6 resultados para Blood Alcohol Test Equipment.

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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La mejora en la eficiencia energética y la reducción de la tasa de fallos en los contactos lubricados son aspectos que resultan de gran interés en numerosos sectores de la industria, y plantean en estos momentos nuevas dificultades operativas y retos para un futuro próximo. Los avances tecnológicos han incrementado las exigencias técnicas que se requieren a los aceites para cumplir su función al extender sus variables operativas a un mayor espectro de aplicaciones, tanto de condiciones de funcionamiento como a la gran variedad de nuevos materiales constitutivos de los engranajes en los que se tiene que utilizar. Por ello, actualmente se está incentivado el desarrollo de nuevos procedimientos que permitan comprender el comportamiento de este tipo de contactos lubricados, con el fin de lograr mejoras técnicas en su diseño y la correcta selección del aceite. En esta Tesis Doctoral se presenta una metodología de cálculo numérico que permite simular el comportamiento de contactos elastohidrodinámicos (EHD) puntuales, como puede ser el caso de un rodamiento. La resolución de este problema presenta diversas complejidades matemáticas y exige el desarrollo de un elaborado procedimiento de cálculo basado en técnicas multinivel. Para hacer del procedimiento una herramienta válida en un gran número de condiciones de funcionamiento y tipos de lubricantes, se ha tenido en cuenta en el cálculo la posible aparición de comportamientos no-Newtonianos del lubricante y fenómenos de generación y disipación de calor, provocados por el movimiento relativo del fluido y las superficies en contacto. Para la validación del procedimiento, se han contrastado los resultados numéricos obtenidos con nuestro método, con los resultados numéricos y experimentales publicados por otros autores y con valores experimentales propios medidos en un equipo de ensayo de contacto puntual tipo MTM. El desarrollo de este programa ha dotado a la División de Ingeniería de Máquinas de una herramienta que ha permitido, y sobre todo va permitir, evaluar la importancia de cada uno de los parámetros reológicos en los diferentes problemas que va a tener que abordar, evaluación que hasta el momento se realizaba con métodos aproximados que describen la fenomenología con mucha menos precisión. A la hora de emplear nuestro procedimiento numérico para simular situaciones reales, nos hemos encontrado con el obstáculo de que es muy complicado encontrar, en la bibliografía y bases de datos, los parámetros que caracterizan el comportamiento reológico del lubricante en las condiciones de presión, temperatura y grado de cizallamiento habituales en las que se trabaja en este tipo de contactos, y las pocas medidas que existen para estas condiciones de funcionamiento son poco fiables. Por ello como complemento al objetivo principal de esta Tesis hemos desarrollado una metodología para caracterizar los lubricantes en estas condiciones extremas. Dicha metodología está basada en la buena descripción que hace nuestro programa del coeficiente de fricción, lo que nos ha permitido obtener los parámetros reológicos del III lubricante a partir de las medidas experimentales del coeficiente de fricción generado en un equipo MTM lubricado con el lubricante que se desea caracterizar. Madrid, Octubre de 2012 IV Improving energy efficiency and reducing the failure rate in lubricated contacts are issues that are of great interest in many sectors of industry, and right now posed operational difficulties and new challenges for the near future. Technological advances have increased the technical demands required to oils to fulfil its role by extending its operational variables to a wider range of applications, both operating conditions and to the wide variety of new materials which constitute the gear in which must be used. For this reason, has being encouraged currently to develop new procedures to understand the behaviour of this type of lubricated contacts, in order to achieve improvements in design techniques and the correct oil selection. In this Thesis we present a numerical methodology to simulate the puntual elastohydrodynamic contact behaviour (EHD), such as a roller bearing. The resolution of this problem presents various mathematical complexities and requires the development of an elaborate calculation procedure based on multilevel techniques. To make the procedure a valid tool in a wide range of operating conditions and types of lubricants, has been taken into account in calculating the possible occurrence of non-Newtonian behaviour of the lubricant and phenomena of generation and dissipation of heat, caused by the fluid relative motion and contacting surfaces. For the validation of the method, we have compared the numerical results obtained with our method with numerical and experimental results published by other authors also with own experimental values measured on point-contact test equipment MTM. The development of this program has provided the Machines Engineering Division of a tool that has allowed, and especially will allow to evaluate the importance of each of the rheological parameters on the various problems that will have to be addressed, evaluation performed hitherto described methods that phenomenology approximated with much less accuracy. When using our numerical procedure to simulate real situations we have encountered the obstacle that is very difficult to find, in the literature and database, parameters characterizing the rheological behaviour of the lubricant in the usual conditions of pressure, temperature and shear rate in which you work in this type of contact, and the few measures that exist for these operating conditions are unreliable. Thus in addition to the main objective of this thesis, we have developed a methodology to characterize the lubricants in these extreme conditions. This methodology is based on the good description, which makes our program, of the coefficient of friction, that allowed us to obtain the lubricant rheological parameters from experimental measurements of the friction coefficient generated on lubricated MTM equipment with the lubricant to be characterized.


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The latest technology and architectural trends have significantly improved the use of a large variety of glass products in construction which, in function of their own characteristocs, allow to design and calculate structural glass elements under safety conditions. This paper presents the evaluation and analysis of the damping properties of rectangular laminated glass plates of 1.938 m x 0.876 m with different thickness depending on the number of PVB interlayers arranged. By means of numerical simulation and experimental verification, using modal analysis, natural frequencies and damping of the glass plates were calculated, both under free boundary conditions and operational conditions for the impact test equipment used in the experimental program, as the European standard UNE-EN 12600:2003 specifies.


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En la actualidad gran parte de las industrias utilizan o desarrollan plataformas, las cuales integran un número cada vez más elevado de sistemas complejos. El mantenimiento centralizado permite optimizar el mantenimiento de estas plataformas, por medio de la integración de un sistema encargado de gestionar el mantenimiento de todos los sistemas de la plataforma. Este Trabajo Fin de Máster (TFM) desarrolla el concepto de mantenimiento centralizado para sistemas complejos, aplicable a plataformas formadas por sistemas modulares. Está basado en la creciente demanda de las diferentes industrias en las que se utilizan este tipo de plataformas, como por ejemplo la industria aeronáutica, del ferrocarril y del automóvil. Para ello este TFM analiza el Estado del Arte de los sistemas de mantenimiento centralizados en diferentes industrias, además desarrolla los diferentes tipos de arquitecturas de sistemas, las técnicas de mantenimiento aplicables, así como los sistemas y técnicas de mantenimiento basados en funciones de monitorización y auto diagnóstico denominadas Built-In-Test Equipment (BITE). Adicionalmente, este TFM incluye el desarrollo e implementación de un modelo de un Entorno de Mantenimiento Centralizado en LabVIEW. Este entorno está formado por el modelo de un Sistema Patrón, así como el modelo del Sistema de Mantenimiento Centralizado y la interfaces entre ellos. El modelo del Sistema de Mantenimiento Centralizado integra diferentes funciones para el diagnóstico y aislamiento de los fallos. Así mismo, incluye una función para el análisis estadístico de los datos de fallos almacenados por el propio sistema, con el objetivo de proporcionar capacidades de mantenimiento predictivo a los sistemas del entorno. Para la implementación del modelo del Entorno de Mantenimiento Centralizado se han utilizado recursos de comunicaciones vía TCP/IP, modelización y almacenamiento de datos en ficheros XML y generación automática de informes en HTML. ABSTRACT. Currently several industries are developing or are making use of multi system platforms. These platforms are composed by many complex systems. The centralized maintenance allows the maintenance optimization, integrating a maintenance management system. This system is in charge of managing the maintenance dialog with the different and multiple platforms. This Master Final Project (TFM) develops the centralized maintenance concept for platforms integrated by modular and complex systems. This TFM is based on the demand of the industry that uses or develops multi system platforms, as aeronautic, railway, and automotive industries. In this way, this TFM covers and analyzes several aspects of the centralized maintenance systems like the State of the Art, for several industries. Besides this work develops different systems architecture types, maintenance techniques, and techniques and systems based on Built-in-test Equipment functions. Additionally, this TFM includes a LabVIEW Centralized System Environment model. This model is composed by a Standard System, the Centralized Maintenance System and the corresponding interfaces. Several diagnostic and fault isolation functions are integrated on the Centralized Maintenance Systems, as well a statistic analysis function, that provides with predictive maintenance capacity, based on the failure data stored by the system. Among others, the following resources have been used for the Centralized System Environment model development: TCP/IP communications, XML file data modelization and storing, and also automatic HTML reports generation.


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The aim of the present study was to examine the effect of sodium bicarbonate ingestion on consecutive "all out" sprint tests, analyzing the acid-base status and its influence on performance and perceived effort. Ten elite bicycle motocross (BMX) riders (20.7 ± 1.4 years, training experience 8-12 years) participated in this study which consisted of two trials. Each trial consisted of three consecutive Wingate tests (WTs) separated by 15 min recovery. Ninety minutes prior to exercise subjects ingested either NaHCO(3) (-) (0.3 g kg(-1) body weight) or placebo. Blood samples were collected for the assessment of blood acid-base status: bicarbonate concentration ([HCO(3) (-)]), pH, base excess (BE) and blood lactate concentration ([La(-)]). Performance variables of peak power (PP), mean power (MP), time to peak power and fatigue index were calculated for each sprint. Significant differences (p < 0.05) were observed in acid-base variables [pH before WT1: 7.47 ± 0.05 vs. 7.41 ± 0.03; [HCO(3) (-)] before WT1: 29.08 ± 2.27 vs. 22.85 ± 0.24 mmol L(-1) (bicarbonate vs. placebo conditions, respectively)], but there were not significant differences in performance variables between trials [PP WT1: 1,610 ± 373 vs. 1,599 ± 370 W; PP WT2: 1,548 ± 460 vs. 1,570 ± 428 W; PP WT3: 1,463 ± 361 vs. 1,519 ± 364 W. MP WT1: 809 ± 113 vs. 812 ± 108 W; MP WT2: 799 ± 135 vs. 799 ± 124 W; MP WT3: 762 ± 165 vs. 782 ± 118 W (bicarbonate vs. placebo conditions, respectively)]. Rating of perceived effort (RPE) was not influenced nor ratings of perceived readiness. Sodium bicarbonate ingestion modified significantly the blood acid-base balance, although the induced alkalosis did not improve the Wingate test performance, RPE and perceived readiness across three consecutive WTs in elite BMX cyclists.


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Background: There are 600,000 new malaria cases daily worldwide. The gold standard for estimating the parasite burden and the corresponding severity of the disease consists in manually counting the number of parasites in blood smears through a microscope, a process that can take more than 20 minutes of an expert microscopist’s time. Objective: This research tests the feasibility of a crowdsourced approach to malaria image analysis. In particular, we investigated whether anonymous volunteers with no prior experience would be able to count malaria parasites in digitized images of thick blood smears by playing a Web-based game. Methods: The experimental system consisted of a Web-based game where online volunteers were tasked with detecting parasites in digitized blood sample images coupled with a decision algorithm that combined the analyses from several players to produce an improved collective detection outcome. Data were collected through the MalariaSpot website. Random images of thick blood films containing Plasmodium falciparum at medium to low parasitemias, acquired by conventional optical microscopy, were presented to players. In the game, players had to find and tag as many parasites as possible in 1 minute. In the event that players found all the parasites present in the image, they were presented with a new image. In order to combine the choices of different players into a single crowd decision, we implemented an image processing pipeline and a quorum algorithm that judged a parasite tagged when a group of players agreed on its position. Results: Over 1 month, anonymous players from 95 countries played more than 12,000 games and generated a database of more than 270,000 clicks on the test images. Results revealed that combining 22 games from nonexpert players achieved a parasite counting accuracy higher than 99%. This performance could be obtained also by combining 13 games from players trained for 1 minute. Exhaustive computations measured the parasite counting accuracy for all players as a function of the number of games considered and the experience of the players. In addition, we propose a mathematical equation that accurately models the collective parasite counting performance. Conclusions: This research validates the online gaming approach for crowdsourced counting of malaria parasites in images of thick blood films. The findings support the conclusion that nonexperts are able to rapidly learn how to identify the typical features of malaria parasites in digitized thick blood samples and that combining the analyses of several users provides similar parasite counting accuracy rates as those of expert microscopists. This experiment illustrates the potential of the crowdsourced gaming approach for performing routine malaria parasite quantification, and more generally for solving biomedical image analysis problems, with future potential for telediagnosis related to global health challenges.


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The stepped and excessively slow execution of pseudo-dynamic tests has been found to be the source of some errors arising from strain-rate effect and stress relaxation. In order to control those errors, a new continuous test method which allows the selection of a more suitable time scale factor in the response is proposed in this work. By dimensional analysis, such scaled-time response is obtained theoretically by augmenting the inertial and damping properties of the structure, for which we propose the use of hydraulic pistons which are servo-controlled to produce active mass and damping, nevertheless using an equipment which is similar to that required in a pseudo-dynamic test. The results of the successful implementation of this technique for a simple specimen are shown here.