11 resultados para Biomedical signal processing
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Linear regression is a technique widely used in digital signal processing. It consists on finding the linear function that better fits a given set of samples. This paper proposes different hardware architectures for the implementation of the linear regression method on FPGAs, specially targeting area restrictive systems. It saves area at the cost of constraining the lengths of the input signal to some fixed values. We have implemented the proposed scheme in an Automatic Modulation Classifier, meeting the hard real-time constraints this kind of systems have.
A review of the main techniques that have been proposed for temporal processing of optical pulses that are the counterpart of the well-known spatial arrangements will be presented. They are translated to the temporal domain via the space-time duality and implemented with electrooptical phase and amplitude modulators and dispersive devices. We will introduce new variations of the conventional approaches and we will focus on their application to optical communications systems
In this work we review some earlier distributed algorithms developed by the authors and collaborators, which are based on two different approaches, namely, distributed moment estimation and distributed stochastic approximations. We show applications of these algorithms on image compression, linear classification and stochastic optimal control. In all cases, the benefit of cooperation is clear: even when the nodes have access to small portions of the data, by exchanging their estimates, they achieve the same performance as that of a centralized architecture, which would gather all the data from all the nodes.
The paper proposes a new application of non-parametric statistical processing of signals recorded from vibration tests for damage detection and evaluation on I-section steel segments. The steel segments investigated constitute the energy dissipating part of a new type of hysteretic damper that is used for passive control of buildings and civil engineering structures subjected to earthquake-type dynamic loadings. Two I-section steel segments with different levels of damage were instrumented with piezoceramic sensors and subjected to controlled white noise random vibrations. The signals recorded during the tests were processed using two non-parametric methods (the power spectral density method and the frequency response function method) that had never previously been applied to hysteretic dampers. The appropriateness of these methods for quantifying the level of damage on the I-shape steel segments is validated experimentally. Based on the results of the random vibrations, the paper proposes a new index that predicts the level of damage and the proximity of failure of the hysteretic damper
An analytical study of cepstral peak prominence (CPP) is presented, intended to provide an insight into its meaning and relation with voice perturbation parameters. To carry out this analysis, a parametric approach is adopted in which voice production is modelled using the traditional source-filter model and the first cepstral peak is assumed to have Gaussian shape. It is concluded that the meaning of CPP is very similar to that of the first rahmonic and some insights are provided on its dependence with fundamental frequency and vocal tract resonances. It is further shown that CPP integrates measures of voice waveform and periodicity perturbations, be them either amplitude, frequency or noise.
Nonlinear analysis tools for studying and characterizing the dynamics of physiological signals have gained popularity, mainly because tracking sudden alterations of the inherent complexity of biological processes might be an indicator of altered physiological states. Typically, in order to perform an analysis with such tools, the physiological variables that describe the biological process under study are used to reconstruct the underlying dynamics of the biological processes. For that goal, a procedure called time-delay or uniform embedding is usually employed. Nonetheless, there is evidence of its inability for dealing with non-stationary signals, as those recorded from many physiological processes. To handle with such a drawback, this paper evaluates the utility of non-conventional time series reconstruction procedures based on non uniform embedding, applying them to automatic pattern recognition tasks. The paper compares a state of the art non uniform approach with a novel scheme which fuses embedding and feature selection at once, searching for better reconstructions of the dynamics of the system. Moreover, results are also compared with two classic uniform embedding techniques. Thus, the goal is comparing uniform and non uniform reconstruction techniques, including the one proposed in this work, for pattern recognition in biomedical signal processing tasks. Once the state space is reconstructed, the scheme followed characterizes with three classic nonlinear dynamic features (Largest Lyapunov Exponent, Correlation Dimension and Recurrence Period Density Entropy), while classification is carried out by means of a simple k-nn classifier. In order to test its generalization capabilities, the approach was tested with three different physiological databases (Speech Pathologies, Epilepsy and Heart Murmurs). In terms of the accuracy obtained to automatically detect the presence of pathologies, and for the three types of biosignals analyzed, the non uniform techniques used in this work lightly outperformed the results obtained using the uniform methods, suggesting their usefulness to characterize non-stationary biomedical signals in pattern recognition applications. On the other hand, in view of the results obtained and its low computational load, the proposed technique suggests its applicability for the applications under study.
This work is part of an on-going collaborative project between the medical and signal processing communities to promote new research efforts on automatic OSA (Obstructive Apnea Syndrome) diagnosis. In this paper, we explore the differences noted in phonetic classes (interphoneme) across groups (control/apnoea) and analyze their utility for OSA detection
A system for estimation of unknown rectangular room dimensions based on two radio transceivers, both capable of full duplex operations, is presented. The approach is based on CIR measurements taken at the same place where the signal is transmitted (generated), commonly known as self- to-self CIR. Another novelty is the receiver antenna design which consists of eight sectorized antennas with 45° aperture in the horizontal plane, whose total coverage corresponds to the isotropic one. The dimensions of a rectangular room are reconstructed directly from radio impulse responses by extracting the information regarding features like round trip time, received signal strength and reverberation time. Using radar approach the estimation of walls and corners positions are derived. Additionally, the analysis of the absorption coefficient of the test environment is conducted and a typical coefficient for office room with furniture is proposed. Its accuracy is confirmed through the results of volume estimation. Tests using measured data were performed, and the simulation results confirm the feasibility of the approach.
Optical signal processing in any living being is more complex than the one obtained in artificial systems. Cortex architecture, although only partly known, gives some useful ideas to be employed in communications. To analyze some of these structures is the objective of this paper. One of the main possibilities reported is handling signals in a parallel way. As it is shown, according to the signal characteristics each signal impinging onto a single input may be routed to a different output. At the same time, identical signals, coming to different inputs, may be routed to the same output without internal conflicts. This is due to the change of some of their characteristics in the way out when going through the intermediate levels. The simulation of this architecture is based on simple logic cells. The basis for the proposed architecture is the five layers of the mammalian retina and the first levels of the visual cortex.
PAMELA (Phased Array Monitoring for Enhanced Life Assessment) SHMTM System is an integrated embedded ultrasonic guided waves based system consisting of several electronic devices and one system manager controller. The data collected by all PAMELA devices in the system must be transmitted to the controller, who will be responsible for carrying out the advanced signal processing to obtain SHM maps. PAMELA devices consist of hardware based on a Virtex 5 FPGA with a PowerPC 440 running an embedded Linux distribution. Therefore, PAMELA devices, in addition to the capability of performing tests and transmitting the collected data to the controller, have the capability of perform local data processing or pre-processing (reduction, normalization, pattern recognition, feature extraction, etc.). Local data processing decreases the data traffic over the network and allows CPU load of the external computer to be reduced. Even it is possible that PAMELA devices are running autonomously performing scheduled tests, and only communicates with the controller in case of detection of structural damages or when programmed. Each PAMELA device integrates a software management application (SMA) that allows to the developer downloading his own algorithm code and adding the new data processing algorithm to the device. The development of the SMA is done in a virtual machine with an Ubuntu Linux distribution including all necessary software tools to perform the entire cycle of development. Eclipse IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is used to develop the SMA project and to write the code of each data processing algorithm. This paper presents the developed software architecture and describes the necessary steps to add new data processing algorithms to SMA in order to increase the processing capabilities of PAMELA devices.An example of basic damage index estimation using delay and sum algorithm is provided.
La Ingeniería Biomédica surgió en la década de 1950 como una fascinante mezcla interdisciplinaria, en la cual la ingeniería, la biología y la medicina aunaban esfuerzos para analizar y comprender distintas enfermedades. Las señales existentes en este área deben ser analizadas e interpretadas, más allá de las capacidades limitadas de la simple vista y la experiencia humana. Aquí es donde el procesamiento digital de la señal se postula como una herramienta indispensable para extraer la información relevante oculta en dichas señales. La electrocardiografía fue una de las primeras áreas en las que se aplicó el procesado digital de señales hace más de 50 años. Las señales electrocardiográficas continúan siendo, a día de hoy, objeto de estudio por parte de cardiólogos e ingenieros. En esta área, las técnicas de procesamiento de señal han ayudado a encontrar información oculta a simple vista que ha cambiado la forma de tratar ciertas enfermedades que fueron ya diagnosticadas previamente. Desde entonces, se han desarrollado numerosas técnicas de procesado de señales electrocardiográficas, pudiéndose resumir estas en tres grandes categorías: análisis tiempo-frecuencia, análisis de organización espacio-temporal y separación de la actividad atrial del ruido y las interferencias. Este proyecto se enmarca dentro de la primera categoría, análisis tiempo-frecuencia, y en concreto dentro de lo que se conoce como análisis de frecuencia dominante, la cual se va a aplicar al análisis de señales de fibrilación auricular. El proyecto incluye una parte teórica de análisis y desarrollo de algoritmos de procesado de señal, y una parte práctica, de programación y simulación con Matlab. Matlab es una de las herramientas fundamentales para el procesamiento digital de señales por ordenador, la cual presenta importantes funciones y utilidades para el desarrollo de proyectos en este campo. Por ello, se ha elegido dicho software como herramienta para la implementación del proyecto. ABSTRACT. Biomedical Engineering emerged in the 1950s as a fascinating interdisciplinary blend, in which engineering, biology and medicine pooled efforts to analyze and understand different diseases. Existing signals in this area should be analyzed and interpreted, beyond the limited capabilities of the naked eye and the human experience. This is where the digital signal processing is postulated as an indispensable tool to extract the relevant information hidden in these signals. Electrocardiography was one of the first areas where digital signal processing was applied over 50 years ago. Electrocardiographic signals remain, even today, the subject of close study by cardiologists and engineers. In this area, signal processing techniques have helped to find hidden information that has changed the way of treating certain diseases that were already previously diagnosed. Since then, numerous techniques have been developed for processing electrocardiographic signals. These methods can be summarized into three categories: time-frequency analysis, analysis of spatio-temporal organization and separation of atrial activity from noise and interferences. This project belongs to the first category, time-frequency analysis, and specifically to what is known as dominant frequency analysis, which is one of the fundamental tools applied in the analysis of atrial fibrillation signals. The project includes a theoretical part, related to the analysis and development of signal processing algorithms, and a practical part, related to programming and simulation using Matlab. Matlab is one of the fundamental tools for digital signal processing, presenting significant functions and advantages for the development of projects in this field. Therefore, we have chosen this software as a tool for project implementation.