40 resultados para Apple fruit-borer

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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This work is a preliminary studio of the possibility of assess a relationship between solar radiation and watercore development on apple fruit, during maturation, using a non destructive method such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). For such purpose, several low cost solar radiation sensors were designed for the trial and placed at 2 different heights (1.5 and 2.5 m) on 6 adult ?Esperiega? apple trees, in a commercial orchard in Ademuz (Valencia). Sensors were connected along 27 days, during the end of the growth period and start of the fruit maturation process, and radiation measurements of the a-Si sensors were recorded every 1 minute. At the end of this period, fruits from the upper and the lower part of the canopy of each tree were harvested. In all, 152 apples were collected and images with MRI. A Principal Component Analysis, perfomed over the histograms of the images, as well as segmentation methods were performed on the MR images in order to find a pattern involving solar radiation and watercore incidence.


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Xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolase (XTHs: EC and/or EC, a xyloglucan modifying enzyme, has been proposed to have a role during tomato and apple fruit ripening by loosening the cell wall. Since the ripening of climacteric fruits is controlled by endogenous ethylene biosynthesis, we wanted to study whether XET activity was ethylene-regulated, and if so, which specific genes encoding ripening-regulated XTH genes were indeed ethylene-regulated. XET specific activity in tomato and apple fruits was significantly increased by the ethylene treatment, as compared with the control fruits, suggesting an increase in the XTH gene expression induced by ethylene. The 25 SlXTH protein sequences of tomato and the 11 sequences MdXTH of apple were phylogenetically analyzed and grouped into three major clades. The SlXTHs genes with highest expression during ripening were SlXTH5 and SlXTH8 from Group III-B, and in apple MdXTH2, from Group II, and MdXTH10, and MdXTH11 from Group III-B. Ethylene was involved in the regulation of the expression of different SlXTH and MdXTH genes during ripening. In tomato fruit fifteen different SlXTH genes showed an increase in expression after ethylene treatment, and the SlXTHs that were ripening associated were also ethylene dependent, and belong to Group III-B (SlXTH5 and SlXTH8). In apple fruit, three MdXTH showed an increase in expression after the ethylene treatment and the only MdXTH that was ripening associated and ethylene dependent was MdXTH10 from Group III-B. The results indicate that XTH may play an important role in fruit ripening and a possible relationship between XTHs from Group III-B and fruit ripening, and ethylene regulation is suggested.


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tWatercore distribution inside apple fruit (block or radial), and its incidence (% of tissue) were relatedto the effect of solar radiation inside the canopy as measured by a set of low-cost irradiation sensors.221 samples were harvested in two seasons from the top and the bottom of the canopy and submittedto the non-invasive and non-destructive technique of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in order toobtain 20 inner tomography slices from each fruit and analyze the damaged areas using an interactive3D segmentation method. The number of fruit corresponding to each type of damage and the relevantpercentage were calculated and it was found that apples from the top of the tree were mainly of the radialtype (84%) and had more watercore (approx. 5% more) than apples from the bottom (65% radial). From theimage segmentation, the Euler number, a morphometric parameter, was extracted from the segmentedimages and related to the type of watercore symptoms. Apples with block watercore were grouped inEuler numbers between −400 and 400 with a small evolution. For apples with radial development, theEuler number was highly negative: up to −1439. Significant differences were also found regarding sugarcomposition, with higher fructose and total sugar contents in apples from the upper canopy, compared tothose in the lower canopy location. In the seasons studied (2011 and 2012), significantly higher sorbitoland lower sucrose and fructose contents were found in watercore-affected tissue compared to the healthytissue of affected apples and also compared to healthy apples.


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Bruise damage is a major cause of quality loss for apples. It would be very useful to establish a method of characterizing bruise susceptibility in order to improve fruit handling, sometimes Magness-Taylor firmness is used as an indirect guide to handling requirements. The objective of the present work was to achieve a better bruise susceptibility prediction.


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Time domain laser reflectance spectroscopy (TDRS) was applied for the first time to evaluate internal fruit quality. This technique, known in medicine-related knowledge areas, has not been used before in agricultural or food research. It allows the simultaneous non-destructive measuring of two optical characteristics of the tissues: light scattering and absorption. Models to measure firmness, sugar & acid contents in kiwifruit, tomato, apple, peach, nectarine and other fruits were built using sequential statistical techniques: principal component analysis, multiple stepwise linear regression, clustering and discriminant analysis. Consistent correlations were established between the two parameters measured with TDRS, i.e. absorption & transport scattering coefficients, with chemical constituents (sugars and acids) and firmness, respectively. Classification models were built to sort fruits into three quality grades, according to their firmness, soluble solids and acidity.


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Fruit turgidity and firmness have shown to influence impact bruise susceptibility in apples and pears. Analysis of the impact response showed that stresses in the tissues are higher in turgid fruits, so they are more susceptible to bruising. A physical parameter, deformation at skin puncture, was able to detect fruit turgidity changes and showed to be related to bruise susceptibility.


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On-line dynamic MRI, which is oriented to industrial grading lines, requires high-speed sequences with motion correction artefacts. In this study two different types of motion correction sequences have been used and have been implemented in real-time (FLASH and UFLARE). They are based on T2* and T2 respectively and their selection depends on the expected contrast effect of the disorder: while watercore enhances bright areas due to higher fluid mobility, internal breakdown potentiates low signal due to texture degradation. For watercore study, five different apple cultivars were used (Normanda-18-, Fuji-35-, Helada-36-, Verde Doncella-54-, Esperiega-75-) along two seasons (2011 and 2012). In total 218 fruits were measured under both, static conditions (20 slices per fruit) and under dynamic conditions (3 repetitions without slice selection). For internal breakdown, Braeburn cultivar has been studied (in total 106 fruits) under both static (20 slices per fruit) and dynamic conditions (3 replicates with slice selection). Metrological aspects such as repeatability of dynamic images and subsequent histogram feature stability become of major interest for further industrial application. Segregation ability among varying degrees of disorder is also analyzed.


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Los alimentos son sistemas complejos, formados por diversas estructuras a diferentes escalas: macroscópica y microscópica. Muchas propiedades de los alimentos, que son importantes para su procesamiento, calidad y tratamiento postcosecha, están relacionados con su microestructura. La presente tesis doctoral propone una metodología completa para la determinación de la estructura de alimentos desde un punto de vista multi-escala, basándose en métodos de Resonancia Magnética Nuclear (NMR). Las técnicas de NMR son no invasivas y no destructivas y permiten el estudio tanto de macro- como de microestructura. Se han utilizado distintos procedimientos de NMR dependiendo del nivel que se desea estudiar. Para el nivel macroestructural, la Imagen de Resonancia Magnética (MRI) ha resultado ser muy útil para la caracterización de alimentos. Para el estudio microestructural, la MRI requiere altos tiempos de adquisición, lo que hace muy difícil la transferencia de esta técnica a aplicaciones en industria. Por tanto, la optimización de procedimientos de NMR basados en secuencias relaxometría 2D T1/T2 ha resultado ser una estrategia primordial en esta tesis. Estos protocolos de NMR se han implementado satisfactoriamente por primera vez en alto campo magnético. Se ha caracterizado la microestructura de productos alimentarios enteros por primera vez utilizando este tipo de protocolos. Como muestras, se han utilizado dos tipos de productos: modelos de alimentos y alimentos reales (manzanas). Además, como primer paso para su posterior implementación en la industria agroalimentaria, se ha mejorado una línea transportadora, especialmente diseñada para trabajar bajo condiciones de NMR en trabajos anteriores del grupo LPF-TAGRALIA. Se han estudiado y seleccionado las secuencias más rápidas y óptimas para la detección de dos tipos de desórdenes internos en manzanas: vitrescencia y roturas internas. La corrección de las imágenes en movimiento se realiza en tiempo real. Asimismo, se han utilizado protocolos de visión artificial para la clasificación automática de manzanas potencialmente afectadas por vitrescencia. El presente documento está dividido en diferentes capítulos: el Capítulo 2 explica los antecedentes de la presente tesis y el marco del proyecto en el que se ha desarrollado. El Capítulo 3 recoge el estado del arte. El Capítulo 4 establece los objetivos de esta tesis doctoral. Los resultados se dividen en cinco sub-secciones (dentro del Capítulo 5) que corresponden con los trabajos publicados bien en revistas revisadas por pares, bien en congresos internacionales o bien como capítulos de libros revisados por pares. La Sección 5.1. es un estudio del desarrollo de la vitrescencia en manzanas mediante MRI y lo relaciona con la posición de la fruta dentro de la copa del árbol. La Sección 5.2 presenta un trabajo sobre macro- y microestructura en modelos de alimentos. La Sección 5.3 es un artículo en revisión en una revista revisada por pares, en el que se hace un estudio microestrcutural no destructivo mediante relaxometría 2D T1/T2. la Sección 5.4, hace una comparación entre manzanas afectadas por vitrescencia mediante dos técnicas: tomografía de rayos X e MRI, en manzana. Por último, en la Sección 5.5 se muestra un trabajo en el que se hace un estudio de secuencias de MRI en línea para la evaluación de calidad interna en manzanas. Los siguientes capítulos ofrecen una discusión y conclusiones (Capítulo 6 y 7 respectivamente) de todos los capítulos de esta tesis doctoral. Finalmente, se han añadido tres apéndices: el primero con una introducción de los principios básicos de resonancia magnética nuclear (NMR) y en los otros dos, se presentan sendos estudios sobre el efecto de las fibras en la rehidratación de cereales de desayuno extrusionados, mediante diversas técnicas. Ambos trabajos se presentaron en un congreso internacional. Los resultados más relevantes de la presente tesis doctoral, se pueden dividir en tres grandes bloques: resultados sobre macroestructura, resultados sobre microestructura y resultados sobre MRI en línea. Resultados sobre macroestructura: - La imagen de resonancia magnética (MRI) se aplicó satisfactoriamente para la caracterización de macroestructura. En particular, la reconstrucción 3D de imágenes de resonancia magnética permitió identificar y caracterizar dos tipos distintos de vitrescencia en manzanas: central y radial, que se caracterizan por el porcentaje de daño y la conectividad (número de Euler). - La MRI proveía un mejor contraste para manzanas afectadas por vitrescencia que las imágenes de tomografía de rayos X (X-Ray CT), como se pudo verificar en muestras idénticas de manzana. Además, el tiempo de adquisición de la tomografía de rayos X fue alrededor de 12 veces mayor (25 minutos) que la adquisición de las imágenes de resonancia magnética (2 minutos 2 segundos). Resultados sobre microestructura: - Para el estudio de microestructura (nivel subcelular) se utilizaron con éxito secuencias de relaxometría 2D T1/T2. Estas secuencias se usaron por primera vez en alto campo y sobre piezas de alimento completo, convirtiéndose en una forma no destructiva de llevar a cabo estudios de microestructura. - El uso de MRI junto con relaxometría 2D T1/T2 permite realizar estudios multiescala en alimentos de forma no destructiva. Resultados sobre MRI en línea: - El uso de imagen de resonancia magnética en línea fue factible para la identificación de dos tipos de desórdenes internos en manzanas: vitrescencia y podredumbre interna. Las secuencias de imagen tipo FLASH resultaron adecuadas para la identificación en línea de vitrescencia en manzanas. Se realizó sin selección de corte, debido a que la vitrescencia puede desarrollarse en cualquier punto del volumen de la manzana. Se consiguió reducir el tiempo de adquisición, de modo que se llegaron a adquirir 1.3 frutos por segundos (758 ms por fruto). Las secuencias de imagen tipo UFLARE fueron adecuadas para la detección en línea de la podredumbre interna en manzanas. En este caso, se utilizó selección de corte, ya que se trata de un desorden que se suele localizar en la parte central del volumen de la manzana. Se consiguió reducir el tiempo de adquisicón hasta 0.67 frutos por segundo (1475 ms por fruto). En ambos casos (FLASH y UFLARE) fueron necesarios algoritmos para la corrección del movimiento de las imágenes en tiempo real. ABSTRACT Food is a complex system formed by several structures at different scales: macroscopic and microscopic. Many properties of foods that are relevant to process engineering or quality and postharvest treatments are related to their microstructure. This Ph.D Thesis proposes a complete methodology for food structure determination, in a multiscale way, based on the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) phenomenon since NMR techniques are non-invasive and non-destructive, and allow both, macro- and micro-structure study. Different NMR procedures are used depending on the structure level under study. For the macrostructure level, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) revealed its usefulness for food characterization. For microstructure insight, MRI required high acquisition times, which is a hindrance for transference to industry applications. Therefore, optimization of NMR procedures based on T1/T2 relaxometry sequences was a key strategy in this Thesis. These NMR relaxometry protocols, are successfully implemented in high magnetic field. Microstructure of entire food products have been characterized for the first time using these protocols. Two different types of food products have been studied: food models and actual food (apples). Furthermore, as a first step for the food industry implementation, a grading line system, specially designed for working under NMR conditions in previous works of the LPF-TAGRALIA group, is improved. The study and selection of the most suitable rapid sequence to detect two different types of disorders in apples (watercore and internal breakdown) is performed and the real time image motion correction is applied. In addition, artificial vision protocols for the automatic classification of apples potentially affected by watercore are applied. This document is divided into seven different chapters: Chapter 2 explains the thesis background and the framework of the project in which it has been worked. Chapter 3 comprises the state of the art. Chapter 4 establishes de objectives of this Ph.D thesis. The results are divided into five different sections (in Chapter 5) that correspond to published peered reviewed works. Section 5.1 assesses the watercore development in apples with MRI and studies the effect of fruit location in the canopy. Section 5.2 is an MRI and 2D relaxometry study for macro- and microstructure assessment in food models. Section 5.3 is a non-destructive microstructural study using 2D T1/T2 relaxometry on watercore affected apples. Section 5.4 makes a comparison of X-ray CT and MRI on watercore disorder of different apple cultivars. Section 5.5, that is a study of online MRI sequences for the evaluation of apple internal quality. The subsequent chapters offer a general discussion and conclusions (Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 respectively) of all the works performed in the frame of this Ph.D thesis (two peer reviewed journals, one book chapter and one international congress).Finally, three appendices are included in which an introduction to NMR principles is offered and two published proceedings regarding the effect of fiber on the rehydration of extruded breakfast cereal are displayed. The most relevant results can be summarized into three sections: results on macrostructure, results on microstructure and results on on-line MRI. Results on macrostructure: - MRI was successfully used for macrostructure characterization. Indeed, 3D reconstruction of MRI in apples allows to identify two different types of watercore (radial and block), which are characterized by the percentage of damage and the connectivity (Euler number). - MRI provides better contrast for watercore than X-Ray CT as verified on identical samples. Furthermore, X-Ray CT images acquisition time was around 12 times higher (25 minutes) than MRI acquisition time (2 minutes 2 seconds). Results on microstructure: - 2D T1/T2 relaxometry were successfully applied for microstructure (subcellular level) characterization. 2D T1/T2 relaxometry sequences have been applied for the first time on high field for entire food pieces, being a non-destructive way to achieve microstructure study. - The use of MRI together with 2D T1/T2 relaxometry sequences allows a non-destructive multiscale study of food. Results on on-line MRI: - The use of on-line MRI was successful for the identification of two different internal disorders in apples: watercore and internal breakdown. FLASH imaging was a suitable technique for the on-line detection of watercore disorder in apples, with no slice selection, since watercore is a physiological disorder that may be developed anywhere in the apple volume. 1.3 fruits were imaged per second (768 ms per fruit). UFLARE imaging is a suitable sequence for the on-line detection of internal breakdown disorder in apples. Slice selection was used, as internal breakdown is usually located in the central slice of the apple volume. 0.67 fruits were imaged per second (1475 ms per fruit). In both cases (FLASH and UFLARE) motion correction was performed in real time, during the acquisition of the images.


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Food allergies constitute a public health issue, with a reported overall estimated prevalence of 6% in Europe1 and Rosacea as the main allergenic fruits among adults.2 The commercial microarray ImmunoCAP ISAC 112 (Thermofisher, Uppsala, Sweden) is a semiquantitative and reproducible in vitro diagnostic tool used for the determination of specific IgE (sIgE).3 However, its panel of allergens does not have the best accuracy when it comes to determining fruit allergies in the Mediterranean area: the inclusion of the thaumatinlike protein (TLP) Pru p 2 or the apple lipid transfer protein (LTP) Mal d 3 has been proposed to improve the diagnosis of peach4 and apple5 allergies, respectively, in the Mediterranean basin. We sought to determine the usefulness of a component-resolved microarray for the diagnosis of peach and apple allergies in the Mediterranean area.


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Fleshy fruits fall on to the ground together with cleaned seeds previously ingested by primary dispersers, offering a wide range of fruits and seeds to the ground foragers. Although nutritional properties strongly differ between fruits and seeds, this different seed presentation (cleaned seeds versus seeds within the pulp) has not been addressed in seed removal studies. This study reports on the removal of fruits versus their seeds in five fleshy-fruited species in a temperate forest. We found that rodents removed most of the seeds and partially consumed most of the fruits, preferring seeds to fruits. Rodents bit the fruits to extract the seeds, leaving most of the pulp. We found a preference ranking for the seeds (Sorbus aucuparia>Ilex aquifolium>Sorbus aria>Rosa canina>Crataegus monogyna) but no preferences were found for the fruits, probably due to their similarities in pulp constituents. Seed and fruit choice were affected by chemical and physical properties and not by their size. The presence of alternative and preferred seeds (nuts) delayed the encounter of the fruits and seeds and diminished their removal rates. We found that higher rodent abundance is not necessarily associated with higher removal rates of fleshy fruits. Rodent abundance, fruit size and seed size are minor factors in the removal of fleshy fruits and their seeds. This study underlines that scatter-hoarding rodents are important removers of fleshy fruits and their seeds, producing a differential seed removal depending on the seed presentation (with or without pulp), the nutritional properties of the seeds (but not of the fruits) and the presence of alternative food


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Experiments to evaluate the effect of in-season calcium (Ca) sprays on late-season peach (Prunus persica L. Batsch cv. Calrico) were carried out for a 2-year period. Calcium formulations (0.5% and 1.0% in 2008 and only 0.5% tested in 2009) supplied either as CaCl2 or Ca propionate in combination with two or three adjuvants (0.05% of the nonionic surfactants Tween 20 and Break Thru, and 0.5% carboxymethylcellulose, CMC) were sprayed four to five times over the growing season. Peach mesocarp and endocarp Ca concentrations were determined on a 15-day basis from the beginning of May until the end of June. Further tissue analyses were performed at harvest. A decreasing trend in fruit Ca concentrations over the growing season was always observed regardless of the Ca treatments. Both in 2008 and 2009, significant tissue Ca increments associated with the application of Ca-containing sprays in combination with adjuvants were only observed in June, which may be coincident with the period of pit hardening. In 2008, both at harvest and after cold storage, the total soluble-solids concentration (° Brix) of fruits supplied with Ca propionate (0.5% and 1.0% Ca) was always lower as compared to the rest of treatments. The application of multiple Ca-containing sprays increased firmness at harvest and after cold storage, especially when CaCl2 was the active ingredient used. Supplying the adjuvants Tween 20 and CMC increased fruit acidity both at harvest and after cold storage. Evaluation of the development of physiological disorders after cold storage (2 weeks at 0°C) indicated a lower susceptibility of Ca-treated fruits to internal browning. Fruits treated with multiple CaCl2-, CMC-, and Break Thru®-containing sprays during the growing season were significantly less prone to the development of chilling injuries as compared to untreated peaches.


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The effect of location of fruit in canopies of hedgerow olive trees (Olea europaea L., cv. ‘Arbequina’) on quality of virgin oil was tested by analyzing oils extracted from different height layers and faces of 9 olive hedgerows (6 North-South oriented and 3 East-West). Although sensory attributes were not different other oil quality parameters may be significantly modified by fruit position. In some hedgerows, oils extracted from fruits harvested from higher layers exhibited significantly higher stability against oxidation, along with higher palmitic acid, linoleic acid and phenol contents, but lower oleic acid content. Oils extracted from fruits harvested from East and North facing hedgerows oriented North-South and East-West, respectively, exhibited higher oleic contents and lower saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acid contents. The mean phenol content of oils extracted from fruits from a North-South oriented hedgerow was significantly greater from one of the East-West oriented hedgerows. These findings may be relevant for the design of future olive hedgerows destined for olive oil production.


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Maximum production in hedgerow olive orchards is likely not achieved with maximum evapotranspiration over the long-term. Thus, regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) should be considered as a management option. Four irrigation treatments were evaluated during the summer when olive is most drought resistant. Control (CON) was irrigated to maintain the rootzone close to field capacity. Severe water deficit was applied by irrigating 30% CON from end of fruit drop to end July (DI-J) and from end July until beginning of oil synthesis (DI-A). Less severe water deficit was applied during July and August (DI-JA) by irrigating 50% CON. Flowering, fruiting, abscission, fruit development, fresh and dry weight of fruits, and oil production were evaluated. There were not significant differences in number of buds initiated, number of fruits per inflorescence and fruit drop. Oil production was significantly different between irrigation treatments in all experimental years. CON produced more oil and fruit with higher oil% than DI-A and DI-JA. Oil production of DI-J was not significantly reduced compared to CON and oil% was greater. DI-J was the most effective RDI strategy; with 16% less applied water relative to CON average loss in oil production of 8% was not significantly different to CON. While DI-JA saved most water (27%), oil production was reduced by 15%. Greatest loss in oil production (21%) was observed in DI-A with water saving of 22%.


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In watermelon crops in Southeastern Spain, important thermal differences appear during the first stages of plant development that can affect them. This work shows the effect of applying jasmonic acid and benzoic acid (JA+BA), inductors of systemic acquired resistance (SAR) and induced systemic resistance (ISR), respectively, on fruit quality parameters from a crop in a greenhouse in Southeastern Spain, where crops face a remarkable abiotic stress. We assessed two treatments of JA+BA, T1 (500+500 ppm), T2 (2000+2000 ppm) and a control test using an experimental design of randomized blocks with four replications. The results obtained for the parameters assessed (ºBrix, flesh firmness, rind thickness, polar and equatorial diameter) did not show statistically significant differences. The results showed that there was no metabolic cost in the plants when applying the assessed treatments of JA+BA.


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Consumers demand high quality fruit. But how do farmers, wholesalers and retailers assess quality nondestructively? A multi-national team of researchers believe that they can provide the answers.