11 resultados para CUTTING EDGE RADIUS

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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This article analyses a number of social and cultural aspects of the blog phenomenon with the methodological aid of a complexity model, the New Techno-social Environment (hereinafter also referred to by its Spanish acronym, NET, or Nuevo Entorno Tecnosocial) together with the socio-technical approach of the two blogologist authors. Both authors are researchers interested in the new reality of the Digital Universal Network (DUN). After a review of some basic definitions, the article moves on to highlight some key characteristics of an emerging blog culture and relates them to the properties of the NET. Then, after a brief practical parenthesis for people entering the blogosphere for the first time, we present some reflections on blogs as an evolution of virtual communities and on the changes experienced by the inhabitants of the infocity emerging from within the NET. The article concludes with a somewhat disturbing question; whether among these changes there might not be a gradual transformation of the structure and form of human intelligence.


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How to create or integrate large Smart Spaces (considered as mash-ups of sensors and actuators) into the paradigm of ?Web of Things? has been the motivation of many recent works. A cutting-edge approach deals with developing and deploying web-enabled embedded devices with two major objectives: 1) to integrate sensor and actuator technologies into everyday objects, and 2) to allow a diversity of devices to plug to Internet. Currently, developers who want to use this Internet-oriented approach need have solid understanding about sensorial platforms and semantic technologies. In this paper we propose a Resource-Oriented and Ontology-Driven Development (ROOD) methodology, based on Model Driven Architecture (MDA), to facilitate to any developer the development and deployment of Smart Spaces. Early evaluations of the ROOD methodology have been successfully accomplished through a partial deployment of a Smart Hotel.


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This paper introduces novel calibration processes applied to antenna arrays with new architectures and technologies designed to improve the performance of traditional earth stations for satellite communications due to the increasing requirement of data capacity during last decades. Besides, the Radiation Group from the Technical University of Madrid has been working on the development of new antenna arrays based on novel architecture and technologies along many projects as a solution for the ground segment in the early future. Nowadays, the calibration process is an interesting and cutting edge research field in a period of expansion with a lot of work to do for calibration in transmission and also for reception of these novel antennas under development.


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International Materials Science Seminars aim at combining the expertise of several advanced research groups and creating an unique opportunity for foreign and Spanish students in terms of cutting-edge research.


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El presente trabajo se propone determinar la distribución de tamaño y número de partículas nanométricas provenientes de motores diésel con equipos embarcados en tráfico extraurbano. Para ello, se utilizaron equipos de medición de última generación en condiciones promedio de conducción en tráfico extraurbano por más de 800 km a lo largo del trayecto Madrid-Badajoz-Madrid mediante un vehículo característico del parque automotor español y se implementaron métodos novedosos y pioneros en el registro de este tipo de emisiones. Todo ello abre el camino para líneas de investigación y desarrollo que contribuirán a entender, dimensionar y cualificar el comportamiento de las partículas, así como su impacto en la calidad de vida de la población. El estudio hace dos grandes aportes al campo. Primero, permite registrar las emisiones en condiciones transitorias propias del tráfico real. Segundo, permite mantener controladas las condiciones de medición y evita la formación aleatoria de partículas provenientes de material volátil, gracias al sistema de adecuación de la muestra de gases de escape incorporado. Como resultado, se obtuvo una muestra abundante y confiable que permitió construir modelos matemáticos para calcular la emisión de partículas nanométricas, ultrafinas, finas y totales sobre las bases volumétrica, espacial y temporal en función de la pendiente del perfil orográfico de la carretera, siempre y cuando esté dentro del intervalo ±5.0%. Estos modelos de cálculo de emisiones reducen tanto los costos de experimentación como la complejidad de los equipos necesarios, y fundamentaron el desarrollo de la primera versión de una aplicación informática que calcula las partículas emitidas por un motor diésel en condiciones de tráfico extraurbano ("Partículas Emitidas por Motores Diésel, PEMDI). ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to determine the distribution of size and number of nanometric particles that come from diesel engines by means of on-board equipment in extra-urban traffic. In order to do this, cutting-edge measuring equipment was used under average driving conditions in extra-urban traffic for more than 800 km along the Madrid-Badajoz-Madrid route using a typical vehicle from Spain's automotive population and innovative, groundbreaking registering methods for this type of emissions were used. All this paves the way for lines of research and development which should help understand, measure and characterize the behavior of such particles, as well as their impact in the quality of life of the general population. The study makes two important contributions to the field. First, it makes it possible to register emissions under transient conditions, which are characteristic to real traffic. Secondly, it provides a means to keep the measuring conditions under control and prevents the random formation of particles of volatile origin through the built-in adjustment system of the exhaust gas sample. As a result, an abundant and reliable sample was gathered, which enabled the building of mathematical models to estimate the emission of nanometric, ultrafine, fine and total particles on volumetric, spatial and temporal bases as a function of the orographic outline of the road within a ±5.0% range. These emission estimating models lower both the experimentation costs and the required equipment's complexity, and they provided the basis for the development of a first software application version that estimates the particles emitted from diesel engines under extra-urban traffic conditions (Partículas Emitidas por Motores Diésel, PEMDI).


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Los arquitectos se han sentido progresivamente inclinados a incorporar superficies de vidrio cada vez mayores en sus proyectos de arquitectura, en correspondencia con una percepción socio-cultural del vidrio vinculada al progreso, la contemporaneidad y el bienestar, así como por la versatilidad de este material para expresar aspectos de la identidad del proyecto, establecer comunicación con el entorno y actuar como un escaparate para las tecnologías emergentes. A pesar de esta receptividad para acoger los sistemas tecnológicos más avanzados, la envolvente de vidrio contemporánea muy raramente integra tecnología avanzada para el control de la luz natural. Desde la arquitectura, el proyecto de la luz natural a través de la superficie de vidrio se ha explorado muy escasamente, aún cuando en las últimas tres décadas se haya producido una gran diversidad de soluciones tecnológicas para este propósito. Uno de los motivos principales para esta falta de sinergia es la inconsistencia conceptual que impulsa a los procesos proyectuales de la arquitectura y a los desarrollos tecnológicos para la sostenibilidad. Por un lado, las especificaciones de las tecnologías del control de la luz natural se determinan fundamentalmente desde una perspectiva científica de la eficiencia, que no tiene en consideración otros intereses y preocupaciones arquitectónicos. Por otro lado, la práctica arquitectónica no ha asimilado un pensamiento técnico en torno a la luz natural que lo determine como un agente clave del proceso proyectual, incluso cuando la sostenibilidad se perfile como la fuerza que ha de liderar la arquitectura del futuro y, en este sentido, sea una prioridad absoluta minimizar las consecuencias económicas y ecológicas del impacto negativo del vidrio. Por medio del escrutinio de valores culturales, proyectuales, funcionales y ecológicos, esta tesis aborda el estudio del precario diálogo transdisciplinar entre la evolución de la envolvente de vidrio en la arquitectura contemporánea y el desarrollo de soluciones tecnológicas para el proyecto de la luz natural, e identifica sus principales puntos de divergencia como los temas centrales desde los que proyectar con vidrio en una arquitectura sostenible futura. Desde una perspectiva energética, este ejercicio es un paso crítico para concienciar sobre la gravedad de la situación presente y establecer los cimientos para líneas de intervención esenciales para hacer a ambos mundos converger. Desde la óptica arquitectónica, este estudio representa además de una oportunidad para entender los potenciales proyectuales de estas tecnologías y reflexionar sobre la relación vidrio-luz, un escenario desde el que comprender el estatus incongruente de la sostenibilidad tecnológica en la arquitectura actual, contribuyendo a que se genere una contextualización recíproca entre la investigación en energía y la práctica de la arquitectura futura. ABSTRACT Architects are increasingly demanded to incorporate extensive glazed areas in buildings in correspondence with a socio-cultural perception of glass linked with progress, contemporaneity and welfare, as well as for this material’s versatility to express identity features, establish communication with its environment, and perform as a showroom for emergent technologies. Despite this disposition to take cutting-edge technology in, the contemporary glass envelope very scarcely integrates advanced daylight control technology. From an architectural standpoint, the exploration of the manipulation of natural light through the glass surface has been very swallow, even though a wide range of technical solutions has being produced in the last three decades for this purpose. One of the core issues behind this inconsistency is the lack of established synergy between architectural design processes and sustainable technological developments. From one side, the specifications of daylighting technologies are primarily determined by a scientific perspective of efficiency and disregard fundamental architectural concerns and interests. From another, architectural practice does not conceive sustainable technologies as key active agents in the design process, despite the fact the concept of sustainability is constantly regarded as the driving force of the leading-edge architecture of the future, and in this sense, it becomes an absolute priority to minimize the ecological and economical consequences of glass decisive impact in buildings. Through the scrutiny of cultural, functional and ecological values, this thesis analyses the precarious transdisciplinary dialogue between the evolution of the glass envelope in contemporary architecture and the development of daylighting technological solutions, and identifies the core affairs necessary to a sustainable integration of glass facades into future architecture. From an energy point of view, this exercise is a critical step to raise awareness about the severity of the present situation, and to establish the underpinnings for new lines of intervention essential to make both worlds efficiently converge. Architecturally speaking, in addition to the opportunity to understand the design potentials of these technologies and reflect on the relationship glasslight, this study contributes with a scenario from which generate the reciprocal contextualization of energy building research to future architectural practices.


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Universities are offering more and more courses and programmes in an additional language. At HEPCLIL, therefore, we would like to debate the methodological im - plications of these changes, giving voice to practical classroom experiences and initiatives. We would also like to act as a platform for cutting-edge research on CLIL in higher education. What impact does teaching in an additional language have on content or language learning? What are the effects on teachers and stu - dents in higher education?


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La aparición de inestabilidades en un flujo es un problema importante que puede afectar a algunas aplicaciones aerodinámicas. De hecho existen diferentes tipos de fenómenos no-estacionarios que actualmente son tema de investigación; casos como la separación a altos ángulos de ataque o el buffet transónico son dos ejemplos de cierta relevancia. El análisis de estabilidad global permite identificar la aparición de dichas condiciones inestables, proporcionando información importante sobre la región donde la inestabilidad es dominante y sobre la frecuencia del fenómeno inestable. La metodología empleada es capaz de calcular un flujo base promediado mediante una discretización con volúmenes finitos y posteriormente la solución de un problema de autovalores asociado a la linealización que aparece al perturbar el flujo base. El cálculo numérico se puede dividir en tres pasos: primero se calcula una solución estacionaria para las ecuaciones RANS, luego se extrae la matriz del Jacobiano que representa el problema linealizado y finalmente se deriva y se resuelve el problema de autovalores generalizado mediante el método iterativo de Arnoldi. Como primer caso de validación, la técnica descrita ha sido aplicada a un cilindro circular en condiciones laminares para detectar el principio de las oscilaciones de los vórtices de von Karman, y se han comparado los resultados con experimentos y cálculos anteriores. La parte más importante del estudio se centra en el análisis de flujos compresibles en régimen turbulento. La predicción de la aparición y la progresión de flujo separado a altos ángulos de ataque se han estudiado en el perfil NACA0012 en condiciones tanto subsónicas como supersónicas y en una sección del ala del A310 en condiciones de despegue. Para todas las geometrías analizadas, se ha podido observar que la separación gradual genera la aparición de un modo inestable específico para altos ángulos de ataque siempre mayores que el ángulo asociado al máximo coeficiente de sustentación. Además, se ha estudiado el problema adjunto para obtener información sobre la zona donde una fuerza externa provoca el máximo cambio en el campo fluido. El estudio se ha completado calculando el mapa de sensibilidad estructural y localizando el centro de la inestabilidad. En el presente trabajo de tesis se ha analizado otro importante fenómeno: el buffet transónico. En condiciones transónicas, la interacción entre la onda de choque y la capa límite genera una oscilación de la posición de la onda de choque y, por consiguiente, de las fuerzas aerodinámicas. El conocimiento de las condiciones críticas y su origen puede ayudar a evitar la oscilación causada por estas fuerzas. Las condiciones para las cuales comienza la inestabilidad han sido calculadas y comparadas con trabajos anteriores. Por otra parte, los resultados del correspondiente problema adjunto y el mapa de sensibilidad se han obtenido por primera vez para el buffet, indicando la región del dominio que sera necesario modificar para crear el mayor cambio en las propiedades del campo fluido. Dado el gran consumo de memoria requerido para los casos 3D, se ha realizado un estudio sobre la reducción del domino con la finalidad de reducirlo a la región donde está localizada la inestabilidad. La eficacia de dicha reducción de dominio ha sido evaluada investigando el cambio en la dimensión de la matriz del Jacobiano, no resultando muy eficiente en términos del consumo de memoria. Dado que el buffet es un problema en general tridimensional, el análisis TriGlobal de una geometría 3D podría considerarse el auténtico reto futuro. Como aproximación al problema, un primer estudio se ha realizado empleando una geometría tridimensional extruida del NACA00f2. El cálculo del flujo 3D y, por primera vez en casos tridimensionales compresibles y turbulentos, el análisis de estabilidad TriGlobal, se han llevado a cabo. La comparación de los resultados obtenidos con los resultados del anterior modelo 2D, ha permitido, primero, verificar la exactitud del cálculo 2D realizado anteriormente y también ha proporcionado una estimación del consumo de memoria requerido para el caso 3D. ABSTRACT Flow unsteadiness is an important problem in aerodynamic applications. In fact, there are several types of unsteady phenomena that are still at the cutting edge of research in the field; separation at high angles of attack and transonic buffet are two important examples. Global Stability Analysis can identify the unstable onset conditions, providing important information about the instability location in the domain and the frequency of the unstable phenomenon. The methodology computes a base flow averaged state based on a finite volume discretization and a solution for a generalized eigenvalue problem corresponding to the perturbed linearized equations. The numerical computation is then performed in three steps: first, a steady solution for the RANS equation is computed; second, the Jacobian matrix that represents the linearized problem is obtained; and finally, the generalized eigenvalue problem is derived and solved with an Arnoldi iterative method. As a first validation test, the technique has been applied on a laminar circular cylinder in order to detect the von Karman vortex shedding onset, comparing the results with experiments and with previous calculations. The main part of the study focusses on turbulent and compressible cases. The prediction of the origin and progression of separated flows at high angles of attack has been studied on the NACA0012 airfoil at subsonic and transonic conditions and for the A310 airfoil in take-off configuration. For all the analyzed geometries, it has been found that gradual separation generates the appearance of one specific unstable mode for angles of attack always greater than the ones related to the maximum lift coefficient. In addition, the adjoint problem has been studied to suggest the location of an external force that results in the largest change to the flow field. From the direct and the adjoint analysis the structural sensitivity map has been computed and the core of the instability has been located. The other important phenomenon analyzed in this work is the transonic buffet. In transonic conditions, the interaction between the shock wave and the boundary layer leads to an oscillation of the shock location and, consequently, of the aerodynamic forces. Knowing the critical operational conditions and its origin can be helpful in preventing such fluctuating forces. The instability onset has then been computed and compared with the literature. Moreover, results of the corresponding adjoint problem and a sensitivity map have been provided for the first time for the buffet problem, indicating the region that must be modified to create the biggest change in flow field properties. Because of the large memory consumption required when a 3D case is approached, a domain reduction study has been carried out with the aim of limiting the domain size to the region where the instability is located. The effectiveness of the domain reduction has been evaluated by investigating the change in the Jacobian matrix size, not being very efficient in terms of memory consumption. Since buffet is a three-dimensional problem, TriGlobal stability analysis can be seen as a future challenge. To approximate the problem, a first study has been carried out on an extruded three-dimensional geometry of the NACA0012 airfoil. The 3D flow computation and the TriGlobal stability analysis have been performed for the first time on a compressible and turbulent 3D case. The results have been compared with a 2D model, confirming that the buffet onset evaluated in the 2D case is well detected. Moreover, the computation has given an indication about the memory consumption for a 3D case.


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Stream-mining approach is defined as a set of cutting-edge techniques designed to process streams of data in real time, in order to extract knowledge. In the particular case of classification, stream-mining has to adapt its behaviour to the volatile underlying data distributions, what has been called concept drift. Moreover, it is important to note that concept drift may lead to situations where predictive models become invalid and have therefore to be updated to represent the actual concepts that data poses. In this context, there is a specific type of concept drift, known as recurrent concept drift, where the concepts represented by data have already appeared in the past. In those cases the learning process could be saved or at least minimized by applying a previously trained model. This could be extremely useful in ubiquitous environments that are characterized by the existence of resource constrained devices. To deal with the aforementioned scenario, meta-models can be used in the process of enhancing the drift detection mechanisms used by data stream algorithms, by representing and predicting when the change will occur. There are some real-world situations where a concept reappears, as in the case of intrusion detection systems (IDS), where the same incidents or an adaptation of them usually reappear over time. In these environments the early prediction of drift by means of a better knowledge of past models can help to anticipate to the change, thus improving efficiency of the model regarding the training instances needed. By means of using meta-models as a recurrent drift detection mechanism, the ability to share concepts representations among different data mining processes is open. That kind of exchanges could improve the accuracy of the resultant local model as such model may benefit from patterns similar to the local concept that were observed in other scenarios, but not yet locally. This would also improve the efficiency of training instances used during the classification process, as long as the exchange of models would aid in the application of already trained recurrent models, that have been previously seen by any of the collaborative devices. Which it is to say that the scope of recurrence detection and representation is broaden. In fact the detection, representation and exchange of concept drift patterns would be extremely useful for the law enforcement activities fighting against cyber crime. Being the information exchange one of the main pillars of cooperation, national units would benefit from the experience and knowledge gained by third parties. Moreover, in the specific scope of critical infrastructures protection it is crucial to count with information exchange mechanisms, both from a strategical and technical scope. The exchange of concept drift detection schemes in cyber security environments would aid in the process of preventing, detecting and effectively responding to threads in cyber space. Furthermore, as a complement of meta-models, a mechanism to assess the similarity between classification models is also needed when dealing with recurrent concepts. In this context, when reusing a previously trained model a rough comparison between concepts is usually made, applying boolean logic. The introduction of fuzzy logic comparisons between models could lead to a better efficient reuse of previously seen concepts, by applying not just equal models, but also similar ones. This work faces the aforementioned open issues by means of: the MMPRec system, that integrates a meta-model mechanism and a fuzzy similarity function; a collaborative environment to share meta-models between different devices; a recurrent drift generator that allows to test the usefulness of recurrent drift systems, as it is the case of MMPRec. Moreover, this thesis presents an experimental validation of the proposed contributions using synthetic and real datasets.


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En su proceso de crecimiento, las ciudades de América Latina y el Caribe (ALC) han tenido una vinculación histórica con la dinámica de implementación de herramientas, metodologías y proyectos urbanos, gestados en otros contextos, especialmente desde Europa (UE) y Estados Unidos (EE.UU). Desde la época colonial hasta hoy, la mayor parte de las ciudades de ALC han experimentado diversos tipos de influencia urbana externa, que han dejado huellas tangibles. Esta influencia ha ido variando a través de los años, desde la implantación directa de un modelo urbano, propia de la época colonial; hasta la importación de modelos urbanos total o parcialmente, de manera autónoma y ajena al origen de este. Actualmente, en ALC se han generado diversas iniciativas para abordar las necesidades urbanas desde sus especificidades, pero los instrumentos y proyectos vanguardistas utilizados en países desarrollados, siguen teniendo mayor fuerza de atracción y diseminación que las iniciativas vecinas. Se observa que las ciudades intermedias, que crecen con mayor velocidad que las grandes ciudades, también participan activamente en este proceso, aunque con otras limitaciones y condicionantes, diferentes a las encontradas en las grandes ciudades de la Región. ¿Por qué se produce esta dinámica?, ¿quiénes participan?, ¿cuáles son sus procesos?, ¿responden a las necesidades del complejo y diverso contexto urbano latinoamericano? Las Ciudades Intermedias Latinoamericanas ante los Modelos Urbanos Externos, es una investigación que aborda la dinámica de implementación de modelos de desarrollo urbanos1 exógenos, en ciudades emergentes que, en su proceso de crecimiento, tienden a repetir patrones de las grandes ciudades, y que en sí mismas, representan una oportunidad ante los desequilibrios territoriales de ALC. Esta dinámica, ha sido abordada por investigadores de diversas disciplinas, cuyos puntos de vista en muchas ocasiones no coinciden, pero revelan que estamos frente a una discusión de larga data, entre las visiones modernistas y las visiones identitarias de la historia urbana de ALC. Por ello, el trabajo recoge la evolución de los procesos de toma de decisiones, desarrollados bajo un efecto cascada (Global, Internacional, Regional, Nacional, Subnacional, Local), donde actualmente el nivel Local asciende a espacios del nivel Regional (ALC) e Internacional; pasando de meros receptores de políticas generadas en un plano superior derivadas de las relaciones geopolíticas y geoeconómicas de escala mundial; a ser sujetos proactivos del desarrollo de sus territorios. Para observar la concatenación de este proceso macro-disciplinar-micro (grosso modo), se plantea una herramienta metodológica de triangulación, desde la que se pueda visualizar el contexto en el que se produce la dinámica y como éste la condiciona. Con dicha metodología se abordará ALC como caso de estudio general, haciendo una aproximación al detalle en dos casos particulares: Ciudad Guayana (República Bolivariana de Venezuela) y Santiago de los Caballeros (República Dominicana). Estos casos, sumados a las observaciones de actores vinculados a la dinámica de transferencia de modelos urbanos, coadyuvarán en este esfuerzo de aproximación, para definir con más claridad un proceso que se incrementa y complejiza, en medio de la denominada “era de las ciudades”. ABSTRACT In its growth process, the cities of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) have had a historical link with the dynamics of implementation tools and engendered in other contexts, especially from Europe (EU) and the US methodologies (USA). From colonial times until today, most LAC cities have experienced various types of external urban influence that have left tangible traces. This influence has varied over the years, since the introduction of direct, typical of the colonial era; to import all or part independently and outside the origin of this urban model. Currently, in LAC they have generated various initiatives to address urban needs from its specificities, but notes that the instruments used in cutting-edge projects and developed countries, are still more attractive force and spread to neighboring initiatives. It is observed that the intermediate cities, which grow faster than big cities are also actively involved in this process, although with different constraints and other limitations to the big cities of the region. Why this dynamic occurs?, Who ?, which involved processes are ?, respond to the needs of complex and diverse Latin American urban context? Intermediate Latin American cities to external urban models, is a research that addresses the dynamics of exogenous implementation of urban development models in emerging cities in their growth process, they tend to repeat patterns of large cities, and represent a shot at LAC regional imbalances. This dynamic has been addressed by researchers from various disciplines, whose views often do not match, but show that we are facing a long-standing debate between modernists and identity visions on urban history of ALC. Therefore, the work shows the evolution of the processes of decision making, developed under a (global, international, regional, national, subnational, local) cascade effect, which currently stands at the Local level Regional level spaces (ALC) and International, from mere recipients of policies generated on a higher plane derived from the geopolitical and geo-economic relations worldwide; to be proactive in the development of their territories subject. To observe this process concatenation macro-micro-discipline (roughly), a triangulation methodology tool, from which it can view the context in which the dynamic occurs and how it affects what arises. ALC will address her as if general study, making an approach to detail two particular cases: Ciudad Guayana (Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela) and Santiago de los Caballeros (Dominican Republic). These cases, together with the comments of stakeholders involved in the dynamics of transfer of urban models, will assist in this effort approach to define more clearly a process that increases and more complex, amid the so-called "era of the cities".


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The emergence of new horizons in the field of travel assistant management leads to the development of cutting-edge systems focused on improving the existing ones. Moreover, new opportunities are being also presented since systems trend to be more reliable and autonomous. In this paper, a self-learning embedded system for object identification based on adaptive-cooperative dynamic approaches is presented for intelligent sensor’s infrastructures. The proposed system is able to detect and identify moving objects using a dynamic decision tree. Consequently, it combines machine learning algorithms and cooperative strategies in order to make the system more adaptive to changing environments. Therefore, the proposed system may be very useful for many applications like shadow tolls since several types of vehicles may be distinguished, parking optimization systems, improved traffic conditions systems, etc.