeces (Burgos, Spain) are presented and discussed. The chemical and features of the spring waters suggest that they are related to a shallow hydrogeological system as the concentration of the Total Dissolved Solids approaches 800 mg/L with a Ca2+(Mg2+)-HCO3 − composition, similar to that of the surface waters. Some spring waters are characterized by relatively high concentrations of NO3 − (up to 123 mg/L), unequivocally suggesting an anthropogenic source. Anomalous concentrations of Cl−, SO4 2−, As, B and Ba were measured in two springs, discharging a few hundred meters from the oil wells, and in the Rio Ubierna. These contents are possibly indicative of mixing processes between deep and shallow aquifers. The chemistry of the dissolved gases also evidences the shallow circuits of the Hontomín– Huermeces, mainly characterized by an atmospheric source as highlighted by the contents of N2, O2, Ar and their relative ratios. Nevertheless, significant concentrations (up to 63% by vol.) of isotopically negative CO2 (<−17.7‰ V-PDB) were found in some water samples, likely related to a biogenic source. The geochemical and isotopic data of the surface and spring waters in the surroundings of Hontomín can be considered as background values when intra- and post-injection monitoring programs will be carried out. In this respect, main and minor solutes, the isotopic carbon of dissolved CO2 and TDIC (Total Dissolved Inorganic Carbon) and selected trace elements can be considered as useful parameters to trace the migration of the injected CO2 into near-surface environments.
From the moment we enter a large office building until we leave it, we receive a lot of attentions served by the management of services to the user. However, it is usually quite inappreciable the work that is being developed to keep things running smoothly.The services provided in a building are carried out by people. However, we often tend to forget these people when we talk about the tasks that make that a building operates properly 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.But, for example, what would happen if one day the service provided by the reception in a large building did not function as it should? What would it be like if one day the person performing the service of maintenance of the building's cleaning were not at his post? How would the working day develop if there were not a correct air handling system?People are the foundation of the proper functioning of a building. The work of the Facilities Manager and the Facility Management is the management of their functions: the responsible management of the team.
A través de los años las estructuras de hormigón armado han ido aumentando su cuota de mercado, sustituyendo a las estructuras de fábrica de piedra o ladrillo y restándole participación a las estructuras metálicas. Uno de los primeros problemas que surgieron al ejecutar las estructuras de hormigón armado, era cómo conectar una fase de una estructura de este tipo a una fase posterior o a una modificación posterior. Hasta los años 80-90 las conexiones de una fase de una estructura de hormigón armado, con otra posterior se hacían dejando en la primera fase placas de acero con garrotas embebidas en el hormigón fresco o barras grifadas recubiertas de poliestireno expandido. Una vez endurecido el hormigón se podían conectar nuevas barras, para la siguiente fase mediante soldadura a la placa de la superficie o enderezando las barras grifadas, para embeberlas en el hormigón fresco de la fase siguiente. Estos sistemas requerían conocer la existencia y alcance de la fase posterior antes de hormigonar la fase previa. Además requerían un replanteo muy exacto y complejo de los elementos de conexión. Otro problema existente en las estructuras de hormigón era la adherencia de un hormigón fresco a un hormigón endurecido previamente, ya que la superficie de contacto de ambos hormigones suponía un punto débil, con una adherencia baja. A partir de los años 80, la industria química de la construcción experimentó un gran avance en el desarrollo de productos capaces de generar una buena adherencia sobre el hormigón endurecido. Este avance tecnológico tenía aplicación tanto en la adherencia del hormigón fresco sobre el hormigón endurecido, como en la adherencia de barras post-instaladas en agujeros de hormigón endurecido. Este sistema se denominó “anclajes adherentes de barras de acero en hormigón endurecido”. La forma genérica de ejecutarlos es hacer una perforación cilíndrica en el soporte de hormigón, con una herramienta especifica como un taladro, limpiar la perforación, llenarla del material adherente y finalmente introducir la barra de acero. Los anclajes adherentes se dividen en anclajes cementosos y anclajes químicos, siendo estos últimos los más habituales, fiables, resistentes y fáciles de ejecutar. El uso del anclaje adherente de barras de acero en hormigón endurecido se ha extendido por todo el espectro productivo, siendo muy habitual tanto en construcción de obras de hormigón armado de obra civil y edificación, como en obras industriales, instalaciones o fijación de elementos. La ejecución de un anclaje de una barra de acero en hormigón endurecido depende de numerosas variables, que en su conjunto, o de forma aislada pueden afectar de forma notable a la resistencia del anclaje. Nos referimos a variables de los anclajes, que a menudo no se consideran tales como la dirección de la perforación, la máquina de perforación y el útil de perforación utilizado, la diferencia de diámetros entre el diámetro del taladro y la barra, el tipo de material de anclaje, la limpieza del taladro, la humedad del soporte, la altura del taladro, etc. La utilización en los últimos años de los hormigones Autocompactables, añade una variable adicional, que hasta ahora apenas ha sido estudiada. En línea con lo apuntado, la presente tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo principal el estudio de las condiciones de ejecución en la resistencia de los anclajes en hormigón convencional y autocompactable. Esta investigación se centra principalmente en la evaluación de la influencia de una serie de variables sobre la resistencia de los anclajes, tanto en hormigón convencional como en un hormigón autocompactable. Para este estudio ha sido necesaria la fabricación de dos soportes de hormigón sobre los cuales desarrollar los ensayos. Uno de los bloques se ha fabricado con hormigón convencional y el otro con hormigón autocompactable. En cada pieza de hormigón se han realizado 174 anclajes con barras de acero, variando los parámetros a estudiar, para obtener resultados de todas las variables consideradas. Los ensayos a realizar en ambos bloques son exactamente iguales, para poder comparar la diferencia entre un anclaje en un soporte de hormigón con vibrado convencional (HVC) y un hormigón autocompactante (HAC). De cada tipo de ensayo deseado se harán dos repeticiones en la misma pieza. El ensayo de arrancamiento de las barras se realizara con un gato hidráulico hueco, con un sistema de instrumentación de lectura y registro de datos en tiempo real. El análisis de los resultados, realizado con una potente herramienta estadística, ha permitido determinar y evaluar numéricamente la influencia de los variables consideradas en la resistencia de los anclajes realizados. Así mismo ha permitido diferenciar los resultados obtenidos en los hormigones convencionales y autocompactantes, tanto desde el punto de vista de la resistencia mecánica, como de las deformaciones sufridas en el arrancamiento. Se define la resistencia mecánica de un anclaje, como la fuerza desarrollada en la dirección de la barra, para hacer su arrancamiento del soporte. De la misma forma se considera desplazamiento, a la separación entre un punto fijo de la barra y otro del soporte, en la dirección de la barra. Dichos puntos se determinan cuando se ha terminado el anclaje, en la intersección de la superficie plana del soporte, con la barra. Las conclusiones obtenidas han permitido establecer qué variables afectan a la ejecución de los anclajes y en qué cuantía lo hacen, así como determinar la diferencia entre los anclajes en hormigón vibrado convencional y hormigón autocompactante, con resultados muy interesantes, que permiten valorar la influencia de dichas variables. Dentro de las conclusiones podemos destacar tres grupos, que denominaremos como de alta influencia, baja influencia y sin influencia. En todos los casos hay que hacer el estudio en términos de carga y de desplazamiento. Podemos considerar como de alta influencia, en términos de carga las variables de máquina de perforación y el material de anclaje. En términos de desplazamiento podemos considerar de alta influencia además de la máquina de perforación y el material de anclaje, el diámetro del taladro, así como la limpieza y humedad del soporte. Podemos considerar de baja influencia, en términos de carga las variables de tipo de hormigón, dirección de perforación, limpieza y humedad del soporte. En términos de desplazamiento podemos considerar de baja influencia el tipo de hormigón y la dirección de perforación. Podemos considerar en el apartado de “sin influencia”, en términos de carga las variables de diámetro de perforación y altura del taladro. En términos de desplazamiento podemos considerar como “sin influencia” la variable de altura del taladro. Podemos afirmar que las diferencias entre los valores de carga aumentan de forma muy importante en términos de desplazamiento. ABSTRACT Over the years the concrete structures have been increasing their market share, replacing the masonry structures of stone or brick and subtracting as well the participation of the metallic structures. One of the first problems encountered in the implementing of the reinforced concrete structures was connecting a phase structure of this type at a later stage or a subsequent amendment. Until the 80s and 90s the connections of one phase of a reinforced concrete structure with a subsequent first phase were done by leaving the steel plates embedded in the fresh concrete using hooks or bent bars coated with expanded polystyrene. Once the concrete had hardened new bars could be connected to the next stage by welding them to the surface plate or by straightening the bent bars to embed them in the fresh concrete of the next phase. These systems required a previous knowledge of the existence and scope of the subsequent phase before concreting the previous one. They also required a very precise and complex rethinking of the connecting elements. Another existing problem in the concrete structures was the adhesion of a fresh concrete to a previously hardened concrete, since the contact surface of both concretes leaded to a weak point with low adherence. Since the 80s, the chemicals construction industry experienced a breakthrough in the development of products that generate a good grip on the concrete. This technological advance had its application both in the grip on one hardened fresh concrete and in the adhesion of bar post-installed in holes of hardened concrete. This system was termed as adherent anchors of steel bars in hardened concrete. The generic way of executing this system is by firstly drilling a cylindrical hole in the concrete support using a specific tool such as a drill. Then, cleaning the bore and filling it with bonding material to lastly, introduce the steel bar. These adherent anchors are divided into cement and chemical anchors, the latter being the most common, reliable, durable and easy to run. The use of adhesive anchor of steel bars in hardened concrete has spread across the production spectrum turning itself into a very common solution in both construction of reinforced concrete civil engineering and construction, and industrial works, installations and fixing elements as well. The execution of an anchor of a steel bar in hardened concrete depends on numerous variables which together or as a single solution may significantly affect the strength of the anchor. We are referring to variables of anchors which are often not considered, such as the diameter difference between the rod and the bore, the drilling system, cleansing of the drill, type of anchor material, the moisture of the substrate, the direction of the drill, the drill’s height, etc. During recent years, the emergence of self-compacting concrete adds an additional variable which has hardly been studied so far. According to mentioned this thesis aims to study the main performance conditions in the resistance of conventional and self-compacting concrete anchors. This research is primarily focused on the evaluation of the influence of several variables on the strength of the anchoring, both in conventional concrete and self-compacting concrete. In order to complete this study it has been required the manufacture of two concrete supports on which to develop the tests. One of the blocks has been manufactured with conventional concrete and the other with self-compacting concrete. A total of 174 steel bar anchors have been made in each one of the concrete pieces varying the studied parameters in order to obtain results for all variables considered. The tests to be performed on both blocks are exactly the same in order to compare the difference between an anchor on a stand with vibrated concrete (HVC) and a self-compacting concrete (SCC). Each type of test required two repetitions in the same piece. The pulling test of the bars was made with a hollow jack and with an instrumentation system for reading and recording data in real time. The use of a powerful statistical tool in the analysis of the results allowed to numerically determine and evaluate the influence of the variables considered in the resistance of the anchors made. It has likewise enabled to differentiate the results obtained in the self-compacting and conventional concretes, from both the outlook of the mechanical strength and the deformations undergone by uprooting. The mechanical strength of an anchor is defined as the strength undergone in a direction of the bar to uproot it from the support. Likewise, the movement is defined as the separation between a fixed point of the bar and a fixed point from the support considering the direction of the bar. These points are only determined once the anchor is finished, with the bar, at the intersection in the flat surface of the support. The conclusions obtained have established which variables affect the execution of the anchors and in what quantity. They have also permitted to determine the difference between the anchors in vibrated concrete and selfcompacting concrete with very interesting results that also allow to assess the influence of these mentioned variables. Three groups are highlighted among the conclusions called high influence, low influence and no influence. In every case is necessary to perform the study in terms of loading and movement. In terms of loading, there are considered as high influence two variables: drilling machinery and anchorage material. In terms of movement, there are considered as high influence the drilling diameter and the cleaning and moisture of the support, besides the drilling machinery and the anchorage material. Variables such as type of concrete, drilling direction and cleaning and moisture of the support are considered of low influence in terms of load. In terms of movement, the type of concrete and the direction of the drilling are considered variables of low influence. Within the no influence section in terms of loading, there are included the diameter of the drilling and the height of the drill. In terms of loading, the height of the drill is considered as a no influence variable. We can affirm that the differences among the loading values increase significantly in terms of movement.
From the moment we enter a large office building until we leave it, we receive a lot of attentions served by the management of services to the user. However, it is usually quite inappreciable the work that is being developed to keep things running smoothly. The services provided in a building are carried out by people. However, we often tend to forget these people when we talk about the tasks that make that a building operates properly 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. But, for example, what would happen if one day the service provided by the reception in a large building did not function as it should? What would it be like if one day the person performing the service of maintenance of the building's cleaning were not at his post? How would the working day develop if there were not a correct air handling system? People are the foundation of the proper functioning of a building. The work of the Facilities Manager and the Facility Management is the management of their functions: the responsible management of the team.
Air Mines The sky over the city's port was the color of a faulty screen, only partly lit up. As the silhouette of nearby buildings became darker, but more clearly visible against the fading blur-filter of a background, the realization came about how persistent a change had been taking place. Slowly, old wooden water reservoirs and rattling HVAC systems stopped being the only inhabitants of roofs. Slightly trembling, milkish jellyfish-translucent air volumes had joined the show in multiples. A few years ago artists and architects seized upon the death of buildings as their life-saving media. Equipped with constructive atlases and instruments they started disemboweling their subjects, poking about their systems, dumping out on the street the battered ugliness of their embarrassing bits and pieces, so rightly hidden by facades and height from everyday view. But, would you believe it? Even ?old ladies?, investment bankers or small children failed to get upset. Of course, old ladies are not what they used to be. It was old ladies themselves that made it happen after years of fights with the town hall, imaginative proposals and factual arguments. An industry with little financial gains but lots of welcome externalities was not, in fact, the ground for investment bankers. But they too had to admit that having otherwise stately buildings make fine particulate pencils with their facades was not the worse that could happen. Yes, making soot pencils had been found an interesting and visible end product of the endeavor, a sort of mining the air for vintage writing tools one can actually touch. The new view from the street did not seem as solid or dignified as that of old, and they hated that the market for Fine Particulates Extraction (FPE, read efpee) had to be applied on a matrix of blocks and streets that prevented undue concentration of the best or worse solutions. It had to be an evenly distributed city policy in order for the city to apply for cleaning casino money. Once the first prototypes had been deployed in buildings siding Garden Avenue or Bulwark Street even fast movers appreciated the sidekick of flower and plant smell dripping down the Urban Space Stations (USS, read use; USSs, read uses) as air and walls cooled off for a few hours after sunset. Enough. It was all nice to remember, but it was now time to go up and start the lightweight afternoon maintenance of their USS. Coop discussions had taken place all through the planning and continued through the construction phase as to how maintenance was going to be organized. Fasters had voted for a pro, pay a small amount and let them use it for rent and produce. In the end some neighbors decided they were slow enough to take care and it was now the turn. Regret came periodically, sometimes a week before, and lasted until work actually started. But lately it had been replaced by anxiety when it needed to be passed over to the next caretaker. It did not look their shift was good enough and couldn?t wait to fix it. Today small preparations needed to be made for a class visit next day from a nearby cook school. They were frequenters. It had not been easy, but it shouldn?t have been that hard. In the end, even the easiest things are hard if they involve a city, buildings and neighbors. On the face of the data, the technicalities and the way final designs had been worked out for adaptation to the different settings, the decision of where to go was self evident, but organization issues and the ever-growing politics of taste in a city of already-gentrified-rodents almost put the project in the frozen orbit of timeless beautiful future possibilities. This is how it was. A series of designs by XClinic and OSS had made it possible to adapt to different building structures, leave in most cases the roof untouched and adapted a new technology of flexing fiberglass tubes that dissipated wind pressure in smooth bending.......