em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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In this paper, a novel and approach for obtaining 3D models from video sequences captured with hand-held cameras is addressed. We define a pipeline that robustly deals with different types of sequences and acquiring devices. Our system follows a divide and conquer approach: after a frame decimation that pre-conditions the input sequence, the video is split into short-length clips. This allows to parallelize the reconstruction step which translates into a reduction in the amount of computational resources required. The short length of the clips allows an intensive search for the best solution at each step of reconstruction which robustifies the system. The process of feature tracking is embedded within the reconstruction loop for each clip as opposed to other approaches. A final registration step, merges all the processed clips to the same coordinate frame


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The main objective of ventilation systems in case of fire is the reduction of the possible consequences by achieving the best possible conditions for the evacuation of the users and the intervention of the emergency services. In the last years, the required quick response of the ventilation system, from normal to emergency mode, has been improved by the use of automatic and semi-automatic control systems, what reduces the response times through the support to the operators decision taking, and the use of pre-defined strategies. A further step consists on the use of closedloop algorithms, which takes into account not only the initial conditions but their development (air velocity, traffic situation, etc), optimizing the quality of the smoke control process


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Abstract. This paper describes a new and original method for designing oscillators based on the Normalized Determinant Function (NDF) and Return Relations (RRT)- Firstly, a review of the loop-gain method will be performed. The loop-gain method pros, cons and some examples for exploring wrong solutions provided by this method will be shown. This method produces in some cases wrong solutions because some necessary conditions have not been fulfilled. The required necessary conditions to assure a right solution will be described. The necessity of using the NDF or the Transpose Return Relations (RRT), which are related with the True Loop-Gain, to test the additional conditions will be demonstrated. To conclude this paper, the steps for oscillator design and analysis, using the proposed NDF/RRj method, will be presented. The loop-gain wrong solutions will be compared with the NDF/RRj and the accuracy of this method to estimate the oscillation frequency and QL will be demonstrated. Some additional examples of plane reference oscillators (Z/Y/T), will be added and they will be analyzed with the new NDF/RRj proposed method, even these oscillators cannot be analyzed using the classic loop gain method.


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Functional validation of complex digital systems is a hard and critical task in the design flow. In particular, when dealing with communication systems, like Multiband Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Ultra Wideband (MB-OFDM UWB), the design decisions taken during the process have to be validated at different levels in an easy way. In this work, a unified algorithm-architecture-circuit co-design environment for this type of systems, to be implemented in FPGA, is presented. The main objective is to find an efficient methodology for designing a configurable optimized MB-OFDM UWB system by using as few efforts as possible in verification stage, so as to speed up the development period. Although this efficient design methodology is tested and considered to be suitable for almost all types of complex FPGA designs, we propose a solution where both the circuit and the communication channel are tested at different levels (algorithmic, RTL, hardware device) using a common testbench.


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In this work, a unified algorithm-architecture-circuit co-design environment for complex FPGA system development is presented. The main objective is to find an efficient methodology for designing a configurable optimized FPGA system by using as few efforts as possible in verification stage, so as to speed up the development period. A proposed high performance FFT/iFFT processor for Multiband Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Ultra Wideband (MB-OFDM UWB) system design process is given as an example to demonstrate the proposed methodology. This efficient design methodology is tested and considered to be suitable for almost all types of complex FPGA system designs and verifications.


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Un caloducto en bucle cerrado o Loop Heat Pipe (LHP) es un dispositivo de transferencia de calor cuyo principio de operación se basa en la evaporación/condensación de un fluido de trabajo, que es bombeado a través de un circuito cerrado gracias a fuerzas de capilaridad. Gracias a su flexibilidad, su baja masa y su mínimo (incluso nulo) consumo de potencia, su principal aplicación ha sido identificada como parte del subsistema de control térmico de vehículos espaciales. En el presente trabajo se ha desarrollado un LHP capaz de funcionar eficientemente a temperaturas de hasta 125 oC, siguiendo la actual tendencia de los equipos a bordo de satélites de incrementar su temperatura de operación. En la selección del diseño optimo para dicho LHP, la compatibilidad entre materiales y fluido de trabajo se identificó como uno de los puntos clave. Para seleccionar la mejor combinación, se llevó a cabo una exhaustiva revisión del estado del arte, además de un estudio especifico que incluía el desarrollo de un banco de ensayos de compatibilidad. Como conclusión, la combinación seleccionada como la candidata idónea para ser integrada en el LHP capaz de operar hasta 125 oC fue un evaporador de acero inoxidable, líneas de titanio y amoniaco como fluido de trabajo. En esa línea se diseñó y fabricó un prototipo para ensayos y se desarrolló un modelo de simulación con EcosimPro para evaluar sus prestaciones. Se concluyó que el diseño era adecuado para el rango de operación definido. La incompatibilidad entre el fluido de trabajo y los materiales del LHP está ligada a la generación de gases no condensables. Para un estudio más detallado de los efectos de dichos gases en el funcionamiento del LHP se analizó su comportamiento con diferentes cantidades de nitrógeno inyectadas en su cámara de compensación, simulando un gas no condensable formado en el interior del dispositivo. El estudio se basó en el análisis de las temperaturas medidas experimentalmente a distintos niveles de potencia y temperatura de sumidero o fuente fría. Adicionalmente, dichos resultados se compararon con las predicciones obtenidas por medio del modelo en EcosimPro. Las principales conclusiones obtenidas fueron dos. La primera indica que una cantidad de gas no condensable más de dos veces mayor que la cantidad generada al final de la vida de un satélite típico de telecomunicaciones (15 años) tiene efectos casi despreciables en el funcionamiento del LHP. La segunda es que el principal efecto del gas no condensable es una disminución de la conductancia térmica, especialmente a bajas potencias y temperaturas de sumidero. El efecto es más significativo cuanto mayor es la cantidad de gas añadida. Asimismo, durante la campaña de ensayos se observó un fenómeno no esperado para grandes cantidades de gas no condensable. Dicho fenómeno consiste en un comportamiento oscilatorio, detectado tanto en los ensayos como en la simulación. Este efecto es susceptible de una investigación más profunda y los resultados obtenidos pueden constituir la base para dicha tarea. ABSTRACT Loop Heat Pipes (LHPs) are heat transfer devices whose operating principle is based on the evaporation/condensation of a working fluid, and which use capillary pumping forces to ensure the fluid circulation. Thanks to their flexibility, low mass and minimum (even null) power consumption, their main application has been identified as part of the thermal control subsystem in spacecraft. In the present work, an LHP able to operate efficiently up to 125 oC has been developed, which is in line with the current tendency of satellite on-board equipment to increase their operating temperatures. In selecting the optimal LHP design for the elevated temperature application, the compatibility between the materials and working fluid has been identified as one of the main drivers. An extensive literature review and a dedicated trade-off were performed, in order to select the optimal combination of fluids and materials for the LHP. The trade-off included the development of a dedicated compatibility test stand. In conclusion, the combination of stainless steel evaporator, titanium piping and ammonia as working fluid was selected as the best candidate to operate up to 125 oC. An LHP prototype was designed and manufactured and a simulation model in EcosimPro was developed to evaluate its performance. The first conclusion was that the defined LHP was suitable for the defined operational range. Incompatibility between the working fluid and LHP materials is linked to Non Condensable Gas (NCG) generation. Therefore, the behaviour of the LHP developed with different amounts of nitrogen injected in its compensation chamber to simulate NCG generation, was analyzed. The LHP performance was studied by analysis of the test results at different temperatures and power levels. The test results were also compared to simulations in EcosimPro. Two additional conclusions can be drawn: (i) the effects of an amount of more than two times the expected NCG at the end of life of a typical telecommunications satellite (15 years) is almost negligible on the LHP operation, and (ii) the main effect of the NCG is a decrease in the LHP thermal conductance, especially at low temperatures and low power levels. This decrease is more significant with the progressive addition of NCG. An unexpected phenomenon was observed in the LHP operation with large NCG amounts. Namely, an oscillatory behaviour, which was observed both in the tests and the simulation. This effect provides the basis for further studies concerning oscillations in LHPs.


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In this paper, we investigate effect algebras and base normed spaces from the categorical point of view. We prove that the category of effect algebras is complete and cocomplete as well as the category of base normed spaces is complete, and discuss the contravariant functor from the category of effect algebras to the category of base normed spaces.


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Type 1 diabetes-mellitus implies a life-threatening absolute insulin deficiency. Artificial pancreas (CGM sensor, insulin pump and control algorithm) is promising to outperform current open-loop therapies.


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Control of linear flow instabilities has been demonstrated to be an effective theoretical flow control methodology, capable of modifying transitional flows on canonical geometries such as the plane channel and the flat-plate boundary layer. Extending the well-developed theoretical flow control techniques to flows over or through complex geometries requires addressing the issue of efficient capturing of the leading members of the global eigenspectrum pertinent to such flows. The present contribution describes state-of-the-art modal global instability analysis methodologies recently developed in our group, based on matrix formation and time-stepping, respectively. The relative performance of these algorithms is assessed on the recovery of BiGlobal and TriGlobal eigenspectra in the spanwise periodic and the cubic lid-driven cavity, respectively; the adjoint eigenspectrum in the latter flow is recovered for the first time. For three-dimensional flows without any homogeneous spatial direction, the time-stepping methodology was found to outperform the matrix-forming approach and permit recovering the leading TriGlobal eigenmodes in an three-dimensional open cavity of aspect ratio L : D : W = 5 : 1 : 1; theoretical flow control of this configuration is underway.


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Control of linear flow instabilities has been demonstrated to be an effective theoretical flow control methodology, capable of modifying transitional flow on canonical geometries such as the plane channel and the flat-plate boundary layer.


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This PhD dissertation is framed in the emergent fields of Reverse Logistics and ClosedLoop Supply Chain (CLSC) management. This subarea of supply chain management has gained researchers and practitioners' attention over the last 15 years to become a fully recognized subdiscipline of the Operations Management field. More specifically, among all the activities that are included within the CLSC area, the focus of this dissertation is centered in direct reuse aspects. The main contribution of this dissertation to current knowledge is twofold. First, a framework for the so-called reuse CLSC is developed. This conceptual model is grounded in a set of six case studies conducted by the author in real industrial settings. The model has also been contrasted with existing literature and with academic and professional experts on the topic as well. The framework encompasses four building blocks. In the first block, a typology for reusable articles is put forward, distinguishing between Returnable Transport Items (RTI), Reusable Packaging Materials (RPM), and Reusable Products (RP). In the second block, the common characteristics that render reuse CLSC difficult to manage from a logistical standpoint are identified, namely: fleet shrinkage, significant investment and limited visibility. In the third block, the main problems arising in the management of reuse CLSC are analyzed, such as: (1) define fleet size dimension, (2) control cycle time and promote articles rotation, (3) control return rate and prevent shrinkage, (4) define purchase policies for new articles, (5) plan and control reconditioning activities, and (6) balance inventory between depots. Finally, in the fourth block some solutions to those issues are developed. Firstly, problems (2) and (3) are addressed through the comparative analysis of alternative strategies for controlling cycle time and return rate. Secondly, a methodology for calculating the required fleet size is elaborated (problem (1)). This methodology is valid for different configurations of the physical flows in the reuse CLSC. Likewise, some directions are pointed out for further development of a similar method for defining purchase policies for new articles (problem (4)). The second main contribution of this dissertation is embedded in the solutions part (block 4) of the conceptual framework and comprises a two-level decision problem integrating two mixed integer linear programming (MILP) models that have been formulated and solved to optimality using AIMMS as modeling language, CPLEX as solver and Excel spreadsheet for data introduction and output presentation. The results obtained are analyzed in order to measure in a client-supplier system the economic impact of two alternative control strategies (recovery policies) in the context of reuse. In addition, the models support decision-making regarding the selection of the appropriate recovery policy against the characteristics of demand pattern and the structure of the relevant costs in the system. The triangulation of methods used in this thesis has enabled to address the same research topic with different approaches and thus, the robustness of the results obtained is strengthened.


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Durante las últimas décadas se ha producido un fenómeno global de envejecimiento en la población. Esta tendencia se puede observar prácticamente en todos los países del mundo y se debe principalmente a los avances en la medicina, y a los descensos en las tasas de fertilidad y mortalidad. El envejecimiento de la población tiene un gran impacto en la salud de los ciudadanos, y a menudo es la causa de aparición de enfermedades crónicas. Este tipo de enfermedades supone una amenaza y una carga importantes para la sociedad, especialmente en aspectos como la mortalidad o los gastos en los sistemas sanitarios. Entre las enfermedades cardiovasculares, la insuficiencia cardíaca es probablemente la condición con mayor prevalencia y afecta a 23-26 millones de personas en todo el mundo. Normalmente, la insuficiencia cardíaca presenta un mal pronóstico y una tasa de supervivencia bajas, en algunos casos peores que algún tipo de cáncer. Además, suele ser la causa de hospitalizaciones frecuentes y es una de las enfermedades más costosas para los sistemas sanitarios. La tendencia al envejecimiento de la población y la creciente incidencia de las enfermedades crónicas están llevando a una situación en la que los sistemas de salud no son capaces de hacer frente a la demanda de la sociedad. Los servicios de salud existentes tendrán que adaptarse para ser efectivos y sostenibles en el futuro. Es necesario identificar nuevos paradigmas de cuidado de pacientes, así como mecanismos para la provisión de servicios que ayuden a transformar estos sistemas sanitarios. En este contexto, esta tesis se plantea la búsqueda de soluciones, basadas en las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC), que contribuyan a realizar la transformación en los sistemas sanitarios. En concreto, la tesis se centra en abordar los problemas de una de las enfermedades con mayor impacto en estos sistemas: la insuficiencia cardíaca. Las siguientes hipótesis constituyen la base para la realización de este trabajo de investigación: 1. Es posible definir un modelo basado en el paradigma de lazo cerrado y herramientas TIC que formalice el diseño de mejores servicios para pacientes con insuficiencia cardíaca. 2. El modelo de lazo cerrado definido se puede utilizar para definir un servicio real que ayude a gestionar la insuficiencia cardíaca crónica. 3. La introducción, la adopción y el uso de un servicio basado en el modelo definido se traducirá en mejoras en el estado de salud de los pacientes que sufren insuficiencia cardíaca. a. La utilización de un sistema basado en el modelo de lazo cerrado definido mejorará la experiencia del usuario de los pacientes. La definición del modelo planteado se ha basado en el estándar ISO / EN 13940- Sistema de conceptos para dar soporte a la continuidad de la asistencia. Comprende un conjunto de conceptos, procesos, flujos de trabajo, y servicios como componentes principales, y representa una formalización de los servicios para los pacientes con insuficiencia cardíaca. Para evaluar el modelo definido se ha definido un servicio real basado en el mismo, además de la implementación de un sistema de apoyo a dicho servicio. El diseño e implementación de dicho sistema se realizó siguiendo la metodología de Diseño Orientado a Objetivos. El objetivo de la evaluación consistía en investigar el efecto que tiene un servicio basado en el modelo de lazo cerrado sobre el estado de salud de los pacientes con insuficiencia cardíaca. La evaluación se realizó en el marco de un estudio clínico observacional. El análisis de los resultados ha comprendido métodos de análisis cuantitativos y cualitativos. El análisis cuantitativo se ha centrado en determinar el estado de salud de los pacientes en base a datos objetivos (obtenidos en pruebas de laboratorio o exámenes médicos). Para realizar este análisis se definieron dos índices específicos: el índice de estabilidad y el índice de la evolución del estado de salud. El análisis cualitativo ha evaluado la autopercepción del estado de salud de los pacientes en términos de calidad de vida, auto-cuidado, el conocimiento, la ansiedad y la depresión, así como niveles de conocimiento. Se ha basado en los datos recogidos mediante varios cuestionarios o instrumentos estándar (i.e. EQ-5D, la Escala de Ansiedad y Depresión (HADS), el Cuestionario de Cardiomiopatía de Kansas City (KCCQ), la Escala Holandesa de Conocimiento de Insuficiencia Cardíaca (DHFKS), y la Escala Europea de Autocuidado en Insuficiencia Cardíaca (EHFScBS), así como cuestionarios dedicados no estandarizados de experiencia de usuario. Los resultados obtenidos en ambos análisis, cuantitativo y cualitativo, se compararon con el fin de evaluar la correlación entre el estado de salud objetivo y subjetivo de los pacientes. Los resultados de la validación demostraron que el modelo propuesto tiene efectos positivos en el cuidado de los pacientes con insuficiencia cardíaca y contribuye a mejorar su estado de salud. Asimismo, ratificaron al modelo como instrumento válido para la definición de servicios mejorados para la gestión de esta enfermedad. ABSTRACT During the last decades we have witnessed a global aging phenomenon in the population. This can be observed in practically every country in the world, and it is mainly caused by the advances in medicine, and the decrease of mortality and fertility rates. Population aging has an important impact on citizens’ health and it is often the cause for chronic diseases, which constitute global burden and threat to the society in terms of mortality and healthcare expenditure. Among chronic diseases, Chronic Heart Failure (CHF) or Heart Failure (HF) is probably the one with highest prevalence, affecting between 23 and 26 million people worldwide. Heart failure is a chronic, long-term and serious condition with very poor prognosis and worse survival rates than some type of cancers. Additionally, it is often the cause of frequent hospitalizations and one of the most expensive conditions for the healthcare systems. The aging trends in the population and the increasing incidence of chronic diseases are leading to a situation where healthcare systems are not able to cope with the society demand. Current healthcare services will have to be adapted and redefined in order to be effective and sustainable in the future. There is a need to find new paradigms for patients’ care, and to identify new mechanisms for services’ provision that help to transform the healthcare systems. In this context, this thesis aims to explore new solutions, based on ICT, that contribute to achieve the needed transformation within the healthcare systems. In particular, it focuses on addressing the problems of one of the diseases with higher impact within these systems: Heart Failure. The following hypotheses represent the basis to the elaboration of this research: 1. It is possible to define a model based on a closed-loop paradigm and ICT tools that formalises the design of enhanced healthcare services for chronic heart failure patients. 2. The described closed-loop model can be exemplified in a real service that supports the management of chronic heart failure disease. 3. The introduction, adoption and use of a service based on the outlined model will result in improvements in the health status of patients suffering heart failure. 4. The user experience of patients when utilizing a system based on the defined closed-loop model will be enhanced. The definition of the closed-loop model for health care support of heart failure patients have been based on the standard ISO/EN 13940 System of concepts to support continuity of care. It includes a set of concept, processes and workflows, and services as main components, and it represent a formalization of services for heart failure patients. In order to be validated, the proposed closed-loop model has been instantiated into a real service and a supporting IT system. The design and implementation of the system followed the user centred design methodology Goal Oriented Design. The validation, that included an observational clinical study, aimed to investigate the effect that a service based on the closed-loop model had on heart failure patients’ health status. The analysis of results comprised quantitative and qualitative analysis methods. The quantitative analysis was focused on determining the health status of patients based on objective data (obtained in lab tests or physical examinations). Two specific indexes where defined and considered in this analysis: the stability index and the health status evolution index. The qualitative analysis assessed the self-perception of patients’ health status in terms of quality of life, self-care, knowledge, anxiety and depression, as well as knowledge levels. It was based on the data gathered through several standard instruments (i.e. EQ-5D, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, the Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire, the Dutch Heart Failure Knowledge Scale, and the European Heart Failure Self-care Behaviour Scale) as well as dedicated non-standardized user experience questionnaires. The results obtained in both analyses, quantitative and qualitative, were compared in order to assess the correlation between the objective and subjective health status of patients. The results of the validation showed that the proposed model contributed to improve the health status of the patients and had a positive effect on the patients’ care. It also proved that the model is a valid instrument for designing enhanced healthcare services for heart failure patients.


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This document is a summary of the Bachelor thesis titled “VHDL-Based System Design of a Cognitive Sensorimotor Loop (CSL) for Haptic Human-Machine Interaction (HMI)” written by Pablo de Miguel Morales, Electronics Engineering student at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM Madrid, Spain) during an Erasmus+ Exchange Program at the Beuth Hochschule für Technik (BHT Berlin, Germany). The tutor of this project is Dr. Prof. Hild. This project has been developed inside the Neurobotics Research Laboratory (NRL) in close collaboration with Benjamin Panreck, a member of the NRL, and another exchange student from the UPM Pablo Gabriel Lezcano. For a deeper comprehension of the content of the thesis, a deeper look in the document is needed as well as the viewing of the videos and the VHDL design. In the growing field of automation, a large amount of workforce is dedicated to improve, adapt and design motor controllers for a wide variety of applications. In the specific field of robotics or other machinery designed to interact with humans or their environment, new needs and technological solutions are often being discovered due to the existing, relatively unexplored new scenario it is. The project consisted of three main parts: Two VHDL-based systems and one short experiment on the haptic perception. Both VHDL systems are based on a Cognitive Sensorimotor Loop (CSL) which is a control loop designed by the NRL and mainly developed by Dr. Prof. Hild. The CSL is a control loop whose main characteristic is the fact that it does not use any external sensor to measure the speed or position of the motor but the motor itself. The motor always generates a voltage that is proportional to its angular speed so it does not need calibration. This method is energy efficient and simplifies control loops in complex systems. The first system, named CSL Stay In Touch (SIT), consists in a one DC motor system controller by a FPGA Board (Zynq ZYBO 7000) whose aim is to keep contact with any external object that touches its Sensing Platform in both directions. Apart from the main behavior, three features (Search Mode, Inertia Mode and Return Mode) have been designed to enhance the haptic interaction experience. Additionally, a VGA-Screen is also controlled by the FPGA Board for the monitoring of the whole system. This system has been completely developed, tested and improved; analyzing its timing and consumption properties. The second system, named CSL Fingerlike Mechanism (FM), consists in a fingerlike mechanical system controlled by two DC motors (Each controlling one part of the finger). The behavior is similar to the first system but in a more complex structure. This system was optional and not part of the original objectives of the thesis and it could not be properly finished and tested due to the lack of time. The haptic perception experiment was an experiment conducted to have an insight into the complexity of human haptic perception in order to implement this knowledge into technological applications. The experiment consisted in testing the capability of the subjects to recognize different objects and shapes while being blindfolded and with their ears covered. Two groups were done, one had full haptic perception while the other had to explore the environment with a plastic piece attached to their finger to create a haptic handicap. The conclusion of the thesis was that a haptic system based only on a CSL-based system is not enough to retrieve valuable information from the environment and that other sensors are needed (temperature, pressure, etc.) but that a CSL-based system is very useful to control the force applied by the system to interact with haptic sensible surfaces such as skin or tactile screens. RESUMEN. Este documento es un resumen del proyecto fin de grado titulado “VHDL-Based System Design of a Cognitive Sensorimotor Loop (CSL) for Haptic Human-Machine Interaction (HMI)” escrito por Pablo de Miguel, estudiante de Ingeniería Electrónica de Comunicaciones en la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM Madrid, España) durante un programa de intercambio Erasmus+ en la Beuth Hochschule für Technik (BHT Berlin, Alemania). El tutor de este proyecto ha sido Dr. Prof. Hild. Este proyecto se ha desarrollado dentro del Neurorobotics Research Laboratory (NRL) en estrecha colaboración con Benjamin Panreck (un miembro del NRL) y con Pablo Lezcano (Otro estudiante de intercambio de la UPM). Para una comprensión completa del trabajo es necesaria una lectura detenida de todo el documento y el visionado de los videos y análisis del diseño VHDL incluidos en el CD adjunto. En el creciente sector de la automatización, una gran cantidad de esfuerzo está dedicada a mejorar, adaptar y diseñar controladores de motor para un gran rango de aplicaciones. En el campo específico de la robótica u otra maquinaria diseñada para interactuar con los humanos o con su entorno, nuevas necesidades y soluciones tecnológicas se siguen desarrollado debido al relativamente inexplorado y nuevo escenario que supone. El proyecto consta de tres partes principales: Dos sistemas basados en VHDL y un pequeño experimento sobre la percepción háptica. Ambos sistemas VHDL están basados en el Cognitive Sesnorimotor Loop (CSL) que es un lazo de control creado por el NRL y cuyo desarrollador principal ha sido Dr. Prof. Hild. El CSL es un lazo de control cuya principal característica es la ausencia de sensores externos para medir la velocidad o la posición del motor, usando el propio motor como sensor. El motor siempre genera un voltaje proporcional a su velocidad angular de modo que no es necesaria calibración. Este método es eficiente en términos energéticos y simplifica los lazos de control en sistemas complejos. El primer sistema, llamado CSL Stay In Touch (SIT), consiste en un sistema formado por un motor DC controlado por una FPGA Board (Zynq ZYBO 7000) cuyo objetivo es mantener contacto con cualquier objeto externo que toque su plataforma sensible en ambas direcciones. Aparte del funcionamiento básico, tres modos (Search Mode, Inertia Mode y Return Mode) han sido diseñados para mejorar la interacción. Adicionalmente, se ha diseñado el control a través de la FPGA Board de una pantalla VGA para la monitorización de todo el sistema. El sistema ha sido totalmente desarrollado, testeado y mejorado; analizando su propiedades de timing y consumo energético. El segundo sistema, llamado CSL Fingerlike Mechanism (FM), consiste en un mecanismo similar a un dedo controlado por dos motores DC (Cada uno controlando una falange). Su comportamiento es similar al del primer sistema pero con una estructura más compleja. Este sistema no formaba parte de los objetivos iniciales del proyecto y por lo tanto era opcional. No pudo ser plenamente desarrollado debido a la falta de tiempo. El experimento de percepción háptica fue diseñado para profundizar en la percepción háptica humana con el objetivo de aplicar este conocimiento en aplicaciones tecnológicas. El experimento consistía en testear la capacidad de los sujetos para reconocer diferentes objetos, formas y texturas en condiciones de privación del sentido del oído y la vista. Se crearon dos grupos, en uno los sujetos tenían plena percepción háptica mientras que en el otro debían interactuar con los objetos a través de una pieza de plástico para generar un hándicap háptico. La conclusión del proyecto fue que un sistema háptico basado solo en sistemas CSL no es suficiente para recopilar información valiosa del entorno y que debe hacer uso de otros sensores (temperatura, presión, etc.). En cambio, un sistema basado en CSL es idóneo para el control de la fuerza aplicada por el sistema durante la interacción con superficies hápticas sensibles tales como la piel o pantallas táctiles.