12 resultados para Ambassador Bridge (Detroit, Mich. and Windsor, Ont.)

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Dynamics interaction between rails and structure in a composite bridge of 120 m length


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The structural continuity of fully integral bridges entails many advantages and some drawbacks. Among the latter, the cyclic expansions and contractions of the deck caused by seasonal thermal variations impose alternating displacements at the piers and abutments, with effects that may be difficult to establish reliably. The advantages include easier construction and cheaper maintenance but, especially, horizontal loads can be transmitted to the ground in a much better way than in conventional bridges. This paper first presents a methodology for dealing with the problems that the cyclic displacements imposed raise at the abutments and at the bridge piers. At the former, large pressures may develop, possibly accompanied by undesirable surface settlements. At the latter, the degree of cracking and the ability to carry the specified loads may be in question. Having quantified the drawbacks, simplified but realistic analyses are conducted of the response of an integral bridge to braking and seismic loads. It is shown that integral bridges constitute an excellent alternative in the context of the requirements posed by new high-speed railway lines.


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During the years 2001 to 2007 it has been constructed in Spain the new railway line of high speed (L. H. S.)that connects Madrid with Valladolid with a length of 179.6 kilometres.


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The study of lateral dynamics of running trains on bridges is of importance mainly for the safety of the traffic, and may be relevant for laterally compliant bridges. These studies require 3D coupled vehicle-bridge models, and consideration of wheel to rail contact, a phenomenon which is complex and costly to model in detail. We describe here a fully nonlinear coupled model, described in absolute coordinates and incorporated into a commercial finite element framework. Two applications are presented, firstly to a vehicle subject to a strong wind gust traversing a br idge, showing the relevance of the nonlinear wheel-rail contact model as well as the interaction between bridge and vehicle. The second application is to a real viaduct in a high-speed line, with a long continuous deck and tall piers with high lateral compliance. The results show the safety of the traffic as well as the relevance of considering the wind action and the nonlinear response.


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The commercial centre VIALIA and the new railway station of the AVE (high speed train) in Malaga was inaugurated in November 2006, just on the place of the former railway station. The new railway station with an investment of 134,7 million Euros occupies a surface of 51.377 m2, five times the surface of the former station. The enclosure is the biggest intermodal and commercial centre of Spain which comprises a parking of 21.000 m2 for 1300 parking places, one commercial area and a hotel with a total extension constructed of approximately 100.000 m2. The spaces of leisure contain cinemas, shops, restaurants, bowling, gymnasium, swimming pool and zones of passenger's traffic.


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The need to modal semi-rigid behaviour of joints to analyze the seismic response of bridges arises when retrofitting devices such as cables or bolts are introduced in otherwise free joints or when the design takes advantage of the plastification of structural sections to impose energy dissipation though their ductile behaviour. The paper presents some preliminary results of a parametric study carried out using s1mplified computational models. Two instances where semirigid connection play a role in the seismic response of bridges have been discussed. The ongoing research from which this paper is extracted is intended to enhance understanding on the effectivness of various bridge retrofitting measures and to provide information that may be used to calibrate some ECS-2 rules. Finally, it is hoped that the development of reliable simplified techniques for nonlinear analysis will provide designers with useful tools to examine behavior and ultimately improve seismic safety in actual bridges.


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Within the last century the interest in wind-induced loads over civil engineering structures has become more and more important, the reason being that the development of new construction techniques and materials has allowed engineers and architects to design new structures far from the traditional concepts, and in many cases wind actions over these singular structures are not included in the existing codes of practice. In this paper the windinduced static loads over bridges constructed by the double cantilever method during erection stages are considered. The aerodynamic load over a double cantilever bridge under a yawing-angled wind produces a yawing (torsional) moment on the bridge deck, which can lead to undesirable rotation of the deck about the supporting pier. The effects of the wind yaw angle and the length of the deck are analysed. The wind action caused by the presence of sliding concrete forms at the ends of the deck is also studied.


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Es conocido que las dimensiones de los puentes de ferrocarril han ido cambiando debido a las estrictas condiciones de trazado impuestas en las líneas de alta velocidad. Además, la creciente preocupación de la sociedad por cuidar y proteger el medio ambiente, reflejado en la correspondiente normativa, ha generado nuevos condicionantes en el diseño de estas infraestructuras. En concreto, se ha limitado el movimiento de grandes volúmenes de terreno particularmente en los espacios protegidos. Por estas razones, hoy en día se proyectan y construyen puentes de ferrocarril más altos y más largos en todo el mundo. En España se han construido varios viaductos de pilas altas para líneas de alta velocidad. Ejemplos de estas infraestructuras son el Viaducto O’Eixo y el Viaducto de Barbantiño, situados en la línea de alta velocidad Madrid-Galicia, Estos viaductos altos se caracterizan por tener una mayor flexibilidad lateral y una frecuencia fundamental de oscilación baja, de hasta 0.2 Hz. La respuesta dinámica de este tipo de estructura puede aumentar como consecuencia de la aproximación entre la frecuencias propias de la misma y las de excitación debidas al paso del tren y a la acción del viento. Por lo tanto, estas estructuras pueden presentar problemas a la hora de cumplir con las limitaciones impuestas en las normas de diseño de puentes de ferrocarril, y otras, para garantizar la seguridad del tráfico y el confort de los viajeros. La respuesta dinámica lateral de viaductos de pilas altas no ha sido suficientemente estudiada en la literatura científica. Se pueden intuir varios de los motivos para explicar esta carencia. El primero es la relativamente reciente aparición de este tipo de viaductos asociados al desarrollo de la alta velocidad. Por otro lado, se hace necesario, para estudiar este tema, construir nuevos modelos numéricos adecuados para el estudio de la interacción dinámica lateral del puente y del tren. La interacción entre el puente y un tren viajando sobre él es un problema dinámico no lineal, dependiente del tiempo y de acoplamiento entre los dos subsistemas que intervienen (vehículo y puente). Los dos subsistemas, que pueden ser modelados como estructuras elásticas, interaccionan el uno con el otro a través de las fuerzas de contacto, que tiene una marcada naturaleza no lineal por el rozamiento entre rueda y carril, y por la geometría de los perfiles de estos dos elementos en contacto. En esta tesis, se desarrolla la formulación completa de un modelo no lineal de interacción tren-vía-puente-viento que reproduce adecuadamente las fuerzas laterales de contacto rueda-carril, fuerzas que van a tener una gran influencia en los índices de seguridad del tráfico. Este modelo se ha validado a partir de casos resueltos en la literatura científica, y de medidas experimentales tomadas en eventos dinámicos ocurridos en los viaductos de Arroyo de Valle y Arroyo de las Piedras. Puentes altos que han estado monitorizados en servicio durante dos años. En los estudios realizados en este trabajo, se cuantifican, empleando el modelo construido, los niveles de seguridad del tráfico y de confort de los pasajeros de trenes ligeros de alta velocidad, como el tren articulado AVE S-100, que viajan sobre viaductos altos sometidos, o no, a fuertes vientos laterales racheados. Finalmente, se ha obtenido el grado de mejora de la seguridad del tráfico y del confort de los viajeros, cuando se emplean pantallas anti-viento en el tablero y amortiguadores de masa sintonizados en la cabeza de las pilas de un viaducto alto. Resultando, el uso simultaneo de estos dos dispositivos (pantallas y amortiguadores de masa), en puentes altos de líneas de alta velocidad, una opción a considerar en la construcción de estas estructuras para elevar significativamente el nivel de servicio de las mismas. It is known that dimensions of railway bridges have been changing due to the strict high-speed lines layout parameters. Moreover, the growing concern of society to take care of and protect the environment, reflected in the corresponding regulations, has created new environment requirements for the design of these infrastructures. Particularly, the mentioned regulations do not allow designers to move far from terrain to build these railway lines. Due to all these reasons, longer and higher railway bridges are being designed and built around the world. In Spain, several high pier railway viaducts have been built for high speed lines. Barbantiño Viaduct and Eixo Viaduct, belonging to the Madrid-Galicia high speed line, are examples of this kind of structures. These high viaducts have great lateral flexibility and a low fundamental vibration frequency of down to 0.2 Hz. The dynamic response of high speed railway bridges may increase because of the approximation between the natural viaduct frequencies and the excitation ones due to the train travel and the wind action. Therefore, this bridge response could not satisfy the serviceability limits states, for traffic safety and for passenger comfort, considered by the design standards of high speed bridges. It is difficult to find papers in the scientific literature about the lateral response of high-speed trains travel over long viaducts with high piers. Several reasons could explain this issue. On one hand, the construction of this kind of viaduct is relatively recent and it is associated to the development of the high speed railway. On the other hand, in order to study the dynamic lateral interaction between the train and the high bridge, it is necessary to build new numerical and complex models. The interaction between the bridge-track subsystem and the vehicle subsystem travelling over the bridge is a coupling, nonlinear and time dependent problem. Both subsystems, train and bridge, which can be modelled as elastic structures, interact each other through the contact forces. These forces have a strong nonlinear nature due to the friction and the geometry of rail and wheel profiles. In this thesis, the full formulation of a train-track-bridge-wind nonlinear interaction model is developed. This model can reproduce properly the lateral contact wheel-rail forces, which have a great influence on traffic safety indices. The validation of the model built has been reached through interaction solved cases found in the scientific literature and experimental measures taken in dynamic events which happened at Arroyo de las Piedras and Arroyo del Valle Viaducts. These high bridges have been controlled during two years of service by means of structural health monitoring. In the studies carried out for this thesis, the levels of traffic safety and passenger comfort are quantified using the interaction model built, in the cases of high speed and light trains, as AVE S-100, travelling over high pier bridges and with or without lateral turbulent winds acting. Finally, the improvement rate of the traffic safety and passenger comfort has been obtained, when wind barriers are used at the bridge deck and tuned mass dampers are installed at the pier heads of a high viaduct. The installation of both devices, wind barriers and tuned mass damper, at the same time, turned out to be a good option to be considered in the design of high pier railway viaducts, to improve significantly the serviceability level of this kind of structures.


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Los puentes atirantados son una de las tipologías estructurales con mas desarrollo en los últimos años ya que cuentan con un ámbito de aplicación que se ha extendido en gran medida, llegando hasta el rango de luces de más de 1000 m. Por otra parte, para el caso de luces medias, este tipo de puentes aporta unas características resistentes y formales que los hacen muy adecuados en gran número de situaciones. Simultaneamente al importante número de realizaciones llevadas a cabo con esta tipología en los últimos años, se ha producido un gran desarrollo del conocimiento teórico de diferentes aspectos técnicos específicos de estos puentes, tanto a nivel de su comportamiento estructural como de la simulación y mejora de sus procesos constructivos. Estos desarrollos se han producido en gran parte gracias al avance en las capacidad de computación disponible hoy en día con los numerosos y cada vez más sofisticados programas comerciales de cálculo estructural, los cuales permiten la realización de análisis que hasta hace poco tiempo eran muy complicados de desarrollar. Una de las principales características de este tipo de estructuras, además de su elevado hiperestatismo, es la importancia del proceso constructivo, y en concreto del proceso de tesado de los cables, a la hora de conseguir alcanzar una situación final con la estructura en servicio que cumpla los requisitos establecidos a priori. Por este motivo se han llevado a cabo bastantes investigaciones orientadas a la optimización de los axiles a aplicar a los cables en el momento de su colocación y en su situación final. Parte de estos análisis se han centrado en particular en la posible influencia de ciertos parámetros geométricos y mecánicos aleatorios sobre los esfuerzos provocados sobre la estructura. Por otra parte, el propio comportamiento resistente de un tirante introduce ciertas incertidumbres en los formatos de seguridad asociados a los esfuerzos generados sobre ellos, en concreto en relación a la dependencia de estas fuerzas respecto de las cargas permanentes y a su consideración a nivel de coeficientes de seguridad asociados a dichas acciones. En vista de estos aspectos particulares se ha procedido a desarrollar la investigación que se expone a continuación, en la que se ha pretendido obtener un conocimiento adicional de algunos de estos aspectos para así poder contrastar la validez de las hipótesis que hoy en día son establecidas por la normativa vigente. De esta forma el planteamiento adoptado en esta tesis ha sido en primer lugar proponer un método novedoso de introducción de errores aleatorios sobre los esfuerzos o deformaciones de tesado de los cables, de tal manera que se pueda aplicar dicha técnica a distintas tipologías de puentes atirantados. Se pretende con ello conocer la influencia de dichos errores sobre el comportamiento de estas estructuras y valorar la magnitud de las desviaciones finalmente creadas respecto de la situación teórica. Una vez conocida la implicación que supone la aleatoriedad aplicada en la colocación de los tirantes, tanto cualitativa como cuantitativamente, se ha procedido a realizar un análisis de las consecuencias respecto de los formatos de seguridad que de estos datos se deducen. Señalar que esta tesis se ha centrado en el caso concreto de puentes atirantados construidos por voladizos sucesivos y con tableros de hormigón, dado el gran numero de puentes ejecutados con estas características, y con el objetivo de concentrar el estudio realizado en una tipología particular, pero de gran aplicación. Cable-stayed bridges represent one of the most developed structural typologies being used recently as it has a span range that can extend beyond 1000m. Furthermore, when it comes to bridges that span to a medium range we could say their shape and resistance are features that make this kind of bridge suitable for many different applications. Moreover, due to this type of bridge being used newly more extensively it has allowed for a better understanding of the theoretical knowledge of the various technical aspects both at a structural and simulation level in order to improve the constructions process of this type of bridge. Knowledge and development of these bridges can be attributed to the increasing apprehension of I.T. skills and the development of more advanced computer software with regards to structural calculations. The latter can aide more demanding analysis that was previously difficult to ascertain Defining features of this type of structure, besides its hyper static attributes, is the importance of the construction process, namely the cable tensioning process, which determines whether the requirements set out in the construction process will be met once the bridge is finished and traffic loads are applied. This is why much research has been conducted into the optimization of the axial forces to be applied to the cables. Focus, of part of this research, goes into the possible influences of random geometrical and mechanical parametres on the forces applied to the structure. We have therefore proceeded to develop research in which we have tried to gain more in depth knowledge which considers these aspects so that we can validate the hypothesis which are currently established in the regulations Firstly, the purpose of this thesis is to provide a new method to introduce random errors on the forces or deformations of cable tensioning so that this technique can be extended to various models of cable-staying bridges. It is important to highlight that this thesis has focused on cable-stayed bridges built through the balanced cantilever method and with concrete girders and considering there are many actual bridges with these characteristics the research has focused on a specific yet extensively applied method.


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In a crosswind scenario, the risk of high-speed trains overturning increases when they run on viaducts since the aerodynamic loads are higher than on the ground. In order to increase safety, vehicles are sheltered by fences that are installed on the viaduct to reduce the loads experienced by the train. Windbreaks can be designed to have different heights, and with or without eaves on the top. In this paper, a parametric study with a total of 12 fence designs was carried out using a two-dimensional model of a train standing on a viaduct. To asses the relative effectiveness of sheltering devices, tests were done in a wind tunnel with a scaled model at a Reynolds number of 1 × 105, and the train’s aerodynamic coefficients were measured. Experimental results were compared with those predicted by Unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (URANS) simulations of flow, showing that a computational model is able to satisfactorily predict the trend of the aerodynamic coefficients. In a second set of tests, the Reynolds number was increased to 12 × 106 (at a free flow air velocity of 30 m/s) in order to simulate strong wind conditions. The aerodynamic coefficients showed a similar trend for both Reynolds numbers; however, their numerical value changed enough to indicate that simulations at the lower Reynolds number do not provide all required information. Furthermore, the variation of coefficients in the simulations allowed an explanation of how fences modified the flow around the vehicle to be proposed. This made it clear why increasing fence height reduced all the coefficients but adding an eave had an effect mainly on the lift force coefficient. Finally, by analysing the time signals it was possible to clarify the influence of the Reynolds number on the peak-to-peak amplitude, the time period and the Strouhal number.


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In this article an experimental campaign aimed at validating a previously published simplified serviceability design method of the columns of long jointless structures is presented. The proposed method is also extended to include tension stiffening effects which proved to be significant in structures with small amount of reinforcement subjected to small axial loading. This extension allows significant improvement of predictions for this type of element. The campaign involved columns with different reinforcement and squashing load ratios, given that these parameters had been identified as crucial when designing columns subjected to imposed displacements. Experimental results are presented and discussed, with particular regard to cracking behaviour and structural stiffness. Considerations on tension stiffening effects are also made. Finally, the application of the method to typical bridge and building cases is presented, showing the feasibility of jointless construction, and the limits which should be respected.


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The wavelet transform and Lipschitz exponent perform well in detecting signal singularity.With the bridge crack damage modeled as rotational springs based on fracture mechanics, the deflection time history of the beam under the moving load is determined with a numerical method. The continuous wavelet transformation (CWT) is applied to the deflection of the beam to identify the location of the damage, and the Lipschitz exponent is used to evaluate the damage degree. The influence of different damage degrees,multiple damage, different sensor locations, load velocity and load magnitude are studied.Besides, the feasibility of this method is verified by a model experiment.