11 resultados para Android, Componenti, Sensori, IPC, Shared memory

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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The goal of the RAP-WAM AND-parallel Prolog abstract architecture is to provide inference speeds significantly beyond those of sequential systems, while supporting Prolog semantics and preserving sequential performance and storage efficiency. This paper presents simulation results supporting these claims with special emphasis on memory performance on a two-level sharedmemory multiprocessor organization. Several solutions to the cache coherency problem are analyzed. It is shown that RAP-WAM offers good locality and storage efficiency and that it can effectively take advantage of broadcast caches. It is argued that speeds in excess of 2 ML IPS on real applications exhibiting medium parallelism can be attained with current technology.


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An approximate analytic model of a shared memory multiprocessor with a Cache Only Memory Architecture (COMA), the busbased Data Difussion Machine (DDM), is presented and validated. It describes the timing and interference in the system as a function of the hardware, the protocols, the topology and the workload. Model results have been compared to results from an independent simulator. The comparison shows good model accuracy specially for non-saturated systems, where the errors in response times and device utilizations are independent of the number of processors and remain below 10% in 90% of the simulations. Therefore, the model can be used as an average performance prediction tool that avoids expensive simulations in the design of systems with many processors.


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Since the early days of logic programming, researchers in the field realized the potential for exploitation of parallelism present in the execution of logic programs. Their high-level nature, the presence of nondeterminism, and their referential transparency, among other characteristics, make logic programs interesting candidates for obtaining speedups through parallel execution. At the same time, the fact that the typical applications of logic programming frequently involve irregular computations, make heavy use of dynamic data structures with logical variables, and involve search and speculation, makes the techniques used in the corresponding parallelizing compilers and run-time systems potentially interesting even outside the field. The objective of this article is to provide a comprehensive survey of the issues arising in parallel execution of logic programming languages along with the most relevant approaches explored to date in the field. Focus is mostly given to the challenges emerging from the parallel execution of Prolog programs. The article describes the major techniques used for shared memory implementation of Or-parallelism, And-parallelism, and combinations of the two. We also explore some related issues, such as memory management, compile-time analysis, and execution visualization.


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The &-Prolog system, a practical implementation of a parallel execution niodel for Prolog exploiting strict and non-strict independent and-parallelism, is described. Both automatic and manual parallelization of programs is supported. This description includes a summary of the system's language and architecture, some details of its execution model (based on the RAP-WAM model), and data on its performance on sequential workstations and shared memory multiprocessors, which is compared to that of current Prolog systems. The results to date show significant speed advantages over state-of-the-art sequential systems.


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Incorporating the possibility of attaching attributes to variables in a logic programming system has been shown to allow the addition of general constraint solving capabilities to it. This approach is very attractive in that by adding a few primitives any logic programming system can be turned into a generic constraint logic programming system in which constraint solving can be user deñned, and at source level - an extreme example of the "glass box" approach. In this paper we propose a different and novel use for the concept of attributed variables: developing a generic parallel/concurrent (constraint) logic programming system, using the same "glass box" flavor. We argüe that a system which implements attributed variables and a few additional primitives can be easily customized at source level to implement many of the languages and execution models of parallelism and concurrency currently proposed, in both shared memory and distributed systems. We illustrate this through examples and report on an implementation of our ideas.


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In recent years a lot of research has been invested in parallel processing of numerical applications. However, parallel processing of Symbolic and AI applications has received less attention. This paper presents a system for parallel symbolic computitig, narned ACE, based on the logic programming paradigm. ACE is a computational model for the full Prolog language, capable of exploiting Or-parall< lism and Independent And-parallelism. In this paper vve focus on the implementation of the and-parallel part of the ACE system (ralled &ACE) on a shared memory multiprocessor, d< scribing its organization, some optimizations, and presenting some performance figures, proving the abilhy of &ACE to efficiently exploit parallelism.


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We present a parallel graph narrowing machine, which is used to implement a functional logic language on a shared memory multiprocessor. It is an extensión of an abstract machine for a purely functional language. The result is a programmed graph reduction machine which integrates the mechanisms of unification, backtracking, and independent and-parallelism. In the machine, the subexpressions of an expression can run in parallel. In the case of backtracking, the structure of an expression is used to avoid the reevaluation of subexpressions as far as possible. Deterministic computations are detected. Their results are maintained and need not be reevaluated after backtracking.


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An Independent And-Parallel Prolog model and implementation, &-Prolog, are described. The description includes a summary of the system's architecture, some details of its execution model (based on the RAP-WAM model), and most importantly, its performance on sequential workstations and shared memory multiprocessors as compared with state-of-the-art Prolog systems. Speedup curves are provided for a collection of benchmark programs which demónstrate significant speed advantages over state-of the art sequential systems.


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Incorporating the possibility of attaching attributes to variables in a logic programming system has been shown to allow the addition of general constraint solving capabilities to it. This approach is very attractive in that by adding a few primitives any logic programming system can be turned into a generic constraint logic programming system in which constraint solving can be user defined, and at source level - an extreme example of the "glass box" approach. In this paper we propose a different and novel use for the concept of attributed variables: developing a generic parallel/concurrent (constraint) logic programming system, using the same "glass box" flavor. We argüe that a system which implements attributed variables and a few additional primitives can be easily customized at source level to implement many of the languages and execution models of parallelism and concurrency currently proposed, in both shared memory and distributed systems. We illustrate this through examples.


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En el presente documento se hablará acerca del desarrollo de un proyecto para la mejora de un programa de análisis de señales; con ese fin, se hará uso de técnicas de optimización del software y de tecnologías de aceleración, mediante el aprovechamiento del paralelismo del programa. Además se hará un análisis de acerca del uso de dos tecnologías basadas en diferentes paradigmas de programación paralela; una mediante múltiples hilos con memoria compartida y la otra mediante el uso de GPUs como dispositivos de coprocesamiento. This paper will talk about the development of a Project to improve a program that does signals analysis; to that end, it will make use of software optimization techniques and acceleration technologies by exploiting parallelism in the program. In Addition will be done an analysis on the use of two technologies based on two different paradigms; one using multiple threads with shared memory and the other using GPU as co-processing devices.


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The commonly accepted approach to specifying libraries of concurrent algorithms is a library abstraction. Its idea is to relate a library to another one that abstracts away from details of its implementation and is simpler to reason about. A library abstraction relation has to validate the Abstraction Theorem: while proving a property of the client of the concurrent library, the library can be soundly replaced with its abstract implementation. Typically a library abstraction relation, such as linearizability, assumes a complete information hiding between a library and its client, which disallows them to communicate by means of shared memory. However, such way of communication may be used in a program, and correctness of interactions on a shared memory depends on the implicit contract between the library and the client. In this work we approach library abstraction without any assumptions about information hiding. To be able to formulate the contract between components of the program, we augment machine states of the program with two abstract states, views, of the client and the library. It enables formalising the contract with the internal safety, which requires components to preserve each other's views whenever their command is executed. We define the library a a correspondence between possible uses of a concrete and an abstract library. For our library abstraction relation and traces of a program, components of which follow their contract, we prove an Abstraction Theorem. RESUMEN. La técnica más aceptada actualmente para la especificación de librerías de algoritmos concurrentes es la abstracción de librerías (library abstraction). La idea subyacente es relacionar la librería original con otra que abstrae los detalles de implementación y conóon que describa dicha abstracción de librerías debe validar el Teorema de Abstracción: durante la prueba de la validez de una propiedad del cliente de la librería concurrente, el reemplazo de esta última por su implementación abstracta es lógicamente correcto. Usualmente, una relación de abstracción de librerías como la linearizabilidad (linearizability), tiene como premisa el ocultamiento de información entre el cliente y la librería (information hiding), es decir, que no se les permite comunicarse mediante la memoria compartida. Sin embargo, dicha comunicación ocurre en la práctica y la correctitud de estas interacciones en una memoria compartida depende de un contrato implícito entre la librería y el cliente. En este trabajo, se propone un nueva definición del concepto de abtracción de librerías que no presupone un ocultamiento de información entre la librería y el cliente. Con el fin de establecer un contrato entre diferentes componentes de un programa, extendemos la máquina de estados subyacente con dos estados abstractos que representan las vistas del cliente y la librería. Esto permite la formalización de la propiedad de seguridad interna (internal safety), que requiere que cada componente preserva la vista del otro durante la ejecuci on de un comando. Consecuentemente, se define la relación de abstracción de librerías mediante una correspondencia entre los usos posibles de una librería abstracta y una concreta. Finalmente, se prueba el Teorema de Abstracción para la relación de abstracción de librerías propuesta, para cualquier traza de un programa y cualquier componente que satisface los contratos apropiados.