21 resultados para Attention. Consciousness. Learning. Reflection. Collaboration
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
This paper tackles the optimization of applications in multi-provider hybrid cloud scenarios from an economic point of view. In these scenarios the great majority of solutions offer the automatic allocation of resources on different cloud providers based on their current prices. However our approach is intended to introduce a novel solution by making maximum use of divide and rule. This paper describes a methodology to create cost aware cloud applications that can be broken down into the three most important components in cloud infrastructures: computation, network and storage. A real videoconference system has been modified in order to evaluate this idea with both theoretical and empirical experiments. This system has become a widely used tool in several national and European projects for e-learning and collaboration purposes.
Uno de los mayores retos para la comunidad científica es conseguir que las máquinas posean en un futuro la capacidad del sistema visual y cognitivo humanos, de forma que, por ejemplo, en entornos de video vigilancia, puedan llegar a proporcionar de manera automática una descripción fiable de lo que está ocurriendo en la escena. En la presente tesis, mediante la propuesta de un marco de trabajo de referencia, se discuten y plantean los pasos necesarios para el desarrollo de sistemas más inteligentes capaces de extraer y analizar, a diferentes niveles de abstracción y mediante distintos módulos de procesamiento independientes, la información necesaria para comprender qué está sucediendo en un conjunto amplio de escenarios de distinta naturaleza. Se parte de un análisis de requisitos y se identifican los retos para este tipo de sistemas en la actualidad, lo que constituye en sí mismo los objetivos de esta tesis, contribuyendo así a un modelo de datos basado en el conocimiento que permitirá analizar distintas situaciones en las que personas y vehículos son los actores principales, dejando no obstante la puerta abierta a la adaptación a otros dominios. Así mismo, se estudian los distintos procesos que se pueden lanzar a nivel interno así como la necesidad de integrar mecanismos de realimentación a distintos niveles que permitan al sistema adaptarse mejor a cambios en el entorno. Como resultado, se propone un marco de referencia jerárquico que integra las capacidades de percepción, interpretación y aprendizaje para superar los retos identificados en este ámbito; y así poder desarrollar sistemas de vigilancia más robustos, flexibles e inteligentes, capaces de operar en una variedad de entornos. Resultados experimentales ejecutados sobre distintas muestras de datos (secuencias de vídeo principalmente) demuestran la efectividad del marco de trabajo propuesto respecto a otros propuestos en el pasado. Un primer caso de estudio, permite demostrar la creación de un sistema de monitorización de entornos de parking en exteriores para la detección de vehículos y el análisis de plazas libres de aparcamiento. Un segundo caso de estudio, permite demostrar la flexibilidad del marco de referencia propuesto para adaptarse a los requisitos de un entorno de vigilancia completamente distinto, como es un hogar inteligente donde el análisis automático de actividades de la vida cotidiana centra la atención del estudio. ABSTRACT One of the most ambitious objectives for the Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition research community is that machines can achieve similar capacities to the human's visual and cognitive system, and thus provide a trustworthy description of what is happening in the scene under surveillance. Thus, a number of well-established scenario understanding architectural frameworks to develop applications working on a variety of environments can be found in the literature. In this Thesis, a highly descriptive methodology for the development of scene understanding applications is presented. It consists of a set of formal guidelines to let machines extract and analyse, at different levels of abstraction and by means of independent processing modules that interact with each other, the necessary information to understand a broad set of different real World surveillance scenarios. Taking into account the challenges that working at both low and high levels offer, we contribute with a highly descriptive knowledge-based data model for the analysis of different situations in which people and vehicles are the main actors, leaving the door open for the development of interesting applications in diverse smart domains. Recommendations to let systems achieve high-level behaviour understanding will be also provided. Furthermore, feedback mechanisms are proposed to be integrated in order to let any system to understand better the environment and the logical context around, reducing thus the uncertainty and noise, and increasing its robustness and precision in front of low-level or high-level errors. As a result, a hierarchical cognitive architecture of reference which integrates the necessary perception, interpretation, attention and learning capabilities to overcome main challenges identified in this area of research is proposed; thus allowing to develop more robust, flexible and smart surveillance systems to cope with the different requirements of a variety of environments. Once crucial issues that should be treated explicitly in the design of this kind of systems have been formulated and discussed, experimental results shows the effectiveness of the proposed framework compared with other proposed in the past. Two case studies were implemented to test the capabilities of the framework. The first case study presents how the proposed framework can be used to create intelligent parking monitoring systems. The second case study demonstrates the flexibility of the system to cope with the requirements of a completely different environment, a smart home where activities of daily living are performed. Finally, general conclusions and future work lines to further enhancing the capabilities of the proposed framework are presented.
Twelve years ago a group of teachers began to work in educational innovation. In 2002 we received an award for educational innovation, undergoing several stages. Recently, we have decided to focus on being teachers of educational innovation. We create a web scheduled in Joomla offering various services, among which we emphasize teaching courses of educational innovation. The “Instituto de Ciencias de la Educacion” in “Universidad Politécnica de Madrid” has recently incorporated two of these courses, which has been highly praised. These courses will be reissued in new calls, and we are going to offer them to more Universities. We are in contact with several institutions, radio programs, the UNESCO Chair of Mining and Industrial Heritage, and we are working with them in the creation of heritage courses using methods that we have developed.
Cognitive Wireless Sensor Network (CWSN) is a new paradigm which integrates cognitive features in traditional Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) to mitigate important problems such as spectrum occupancy. Security in Cognitive Wireless Sensor Networks is an important problem because these kinds of networks manage critical applications and data. Moreover, the specific constraints of WSN make the problem even more critical. However, effective solutions have not been implemented yet. Among the specific attacks derived from new cognitive features, the one most studied is the Primary User Emulation (PUE) attack. This paper discusses a new approach, based on anomaly behavior detection and collaboration, to detect the PUE attack in CWSN scenarios. A nonparametric CUSUM algorithm, suitable for low resource networks like CWSN, has been used in this work. The algorithm has been tested using a cognitive simulator that brings important results in this area. For example, the result shows that the number of collaborative nodes is the most important parameter in order to improve the PUE attack detection rates. If the 20% of the nodes collaborates, the PUE detection reaches the 98% with less than 1% of false positives.
El aprendizaje automático y la cienciometría son las disciplinas científicas que se tratan en esta tesis. El aprendizaje automático trata sobre la construcción y el estudio de algoritmos que puedan aprender a partir de datos, mientras que la cienciometría se ocupa principalmente del análisis de la ciencia desde una perspectiva cuantitativa. Hoy en día, los avances en el aprendizaje automático proporcionan las herramientas matemáticas y estadísticas para trabajar correctamente con la gran cantidad de datos cienciométricos almacenados en bases de datos bibliográficas. En este contexto, el uso de nuevos métodos de aprendizaje automático en aplicaciones de cienciometría es el foco de atención de esta tesis doctoral. Esta tesis propone nuevas contribuciones en el aprendizaje automático que podrían arrojar luz sobre el área de la cienciometría. Estas contribuciones están divididas en tres partes: Varios modelos supervisados (in)sensibles al coste son aprendidos para predecir el éxito científico de los artículos y los investigadores. Los modelos sensibles al coste no están interesados en maximizar la precisión de clasificación, sino en la minimización del coste total esperado derivado de los errores ocasionados. En este contexto, los editores de revistas científicas podrían disponer de una herramienta capaz de predecir el número de citas de un artículo en el fututo antes de ser publicado, mientras que los comités de promoción podrían predecir el incremento anual del índice h de los investigadores en los primeros años. Estos modelos predictivos podrían allanar el camino hacia nuevos sistemas de evaluación. Varios modelos gráficos probabilísticos son aprendidos para explotar y descubrir nuevas relaciones entre el gran número de índices bibliométricos existentes. En este contexto, la comunidad científica podría medir cómo algunos índices influyen en otros en términos probabilísticos y realizar propagación de la evidencia e inferencia abductiva para responder a preguntas bibliométricas. Además, la comunidad científica podría descubrir qué índices bibliométricos tienen mayor poder predictivo. Este es un problema de regresión multi-respuesta en el que el papel de cada variable, predictiva o respuesta, es desconocido de antemano. Los índices resultantes podrían ser muy útiles para la predicción, es decir, cuando se conocen sus valores, el conocimiento de cualquier valor no proporciona información sobre la predicción de otros índices bibliométricos. Un estudio bibliométrico sobre la investigación española en informática ha sido realizado bajo la cultura de publicar o morir. Este estudio se basa en una metodología de análisis de clusters que caracteriza la actividad en la investigación en términos de productividad, visibilidad, calidad, prestigio y colaboración internacional. Este estudio también analiza los efectos de la colaboración en la productividad y la visibilidad bajo diferentes circunstancias. ABSTRACT Machine learning and scientometrics are the scientific disciplines which are covered in this dissertation. Machine learning deals with the construction and study of algorithms that can learn from data, whereas scientometrics is mainly concerned with the analysis of science from a quantitative perspective. Nowadays, advances in machine learning provide the mathematical and statistical tools for properly working with the vast amount of scientometrics data stored in bibliographic databases. In this context, the use of novel machine learning methods in scientometrics applications is the focus of attention of this dissertation. This dissertation proposes new machine learning contributions which would shed light on the scientometrics area. These contributions are divided in three parts: Several supervised cost-(in)sensitive models are learned to predict the scientific success of articles and researchers. Cost-sensitive models are not interested in maximizing classification accuracy, but in minimizing the expected total cost of the error derived from mistakes in the classification process. In this context, publishers of scientific journals could have a tool capable of predicting the citation count of an article in the future before it is published, whereas promotion committees could predict the annual increase of the h-index of researchers within the first few years. These predictive models would pave the way for new assessment systems. Several probabilistic graphical models are learned to exploit and discover new relationships among the vast number of existing bibliometric indices. In this context, scientific community could measure how some indices influence others in probabilistic terms and perform evidence propagation and abduction inference for answering bibliometric questions. Also, scientific community could uncover which bibliometric indices have a higher predictive power. This is a multi-output regression problem where the role of each variable, predictive or response, is unknown beforehand. The resulting indices could be very useful for prediction purposes, that is, when their index values are known, knowledge of any index value provides no information on the prediction of other bibliometric indices. A scientometric study of the Spanish computer science research is performed under the publish-or-perish culture. This study is based on a cluster analysis methodology which characterizes the research activity in terms of productivity, visibility, quality, prestige and international collaboration. This study also analyzes the effects of collaboration on productivity and visibility under different circumstances.
En un mercado de educación superior cada vez más competitivo, la colaboración entre universidades es una efectiva estrategia para acceder al mercado global. El desarrollo de titulaciones conjuntas es un importante mecanismo para fortalecer las colaboraciones académicas y diversificar los conocimientos. Las titulaciones conjuntas están siendo cada vez más implementadas en las universidades de todo el mundo. En Europa, el proceso de Bolonia y el programa Erasmus, están fomentado el reconocimiento de titulaciones conjuntas y dobles y promoviendo la colaboración entre las instituciones académicas. En el imparable proceso de la globalización y convergencia educativa, el uso de sistemas de e-learning para soportar cursos tanto semipresencial como online es una tendencia en crecimiento. Dado que los sistemas de e-learning soportan una amplia variedad de cursos, es necesario encontrar una solución adecuada que permita a las universidades soportar y gestionar las titulaciones conjuntas a través de sus sistemas de e-learning en conformidad con los acuerdos de colaboración establecidos por las universidades participantes. Esta tesis doctoral abordará las siguientes preguntas de investigación: 1. ¿Qué factores deben tenerse en cuenta en la implementación y gestión de titulaciones conjuntas? 2. ¿Cómo pueden los sistemas actuales de e-learning soportar el desarrollo de titulaciones conjuntas? 3. ¿Qué otros servicios y sistemas necesitan ser adaptados por las universidades interesadas en participar en una titulación conjunta a través de sus sistemas de e-learning? La implementación de titulaciones conjuntas a través de sistemas de e-learning es compleja e implica retos técnicos, administrativos, culturales, financieros, jurídicos y de seguridad. Esta tesis doctoral propone una serie de contribuciones que pueden ayudar a resolver algunos de los retos identificados. En primer lugar se ha elaborado un modelo conceptual que incluye la información del contexto de las titulaciones conjuntas que es relevante para la implementación de estas titulaciones en los sistemas de e-learning. Después de definir el modelo conceptual, se ha propuesto una arquitectura basada en políticas para la implementación de titulaciones interinstitucionales a través de sistemas de e-learning de acuerdo a los términos estipulados en los acuerdos de colaboración que son firmados por las universidades participantes. El autor se ha centrado en el componente de gestión de flujos de trabajo de esta arquitectura. Por último y con el fin de permitir la interoperabilidad de repositorios de objetos educativos, los componentes básicos a implementar han sido identificados y validados. El uso de servicios multimedia en educación es una tendencia creciente, proporcionando servicios de e-learning que permiten mejorar la comunicación y la interacción entre profesores y alumnos. Dentro de estos servicios, nos hemos centrado en el uso de la videoconferencia y la grabación de clases como servicios adecuados para el desarrollo de cursos impartidos en escenarios de educación colaborativos. Las contribuciones han sido validadas en proyectos de investigación de ámbito nacional y europeo en los que el autor ha participado. Abstract In an increasingly competitive higher education market, collaboration between universities is an effective strategy for gaining access to the global market. The development of joint degrees is an important mechanism for strengthening academic research collaborations and diversifying knowledge. Joint degrees are becoming increasingly implemented in universities around the world. In Europe, the Bologna process and the Erasmus programme have encouraged both the global recognition of joint and double degrees and promoted close collaboration between academic institutions. In the unstoppable process of globalization and educational convergence, the use of e-learning systems for supporting both blended and online courses is becoming a growing trend. Since e-learning systems covers a wide range of courses, it becomes necessary to find a suitable solution that enables universities to support and manage joint degrees through their e-learning systems in accordance with the collaboration agreements established by the universities involved. This dissertation will address the following research questions: 1. What factors need to be considered in the implementation and management of joint degrees? 2. How can the current e-learning systems support the development of joint degrees? 3. What other services and systems need to be adapted by universities interested in participating in a joint degree through their e-learning systems? The implementation of joint degrees using e-learning systems is complex and involves technical, administrative, security, cultural, financial and legal challenges. This dissertation proposes a series of contributions to help solve some of the identified challenges. One of the cornerstones of this proposal is a conceptual model of all the relevant issues related to the support of joint degrees by means of e-learning systems. After defining the conceptual model, this dissertation proposes a policy-driven architecture for implementing inter-institutional degree collaborations through e-learning systems as stipulated by a collaboration agreement signed by two universities. The author has focused on the workflow management component of this architecture. Finally, the building blocks for achieving interoperability of learning object repositories have been identified and validated. The use of multimedia services in education is a growing trend, providing rich e-learning services that improve the communication and interaction between teachers and students. Within these e-learning services, we have focused on the use of videoconferencing and lecture recording as the best-suited services to support collaborative learning scenarios. The contributions have been validated within national and European research projects that the author has been involved in.
This paper describes the collaboration among students and professors in four different subjects, to develop multidisciplinary projects. The objective is to simulate the conditions in a company environment. A new methodology based on student interaction and content development in a Wiki environment has been developed. The collaborative server created an ‘out of the classroom’ discussion forum for students of different subjects, and allowed them to compile a ‘project work’ portfolio. Students and professors participated with enthusiasm, due to the correct well-distributed work and the easiness of use of the selected platform in which only an internet connected computer is needed to create and to discuss the multidisciplinary projects. Quality of developed projects has been dramatically improved due to integration of results provided from the different teams.
The objective of this paper is to address the methodological process of a teaching strategy for training project management complexity in postgraduate programs. The proposal is made up of different methods —intuitive, comparative, deductive, case study, problem-solving Project-Based Learning and different activities inside and outside the classroom. This integration of methods motivated the current use of the concept of “learning strategy”. The strategy has two phases: firstly, the integration of the competences —technical, behavioral and contextual—in real projects; and secondly, the learning activity was oriented in upper level of knowledge, the evaluating the complexity for projects management in real situations. Both the competences in the learning strategy and the Project Complexity Evaluation are based on the ICB of IPMA. The learning strategy is applied in an international Postgraduate Program —Erasmus Mundus Master of Science— with the participation of five Universities of the European Union. This master program is fruit of a cooperative experience from one Educative Innovation Group of the UPM -GIE-Project-, two Research Groups of the UPM and the collaboration with other external agents to the university. Some reflections on the experience and the main success factors in the learning strategy were presented in the paper
A high productivity rate in Engineering is related to an efficient management of the flow of the large quantities of information and associated decision making activities that are consubstantial to the Engineering processes both in design and production contexts. Dealing with such problems from an integrated point of view and mimicking real scenarios is not given much attention in Engineering degrees. In the context of Engineering Education, there are a number of courses designed for developing specific competencies, as required by the academic curricula, but not that many in which integration competencies are the main target. In this paper, a course devoted to that aim is discussed. The course is taught in a Marine Engineering degree but the philosophy could be used in any Engineering field. All the lessons are given in a computer room in which every student can use each all the treated software applications. The first part of the course is dedicated to Project Management: the students acquire skills in defining, using Ms-PROJECT, the work breakdown structure (WBS), and the organization breakdown structure (OBS) in Engineering projects, through a series of examples of increasing complexity, ending up with the case of vessel construction. The second part of the course is dedicated to the use of a database manager, Ms-ACCESS, for managing production related information. A series of increasing complexity examples is treated ending up with the management of the pipe database of a real vessel. This database consists of a few thousand of pipes, for which a production timing frame is defined, which connects this part of the course with the first one. Finally, the third part of the course is devoted to the work with FORAN, an Engineering Production package of widespread use in the shipbuilding industry. With this package, the frames and plates where all the outfitting will be carried out are defined through cooperative work by the studens, working simultaneously in the same 3D model. In the paper, specific details about the learning process are given. Surveys have been posed to the students in order to get feed-back from their experience as well as to assess their satisfaction with the learning process. Results from these surveys are discussed in the paper
The objective of this paper is to address the methodological process of a teaching strategy for training project management complexity in postgraduate programs. The proposal is made up of different methods —intuitive, comparative, deductive, case study, problem-solving Project-Based Learning and different activities inside and outside the classroom. This integration of methods motivated the current use of the concept of ―learning strategy‖. The strategy has two phases: firstly, the integration of the competences —technical, behavioral and contextual—in real projects; and secondly, the learning activity was oriented in upper level of knowledge, the evaluating the complexity for projects management in real situations. Both the competences in the learning strategy and the Project Complexity Evaluation are based on the ICB of IPMA. The learning strategy is applied in an international Postgraduate Program —Erasmus Mundus Master of Science— with the participation of five Universities of the European Union. This master program is fruit of a cooperative experience from one Educative Innovation Group of the UPM -GIE-Project-, two Research Groups of the UPM and the collaboration with other external agents to the university. Some reflections on the experience and the main success factors in the learning strategy were presented in the paper.
This paper introduces a theoretical model for developing integrated degree programmes through e-learning systems as stipulated by a collaboration agreement signed by two universities. We have analysed several collaboration agreements between universities at the national, European, and transatlantic level as well as various e-learning frameworks. A conceptual model, a business model, and the architecture design are presented as part of the theoretical model. The paper presents a way of implementing e-learning systems as a tool to support inter-institutional degree collaborations, from the signing of the collaborative agreement to the implementation of the necessary services. In order to show how the theory can be tested one sample scenario is presented.
Self-consciousness implies not only self or group recognition, but also real knowledge of one’s own identity. Self-consciousness is only possible if an individual is intelligent enough to formulate an abstract self-representation. Moreover, it necessarily entails the capability of referencing and using this elf-representation in connection with other cognitive features, such as inference, and the anticipation of the consequences of both one’s own and other individuals’ acts. In this paper, a cognitive architecture for self-consciousness is proposed. This cognitive architecture includes several modules: abstraction, self-representation, other individuals'representation, decision and action modules. It includes a learning process of self-representation by direct (self-experience based) and observational learning (based on the observation of other individuals). For model implementation a new approach is taken using Modular Artificial Neural Networks (MANN). For model testing, a virtual environment has been implemented. This virtual environment can be described as a holonic system or holarchy, meaning that it is composed of autonomous entities that behave both as a whole and as part of a greater whole. The system is composed of a certain number of holons interacting. These holons are equipped with cognitive features, such as sensory perception, and a simplified model of personality and self-representation. We explain holons’ cognitive architecture that enables dynamic self-representation. We analyse the effect of holon interaction, focusing on the evolution of the holon’s abstract self-representation. Finally, the results are explained and analysed and conclusions drawn.
Social software tools have become an integral part of students? personal lives and their primary communication medium. Likewise, these tools are increasingly entering the enterprise world (within the recent trend known as Enterprise 2.0) and becoming a part of everyday work routines. Aiming to keep the pace with the job requirements and also to position learning as an integral part of students? life, the field of education is challenged to embrace social software. Personal Learning Environments (PLEs) emerged as a concept that makes use of social software to facilitate collaboration, knowledge sharing, group formation around common interests, active participation and reflective thinking in online learning settings. Furthermore, social software allows for establishing and maintaining one?s presence in the online world. By being aware of a student's online presence, a PLE is better able to personalize the learning settings, e.g., through recommendation of content to use or people to collaborate with. Aiming to explore the potentials of online presence for the provision of recommendations in PLEs, in the scope of the OP4L project, we have develop a software solution that is based on a synergy of Semantic Web technologies, online presence and socially-oriented learning theories. In this paper we present the current results of this research work.
Acourse focused on the acquisition of integration competencies in ship production engineering, organized in collaboration with selected industry partners, is presented in this paper. The first part of the course is dedicated to Project Management: the students acquire skills in defining, using MS-PROJECT, the work breakdown structure (WBS), and the organization breakdown structure (OBS) in Engineering projects, through a series of examples of increasing complexity with the final one being the construction planning of a vessel. The second part of the course is dedicated to the use of a database manager, MS-ACCESS, in managing production related information.Aseries of increasing complexity examples is treated, the final one being the management of the piping database of a real vessel. This database consists of several thousand pipes, for which a production timing frame is defined connecting this part of the course with the first one. Finally, the third part of the course is devoted to working withFORAN,an Engineering Production application developed bySENERand widely used in the shipbuilding industry. With this application, the structural elements where all the outfittings will be located are defined through cooperative work by the students, working simultaneously in the same 3D model. In this paper, specific details about the learning process are given. Surveys have been posed to the students in order to get feedback from their experience as well as to assess their satisfaction with the learning process, compared to more traditional ones. Results from these surveys are discussed in the paper.
Una de las maneras más efectivas para asentar conocimientos se produce cuando, además de realizar un aprendizaje práctico, se intentan transmitir a otra persona. De hecho, los alumnos muchas veces prestan más atención a sus compañeros que al profesor. En la E.T.S.I. Minas de Madrid se ha llevado a cabo un programa de innovación educativa en asignaturas relacionadas con la Geología mediante nuevas tecnologías para mejorar el aprendizaje basado en el trabajo práctico personal del alumno, con la realización de vídeos en el medio físico (campo) en los que explican los aspectos geológicos visibles a diferentes escalas. Estos vídeos se han subido a las plataformas “moodle”, “facebook” y canal “youtube” donde compañeros, alumnos de otras Universidades y personas interesadas pueden consultarlos. De esta manera se pretende que, además de adquirir conocimientos geológicos, los alumnos adquieren el hábito de expresarse en público con un lenguaje técnico. Los alumnos manifestaron su satisfacción por esta actividad, aunque idea del rodaje de vídeos no resultó inicialmente muy popular. Se ha observado una mejora en las calificaciones, así como un incremento de la motivación. De hecho, los estudiantes manifestaron haber adquirido, además de los conceptos geológicos, seguridad a la hora de expresarse en público. Palabras clave: innovación educativa, nuevas tecnologías (TIC), Geología Abstract- Knowledge is gained by practice, but one of the most effective ways is when one tries to transmit it to others. Likewise, students pay more attention to their classmates than to teachers. In the Geological Engineering Department of the Madrid School of Mines, we have run an educational innovation program in courses related to Geology using new technologies (ITC) in order to increase the acquisition of geological knowledge. This program is designed mainly on the basis of individual and group work with video recordings in the field in which students explain geological concepts at various scales. These videos have been uploaded to the “Moodle”, “Facebook” and “YouTube” channel of the Madrid School of Mines, where other students from the same university or elsewhere can view them. Students acquire geological knowledge and the ability to address the general public using technical language. The realization of these videos has been warmly welcomed by students. Notably, they show increased motivation, accompanied by an improvement in grades, although at the beginning this program was not very popular because of student insecurity. Students have expressed that they learnt geological concepts but also gained confidence in public speaking using technical language